LSSTApplications  10.0-2-g4f67435,11.0.rc2+1,11.0.rc2+12,11.0.rc2+3,11.0.rc2+4,11.0.rc2+5,11.0.rc2+6,11.0.rc2+7,11.0.rc2+8
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #
2 # @file
3 #
4 # Extra builders and methods to be injected into the SConsEnvironment class.
5 ##
7 from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
8 import os
9 import re
10 import fnmatch
12 import SCons.Script
13 from SCons.Script.SConscript import SConsEnvironment
15 from .utils import memberOf
16 from .installation import determineVersion, getFingerprint
17 from . import state
19 ## @brief Like SharedLibrary, but don't insist that all symbols are resolved
20 @memberOf(SConsEnvironment)
21 def SharedLibraryIncomplete(self, target, source, **keywords):
22  myenv = self.Clone()
23  if myenv['PLATFORM'] == 'darwin':
24  myenv['SHLINKFLAGS'] += ["-undefined", "suppress", "-flat_namespace", "-headerpad_max_install_names"]
25  return myenv.SharedLibrary(target, source, **keywords)
27 ## @brief Like LoadableModule, but don't insist that all symbols are resolved, and set
28 ## some SWIG-specific flags.
29 @memberOf(SConsEnvironment)
30 def SwigLoadableModule(self, target, source, **keywords):
31  myenv = self.Clone()
32  if myenv['PLATFORM'] == 'darwin':
33  myenv.Append(LDMODULEFLAGS = ["-undefined", "suppress", "-flat_namespace", "-headerpad_max_install_names"])
34  #
35  # Swig-generated .cc files cast pointers to long longs and back,
36  # which is illegal. This flag tells g++ about the sin
37  #
38  try:
39  if myenv.whichCc == "gcc":
40  myenv.Append(CCFLAGS = ["-fno-strict-aliasing",])
41  except AttributeError:
42  pass
43  return myenv.LoadableModule(target, source, **keywords)
45 #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
47 ##
48 # @brief Prepare the list of files to be passed to a SharedLibrary constructor
49 #
50 # In particular, ensure that any files listed in env.NoOptFiles (set by the command line option
51 # noOptFile="file1 file2") are built without optimisation and files listed in env.optFiles are
52 # built with optimisation
53 #
54 # The usage pattern in an SConscript file is:
55 # ccFiles = env.SourcesForSharedLibrary(Glob("../src/*/*.cc"))
56 # env.SharedLibrary('afw', ccFiles, LIBS=env.getLibs("self")))
57 #
58 # This is automatically used by scripts.BasicSConscript.lib().
59 ##
60 @memberOf(SConsEnvironment)
61 def SourcesForSharedLibrary(self, files):
63  files = [SCons.Script.File(file) for file in files]
65  if not (self.get("optFiles") or self.get("noOptFiles")):
66  files.sort()
67  return files
69  if self.get("optFiles"):
70  optFiles = self["optFiles"].replace(".", r"\.") # it'll be used in an RE
71  optFiles = SCons.Script.Split(optFiles.replace(",", " "))
72  optFilesRe = "/(%s)$" % "|".join(optFiles)
73  else:
74  optFilesRe = None
76  if self.get("noOptFiles"):
77  noOptFiles = self["noOptFiles"].replace(".", r"\.") # it'll be used in an RE
78  noOptFiles = SCons.Script.Split(noOptFiles.replace(",", " "))
79  noOptFilesRe = "/(%s)$" % "|".join(noOptFiles)
80  else:
81  noOptFilesRe = None
83  if self.get("opt"):
84  opt = int(self["opt"])
85  else:
86  opt = 0
88  if opt == 0:
89  opt = 3
91  CCFLAGS_OPT = re.sub(r"-O(\d|s)\s*", "-O%d " % opt, " ".join(self["CCFLAGS"]))
92  CCFLAGS_NOOPT = re.sub(r"-O(\d|s)\s*", "-O0 ", " ".join(self["CCFLAGS"])) # remove -O flags from CCFLAGS
94  sources = []
95  for ccFile in files:
96  if optFilesRe and, ccFile.abspath):
97  self.SharedObject(ccFile, CCFLAGS=CCFLAGS_OPT)
98  ccFile = os.path.splitext(ccFile.abspath)[0] + self["SHOBJSUFFIX"]
99  elif noOptFilesRe and, ccFile.abspath):
100  self.SharedObject(ccFile, CCFLAGS=CCFLAGS_NOOPT)
101  ccFile = os.path.splitext(ccFile.abspath)[0] + self["SHOBJSUFFIX"]
103  sources.append(ccFile)
105  sources.sort()
106  return sources
108 #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
110 ##
111 # @brief Return a list of files that need to be scanned for tags, starting at directory root
112 #
113 # These tags are for advanced Emacs users, and should not be confused with SVN tags or Doxygen tags.
