LSST Applications g063fba187b+fee0456c91,g0f08755f38+ea96e5a5a3,g1653933729+a8ce1bb630,g168dd56ebc+a8ce1bb630,g1a2382251a+90257ff92a,g20f6ffc8e0+ea96e5a5a3,g217e2c1bcf+937a289c59,g28da252d5a+daa7da44eb,g2bbee38e9b+253935c60e,g2bc492864f+253935c60e,g3156d2b45e+6e55a43351,g32e5bea42b+31359a2a7a,g347aa1857d+253935c60e,g35bb328faa+a8ce1bb630,g3a166c0a6a+253935c60e,g3b1af351f3+a8ce1bb630,g3e281a1b8c+c5dd892a6c,g414038480c+416496e02f,g41af890bb2+afe91b1188,g599934f4f4+0db33f7991,g7af13505b9+e36de7bce6,g80478fca09+da231ba887,g82479be7b0+a4516e59e3,g858d7b2824+ea96e5a5a3,g89c8672015+f4add4ffd5,g9125e01d80+a8ce1bb630,ga5288a1d22+bc6ab8dfbd,gb58c049af0+d64f4d3760,gc28159a63d+253935c60e,gcab2d0539d+3f2b72788c,gcf0d15dbbd+4ea9c45075,gda6a2b7d83+4ea9c45075,gdaeeff99f8+1711a396fd,ge79ae78c31+253935c60e,gef2f8181fd+3031e3cf99,gf0baf85859+c1f95f4921,gfa517265be+ea96e5a5a3,gfa999e8aa5+17cd334064,w.2024.50
LSST Data Management Base Package
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1# This file is part of meas_extensions_piff.
3# Developed for the LSST Data Management System.
4# This product includes software developed by the LSST Project
5# (
6# See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution
7# for details of code ownership.
9# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12# (at your option) any later version.
14# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17# GNU General Public License for more details.
19# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20# along with this program. If not, see <>.
22__all__ = ["PiffPsfDeterminerConfig", "PiffPsfDeterminerTask"]
24import numpy as np
25import piff
26import galsim
27import re
28import logging
29import yaml
31import lsst.utils.logging
32from lsst.afw.cameraGeom import PIXELS, FIELD_ANGLE
33import lsst.pex.config as pexConfig
34import lsst.meas.algorithms as measAlg
35from lsst.meas.algorithms.psfDeterminer import BasePsfDeterminerTask
36from .piffPsf import PiffPsf
37from .wcs_wrapper import CelestialWcsWrapper, UVWcsWrapper
40def _validateGalsimInterpolant(name: str) -> bool:
41 """A helper function to validate the GalSim interpolant at config time.
43 Parameters
44 ----------
45 name : str
46 The name of the interpolant to use from GalSim. Valid options are:
47 galsim.Lanczos(N) or Lancsos(N), where N is a positive integer
48 galsim.Linear
49 galsim.Cubic
50 galsim.Quintic
51 galsim.Delta
52 galsim.Nearest
53 galsim.SincInterpolant
55 Returns
56 -------
57 is_valid : bool
58 Whether the provided interpolant name is valid.
59 """
60 # First, check if ``name`` is a valid Lanczos interpolant.
61 for pattern in (re.compile(r"Lanczos\‍(\d+\‍)"), re.compile(r"galsim.Lanczos\‍(\d+\‍)"),):
62 match = re.match(pattern, name) # Search from the start of the string.
63 if match is not None:
64 # Check that the pattern is also the end of the string.
65 return match.end() == len(name)
67 # If not, check if ``name`` is any other valid GalSim interpolant.
