LSST Applications  21.0.0-172-gfb10e10a+18fedfabac,22.0.0+297cba6710,22.0.0+80564b0ff1,22.0.0+8d77f4f51a,22.0.0+a28f4c53b1,22.0.0+dcf3732eb2,22.0.1-1-g7d6de66+2a20fdde0d,22.0.1-1-g8e32f31+297cba6710,22.0.1-1-geca5380+7fa3b7d9b6,22.0.1-12-g44dc1dc+2a20fdde0d,22.0.1-15-g6a90155+515f58c32b,22.0.1-16-g9282f48+790f5f2caa,22.0.1-2-g92698f7+dcf3732eb2,22.0.1-2-ga9b0f51+7fa3b7d9b6,22.0.1-2-gd1925c9+bf4f0e694f,22.0.1-24-g1ad7a390+a9625a72a8,22.0.1-25-g5bf6245+3ad8ecd50b,22.0.1-25-gb120d7b+8b5510f75f,22.0.1-27-g97737f7+2a20fdde0d,22.0.1-32-gf62ce7b1+aa4237961e,22.0.1-4-g0b3f228+2a20fdde0d,22.0.1-4-g243d05b+871c1b8305,22.0.1-4-g3a563be+32dcf1063f,22.0.1-4-g44f2e3d+9e4ab0f4fa,22.0.1-42-gca6935d93+ba5e5ca3eb,22.0.1-5-g15c806e+85460ae5f3,22.0.1-5-g58711c4+611d128589,22.0.1-5-g75bb458+99c117b92f,22.0.1-6-g1c63a23+7fa3b7d9b6,22.0.1-6-g50866e6+84ff5a128b,22.0.1-6-g8d3140d+720564cf76,22.0.1-6-gd805d02+cc5644f571,22.0.1-8-ge5750ce+85460ae5f3,master-g6e05de7fdc+babf819c66,master-g99da0e417a+8d77f4f51a,w.2021.48
LSST Data Management Base Package
Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Static Public Attributes | List of all members
lsst.ip.diffim.snapPsfMatch.SnapPsfMatchTask Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for lsst.ip.diffim.snapPsfMatch.SnapPsfMatchTask:
lsst.ip.diffim.imagePsfMatch.ImagePsfMatchTask lsst.ip.diffim.psfMatch.PsfMatchTask

Public Member Functions

def subtractExposures (self, templateExposure, scienceExposure, templateFwhmPix=None, scienceFwhmPix=None, candidateList=None)
def getFwhmPix (self, psf)
def matchExposures (self, templateExposure, scienceExposure, templateFwhmPix=None, scienceFwhmPix=None, candidateList=None, doWarping=True, convolveTemplate=True)
def matchMaskedImages (self, templateMaskedImage, scienceMaskedImage, candidateList, templateFwhmPix=None, scienceFwhmPix=None)
def subtractExposures (self, templateExposure, scienceExposure, templateFwhmPix=None, scienceFwhmPix=None, candidateList=None, doWarping=True, convolveTemplate=True)
def subtractMaskedImages (self, templateMaskedImage, scienceMaskedImage, candidateList, templateFwhmPix=None, scienceFwhmPix=None)
def getSelectSources (self, exposure, sigma=None, doSmooth=True, idFactory=None)
def makeCandidateList (self, templateExposure, scienceExposure, kernelSize, candidateList=None)
def makeKernelBasisList (self, targetFwhmPix=None, referenceFwhmPix=None, basisDegGauss=None, basisSigmaGauss=None, metadata=None)

Public Attributes


Static Public Attributes

 ConfigClass = SnapPsfMatchConfig

Detailed Description

Image-based Psf-matching of two subsequent snaps from the same visit

This Task differs from ImagePsfMatchTask in that it matches two Exposures assuming that the images have
been acquired very closely in time.  Under this assumption, the astrometric misalignments and/or
relative distortions should be within a pixel, and the Psf-shapes should be very similar.  As a
consequence, the default configurations for this class assume a very simple solution.

- The spatial variation in the kernel (SnapPsfMatchConfig.spatialKernelOrder) is assumed to be zero

- With no spatial variation, we turn of the spatial
    clipping loops (SnapPsfMatchConfig.spatialKernelClipping)

- The differential background is not fit for (SnapPsfMatchConfig.fitForBackground)

- The kernel is expected to be appx.
    a delta function, and has a small size (SnapPsfMatchConfig.kernelSize)

The sub-configurations for the Alard-Lupton (SnapPsfMatchConfigAL)
and delta-function (SnapPsfMatchConfigDF)
bases also are designed to generate a small, simple kernel.

Task initialization

Initialization is the same as base class ImagePsfMatch.__init__,
with the difference being that the Task's
ConfigClass is SnapPsfMatchConfig.

Invoking the Task

The Task is only configured to have a subtractExposures method, which in turn calls

Configuration parameters

See SnapPsfMatchConfig, which uses either SnapPsfMatchConfigDF and SnapPsfMatchConfigAL
as its active configuration.

Debug variables

The lsst.pipe.base.cmdLineTask.CmdLineTask command line task interface supports a
flag -d/--debug to from your PYTHONPATH.  The relevant contents of
for this Task include:

.. code-block:: py

    import sys
    import lsstDebug
    def DebugInfo(name):
        di = lsstDebug.getInfo(name)
        if name == "lsst.ip.diffim.psfMatch":
            di.display = True                 # enable debug output
            di.maskTransparency = 80          # display mask transparency
            di.displayCandidates = True       # show all the candidates and residuals
            di.displayKernelBasis = False     # show kernel basis functions
            di.displayKernelMosaic = True     # show kernel realized across the image
            di.plotKernelSpatialModel = False # show coefficients of spatial model
            di.showBadCandidates = True       # show the bad candidates (red) along with good (green)
        elif name == "lsst.ip.diffim.imagePsfMatch":
            di.display = True                 # enable debug output
            di.maskTransparency = 30          # display mask transparency
            di.displayTemplate = True         # show full (remapped) template
            di.displaySciIm = True            # show science image to match to
            di.displaySpatialCells = True     # show spatial cells
            di.displayDiffIm = True           # show difference image
            di.showBadCandidates = True       # show the bad candidates (red) along with good (green)
        elif name == "lsst.ip.diffim.diaCatalogSourceSelector":
            di.display = False                # enable debug output
            di.maskTransparency = 30          # display mask transparency
            di.displayExposure = True         # show exposure with candidates indicated
            di.pauseAtEnd = False             # pause when done
        return di
    lsstDebug.Info = DebugInfo
    lsstDebug.frame = 1

Note that if you want addional logging info, you may add to your scripts:

.. code-block:: py

    import lsst.log.utils as logUtils
    logUtils.traceSetAt("lsst.ip.diffim", 4)

This code is in the examples directory, and can be run as e.g.

