LSSTApplications  10.0-2-g4f67435,11.0.rc2+1,11.0.rc2+12,11.0.rc2+3,11.0.rc2+4,11.0.rc2+5,11.0.rc2+6,11.0.rc2+7,11.0.rc2+8
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 char findstars_params_default[] = "# This file starts with all of the same default values that the program will\n# use by default (ie. without this file)\n#\n# Findstars will read this file if it can find it before reading any\n# other specified parameter files. So if (for instance) all or most of\n# your catalogs have an error flag in row 14, you can change ecol here\n# rather than always specifying it on the command line or in some other\n# paramter file.\n#\n# Other parameter files need only list parameters that differ from the \n# default values. You don't need to list every parameter.\n\n\n# Parameters for reading the input catalog\n\nminsize 0.2 # The min size to consider\nmaxsize 20. # The max size to consider\nminmag 12 # The min magnitude to consider\nmaxmag 24 # The max magnitude to consider\nmaxoutmag 24 # The max magnitude to include in output\nxcol 2 # Column for x\nycol 3 # Column for y\nmcol 4 # Column for m\nscol1 7 # Column for size (or first of two to add, eg. ixx)\nscol2 8 # Column for second component of size, eg. iyy\n # Set scol2 to 0 if you only have one size term\necol 0 # Column for error code\nokerrcode 0 # Error codes to consider \"ok\" \n # if (errcode & ~okerrcode) entry will be skipped\n#baderrcode -1 # Can instead specify bad error codes \n # This sets okerrcode = ~baderrcode\nlogsize 0 # Are the sizes already log?\n\n# Parameters for the first pass through catalog when the whole\n# region is divided into subdivisions\n\nndivx 1 # Number of subdivisions in x direction\nndivy 1 # Number of subdivisions in y direction\nstartn1 0.2 # How many objects to start with per subdivision\n # (Given as a fraction of the total number of objects)\nstarfrac 0.2 # What fraction of objects are probably stars\nmagstep1 0.25 # Step size in magnitudes \nminiter1 3 # Min times to step up the magnitude cutoff\nreject1 2.0 # N sigma for rejection \nstarsperbin 30 # How many stars to expect (minimum) per subdivision\nbinsize1 0.1 # Bin size for histogram\nmaxratio1 0.15 # Max ratio of valley count to peak count\nokvalcount 2 # If valley count <= this, use even if ratio>maxratio1\nmaxrms 0.05 # Max rms of first linear fit.\n\n# Parameters for the final pass through catalog \n\nfitorder 2 # Order of fitted function size(x,y)\nfitsigclip 4.0 # Sigma clip when fitting size(x,y)\nstartn2 0.3 # How many objects to start with (as fraction of n)\nmagstep2 0.10 # Step size in magnitudes \nminiter2 2 # Min times to step up the magnitude cutoff\nreject2 4.0 # N sigma for rejection \nminbinsize 0.03 # Min value for histogram bin size\npurityratio 0.10 # Max ratio of valley count to peak count\nmaxrefititer 3 # Max number of times to refit size(x,y) \n\n";
4 unsigned int findstars_params_default_len = 2688;
unsigned int findstars_params_default_len
Definition: fspd.h:4
char findstars_params_default[]
Definition: fspd.h:2