68 names = {f"galsim.{interp}" for interp in
69 ("Cubic", "Delta", "Linear", "Nearest", "Quintic", "SincInterpolant")
70 }
71 return name in names
74class PiffPsfDeterminerConfig(BasePsfDeterminerTask.ConfigClass):
75 spatialOrder = pexConfig.Field[int](
76 doc="Spatial order for PSF kernel creation. "
77 "Ignored if piffPsfConfigYaml is set.",
78 default=2,
79 )
80 samplingSize = pexConfig.Field[float](
81 doc="Resolution of the internal PSF model relative to the pixel size; "
82 "e.g. 0.5 is equal to 2x oversampling. This affects only the size of "
83 "the PSF model stamp if piffPsfConfigYaml is set.",
84 default=1,
85 )
86 modelSize = pexConfig.Field[int](
87 doc="Internal model size for PIFF (typically odd, but not enforced). "
88 "Partially ignored if piffPsfConfigYaml is set.",
89 default=25,
90 )
91 outlierNSigma = pexConfig.Field[float](
92 doc="n sigma for chisq outlier rejection. "
93 "Ignored if piffPsfConfigYaml is set.",
94 default=4.0
95 )
96 outlierMaxRemove = pexConfig.Field[float](
97 doc="Max fraction of stars to remove as outliers each iteration. "
98 "Ignored if piffPsfConfigYaml is set.",
99 default=0.05
100 )
101 maxSNR = pexConfig.Field[float](
102 doc="Rescale the weight of bright stars such that their SNR is less "
103 "than this value.",
104 default=200.0
105 )
106 zeroWeightMaskBits = pexConfig.ListField[str](
107 doc="List of mask bits for which to set pixel weights to zero.",
108 default=['BAD', 'CR', 'INTRP', 'SAT', 'SUSPECT', 'NO_DATA']
109 )
110 minimumUnmaskedFraction = pexConfig.Field[float](
111 doc="Minimum fraction of unmasked pixels required to use star.",
112 default=0.5
113 )
114 interpolant = pexConfig.Field[str](
115 doc="GalSim interpolant name for Piff to use. "
116 "Options include 'Lanczos(N)', where N is an integer, along with "
117 "galsim.Cubic, galsim.Delta, galsim.Linear, galsim.Nearest, "
118 "galsim.Quintic, and galsim.SincInterpolant. Ignored if "
119 "piffPsfConfigYaml is set.",
120 check=_validateGalsimInterpolant,
121 default="Lanczos(11)",
122 )
123 debugStarData = pexConfig.Field[bool](
124 doc="Include star images used for fitting in PSF model object.",
125 default=False
126 )
127 useCoordinates = pexConfig.ChoiceField[str](
128 doc="Which spatial coordinates to regress against in PSF modeling.",
129 allowed=dict(
130 pixel='Regress against pixel coordinates',
131 field='Regress against field angles',
132 sky='Regress against RA/Dec'
133 ),
134 default='pixel'
135 )
136 piffLoggingLevel = pexConfig.RangeField[int](
137 doc="PIFF-specific logging level, from 0 (least chatty) to 3 (very verbose); "
138 "note that logs will come out with unrelated notations (e.g. WARNING does "
139 "not imply a warning.)",
140 default=0,
141 min=0,
142 max=3,
143 )
144 piffPsfConfigYaml = pexConfig.Field[str](
145 doc="Configuration file for PIFF in YAML format. This overrides many "
146 "other settings in this config and is not validated ahead of runtime.",
147 default=None,
148 optional=True,
149 )
151 def setDefaults(self):
152 super().setDefaults()
153 # stampSize should be at least 25 so that
154 # i) aperture flux with 12 pixel radius can be compared to PSF flux.
155 # ii) fake sources injected to match the 12 pixel aperture flux get
156 # measured correctly
157 # stampSize should also be at least sqrt(2)*modelSize/samplingSize so
158 # that rotated images have support in the model
160 self.stampSize = 25
161 # Resize the stamp to accommodate the model, but only if necessary.
