LSST Applications g180d380827+0f66a164bb,g2079a07aa2+86d27d4dc4,g2305ad1205+7d304bc7a0,g29320951ab+500695df56,g2bbee38e9b+0e5473021a,g337abbeb29+0e5473021a,g33d1c0ed96+0e5473021a,g3a166c0a6a+0e5473021a,g3ddfee87b4+e42ea45bea,g48712c4677+36a86eeaa5,g487adcacf7+2dd8f347ac,g50ff169b8f+96c6868917,g52b1c1532d+585e252eca,g591dd9f2cf+c70619cc9d,g5a732f18d5+53520f316c,g5ea96fc03c+341ea1ce94,g64a986408d+f7cd9c7162,g858d7b2824+f7cd9c7162,g8a8a8dda67+585e252eca,g99cad8db69+469ab8c039,g9ddcbc5298+9a081db1e4,ga1e77700b3+15fc3df1f7,gb0e22166c9+60f28cb32d,gba4ed39666+c2a2e4ac27,gbb8dafda3b+c92fc63c7e,gbd866b1f37+f7cd9c7162,gc120e1dc64+02c66aa596,gc28159a63d+0e5473021a,gc3e9b769f7+b0068a2d9f,gcf0d15dbbd+e42ea45bea,gdaeeff99f8+f9a426f77a,ge6526c86ff+84383d05b3,ge79ae78c31+0e5473021a,gee10cc3b42+585e252eca,gff1a9f87cc+f7cd9c7162,w.2024.17
LSST Data Management Base Package
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1#include "pybind11/pybind11.h"
2#include "pybind11/stl.h"
6#include <string>
7#include <typeinfo>
12namespace py = pybind11;
13using namespace pybind11::literals;
15namespace lsst {
16namespace daf {
17namespace base {
18namespace {
20template <typename T, typename C>
21void declareAccessors(C& cls, std::string const& name) {
22 const std::string getName = "get" + name;
23 cls.def(getName.c_str(), (T (PropertySet::*)(std::string const&) const) & PropertySet::get<T>, "name"_a);
24 cls.def(getName.c_str(), (T (PropertySet::*)(std::string const&, T const&) const) & PropertySet::get<T>,
25 "name"_a, "defaultValue"_a);
27 const std::string getArrayName = "getArray" + name;
28 cls.def(getArrayName.c_str(),
29 (std::vector<T> (PropertySet::*)(std::string const&) const) & PropertySet::getArray<T>, "name"_a);
31 const std::string setName = "set" + name;
32 cls.def(setName.c_str(), (void (PropertySet::*)(std::string const&, T const&)) & PropertySet::set<T>,
33 "name"_a, "value"_a);
34 cls.def(setName.c_str(),
35 (void (PropertySet::*)(std::string const&, std::vector<T> const&)) & PropertySet::set<T>,
36 "name"_a, "value"_a);
38 const std::string addName = "add" + name;
39 cls.def(addName.c_str(), (void (PropertySet::*)(std::string const&, T const&)) & PropertySet::add<T>,
40 "name"_a, "value"_a);
41 cls.def(addName.c_str(),
42 (void (PropertySet::*)(std::string const&, std::vector<T> const&)) & PropertySet::add<T>,
43 "name"_a, "value"_a);
45 const std::string typeName = "TYPE_" + name;
46 cls.attr(typeName.c_str()) = py::cast(PropertySet::typeOfT<T>(), py::return_value_policy::reference);
49} // <anonymous>
52 wrappers.wrapType(py::class_<std::type_info>(wrappers.module, "TypeInfo"), [](auto &mod, auto &cls) {
53 cls.def("__eq__",
54 [](std::type_info const &self, std::type_info const &other) { return self == other; });
55 cls.def("__ne__",
56 [](std::type_info const &self, std::type_info const &other) { return self != other; });
57 cls.def("name", &std::type_info::name);
58 cls.def("__hash__", &std::type_info::hash_code);
59 });
61 using PyPropertySet = py::class_<PropertySet, std::shared_ptr<PropertySet>>;
62 wrappers.wrapType(PyPropertySet(wrappers.module, "PropertySet"), [](auto &mod, auto &cls) {
63 cls.def(py::init<bool>(), "flat"_a = false);
65 cls.def("deepCopy", &PropertySet::deepCopy);
66 cls.def("nameCount", &PropertySet::nameCount, "topLevelOnly"_a = true);
67 cls.def("names", &PropertySet::names, "topLevelOnly"_a = true);
68 cls.def("paramNames", &PropertySet::paramNames, "topLevelOnly"_a = true);
69 cls.def("propertySetNames", &PropertySet::propertySetNames, "topLevelOnly"_a = true);
70 cls.def("exists", &PropertySet::exists);
71 cls.def("isArray", &PropertySet::isArray);
72 cls.def("isUndefined", &PropertySet::isUndefined);
73 cls.def("isPropertySetPtr", &PropertySet::isPropertySetPtr);
74 cls.def("valueCount",
75 py::overload_cast<>(&PropertySet::valueCount, py::const_));
76 cls.def("valueCount",
77 py::overload_cast<std::string const &>(&PropertySet::valueCount,
78 py::const_));
79 cls.def("typeOf", &PropertySet::typeOf, py::return_value_policy::reference);
80 cls.def("toString", &PropertySet::toString, "topLevelOnly"_a = false, "indent"_a = "");
81 cls.def(
82 "copy",
83 py::overload_cast<std::string const &, PropertySet const &, std::string const &, bool>(
85 ),
86 "dest"_a, "source"_a, "name"_a, "asScalar"_a = false
87 );
88 cls.def("combine", py::overload_cast<PropertySet const &>(&PropertySet::combine));
89 cls.def("remove", &PropertySet::remove);
90 cls.def("getAsBool", &PropertySet::getAsBool);
91 cls.def("getAsInt", &PropertySet::getAsInt);
92 cls.def("getAsInt64", &PropertySet::getAsInt64);
93 cls.def("getAsUInt64", &PropertySet::getAsUInt64);
94 cls.def("getAsDouble", &PropertySet::getAsDouble);
95 cls.def("getAsString", &PropertySet::getAsString);
96 cls.def("getAsPropertySetPtr", &PropertySet::getAsPropertySetPtr);
97 cls.def("getAsPersistablePtr", &PropertySet::getAsPersistablePtr);
99 declareAccessors<bool>(cls, "Bool");
100 declareAccessors<short>(cls, "Short");
101 declareAccessors<int>(cls, "Int");
102 declareAccessors<long>(cls, "Long");
103 declareAccessors<long long>(cls, "LongLong");
104 declareAccessors<unsigned long long>(cls, "UnsignedLongLong");
105 declareAccessors<float>(cls, "Float");
106 declareAccessors<double>(cls, "Double");
107 declareAccessors<std::nullptr_t>(cls, "Undef");
108 declareAccessors<std::string>(cls, "String");
109 declareAccessors<DateTime>(cls, "DateTime");
110 declareAccessors<std::shared_ptr<PropertySet>>(cls, "PropertySet");
111 });
114} // base
115} // daf
116} // lsst
table::Key< std::string > name
Interface for DateTime class.
T c_str(T... args)
A helper class for subdividing pybind11 module across multiple translation units (i....
Definition python.h:242
PyType wrapType(PyType cls, ClassWrapperCallback function, bool setModuleName=true)
Add a type (class or enum) wrapper, deferring method and other attribute definitions until finish() i...
Definition python.h:391
std::string getAsString(std::string const &name) const
Get the last value for a string property name (possibly hierarchical).
size_t nameCount(bool topLevelOnly=true) const
Get the number of names in the PropertySet, optionally including those in subproperties.
int getAsInt(std::string const &name) const
Get the last value for a bool/char/short/int property name (possibly hierarchical).
virtual void remove(std::string const &name)
Remove all values for a property name (possibly hierarchical).
bool isArray(std::string const &name) const
Determine if a name (possibly hierarchical) has multiple values.
int64_t getAsInt64(std::string const &name) const
Get the last value for a bool/char/short/int/int64_t property name (possibly hierarchical).
bool isUndefined(std::string const &name) const
Determine if a name (possibly hierarchical) has a defined value.
bool exists(std::string const &name) const
Determine if a name (possibly hierarchical) exists.
std::vector< std::string > names(bool topLevelOnly=true) const
Get the names in the PropertySet, optionally including those in subproperties.
size_t valueCount() const
Get the number of values in the entire PropertySet, counting each element of a vector.
bool isPropertySetPtr(std::string const &name) const
Determine if a name (possibly hierarchical) is a subproperty.
virtual void copy(std::string const &dest, PropertySet const &source, std::string const &name, bool asScalar=false)
Replace a single value vector in the destination with one from the source.
virtual void combine(PropertySet const &source)
Append all value vectors from the source to their corresponding properties.
std::shared_ptr< PropertySet > getAsPropertySetPtr(std::string const &name) const
Get the last value for a subproperty name (possibly hierarchical).
std::type_info const & typeOf(std::string const &name) const
Get the type of values for a property name (possibly hierarchical).
double getAsDouble(std::string const &name) const
Get the last value for any arithmetic property name (possibly hierarchical).
Persistable::Ptr getAsPersistablePtr(std::string const &name) const
Get the last value for a Persistable name (possibly hierarchical).
uint64_t getAsUInt64(std::string const &name) const
Get the last value for an bool/char/short/int/int64_t property name (possibly hierarchical).
virtual std::shared_ptr< PropertySet > deepCopy() const
Make a deep copy of the PropertySet and all of its contents.
std::vector< std::string > propertySetNames(bool topLevelOnly=true) const
A variant of names that only returns the names of subproperties.
virtual std::string toString(bool topLevelOnly=false, std::string const &indent="") const
Generate a string representation of the PropertySet.
std::vector< std::string > paramNames(bool topLevelOnly=true) const
A variant of names that excludes the names of subproperties.
bool getAsBool(std::string const &name) const
Get the last value for a bool property name (possibly hierarchical).
daf::base::PropertySet * set
T hash_code(T... args)
T name(T... args)
void wrapPropertySet(WrapperCollection &wrappers)
STL namespace.