LSST Applications 27.0.0,g0265f82a02+469cd937ee,g02d81e74bb+21ad69e7e1,g1470d8bcf6+cbe83ee85a,g2079a07aa2+e67c6346a6,g212a7c68fe+04a9158687,g2305ad1205+94392ce272,g295015adf3+81dd352a9d,g2bbee38e9b+469cd937ee,g337abbeb29+469cd937ee,g3939d97d7f+72a9f7b576,g487adcacf7+71499e7cba,g50ff169b8f+5929b3527e,g52b1c1532d+a6fc98d2e7,g591dd9f2cf+df404f777f,g5a732f18d5+be83d3ecdb,g64a986408d+21ad69e7e1,g858d7b2824+21ad69e7e1,g8a8a8dda67+a6fc98d2e7,g99cad8db69+f62e5b0af5,g9ddcbc5298+d4bad12328,ga1e77700b3+9c366c4306,ga8c6da7877+71e4819109,gb0e22166c9+25ba2f69a1,gb6a65358fc+469cd937ee,gbb8dafda3b+69d3c0e320,gc07e1c2157+a98bf949bb,gc120e1dc64+615ec43309,gc28159a63d+469cd937ee,gcf0d15dbbd+72a9f7b576,gdaeeff99f8+a38ce5ea23,ge6526c86ff+3a7c1ac5f1,ge79ae78c31+469cd937ee,gee10cc3b42+a6fc98d2e7,gf1cff7945b+21ad69e7e1,gfbcc870c63+9a11dc8c8f
LSST Data Management Base Package
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1# This file is part of meas_extensions_piff.
3# Developed for the LSST Data Management System.
4# This product includes software developed by the LSST Project
5# (
6# See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution
7# for details of code ownership.
9# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12# (at your option) any later version.
14# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17# GNU General Public License for more details.
19# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20# along with this program. If not, see <>.
22__all__ = ["PiffPsfDeterminerConfig", "PiffPsfDeterminerTask"]
24import numpy as np
25import piff
26import galsim
27import re
29from lsst.afw.cameraGeom import PIXELS, FIELD_ANGLE
30import lsst.pex.config as pexConfig
31import lsst.meas.algorithms as measAlg
32from lsst.meas.algorithms.psfDeterminer import BasePsfDeterminerTask
33from .piffPsf import PiffPsf
34from .wcs_wrapper import CelestialWcsWrapper, UVWcsWrapper
37def _validateGalsimInterpolant(name: str) -> bool:
38 """A helper function to validate the GalSim interpolant at config time.
40 Parameters
41 ----------
42 name : str
43 The name of the interpolant to use from GalSim. Valid options are:
44 galsim.Lanczos(N) or Lancsos(N), where N is a positive integer
45 galsim.Linear
46 galsim.Cubic
47 galsim.Quintic
48 galsim.Delta
49 galsim.Nearest
50 galsim.SincInterpolant
52 Returns
53 -------
54 is_valid : bool
55 Whether the provided interpolant name is valid.
56 """
57 # First, check if ``name`` is a valid Lanczos interpolant.
58 for pattern in (re.compile(r"Lanczos\‍(\d+\‍)"), re.compile(r"galsim.Lanczos\‍(\d+\‍)"),):
59 match = re.match(pattern, name) # Search from the start of the string.
60 if match is not None:
61 # Check that the pattern is also the end of the string.
62 return match.end() == len(name)
64 # If not, check if ``name`` is any other valid GalSim interpolant.
