LSSTApplications  10.0-2-g4f67435,11.0.rc2+1,11.0.rc2+12,11.0.rc2+3,11.0.rc2+4,11.0.rc2+5,11.0.rc2+6,11.0.rc2+7,11.0.rc2+8
Task Documentation

Documentation for existing data processing Tasks

Tasks are scattered over various implementation products and gathered together by their membership of the doxygen group LSST_task_documentation.

BaseMeasurementTask Ultimate base class for all measurement tasks.
ForcedMeasurementTask A subtask for measuring the properties of sources on a single exposure, using an existing "reference" catalog to constrain some aspects of the measurement.
ForcedPhotCcdTask A command-line driver for performing forced measurement on CCD images.
ForcedPhotCoaddTask A command-line driver for performing forced measurement on coadd images.
ProcessImageForcedTask A base class for command-line forced measurement drivers.
MeasureApCorrTask Task to measure aperture correction
SingleFrameMeasurementTask A subtask for measuring the properties of sources on a single exposure.
DipoleMeasurementTask Measurement of Sources, specifically ones from difference images, for characterization as dipoles.
ImagePsfMatchTask Psf-match two MaskedImages or Exposures using the sources in the images.
ModelPsfMatchTask Matching of two model Psfs, and application of the Psf-matching kernel to an input Exposure.
PsfMatchTask Base class for Psf Matching; should not be called directly.
SnapPsfMatchTask Image-based Psf-matching of two subsequent snaps from the same visit.
CalibrateTask Calibrate an exposure: measure PSF, subtract background, measure astrometry and photometry.
ExampleCmdLineTask An example intended to show how to write a command-line task.
ExampleSigmaClippedStatsTask A simple example subtask that computes sigma-clipped statistics of an image
ExampleSimpleStatsTask A very simple example subtask that computes statistics of an image.
MeasurePsfTask Measure the PSF.
PhotoCalTask Detect positive and negative sources on an exposure and return a new SourceCatalog.
RepairTask Interpolate over defects in an exposure and handle cosmic rays.
TransformTask Transform a SourceCatalog containing raw measurements to calibrated form.
SrcTransformTask Transform src measuremenents to calibrated form.
ForcedSrcTransformTask Transform forced_src measuremenents to calibrated form.
CoaddSrcTransformTask Transform measuremenents made on coadds to calibrated form.
SourceDetectionTask Detect positive and negative sources on an exposure and return a new table.SourceCatalog.
SourceDeblendTask Split blended sources into individual sources.
AssembleCcdTask Assemble a set of amplifier images into a full detector size set of pixels.
IsrTask Apply common instrument signature correction algorithms to a raw frame.
ANetAstrometryTask Use to match input sources with a reference catalog and solve for the Wcs
AstrometryTask Match an input source catalog with objects from a reference catalog and solve for the WCS
FitTanSipWcsTask Fit a TAN-SIP WCS given a list of reference object/source matches
LoadAstrometryNetObjectsTask Load reference objects from index files
MatchOptimisticBTask Match sources to reference objects