LSSTApplications  10.0-2-g4f67435,11.0.rc2+1,11.0.rc2+12,11.0.rc2+3,11.0.rc2+4,11.0.rc2+5,11.0.rc2+6,11.0.rc2+7,11.0.rc2+8
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 ##
2 # @file
3 #
4 # This module acts like a singleton, holding all global state for sconsUtils.
5 # This includes the primary Environment object (state.env), the message log (state.log),
6 # the command-line variables object (state.opts), and a dictionary of command-line targets
7 # used to setup aliases, default targets, and dependencies (state.targets). All four of
8 # these variables are aliased to the main lsst.sconsUtils scope, so there should be no
9 # need for users to deal with the state module directly.
10 #
11 # These are all initialized when the module is imported, but may be modified by other code
12 # (particularly dependencies.configure()).
13 ##
15 from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
16 import os
17 import re
19 import SCons.Script
20 import SCons.Conftest
21 from . import eupsForScons
23 SCons.Script.EnsureSConsVersion(2, 1, 0)
25 ##
26 # @brief A dictionary of SCons aliases and targets.
27 #
28 # These are used to setup aliases, default targets, and dependencies by BasicSConstruct.finish().
29 # While one can still use env.Alias to setup aliases (and should for "install"), putting targets
30 # here will generally provide better build-time dependency handling (like ensuring everything
31 # is built before we try to install, and making sure SCons doesn't rebuild the world before
32 # installing).
33 #
34 # Users can add additional keys to the dictionary if desired.
35 #
36 # Targets should be added by calling extend() or using += on the dict values, to keep the lists of
37 # targets from turning into lists-of-lists.
38 ##
39 targets = {"doc": [], "tests": [], "lib": [], "python": [], "examples": [], "include": [], "version": []}
41 ## @cond INTERNAL
43 env = None
44 log = None
45 opts = None
48 def _initOptions():
49  SCons.Script.AddOption('--checkDependencies', dest='checkDependencies',
50  action='store_true', default=False,
51  help="Verify dependencies with autoconf-style tests.")
52  SCons.Script.AddOption('--filterWarn', dest='filterWarn', action='store_true', default=False,
53  help="Filter out a class of warnings deemed irrelevant"),
54  SCons.Script.AddOption('--force', dest='force', action='store_true', default=False,
55  help="Set to force possibly dangerous behaviours")
56  SCons.Script.AddOption('--linkFarmDir', dest='linkFarmDir', action='store', default=None,
57  help="The directory of symbolic links needed to build and use the package")
58  SCons.Script.AddOption('--prefix', dest='prefix', action='store', default=False,
59  help="Specify the install destination")
60  SCons.Script.AddOption('--setenv', dest='setenv', action='store_true', default=False,
61  help="Treat arguments such as Foo=bar as defining construction variables")
62  SCons.Script.AddOption('--tag', dest='tag', action='store', default=None,
63  help="Declare product with this eups tag")
64  SCons.Script.AddOption('--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', default=False,
65  help="Print additional messages for debugging.")
66  SCons.Script.AddOption('--traceback', dest='traceback', action='store_true', default=False,
67  help="Print full exception tracebacks when errors occur.")
