LSSTApplications  19.0.0-14-gb0260a2+72efe9b372,20.0.0+7927753e06,20.0.0+8829bf0056,20.0.0+995114c5d2,20.0.0+b6f4b2abd1,20.0.0+bddc4f4cbe,20.0.0-1-g253301a+8829bf0056,20.0.0-1-g2b7511a+0d71a2d77f,20.0.0-1-g5b95a8c+7461dd0434,20.0.0-12-g321c96ea+23efe4bbff,20.0.0-16-gfab17e72e+fdf35455f6,20.0.0-2-g0070d88+ba3ffc8f0b,20.0.0-2-g4dae9ad+ee58a624b3,20.0.0-2-g61b8584+5d3db074ba,20.0.0-2-gb780d76+d529cf1a41,20.0.0-2-ged6426c+226a441f5f,20.0.0-2-gf072044+8829bf0056,20.0.0-2-gf1f7952+ee58a624b3,20.0.0-20-geae50cf+e37fec0aee,20.0.0-25-g3dcad98+544a109665,20.0.0-25-g5eafb0f+ee58a624b3,20.0.0-27-g64178ef+f1f297b00a,20.0.0-3-g4cc78c6+e0676b0dc8,20.0.0-3-g8f21e14+4fd2c12c9a,20.0.0-3-gbd60e8c+187b78b4b8,20.0.0-3-gbecbe05+48431fa087,20.0.0-38-ge4adf513+a12e1f8e37,20.0.0-4-g97dc21a+544a109665,20.0.0-4-gb4befbc+087873070b,20.0.0-4-gf910f65+5d3db074ba,20.0.0-5-gdfe0fee+199202a608,20.0.0-5-gfbfe500+d529cf1a41,20.0.0-6-g64f541c+d529cf1a41,20.0.0-6-g9a5b7a1+a1cd37312e,20.0.0-68-ga3f3dda+5fca18c6a4,20.0.0-9-g4aef684+e18322736b,w.2020.45
Classes | Namespaces | Typedefs | Functions
Extent.h File Reference
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include "lsst/pex/exceptions.h"
#include "lsst/geom/CoordinateExpr.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  lsst::geom::ExtentBase< T, N >
class  lsst::geom::Extent< T, N >
 A coordinate class intended to represent offsets and dimensions. More...
class  lsst::geom::Extent< T, 2 >
 A coordinate class intended to represent offsets and dimensions (2-d specialization). More...
class  lsst::geom::Extent< T, 3 >
 A coordinate class intended to represent offsets and dimensions (3-d specialization). More...
struct  std::hash< lsst::geom::Extent< T, N > >


 A base class for image defects.
 STL namespace.


typedef Extent< int, 2 > lsst::geom::ExtentI
typedef Extent< int, 2 > lsst::geom::Extent2I
typedef Extent< int, 3 > lsst::geom::Extent3I
typedef Extent< double, 2 > lsst::geom::ExtentD
typedef Extent< double, 2 > lsst::geom::Extent2D
typedef Extent< double, 3 > lsst::geom::Extent3D


template<int N>
double lsst::geom::detail::computeExtentNorm (Extent< double, N > const &s)
template<int N>
int lsst::geom::detail::computeExtentNorm (Extent< int, N > const &s)
template<typename T , int N>
std::size_t lsst::geom::hash_value (Extent< T, N > const &extent) noexcept
template<int N>
Extent< int, N > lsst::geom::truncate (Extent< double, N > const &input) noexcept
 Return the component-wise truncation (round towards zero). More...
template<int N>
Extent< int, N > lsst::geom::floor (Extent< double, N > const &input) noexcept
 Return the component-wise floor (round towards more negative). More...
template<int N>
Extent< int, N > lsst::geom::ceil (Extent< double, N > const &input) noexcept
 Return the component-wise ceil (round towards more positive). More...
template<typename T , int N>
Extent< T, N > lsst::geom::operator* (T scalar, ExtentBase< T, N > const &rhs) noexcept(ExtentBase< T, N >::IS_ELEMENT_NOTHROW_COPYABLE)
template<int N>
Extent< double, N > lsst::geom::operator* (ExtentBase< int, N > const &lhs, double rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
void lsst::geom::operator*= (ExtentBase< int, N > &lhs, double rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
Extent< double, N > lsst::geom::operator/ (ExtentBase< int, N > const &lhs, double rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
void lsst::geom::operator/= (ExtentBase< int, N > &lhs, double rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
Extent< double, N > lsst::geom::operator* (double lhs, ExtentBase< int, N > const &rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
Extent< double, N > lsst::geom::operator+ (Extent< double, N > const &lhs, Extent< int, N > const &rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
Extent< double, N > & lsst::geom::operator+= (Extent< double, N > &lhs, Extent< int, N > const &rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
Extent< double, N > lsst::geom::operator- (Extent< double, N > const &lhs, Extent< int, N > const &rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
Extent< double, N > & lsst::geom::operator-= (Extent< double, N > &lhs, Extent< int, N > const &rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
Extent< double, N > lsst::geom::operator+ (Extent< int, N > const &lhs, Extent< double, N > const &rhs) noexcept
template<int N>
Extent< double, N > lsst::geom::operator- (Extent< int, N > const &lhs, Extent< double, N > const &rhs) noexcept