LSSTApplications  10.0-2-g4f67435,11.0.rc2+1,11.0.rc2+12,11.0.rc2+3,11.0.rc2+4,11.0.rc2+5,11.0.rc2+6,11.0.rc2+7,11.0.rc2+8
Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Private Member Functions | List of all members
lsst.ip.diffim.kernelCandidateQa.KernelCandidateQa Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for lsst.ip.diffim.kernelCandidateQa.KernelCandidateQa:

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def makeMetricMap
def addToSchema
def apply
def aggregate

Public Attributes


Private Member Functions

def _calculateStats

Detailed Description

Definition at line 33 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def lsst.ip.diffim.kernelCandidateQa.KernelCandidateQa.__init__ (   self,
Class to undertake QA of KernelCandidates after modeling of
the Psf-matching kernel.  Both directly--fitted diffim (LOCAL)
and spatially--interpolated kernel diffim (SPATIAL) metrics
are calculated, based on the distribution of residuals in the
KernelCandidates stamp.

@param nKernelSpatial : Number of terms in the spatial model; needed to initialize per-basis QA arrays

Definition at line 35 of file

36  def __init__(self, nKernelSpatial):
37  """Class to undertake QA of KernelCandidates after modeling of
38  the Psf-matching kernel. Both directly--fitted diffim (LOCAL)
39  and spatially--interpolated kernel diffim (SPATIAL) metrics
40  are calculated, based on the distribution of residuals in the
41  KernelCandidates stamp.
43  @param nKernelSpatial : Number of terms in the spatial model; needed to initialize per-basis QA arrays
44  """
45  self.fields = []
46  self.fields.append(afwTable.Field["PointD"]("RegisterRefPosition",
47  "Position of reference object for registration (radians)."))
48  #TODO check units of the following angles
49  self.fields.append(afwTable.Field["Angle"]("RegisterResidualBearing",
50  "Angle of residual wrt declination parallel in radians"))
52  self.fields.append(afwTable.Field["Angle"]("RegisterResidualDistance",
53  "Offset of residual in radians"))
54  metricMap = self.makeMetricMap()
56  for kType in ("LOCAL", "SPATIAL"):
57  for k in metricMap:
58  commentAndUnit = metricMap[k]['comment']
59  self.fields.append(afwTable.Field[metricMap[k]['type']](k%(kType), *commentAndUnit))
61  self.fields.append(afwTable.Field["I"]("KCKernelStatus_LOCAL",
62  "Status of the KernelCandidate"))
64  self.fields.append(afwTable.Field["ArrayD"]("KernelCoeffValues_LOCAL",
65  "Original basis coefficients",
66  nKernelSpatial))
68  self.fields.append(afwTable.Field["F"]("BackgroundValue_LOCAL",
69  "Evaluation of background model at this point"))
71  self.fields.append(afwTable.Field["F"]("KCDiffimMseKernel_SPATIAL",
72  "Mean squared error of spatial kernel estimate"))
A description of a field in a table.
Definition: Field.h:22

Member Function Documentation

def lsst.ip.diffim.kernelCandidateQa.KernelCandidateQa._calculateStats (   self,
  dof = 0. 
Calculate the core QA statistics on a difference image

Definition at line 131 of file

132  def _calculateStats(self, di, dof=0.):
133  """Calculate the core QA statistics on a difference image"""
134  mask = di.getMask()
135  maskArr = di.getMask().getArray()
137  # Create a mask using BAD, SAT, NO_DATA, EDGE bits. Keep detections
138  maskArr &= mask.getPlaneBitMask(["BAD", "SAT", "NO_DATA", "EDGE"])
140  # Mask out values based on maskArr
141  diArr = ma.array(di.getImage().getArray(), mask=maskArr)
142  varArr = ma.array(di.getVariance().getArray(), mask=maskArr)
144  # Normalize by sqrt variance, units are in sigma
145  diArr /= np.sqrt(varArr)
146  mean = diArr.mean()
148  # This is the maximum-likelihood extimate of the variance stdev**2
149  stdev = diArr.std()
150  median = ma.extras.median(diArr)
152  # Compute IQR of just un-masked data
153  data = ma.getdata(diArr[~diArr.mask])
154  iqr = np.percentile(data, 75.) - np.percentile(data, 25.)
156  #Calculte chisquare of the residual
157  chisq=np.sum(np.power(data, 2.))
159  # Mean squared error: variance + bias**2
160  # Bias = |data - model| = mean of diffim
161  # Variance = |(data - model)**2| = mean of diffim**2
162  bias = mean
163  variance = np.power(data, 2.).mean()
164  mseResids = bias**2 + variance
166  # If scipy is not set up, return zero for the stats
167  try:
168  #In try block because of risk of divide by zero
169  rchisq=chisq/(len(data)-1-dof)
170  # K-S test on the diffim to a Normal distribution
171  import scipy.stats
172  D, prob = scipy.stats.kstest(data, 'norm')
174  A2, crit, sig = scipy.stats.anderson(data, 'norm')
175  # Anderson Darling statistic cand be inf for really non-Gaussian distributions.
176  if np.isinf(A2) or np.isnan(A2):
177  A2 = 9999.
178  except ZeroDivisionError:
179  D = 0.
180  prob = 0.
181  A2 = 0.
182  crit = np.zeros(5)
183  sig = np.zeros(5)
184  rchisq = 0
186  return {"mean": mean, "stdev": stdev, "median": median, "iqr": iqr,
187  "D": D, "prob": prob, "A2": A2, "crit": crit, "sig": sig,
188  "rchisq": rchisq, "mseResids": mseResids}
def lsst.ip.diffim.kernelCandidateQa.KernelCandidateQa.addToSchema (   self,
Add the to-be-generated QA keys to the Source schema

Definition at line 104 of file

105  def addToSchema(self, inSourceCatalog):
106  """Add the to-be-generated QA keys to the Source schema"""
107  schema = inSourceCatalog.getSchema()
108  inKeys = []
109  psfDef = inSourceCatalog.getPsfFluxDefinition()
110  centroidDef = inSourceCatalog.getCentroidDefinition()
111  shapeDef = inSourceCatalog.getShapeDefinition()
112  for n in schema.getNames():
113  inKeys.append(schema[n].asKey())
115  for field in self.fields:
116  schema.addField(field)
117  outSourceCatalog = afwTable.SourceCatalog(schema)
118  for source in inSourceCatalog:
119  rec = outSourceCatalog.addNew()
120  for k in inKeys:
121  if k.getTypeString() == 'Coord':
122  rec.setCoord(source.getCoord())
123  else:
124  setter = getattr(rec, "set"+k.getTypeString())
125  getter = getattr(source, "get"+k.getTypeString())
126  setter(k, getter(k))
127  outSourceCatalog.definePsfFlux(psfDef)
128  outSourceCatalog.defineCentroid(centroidDef)
129  outSourceCatalog.defineShape(shapeDef)
130  return outSourceCatalog
Custom catalog class for record/table subclasses that are guaranteed to have an ID, and should generally be sorted by that ID.
Definition: fwd.h:55
def lsst.ip.diffim.kernelCandidateQa.KernelCandidateQa.aggregate (   self,
  diaSources = None 
Generate aggregate metrics (e.g. total numbers of false
positives) from all the Sources in the sourceCatalog

Definition at line 285 of file

286  def aggregate(self, sourceCatalog, metadata, wcsresids, diaSources=None):
287  """Generate aggregate metrics (e.g. total numbers of false
288  positives) from all the Sources in the sourceCatalog"""
289  for source in sourceCatalog:
290  sourceId = source.getId()
291  if sourceId in wcsresids.keys():
292  #Note that the residuals are not delta RA, delta Dec
293  #From the source code "bearing (angle wrt a declination parallel) and distance
294  coord, resids = wcsresids[sourceId]
295  key = source.schema["RegisterResidualBearing"].asKey()
296  setter = getattr(source, "set"+key.getTypeString())
297  setter(key, resids[0])
298  key = source.schema["RegisterResidualDistance"].asKey()
299  setter = getattr(source, "set"+key.getTypeString())
300  setter(key, resids[1])
301  key = source.schema["RegisterRefPosition"].asKey()
302  setter = getattr(source, "set"+key.getTypeString())
303  setter(key, afwGeom.Point2D(coord.getRa().asRadians(),
304  coord.getDec().asRadians()))
305  if diaSources:
306  metadata.add("NFalsePositivesTotal", len(diaSources))
307  nRefMatch = 0
308  nSrcMatch = 0
309  nunmatched = 0
310  for source in diaSources:
311  refId = source.get("refMatchId")
312  srcId = source.get("srcMatchId")
313  if refId > 0:
314  nRefMatch += 1
315  if srcId > 0:
316  nSrcMatch += 1
317  if refId == 0 and srcId == 0:
318  nunmatched += 1
319  metadata.add("NFalsePositivesRefAssociated", nRefMatch)
320  metadata.add("NFalsePositivesSrcAssociated", nSrcMatch)
321  metadata.add("NFalsePositivesUnassociated", nunmatched)
322  for kType in ("LOCAL", "SPATIAL"):
323  for sName in ("KCDiffimMean", "KCDiffimMedian", "KCDiffimIQR", "KCDiffimStDev",
324  "KCDiffimKSProb", "KCDiffimADSig", "KCDiffimChiSq",
325  "KCDiffimMseResids", "KCDiffimMseKernel"):
326  if sName == "KCDiffimMseKernel" and kType == "LOCAL":
327  continue
328  kName = "%s_%s" % (sName, kType)
329  vals = np.array([s.get(kName) for s in sourceCatalog])
330  idx = np.isfinite(vals)
331  metadata.add("%s_MEAN" % (kName), np.mean(vals[idx]))
332  metadata.add("%s_MEDIAN" % (kName), np.median(vals[idx]))
333  metadata.add("%s_STDEV" % (kName), np.std(vals[idx]))
def lsst.ip.diffim.kernelCandidateQa.KernelCandidateQa.apply (   self,
  dof = 0 
Evaluate the QA metrics for all KernelCandidates in the
candidateList; set the values of the metrics in their
associated Sources

Definition at line 190 of file

191  def apply(self, candidateList, spatialKernel, spatialBackground, dof=0):
192  """Evaluate the QA metrics for all KernelCandidates in the
193  candidateList; set the values of the metrics in their
194  associated Sources"""
195  for kernelCandidate in candidateList:
196  source = kernelCandidate.getSource()
197  schema = source.schema
199  # Calculate ORIG stats (original basis fit)
200  if kernelCandidate.getStatus() != afwMath.SpatialCellCandidate.UNKNOWN:
201  kType = getattr(diffimLib.KernelCandidateF, "ORIG")
202  di = kernelCandidate.getDifferenceImage(kType)
203  kernelValues = kernelCandidate.getKernel(kType).getKernelParameters()
204  kernelValues = np.asarray(kernelValues)
206  lkim = kernelCandidate.getKernelImage(kType)
207  centx, centy = calcCentroid(lkim.getArray())
208  stdx, stdy = calcWidth(lkim.getArray(), centx, centy)
209  # NOTE
210  # What is the difference between kernelValues and solution?
212  localResults = self._calculateStats(di, dof=dof)
214  metrics = {"KCDiffimMean_LOCAL":localResults["mean"],
215  "KCDiffimMedian_LOCAL":localResults["median"],
216  "KCDiffimIQR_LOCAL":localResults["iqr"],
217  "KCDiffimStDev_LOCAL":localResults["stdev"],
218  "KCDiffimKSD_LOCAL":localResults["D"],
219  "KCDiffimKSProb_LOCAL":localResults["prob"],
220  "KCDiffimADA2_LOCAL":localResults["A2"],
221  "KCDiffimADCrit_LOCAL":localResults["crit"],
222  "KCDiffimADSig_LOCAL":localResults["sig"],
223  "KCDiffimChiSq_LOCAL":localResults["rchisq"],
224  "KCDiffimMseResids_LOCAL":localResults["mseResids"],
225  "KCKernelCentX_LOCAL":centx,
226  "KCKernelCentY_LOCAL":centy,
227  "KCKernelStdX_LOCAL":stdx,
228  "KCKernelStdY_LOCAL":stdy,
229  "KernelCandidateId_LOCAL":kernelCandidate.getId(),
230  "KernelCoeffValues_LOCAL":kernelValues}
231  for k in metrics.keys():
232  key = schema[k].asKey()
233  setter = getattr(source, "set"+key.getTypeString())
234  setter(key, metrics[k])
235  else:
236  try:
237  kType = getattr(diffimLib.KernelCandidateF, "ORIG")
238  lkim = kernelCandidate.getKernelImage(kType)
239  except Exception:
240  lkim = None
242  # Calculate spatial model evaluated at each position, for
243  # all candidates
244  skim = afwImage.ImageD(spatialKernel.getDimensions())
245  spatialKernel.computeImage(skim, False, kernelCandidate.getXCenter(),
246  kernelCandidate.getYCenter())
247  centx, centy = calcCentroid(skim.getArray())
248  stdx, stdy = calcWidth(skim.getArray(), centx, centy)
250  sk = afwMath.FixedKernel(skim)
251  sbg = spatialBackground(kernelCandidate.getXCenter(), kernelCandidate.getYCenter())
252  di = kernelCandidate.getDifferenceImage(sk, sbg)
253  spatialResults = self._calculateStats(di, dof=dof)
255  # Kernel mse
256  if lkim is not None:
257  skim -= lkim
258  bias = np.mean(skim.getArray())
259  variance = np.mean(np.power(skim.getArray(), 2.))
260  mseKernel = bias**2 + variance
261  else:
262  mseKernel = -99.999
264  metrics = {"KCDiffimMean_SPATIAL":spatialResults["mean"],
265  "KCDiffimMedian_SPATIAL":spatialResults["median"],
266  "KCDiffimIQR_SPATIAL":spatialResults["iqr"],
267  "KCDiffimStDev_SPATIAL":spatialResults["stdev"],
268  "KCDiffimKSD_SPATIAL":spatialResults["D"],
269  "KCDiffimKSProb_SPATIAL":spatialResults["prob"],
270  "KCDiffimADA2_SPATIAL":spatialResults["A2"],
271  "KCDiffimADCrit_SPATIAL":spatialResults["crit"],
272  "KCDiffimADSig_SPATIAL":spatialResults["sig"],
273  "KCDiffimChiSq_SPATIAL":spatialResults["rchisq"],
274  "KCDiffimMseResids_SPATIAL":spatialResults["mseResids"],
275  "KCDiffimMseKernel_SPATIAL":mseKernel,
276  "KCKernelCentX_SPATIAL":centx,
277  "KCKernelCentY_SPATIAL":centy,
278  "KCKernelStdX_SPATIAL":stdx,
279  "KCKernelStdY_SPATIAL":stdy,
280  "KernelCandidateId_SPATIAL":kernelCandidate.getId()}
281  for k in metrics.keys():
282  key = schema[k].asKey()
283  setter = getattr(source, "set"+key.getTypeString())
284  setter(key, metrics[k])
A kernel created from an Image.
Definition: Kernel.h:551
def lsst.ip.diffim.kernelCandidateQa.KernelCandidateQa.makeMetricMap (   self)

Definition at line 73 of file

74  def makeMetricMap(self):
75  nameList = ['KCDiffimMean_%s', 'KCDiffimMedian_%s', 'KCDiffimIQR_%s', 'KCDiffimStDev_%s',
76  'KCDiffimKSD_%s', 'KCDiffimKSProb_%s', 'KCDiffimADA2_%s', 'KCDiffimADCrit_%s',
77  'KCDiffimADSig_%s', 'KCDiffimChiSq_%s', 'KCDiffimMseResids_%s', 'KCKernelCentX_%s',
78  'KCKernelCentY_%s', 'KCKernelStdX_%s', 'KCKernelStdY_%s', 'KernelCandidateId_%s']
79  typeList = ['F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'ArrayD', 'ArrayD', 'F', 'F', 'F',
80  'F', 'F', 'F', 'I']
81  commentList = [("Mean of KernelCandidate diffim", "sigma"),
82  ("Median of KernelCandidate diffim", "sigma"),
83  ("Inner quartile range of KernelCandidate diffim", "sigma"),
84  ("Standard deviation of KernelCandidate diffim","sigma"),
85  ("D from K-S test of diffim pixels relative to Normal", ),
86  ("Prob from K-S test of diffim pixels relative to Normal", "likelihood"),
87  ("Anderson-Darling test statistic of diffim pixels relative to Normal", ),
88  ("Critical values for the significance levels in KCDiffimADSig. If A2 is greater "+\
89  "than this number, hypothesis that the distributions are similar can be rejected.", 5),
90  ("Anderson-Darling significance levels for the Normal distribution", 5),
91  ("Reduced chi^2 of the residual.", "likelihood"),
92  ("Mean squared error in diffim : Variance + Bias**2",),
93  ("Centroid in X for this Kernel", "pixels"),
94  ("Centroid in Y for this Kernel", "pixels"),
95  ("Standard deviation in X for this Kernel", "pixels"),
96  ("Standard deviation in Y for this Kernel", "pixels"),
97  ("Id for this KernelCandidate",)]
98  metricMap = {}
99  for name, mtype, comment in zip(nameList, typeList, commentList):
100  metricMap[name] = {'type':mtype, 'comment':comment}
102  return metricMap

Member Data Documentation


Definition at line 44 of file

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