68  SCons.Script.AddOption('--no-eups', dest='no_eups', action='store_true', default=False,
69  help="Do not use EUPS for configuration")
71 def _initLog():
72  from . import utils
73  global log
74  log = utils.Log()
76 def _initVariables():
77  files = []
78  if "optfile" in SCons.Script.ARGUMENTS:
79  configfile = SCons.Script.ARGUMENTS["optfile"]
80  if configfile not in files:
81  files.append(configfile)
82  for file in files:
83  if not os.path.isfile(file):
84  log.warn("Warning: Will ignore non-existent options file, %s" % file)
85  if "optfile" not in SCons.Script.ARGUMENTS:
86  files.append("")
87  global opts
88  opts = SCons.Script.Variables(files)
89  opts.AddVariables(
90  ('archflags', 'Extra architecture specification to add to CC/LINK flags (e.g. -m32)', ''),
91  ('cc', 'Choose the compiler to use', ''),
92  SCons.Script.BoolVariable('debug', 'Set to enable debugging flags (use --debug)', True),
93  ('eupsdb', 'Specify which element of EUPS_PATH should be used', None),
94  ('flavor', 'Set the build flavor', None),
95  SCons.Script.BoolVariable('force', 'Set to force possibly dangerous behaviours', False),
96  ('optfile', 'Specify a file to read default options from', None),
97  ('prefix', 'Specify the install destination', None),
98  SCons.Script.EnumVariable('opt', 'Set the optimisation level', 0,
99  allowed_values=('0', '1', '2', '3')),
100  SCons.Script.EnumVariable('profile', 'Compile/link for profiler', 0,
101  allowed_values=('0', '1', 'pg', 'gcov')),
102  ('version', 'Specify the version to declare', None),
103  ('baseversion', 'Specify the current base version', None),
104  ('optFiles', "Specify a list of files that SHOULD be optimized", None),
105  ('noOptFiles', "Specify a list of files that should NOT be optimized", None),
106  )
108 def _initEnvironment():
109  """Construction and basic setup of the state.env variable."""
111  ourEnv = {}
114  if key in os.environ:
115  ourEnv[key] = os.environ[key]
117  # Find and propagate EUPS environment variables.
118  cfgPath = []
119  for k in os.environ:
120  m ="^(?P<name>\w+)_DIR(?P<extra>_EXTRA)?$", k)
121  if not m: continue
122  cfgPath.append(os.path.join(os.environ[k], "ups"))
123  if"extra"):
124  cfgPath.append(os.environ[k])
125  else:
126  cfgPath.append(os.path.join(os.environ[k], "ups"))
127  p ="name")
128  varname = eupsForScons.utils.setupEnvNameFor(p)
129  if varname in os.environ:
130  ourEnv[varname] = os.environ[varname]
131  ourEnv[k] = os.environ[k]
133  # add <build root>/ups directory to the configuration search path
134  # this allows the .cfg file for the package being built to be found without
135  # requiring <product name>_DIR to be in the env
136  cfgPath.append(os.path.join(SCons.Script.Dir('#').abspath, 'ups'))
138  # Recursively walk LSST_CFG_PATH
139  for root in os.environ.get("LSST_CFG_PATH", "").split(":"):
140  for base, dirs, files in os.walk(root):
141  dirs = [d for d in dirs if not d.startswith(".")]
142  cfgPath.insert(0, base)
143  #
144  # Add any values marked as export=FOO=XXX[,GOO=YYY] to ourEnv
145  #
146  exportVal = SCons.Script.ARGUMENTS.pop("export", None)
147  if exportVal:
148  for kv in exportVal.split(','):
149  k, v = kv.split('=')
150  ourEnv[k] = v
151  global env
152  sconsUtilsPath, thisFile = os.path.split(__file__)
153  toolPath = os.path.join(sconsUtilsPath, "tools")
154  env = SCons.Script.Environment(
155  ENV=ourEnv,
156  variables=opts,
157  toolpath=[toolPath],
158  tools=["default", "cuda"]
159  )
160  env.cfgPath = cfgPath
161  #
162  # We don't want "lib" inserted at the beginning of loadable module names;
163  # we'll import them under their given names.
164  #
165  env['LDMODULEPREFIX'] = ""
166  if env['PLATFORM'] == 'darwin':
167  env['LDMODULESUFFIX'] = ".so"
168  if not"-install_name", str(env['SHLINKFLAGS'])):
169  env.Append(SHLINKFLAGS = ["-Wl,-install_name", "-Wl,${TARGET.file}"])
170  if not"-headerpad_max_install_names", str(env['SHLINKFLAGS'])):
171  env.Append(SHLINKFLAGS = ["-Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names"])
172  #
173  # Remove valid options from the arguments
174  #
175  # SCons Variables do not behave like dicts
176  for opt in opts.keys():
177  try:
178  del SCons.Script.ARGUMENTS[opt]
179  except KeyError:
180  pass
181  #
182  # Process those arguments
183  #
184  for k in ("force", "prefix"): # these may now be set as options instead of variables
185  if SCons.Script.GetOption(k):
186  env[k] = SCons.Script.GetOption(k)
188  if env['debug']:
189  env.Append(CCFLAGS = ['-g'])
191  #
192  # determine if EUPS is present
193  #
195  # --no-eups overides probing
196  # XXX is it possible to test python snippets as a scons action?