.. code-block:: py

    examples/ --debug
    examples/ --debug --template /path/to/templateExp.fits
    --science /path/to/scienceExp.fits

First, create a subclass of SnapPsfMatchTask that accepts two exposures.
Ideally these exposures would have been taken back-to-back,
such that the pointing/background/Psf does not vary substantially between the two:

.. code-block:: py

    class MySnapPsfMatchTask(SnapPsfMatchTask):
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            SnapPsfMatchTask.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        def run(self, templateExp, scienceExp):
            return self.subtractExposures(templateExp, scienceExp)

And allow the user the freedom to either run the script in default mode,
or point to their own images on disk. Note that these images must be
readable as an lsst.afw.image.Exposure

.. code-block:: py

    if __name__ == "__main__":
        import argparse
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Demonstrate the use of ImagePsfMatchTask")
        parser.add_argument("--debug", "-d", action="store_true", help="Load", default=False)
        parser.add_argument("--template", "-t", help="Template Exposure to use", default=None)
        parser.add_argument("--science", "-s", help="Science Exposure to use", default=None)
        args = parser.parse_args()

We have enabled some minor display debugging in this script via the –debug option. However,
if you have an lsstDebug your PYTHONPATH you will get additional debugging displays.
The following block checks for this script

.. code-block:: py

    if args.debug:
            import debug
            # Since I am displaying 2 images here, set the starting frame number for the LSST debug LSST
            debug.lsstDebug.frame = 3
        except ImportError as e:
            print(e, file=sys.stderr)

Finally, we call a run method that we define below.
First set up a Config and choose the basis set to use:

.. code-block:: py

    def run(args):
        # Create the Config and use sum of gaussian basis
        config = SnapPsfMatchTask.ConfigClass()
        config.doWarping = True = "AL"

Make sure the images (if any) that were sent to the script exist on disk and are readable.
If no images are sent, make some fake data up for the sake of this example script
(have a look at the code if you want more details on generateFakeImages;
as a detail of how the fake images were made, you do have to fit for a differential background):

.. code-block:: py

    # Run the requested method of the Task
    if args.template is not None and is not None:
        if not os.path.isfile(args.template):
            raise FileNotFoundError("Template image %s does not exist" % (args.template))
        if not os.path.isfile(
            raise FileNotFoundError("Science image %s does not exist" % (
            templateExp = afwImage.ExposureF(args.template)
        except Exception as e:
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot read template image %s" % (args.template))
            scienceExp = afwImage.ExposureF(
        except Exception as e:
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot read science image %s" % (
        templateExp, scienceExp = generateFakeImages() = True = 0 = 128 = 128

Display the two images if -debug

.. code-block:: py

    if args.debug:
        afwDisplay.Display(frame=1).mtv(templateExp, title="Example script: Input Template")
        afwDisplay.Display(frame=2).mtv(scienceExp, title="Example script: Input Science Image")

Create and run the Task

.. code-block:: py

    # Create the Task
    psfMatchTask = MySnapPsfMatchTask(config=config)
    # Run the Task
    result =, scienceExp)

And finally provide optional debugging display of the Psf-matched (via the Psf models) science image:

.. code-block:: py

    if args.debug:
        # See if the LSST debug has incremented the frame number; if not start with frame 3
            frame = debug.lsstDebug.frame + 1
        except Exception:
            frame = 3
                                        title="Example script: Matched Template Image")
        if "subtractedExposure" in result.getDict():
            afwDisplay.Display(frame=frame + 1).mtv(result.subtractedExposure,
                                                    title="Example script: Subtracted Image")

Definition at line 88 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ getFwhmPix()

def lsst.ip.diffim.imagePsfMatch.ImagePsfMatchTask.getFwhmPix (   self,
Return the FWHM in pixels of a Psf.

Definition at line 334 of file

334  def getFwhmPix(self, psf):
335  """Return the FWHM in pixels of a Psf.
336  """
337  sigPix = psf.computeShape().getDeterminantRadius()
338  return sigPix*sigma2fwhm

◆ getSelectSources()

def lsst.ip.diffim.imagePsfMatch.ImagePsfMatchTask.getSelectSources (   self,
  sigma = None,
  doSmooth = True,
  idFactory = None 
Get sources to use for Psf-matching.

This method runs detection and measurement on an exposure.
The returned set of sources will be used as candidates for

exposure : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
    Exposure on which to run detection/measurement
sigma : `float`
    Detection threshold
doSmooth : `bool`
    Whether or not to smooth the Exposure with Psf before detection
idFactory :
    Factory for the generation of Source ids

selectSources :
    source catalog containing candidates for the Psf-matching

Definition at line 760 of file

760  def getSelectSources(self, exposure, sigma=None, doSmooth=True, idFactory=None):
761  """Get sources to use for Psf-matching.
763  This method runs detection and measurement on an exposure.
764  The returned set of sources will be used as candidates for
765  Psf-matching.
767  Parameters
768  ----------
769  exposure : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
770  Exposure on which to run detection/measurement
771  sigma : `float`
772  Detection threshold
773  doSmooth : `bool`
774  Whether or not to smooth the Exposure with Psf before detection
775  idFactory :
776  Factory for the generation of Source ids
778  Returns
779  -------
780  selectSources :
781  source catalog containing candidates for the Psf-matching
782  """
783  if idFactory:
784  table = afwTable.SourceTable.make(self.selectSchema, idFactory)
785  else:
786  table = afwTable.SourceTable.make(self.selectSchema)
787  mi = exposure.getMaskedImage()
789  imArr = mi.getImage().getArray()
790  maskArr = mi.getMask().getArray()
791  miArr =, mask=maskArr)
792  try:
793  fitBg = self.background.fitBackground(mi)
794  bkgd = fitBg.getImageF(self.background.config.algorithm,
795  self.background.config.undersampleStyle)
796  except Exception:
797  self.log.warning("Failed to get background model. Falling back to median background estimation")
798  bkgd =
800  # Take off background for detection
801  mi -= bkgd
802  try:
803  table.setMetadata(self.selectAlgMetadata)
804  detRet =
805  table=table,
806  exposure=exposure,
807  sigma=sigma,
808  doSmooth=doSmooth
809  )
810  selectSources = detRet.sources
811, exposure=exposure)
812  finally:
813  # Put back on the background in case it is needed down stream
814  mi += bkgd
815  del bkgd
816  return selectSources
def run(self, coaddExposures, bbox, wcs)

◆ makeCandidateList()

def lsst.ip.diffim.imagePsfMatch.ImagePsfMatchTask.makeCandidateList (   self,
  candidateList = None 
Make a list of acceptable KernelCandidates.

Accept or generate a list of candidate sources for
Psf-matching, and examine the Mask planes in both of the
images for indications of bad pixels

templateExposure : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
    Exposure that will be convolved
scienceExposure : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
    Exposure that will be matched-to
kernelSize : `float`
    Dimensions of the Psf-matching Kernel, used to grow detection footprints
candidateList : `list`, optional
    List of Sources to examine. Elements must be of type afw.table.Source
    or a type that wraps a Source and has a getSource() method, such as

candidateList : `list` of `dict`
    A list of dicts having a "source" and "footprint"
    field for the Sources deemed to be appropriate for Psf

Definition at line 818 of file

818  def makeCandidateList(self, templateExposure, scienceExposure, kernelSize, candidateList=None):
819  """Make a list of acceptable KernelCandidates.
821  Accept or generate a list of candidate sources for
822  Psf-matching, and examine the Mask planes in both of the
823  images for indications of bad pixels
825  Parameters
826  ----------
827  templateExposure : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
828  Exposure that will be convolved
829  scienceExposure : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
830  Exposure that will be matched-to
831  kernelSize : `float`
832  Dimensions of the Psf-matching Kernel, used to grow detection footprints
833  candidateList : `list`, optional
834  List of Sources to examine. Elements must be of type afw.table.Source
835  or a type that wraps a Source and has a getSource() method, such as
836  meas.algorithms.PsfCandidateF.
838  Returns
839  -------
840  candidateList : `list` of `dict`
841  A list of dicts having a "source" and "footprint"
842  field for the Sources deemed to be appropriate for Psf
843  matching
844  """
845  if candidateList is None:
846  candidateList = self.getSelectSources(scienceExposure)
848  if len(candidateList) < 1:
849  raise RuntimeError("No candidates in candidateList")
851  listTypes = set(type(x) for x in candidateList)
852  if len(listTypes) > 1:
853  raise RuntimeError("Candidate list contains mixed types: %s" % [t for t in listTypes])
855  if not isinstance(candidateList[0], afwTable.SourceRecord):
856  try:
857  candidateList[0].getSource()
858  except Exception as e:
859  raise RuntimeError(f"Candidate List is of type: {type(candidateList[0])} "
860  "Can only make candidate list from list of afwTable.SourceRecords, "
861  f"measAlg.PsfCandidateF or other type with a getSource() method: {e}")
862  candidateList = [c.getSource() for c in candidateList]
864  candidateList = diffimTools.sourceToFootprintList(candidateList,
865  templateExposure, scienceExposure,
866  kernelSize,
867  self.kConfig.detectionConfig,
868  self.log)
869  if len(candidateList) == 0:
870  raise RuntimeError("Cannot find any objects suitable for KernelCandidacy")
872  return candidateList
table::Key< int > type
Record class that contains measurements made on a single exposure.
Definition: Source.h:78
daf::base::PropertySet * set

◆ makeKernelBasisList()

def lsst.ip.diffim.imagePsfMatch.ImagePsfMatchTask.makeKernelBasisList (   self,
  targetFwhmPix = None,
  referenceFwhmPix = None,
  basisDegGauss = None,
  basisSigmaGauss = None,
  metadata = None 
Wrapper to set log messages for

targetFwhmPix : `float`, optional
    Passed on to `lsst.ip.diffim.generateAlardLuptonBasisList`.
    Not used for delta function basis sets.
referenceFwhmPix : `float`, optional
    Passed on to `lsst.ip.diffim.generateAlardLuptonBasisList`.
    Not used for delta function basis sets.
basisDegGauss : `list` of `int`, optional
    Passed on to `lsst.ip.diffim.generateAlardLuptonBasisList`.
    Not used for delta function basis sets.
basisSigmaGauss : `list` of `int`, optional
    Passed on to `lsst.ip.diffim.generateAlardLuptonBasisList`.
    Not used for delta function basis sets.
metadata : `lsst.daf.base.PropertySet`, optional
    Passed on to `lsst.ip.diffim.generateAlardLuptonBasisList`.
    Not used for delta function basis sets.

basisList: `list` of `lsst.afw.math.kernel.FixedKernel`
    List of basis kernels.

