LSSTApplications  10.0-2-g4f67435,11.0.rc2+1,11.0.rc2+12,11.0.rc2+3,11.0.rc2+4,11.0.rc2+5,11.0.rc2+6,11.0.rc2+7,11.0.rc2+8
Public Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
lsst::pex::logging::WrappedPrinterIter Class Reference

a wrapper PrinterIter class that hides the polymorphic (and possibly templatized) nature of an underlying PrinterIter subclass. More...

#include <PropertyPrinter.h>

Inheritance diagram for lsst::pex::logging::WrappedPrinterIter:

Public Member Functions

 WrappedPrinterIter (boost::shared_ptr< PrinterIter > iter)
virtual ~WrappedPrinterIter ()
virtual std::ostream & write (std::ostream *strm) const
virtual PrinterIteroperator++ ()
virtual PrinterIteroperator-- ()
virtual bool operator== (const PrinterIter &that) const
virtual bool operator!= (const PrinterIter &that) const
virtual bool notAtEnd () const
virtual bool notLTBegin () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from lsst::pex::logging::PrinterIter
virtual ~PrinterIter ()=0
const std::string operator* () const

Private Attributes

boost::shared_ptr< PrinterIter_it

Detailed Description

a wrapper PrinterIter class that hides the polymorphic (and possibly templatized) nature of an underlying PrinterIter subclass.

This is the iterator type available from the PropertyPrinter class.

Definition at line 186 of file PropertyPrinter.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

lsst::pex::logging::WrappedPrinterIter::WrappedPrinterIter ( boost::shared_ptr< PrinterIter iter)

Definition at line 188 of file PropertyPrinter.h.

188 : _it(iter) { }
int iter
boost::shared_ptr< PrinterIter > _it
virtual lsst::pex::logging::WrappedPrinterIter::~WrappedPrinterIter ( )

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool lsst::pex::logging::WrappedPrinterIter::notAtEnd ( ) const

return true if this iterator is not pointing just past the last value in the list.

Implements lsst::pex::logging::PrinterIter.

virtual bool lsst::pex::logging::WrappedPrinterIter::notLTBegin ( ) const

return true if this iterator is not pointing before the first value in the list. Thus, *this should return a legal string.

Implements lsst::pex::logging::PrinterIter.

virtual bool lsst::pex::logging::WrappedPrinterIter::operator!= ( const PrinterIter that) const

return true if this iterator is not pointing to the same value as another pointer. This method is not recommend for testing whether an iterator is past the beginning or end of the list; notAtEnd() and notLTBegin() are more efficient.

Implements lsst::pex::logging::PrinterIter.

virtual PrinterIter& lsst::pex::logging::WrappedPrinterIter::operator++ ( )

move the iterator forward one position

Implements lsst::pex::logging::PrinterIter.

virtual PrinterIter& lsst::pex::logging::WrappedPrinterIter::operator-- ( )

move the iterator backward one position

Implements lsst::pex::logging::PrinterIter.

virtual bool lsst::pex::logging::WrappedPrinterIter::operator== ( const PrinterIter that) const

return true if this iterator is pointing to the same value as another pointer. This method is not recommend for testing whether an iterator is past the beginning or end of the list; notAtEnd() and notLTBegin() are more efficient.

Implements lsst::pex::logging::PrinterIter.

virtual std::ostream& lsst::pex::logging::WrappedPrinterIter::write ( std::ostream *  strm) const

write the value pointed to by this iterator to the given stream

Implements lsst::pex::logging::PrinterIter.

Member Data Documentation

boost::shared_ptr<PrinterIter> lsst::pex::logging::WrappedPrinterIter::_it

Definition at line 198 of file PropertyPrinter.h.

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