65 names = {f"galsim.{interp}" for interp in
66 ("Cubic", "Delta", "Linear", "Nearest", "Quintic", "SincInterpolant")
67 }
68 return name in names
71class PiffPsfDeterminerConfig(BasePsfDeterminerTask.ConfigClass):
72 spatialOrder = pexConfig.Field[int](
73 doc="specify spatial order for PSF kernel creation",
74 default=2,
75 )
76 samplingSize = pexConfig.Field[float](
77 doc="Resolution of the internal PSF model relative to the pixel size; "
78 "e.g. 0.5 is equal to 2x oversampling",
79 default=1,
80 )
81 outlierNSigma = pexConfig.Field[float](
82 doc="n sigma for chisq outlier rejection",
83 default=4.0
84 )
85 outlierMaxRemove = pexConfig.Field[float](
86 doc="Max fraction of stars to remove as outliers each iteration",
87 default=0.05
88 )
89 maxSNR = pexConfig.Field[float](
90 doc="Rescale the weight of bright stars such that their SNR is less "
91 "than this value.",
92 default=200.0
93 )
94 zeroWeightMaskBits = pexConfig.ListField[str](
95 doc="List of mask bits for which to set pixel weights to zero.",
96 default=['BAD', 'CR', 'INTRP', 'SAT', 'SUSPECT', 'NO_DATA']
97 )
98 minimumUnmaskedFraction = pexConfig.Field[float](
99 doc="Minimum fraction of unmasked pixels required to use star.",
100 default=0.5
101 )
102 interpolant = pexConfig.Field[str](
103 doc="GalSim interpolant name for Piff to use. "
104 "Options include 'Lanczos(N)', where N is an integer, along with "
105 "galsim.Cubic, galsim.Delta, galsim.Linear, galsim.Nearest, "
106 "galsim.Quintic, and galsim.SincInterpolant.",
107 check=_validateGalsimInterpolant,
108 default="Lanczos(11)",
109 )
110 debugStarData = pexConfig.Field[bool](
111 doc="Include star images used for fitting in PSF model object.",
112 default=False
113 )
114 useCoordinates = pexConfig.ChoiceField[str](
115 doc="Which spatial coordinates to regress against in PSF modeling.",
116 allowed=dict(
117 pixel='Regress against pixel coordinates',
118 field='Regress against field angles',
119 sky='Regress against RA/Dec'
120 ),
121 default='pixel'
122 )
124 def setDefaults(self):
125 super().setDefaults()
126 # stampSize should be at least 25 so that
127 # i) aperture flux with 12 pixel radius can be compared to PSF flux.
128 # ii) fake sources injected to match the 12 pixel aperture flux get
129 # measured correctly
130 self.stampSize = 25
133def getGoodPixels(maskedImage, zeroWeightMaskBits):
134 """Compute an index array indicating good pixels to use.
136 Parameters
137 ----------
138 maskedImage : `afw.image.MaskedImage`
139 PSF candidate postage stamp
140 zeroWeightMaskBits : `List[str]`
141 List of mask bits for which to set pixel weights to zero.
143 Returns
144 -------
145 good : `ndarray`
146 Index array indicating good pixels.
147 """
148 imArr = maskedImage.image.array
149 varArr = maskedImage.variance.array
150 bitmask = maskedImage.mask.getPlaneBitMask(zeroWeightMaskBits)
151 good = (
152 (varArr != 0)
153 & (np.isfinite(varArr))
154 & (np.isfinite(imArr))
155 & ((maskedImage.mask.array & bitmask) == 0)
156 )
157 return good
160def computeWeight(maskedImage, maxSNR, good):
161 """Derive a weight map without Poisson variance component due to signal.
163 Parameters
164 ----------
165 maskedImage : `afw.image.MaskedImage`
166 PSF candidate postage stamp
167 maxSNR : `float`
168 Maximum SNR applying variance floor.
169 good : `ndarray`
170 Index array indicating good pixels.
172 Returns
173 -------
174 weightArr : `ndarry`
175 Array to use for weight.
177 See Also
178 --------
179 `lsst.meas.algorithms.variance_plance.remove_signal_from_variance` :
180 Remove the Poisson contribution from sources in the variance plane of
181 an Exposure.
182 """
183 imArr = maskedImage.image.array
184 varArr = maskedImage.variance.array
186 # Fit a straight line to variance vs (sky-subtracted) signal.
187 # The evaluate that line at zero signal to get an estimate of the
188 # signal-free variance.
189 fit = np.polyfit(imArr[good], varArr[good], deg=1)
190 # fit is [1/gain, sky_var]
191 weightArr = np.zeros_like(imArr, dtype=float)
192 weightArr[good] = 1./fit[1]
194 applyMaxSNR(imArr, weightArr, good, maxSNR)
195 return weightArr
198def applyMaxSNR(imArr, weightArr, good, maxSNR):
199 """Rescale weight of bright stars to cap the computed SNR.