114 #
115 # Files are chosen if they match fileRegex; toplevel directories in list ignoreDirs are ignored
116 # This routine won't do anything unless you specified a "TAGS" target
117 ##
118 def filesToTag(root=None, fileRegex=None, ignoreDirs=None):
119  if root is None: root = "."
120  if fileRegex is None: fileRegex = r"^[a-zA-Z0-9_].*\.(cc|h(pp)?|py)$"
121  if ignoreDirs is None: ignoreDirs = ["examples", "tests"]
123  if "TAGS" not in SCons.Script.COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS:
124  return []
126  files = []
127  for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root):
128  if dirpath == ".":
129  dirnames[:] = [d for d in dirnames if not"^(%s)$" % "|".join(ignoreDirs), d)]
131  dirnames[:] = [d for d in dirnames if not"^(\.svn)$", d)] # ignore .svn tree
132  #
133  # List of possible files to tag, but there's some cleanup required for machine-generated files
134  #
135  candidates = [f for f in filenames if, f)]
136  #
137  # Remove files generated by swig
138  #
139  for swigFile in [f for f in filenames if"\.i$", f)]:
140  name = os.path.splitext(swigFile)[0]
141  candidates = [f for f in candidates if not"%s(_wrap\.cc?|\.py)$" % name, f)]
143  files += [os.path.join(dirpath, f) for f in candidates]
145  return files
147 ##
148 # @brief Build Emacs tags (see man etags for more information).
149 #
150 # Files are chosen if they match fileRegex; toplevel directories in list ignoreDirs are ignored
151 # This routine won't do anything unless you specified a "TAGS" target
152 ##
153 @memberOf(SConsEnvironment)
154 def BuildETags(env, root=None, fileRegex=None, ignoreDirs=None):
155  toTag = filesToTag(root, fileRegex, ignoreDirs)
156  if toTag:
157  return env.Command("TAGS", toTag, "etags -o $TARGET $SOURCES")
159 #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
161 ##
162 # @brief Remove files matching the argument list starting at dir
163 # when scons is invoked with -c/--clean and no explicit targets are listed
164 #
165 # E.g. CleanTree(r"*~ core")
166 #
167 # If recurse is True, recursively descend the file system; if
168 # verbose is True, print each filename after deleting it
169 ##
170 @memberOf(SConsEnvironment)
171 def CleanTree(self, files, dir=".", recurse=True, verbose=False):
172  #
173  # Generate command that we may want to execute
174  #
175  files_expr = ""
176  for file in SCons.Script.Split(files):
177  if files_expr:
178  files_expr += " -o "
180  files_expr += "-name %s" % re.sub(r"(^|[^\\])([[*])", r"\1\\\2",file) # quote unquoted * and []
181  #
182  # don't use xargs --- who knows what needs quoting?
183  #
184  action = "find %s" % dir
185  action += r" \( -name .svn -prune -o -name \* \) "
186  if not recurse:
187  action += " ! -name . -prune"
189  file_action = "rm -f"
191  action += r" \( %s \) -exec %s {} \;" % \
192  (files_expr, file_action)
194  if verbose:
195  action += " -print"
196  #
197  # Clean up scons files --- users want to be able to say scons -c and get a clean copy
198  # We can't delete .sconsign.dblite if we use "scons clean" instead of "scons --clean",
199  # so the former is no longer supported.
200  #
201  action += " ; rm -rf .sconf_temp .sconsign.dblite .sconsign.tmp config.log"
202  #
203  # Do we actually want to clean up? We don't if the command is e.g. "scons -c install"
204  #
205  if "clean" in SCons.Script.COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS:
206"'scons clean' is no longer supported; please use 'scons --clean'.")
