LSSTApplications  10.0-2-g4f67435,11.0.rc2+1,11.0.rc2+12,11.0.rc2+3,11.0.rc2+4,11.0.rc2+5,11.0.rc2+6,11.0.rc2+7,11.0.rc2+8
Public Types | Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | List of all members
lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord Class Reference

Geometry and electronic information about raw amplifier images. More...

#include <AmpInfo.h>

Inheritance diagram for lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord:
lsst.afw.table::BaseRecord lsst::daf::base::Citizen

Public Types

typedef AmpInfoTable Table
typedef ColumnViewT
< AmpInfoRecord
typedef CatalogT< AmpInfoRecordCatalog
typedef CatalogT
< AmpInfoRecord const > 
- Public Types inherited from lsst.afw.table::BaseRecord
typedef BaseTable Table
 The associated table class. More...
typedef BaseColumnView ColumnView
 The associated ColumnView class. More...
typedef CatalogT< BaseRecordCatalog
 Template of CatalogT used to hold records of this type. More...
typedef CatalogT< BaseRecord
const > 
 Template of CatalogT used to hold const records of this type. More...
- Public Types inherited from lsst::daf::base::Citizen
enum  { magicSentinel = 0xdeadbeef }
typedef unsigned long memId
 Type of the block's ID. More...
typedef memId(* memNewCallback )(const memId cid)
 A function used to register a callback. More...
typedef memId(* memCallback )(const Citizen *ptr)

Public Member Functions

< AmpInfoTable const > 
getTable () const
std::string getName () const
 Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema. More...
void setName (std::string const &name)
 name of amplifier location in camera More...
geom::Box2I getBBox () const
 Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema. More...
void setBBox (geom::Box2I const &bbox)
 bounding box of amplifier pixels in assembled image More...
double getGain () const
 Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema. More...
void setGain (double gain)
 amplifier gain in e-/ADU More...
double getReadNoise () const
 Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema. More...
void setReadNoise (double readNoise)
 amplifier read noise, in e- More...
int getSaturation () const
 Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema. More...
void setSaturation (int saturation)
 saturation value, in ADU More...
ReadoutCorner getReadoutCorner () const
 Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema. More...
void setReadoutCorner (ReadoutCorner val)
 set readout corner More...
std::vector< double > getLinearityCoeffs () const
 Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema. More...
void setLinearityCoeffs (std::vector< double > const &coeffs)
 vector of linearity coefficients More...
std::string getLinearityType () const
 Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema. More...
void setLinearityType (std::string const &type)
 name of linearity parameterization More...
bool getHasRawInfo () const
 Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema. More...
void setHasRawInfo (bool hasRawInfo)
 does this table have raw amplifier information? More...
geom::Box2I getRawBBox () const
 Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema. More...
void setRawBBox (geom::Box2I const &bbox)
 bounding box of all amplifier pixels on raw image More...
geom::Box2I getRawDataBBox () const
 Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema. More...
void setRawDataBBox (geom::Box2I const &bbox)
 bounding box of amplifier image pixels on raw image More...
bool getRawFlipX () const
 Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema. More...
void setRawFlipX (bool rawFlipX)
 flip row order to make assembled image? More...
bool getRawFlipY () const
 Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema. More...
void setRawFlipY (bool rawFlipY)
 flip column order to make an assembled image? More...
geom::Extent2I getRawXYOffset () const
 Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema. More...
void setRawXYOffset (geom::Extent2I const &xy)
 offset for assembling a raw CCD image: desired xy0 - raw xy0 More...
geom::Box2I getRawHorizontalOverscanBBox () const
 Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema. More...
void setRawHorizontalOverscanBBox (geom::Box2I const &bbox)
 bounding box of usable horizontal overscan pixels More...
geom::Box2I getRawVerticalOverscanBBox () const
 Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema. More...
void setRawVerticalOverscanBBox (geom::Box2I const &bbox)
 bounding box of usable vertical overscan pixels More...
geom::Box2I getRawPrescanBBox () const
 Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema. More...
void setRawPrescanBBox (geom::Box2I const &bbox)
 bounding box of usable (horizontal) prescan pixels on raw image More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from lsst.afw.table::BaseRecord
Schema getSchema () const
 Return the Schema that holds this record's fields and keys. More...
boost::shared_ptr< BaseTable
const > 
getTable () const
 Return the table this record is associated with. More...
template<typename T >
Field< T >::Element * getElement (Key< T > const &key)
 Return a pointer to the underlying elements of a field (non-const). More...
template<typename T >
Field< T >::Element const * getElement (Key< T > const &key) const
 Return a pointer to the underlying elements of a field (const). More...
template<typename T >
Field< T >::Reference operator[] (Key< T > const &key)
 Return a reference (or reference-like type) to the field's value. More...
template<typename T >
Field< T >::ConstReference operator[] (Key< T > const &key) const
 Return a const reference (or const-reference-like type) to the field's value. More...
template<typename T >
Field< T >::Value get (Key< T > const &key) const
 Return the value of a field for the given key. More...
template<typename T , typename U >
void set (Key< T > const &key, U const &value)
 Set value of a field for the given key. More...
template<typename T >
get (OutputFunctorKey< T > const &key) const
 Compute a calculated or aggregate field. More...
template<typename T , typename U >
void set (InputFunctorKey< T > const &key, U const &value)
 Set a calculated or aggregate field. More...
template<typename Ref >
Ref operator[] (ReferenceFunctorKey< Ref > const &key)
template<typename ConstRef >
ConstRef operator[] (ConstReferenceFunctorKey< ConstRef > const &key) const
void assign (BaseRecord const &other)
 Copy all field values from other to this, requiring that they have equal schemas. More...
void assign (BaseRecord const &other, SchemaMapper const &mapper)
 Copy field values from other to this, using a mapper. More...
ndarray::Manager::Ptr getManager () const
virtual ~BaseRecord ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from lsst::daf::base::Citizen
 Citizen (const std::type_info &)
 Citizen (Citizen const &)
 ~Citizen ()
Citizenoperator= (Citizen const &)
std::string repr () const
 Return a string representation of a Citizen. More...
void markPersistent (void)
 Mark a Citizen as persistent and not destroyed until process end. More...
memId getId () const
 Return the Citizen's ID. More...