Definition at line 874 of file

875  basisDegGauss=None, basisSigmaGauss=None, metadata=None):
876  """Wrapper to set log messages for
877  `lsst.ip.diffim.makeKernelBasisList`.
879  Parameters
880  ----------
881  targetFwhmPix : `float`, optional
882  Passed on to `lsst.ip.diffim.generateAlardLuptonBasisList`.
883  Not used for delta function basis sets.
884  referenceFwhmPix : `float`, optional
885  Passed on to `lsst.ip.diffim.generateAlardLuptonBasisList`.
886  Not used for delta function basis sets.
887  basisDegGauss : `list` of `int`, optional
888  Passed on to `lsst.ip.diffim.generateAlardLuptonBasisList`.
889  Not used for delta function basis sets.
890  basisSigmaGauss : `list` of `int`, optional
891  Passed on to `lsst.ip.diffim.generateAlardLuptonBasisList`.
892  Not used for delta function basis sets.
893  metadata : `lsst.daf.base.PropertySet`, optional
894  Passed on to `lsst.ip.diffim.generateAlardLuptonBasisList`.
895  Not used for delta function basis sets.
897  Returns
898  -------
899  basisList: `list` of `lsst.afw.math.kernel.FixedKernel`
900  List of basis kernels.
901  """
902  basisList = makeKernelBasisList(self.kConfig,
903  targetFwhmPix=targetFwhmPix,
904  referenceFwhmPix=referenceFwhmPix,
905  basisDegGauss=basisDegGauss,
906  basisSigmaGauss=basisSigmaGauss,
907  metadata=metadata)
908  if targetFwhmPix == referenceFwhmPix:
909"Target and reference psf fwhms are equal, falling back to config values")
910  elif referenceFwhmPix > targetFwhmPix:
911"Reference psf fwhm is the greater, normal convolution mode")
912  else:
913"Target psf fwhm is the greater, deconvolution mode")
915  return basisList
def makeKernelBasisList(config, targetFwhmPix=None, referenceFwhmPix=None, basisDegGauss=None, basisSigmaGauss=None, metadata=None)

◆ matchExposures()

def lsst.ip.diffim.imagePsfMatch.ImagePsfMatchTask.matchExposures (   self,
  templateFwhmPix = None,
  scienceFwhmPix = None,
  candidateList = None,
  doWarping = True,
  convolveTemplate = True 
Warp and PSF-match an exposure to the reference.

Do the following, in order:

- Warp templateExposure to match scienceExposure,
    if doWarping True and their WCSs do not already match
- Determine a PSF matching kernel and differential background model
    that matches templateExposure to scienceExposure
- Convolve templateExposure by PSF matching kernel

templateExposure : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
    Exposure to warp and PSF-match to the reference masked image
scienceExposure : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
    Exposure whose WCS and PSF are to be matched to
templateFwhmPix :`float`
    FWHM (in pixels) of the Psf in the template image (image to convolve)
scienceFwhmPix : `float`
    FWHM (in pixels) of the Psf in the science image
candidateList : `list`, optional
    a list of footprints/maskedImages for kernel candidates;
    if `None` then source detection is run.

    - Currently supported: list of Footprints or measAlg.PsfCandidateF

doWarping : `bool`
    what to do if ``templateExposure`` and ``scienceExposure`` WCSs do not match:

    - if `True` then warp ``templateExposure`` to match ``scienceExposure``
    - if `False` then raise an Exception

convolveTemplate : `bool`
    Whether to convolve the template image or the science image:

    - if `True`, ``templateExposure`` is warped if doWarping,
      ``templateExposure`` is convolved
    - if `False`, ``templateExposure`` is warped if doWarping,
      ``scienceExposure`` is convolved

results : `lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
    An `lsst.pipe.base.Struct` containing these fields:

    - ``matchedImage`` : the PSF-matched exposure =
        Warped ``templateExposure`` convolved by psfMatchingKernel. This has:

        - the same parent bbox, Wcs and PhotoCalib as scienceExposure
        - the same filter as templateExposure
        - no Psf (because the PSF-matching process does not compute one)

    - ``psfMatchingKernel`` : the PSF matching kernel
    - ``backgroundModel`` : differential background model
    - ``kernelCellSet`` : SpatialCellSet used to solve for the PSF matching kernel

   Raised if doWarping is False and ``templateExposure`` and
   ``scienceExposure`` WCSs do not match

