LSSTApplications  10.0-2-g4f67435,11.0.rc2+1,11.0.rc2+12,11.0.rc2+3,11.0.rc2+4,11.0.rc2+5,11.0.rc2+6,11.0.rc2+7,11.0.rc2+8
Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Private Member Functions | List of all members
lsst.afw.cameraGeom.fitsUtils.DetectorBuilder Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for lsst.afw.cameraGeom.fitsUtils.DetectorBuilder:

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def buildDetector
def makeCalib
def makeExposure

Public Attributes


Private Member Functions

def _sanitizeHeaderMetadata
def _defaultSanitization
def _makeDefaultAmpMap
def _makeDefaultDetectorMap
def _makeExt
def _makeBbox
def _getBboxX0
def _getBboxX1
def _getBboxY0
def _getBboxY1
def _makeRadialTransform

Detailed Description

Definition at line 85 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def lsst.afw.cameraGeom.fitsUtils.DetectorBuilder.__init__ (   self,
  inAmpCoords = True,
  plateScale = 1.,
  radialCoeffs = (0., 1.,
  clobberMetadata = False,
  doRaise = True 
@param[in] detectorFileName  FITS file containing the detector description. 
                         May use [] notation to specify an extension in an MEF.
    @param[in] ampFileNameList   List of FITS file names to use in building the amps.
                         May contain duplicate entries if the raw data are assembled.
    @param[in] inAmpCoords       Boolean, True if raw data are in amp coordinates, False if raw data
                         are assembled into pseudo detector pixel arrays
    @param[in] plateScale        Nominal platescale (arcsec/mm)
    @param[in] radialCoeffs      Radial distortion coefficients for a radial polynomial in normalized
    @param[in] clobberMetadata   Clobber metadata from input files if overridden in the _sanitizeMetadata method
    @param[in] doRaise           Raise exception if not all non-defaulted keywords are defined?  Default is True.

Definition at line 87 of file

88  radialCoeffs=(0., 1.), clobberMetadata=False, doRaise=True):
89  ''' @param[in] detectorFileName FITS file containing the detector description.
90  May use [] notation to specify an extension in an MEF.
91  @param[in] ampFileNameList List of FITS file names to use in building the amps.
92  May contain duplicate entries if the raw data are assembled.
93  @param[in] inAmpCoords Boolean, True if raw data are in amp coordinates, False if raw data
94  are assembled into pseudo detector pixel arrays
95  @param[in] plateScale Nominal platescale (arcsec/mm)
96  @param[in] radialCoeffs Radial distortion coefficients for a radial polynomial in normalized
97  units.
98  @param[in] clobberMetadata Clobber metadata from input files if overridden in the _sanitizeMetadata method
99  @param[in] doRaise Raise exception if not all non-defaulted keywords are defined? Default is True.
100  '''
101  self.inAmpCoords = inAmpCoords
104  self.detectorMetadata = afwImage.readMetadata(detectorFileName)
105  self._sanitizeHeaderMetadata(self.detectorMetadata, clobber=clobberMetadata)
106  self.ampMetadataList = []
107  self.detector = None
108  self.doRaise = doRaise
109  for fileName in ampFileNameList:
110  self.ampMetadataList.append(afwImage.readMetadata(fileName))
111  self._sanitizeHeaderMetadata(self.ampMetadataList[-1], clobber=clobberMetadata)
112  self.plateScale = plateScale
113  self.focalPlaneToPupil = self._makeRadialTransform(radialCoeffs)
boost::shared_ptr< daf::base::PropertySet > readMetadata(std::string const &fileName, int hdu=0, bool strip=false)
Return the metadata (header entries) from a FITS file.

Member Function Documentation

def lsst.afw.cameraGeom.fitsUtils.DetectorBuilder._defaultSanitization (   self,
Does the default sanitization of the header metadata.
   @param[in,out] metadata  Header metadata to extend/modify
   @param[in]     clobber   Override values in existing header cards?

Definition at line 123 of file

124  def _defaultSanitization(self, metadata, clobber):
125  """Does the default sanitization of the header metadata.
126  @param[in,out] metadata Header metadata to extend/modify
127  @param[in] clobber Override values in existing header cards?
128  """
130  if self.inAmpCoords:
131  #Deal with DTM to get flipX and flipY for assembly and add as 'FLIPX', 'FLIPY'
132  #The DTM array is a transformation matrix. As I understand it, it transforms between
133  #electronic and assembled coordintates. As such, a negative value in the DTM1_1 spot
134  #corresponds to a flip of the x-axis and a negative value in the DTM2_2 spot
135  #corresponds to a flip of the y-axis.
136  dtm1 = getByKey(metadata, 'DTM1_1')
137  dtm2 = getByKey(metadata, 'DTM2_2')
138  if dtm1 is not None and dtm2 is not None:
139  setByKey(metadata, 'FLIPX', dtm1 < 0, clobber)
140  setByKey(metadata, 'FLIPY', dtm2 < 0, clobber)
141  setByKey(metadata, 'RDCRNR', afwTable.LL, clobber)
142  else:
143  setByKey(metadata, 'FLIPX', False, clobber)
144  setByKey(metadata, 'FLIPY', True, clobber)
145  #I don't know how to figure out the read corner if already assembled
146  setByKey(metadata, 'RDCRNR', None, clobber)
148  #Deal with NAXIS1, NAXIS2 to make rawBBox as 'RAWBBOX'
149  xext = getByKey(metadata, 'NAXIS1')
150  yext = getByKey(metadata, 'NAXIS2')
151  if xext is not None and yext is not None:
152  setByKey(metadata, 'RAWBBOX', '[%i:%i,%i:%i]'%(1, xext, 1, yext), clobber)
153  #Deal with DTV1, DTV2 to make 'XYOFF
154  dtv1 = getByKey(metadata, 'DTV1')
155  dtv2 = getByKey(metadata, 'DTV2')
156  if dtv1 is not None and dtv2 is not None:
157  setByKey(metadata, 'XYOFF', [dtv1, dtv2], clobber)
158  #map biassec[1] to HOSCAN
159  #map biassec[3] to VOSCAN
160  #map biassec[2] to PRESCAN
161  if metadata.isArray('BIASSEC'):
162  keylist = ['HOSCAN', 'PRESCAN', 'VOSCAN']
163  biassecs = getByKey(metadata, 'BIASSEC')
164  for i, biassec in enumerate(biassecs):
165  setByKey(metadata, keylist[i], biassec, clobber)
166  else:
167  biassec = getByKey(metadata, 'BIASSEC')
168  if biassec is not None:
169  setByKey(metadata, 'HOSCAN', biassec, clobber)
def lsst.afw.cameraGeom.fitsUtils.DetectorBuilder._getBboxX0 (   self,

Definition at line 246 of file

247  def _getBboxX0(self, boxString):
248  return self._makeBbox(boxString).getMinX()
def lsst.afw.cameraGeom.fitsUtils.DetectorBuilder._getBboxX1 (   self,

Definition at line 249 of file

250  def _getBboxX1(self, boxString):
251  return self._makeBbox(boxString).getMaxX()
def lsst.afw.cameraGeom.fitsUtils.DetectorBuilder._getBboxY0 (   self,

Definition at line 252 of file

253  def _getBboxY0(self, boxString):
254  return self._makeBbox(boxString).getMinY()
def lsst.afw.cameraGeom.fitsUtils.DetectorBuilder._getBboxY1 (   self,

Definition at line 255 of file

256  def _getBboxY1(self, boxString):
257  return self._makeBbox(boxString).getMaxY()
def lsst.afw.cameraGeom.fitsUtils.DetectorBuilder._makeBbox (   self,
Helper funtion to make a bounding box from a string representing a FITS style bounding box
   @param[in] boxString  String describing the bounding box
   @return    Box2I for the bounding box

Definition at line 232 of file

233  def _makeBbox(self, boxString):
234  """Helper funtion to make a bounding box from a string representing a FITS style bounding box
235  @param[in] boxString String describing the bounding box
236  @return Box2I for the bounding box
237  """
238  #strip off brackets and split into parts
239  x1, x2, y1, y2 = [int(el) for el in re.split('[:,]', boxString.strip()[1:-1])]
240  box = afwGeom.BoxI(afwGeom.PointI(x1, y1), afwGeom.PointI(x2, y2))
241  #account for the difference between FITS convention and LSST convention for
242  #index of LLC.
243  box.shift(afwGeom.Extent2I(-1, -1))
244  return box
An integer coordinate rectangle.
Definition: Box.h:53
def lsst.afw.cameraGeom.fitsUtils.DetectorBuilder._makeDefaultAmpMap (   self)
Make the default map from header information to amplifier information
   @return  The HeaderAmpMap object containing the mapping

