LSSTApplications  10.0-2-g4f67435,11.0.rc2+1,11.0.rc2+12,11.0.rc2+3,11.0.rc2+4,11.0.rc2+5,11.0.rc2+6,11.0.rc2+7,11.0.rc2+8
Namespaces | Classes | Functions
lsst::ctrl::events Namespace Reference




class  CommandEvent
 Representation of an LSST CommandEvent. More...
class  Event
 Representation of an LSST Event. More...
class  EventAppender
 log4cxx appender class which sends logging messages out on the event stream More...
class  EventBroker
 class representing default information for the event broker More...
class  EventFactory
 create LSST Events from JMS Messages More...
class  EventLibrary
 Singleton use to make sure the events library is initialized. More...
class  EventReceiver
 Receive events from the event bus. More...
class  EventSystem
 This object allows creation of the system's event transmitters and receivers, which can be specified at the beginning, and later used by specifying the topic to receive from or send on. More...
class  EventTransmitter
 Transmit events to the event bus. More...
class  EventTypes
 strings defining event types; More...
class  Host
 This object represents the host that is being used to transmit events, giving quick access to often-used host information. More...
class  LocationId
 Represent process that created an event. More...
class  LogEvent
 Representation of an LSST Event. More...
class  StatusEvent
 Representation of an LSST Event. More...


template void Event::add< std::string > (std::string const &name, std::string const &tag, PropertySet const &ps, boost::property_tree::ptree &child)
 LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF (EventAppender)

Function Documentation

template void lsst::ctrl::events::Event::add< std::string > ( std::string const &  name,
std::string const &  tag,
PropertySet const &  ps,
boost::property_tree::ptree &  child 
lsst::ctrl::events::LOG4CXX_PTR_DEF ( EventAppender  )