Definition at line 341 of file

343  candidateList=None, doWarping=True, convolveTemplate=True):
344  """Warp and PSF-match an exposure to the reference.
346  Do the following, in order:
348  - Warp templateExposure to match scienceExposure,
349  if doWarping True and their WCSs do not already match
350  - Determine a PSF matching kernel and differential background model
351  that matches templateExposure to scienceExposure
352  - Convolve templateExposure by PSF matching kernel
354  Parameters
355  ----------
356  templateExposure : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
357  Exposure to warp and PSF-match to the reference masked image
358  scienceExposure : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
359  Exposure whose WCS and PSF are to be matched to
360  templateFwhmPix :`float`
361  FWHM (in pixels) of the Psf in the template image (image to convolve)
362  scienceFwhmPix : `float`
363  FWHM (in pixels) of the Psf in the science image
364  candidateList : `list`, optional
365  a list of footprints/maskedImages for kernel candidates;
366  if `None` then source detection is run.
368  - Currently supported: list of Footprints or measAlg.PsfCandidateF
370  doWarping : `bool`
371  what to do if ``templateExposure`` and ``scienceExposure`` WCSs do not match:
373  - if `True` then warp ``templateExposure`` to match ``scienceExposure``
374  - if `False` then raise an Exception
376  convolveTemplate : `bool`
377  Whether to convolve the template image or the science image:
379  - if `True`, ``templateExposure`` is warped if doWarping,
380  ``templateExposure`` is convolved
381  - if `False`, ``templateExposure`` is warped if doWarping,
382  ``scienceExposure`` is convolved
384  Returns
385  -------
386  results : `lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
387  An `lsst.pipe.base.Struct` containing these fields:
389  - ``matchedImage`` : the PSF-matched exposure =
390  Warped ``templateExposure`` convolved by psfMatchingKernel. This has:
392  - the same parent bbox, Wcs and PhotoCalib as scienceExposure
393  - the same filter as templateExposure
394  - no Psf (because the PSF-matching process does not compute one)
396  - ``psfMatchingKernel`` : the PSF matching kernel
397  - ``backgroundModel`` : differential background model
398  - ``kernelCellSet`` : SpatialCellSet used to solve for the PSF matching kernel
400  Raises
401  ------
402  RuntimeError
403  Raised if doWarping is False and ``templateExposure`` and
404  ``scienceExposure`` WCSs do not match
405  """
406  if not self._validateWcs(templateExposure, scienceExposure):
407  if doWarping:
408"Astrometrically registering template to science image")
409  templatePsf = templateExposure.getPsf()
410  # Warp PSF before overwriting exposure
411  xyTransform = afwGeom.makeWcsPairTransform(templateExposure.getWcs(),
412  scienceExposure.getWcs())
413  psfWarped = WarpedPsf(templatePsf, xyTransform)
414  templateExposure = self._warper.warpExposure(scienceExposure.getWcs(),
415  templateExposure,
416  destBBox=scienceExposure.getBBox())
417  templateExposure.setPsf(psfWarped)
418  else:
419  self.log.error("ERROR: Input images not registered")
420  raise RuntimeError("Input images not registered")
422  if templateFwhmPix is None:
423  if not templateExposure.hasPsf():
424  self.log.warning("No estimate of Psf FWHM for template image")
425  else:
426  templateFwhmPix = self.getFwhmPix(templateExposure.getPsf())
427"templateFwhmPix: %s", templateFwhmPix)
429  if scienceFwhmPix is None:
430  if not scienceExposure.hasPsf():
431  self.log.warning("No estimate of Psf FWHM for science image")
432  else:
433  scienceFwhmPix = self.getFwhmPix(scienceExposure.getPsf())
434"scienceFwhmPix: %s", scienceFwhmPix)
436  if convolveTemplate:
437  kernelSize = self.makeKernelBasisList(templateFwhmPix, scienceFwhmPix)[0].getWidth()
438  candidateList = self.makeCandidateList(
439  templateExposure, scienceExposure, kernelSize, candidateList)
440  results = self.matchMaskedImages(
441  templateExposure.getMaskedImage(), scienceExposure.getMaskedImage(), candidateList,
442  templateFwhmPix=templateFwhmPix, scienceFwhmPix=scienceFwhmPix)
443  else:
444  kernelSize = self.makeKernelBasisList(scienceFwhmPix, templateFwhmPix)[0].getWidth()
445  candidateList = self.makeCandidateList(
446  templateExposure, scienceExposure, kernelSize, candidateList)
447  results = self.matchMaskedImages(
448  scienceExposure.getMaskedImage(), templateExposure.getMaskedImage(), candidateList,
449  templateFwhmPix=scienceFwhmPix, scienceFwhmPix=templateFwhmPix)
451  psfMatchedExposure = afwImage.makeExposure(results.matchedImage, scienceExposure.getWcs())
452  psfMatchedExposure.setFilterLabel(templateExposure.getFilterLabel())
453  psfMatchedExposure.setPhotoCalib(scienceExposure.getPhotoCalib())
454  results.warpedExposure = templateExposure
455  results.matchedExposure = psfMatchedExposure
456  return results
std::shared_ptr< TransformPoint2ToPoint2 > makeWcsPairTransform(SkyWcs const &src, SkyWcs const &dst)
A Transform obtained by putting two SkyWcs objects "back to back".
std::shared_ptr< Exposure< ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT > > makeExposure(MaskedImage< ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT > &mimage, std::shared_ptr< geom::SkyWcs const > wcs=std::shared_ptr< geom::SkyWcs const >())
A function to return an Exposure of the correct type (cf.
Definition: Exposure.h:462
int warpExposure(DestExposureT &destExposure, SrcExposureT const &srcExposure, WarpingControl const &control, typename DestExposureT::MaskedImageT::SinglePixel padValue=lsst::afw::math::edgePixel< typename DestExposureT::MaskedImageT >(typename lsst::afw::image::detail::image_traits< typename DestExposureT::MaskedImageT >::image_category()))
Warp (remap) one exposure to another.

◆ matchMaskedImages()

def lsst.ip.diffim.imagePsfMatch.ImagePsfMatchTask.matchMaskedImages (   self,
  templateFwhmPix = None,
  scienceFwhmPix = None 
PSF-match a MaskedImage (templateMaskedImage) to a reference MaskedImage (scienceMaskedImage).

Do the following, in order:

- Determine a PSF matching kernel and differential background model
    that matches templateMaskedImage to scienceMaskedImage
- Convolve templateMaskedImage by the PSF matching kernel

templateMaskedImage : `lsst.afw.image.MaskedImage`
    masked image to PSF-match to the reference masked image;
    must be warped to match the reference masked image
scienceMaskedImage : `lsst.afw.image.MaskedImage`
    maskedImage whose PSF is to be matched to
templateFwhmPix : `float`
    FWHM (in pixels) of the Psf in the template image (image to convolve)
scienceFwhmPix : `float`
    FWHM (in pixels) of the Psf in the science image
candidateList : `list`, optional
    A list of footprints/maskedImages for kernel candidates;
    if `None` then source detection is run.

