LSSTApplications  10.0-2-g4f67435,11.0.rc2+1,11.0.rc2+12,11.0.rc2+3,11.0.rc2+4,11.0.rc2+5,11.0.rc2+6,11.0.rc2+7,11.0.rc2+8
The Dictionary Schema

A Dictionary is intended to provide a definitions for a set of policy parameters. A dictionary file uses the same underlying format as its policy counterpart. The difference is that a defined set of parameter names are used to define the policy parameters. A simple example of a Dictionary in PAF format can be found as examples/policies/EventTransmitter_dict.paf. The example below defines a single parameter called "verbosity":

#<?cfg paf dictionary ?>
# this is a comment
target: Log

definitions: {
   verbosity: {
      type:         "string"
      description:  "the threshold message 'loudness' that a log message must 
                     exceed in order for it to be recorded to the log, given 
                     as a logical name."
      default:      "WARN"
      minOccurs:    0        # means parameter is optional
      maxOccurs:    1        # parameter may occur only once in policy file
      allowed:  {
         value:        "DEBUG"
         description:  "include messages intended for recording while debugging"
      allowed:  {
         value:        "INFO"
         description:  "include informational messages reporting on normal behavior"
      allowed:  {
         value:        "WARN"
         description:  "include messages warning about abnormal but non-fatal behavior"
      allowed:  { 
         value:        "FATAL"
         descripiton:  "include messages reporting severe or fatal behavior"

In this example, the verbosity takes a string value that is restricted to a defined set. The parameter is optional, but it should not appear more than once. If not provided, it's default values is "WARN".

Leading Line

Just as in a policy file, it is recommended, but required, to start with a comment line containing the content identifier, "<?cfg paf dictionary ?>". This indicates that the file is a policy dictionary in PAF format. If this identifier is not present, the file can be recognized as a dictionary either from its file extension or by the presence of a top-level parameter named "definitions".

Top-level Parameters

As can be seen from the example above, a dictionary takes advantage of the hierarchical formatting capabilities of the policy format. At the top level of the hierarchy, two parameters can appear:

Name Required? Type Defintion
target recommended string The name of the class, object, or system that this dictionary is intended for. Currently, this is only used for documentation purposes.
definitions required Policy The definitions of each term, where each parameter name is a Policy parameter being defined.

The definitions Parameter

All the policy parameters defined by the dictionary is stored under the definitions parameter. Each of the names that appear under the definitions "policy" is the name of a policy parameter being defined. The name cannot be hierarchical (that is, it must not contain any dots, '.'). Its value represents the definition of the parameter, and it must be of Policy type; that is, its value will be a set of parameters that provide the formal definition.

Definition Parameters

The parameters that may appear within a definition include:

typerecommendedstring the type of the value expected, one of "int", "bool", "double", "string", and "policy". If not provided, any type ("undefined") should be assumed. If the type is Policy, a dictionary for its terms can be provided via "dictionary"/"dictionaryFile".
descriptionrecommendedstring The semantic meaning of the term or explanation of how it will be used.
minOccursoptionalint The minimun number of values expected. 0 means that the parameter is optional, > 0 means that it is required, > 1 means that a vector is required. If not specified or < 0, 0 should be assumed.
maxOccursoptionalint The maximun number of values expected. 0 means that the parameter is forbidden to occur, 1 means that the value must be a scalar, and > 1 means that an array value is allowed. If not specified or < 0, any number of values is allowed; the user should assume a vector value.
defaultoptional* A value that will be assumed if none is provided.
dictionaryFileoptionalstring A file path to the definition of the sub-policy parameters. This is ignored unless "type" equals "Policy".
dictionaryoptionalPolicy the dictionary policy object that defines sub-policy parameters using this above, top-level schema. This is ignored unless "type" equals "Policy".
allowedoptionalPolicy A description of the allowed values.

*the type must be that specified by the type parameter.

When the policy parameter being defined has the type Policy, the dictionary parameter provides a means to define the "sub-Policy parameters" supported below the parent parameter. The contents of the dictionary parameter is the same as the top level of a dictionary file: it contains the names target and definitions, the latter containing the definitions of the "sub-Policy" terms. For example, a dictionary like this:

definitions: {
   function: {
      type:        Policy
      dictionary:  {
         target: Function
         definitions: {
            name:  {
               type:  string
            width: {
               type:  double

implies a policy file that can look like this:   Airy
function.width:  5.7

Often when the policy parameter is defined to be of type Policy, the definition will include a dictionaryFile item instead of a dictionary. The path provided as the value is the path to another dictionary file containing the definitions of the "sub-Policy" paramters. Normally, this path should not be absolute; that is, the application should look for the file relative to current working directory (as set by the application).

The allowed term let's you describe the allowed values the polic parameter may have. If no allowed parameter is provided, then now restrictions on the the value will be assumed. This parameter can include the following "sub-Policy" parameters:

valueoptional* One allowed value. This should not be an an array of values.
descriptionoptional* a description of what this value indicates.
minoptional* The minimum allowed value, used for int and double typed parameters.
maxoptional* The maximum allowed value, used for int and double typed parameters.

*the type must be that specified by the type parameter.