LSSTApplications  10.0-2-g4f67435,11.0.rc2+1,11.0.rc2+12,11.0.rc2+3,11.0.rc2+4,11.0.rc2+5,11.0.rc2+6,11.0.rc2+7,11.0.rc2+8
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 from __future__ import absolute_import, division
2 #
3 # LSST Data Management System
4 # Copyright 2008-2015 LSST Corporation.
5 #
6 # This product includes software developed by the
7 # LSST Project (
8 #
9 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 # (at your option) any later version.
13 #
14 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 # GNU General Public License for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the LSST License Statement and
20 # the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not,
21 # see <>.
22 #
24 import numpy
26 import lsst.pex.config
27 from lsst.afw.image import ApCorrMap
28 from lsst.afw.math import ChebyshevBoundedField, ChebyshevBoundedFieldConfig
29 from lsst.pipe.base import Task, Struct
30 from .apCorrRegistry import getApCorrNameSet
32 __all__ = ("MeasureApCorrConfig", "MeasureApCorrTask")
34 class FluxKeys(object):
35  """A collection of keys for a given flux measurement algorithm
36  """
37  __slots__ = ("flux", "err", "flag", "used") # prevent accidentally adding fields
39  def __init__(self, name, schema):
40  """Construct a FluxKeys
42  @parma[in] name name of flux measurement algorithm, e.g. "base_PsfFlux"
43  @param[in,out] schema catalog schema containing the flux field
44  read: {name}_flux, {name}_fluxSigma, {name}_flag
45  added: apcorr_{name}_used
46  """
47  self.flux = schema.find(name + "_flux").key
48  self.err = schema.find(name + "_fluxSigma").key
49  self.flag = schema.find(name + "_flag").key
50  self.used = schema.addField("apcorr_" + name + "_used", type="Flag",
51  doc="set if source was used in measuring aperture correction")
53 # The following block adds links to these tasks from the Task Documentation page.
54 ## \addtogroup LSST_task_documentation
55 ## \{
56 ## \page measBase_measureApCorrTask
57 ## \ref MeasureApCorrTask "MeasureApCorrTask"
58 ## Task to measure aperture correction
59 ## \}
61 class MeasureApCorrConfig(lsst.pex.config.Config):
62  """!Configuration for MeasureApCorrTask
63  """
64  refFluxName = lsst.pex.config.Field(
65  doc = "Field name prefix for the flux other measurements should be aperture corrected to match",
66  dtype = str,
67  default = "base_CircularApertureFlux_17_0",
68  )
69  inputFilterFlag = lsst.pex.config.Field(
70  doc = "Name of a flag field that indicates that a source should be used to constrain the" +
71  " aperture corrections",
72  dtype = str,
73  default = "calib_psfUsed",
74  )
75  minDegreesOfFreedom = lsst.pex.config.RangeField(
76  doc = "Minimum number of degrees of freedom (# of valid data points - # of parameters);" +
77  " if this is exceeded, the order of the fit is decreased (in both dimensions), and" +
78  " if we can't decrease it enough, we'll raise ValueError.",
79  dtype = int,
80  default = 1,
81  min = 1,
82  )
83  fitConfig = lsst.pex.config.ConfigField(
84  doc = "Configuration used in fitting the aperture correction fields",
85  dtype = ChebyshevBoundedFieldConfig,
86  )
87  numIter = lsst.pex.config.Field(
88  doc = "Number of iterations for sigma clipping",
89  dtype = int,
90  default = 4,
91  )
92  numSigmaClip = lsst.pex.config.Field(
93  doc = "Number of standard devisations to clip at",
94  dtype = float,
95  default = 3.0,
96  )
98 class MeasureApCorrTask(Task):
99  """!Task to measure aperture correction
101  \section measBase_MeasureApCorrTask_Contents Contents
103  - \ref measBase_MeasureApCorrTask_Purpose
104  - \ref measBase_MeasureApCorrTask_Config
105  - \ref measBase_MeasureApCorrTask_Debug
107  \section measBase_MeasureApCorrTask_Purpose Description
109  \copybrief MeasureApCorrTask
111  This task measures aperture correction for the flux fields returned by
112  lsst.meas.base.getApCorrNameSet()
114  The main method is \ref "run".
116  \section measBase_MeasureApCorrTask_Config Configuration parameters
118  See \ref MeasureApCorrConfig
120  \section measBase_MeasureApCorrTask_Debug Debug variables
122  This task has no debug variables.
123  """
124  ConfigClass = MeasureApCorrConfig
125  _DefaultName = "measureApCorr"
127  def __init__(self, schema, **kwds):
128  """!Construct a MeasureApCorrTask
130  For every name in lsst.meas.base.getApCorrNameSet():
131  - If the corresponding flux fields exist in the schema:
132  - Add a new field apcorr_{name}_used
133  - Add an entry to the self.toCorrect dict
134  - Otherwise silently skip the name
135  """
136  Task.__init__(self, **kwds)
137  self.refFluxKeys = FluxKeys(self.config.refFluxName, schema)
138  self.toCorrect = {} # dict of flux field name prefix: FluxKeys instance
139  for name in getApCorrNameSet():
140  try:
141  self.toCorrect[name] = FluxKeys(name, schema)
142  except KeyError:
143  # if a field in the registry is missing, just ignore it.