    - Currently supported: list of Footprints or measAlg.PsfCandidateF

result : `callable`
An `lsst.pipe.base.Struct` containing these fields:

- psfMatchedMaskedImage: the PSF-matched masked image =
    ``templateMaskedImage`` convolved with psfMatchingKernel.
    This has the same xy0, dimensions and wcs as ``scienceMaskedImage``.
- psfMatchingKernel: the PSF matching kernel
- backgroundModel: differential background model
- kernelCellSet: SpatialCellSet used to solve for the PSF matching kernel

    Raised if input images have different dimensions

Definition at line 459 of file

460  templateFwhmPix=None, scienceFwhmPix=None):
461  """PSF-match a MaskedImage (templateMaskedImage) to a reference MaskedImage (scienceMaskedImage).
463  Do the following, in order:
465  - Determine a PSF matching kernel and differential background model
466  that matches templateMaskedImage to scienceMaskedImage
467  - Convolve templateMaskedImage by the PSF matching kernel
469  Parameters
470  ----------
471  templateMaskedImage : `lsst.afw.image.MaskedImage`
472  masked image to PSF-match to the reference masked image;
473  must be warped to match the reference masked image
474  scienceMaskedImage : `lsst.afw.image.MaskedImage`
475  maskedImage whose PSF is to be matched to
476  templateFwhmPix : `float`
477  FWHM (in pixels) of the Psf in the template image (image to convolve)
478  scienceFwhmPix : `float`
479  FWHM (in pixels) of the Psf in the science image
480  candidateList : `list`, optional
481  A list of footprints/maskedImages for kernel candidates;
482  if `None` then source detection is run.
484  - Currently supported: list of Footprints or measAlg.PsfCandidateF
486  Returns
487  -------
488  result : `callable`
489  An `lsst.pipe.base.Struct` containing these fields:
491  - psfMatchedMaskedImage: the PSF-matched masked image =
492  ``templateMaskedImage`` convolved with psfMatchingKernel.
493  This has the same xy0, dimensions and wcs as ``scienceMaskedImage``.
494  - psfMatchingKernel: the PSF matching kernel
495  - backgroundModel: differential background model
496  - kernelCellSet: SpatialCellSet used to solve for the PSF matching kernel
498  Raises
499  ------
500  RuntimeError
501  Raised if input images have different dimensions
502  """
503  import lsstDebug
504  display = lsstDebug.Info(__name__).display
505  displayTemplate = lsstDebug.Info(__name__).displayTemplate
506  displaySciIm = lsstDebug.Info(__name__).displaySciIm
507  displaySpatialCells = lsstDebug.Info(__name__).displaySpatialCells
508  maskTransparency = lsstDebug.Info(__name__).maskTransparency
509  if not maskTransparency:
510  maskTransparency = 0
511  if display:
512  afwDisplay.setDefaultMaskTransparency(maskTransparency)
514  if not candidateList:
515  raise RuntimeError("Candidate list must be populated by makeCandidateList")
517  if not self._validateSize(templateMaskedImage, scienceMaskedImage):
518  self.log.error("ERROR: Input images different size")
519  raise RuntimeError("Input images different size")
521  if display and displayTemplate:
522  disp = afwDisplay.Display(frame=lsstDebug.frame)
523  disp.mtv(templateMaskedImage, title="Image to convolve")
524  lsstDebug.frame += 1
526  if display and displaySciIm:
527  disp = afwDisplay.Display(frame=lsstDebug.frame)
528  disp.mtv(scienceMaskedImage, title="Image to not convolve")
529  lsstDebug.frame += 1
531  kernelCellSet = self._buildCellSet(templateMaskedImage,
532  scienceMaskedImage,
533  candidateList)
535  if display and displaySpatialCells:
536  diffimUtils.showKernelSpatialCells(scienceMaskedImage, kernelCellSet,
537  symb="o", ctype=afwDisplay.CYAN, ctypeUnused=afwDisplay.YELLOW,
538  ctypeBad=afwDisplay.RED, size=4, frame=lsstDebug.frame,
539  title="Image to not convolve")
540  lsstDebug.frame += 1
542  if templateFwhmPix and scienceFwhmPix:
543"Matching Psf FWHM %.2f -> %.2f pix", templateFwhmPix, scienceFwhmPix)
545  if self.kConfig.useBicForKernelBasis:
546  tmpKernelCellSet = self._buildCellSet(templateMaskedImage,
547  scienceMaskedImage,
548  candidateList)
549  nbe = diffimTools.NbasisEvaluator(self.kConfig, templateFwhmPix, scienceFwhmPix)
550  bicDegrees = nbe(tmpKernelCellSet, self.log)
551  basisList = self.makeKernelBasisList(templateFwhmPix, scienceFwhmPix,
552  basisDegGauss=bicDegrees[0], metadata=self.metadata)
553  del tmpKernelCellSet
554  else:
555  basisList = self.makeKernelBasisList(templateFwhmPix, scienceFwhmPix,
556  metadata=self.metadata)
558  spatialSolution, psfMatchingKernel, backgroundModel = self._solve(kernelCellSet, basisList)
560  psfMatchedMaskedImage = afwImage.MaskedImageF(templateMaskedImage.getBBox())
561  convolutionControl = afwMath.ConvolutionControl()
562  convolutionControl.setDoNormalize(False)
563  afwMath.convolve(psfMatchedMaskedImage, templateMaskedImage, psfMatchingKernel, convolutionControl)
564  return pipeBase.Struct(
565  matchedImage=psfMatchedMaskedImage,
566  psfMatchingKernel=psfMatchingKernel,
567  backgroundModel=backgroundModel,
568  kernelCellSet=kernelCellSet,
569  )
Parameters to control convolution.
Definition: ConvolveImage.h:50
void convolve(OutImageT &convolvedImage, InImageT const &inImage, KernelT const &kernel, ConvolutionControl const &convolutionControl=ConvolutionControl())
Convolve an Image or MaskedImage with a Kernel, setting pixels of an existing output image.

◆ subtractExposures() [1/2]

def lsst.ip.diffim.snapPsfMatch.SnapPsfMatchTask.subtractExposures (   self,
  templateFwhmPix = None,
  scienceFwhmPix = None,
  candidateList = None 

Definition at line 302 of file

304  candidateList=None):
305  return ImagePsfMatchTask.subtractExposures(self,
306  templateExposure=templateExposure,
307  scienceExposure=scienceExposure,
308  templateFwhmPix=templateFwhmPix,
309  scienceFwhmPix=scienceFwhmPix,
310  candidateList=candidateList,
311  doWarping=self.config.doWarping,
312  )

◆ subtractExposures() [2/2]

def lsst.ip.diffim.imagePsfMatch.ImagePsfMatchTask.subtractExposures (   self,
  templateFwhmPix = None,
  scienceFwhmPix = None,
  candidateList = None,
  doWarping = True,
  convolveTemplate = True 
Register, Psf-match and subtract two Exposures.

