LSSTApplications  10.0-2-g4f67435,11.0.rc2+1,11.0.rc2+12,11.0.rc2+3,11.0.rc2+4,11.0.rc2+5,11.0.rc2+6,11.0.rc2+7,11.0.rc2+8
Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
lsst.pipe.base.argumentParser.ArgumentParser Class Reference

An argument parser for pipeline tasks that is based on argparse.ArgumentParser. More...

Inheritance diagram for lsst.pipe.base.argumentParser.ArgumentParser:

Public Member Functions

def __init__
 Construct an ArgumentParser. More...
def add_id_argument
 Add a data ID argument. More...
def parse_args
 Parse arguments for a pipeline task. More...
def handleCamera
 Perform camera-specific operations before parsing the command line. More...
def convert_arg_line_to_args
 Allow files of arguments referenced by @<path> to contain multiple values on each line. More...

Private Member Functions

def _processDataIds
 Process the parsed data for each data ID argument. More...
def _applyInitialOverrides
 Apply obs-package-specific and camera-specific config override files, if found. More...

Private Attributes


Detailed Description

An argument parser for pipeline tasks that is based on argparse.ArgumentParser.

Users may wish to add additional arguments before calling parse_args.

  • I would prefer to check data ID keys and values as they are parsed, but the required information comes from the butler, so I have to construct a butler before I do this checking. Constructing a butler is slow, so I only want do it once, after parsing the command line, so as to catch syntax errors quickly.

Definition at line 196 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def lsst.pipe.base.argumentParser.ArgumentParser.__init__ (   self,
  usage = "%(prog)s input [options]",

Construct an ArgumentParser.

[in]namename of top-level task; used to identify camera-specific override files
[in]usageusage string
[in]**kwargsadditional keyword arguments for argparse.ArgumentParser

Definition at line 207 of file

208  def __init__(self, name, usage = "%(prog)s input [options]", **kwargs):
209  """!Construct an ArgumentParser
211  @param[in] name name of top-level task; used to identify camera-specific override files
212  @param[in] usage usage string
213  @param[in] **kwargs additional keyword arguments for argparse.ArgumentParser
214  """
215  self._name = name
216  self._dataIdArgDict = {} # Dict of data identifier specifications, by argument name
217  argparse.ArgumentParser.__init__(self,
218  usage = usage,
219  fromfile_prefix_chars = '@',
220  epilog = """Notes:
221 * --config, --configfile, --id, --loglevel and @file may appear multiple times;
222  all values are used, in order left to right
223 * @file reads command-line options from the specified file:
224  * data may be distributed among multiple lines (e.g. one option per line)
225  * data after # is treated as a comment and ignored
226  * blank lines and lines starting with # are ignored
227 * To specify multiple values for an option, do not use = after the option name:
228  * right: --configfile foo bar
229  * wrong: --configfile=foo bar
230 """,
231  formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
232  **kwargs)
233  self.add_argument("input",
234  help="path to input data repository, relative to $%s" % (DEFAULT_INPUT_NAME,))
235  self.add_argument("--calib",
236  help="path to input calibration repository, relative to $%s" % (DEFAULT_CALIB_NAME,))
237  self.add_argument("--output",
238  help="path to output data repository (need not exist), relative to $%s" % (DEFAULT_OUTPUT_NAME,))
239  self.add_argument("-c", "--config", nargs="*", action=ConfigValueAction,
240  help="config override(s), e.g. -c foo=newfoo bar.baz=3", metavar="NAME=VALUE")
241  self.add_argument("-C", "--configfile", dest="configfile", nargs="*", action=ConfigFileAction,
242  help="config override file(s)")
243  self.add_argument("-L", "--loglevel", nargs="*", action=LogLevelAction,
244  help="logging level; supported levels are [debug|warn|info|fatal] or an integer; "
245  "trace level is negative log level, e.g. use level -3 for trace level 3",
247  self.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="enable debugging output?")
248  self.add_argument("--doraise", action="store_true",
249  help="raise an exception on error (else log a message and continue)?")
250  self.add_argument("--profile", help="Dump cProfile statistics to filename")
251  self.add_argument("--logdest", help="logging destination")
252  self.add_argument("--show", nargs="+", default=(),
253  help="display the specified information to stdout and quit (unless run is specified).")
254  self.add_argument("-j", "--processes", type=int, default=1, help="Number of processes to use")
255  self.add_argument("-t", "--timeout", type=float,
256  help="Timeout for multiprocessing; maximum wall time (sec)")
257  self.add_argument("--clobber-output", action="store_true", dest="clobberOutput", default=False,
258  help=("remove and re-create the output directory if it already exists "
259  "(safe with -j, but not all other forms of parallel execution)"))
260  self.add_argument("--clobber-config", action="store_true", dest="clobberConfig", default=False,
261  help=("backup and then overwrite existing config files instead of checking them "
262  "(safe with -j, but not all other forms of parallel execution)"))
def __init__
Construct an ArgumentParser.

Member Function Documentation

def lsst.pipe.base.argumentParser.ArgumentParser._applyInitialOverrides (   self,

Apply obs-package-specific and camera-specific config override files, if found.

[in]namespaceparsed namespace (an argparse.Namespace); reads these attributes:
  • obsPkg

Look in the package namespace.obsPkg for files:

Definition at line 455 of file

456  def _applyInitialOverrides(self, namespace):
457  """!Apply obs-package-specific and camera-specific config override files, if found
459  @param[in] namespace parsed namespace (an argparse.Namespace);
460  reads these attributes:
461  - obsPkg
463  Look in the package namespace.obsPkg for files:
464  - config/<task_name>.py
465  - config/<camera_name>/<task_name>.py
466  and load if found
467  """
468  obsPkgDir = lsst.utils.getPackageDir(namespace.obsPkg)
469  fileName = self._name + ".py"
470  for filePath in (
471  os.path.join(obsPkgDir, "config", fileName),
472  os.path.join(obsPkgDir, "config",, fileName),
473  ):
474  if os.path.exists(filePath):
475"Loading config overrride file %r" % (filePath,))
476  namespace.config.load(filePath)
477  else:
478"Config override file does not exist: %r" % (filePath,))
std::string getPackageDir(std::string const &packageName)
return the root directory of a setup package
def _applyInitialOverrides
Apply obs-package-specific and camera-specific config override files, if found.
def lsst.pipe.base.argumentParser.ArgumentParser._processDataIds (   self,

Process the parsed data for each data ID argument.

Processing includes:

[in,out]namespaceparsed namespace (an argparse.Namespace); reads these attributes:
  • butler
  • log
  • <name_dstype> for each data ID argument with a dynamic dataset type registered using add_id_argument and modifies these attributes:
  • <name> for each data ID argument registered using add_id_argument

Definition at line 426 of file

427  def _processDataIds(self, namespace):
428  """!Process the parsed data for each data ID argument
430  Processing includes:
431  - Validate data ID keys
432  - Cast the data ID values to the correct type
433  - Compute data references from data IDs
435  @param[in,out] namespace parsed namespace (an argparse.Namespace);
436  reads these attributes:
437  - butler
438  - log
439  - <name_dstype> for each data ID argument with a dynamic dataset type registered using
440  add_id_argument
441  and modifies these attributes:
442  - <name> for each data ID argument registered using add_id_argument
443  """
444  for dataIdArgument in self._dataIdArgDict.itervalues():
445  dataIdContainer = getattr(namespace,
446  dataIdContainer.setDatasetType(dataIdArgument.getDatasetType(namespace))
447  try:
448  dataIdContainer.castDataIds(butler = namespace.butler)
449  except (KeyError, TypeError) as e:
450  # failure of castDataIds indicates invalid command args
451  self.error(e)
452  # failure of makeDataRefList indicates a bug that wants a traceback
453  if dataIdArgument.doMakeDataRefList:
454  dataIdContainer.makeDataRefList(namespace)
def _processDataIds
Process the parsed data for each data ID argument.
def lsst.pipe.base.argumentParser.ArgumentParser.add_id_argument (   self,
  level = None,
  doMakeDataRefList = True,
  ContainerClass = DataIdContainer 

Add a data ID argument.

Add an argument to specify data IDs. If datasetType is an instance of DatasetArgument, then add a second argument to specify the dataset type.

[in]namename of name (including leading dashes, if wanted)
[in]datasetTypetype of dataset; supply a string for a fixed dataset type, or a DatasetArgument for a dynamically determined dataset type
[in]helphelp string for the argument
[in]levellevel of dataset, for butler
[in]doMakeDataRefListconstruct data references?
[in]ContainerClassdata ID container class to use to contain results; override the default if you need a special means of computing data references from data IDs

The associated data is put into namespace.<> as an instance of ContainerClass; the container includes fields:

Definition at line 264 of file

265  ContainerClass=DataIdContainer):
266  """!Add a data ID argument
268  Add an argument to specify data IDs. If datasetType is an instance of DatasetArgument,
269  then add a second argument to specify the dataset type.
271  @param[in] name name of name (including leading dashes, if wanted)
272  @param[in] datasetType type of dataset; supply a string for a fixed dataset type,
273  or a DatasetArgument for a dynamically determined dataset type
274  @param[in] help help string for the argument
275  @param[in] level level of dataset, for butler
276  @param[in] doMakeDataRefList construct data references?
277  @param[in] ContainerClass data ID container class to use to contain results;
278  override the default if you need a special means of computing data references from data IDs
280  The associated data is put into namespace.<> as an instance of ContainerClass;
281  the container includes fields:
282  - idList: a list of data ID dicts
283  - refList: a list of butler data references (empty if doMakeDataRefList false)
284  """
285  argName = name.lstrip("-")
287  if argName in self._dataIdArgDict:
288  raise RuntimeError("Data ID argument %s already exists" % (name,))
289  if argName in set(("camera", "config", "butler", "log", "obsPkg")):
290  raise RuntimeError("Data ID argument %s is a reserved name" % (name,))
292  self.add_argument(name, nargs="*", action=IdValueAction, help=help,
293  metavar="KEY=VALUE1[^VALUE2[^VALUE3...]")
295  dataIdArgument = DataIdArgument(
296  name = argName,
297  datasetType = datasetType,
298  level = level,
299  doMakeDataRefList = doMakeDataRefList,
300  ContainerClass = ContainerClass,
301  )
303  if dataIdArgument.isDynamicDatasetType():
304  datasetType = dataIdArgument.datasetType
305  help = if else "dataset type for %s" % (name,)
306  self.add_argument(
307  "--" + dataIdArgument.datasetTypeName,
308  default = datasetType.default,
309  required = datasetType.required,
310  help = help,
311  )
312  self._dataIdArgDict[argName] = dataIdArgument
Glorified struct for data about id arguments, used by ArgumentParser.add_id_argument.
def lsst.pipe.base.argumentParser.ArgumentParser.convert_arg_line_to_args (   self,

Allow files of arguments referenced by @<path> to contain multiple values on each line.

[in]arg_lineline of text read from an argument file

Definition at line 492 of file

493  def convert_arg_line_to_args(self, arg_line):
494  """!Allow files of arguments referenced by `@<path>` to contain multiple values on each line
496  @param[in] arg_line line of text read from an argument file
497  """
498  arg_line = arg_line.strip()
499  if not arg_line or arg_line.startswith("#"):
500  return
501  for arg in shlex.split(arg_line, comments=True, posix=True):
502  if not arg.strip():
503  continue
504  yield arg
def convert_arg_line_to_args
Allow files of arguments referenced by @&lt;path&gt; to contain multiple values on each line...
def lsst.pipe.base.argumentParser.ArgumentParser.handleCamera (   self,

Perform camera-specific operations before parsing the command line.

The default implementation does nothing.

[in,out]namespacenamespace (an argparse.Namespace) with the following fields:
  • camera: the camera name
  • config: the config passed to parse_args, with no overrides applied
  • obsPkg: the obs_ package for this camera
  • log: a pex_logging log

Definition at line 479 of file

480  def handleCamera(self, namespace):
481  """!Perform camera-specific operations before parsing the command line.
483  The default implementation does nothing.
485  @param[in,out] namespace namespace (an argparse.Namespace) with the following fields:
486  - camera: the camera name
487  - config: the config passed to parse_args, with no overrides applied
488  - obsPkg: the obs_ package for this camera
489  - log: a pex_logging log
490  """
491  pass
def handleCamera
Perform camera-specific operations before parsing the command line.
def lsst.pipe.base.argumentParser.ArgumentParser.parse_args (   self,
  args = None,
  log = None,
  override = None 

Parse arguments for a pipeline task.

[in,out]configconfig for the task being run
[in]argsargument list; if None use sys.argv[1:]
[in]loglog (instance pex_logging Log); if None use the default log
[in]overridea config override function; it must take the root config object as its only argument and must modify the config in place. This function is called after camera-specific overrides files are applied, and before command-line config overrides are applied (thus allowing the user the final word).
namespace: an argparse.Namespace containing many useful fields including:
  • camera: camera name
  • config: the supplied config with all overrides applied, validated and frozen
  • butler: a butler for the data
  • an entry for each of the data ID arguments registered by add_id_argument(), the value of which is a DataIdArgument that includes public elements 'idList' and 'refList'
  • log: a pex_logging log
  • an entry for each command-line argument, with the following exceptions:
    • config is the supplied config, suitably updated
    • configfile, id and loglevel are all missing
  • obsPkg: name of obs_ package for this camera

Definition at line 313 of file

314  def parse_args(self, config, args=None, log=None, override=None):
315  """!Parse arguments for a pipeline task
317  @param[in,out] config config for the task being run
318  @param[in] args argument list; if None use sys.argv[1:]
319  @param[in] log log (instance pex_logging Log); if None use the default log
320  @param[in] override a config override function; it must take the root config object
321  as its only argument and must modify the config in place.
322  This function is called after camera-specific overrides files are applied, and before
323  command-line config overrides are applied (thus allowing the user the final word).
325  @return namespace: an argparse.Namespace containing many useful fields including:
326  - camera: camera name
327  - config: the supplied config with all overrides applied, validated and frozen
328  - butler: a butler for the data
329  - an entry for each of the data ID arguments registered by add_id_argument(),
330  the value of which is a DataIdArgument that includes public elements 'idList' and 'refList'
331  - log: a pex_logging log
332  - an entry for each command-line argument, with the following exceptions:
333  - config is the supplied config, suitably updated
334  - configfile, id and loglevel are all missing
335  - obsPkg: name of obs_ package for this camera
336  """
337  if args == None:
338  args = sys.argv[1:]
340  if len(args) < 1 or args[0].startswith("-") or args[0].startswith("@"):
341  self.print_help()
342  if len(args) == 1 and args[0] in ("-h", "--help"):
343  self.exit()
344  else:
345  self.exit("%s: error: Must specify input as first argument" % self.prog)
347  # note: don't set namespace.input until after running parse_args, else it will get overwritten
348  inputRoot = _fixPath(DEFAULT_INPUT_NAME, args[0])
349  if not os.path.isdir(inputRoot):
350  self.error("Error: input=%r not found" % (inputRoot,))
352  namespace = argparse.Namespace()
353  namespace.config = config
354  namespace.log = log if log is not None else pexLog.Log.getDefaultLog()
355  mapperClass = dafPersist.Butler.getMapperClass(inputRoot)
356 = mapperClass.getCameraName()
357  namespace.obsPkg = mapperClass.getPackageName()
359  self.handleCamera(namespace)
361  self._applyInitialOverrides(namespace)
362  if override is not None:
363  override(namespace.config)
365  # Add data ID containers to namespace
366  for dataIdArgument in self._dataIdArgDict.itervalues():
367  setattr(namespace,, dataIdArgument.ContainerClass(level=dataIdArgument.level))
369  namespace = argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args(self, args=args, namespace=namespace)
370  namespace.input = inputRoot
371  del namespace.configfile
373  namespace.calib = _fixPath(DEFAULT_CALIB_NAME, namespace.calib)
374  namespace.output = _fixPath(DEFAULT_OUTPUT_NAME, namespace.output)
376  if namespace.clobberOutput:
377  if namespace.output is None:
378  self.error("--clobber-output is only valid with --output")
379  elif namespace.output == namespace.input:
380  self.error("--clobber-output is not valid when the output and input repos are the same")
381  if os.path.exists(namespace.output):
382"Removing output repo %s for --clobber-output" % namespace.output)
383  shutil.rmtree(namespace.output)
385"input=%s" % (namespace.input,))
386"calib=%s" % (namespace.calib,))
387"output=%s" % (namespace.output,))
389  obeyShowArgument(, namespace.config, exit=False)
391  namespace.butler = dafPersist.Butler(
392  root = namespace.input,
393  calibRoot = namespace.calib,
394  outputRoot = namespace.output,
395  )
397  # convert data in each of the identifier lists to proper types
398  # this is done after constructing the butler, hence after parsing the command line,
399  # because it takes a long time to construct a butler
400  self._processDataIds(namespace)
401  if "data" in
402  for dataIdName in self._dataIdArgDict.iterkeys():
403  for dataRef in getattr(namespace, dataIdName).refList:
404  print dataIdName + " dataRef.dataId =", dataRef.dataId
406  if and "run" not in
407  sys.exit(0)
409  if namespace.debug:
410  try:
411  import debug
412  assert debug # silence pyflakes
413  except ImportError:
414  sys.stderr.write("Warning: no 'debug' module found\n")
415  namespace.debug = False
417  if namespace.logdest:
418  namespace.log.addDestination(namespace.logdest)
419  del namespace.logdest
420  del namespace.loglevel
422  namespace.config.validate()
423  namespace.config.freeze()
425  return namespace
def _applyInitialOverrides
Apply obs-package-specific and camera-specific config override files, if found.
def handleCamera
Perform camera-specific operations before parsing the command line.
def parse_args
Parse arguments for a pipeline task.
def _processDataIds
Process the parsed data for each data ID argument.
def obeyShowArgument
Process arguments specified with –show (but ignores &quot;data&quot;)
def _fixPath
Apply environment variable as default root, if present, and abspath.

Member Data Documentation


Definition at line 215 of file


Definition at line 214 of file

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