197  if SCons.Script.GetOption("no_eups"):
198  env['no_eups'] = True
199  else:
200  env['no_eups'] = not eupsForScons.haveEups()
202  if not env.GetOption("no_progress"):
203  if env['no_eups']:
204'EUPS integration: disabled')
205  else:
206'EUPS integration: enabled')
208  #
209  # Find the eups path, replace 'flavor' in favor of 'PLATFORM' if needed.
210  #
211  eupsPath = None
212  try:
213  db = env['eupsdb']
214  if 'EUPS_PATH' not in os.environ:
215  raise RuntimeError("You can't use eupsdb=XXX without an EUPS_PATH set")
216  eupsPath = None
217  for d in os.environ['EUPS_PATH'].split(':'):
218  if"/%s$|^%s/|/%s/" % (db, db, db), d):
219  eupsPath = d
220  break
221  if not eupsPath:
222  raise RuntimeError("I cannot find DB \"%s\" in $EUPS_PATH" % db)
223  except KeyError:
224  if 'EUPS_PATH' in os.environ:
225  eupsPath = os.environ['EUPS_PATH'].split(':')[0]
226  env['eupsPath'] = eupsPath
227  try:
228  env['PLATFORM'] = env['flavor']
229  del env['flavor']
230  except KeyError:
231  pass
232  #
233  # Check arguments
234  #
235  errorStr = ""
236  #
237  # Process otherwise unknown arguments. If setenv is true,
238  # set construction variables; otherwise generate an error
239  #
240  if SCons.Script.GetOption("setenv"):
241  for key in SCons.Script.ARGUMENTS:
242  env[key] = SCons.Script.Split(SCons.Script.ARGUMENTS[key])
243  else:
244  for key in SCons.Script.ARGUMENTS:
245  errorStr += " %s=%s" % (key, SCons.Script.ARGUMENTS[key])
246  if errorStr:
247"Unprocessed arguments:%s" % errorStr)
248  #
249  # We need a binary name, not just "Posix"
250  #
251  env['eupsFlavor'] = eupsForScons.flavor()
253 def _configureCommon():
254  """Configuration checks for the compiler, platform, and standard libraries."""
255  #
256  # Is the C compiler really gcc/g++?
257  #
258  def ClassifyCc(context):
259  """Return a pair of string identifying the compiler in use
261  @return (compiler, version) as a pair of strings, or ("unknown", "unknown") if unknown
262  """
263  versionNameList = (
264  (r"gcc(?:\-.+)? +\(.+\) +([0-9.a-zA-Z]+)", "gcc"),
265  (r"LLVM +version +([0-9.a-zA-Z]+) ", "clang"), # clang on Mac
266  (r"clang +version +([0-9.a-zA-Z]+) ", "clang"), # clang on linux
267  (r"\(ICC\) +([0-9.a-zA-Z]+) ", "icc"),
268  )
270  context.Message("Checking who built the CC compiler...")