201 Parameters
202 ----------
203 imArr : `ndarray`
204 Signal (image) array of stamp.
205 weightArr : `ndarray`
206 Weight map array. May be rescaled in place.
207 good : `ndarray`
208 Index array of pixels to use when computing SNR.
209 maxSNR : `float`
210 Threshold for adjusting variance plane implementing maximum SNR.
211 """
212 # We define the SNR value following Piff. Here's the comment from that
213 # code base explaining the calculation.
214 #
215 # The S/N value that we use will be the weighted total flux where the
216 # weight function is the star's profile itself. This is the maximum S/N
217 # value that any flux measurement can possibly produce, which will be
218 # closer to an in-practice S/N than using all the pixels equally.
219 #
220 # F = Sum_i w_i I_i^2
221 # var(F) = Sum_i w_i^2 I_i^2 var(I_i)
222 # = Sum_i w_i I_i^2 <--- Assumes var(I_i) = 1/w_i
223 #
224 # S/N = F / sqrt(var(F))
225 #
226 # Note that if the image is pure noise, this will produce a "signal" of
227 #
228 # F_noise = Sum_i w_i 1/w_i = Npix
229 #
230 # So for a more accurate estimate of the S/N of the actual star itself, one
231 # should subtract off Npix from the measured F.
232 #
233 # The final formula then is:
234 #
235 # F = Sum_i w_i I_i^2
236 # S/N = (F-Npix) / sqrt(F)
237 F = np.sum(weightArr[good]*imArr[good]**2, dtype=float)
238 Npix = np.sum(good)
239 SNR = 0.0 if F < Npix else (F-Npix)/np.sqrt(F)
240 # rescale weight of bright stars. Essentially makes an error floor.
241 if SNR > maxSNR:
242 factor = (maxSNR / SNR)**2
243 weightArr[good] *= factor
246def _computeWeightAlternative(maskedImage, maxSNR):
247 """Alternative algorithm for creating weight map.
249 This version is equivalent to that used by Piff internally. The weight map
250 it produces tends to leave a residual when removing the Poisson component
251 due to the signal. We leave it here as a reference, but without intending
252 that it be used (or be maintained).
253 """
254 imArr = maskedImage.image.array
255 varArr = maskedImage.variance.array
256 good = (varArr != 0) & np.isfinite(varArr) & np.isfinite(imArr)
258 fit = np.polyfit(imArr[good], varArr[good], deg=1)
259 # fit is [1/gain, sky_var]
260 gain = 1./fit[0]
261 varArr[good] -= imArr[good] / gain
262 weightArr = np.zeros_like(imArr, dtype=float)
263 weightArr[good] = 1./varArr[good]
265 applyMaxSNR(imArr, weightArr, good, maxSNR)
266 return weightArr
270 """A measurePsfTask PSF estimator using Piff as the implementation.
271 """
272 ConfigClass = PiffPsfDeterminerConfig
273 _DefaultName = "psfDeterminer.Piff"
276 self, exposure, psfCandidateList, metadata=None, flagKey=None
277 ):
278 """Determine a Piff PSF model for an exposure given a list of PSF
279 candidates.
281 Parameters
282 ----------
283 exposure : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
284 Exposure containing the PSF candidates.
285 psfCandidateList : `list` of `lsst.meas.algorithms.PsfCandidate`
286 A sequence of PSF candidates typically obtained by detecting sources
287 and then running them through a star selector.
288 metadata : `lsst.daf.base import PropertyList` or `None`, optional
289 A home for interesting tidbits of information.
290 flagKey : `str` or `None`, optional
291 Schema key used to mark sources actually used in PSF determination.
293 Returns
294 -------
295 psf : `lsst.meas.extensions.piff.PiffPsf`
296 The measured PSF model.
297 psfCellSet : `None`
298 Unused by this PsfDeterminer.
299 """
300 psfCandidateList = self.downsampleCandidates(psfCandidateList)
302 if self.config.stampSize:
303 stampSize = self.config.stampSize
304 if stampSize > psfCandidateList[0].getWidth():
305 self.log.warning("stampSize is larger than the PSF candidate size. Using candidate size.")