162 if self.useCoordinates == "sky":
163 self.stampSize = max(25, 2*int(0.5*self.modelSize*np.sqrt(2)/self.samplingSize) + 1)
165 def validate(self):
166 super().validate()
168 if (stamp_size := self.stampSize) is not None:
169 model_size = self.modelSize
170 sampling_size = self.samplingSize
171 if self.useCoordinates == 'sky':
172 min_stamp_size = int(np.sqrt(2) * model_size / sampling_size)
173 else:
174 min_stamp_size = int(model_size / sampling_size)
176 if stamp_size < min_stamp_size:
177 msg = (f"PIFF model size of {model_size} is too large for stamp size {stamp_size}. "
178 f"Set stampSize >= {min_stamp_size}"
179 )
180 raise pexConfig.FieldValidationError(self.__class__.modelSize, self, msg)
183def getGoodPixels(maskedImage, zeroWeightMaskBits):
184 """Compute an index array indicating good pixels to use.
186 Parameters
187 ----------
188 maskedImage : `afw.image.MaskedImage`
189 PSF candidate postage stamp
190 zeroWeightMaskBits : `List[str]`
191 List of mask bits for which to set pixel weights to zero.
193 Returns
194 -------
195 good : `ndarray`
196 Index array indicating good pixels.
197 """
198 imArr = maskedImage.image.array
199 varArr = maskedImage.variance.array
200 bitmask = maskedImage.mask.getPlaneBitMask(zeroWeightMaskBits)
201 good = (
202 (varArr != 0)
203 & (np.isfinite(varArr))
204 & (np.isfinite(imArr))
205 & ((maskedImage.mask.array & bitmask) == 0)
206 )
207 return good
210def computeWeight(maskedImage, maxSNR, good):
211 """Derive a weight map without Poisson variance component due to signal.
213 Parameters
214 ----------
215 maskedImage : `afw.image.MaskedImage`
216 PSF candidate postage stamp
217 maxSNR : `float`
218 Maximum SNR applying variance floor.
219 good : `ndarray`
220 Index array indicating good pixels.
222 Returns
223 -------
224 weightArr : `ndarry`
225 Array to use for weight.
227 See Also
228 --------
229 `lsst.meas.algorithms.variance_plance.remove_signal_from_variance` :
230 Remove the Poisson contribution from sources in the variance plane of
231 an Exposure.
232 """
233 imArr = maskedImage.image.array
234 varArr = maskedImage.variance.array
236 # Fit a straight line to variance vs (sky-subtracted) signal.
237 # The evaluate that line at zero signal to get an estimate of the
238 # signal-free variance.
239 fit = np.polyfit(imArr[good], varArr[good], deg=1)
240 # fit is [1/gain, sky_var]
241 weightArr = np.zeros_like(imArr, dtype=float)
242 weightArr[good] = 1./fit[1]
244 applyMaxSNR(imArr, weightArr, good, maxSNR)
245 return weightArr
248def applyMaxSNR(imArr, weightArr, good, maxSNR):
249 """Rescale weight of bright stars to cap the computed SNR.
251 Parameters
252 ----------
253 imArr : `ndarray`
254 Signal (image) array of stamp.
255 weightArr : `ndarray`
256 Weight map array. May be rescaled in place.
257 good : `ndarray`
258 Index array of pixels to use when computing SNR.
259 maxSNR : `float`
260 Threshold for adjusting variance plane implementing maximum SNR.
261 """
262 # We define the SNR value following Piff. Here's the comment from that
263 # code base explaining the calculation.
264 #
265 # The S/N value that we use will be the weighted total flux where the
266 # weight function is the star's profile itself. This is the maximum S/N
267 # value that any flux measurement can possibly produce, which will be
268 # closer to an in-practice S/N than using all the pixels equally.
269 #
270 # F = Sum_i w_i I_i^2
271 # var(F) = Sum_i w_i^2 I_i^2 var(I_i)
272 # = Sum_i w_i I_i^2 <--- Assumes var(I_i) = 1/w_i
273 #
274 # S/N = F / sqrt(var(F))
275 #
276 # Note that if the image is pure noise, this will produce a "signal" of
277 #
278 # F_noise = Sum_i w_i 1/w_i = Npix
279 #
280 # So for a more accurate estimate of the S/N of the actual star itself, one
281 # should subtract off Npix from the measured F.