Definition at line 170 of file

171  def _makeDefaultAmpMap(self):
172  """Make the default map from header information to amplifier information
173  @return The HeaderAmpMap object containing the mapping
174  """
175  hMap = HeaderAmpMap()
176  emptyBBox = afwGeom.BoxI()
177  mapList = [('EXTNAME', 'setName'),
178  ('DETSEC', 'setBBox', None, self._makeBbox),
179  ('GAIN', 'setGain', 1.),
180  ('RDNOISE', 'setReadNoise', 0.),
181  ('SATURATE', 'setSaturation', 2<<15),
182  ('RDCRNR', 'setReadoutCorner', afwTable.LL),
183  ('LINCOEFF', 'setLinearityCoeffs', [0., 1.]),
184  ('LINTYPE', 'setLinearityType', 'POLY'),
185  ('RAWBBOX', 'setRawBBox', None, self._makeBbox),
186  ('DATASEC', 'setRawDataBBox', None, self._makeBbox),
187  ('FLIPX', 'setRawFlipX', False),
188  ('FLIPY', 'setRawFlipY', False),
189  ('XYOFF', 'setRawXYOffset', afwGeom.ExtentI(0,0), self._makeExt),
190  ('HOSCAN', 'setRawHorizontalOverscanBBox', emptyBBox, self._makeBbox),
191  ('VOSCAN', 'setRawVerticalOverscanBBox', emptyBBox, self._makeBbox),
192  ('PRESCAN', 'setRawPrescanBBox', emptyBBox, self._makeBbox),
193  ]
194  for tup in mapList:
195  hMap.addEntry(*tup)
196  return hMap
An integer coordinate rectangle.
Definition: Box.h:53
def lsst.afw.cameraGeom.fitsUtils.DetectorBuilder._makeDefaultDetectorMap (   self)
Make the default map from header information to detector information
   @return  The HeaderDetectorMap object containing the mapping

Definition at line 197 of file

198  def _makeDefaultDetectorMap(self):
199  """Make the default map from header information to detector information
200  @return The HeaderDetectorMap object containing the mapping
201  """
202  hMap = HeaderDetectorMap()
203  mapList = [('CCDNAME', 'name', 'ccdName'),
204  ('DETSIZE', 'bbox_x0', 0, self._getBboxX0),
205  ('DETSIZE', 'bbox_y0', 0, self._getBboxY0),
206  ('DETSIZE', 'bbox_x1', 0, self._getBboxX1),
207  ('DETSIZE', 'bbox_y1', 0, self._getBboxY1),
208  ('DETID', 'id', 0),
209  ('OBSTYPE', 'detectorType', afwCameraGeom.SCIENCE),
210  ('SERSTR', 'serial', 'none'),
211  ('XPOS', 'offset_x', 0.),
212  ('YPOS', 'offset_y', 0.),
213  ('XPIX', 'refpos_x', 0.),
214  ('YPIX', 'refpos_y', 0.),
215  ('YAWDEG', 'yawDeg', 0.),
216  ('PITCHDEG', 'pitchDeg', 0.),
217  ('ROLLDEG', 'rollDeg', 0.),
218  ('XPIXSIZE', 'pixelSize_x', 1.),
219  ('YPIXSIZE', 'pixelSize_y', 1.),
220  ('TRNSPOSE', 'transposeDetector', False),
221  ]
222  for tup in mapList:
223  hMap.addEntry(*tup)
224  return hMap
def lsst.afw.cameraGeom.fitsUtils.DetectorBuilder._makeExt (   self,
Helper function to make an extent from an array
   @param[in] extArr Length 2 array to use in creating the Extent object
   @return  Extent2I constructed from the input list

Definition at line 225 of file

226  def _makeExt(self, extArr):
227  """Helper function to make an extent from an array
228  @param[in] extArr Length 2 array to use in creating the Extent object
229  @return Extent2I constructed from the input list
230  """
231  return afwGeom.ExtentI(*extArr)
def lsst.afw.cameraGeom.fitsUtils.DetectorBuilder._makeRadialTransform (   self,
Helper function to get the radial transform given the radial polynomial coefficients given in
   the constructor.
   @param[in]  radialCoeffs  List of coefficients describing a polynomial radial distortion in
                     normalized units.
   @return     RadialXYTransform object describing the radial distortion

Definition at line 258 of file

259  def _makeRadialTransform(self, radialCoeffs):
260  """Helper function to get the radial transform given the radial polynomial coefficients given in
261  the constructor.
262  @param[in] radialCoeffs List of coefficients describing a polynomial radial distortion in
263  normalized units.
264  @return RadialXYTransform object describing the radial distortion
265  """
266  pScaleRad = afwGeom.arcsecToRad(self.plateScale)
267  return afwGeom.RadialXYTransform([el/pScaleRad for el in radialCoeffs])
A purely radial polynomial distortion, up to 6th order.
Definition: XYTransform.h:186
double arcsecToRad(double x)
Definition: Angle.h:41
def lsst.afw.cameraGeom.fitsUtils.DetectorBuilder._sanitizeHeaderMetadata (   self,
This method is called for all metadata and gives an opportunity to add/modify
   header information for use downstream.
   Override this method if more than the default is needed.
   @param[in, out] metadata  Metadata to read/modify
   @param[in]      clobber   Clobber keys that exist with default keys?