271  result = context.TryAction(SCons.Script.Action(r"$CC --version > $TARGET"))
272  ccVersDumpOK, ccVersDump = result[0:2]
273  if ccVersDumpOK:
274  for reStr, compilerName in versionNameList:
275  match =, ccVersDump)
276  if match:
277  compilerVersion = match.groups()[0]
278  return (compilerName, compilerVersion)
279  return ("unknown", "unknown")
281  if env.GetOption("clean") or env.GetOption("no_exec") or env.GetOption("help") :
282  env.whichCc = "unknown" # who cares? We're cleaning/not execing, not building
283  else:
284  if env['cc'] != '':
285  CC = CXX = None
286  if"^gcc(-\d+(\.\d+)*)?( |$)", env['cc']):
287  CC = env['cc']
288  CXX = re.sub(r"^gcc", "g++", CC)
289  elif"^icc( |$)", env['cc']):
290  CC = env['cc']
291  CXX = re.sub(r"^icc", "icpc", CC)
292  elif"^clang( |$)", env['cc']):
293  CC = env['cc']
294  CXX = re.sub(r"^clang", "clang++", CC)
295  elif"^cc( |$)", env['cc']):
296  CC = env['cc']
297  CXX = re.sub(r"^cc", "c++", CC)
298  else:
299"Unrecognised compiler:%s" % env['cc'])
300  env0 = SCons.Script.Environment()
301  if CC and env['CC'] == env0['CC']:
302  env['CC'] = CC
303  if CC and env['CXX'] == env0['CXX']:
304  env['CXX'] = CXX
305  conf = env.Configure(custom_tests = {'ClassifyCc' : ClassifyCc,})
306  env.whichCc, env.ccVersion = conf.ClassifyCc()
307  if not env.GetOption("no_progress"):
308"CC is %s version %s" % (env.whichCc, env.ccVersion))
309  conf.Finish()
310  #
311  # Compiler flags, including CCFLAGS for C and C++ and CXXFLAGS for C++ only
312  #
313  ARCHFLAGS = os.environ.get("ARCHFLAGS", env.get('archflags'))
314  if ARCHFLAGS:
315  env.Append(CCFLAGS = ARCHFLAGS.split())
316  env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ARCHFLAGS.split())
317  # We'll add warning and optimisation options last
318  if env['profile'] == '1' or env['profile'] == "pg":
319  env.Append(CCFLAGS = ['-pg'])
320  env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-pg'])
321  elif env['profile'] == 'gcov':
322  env.Append(CCFLAGS = '--coverage')
323  env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '--coverage')
325  #
326  # Enable C++11 support (and C99 support for gcc)
327  #
328  if not (env.GetOption("clean") or env.GetOption("help") or env.GetOption("no_exec")):
329  if not env.GetOption("no_progress"):
330"Checking for C++11 support")
331  conf = env.Configure()
332  for cpp11Arg in ("-std=%s" % (val,) for val in ("c++11", "c++0x")):
333  conf.env = env.Clone()
334  conf.env.Append(CXXFLAGS = cpp11Arg)
335  if conf.CheckCXX():
336  env.Append(CXXFLAGS = cpp11Arg)
337  if not env.GetOption("no_progress"):
338"C++11 supported with %r" % (cpp11Arg,))
339  break
340  else:
341"C++11 extensions could not be enabled for compiler %r" % env.whichCc)
342  conf.Finish()
344  #
345  # Is C++'s TR1 available? If not, use e.g. #include "lsst/tr1/foo.h"
346  #
347  # NOTE: previously this was only checked when none of --clean, --help, and --noexec,
348  # but that was causing "no" to be cached and used on later runs.
349  if not (env.GetOption("clean") or env.GetOption("help") or env.GetOption("no_exec")):
350  conf = env.Configure()
351  env.Append(CCFLAGS = ['-DLSST_HAVE_TR1=%d' % int(conf.CheckCXXHeader("tr1/unordered_map"))])
352  conf.Finish()
353  #
354  # Byte order
355  #
356  import socket
357  if socket.htons(1) != 1:
358  env.Append(CCFLAGS = ['-DLSST_LITTLE_ENDIAN=1'])
359  #
360  # If we're linking to libraries that themselves linked to
361  # shareable libraries we need to do something special.
362  #
363  if ("^(Linux|Linux64)$", env["eupsFlavor"]) and "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" in os.environ):
364  env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ["-Wl,-rpath-link"])
365  env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ["-Wl,%s" % os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]])
366  #
367  # Set the optimization level.
368  #
369  if env['opt']:
370  env["CCFLAGS"] = [o for o in env["CCFLAGS"] if not"^-O(\d|s)$", o)]
371  env.MergeFlags('-O%d' % int(env['opt']))
372  #
373  # Set compiler-specific warning flags.
374  #
375  if env.whichCc == "clang":
376  env.Append(CCFLAGS = ['-Wall'])
377  env["CCFLAGS"] = [o for o in env["CCFLAGS"] if not"^-mno-fused-madd$", o)]
379  ignoreWarnings = {
380  "unused-function" : 'boost::regex has functions in anon namespaces in headers',
381  }
382  filterWarnings = {
383  "attributes" : "clang pretends to be g++, but complains about g++ attributes such as flatten",
384  "char-subscripts" : 'seems innocous enough, and is used by boost',
385  "constant-logical-operand" : "Used by eigen 2.0.15. Should get this fixed",
386  "format-security" : "format string is not a string literal",
387  "mismatched-tags" : "mixed class and struct. Used by gcc 4.2 RTL and eigen 2.0.15",
388  "parentheses" : "equality comparison with extraneous parentheses",
389  "shorten-64-to-32" : "implicit conversion loses integer precision",
390  "self-assign" : "x = x",
391  "unknown-pragmas" : "unknown pragma ignored",
392  "deprecated-register" : "register is deprecated",
393  }
394  for k in ignoreWarnings:
395  env.Append(CCFLAGS = ["-Wno-%s" % k])
396  if env.GetOption('filterWarn'):
397  for k in filterWarnings:
398  env.Append(CCFLAGS = ["-Wno-%s" % k])
399  elif env.whichCc == "gcc":
400  env.Append(CCFLAGS = ['-Wall'])
401  env.Append(CCFLAGS = ["-Wno-unknown-pragmas"]) # we don't want complaints about icc/clang pragmas
402  elif env.whichCc == "icc":
403  env.Append(CCFLAGS = ['-Wall'])
404  filterWarnings = {
405  21 : 'type qualifiers are meaningless in this declaration',
406  68 : 'integer conversion resulted in a change of sign',
407  111 : 'statement is unreachable',
408  191 : 'type qualifier is meaningless on cast type',
409  193 : 'zero used for undefined preprocessing identifier "SYMB"',
410  279 : 'controlling expression is constant',
411  304 : 'access control not specified ("public" by default)', # comes from boost
412  383 : 'value copied to temporary, reference to temporary used',
413  #424 : 'Extra ";" ignored',
414  444 : 'destructor for base class "CLASS" is not virtual',
415  981 : 'operands are evaluated in unspecified order',
416  1418 : 'external function definition with no prior declaration',
417  1419 : 'external declaration in primary source file',
418  1572 : 'floating-point equality and inequality comparisons are unreliable',
419  1720 : 'function "FUNC" has no corresponding member operator delete (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object)',
420  2259 : 'non-pointer conversion from "int" to "float" may lose significant bits',
421  }
422  if env.GetOption('filterWarn'):
423  env.Append(CCFLAGS = ["-wd%s" % (",".join([str(k) for k in filterWarnings]))])
424  # Workaround intel bug; cf. RHL's intel bug report 580167
425  env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ["-Wl,-no_compact_unwind", "-wd,11015"])
427 def _saveState():
428  """Save state such as optimization level used. The scons mailing lists were unable to tell
429  RHL how to get this back from .sconsign.dblite
430  """
432  if env.GetOption("clean"):
433  return
435  import ConfigParser
437  config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
438  config.add_section('Build')
439  config.set('Build', 'cc', env.whichCc)
440  if env['opt']:
441  config.set('Build', 'opt', env['opt'])
443  try:
444  confFile = os.path.join(env.Dir(env["CONFIGUREDIR"]).abspath, "build.cfg")
445  with open(confFile, 'wb') as configfile:
446  config.write(configfile)
447  except Exception as e:
448  log.warn("Unexpected exception in _saveState: %s" % e)
450 _initOptions()
451 _initLog()
452 _initVariables()
453 _initEnvironment()
454 _configureCommon()
455 _saveState()
457 ## @endcond
A dead-simple logger for all messages.