282 #
283 # The final formula then is:
284 #
285 # F = Sum_i w_i I_i^2
286 # S/N = (F-Npix) / sqrt(F)
287 F = np.sum(weightArr[good]*imArr[good]**2, dtype=float)
288 Npix = np.sum(good)
289 SNR = 0.0 if F < Npix else (F-Npix)/np.sqrt(F)
290 # rescale weight of bright stars. Essentially makes an error floor.
291 if SNR > maxSNR:
292 factor = (maxSNR / SNR)**2
293 weightArr[good] *= factor
296def _computeWeightAlternative(maskedImage, maxSNR):
297 """Alternative algorithm for creating weight map.
299 This version is equivalent to that used by Piff internally. The weight map
300 it produces tends to leave a residual when removing the Poisson component
301 due to the signal. We leave it here as a reference, but without intending
302 that it be used (or be maintained).
303 """
304 imArr = maskedImage.image.array
305 varArr = maskedImage.variance.array
306 good = (varArr != 0) & np.isfinite(varArr) & np.isfinite(imArr)
308 fit = np.polyfit(imArr[good], varArr[good], deg=1)
309 # fit is [1/gain, sky_var]
310 gain = 1./fit[0]
311 varArr[good] -= imArr[good] / gain
312 weightArr = np.zeros_like(imArr, dtype=float)
313 weightArr[good] = 1./varArr[good]
315 applyMaxSNR(imArr, weightArr, good, maxSNR)
316 return weightArr
320 """A measurePsfTask PSF estimator using Piff as the implementation.
321 """
322 ConfigClass = PiffPsfDeterminerConfig
323 _DefaultName = "psfDeterminer.Piff"
325 def __init__(self, config, schema=None, **kwds):
326 BasePsfDeterminerTask.__init__(self, config, schema=schema, **kwds)
328 piffLoggingLevels = {
329 0: logging.CRITICAL,
330 1: logging.WARNING,
331 2: logging.INFO,
332 3: logging.DEBUG,
333 }
334 self.piffLogger = lsst.utils.logging.getLogger(f"{}.piff")
335 self.piffLogger.setLevel(piffLoggingLevels[self.config.piffLoggingLevel])
338 self, exposure, psfCandidateList, metadata=None, flagKey=None
339 ):
340 """Determine a Piff PSF model for an exposure given a list of PSF
341 candidates.
343 Parameters
344 ----------
345 exposure : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
346 Exposure containing the PSF candidates.
347 psfCandidateList : `list` of `lsst.meas.algorithms.PsfCandidate`
348 A sequence of PSF candidates typically obtained by detecting sources
349 and then running them through a star selector.
350 metadata : `lsst.daf.base import PropertyList` or `None`, optional
351 A home for interesting tidbits of information.
352 flagKey : `str` or `None`, optional
353 Schema key used to mark sources actually used in PSF determination.
355 Returns
356 -------
357 psf : `lsst.meas.extensions.piff.PiffPsf`
358 The measured PSF model.
359 psfCellSet : `None`
360 Unused by this PsfDeterminer.
361 """
362 psfCandidateList = self.downsampleCandidates(psfCandidateList)
364 if self.config.stampSize:
365 stampSize = self.config.stampSize
366 if stampSize > psfCandidateList[0].getWidth():
367 self.log.warning("stampSize is larger than the PSF candidate size. Using candidate size.")
368 stampSize = psfCandidateList[0].getWidth()
369 else: # TODO: Only the if block should stay after DM-36311
370 self.log.debug("stampSize not set. Using candidate size.")