207  elif not SCons.Script.COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS and self.GetOption("clean"):
208  self.Execute(self.Action([action]))
209 #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
211 ## @brief Return a product's PRODUCT_DIR, or None
212 @memberOf(SConsEnvironment)
213 def ProductDir(env, product):
214  from . import eupsForScons
215  global _productDirs
216  try:
217  _productDirs
218  except:
219  try:
220  _productDirs = eupsForScons.productDir(eupsenv=eupsForScons.getEups())
221  except TypeError: # old version of eups (pre r18588)
222  _productDirs = None
223  if _productDirs:
224  pdir = _productDirs.get(product)
225  else:
226  pdir = eupsForScons.productDir(product)
227  if pdir == "none":
228  pdir = None
229  return pdir
231 #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
233 ##
234 # @brief A callable to be used as an SCons Action to run Doxygen.
235 #
236 # This should only be used by the env.Doxygen pseudo-builder method.
237 #
238 class DoxygenBuilder(object):
240  def __init__(self, **kw):
241  self.__dict__.update(kw)
242  self.results = []
243  self.sources = []
244  self.targets = []
245  self.useTags = list(SCons.Script.File(item).abspath for item in self.useTags)
246  self.inputs = list(SCons.Script.Entry(item).abspath for item in self.inputs)
247  self.excludes = list(SCons.Script.Entry(item).abspath for item in self.excludes)
248  self.outputPaths = list(SCons.Script.Dir(item) for item in self.outputs)
250  def __call__(self, env, config):
251  self.findSources()
252  self.findTargets()
253  inConfigNode = SCons.Script.File(config)
254  outConfigName, ext = os.path.splitext(inConfigNode.abspath)
255  outConfigNode = SCons.Script.File(outConfigName)
256  if self.makeTag:
257  tagNode = SCons.Script.File(self.makeTag)
258  self.makeTag = tagNode.abspath
259  self.targets.append(tagNode)
260  config = env.Command(target=outConfigNode, source=inConfigNode if os.path.exists(config) else None,
261  action=self.buildConfig)
262  env.AlwaysBuild(config)
263  doc = env.Command(target=self.targets, source=self.sources,
264  action="doxygen %s" % outConfigNode.abspath)
265  for path in self.outputPaths:
266  env.Clean(doc, path)
267  env.Depends(doc, config)
268  self.results.extend(config)
269  self.results.extend(doc)
270  return self.results
272  def findSources(self):
273  for path in self.inputs:
274  if os.path.isdir(path):
275  for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
276  if os.path.abspath(root) in self.excludes:
277  dirs[:] = []
278  continue
279  if not self.recursive:
280  dirs[:] = []
281  else:
282  toKeep = []
283  for relDir in dirs:
284  if relDir.startswith("."):
285  continue
286  absDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, relDir))
287  if absDir not in self.excludes:
288  toKeep.append(relDir)
289  dirs[:] = toKeep
290  if self.excludeSwig:
291  for relFile in files:
292  base, ext = os.path.splitext(relFile)
293  if ext == ".i":
294  self.excludes.append(os.path.join(root, base + ".py"))
295  self.excludes.append(os.path.join(root, base + ""))
296  for relFile in files:
297  absFile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, relFile))
298  if absFile in self.excludes:
299  continue
300  for pattern in self.patterns:
301  if fnmatch.fnmatch(relFile, pattern):
302  self.sources.append(SCons.Script.File(absFile))
303  break
304  elif os.path.isfile(path):
305  self.sources.append(SCons.Script.File(path))
307  def findTargets(self):
308  for item in self.outputs:
309  self.targets.append(SCons.Script.Dir(item))
311  def buildConfig(self, target, source, env):
312  outConfigFile = open(target[0].abspath, "w")
313  for tagPath in self.useTags:
314  docDir, tagFile = os.path.split(tagPath)
315  htmlDir = os.path.join(docDir, "html")
316  outConfigFile.write('TAGFILES += "%s=%s"\n' % (tagPath, htmlDir))
317  self.sources.append(SCons.Script.Dir(docDir))
318  docPaths = []
319  incFiles = []
320  for incPath in self.includes:
321  docDir, incFile = os.path.split(incPath)
322  docPaths.append('"%s"' % docDir)
323  incFiles.append('"%s"' % incFile)
324  self.sources.append(SCons.Script.File(incPath))
325  if docPaths:
326  outConfigFile.write('@INCLUDE_PATH = %s\n' % " ".join(docPaths))
327  for incFile in incFiles:
