LSSTApplications  10.0-2-g4f67435,11.0.rc2+1,11.0.rc2+12,11.0.rc2+3,11.0.rc2+4,11.0.rc2+5,11.0.rc2+6,11.0.rc2+7,11.0.rc2+8
Namespaces | Functions
BasisLists.h File Reference

Subroutines associated with generating, normalising, and regularising Basis functions. More...

#include "boost/shared_ptr.hpp"
#include "Eigen/Core"
#include "lsst/pex/policy/Policy.h"
#include "lsst/afw/math/Kernel.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


 < multiple inclusion guard macro


lsst::afw::math::KernelList lsst::ip::diffim::makeDeltaFunctionBasisList (int width, int height)
 Generate a basis set of delta function Kernels. More...
< Eigen::MatrixXd > 
lsst::ip::diffim::makeRegularizationMatrix (lsst::pex::policy::Policy policy)
 Build a regularization matrix for Delta function kernels. More...
< Eigen::MatrixXd > 
lsst::ip::diffim::makeForwardDifferenceMatrix (int width, int height, std::vector< int > const &orders, float borderPenalty, bool fitForBackground)
 Generate regularization matrix for delta function kernels. More...
< Eigen::MatrixXd > 
lsst::ip::diffim::makeCentralDifferenceMatrix (int width, int height, int stencil, float borderPenalty, bool fitForBackground)
 Generate regularization matrix for delta function kernels. More...
lsst::afw::math::KernelList lsst::ip::diffim::renormalizeKernelList (lsst::afw::math::KernelList const &kernelListIn)
 Rescale an input set of kernels. More...
lsst::afw::math::KernelList lsst::ip::diffim::makeAlardLuptonBasisList (int halfWidth, int nGauss, std::vector< double > const &sigGauss, std::vector< int > const &degGauss)
 Generate an Alard-Lupton basis set of Kernels. More...

Detailed Description

Subroutines associated with generating, normalising, and regularising Basis functions.

Andrew Becker, University of Washington

Definition in file BasisLists.h.