LSSTApplications  10.0-2-g4f67435,11.0.rc2+1,11.0.rc2+12,11.0.rc2+3,11.0.rc2+4,11.0.rc2+5,11.0.rc2+6,11.0.rc2+7,11.0.rc2+8
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
3 import numpy
4 import lsst.afw.image as afwImage
5 import lsst.afw.coord as afwCoord
6 import lsst.afw.geom as afwGeom
7 import lsst.afw.table as afwTable
8 import lsst.pex.config as pexConfig
9 import lsst.pipe.base as pipeBase
10 from .setMatchDistance import setMatchDistance
11 from .sip import makeCreateWcsWithSip
13 __all__ = ["FitTanSipWcsTask", "FitTanSipWcsConfig"]
15 class FitTanSipWcsConfig(pexConfig.Config):
16  order = pexConfig.RangeField(
17  doc = "order of SIP polynomial",
18  dtype = int,
19  default = 4,
20  min = 0,
21  )
22  numIter = pexConfig.RangeField(
23  doc = "number of iterations of fitter (which fits X and Y separately, and so benefits from " + \
24  "a few iterations",
25  dtype = int,
26  default = 3,
27  min = 1,
28  )
29  numRejIter = pexConfig.RangeField(
30  doc = "number of rejection iterations",
31  dtype = int,
32  default = 1,
33  min = 0,
34  )
35  rejSigma = pexConfig.RangeField(
36  doc = "Number of standard deviations for clipping level",
37  dtype = float,
38  default = 3.0,
39  min = 0.0,
40  )
41  maxScatterArcsec = pexConfig.RangeField(
42  doc = "maximum median scatter of a WCS fit beyond which the fit fails (arcsec); " +
43  "be generous, as this is only intended to catch catastrophic failures",
44  dtype = float,
45  default = 10,
46  min = 0,
47  )
49 # The following block adds links to this task from the Task Documentation page.
50 ## \addtogroup LSST_task_documentation
51 ## \{
52 ## \page measAstrom_fitTanSipWcsTask
53 ## \ref FitTanSipWcsTask "FitTanSipWcsTask"
54 ## Fit a TAN-SIP WCS given a list of reference object/source matches
55 ## \}
57 class FitTanSipWcsTask(pipeBase.Task):
58  """!Fit a TAN-SIP WCS given a list of reference object/source matches
60  @anchor FitTanSipWcsTask_
62  @section meas_astrom_fitTanSipWcs_Contents Contents
64  - @ref meas_astrom_fitTanSipWcs_Purpose
65  - @ref meas_astrom_fitTanSipWcs_Initialize
66  - @ref meas_astrom_fitTanSipWcs_IO
67  - @ref meas_astrom_fitTanSipWcs_Schema
68  - @ref meas_astrom_fitTanSipWcs_Config
69  - @ref meas_astrom_fitTanSipWcs_Example
70  - @ref meas_astrom_fitTanSipWcs_Debug
72  @section meas_astrom_fitTanSipWcs_Purpose Description
74  Fit a TAN-SIP WCS given a list of reference object/source matches.
75  See CreateWithSip.h for information about the fitting algorithm.
77  @section meas_astrom_fitTanSipWcs_Initialize Task initialisation
79  @copydoc \_\_init\_\_
81  @section meas_astrom_fitTanSipWcs_IO Invoking the Task
83  @copydoc fitWcs
85  @section meas_astrom_fitTanSipWcs_Config Configuration parameters
87  See @ref FitTanSipWcsConfig
89  @section meas_astrom_fitTanSipWcs_Example A complete example of using FitTanSipWcsTask
91  FitTanSipWcsTask is a subtask of AstrometryTask, which is called by PhotoCalTask.
92  See \ref meas_photocal_photocal_Example.
94  @section meas_astrom_fitTanSipWcs_Debug Debug variables
96  FitTanSipWcsTask does not support any debug variables.
97  """
98  ConfigClass = FitTanSipWcsConfig
99  _DefaultName = "fitWcs"
101  @pipeBase.timeMethod
102  def fitWcs(self, matches, initWcs, bbox=None, refCat=None, sourceCat=None):
103  """!Fit a TAN-SIP WCS from a list of reference object/source matches
105  @param[in,out] matches a list of reference object/source matches
106  (an lsst::afw::table::ReferenceMatchVector)
107  The following fields are read:
108  - match.first (reference object) coord
109  - match.second (source) centroid
110  The following fields are written:
111  - match.first (reference object) centroid,
112  - match.second (source) centroid
113  - match.distance (on sky separation, in radians)
114  @param[in] initWcs initial WCS
115  @param[in] bbox the region over which the WCS will be valid (an lsst:afw::geom::Box2I);
116  if None or an empty box then computed from matches
117  @param[in,out] refCat reference object catalog, or None.
118  If provided then all centroids are updated with the new WCS,
119  otherwise only the centroids for ref objects in matches are updated.
120  Required fields are "centroid_x", "centroid_y", "coord_ra", and "coord_dec".
121  @param[in,out] sourceCat source catalog, or None.
122  If provided then coords are updated with the new WCS;
123  otherwise only the coords for sources in matches are updated.
124  Required fields are "slot_Centroid_x", "slot_Centroid_y", and "coord_ra", and "coord_dec".
126  @return an lsst.pipe.base.Struct with the following fields:
127  - wcs the fit WCS as an lsst.afw.image.Wcs
128  - scatterOnSky median on-sky separation between reference objects and sources in "matches",
129  as an lsst.afw.geom.Angle
130  """
131  if bbox is None:
132  bbox = afwGeom.Box2I()
134  import lsstDebug
135  debug = lsstDebug.Info(__name__)
137  wcs = self.initialWcs(matches, initWcs)
138  rejected = numpy.zeros(len(matches), dtype=bool)
139  for rej in range(self.config.numRejIter):
140  sipObject = self._fitWcs([mm for i, mm in enumerate(matches) if not rejected[i]], wcs)
141  wcs = sipObject.getNewWcs()
142  rejected = self.rejectMatches(matches, wcs, rejected)
143  if rejected.sum() == len(rejected):
144  raise RuntimeError("All matches rejected in iteration %d" % (rej + 1,))
145  if debug.plot:
146  print("Plotting fit after rejection iteration %d/%d" % (rej + 1, self.config.numRejIter))
147  self.plotFit(matches, wcs, rejected)
148  # Final fit after rejection
149  sipObject = self._fitWcs([mm for i, mm in enumerate(matches) if not rejected[i]], wcs)
150  wcs = sipObject.getNewWcs()
151  if debug.plot:
152  print("Plotting final fit")
153  self.plotFit(matches, wcs, rejected)
155  if refCat is not None:
156"Updating centroids in refCat")
157  self.updateRefCentroids(wcs, refList=refCat)
158  else:
159  self.log.warning("Updating reference object centroids in match list; refCat is None")
160  self.updateRefCentroids(wcs, refList=[match.first for match in matches])
162  if sourceCat is not None:
163"Updating coords in sourceCat")
164  self.updateSourceCoords(wcs, sourceList=sourceCat)
165  else:
166  self.log.warning("Updating source coords in match list; sourceCat is None")
167  self.updateSourceCoords(wcs, sourceList=[match.second for match in matches])
169"Updating distance in match list")
170  setMatchDistance(matches)
172  scatterOnSky = sipObject.getScatterOnSky()
174  if scatterOnSky.asArcseconds() > self.config.maxScatterArcsec:
175  raise pipeBase.TaskError(
176  "Fit failed: median scatter on sky = %0.3f arcsec > %0.3f config.maxScatterArcsec" %
177  (scatterOnSky.asArcseconds(), self.config.maxScatterArcsec))
179  return pipeBase.Struct(
180  wcs = wcs,
181  scatterOnSky = scatterOnSky,
182  )
184  def initialWcs(self, matches, wcs):
185  """Generate a guess Wcs from the astrometric matches
187  We create a Wcs anchored at the center of the matches, with the scale
188  of the input Wcs. This is necessary because matching returns only
189  matches with no estimated Wcs, and the input Wcs is a wild guess.
190  We're using the best of each: positions from the matches, and scale
191  from the input Wcs.
192  """
193  crpix = afwGeom.Extent2D(0, 0)
194  crval = afwGeom.Extent3D(0, 0, 0)
195  for mm in matches:
196  crpix += afwGeom.Extent2D(mm.second.getCentroid())
197  crval += afwGeom.Extent3D(mm.first.getCoord().toIcrs().getVector())
198  crpix /= len(matches)
199  crval /= len(matches)
200  newWcs = afwImage.Wcs(afwCoord.IcrsCoord(afwGeom.Point3D(crval)).getPosition(),
201  afwGeom.Point2D(crpix), wcs.getCDMatrix())
202  return newWcs
204  def _fitWcs(self, matches, wcs):
205  """Fit a Wcs based on the matches and a guess Wcs"""
206  for i in range(self.config.numIter):
207  sipObject = makeCreateWcsWithSip(matches, wcs, self.config.order)
208  wcs = sipObject.getNewWcs()
209  return sipObject
211  def rejectMatches(self, matches, wcs, rejected):
212  """Flag deviant matches
214  We return a boolean numpy array indicating whether the corresponding
215  match should be rejected. The previous list of rejections is used
216  so we can calculate uncontaminated statistics.
217  """
218  fit = [wcs.skyToPixel(m.first.getCoord()) for m in matches]
219  dx = numpy.array([ff.getX() - mm.second.getCentroid().getX() for ff, mm in zip(fit, matches)])
220  dy = numpy.array([ff.getY() - mm.second.getCentroid().getY() for ff, mm in zip(fit, matches)])
221  good = numpy.logical_not(rejected)
222  return (dx > self.config.rejSigma*dx[good].std()) | (dy > self.config.rejSigma*dy[good].std())
224  @staticmethod
225  def updateRefCentroids(wcs, refList):
226  """Update centroids in a collection of reference objects, given a WCS
227  """
228  if len(refList) < 1:
229  return
230  schema = refList[0].schema
231  coordKey = afwTable.CoordKey(schema["coord"])
232  centroidKey = afwTable.Point2DKey(schema["centroid"])
233  for refObj in refList:
234  refObj.set(centroidKey, wcs.skyToPixel(refObj.get(coordKey)))
236  @staticmethod
237  def updateSourceCoords(wcs, sourceList):
238  """Update coords in a collection of sources, given a WCS
239  """
240  if len(sourceList) < 1:
241  return
242  schema = sourceList[1].schema
243  srcCoordKey = afwTable.CoordKey(schema["coord"])
244  for src in sourceList:
245  src.set(srcCoordKey, wcs.pixelToSky(src.getCentroid()))
247  def plotFit(self, matches, wcs, rejected):
248  """Plot the fit
250  We create four plots, for all combinations of (dx, dy) against
251  (x, y). Good points are black, while rejected points are red.
252  """
253  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
255  fit = [wcs.skyToPixel(m.first.getCoord()) for m in matches]
256  x1 = numpy.array([ff.getX() for ff in fit])
257  y1 = numpy.array([ff.getY() for ff in fit])
258  x2 = numpy.array([m.second.getCentroid().getX() for m in matches])
259  y2 = numpy.array([m.second.getCentroid().getY() for m in matches])
261  dx = x1 - x2
262  dy = y1 - y2
264  good = numpy.logical_not(rejected)
266  figure = plt.figure()
267  axes = figure.add_subplot(2, 2, 1)
268  axes.plot(x2[good], dx[good], 'ko')
269  axes.plot(x2[rejected], dx[rejected], 'ro')
270  axes.set_xlabel("x")
271  axes.set_ylabel("dx")
273  axes = figure.add_subplot(2, 2, 2)
274  axes.plot(x2[good], dy[good], 'ko')
275  axes.plot(x2[rejected], dy[rejected], 'ro')
276  axes.set_xlabel("x")
277  axes.set_ylabel("dy")
279  axes = figure.add_subplot(2, 2, 3)
280  axes.plot(y2[good], dx[good], 'ko')
281  axes.plot(y2[rejected], dx[rejected], 'ro')
282  axes.set_xlabel("y")
283  axes.set_ylabel("dx")
285  axes = figure.add_subplot(2, 2, 4)
286  axes.plot(y2[good], dy[good], 'ko')
287  axes.plot(y2[rejected], dy[rejected], 'ro')
288  axes.set_xlabel("y")
289  axes.set_ylabel("dy")
def fitWcs
Fit a TAN-SIP WCS from a list of reference object/source matches.
STL namespace.
Implementation of the WCS standard for a any projection.
Definition: Wcs.h:107
A coordinate class intended to represent absolute positions.
Definition: PSF.h:39
An integer coordinate rectangle.
Definition: Box.h:53
CreateWcsWithSip< MatchT > makeCreateWcsWithSip(std::vector< MatchT > const &matches, afw::image::Wcs const &linearWcs, int const order, afw::geom::Box2I const &bbox=afw::geom::Box2I(), int const ngrid=0)
Factory function for CreateWcsWithSip.
Fit a TAN-SIP WCS given a list of reference object/source matches.
A class to handle Icrs coordinates (inherits from Coord)
Definition: Coord.h:157
A FunctorKey used to get or set celestial coordiantes from a pair of Angle keys.
Definition: aggregates.h:119