LSSTApplications  10.0-2-g4f67435,11.0.rc2+1,11.0.rc2+12,11.0.rc2+3,11.0.rc2+4,11.0.rc2+5,11.0.rc2+6,11.0.rc2+7,11.0.rc2+8
Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | List of all members
lsst.geom.geometry.SphericalCircle Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for lsst.geom.geometry.SphericalCircle:

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def getBoundingBox
def getBoundingCircle
def getCenter
def getRadius
def isEmpty
def isFull
def contains
def intersects
def __repr__
def __eq__

Public Attributes


Detailed Description

A circle on the unit sphere. Points falling exactly on the
circle are considered to be inside (contained by) the circle.

Definition at line 766 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def lsst.geom.geometry.SphericalCircle.__init__ (   self,
Creates a new spherical circle with the given center and radius.

Definition at line 770 of file

771  def __init__(self, center, radius):
772  """Creates a new spherical circle with the given center and radius.
773  """
774 = sphericalCoords(center)
775  self.radius = float(radius)
776  self.boundingBox = None
777  if self.radius < 0.0 or self.radius > 180.0:
778  raise RuntimeError(
779  'Circle radius is negative or greater than 180 deg')
780 = (reduceTheta([0]),[1])

Member Function Documentation

def lsst.geom.geometry.SphericalCircle.__eq__ (   self,

Definition at line 919 of file

920  def __eq__(self, other):
921  if isinstance(other, SphericalCircle):
922  if self.isEmpty() and other.isEmpty():
923  return True
924  if self.radius == other.radius:
925  if[1] ==[1]:
926  if abs([1]) == 90.0:
927  return True
928  return[0] ==[0]
929  return False
def lsst.geom.geometry.SphericalCircle.__repr__ (   self)
Returns a string representation of this circle.

Definition at line 913 of file

914  def __repr__(self):
915  """Returns a string representation of this circle.
916  """
917  return ''.join([self.__class__.__name__ , '(', repr(,
918  ', ', repr(self.radius), ')'])
def lsst.geom.geometry.SphericalCircle.contains (   self,
Returns True if the specified point or spherical region is
completely contained in this circle. Note that the implementation
is conservative where ellipses are concerned: False may be returned
for an ellipse that is actually completely contained in this circle.

Definition at line 829 of file

830  def contains(self, pointOrRegion):
831  """Returns True if the specified point or spherical region is
832  completely contained in this circle. Note that the implementation
833  is conservative where ellipses are concerned: False may be returned
834  for an ellipse that is actually completely contained in this circle.
835  """
836  if self.isEmpty():
837  return False
838  pr = pointOrRegion
839  c =
840  r = self.radius
841  if isinstance(pr, SphericalBox):
842  if pr.isEmpty():
843  return False
844  minp = pr.getMin()
845  maxp = pr.getMax()
846  if (sphericalAngularSep(c, minp) > r or
847  sphericalAngularSep(c, maxp) > r or
848  sphericalAngularSep(c, (minp[0], maxp[1])) > r or
849  sphericalAngularSep(c, (maxp[0], minp[1])) > r):
850  return False
851  a = alpha(r, c[1], minp[1])
852  if a != None:
853  if (pr.containsPoint((c[0] + a, minp[1])) or
854  pr.containsPoint((c[0] - a, minp[1]))):
855  return False
856  a = alpha(r, c[1], maxp[1])
857  if a != None:
858  if (pr.containsPoint((c[0] + a, maxp[1])) or
859  pr.containsPoint((c[0] - a, maxp[1]))):
860  return False
861  return True
862  elif isinstance(pr, SphericalCircle):
863  if pr.isEmpty():
864  return False
865  return sphericalAngularSep(c, <= r - pr.radius
866  elif isinstance(pr, SphericalEllipse):
867  bc = pr.getBoundingCircle()
868  return sphericalAngularSep(c, <= r - bc.radius
869  elif isinstance(pr, SphericalConvexPolygon):
870  p = cartesianUnitVector(c)
871  for v in pr.getVertices():
872  if cartesianAngularSep(p, v) > r:
873  return False
874  return True
875  else:
876  return sphericalAngularSep(c, sphericalCoords(pr)) <= r
def lsst.geom.geometry.SphericalCircle.getBoundingBox (   self)
Returns a bounding box for this spherical circle.

Definition at line 781 of file

782  def getBoundingBox(self):
783  """Returns a bounding box for this spherical circle.
784  """
785  if self.boundingBox == None:
786  if self.isEmpty():
787  self.boundingBox = SphericalBox()
788  elif self.isFull():
789  self.boundingBox = SphericalBox()
790  self.boundingBox.setFull()
791  else:
792  alpha = maxAlpha(self.radius,[1])
793  minPhi = clampPhi([1] - self.radius)
794  maxPhi = clampPhi([1] + self.radius)
795  if alpha > 180.0 - ANGLE_EPSILON:
796  minTheta = 0.0
797  maxTheta = 360.0
798  else:
799  minTheta =[0] - alpha
800  maxTheta =[0] + alpha
801  self.boundingBox = SphericalBox((minTheta, minPhi),
802  (maxTheta, maxPhi))
803  return self.boundingBox
def lsst.geom.geometry.SphericalCircle.getBoundingCircle (   self)

Definition at line 804 of file

805  def getBoundingCircle(self):
806  return self
def lsst.geom.geometry.SphericalCircle.getCenter (   self)
Returns an (ra, dec) 2-tuple of floats corresponding to the
center of this circle.

Definition at line 807 of file

808  def getCenter(self):
809  """Returns an (ra, dec) 2-tuple of floats corresponding to the
810  center of this circle.
811  """
812  return
def lsst.geom.geometry.SphericalCircle.getRadius (   self)
Returns the radius (degrees) of this circle.

Definition at line 813 of file

814  def getRadius(self):
815  """Returns the radius (degrees) of this circle.
816  """
817  return self.radius
def lsst.geom.geometry.SphericalCircle.intersects (   self,
Returns True if the given point or spherical region intersects
this circle. Note that the implementation is conservative where
ellipses are concerned: True may be returned for an ellipse that
is actually disjoint from this circle.

Definition at line 877 of file

878  def intersects(self, pointOrRegion):
879  """Returns True if the given point or spherical region intersects
880  this circle. Note that the implementation is conservative where
881  ellipses are concerned: True may be returned for an ellipse that
882  is actually disjoint from this circle.
883  """
884  if self.isEmpty():
885  return False
886  pr = pointOrRegion
887  c =
888  r = self.radius
889  if isinstance(pr, SphericalBox):
890  if pr.isEmpty():
891  return False
892  elif pr.containsPoint(c):
893  return True
894  minp = pr.getMin()
895  maxp = pr.getMax()
896  if (minPhiEdgeSep(c, minp[1], minp[0], maxp[0]) <= r or
897  minPhiEdgeSep(c, maxp[1], minp[0], maxp[0]) <= r):
898  return True
899  p = cartesianUnitVector(c)
900  return (minThetaEdgeSep(p, minp[0], minp[1], maxp[1]) <= r or
901  minThetaEdgeSep(p, maxp[0], minp[1], maxp[1]) <= r)
902  elif isinstance(pr, SphericalCircle):
903  if pr.isEmpty():
904  return False
905  return sphericalAngularSep(c, <= r + pr.radius
906  elif isinstance(pr, SphericalEllipse):
907  bc = pr.getBoundingCircle()
908  return sphericalAngularSep(c, <= r + bc.radius
909  elif isinstance(pr, SphericalConvexPolygon):
910  return pr.intersects(self)
911  else:
912  return sphericalAngularSep(c, sphericalCoords(pr)) <= r
def lsst.geom.geometry.SphericalCircle.isEmpty (   self)
Returns True if this circle contains no points.

Definition at line 818 of file

819  def isEmpty(self):
820  """Returns True if this circle contains no points.
821  """
822  return self.radius < 0.0
def lsst.geom.geometry.SphericalCircle.isFull (   self)
Returns True if this spherical box contains every point
on the unit sphere.

Definition at line 823 of file

824  def isFull(self):
825  """Returns True if this spherical box contains every point
826  on the unit sphere.
827  """
828  return self.radius >= 180.0

Member Data Documentation


Definition at line 775 of file

Definition at line 773 of file


Definition at line 774 of file

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