306 stampSize = psfCandidateList[0].getWidth()
307 else: # TODO: Only the if block should stay after DM-36311
308 self.log.debug("stampSize not set. Using candidate size.")
309 stampSize = psfCandidateList[0].getWidth()
311 scale = exposure.getWcs().getPixelScale().asArcseconds()
312 match self.config.useCoordinates:
313 case 'field':
314 detector = exposure.getDetector()
315 pix_to_field = detector.getTransform(PIXELS, FIELD_ANGLE)
316 gswcs = UVWcsWrapper(pix_to_field)
317 pointing = None
318 case 'sky':
319 gswcs = CelestialWcsWrapper(exposure.getWcs())
320 skyOrigin = exposure.getWcs().getSkyOrigin()
321 ra = skyOrigin.getLongitude().asDegrees()
322 dec = skyOrigin.getLatitude().asDegrees()
323 pointing = galsim.CelestialCoord(
324 ra*galsim.degrees,
325 dec*galsim.degrees
326 )
327 case 'pixel':
328 gswcs = galsim.PixelScale(scale)
329 pointing = None
331 stars = []
332 for candidate in psfCandidateList:
333 cmi = candidate.getMaskedImage(stampSize, stampSize)
334 good = getGoodPixels(cmi, self.config.zeroWeightMaskBits)
335 fracGood = np.sum(good)/good.size
336 if fracGood < self.config.minimumUnmaskedFraction:
337 continue
338 weight = computeWeight(cmi, self.config.maxSNR, good)
340 bbox = cmi.getBBox()
341 bds = galsim.BoundsI(
342 galsim.PositionI(*bbox.getMin()),
343 galsim.PositionI(*bbox.getMax())
344 )
345 gsImage = galsim.Image(bds, wcs=gswcs, dtype=float)
346 gsImage.array[:] = cmi.image.array
347 gsWeight = galsim.Image(bds, wcs=gswcs, dtype=float)
348 gsWeight.array[:] = weight
350 source = candidate.getSource()
351 image_pos = galsim.PositionD(source.getX(), source.getY())
353 data = piff.StarData(
354 gsImage,
355 image_pos,
356 weight=gsWeight,
357 pointing=pointing
358 )
359 stars.append(piff.Star(data, None))
361 piffConfig = {
362 'type': "Simple",
363 'model': {
364 'type': 'PixelGrid',
365 'scale': scale * self.config.samplingSize,
366 'size': stampSize,
367 'interp': self.config.interpolant
368 },
369 'interp': {
370 'type': 'BasisPolynomial',
371 'order': self.config.spatialOrder
372 },
373 'outliers': {
374 'type': 'Chisq',
375 'nsigma': self.config.outlierNSigma,
376 'max_remove': self.config.outlierMaxRemove
377 }
378 }
380 piffResult = piff.PSF.process(piffConfig)
381 wcs = {0: gswcs}
383, wcs, pointing, logger=self.log)
384 drawSize = 2*np.floor(0.5*stampSize/self.config.samplingSize) + 1
386 used_image_pos = [s.image_pos for s in piffResult.stars]
387 if flagKey:
388 for candidate in psfCandidateList:
389 source = candidate.getSource()
390 posd = galsim.PositionD(source.getX(), source.getY())
391 if posd in used_image_pos:
392 source.set(flagKey, True)
394 if metadata is not None:
395 metadata["spatialFitChi2"] = piffResult.chisq
396 metadata["numAvailStars"] = len(stars)
397 metadata["numGoodStars"] = len(piffResult.stars)
398 metadata["avgX"] = np.mean([p.x for p in piffResult.stars])
399 metadata["avgY"] = np.mean([p.y for p in piffResult.stars])
401 if not self.config.debugStarData:
402 for star in piffResult.stars:
403 # Remove large data objects from the stars
404 del
405 del
406 del
407 del
408 del
409 del
410 del
412 return PiffPsf(drawSize, drawSize, piffResult), None
415measAlg.psfDeterminerRegistry.register("piff", PiffPsfDeterminerTask)
determinePsf(self, exposure, psfCandidateList, metadata=None, flagKey=None)
getGoodPixels(maskedImage, zeroWeightMaskBits)
applyMaxSNR(imArr, weightArr, good, maxSNR)