LSSTApplications  10.0-2-g4f67435,11.0.rc2+1,11.0.rc2+12,11.0.rc2+3,11.0.rc2+4,11.0.rc2+5,11.0.rc2+6,11.0.rc2+7,11.0.rc2+8
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
lsst::afw::math::detail::gpu Namespace Reference


struct  SPoint2
 Simple 2D point (suitable for use on a GPU) More...
struct  SVec2
 Simple 2D vector (suitable for use on a GPU) More...
struct  SBox2I
 defines a 2D range of integer values begX <= x < endX, begY <= y < endY More...
struct  LinearInterp
struct  BilinearInterp
struct  PixelIVM
 defines a pixel having image, variance and mask planes More...
struct  ImageDataPtr
 defines memory region containing image data More...


typedef lsst::afw::image::MaskPixel MskPixel




SVec2 VecAdd (SVec2 a, SVec2 b)
SVec2 VecSub (SVec2 a, SVec2 b)
SVec2 VecMul (SVec2 v, double m)
SPoint2 MovePoint (SPoint2 p, SVec2 v)
template<typename DestPixelT , typename SrcPixelT >
void WarpImageGpuCallKernel (bool isMaskedImage, ImageDataPtr< DestPixelT > destImageGpu, ImageDataPtr< SrcPixelT > srcImageGpu, int mainKernelSize, KernelType maskKernelType, int maskKernelSize, SBox2I srcGoodBox, PixelIVM< DestPixelT > edgePixel, BilinearInterp *srcPosInterp, int interpLength)
 Calls the GPU kernel for lanczos resampling. More...


const int maxGpuSfCount =100
int const SIZE_X_WARPING_BLOCK =16
int const SIZE_Y_WARPING_BLOCK =16

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 49 of file CudaLanczos.h.

Definition at line 48 of file CudaLanczos.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Function Documentation

SPoint2 lsst::afw::math::detail::gpu::MovePoint ( SPoint2  p,
SVec2  v 

Definition at line 94 of file CudaLanczos.h.

95 {
96  return SPoint2(p.x+v.x, p.y+v.y);
97 }
SVec2 lsst::afw::math::detail::gpu::VecAdd ( SVec2  a,
SVec2  b 

Definition at line 82 of file CudaLanczos.h.

83 {
84  return SVec2(a.x+b.x, a.y+b.y);
85 }
afw::table::Key< double > b
SVec2 lsst::afw::math::detail::gpu::VecMul ( SVec2  v,
double  m 

Definition at line 90 of file CudaLanczos.h.

91 {
92  return SVec2(m*v.x, m*v.y);
93 }
tuple m
SVec2 lsst::afw::math::detail::gpu::VecSub ( SVec2  a,
SVec2  b 

Definition at line 86 of file CudaLanczos.h.

87 {
88  return SVec2(a.x-b.x, a.y-b.y);
89 }
afw::table::Key< double > b
template<typename DestPixelT , typename SrcPixelT >
void lsst::afw::math::detail::gpu::WarpImageGpuCallKernel ( bool  isMaskedImage,
ImageDataPtr< DestPixelT >  destImageGpu,
ImageDataPtr< SrcPixelT >  srcImageGpu,
int  mainKernelSize,
KernelType  maskKernelType,
int  maskKernelSize,
SBox2I  srcGoodBox,
PixelIVM< DestPixelT >  edgePixel,
BilinearInterp *  srcPosInterp,
int  interpLength 

Calls the GPU kernel for lanczos resampling.

  • isMaskedImage - if false, only the image plane is calculated, mask and variance planes are ignored
  • destImageGpu - (output) defines memory region (on GPU) containing allocated buffer for output data
  • srcImageGpu - defines memory region (on GPU) containing source image data
  • srcGoodBox - valid source pixel centers ffor Lanczos kernels
  • kernelCenterX, kernelCenterY - offset of Lanczos kernel center, in pixels
  • edgePixel - set this for all dest. image output pixels mapped from outside of bounds of the source image
  • srcPosInterp - a 2D array defining a piecewise bilinear interpolation of a coordinate transform function over input image. Each element defines coordinate transform of one part of the input image. The size of each part is defined by the interpLength parameter.
  • interpLength - defines width and height of parts of the input image (for interpolation)

Variable Documentation

const int lsst::afw::math::detail::gpu::maxGpuSfCount =100

Definition at line 50 of file convCUDA.h.

int const lsst::afw::math::detail::gpu::SIZE_MAX_WARPING_KERNEL =100

Definition at line 53 of file CudaLanczos.h.

int const lsst::afw::math::detail::gpu::SIZE_X_WARPING_BLOCK =16

Definition at line 51 of file CudaLanczos.h.

int const lsst::afw::math::detail::gpu::SIZE_Y_WARPING_BLOCK =16

Definition at line 52 of file CudaLanczos.h.