LSSTApplications  15.0+21,16.0+1,16.0+10,16.0+3,16.0+4,16.0-1-g2115a9e+4,16.0-1-g4515a79+8,16.0-1-g7bb14cc,16.0-1-g80120d7+6,16.0-1-g98efed3+6,16.0-1-gb7f560d+3,16.0-18-g7a076d417,16.0-2-g2ed7261+3,16.0-2-g311bfd2,16.0-2-g568a347+5,16.0-2-g7adb079,16.0-2-gd4c87cb+5,16.0-3-g099ede0,16.0-3-g150e024+5,16.0-3-g1f513a6+2,16.0-3-g958ce35,16.0-3-gc6a11d1,16.0-4-g84f75fb+7,16.0-4-gcfd1396+6,16.0-4-gde8cee2,16.0-5-g7bc0afb+5,16.0-5-g81851deb,16.0-5-g82b7855+1,16.0-5-gd32631f,16.0-5-gf14cb0b,16.0-6-g2dd73041+6,16.0-6-gcf12234+1,16.0-7-g95fb7bf+2,16.0-7-gc37dbc2+6,w.2018.28
Namespaces | Functions File Reference

This file contains utility function implementations. More...

#include "lsst/sphgeom/utils.h"
#include <cmath>
#include "lsst/sphgeom/UnitVector3d.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


 A base class for image defects.


double lsst::sphgeom::getMinSquaredChordLength (Vector3d const &v, Vector3d const &a, Vector3d const &b, Vector3d const &n)
 Let p be the unit vector closest to v that lies on the plane with normal n in the direction of the cross product of a and b. More...
double lsst::sphgeom::getMaxSquaredChordLength (Vector3d const &v, Vector3d const &a, Vector3d const &b, Vector3d const &n)
 Let p be the unit vector furthest from v that lies on the plane with normal n in the direction of the cross product of a and b. More...
Vector3d lsst::sphgeom::getWeightedCentroid (UnitVector3d const &v0, UnitVector3d const &v1, UnitVector3d const &v2)
 getWeightedCentroid returns the center of mass of the given spherical triangle (assuming a uniform mass distribution over the triangle surface), weighted by the triangle area. More...

Detailed Description

This file contains utility function implementations.

Definition in file