328  outConfigFile.write('@INCLUDE = %s\n' % incFile)
329  if self.projectName is not None:
330  outConfigFile.write("PROJECT_NAME = %s\n" % self.projectName)
331  if self.projectNumber is not None:
332  outConfigFile.write("PROJECT_NUMBER = %s\n" % self.projectNumber)
333  outConfigFile.write("INPUT = %s\n" % " ".join(self.inputs))
334  outConfigFile.write("EXCLUDE = %s\n" % " ".join(self.excludes))
335  outConfigFile.write("FILE_PATTERNS = %s\n" % " ".join(self.patterns))
336  outConfigFile.write("RECURSIVE = YES\n" if self.recursive else "RECURSIVE = NO\n")
337  allOutputs = set(("html", "latex", "man", "rtf", "xml"))
338  for output, path in zip(self.outputs, self.outputPaths):
339  try:
340  allOutputs.remove(output.lower())
341  except:
342"Unknown Doxygen output format '%s'." % output)
343  state.log.finish()
344  outConfigFile.write("GENERATE_%s = YES\n" % output.upper())
345  outConfigFile.write("%s_OUTPUT = %s\n" % (output.upper(), path.abspath))
346  for output in allOutputs:
347  outConfigFile.write("GENERATE_%s = NO\n" % output.upper())
348  if self.makeTag is not None:
349  outConfigFile.write("GENERATE_TAGFILE = %s\n" % self.makeTag)
350  #
351  # Append the local overrides (usually
352  #
353  if len(source) > 0:
354  with open(source[0].abspath, "r") as inConfigFile:
355  outConfigFile.write(
357  outConfigFile.close()
359 ##
360 # @brief Generate a Doxygen config file and run Doxygen on it.
361 #
362 # Rather than parse a complete Doxygen config file for SCons sources
363 # and targets, this Doxygen builder builds a Doxygen config file,
365 # GENERATE_XX options (and possibly others) to an existing
366 # proto-config file. Generated settings will override those in
367 # the proto-config file.
368 #
369 # @param config A Doxygen config file, usually with the
370 # extension; a new file with the .in
371 # removed will be generated and passed to
372 # Doxygen. Settings in the original config
373 # file will be overridden by those generated
374 # by this method.
375 # @param inputs A sequence of folders or files to be passed
376 # as the INPUT setting for Doxygen. This list
377 # will be turned into absolute paths by SCons,
378 # so the "#folder" syntax will work.
379 # Otherwise, the list is passed in as-is, but
380 # the builder will also examine those
381 # directories to find which source files the
382 # Doxygen output actually depends on.
383 # @param patterns A sequence of glob patterns for the
384 # FILE_PATTERNS Doxygen setting. This will be
385 # passed directly to Doxygen, but it is also
386 # used to determine which source files should
387 # be considered dependencies.
388 # @param recursive Whether the inputs should be searched
389 # recursively (used for the Doxygen RECURSIVE
390 # setting).
391 # @param outputs A sequence of output formats which will also
392 # be used as output directories.
393 # @param exclude A sequence of folders or files (not globs)
394 # to be ignored by Doxygen (the Doxygen
395 # EXCLUDE setting). Hidden directories are
396 # automatically ignored.
397 # @param includes A sequence of Doxygen config files to
398 # include. These will automatically be
399 # separated into paths and files to fill in
400 # the \@INCLUDE_PATH and \@INCLUDE settings.
401 # @param useTags A sequence of Doxygen tag files to use. It
402 # will be assumed that the html directory for
403 # each tag file is in an "html" subdirectory
404 # in the same directory as the tag file.
405 # @param makeTag A string indicating the name of a tag file
406 # to be generated.
407 # @param projectName Sets the Doxygen PROJECT_NAME setting.
408 # @param projectNumber Sets the Doxygen PROJECT_NUMBER setting.
409 # @param excludeSwig If True (default), looks for SWIG .i files
410 # in the input directories and adds Python
411 # and C++ files generated by SWIG to the
412 # list of files to exclude. For this to work,
413 # the SWIG-generated filenames must be the
414 # default ones ("module.i" generates ""
415 # and "").
416 #
417 # @note When building documentation from a clean source tree,
418 # generated source files (like headers generated with M4)
419 # will not be included among the dependencies, because
420 # they aren't present when we walk the input folders.
421 # The workaround is just to build the docs after building
422 # the source.