Protected Member Functions

 AmpInfoRecord (boost::shared_ptr< AmpInfoTable > const &table)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from lsst.afw.table::BaseRecord
virtual void _assign (BaseRecord const &other)
 Called by assign() after transferring fields to allow subclass data members to be copied. More...
 BaseRecord (boost::shared_ptr< BaseTable > const &table)
 Construct a record with uninitialized data. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from lsst::daf::base::Citizen
static bool hasBeenCorrupted ()
 Check all allocated blocks for corruption. More...
static memId getNextMemId ()
 Return the memId of the next object to be allocated. More...
static int init ()
 Called once when the memory system is being initialised. More...
static int census (int, memId startingMemId=0)
 How many active Citizens are there? More...
static void census (std::ostream &stream, memId startingMemId=0)
 Print a list of all active Citizens to stream, sorted by ID. More...
static const std::vector
< const Citizen * > * 
census ()
 Return a (newly allocated) std::vector of active Citizens sorted by ID. More...
static memId setNewCallbackId (memId id)
 Call the NewCallback when block is allocated. More...
static memId setDeleteCallbackId (memId id)
 Call the current DeleteCallback when block is deleted. More...
static memNewCallback setNewCallback (memNewCallback func)
 Set the NewCallback function. More...
static memCallback setDeleteCallback (memCallback func)
 Set the DeleteCallback function. More...
static memCallback setCorruptionCallback (memCallback func)
 Set the CorruptionCallback function. More...

Detailed Description

Geometry and electronic information about raw amplifier images.

Here is a pictorial example showing the meaning of flipX and flipY:

CCD with 4 amps Desired assembled output Use these parameters

–x x– y | amp1 amp2 | | flipX flipY y y | amp1 False True | CCD image amp2 True True y y | amp3 False False | amp3 amp4 | | amp4 True False –x x– --------— x

  • All bounding boxes are parent boxes with respect to the raw image.
  • The overscan and underscan bounding boxes are regions containing USABLE data, NOT the entire underscan and overscan region. These bounding boxes should exclude areas with weird electronic artifacts. Each bounding box can be empty (0 extent) if the corresponding region is not used for data processing.
  • xyOffset is not used for instrument signature removal (ISR); it is intended for use by display utilities. It supports construction of a raw CCD image in the case that raw data is provided as individual amplifier images (which is uncommon):
    • Use 0,0 for cameras that supply raw data as a raw CCD image (most cameras)
    • Use nonzero for cameras that supply raw data as separate amplifier images with xy0=0,0 (LSST)
  • This design assumes assembled X is always +/- raw X, which we require for CCDs (so that bleed trails are always along the Y axis). If you must swap X/Y then add a doTranspose flag.

Definition at line 77 of file AmpInfo.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 82 of file AmpInfo.h.

Definition at line 81 of file AmpInfo.h.

Definition at line 83 of file AmpInfo.h.

Definition at line 80 of file AmpInfo.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::AmpInfoRecord ( boost::shared_ptr< AmpInfoTable > const &  table)

Member Function Documentation

geom::Box2I lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::getBBox ( ) const

Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema.

double lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::getGain ( ) const

Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema.

bool lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::getHasRawInfo ( ) const

Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema.

std::vector<double> lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::getLinearityCoeffs ( ) const

Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema.

std::string lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::getLinearityType ( ) const

Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema.

std::string lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::getName ( ) const

Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema.

geom::Box2I lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::getRawBBox ( ) const

Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema.

geom::Box2I lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::getRawDataBBox ( ) const

Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema.

bool lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::getRawFlipX ( ) const

Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema.

bool lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::getRawFlipY ( ) const

Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema.

geom::Box2I lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::getRawHorizontalOverscanBBox ( ) const

Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema.

geom::Box2I lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::getRawPrescanBBox ( ) const

Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema.

geom::Box2I lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::getRawVerticalOverscanBBox ( ) const

Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema.

geom::Extent2I lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::getRawXYOffset ( ) const

Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema.

double lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::getReadNoise ( ) const

Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema.

ReadoutCorner lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::getReadoutCorner ( ) const

Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema.

int lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::getSaturation ( ) const

Convenience accessors for the keys in the minimal reference schema.

boost::shared_ptr< AmpInfoTable const> lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::getTable ( ) const

Definition at line 85 of file AmpInfo.h.

85  {
86  return boost::static_pointer_cast<AmpInfoTable const>(BaseRecord::getTable());
87  }
boost::shared_ptr< BaseTable const > getTable() const
Return the table this record is associated with.
Definition: BaseRecord.h:51
void lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::setBBox ( geom::Box2I const &  bbox)

bounding box of amplifier pixels in assembled image

void lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::setGain ( double  gain)

amplifier gain in e-/ADU

void lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::setHasRawInfo ( bool  hasRawInfo)

does this table have raw amplifier information?

void lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::setLinearityCoeffs ( std::vector< double > const &  coeffs)

vector of linearity coefficients

void lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::setLinearityType ( std::string const &  type)

name of linearity parameterization

void lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::setName ( std::string const &  name)

name of amplifier location in camera

void lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::setRawBBox ( geom::Box2I const &  bbox)

bounding box of all amplifier pixels on raw image

void lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::setRawDataBBox ( geom::Box2I const &  bbox)

bounding box of amplifier image pixels on raw image

void lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::setRawFlipX ( bool  rawFlipX)

flip row order to make assembled image?

void lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::setRawFlipY ( bool  rawFlipY)

flip column order to make an assembled image?

void lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::setRawHorizontalOverscanBBox ( geom::Box2I const &  bbox)

bounding box of usable horizontal overscan pixels

void lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::setRawPrescanBBox ( geom::Box2I const &  bbox)

bounding box of usable (horizontal) prescan pixels on raw image

void lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::setRawVerticalOverscanBBox ( geom::Box2I const &  bbox)

bounding box of usable vertical overscan pixels

void lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::setRawXYOffset ( geom::Extent2I const &  xy)

offset for assembling a raw CCD image: desired xy0 - raw xy0

void lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::setReadNoise ( double  readNoise)

amplifier read noise, in e-

void lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::setReadoutCorner ( ReadoutCorner  val)

set readout corner

void lsst.afw.table::AmpInfoRecord::setSaturation ( int  saturation)

saturation value, in ADU

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: