LSSTApplications  15.0+21,16.0+1,16.0+10,16.0+3,16.0+4,16.0-1-g2115a9e+4,16.0-1-g4515a79+8,16.0-1-g7bb14cc,16.0-1-g80120d7+6,16.0-1-g98efed3+6,16.0-1-gb7f560d+3,16.0-18-g7a076d417,16.0-2-g2ed7261+3,16.0-2-g311bfd2,16.0-2-g568a347+5,16.0-2-g7adb079,16.0-2-gd4c87cb+5,16.0-3-g099ede0,16.0-3-g150e024+5,16.0-3-g1f513a6+2,16.0-3-g958ce35,16.0-3-gc6a11d1,16.0-4-g84f75fb+7,16.0-4-gcfd1396+6,16.0-4-gde8cee2,16.0-5-g7bc0afb+5,16.0-5-g81851deb,16.0-5-g82b7855+1,16.0-5-gd32631f,16.0-5-gf14cb0b,16.0-6-g2dd73041+6,16.0-6-gcf12234+1,16.0-7-g95fb7bf+2,16.0-7-gc37dbc2+6,w.2018.28
Namespaces | Functions
utils.h File Reference
#include <cstddef>
#include <cctype>
#include <limits>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>
#include "astshim/base.h"

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 AST wrapper classes and functions.


void ast::detail::annulAstObject (AstObject *object)
 A wrapper around astAnnul; intended as a custom deleter for std::unique_ptr. More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void ast::detail::assertEqual (T1 val1, std::string const &descr1, T2 val2, std::string const &descr2)
void ast::detail::astBadToNan (std::vector< double > &p)
 Replace AST__BAD with a quiet NaN in a vector. More...
void ast::detail::astBadToNan (ast::Array2D const &arr)
 Replace AST__BAD with a quiet NaN in a 2-D array. More...
std::string ast::detail::formatAxisAttr (std::string const &name, int axis)
 Format an axis-specific attribute by appending the axis index. More...
bool ast::detail::isSeries (AstCmpMap const *cmpMap)
 Return true if the compound map is in series. More...
std::string ast::detail::getClassName (AstObject const *rawObj)
 Get the AST class name, changing CmpMap to SeriesMap or ParallelMap as appropriate. More...
double ast::detail::safeDouble (double val)
 Return a double value after checking status and replacing AST__BAD with nan More...
std::string ast::detail::stringToUpper (std::string const &str)
 Return a copy of a string in which all characters are uppercase. More...