144  pass
145  self.inputFilterFlag = schema.find(self.config.inputFilterFlag).key
147  def run(self, bbox, catalog):
148  """!Measure aperture correction
150  @return an lsst.pipe.base.Struct containing:
151  - apCorrMap: an aperture correction map (lsst.afw.image.ApCorrMap) that contains two entries
152  for each flux field:
153  - flux field (e.g. base_PsfFlux_flux): 2d model
154  - flux sigma field (e.g. base_PsfFlux_fluxSigma): 2d model of error
155  """
156"Measuring aperture corrections for %d flux fields" % (len(self.toCorrect),))
157  # First, create a subset of the catalog that contains only objects with inputFilterFlag set
158  # and non-flagged reference fluxes.
159  subset1 = [record for record in catalog
160  if record.get(self.inputFilterFlag) and not record.get(self.refFluxKeys.flag)]
162  apCorrMap = ApCorrMap()
164  # Outer loop over the fields we want to correct
165  for name, keys in self.toCorrect.iteritems():
166  fluxName = name + "_flux"
167  fluxSigmaName = name + "_fluxSigma"
169  # Create a more restricted subset with only the objects where the to-be-correct flux
170  # is not flagged.
171  subset2 = [record for record in subset1 if not record.get(keys.flag)]
173  # Check that we have enough data points that we have at least the minimum of degrees of
174  # freedom specified in the config.
175  if len(subset2) - 1 < self.config.minDegreesOfFreedom:
176  self.log.warn("Only %d sources for calculation of aperture correction for '%s'; "
177  "setting to 1.0" % (len(subset2), name,))
178  apCorrMap[fluxName] = ChebyshevBoundedField(bbox, numpy.ones((1,1), dtype=float))
179  apCorrMap[fluxSigmaName] = ChebyshevBoundedField(bbox, numpy.zeros((1,1), dtype=float))
180  continue
182  # If we don't have enough data points to constrain the fit, reduce the order until we do
183  ctrl = self.config.fitConfig.makeControl()
184  while len(subset2) - ctrl.computeSize() < self.config.minDegreesOfFreedom:
185  if ctrl.orderX > 0:
186  ctrl.orderX -= 1
187  if ctrl.orderY > 0:
188  ctrl.orderY -= 1
190  # Fill numpy arrays with positions and the ratio of the reference flux to the to-correct flux
191  x = numpy.zeros(len(subset2), dtype=float)
192  y = numpy.zeros(len(subset2), dtype=float)
193  apCorrData = numpy.zeros(len(subset2), dtype=float)
194  indices = numpy.arange(len(subset2), dtype=int)
195  for n, record in enumerate(subset2):
196  x[n] = record.getX()
197  y[n] = record.getY()
198  apCorrData[n] = record.get(self.refFluxKeys.flux)/record.get(keys.flux)
200  for _i in range(self.config.numIter):
202  # Do the fit, save it in the output map
203  apCorrField =, x, y, apCorrData, ctrl)
205  # Compute errors empirically, using the RMS difference between the true reference flux and the
206  # corrected to-be-corrected flux.
207  apCorrDiffs = apCorrField.evaluate(x, y)
208  apCorrDiffs -= apCorrData
209  apCorrErr = numpy.mean(apCorrDiffs**2)**0.5
211  # Clip bad data points
212  apCorrDiffLim = self.config.numSigmaClip * apCorrErr
213  keep = numpy.fabs(apCorrDiffs) < apCorrDiffLim
214  x = x[keep]
215  y = y[keep]
216  apCorrData = apCorrData[keep]
217  indices = indices[keep]
219  # Final fit after clipping
220  apCorrField =, x, y, apCorrData, ctrl)
222"Aperture correction for %s: RMS %f from %d" %
223  (name, numpy.mean((apCorrField.evaluate(x, y) - apCorrData)**2)**0.5, len(indices)))
225  # Save the result in the output map
226  # The error is constant spatially (we could imagine being
227  # more clever, but we're not yet sure if it's worth the effort).
228  # We save the errors as a 0th-order ChebyshevBoundedField
229  apCorrMap[fluxName] = apCorrField
230  apCorrErrCoefficients = numpy.array([[apCorrErr]], dtype=float)
231  apCorrMap[fluxSigmaName] = ChebyshevBoundedField(bbox, apCorrErrCoefficients)
233  # Record which sources were used
234  for i in indices:
235  subset2[i].set(keys.used, True)
237  return Struct(
238  apCorrMap = apCorrMap,
239  )
Task to measure aperture correction.
A thin wrapper around std::map to allow aperture corrections to be attached to Exposures.
Definition: ApCorrMap.h:42
def run
Measure aperture correction.
def getApCorrNameSet
Return a copy of the set of field name prefixes for fluxes that should be aperture corrected...
def __init__
Construct a MeasureApCorrTask.
A BoundedField based on 2-d Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind.
Configuration for MeasureApCorrTask.