LSSTApplications  10.0-2-g4f67435,11.0.rc2+1,11.0.rc2+12,11.0.rc2+3,11.0.rc2+4,11.0.rc2+5,11.0.rc2+6,11.0.rc2+7,11.0.rc2+8
lsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.visualization Namespace Reference


def plotObservations
def plotPatches
def plotTruth
def displayImages
def makePlots

Function Documentation

def lsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.visualization.displayImages (   root)
Display coadd images with DS9 in different frames, with the bounding boxes of the
observations that went into them overlayed.

Definition at line 70 of file

71 def displayImages(root):
72  """Display coadd images with DS9 in different frames, with the bounding boxes of the
73  observations that went into them overlayed.
74  """
77  butler = lsst.daf.persistence.Butler(root=root)
78  skyMap = butler.get("deepCoadd_skyMap")
79  tractInfo = skyMap[0]
80  task = lsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.MockCoaddTask()
81  coadds = [patchRef.get("deepCoadd", immediate=True)
82  for patchRef in task.iterPatchRefs(butler, tractInfo)]
83  for n, coadd in enumerate(coadds):
84  lsst.afw.display.ds9.mtv(coadd, frame=n+1)
85  for n, coadd in enumerate(coadds):
87  return butler
def lsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.visualization.makePlots (   root)
Convenience function to make all matplotlib plots.

Definition at line 88 of file

89 def makePlots(root):
90  """Convenience function to make all matplotlib plots.
91  """
94  butler = lsst.daf.persistence.Butler(root=root)
95  skyMap = butler.get("deepCoadd_skyMap")
96  observations = butler.get("observations", tract=0)
97  truth = butler.get("truth", tract=0)
98  tractInfo = skyMap[0]
99  plotPatches(tractInfo)
100  plotObservations(observations, tractInfo.getWcs())
101  plotTruth(truth, tractInfo.getWcs())
102  pyplot.axis("scaled")
104  return butler
def lsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.visualization.plotObservations (   catalog,
Plot the bounding boxes of an observation catalog (see MockCoaddTask.buildObservationCatalog)
using matplotlib, in the coordinates defined by the given Wcs (usually a skymap Wcs).

Definition at line 27 of file

28 def plotObservations(catalog, wcs):
29  """Plot the bounding boxes of an observation catalog (see MockCoaddTask.buildObservationCatalog)
30  using matplotlib, in the coordinates defined by the given Wcs (usually a skymap Wcs).
31  """
32  for record in catalog:
33  box = lsst.afw.geom.Box2D(record.getBBox())
34  x = []
35  y = []
36  iWcs = record.getWcs()
37  for xi, yi in box.getCorners():
38  try:
39  coord = iWcs.pixelToSky(xi, yi)
40  xo, yo = wcs.skyToPixel(coord)
41  x.append(xo)
42  y.append(yo)
43  except:
44  print "WARNING: point %d, %d failed" % (xi, yi)
45  pyplot.fill(x, y, facecolor='r', alpha=0.1, edgecolor=None)
A floating-point coordinate rectangle geometry.
Definition: Box.h:271
def lsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.visualization.plotPatches (   tractInfo)
Plot the patches in a skymap tract using matplotlib.

Definition at line 46 of file

47 def plotPatches(tractInfo):
48  """Plot the patches in a skymap tract using matplotlib.
49  """
50  nPatchX, nPatchY = tractInfo.getNumPatches()
51  for iPatchX in range(nPatchX):
52  for iPatchY in range(nPatchY):
53  patchInfo = tractInfo.getPatchInfo((iPatchX, iPatchY))
54  xp1, yp1 = zip(*patchInfo.getOuterBBox().getCorners())
55  xp2, yp2 = zip(*patchInfo.getInnerBBox().getCorners())
56  pyplot.fill(xp1, yp1, fill=False, edgecolor='g', linestyle='dashed')
57  pyplot.fill(xp2, yp2, fill=False, edgecolor='g')
def lsst.pipe.tasks.mocks.visualization.plotTruth (   catalog,
Plot the objects in a truth catalog as dots using matplotlib, in the coordinate
system defined by the given Wcs.

Definition at line 58 of file

59 def plotTruth(catalog, wcs):
60  """Plot the objects in a truth catalog as dots using matplotlib, in the coordinate
61  system defined by the given Wcs.
62  """
63  xp = []
64  yp = []
65  for record in catalog:
66  x, y = wcs.skyToPixel(record.getCoord())
67  xp.append(x)
68  yp.append(y)
69  pyplot.plot(xp, yp, 'k+')