Definition at line 114 of file

115  def _sanitizeHeaderMetadata(self, metadata, clobber):
116  """This method is called for all metadata and gives an opportunity to add/modify
117  header information for use downstream.
118  Override this method if more than the default is needed.
119  @param[in, out] metadata Metadata to read/modify
120  @param[in] clobber Clobber keys that exist with default keys?
121  """
122  self._defaultSanitization(metadata, clobber)
def lsst.afw.cameraGeom.fitsUtils.DetectorBuilder.buildDetector (   self)
Take all the information and build a Detector object.  The Detector object is necessary for doing
things like assembly.
@return  Detector object

Definition at line 268 of file

269  def buildDetector(self):
270  """Take all the information and build a Detector object. The Detector object is necessary for doing
271  things like assembly.
272  @return Detector object
273  """
274  if self.detector is not None:
275  return self.detector
277  schema = afwTable.AmpInfoTable.makeMinimalSchema()
278  ampInfo = afwTable.AmpInfoCatalog(schema)
279  for ampMetadata in self.ampMetadataList:
280  record = ampInfo.addNew()
281  self.defaultAmpMap.setAttributes(record, ampMetadata, self.doRaise)
282  record.setHasRawInfo(True)
284  detConfig = afwCameraGeom.DetectorConfig()
285  self.defaultDetectorMap.setAttributes(detConfig, self.detectorMetadata, self.doRaise)
286  self.detector = afwCameraGeom.makeDetector(detConfig, ampInfo, self.focalPlaneToPupil,
287  self.plateScale)
288  return self.detector
A custom container class for records, based on std::vector.
Definition: Catalog.h:94
def lsst.afw.cameraGeom.fitsUtils.DetectorBuilder.makeCalib (   self)
PLaceholder for subclasses to implement construction of a calib to associate with the exposure.
@return empty afwImage.Calib object

Definition at line 289 of file

290  def makeCalib(self):
291  """PLaceholder for subclasses to implement construction of a calib to associate with the exposure.
292  @return empty afwImage.Calib object
293  """
294  return afwImage.Calib()
def lsst.afw.cameraGeom.fitsUtils.DetectorBuilder.makeExposure (   self,
  mask = None,
  variance = None 
Method for constructing an exposure object from an image and the information contained in this
   class to construct the Detector and Calib objects.
   @param[in]  im        Image used to construct the exposure
   @param[in]  mask      Optional mask plane as a <askU
   @param[in]  variance  Optional variance plance as an image of the same type as im
   @param[out] Exposure object

Definition at line 295 of file

296  def makeExposure(self, im, mask=None, variance=None):
297  """Method for constructing an exposure object from an image and the information contained in this
298  class to construct the Detector and Calib objects.
299  @param[in] im Image used to construct the exposure
300  @param[in] mask Optional mask plane as a <askU
301  @param[in] variance Optional variance plance as an image of the same type as im
302  @param[out] Exposure object
303  """
304  if mask is None:
305  mask = afwImage.MaskU(im.getDimensions())
306  if variance is None:
307  variance = im
308  mi = afwImage.makeMaskedImage(im, mask, variance)
309  detector = self.buildDetector()
312  calib = self.makeCalib()
313  exp = afwImage.makeExposure(mi, wcs)
314  exp.setCalib(calib)
315  exp.setDetector(detector)
316  return exp
MaskedImage< ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT > * makeMaskedImage(typename Image< ImagePixelT >::Ptr image, typename Mask< MaskPixelT >::Ptr mask=typename Mask< MaskPixelT >::Ptr(), typename Image< VariancePixelT >::Ptr variance=typename Image< VariancePixelT >::Ptr())
Definition: MaskedImage.h:1067
Wcs::Ptr makeWcs(coord::Coord const &crval, geom::Point2D const &crpix, double CD11, double CD12, double CD21, double CD22)
Create a Wcs object from crval, crpix, CD, using CD elements (useful from python) ...
Exposure< ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT >::Ptr makeExposure(MaskedImage< ImagePixelT, MaskPixelT, VariancePixelT > &mimage, boost::shared_ptr< Wcs const > wcs=boost::shared_ptr< Wcs const >())
Definition: Exposure.h:308

Member Data Documentation


Definition at line 105 of file


Definition at line 101 of file


Definition at line 102 of file


Definition at line 106 of file


Definition at line 103 of file


Definition at line 107 of file


Definition at line 112 of file


Definition at line 100 of file


Definition at line 111 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: