23#include "pybind11/pybind11.h"
24#include "pybind11/stl.h"
38using namespace pybind11::literals;
43namespace photometryKron {
47void declareKronFluxControl(py::module &mod) {
48 py::class_<KronFluxControl> cls(mod,
50 cls.def(py::init<>());
64void declareKronFluxAlgorithm(py::module &mod) {
65 py::class_<KronFluxAlgorithm, std::shared_ptr<KronFluxAlgorithm>, base::SimpleAlgorithm> cls(
66 mod,
69 py::return_value_policy::copy);
82 daf::base::PropertySet &>(),
83 "ctrl"_a,
91using PyKronAperture = py::class_<KronAperture>;
99template <
typename ImageT>
100void declareKronApertureTemplatedMethods(PyKronAperture &cls) {
107void declareKronAperture(py::module &mod) {
108 PyKronAperture cls(mod,
110 cls.def(py::init<geom::Point2D const &, afw::geom::ellipses::BaseCore const &, float>(),
111 "core"_a,
"radiusForRadius"_a =
112 cls.def(py::init<afw::table::SourceRecord const &, float>(),
114 cls.def(py::init<afw::table::SourceRecord const &, geom::AffineTransform const &, double, float>(),
115 "reference"_a,
"radiusForRadius"_a =
123 cls.def(
"getAxes", (afw::geom::ellipses::Axes & (KronAperture::*)()) & KronAperture::getAxes,
124 py::return_value_policy::reference_internal);
127 declareKronApertureTemplatedMethods<afw::image::MaskedImage<float>>(cls);
133 py::module::import(
134 py::module::import(
135 py::module::import(
136 py::module::import(
138 declareKronFluxControl(mod);
139 declareKronFluxAlgorithm(mod);
140 declareKronAperture(mod);
float getRadiusForRadius() const
std::pair< double, double > measureFlux(ImageT const &image, double const nRadiusForFlux, double const maxSincRadius) const
Photometer within the Kron Aperture on an image.
std::shared_ptr< KronAperture > transform(geom::AffineTransform const &trans) const
Transform a Kron Aperture to a different frame.
double getX() const
geom::Point2D const & getCenter() const
static afw::geom::ellipses::Axes getKronAxes(afw::geom::ellipses::Axes const &shape, geom::LinearTransform const &transformation, double const radius)
Determine Kron axes from a reference image.
static std::shared_ptr< KronAperture > determineRadius(ImageT const &image, afw::geom::ellipses::Axes axes, geom::Point2D const ¢er, KronFluxControl const &ctrl)
Determine the Kron Aperture from an image.
static meas::base::FlagDefinition const BAD_RADIUS
static meas::base::FlagDefinition const USED_MINIMUM_RADIUS
static meas::base::FlagDefinition const FAILURE
static meas::base::FlagDefinition const SMALL_RADIUS
KronFluxControl Control
A typedef to the Control object for this algorithm, defined above.
virtual void fail(afw::table::SourceRecord &measRecord, meas::base::MeasurementError *error=NULL) const
Handle an exception thrown by the current algorithm by setting flags in the given record.
virtual void measure(afw::table::SourceRecord &measRecord, afw::image::Exposure< float > const &exposure) const
Called to measure a single child source in an image.
static meas::base::FlagDefinition const BAD_SHAPE
static meas::base::FlagDefinitionList const & getFlagDefinitions()
virtual void measureForced(afw::table::SourceRecord &measRecord, afw::image::Exposure< float > const &exposure, afw::table::SourceRecord const &refRecord, afw::geom::SkyWcs const &refWcs) const
Called to measure a single child source in an image.
static meas::base::FlagDefinition const EDGE
static meas::base::FlagDefinition const NO_MINIMUM_RADIUS
static meas::base::FlagDefinition const NO_FALLBACK_RADIUS
static meas::base::FlagDefinition const BAD_SHAPE_NO_PSF
static meas::base::FlagDefinition const USED_PSF_RADIUS
PYBIND11_MODULE(photometryKron, mod)
Macro used to wrap fields declared by LSST_CONTROL_FIELD using Pybind11.