371 stampSize = psfCandidateList[0].getWidth()
373 scale = exposure.getWcs().getPixelScale(exposure.getBBox().getCenter()).asArcseconds()
375 match self.config.useCoordinates:
376 case 'field':
377 detector = exposure.getDetector()
378 pix_to_field = detector.getTransform(PIXELS, FIELD_ANGLE)
379 gswcs = UVWcsWrapper(pix_to_field)
380 pointing = None
382 case 'sky':
383 gswcs = CelestialWcsWrapper(exposure.getWcs())
384 skyOrigin = exposure.getWcs().getSkyOrigin()
385 ra = skyOrigin.getLongitude().asDegrees()
386 dec = skyOrigin.getLatitude().asDegrees()
387 pointing = galsim.CelestialCoord(
388 ra*galsim.degrees,
389 dec*galsim.degrees
390 )
392 case 'pixel':
393 gswcs = galsim.PixelScale(scale)
394 pointing = None
396 stars = []
397 for candidate in psfCandidateList:
398 cmi = candidate.getMaskedImage(stampSize, stampSize)
399 good = getGoodPixels(cmi, self.config.zeroWeightMaskBits)
400 fracGood = np.sum(good)/good.size
401 if fracGood < self.config.minimumUnmaskedFraction:
402 continue
403 weight = computeWeight(cmi, self.config.maxSNR, good)
405 bbox = cmi.getBBox()
406 bds = galsim.BoundsI(
407 galsim.PositionI(*bbox.getMin()),
408 galsim.PositionI(*bbox.getMax())
409 )
410 gsImage = galsim.Image(bds, wcs=gswcs, dtype=float)
411 gsImage.array[:] = cmi.image.array
412 gsWeight = galsim.Image(bds, wcs=gswcs, dtype=float)
413 gsWeight.array[:] = weight
415 source = candidate.getSource()
416 image_pos = galsim.PositionD(source.getX(), source.getY())
418 data = piff.StarData(
419 gsImage,
420 image_pos,
421 weight=gsWeight,
422 pointing=pointing
423 )
424 stars.append(piff.Star(data, None))
426 if self.config.piffPsfConfigYaml is None:
427 piffConfig = {
428 'type': 'Simple',
429 'model': {
430 'type': 'PixelGrid',
431 'scale': scale * self.config.samplingSize,
432 'size': self.config.modelSize,
433 'interp': self.config.interpolant,
434 },
435 'interp': {
436 'type': 'BasisPolynomial',
437 'order': self.config.spatialOrder,
438 },
439 'outliers': {
440 'type': 'Chisq',
441 'nsigma': self.config.outlierNSigma,
442 'max_remove': self.config.outlierMaxRemove,
443 }
444 }
445 else:
446 piffConfig = yaml.safe_load(self.config.piffPsfConfigYaml)
448 piffResult = piff.PSF.process(piffConfig)
449 wcs = {0: gswcs}
451, wcs, pointing, logger=self.piffLogger)
452 drawSize = 2*np.floor(0.5*stampSize/self.config.samplingSize) + 1
454 used_image_pos = [s.image_pos for s in piffResult.stars]
455 if flagKey:
456 for candidate in psfCandidateList:
457 source = candidate.getSource()
458 posd = galsim.PositionD(source.getX(), source.getY())
459 if posd in used_image_pos:
460 source.set(flagKey, True)
462 if metadata is not None:
463 metadata["spatialFitChi2"] = piffResult.chisq
464 metadata["numAvailStars"] = len(stars)
465 metadata["numGoodStars"] = len(piffResult.stars)
466 metadata["avgX"] = np.mean([p.x for p in piffResult.stars])
467 metadata["avgY"] = np.mean([p.y for p in piffResult.stars])
469 if not self.config.debugStarData:
470 for star in piffResult.stars:
471 # Remove large data objects from the stars
472 del
473 del
474 del
475 del
476 del
477 del
478 del
480 return PiffPsf(drawSize, drawSize, piffResult), None
483measAlg.psfDeterminerRegistry.register("piff", PiffPsfDeterminerTask)
int max
determinePsf(self, exposure, psfCandidateList, metadata=None, flagKey=None)
getGoodPixels(maskedImage, zeroWeightMaskBits)
applyMaxSNR(imArr, weightArr, good, maxSNR)