Do the following, in order:

- Warp templateExposure to match scienceExposure, if their WCSs do not already match
- Determine a PSF matching kernel and differential background model
    that matches templateExposure to scienceExposure
- PSF-match templateExposure to scienceExposure
- Compute subtracted exposure (see return values for equation).

templateExposure : `lsst.afw.image.ExposureF`
    Exposure to PSF-match to scienceExposure
scienceExposure : `lsst.afw.image.ExposureF`
    Reference Exposure
templateFwhmPix : `float`
    FWHM (in pixels) of the Psf in the template image (image to convolve)
scienceFwhmPix : `float`
    FWHM (in pixels) of the Psf in the science image
candidateList : `list`, optional
    A list of footprints/maskedImages for kernel candidates;
    if `None` then source detection is run.

    - Currently supported: list of Footprints or measAlg.PsfCandidateF

doWarping : `bool`
    What to do if ``templateExposure``` and ``scienceExposure`` WCSs do
    not match:

    - if `True` then warp ``templateExposure`` to match ``scienceExposure``
    - if `False` then raise an Exception

convolveTemplate : `bool`
    Convolve the template image or the science image

    - if `True`, ``templateExposure`` is warped if doWarping,
      ``templateExposure`` is convolved
    - if `False`, ``templateExposure`` is warped if doWarping,
      ``scienceExposure is`` convolved

result : `lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
    An `lsst.pipe.base.Struct` containing these fields:

    - ``subtractedExposure`` : subtracted Exposure
        scienceExposure - (matchedImage + backgroundModel)
    - ``matchedImage`` : ``templateExposure`` after warping to match
                         ``templateExposure`` (if doWarping true),
                         and convolving with psfMatchingKernel
    - ``psfMatchingKernel`` : PSF matching kernel
    - ``backgroundModel`` : differential background model
    - ``kernelCellSet`` : SpatialCellSet used to determine PSF matching kernel

Definition at line 572 of file

574  candidateList=None, doWarping=True, convolveTemplate=True):
575  """Register, Psf-match and subtract two Exposures.
577  Do the following, in order:
579  - Warp templateExposure to match scienceExposure, if their WCSs do not already match
580  - Determine a PSF matching kernel and differential background model
581  that matches templateExposure to scienceExposure
582  - PSF-match templateExposure to scienceExposure
583  - Compute subtracted exposure (see return values for equation).
585  Parameters
586  ----------
587  templateExposure : `lsst.afw.image.ExposureF`
588  Exposure to PSF-match to scienceExposure
589  scienceExposure : `lsst.afw.image.ExposureF`
590  Reference Exposure
591  templateFwhmPix : `float`
592  FWHM (in pixels) of the Psf in the template image (image to convolve)
593  scienceFwhmPix : `float`
594  FWHM (in pixels) of the Psf in the science image
595  candidateList : `list`, optional
596  A list of footprints/maskedImages for kernel candidates;
597  if `None` then source detection is run.
599  - Currently supported: list of Footprints or measAlg.PsfCandidateF
601  doWarping : `bool`
602  What to do if ``templateExposure``` and ``scienceExposure`` WCSs do
603  not match:
605  - if `True` then warp ``templateExposure`` to match ``scienceExposure``
606  - if `False` then raise an Exception
608  convolveTemplate : `bool`
609  Convolve the template image or the science image
611  - if `True`, ``templateExposure`` is warped if doWarping,
612  ``templateExposure`` is convolved
613  - if `False`, ``templateExposure`` is warped if doWarping,
614  ``scienceExposure is`` convolved
616  Returns
617  -------
618  result : `lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
619  An `lsst.pipe.base.Struct` containing these fields:
621  - ``subtractedExposure`` : subtracted Exposure
622  scienceExposure - (matchedImage + backgroundModel)
623  - ``matchedImage`` : ``templateExposure`` after warping to match
624  ``templateExposure`` (if doWarping true),
625  and convolving with psfMatchingKernel
626  - ``psfMatchingKernel`` : PSF matching kernel
627  - ``backgroundModel`` : differential background model
628  - ``kernelCellSet`` : SpatialCellSet used to determine PSF matching kernel
629  """
630  results = self.matchExposures(
631  templateExposure=templateExposure,
632  scienceExposure=scienceExposure,
633  templateFwhmPix=templateFwhmPix,
634  scienceFwhmPix=scienceFwhmPix,
635  candidateList=candidateList,
636  doWarping=doWarping,
637  convolveTemplate=convolveTemplate
638  )
639  # Always inherit WCS and photocalib from science exposure
640  subtractedExposure = afwImage.ExposureF(scienceExposure, deep=True)
641  # Note, the decorrelation afterburner re-calculates the variance plane
642  # from the variance planes of the original exposures.
643  # That recalculation code must be in accordance with the
644  # photometric level set here in ``subtractedMaskedImage``.
645  if convolveTemplate:
646  subtractedMaskedImage = subtractedExposure.maskedImage
647  subtractedMaskedImage -= results.matchedExposure.maskedImage
648  subtractedMaskedImage -= results.backgroundModel
649  else:
650  subtractedMaskedImage = subtractedExposure.maskedImage
651  subtractedMaskedImage[:, :] = results.warpedExposure.maskedImage
652  subtractedMaskedImage -= results.matchedExposure.maskedImage
653  subtractedMaskedImage -= results.backgroundModel
655  # Preserve polarity of differences
656  subtractedMaskedImage *= -1
658  # Place back on native photometric scale
659  subtractedMaskedImage /= results.psfMatchingKernel.computeImage(
660  afwImage.ImageD(results.psfMatchingKernel.getDimensions()), False)
661  # We matched to the warped template
662  subtractedExposure.setPsf(results.warpedExposure.getPsf())
664  import lsstDebug
665  display = lsstDebug.Info(__name__).display
666  displayDiffIm = lsstDebug.Info(__name__).displayDiffIm
667  maskTransparency = lsstDebug.Info(__name__).maskTransparency
668  if not maskTransparency:
669  maskTransparency = 0
670  if display:
671  afwDisplay.setDefaultMaskTransparency(maskTransparency)
672  if display and displayDiffIm:
673  disp = afwDisplay.Display(frame=lsstDebug.frame)
674  disp.mtv(templateExposure, title="Template")
675  lsstDebug.frame += 1
676  disp = afwDisplay.Display(frame=lsstDebug.frame)
677  disp.mtv(results.matchedExposure, title="Matched template")
678  lsstDebug.frame += 1
679  disp = afwDisplay.Display(frame=lsstDebug.frame)
680  disp.mtv(scienceExposure, title="Science Image")
681  lsstDebug.frame += 1
682  disp = afwDisplay.Display(frame=lsstDebug.frame)
683  disp.mtv(subtractedExposure, title="Difference Image")
684  lsstDebug.frame += 1
686  results.subtractedExposure = subtractedExposure
687  return results