423 ##
424 @memberOf(SConsEnvironment)
425 def Doxygen(self, config, **kw):
426  inputs = [d for d in ["#doc", "#include", "#python", "#src"]
427  if os.path.exists(SCons.Script.Entry(d).abspath)]
428  defaults = {
429  "inputs": inputs,
430  "recursive": True,
431  "patterns": ["*.h", "*.cc", "*.py", "*.dox"],
432  "outputs": ["html",],
433  "excludes": [],
434  "includes": [],
435  "useTags": [],
436  "makeTag": None,
437  "projectName": None,
438  "projectNumber": None,
439  "excludeSwig": True
440  }
441  for k in defaults:
442  if kw.get(k) is None:
443  kw[k] = defaults[k]
444  builder = DoxygenBuilder(**kw)
445  return builder(self, config)
447 @memberOf(SConsEnvironment)
448 def VersionModule(self, filename, versionString=None):
449  if versionString is None:
450  for n in ("git", "hg", "svn",):
451  if os.path.isdir(".%s" % n):
452  versionString = n
454  if not versionString:
455  versionString = "git"
457  def calcMd5(filename):
458  try:
459  import hashlib
460  md5 = hashlib.md5("\n".join(open(filename).readlines())).hexdigest()
461  except IOError:
462  md5 = None
464  return md5
466  oldMd5 = calcMd5(filename)
468  def makeVersionModule(target, source, env):
469  try:
470  version = determineVersion(state.env, versionString)
471  except RuntimeError:
472  version = "unknown"
473  parts = version.split("+")
475  names = []
476  with open(target[0].abspath, "w") as outFile:
477  outFile.write("#--------- This file is automatically generated by LSST's sconsUtils ---------#\n")
479  what = "__version__"
480  outFile.write("%s = '%s'\n" % (what, version))
481  names.append(what)
483  what = "__repo_version__"
484  outFile.write("%s = '%s'\n" % (what, parts[0]))
485  names.append(what)
487  what = "__repo_version__"
488  outFile.write("%s = '%s'\n" % (what, parts[0]))
489  names.append(what)
491  what = "__fingerprint__"
492  outFile.write("%s = '%s'\n" % (what, getFingerprint(versionString)))
493  names.append(what)
495  try:
496  info = tuple(int(v) for v in parts[0].split("."))
497  what = "__version_info__"
498  names.append(what)
499  outFile.write("%s = %r\n" % (what, info))
500  except ValueError:
501  pass
503  if len(parts) > 1:
504  try:
505  what = "__rebuild_version__"
506  outFile.write("%s = %s\n" % (what, int(parts[1])))
507  names.append(what)
508  except ValueError:
509  pass
511  what = "__dependency_versions__"
512  names.append(what)
513  outFile.write("%s = {\n" % (what))
514  for name, mod in env.dependencies.packages.items():
515  if mod is None:
516  outFile.write(" '%s': None,\n" % name)
517  elif hasattr(mod.config, "version"):
518  outFile.write(" '%s': '%s',\n" % (name, mod.config.version))
519  else:
520  outFile.write(" '%s': 'unknown',\n" % name)
521  outFile.write("}\n")
523  outFile.write("__all__ = %r\n" % (tuple(names),))
525  if calcMd5(target[0].abspath) != oldMd5: # only print if something's changed
526"makeVersionModule([\"%s\"], [])" % str(target[0]))
528  result = self.Command(filename, [], self.Action(makeVersionModule, strfunction=lambda *args: None))
530  self.AlwaysBuild(result)
531  return result
def getFingerprint
Return a unique fingerprint for a version (e.g.
def memberOf
A Python decorator that injects functions into a class.
def filesToTag
Return a list of files that need to be scanned for tags, starting at directory root.
def CleanTree
Remove files matching the argument list starting at dir when scons is invoked with -c/–clean and no e...
def ProductDir
Return a product's PRODUCT_DIR, or None.
def determineVersion
Set a version ID from env, or a version control ID string ($name$ or $HeadURL$)
def Doxygen
Generate a Doxygen config file and run Doxygen on it.
def SharedLibraryIncomplete
Like SharedLibrary, but don't insist that all symbols are resolved.
def BuildETags
Build Emacs tags (see man etags for more information).
def SwigLoadableModule
Like LoadableModule, but don't insist that all symbols are resolved, and set some SWIG-specific flags...
def SourcesForSharedLibrary
Prepare the list of files to be passed to a SharedLibrary constructor.
A callable to be used as an SCons Action to run Doxygen.