◆ subtractMaskedImages()

def lsst.ip.diffim.imagePsfMatch.ImagePsfMatchTask.subtractMaskedImages (   self,
  templateFwhmPix = None,
  scienceFwhmPix = None 
Psf-match and subtract two MaskedImages.

Do the following, in order:

- PSF-match templateMaskedImage to scienceMaskedImage
- Determine the differential background
- Return the difference: scienceMaskedImage
    ((warped templateMaskedImage convolved with psfMatchingKernel) + backgroundModel)

templateMaskedImage : `lsst.afw.image.MaskedImage`
    MaskedImage to PSF-match to ``scienceMaskedImage``
scienceMaskedImage : `lsst.afw.image.MaskedImage`
    Reference MaskedImage
templateFwhmPix : `float`
    FWHM (in pixels) of the Psf in the template image (image to convolve)
scienceFwhmPix : `float`
    FWHM (in pixels) of the Psf in the science image
candidateList : `list`, optional
    A list of footprints/maskedImages for kernel candidates;
    if `None` then source detection is run.

    - Currently supported: list of Footprints or measAlg.PsfCandidateF

results : `lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
    An `lsst.pipe.base.Struct` containing these fields:

    - ``subtractedMaskedImage`` : ``scienceMaskedImage`` - (matchedImage + backgroundModel)
    - ``matchedImage`` : templateMaskedImage convolved with psfMatchingKernel
    - `psfMatchingKernel`` : PSF matching kernel
    - ``backgroundModel`` : differential background model
    - ``kernelCellSet`` : SpatialCellSet used to determine PSF matching kernel

Definition at line 690 of file

691  templateFwhmPix=None, scienceFwhmPix=None):
692  """Psf-match and subtract two MaskedImages.
694  Do the following, in order:
696  - PSF-match templateMaskedImage to scienceMaskedImage
697  - Determine the differential background
698  - Return the difference: scienceMaskedImage
699  ((warped templateMaskedImage convolved with psfMatchingKernel) + backgroundModel)
701  Parameters
702  ----------
703  templateMaskedImage : `lsst.afw.image.MaskedImage`
704  MaskedImage to PSF-match to ``scienceMaskedImage``
705  scienceMaskedImage : `lsst.afw.image.MaskedImage`
706  Reference MaskedImage
707  templateFwhmPix : `float`
708  FWHM (in pixels) of the Psf in the template image (image to convolve)
709  scienceFwhmPix : `float`
710  FWHM (in pixels) of the Psf in the science image
711  candidateList : `list`, optional
712  A list of footprints/maskedImages for kernel candidates;
713  if `None` then source detection is run.
715  - Currently supported: list of Footprints or measAlg.PsfCandidateF
717  Returns
718  -------
719  results : `lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
720  An `lsst.pipe.base.Struct` containing these fields:
722  - ``subtractedMaskedImage`` : ``scienceMaskedImage`` - (matchedImage + backgroundModel)
723  - ``matchedImage`` : templateMaskedImage convolved with psfMatchingKernel
724  - `psfMatchingKernel`` : PSF matching kernel
725  - ``backgroundModel`` : differential background model
726  - ``kernelCellSet`` : SpatialCellSet used to determine PSF matching kernel
728  """
729  if not candidateList:
730  raise RuntimeError("Candidate list must be populated by makeCandidateList")
732  results = self.matchMaskedImages(
733  templateMaskedImage=templateMaskedImage,
734  scienceMaskedImage=scienceMaskedImage,
735  candidateList=candidateList,
736  templateFwhmPix=templateFwhmPix,
737  scienceFwhmPix=scienceFwhmPix,
738  )
740  subtractedMaskedImage = afwImage.MaskedImageF(scienceMaskedImage, True)
741  subtractedMaskedImage -= results.matchedImage
742  subtractedMaskedImage -= results.backgroundModel
743  results.subtractedMaskedImage = subtractedMaskedImage
745  import lsstDebug
746  display = lsstDebug.Info(__name__).display
747  displayDiffIm = lsstDebug.Info(__name__).displayDiffIm
748  maskTransparency = lsstDebug.Info(__name__).maskTransparency
749  if not maskTransparency:
750  maskTransparency = 0
751  if display:
752  afwDisplay.setDefaultMaskTransparency(maskTransparency)
753  if display and displayDiffIm:
754  disp = afwDisplay.Display(frame=lsstDebug.frame)
755  disp.mtv(subtractedMaskedImage, title="Subtracted masked image")
756  lsstDebug.frame += 1
758  return results

Member Data Documentation

◆ background


Definition at line 327 of file

◆ ConfigClass

lsst.ip.diffim.snapPsfMatch.SnapPsfMatchTask.ConfigClass = SnapPsfMatchConfig

Definition at line 299 of file

◆ hMat


Definition at line 661 of file

◆ kConfig


Definition at line 323 of file

◆ selectAlgMetadata


Definition at line 330 of file

◆ selectSchema


Definition at line 329 of file

◆ useRegularization


Definition at line 656 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: