LSSTApplications  10.0-2-g4f67435,11.0.rc2+1,11.0.rc2+12,11.0.rc2+3,11.0.rc2+4,11.0.rc2+5,11.0.rc2+6,11.0.rc2+7,11.0.rc2+8
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 ##
2 # @file
3 #
4 # Convenience functions to do the work of standard LSST SConstruct/SConscript files.
5 #
6 # @defgroup sconsUtilsScripts Convenience functions for SConstruct/SConscript files
7 # @{
8 ##
9 from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
10 import os.path
11 from SCons.Script import *
12 from distutils.spawn import find_executable
14 from . import dependencies
15 from . import builders
16 from . import installation
17 from . import state
18 from . import tests
20 def _getFileBase(node):
21  name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(str(node)))
22  return name
24 ##
25 # @brief A scope-only class for SConstruct-replacement convenience functions.
26 #
27 # The boilerplate for a standard LSST SConstruct file is replaced by two static methods:
28 # initialize() and finish(). The former configures dependencies, sets up package-dependent
29 # environment variables, and calls any SConscript files found in subdirectories, while the
30 # latter sets up installation paths, default targets, and explicit dependencies.
31 #
32 # Calling BasicSConstruct as a function invokes its __new__ method, which calls both
33 # initialize() and finish(), and should be used when the SConstruct file doesn't need to
34 # do anything other than what they provide.
35 ##
36 class BasicSConstruct(object):
38  _initializing = False
40  ##
41  # @brief Convenience function to replace standard SConstruct boilerplate.
42  #
43  # This is a shortcut for
44  # @code
45  # BasicSConstruct.initialize(...)
46  # BasicSConstruct.finalize(...)
47  # @endcode
48  #
49  # This returns the sconsUtils.env Environment object rather than
50  # a BasicSConstruct instance (which would be useless).
51  ##
52  def __new__(cls, packageName, versionString=None, eupsProduct=None, eupsProductPath=None, cleanExt=None,
53  defaultTargets=("lib", "python", "tests", "examples", "doc"),
54  subDirList=None, ignoreRegex=None,
55  versionModuleName="python/lsst/%s/", noCfgFile=False):
56  cls.initialize(packageName, versionString, eupsProduct, eupsProductPath, cleanExt,
57  versionModuleName, noCfgFile=noCfgFile)
58  cls.finish(defaultTargets, subDirList, ignoreRegex)
59  return state.env
61  ##
62  # @brief Convenience function to replace standard SConstruct boilerplate (step 1).
63  #
64  # This function:
65  # - Calls all SConscript files found in subdirectories.
66  # - Configures dependencies.
67  # - Sets how the --clean option works.
68  #
69  # @param packageName Name of the package being built; must correspond to a .cfg file in ups/.
70  # @param versionString Version-control system string to be parsed for version information
71  # ($HeadURL$ for SVN). Defaults to "git" if not set or None.
72  # @param eupsProduct Name of the EUPS product being built. Defaults to and is almost always
73  # the name of the package.
74  # @param eupsProductPath An alternate directory where the package should be installed.
75  # @param cleanExt Whitespace delimited sequence of globs for files to remove with --clean.
76  # @param versionModuleName If non-None, builds a module as this file; '%s' is replaced with
77  # the name of the package.
78  # @param noCfgFile If True, this package has no .cfg file
79  #
80  # @returns an SCons Environment object (which is also available as lsst.sconsUtils.env).
81  ##
82  @classmethod
83  def initialize(cls, packageName, versionString=None, eupsProduct=None, eupsProductPath=None,
84  cleanExt=None, versionModuleName="python/lsst/%s/", noCfgFile=False):
85  if cls._initializing:
86"Recursion detected; an SConscript file should not call BasicSConstruct.")
87  cls._initializing = True
88  if cleanExt is None:
89  cleanExt = r"*~ core *.so *.os *.o *.pyc *.pkgc"
90  dependencies.configure(packageName, versionString, eupsProduct, eupsProductPath, noCfgFile)
91  state.env.BuildETags()
92  state.env.CleanTree(cleanExt)
93  if versionModuleName is not None:
94  try:
95  versionModuleName = versionModuleName % "/".join(packageName.split("_"))
96  except TypeError:
97  pass
98  state.targets["version"] = state.env.VersionModule(versionModuleName)
99  for root, dirs, files in os.walk("."):
100  if "SConstruct" in files and root != ".":
101  dirs[:] = []
102  continue
103  dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if (not d.startswith('.'))]
104  dirs.sort() # happy coincidence that include < libs < python < tests
105  if "SConscript" in files:
106"Using Sconscript at %s/SConscript" % root)
107  SCons.Script.SConscript(os.path.join(root, "SConscript"))
108  cls._initializing = False
109  return state.env
111  ##
112  # @brief Convenience function to replace standard SConstruct boilerplate (step 2).
113  #
114  # This function:
115  # - Sets up installation paths.
116  # - Tells SCons to only do MD5 checks when timestamps have changed.
117  # - Sets the "include", "lib", "python", and "tests" targets as the defaults
118  # to be built when scons is run with no target arguments.
119  #
120  # @param subDirList An explicit list of subdirectories that should be installed. By default,
121  # all non-hidden subdirectories will be installed.
122  # @param defaultTargets A sequence of targets (see state.targets) that should be built when
123  # scons is run with no arguments.
124  # @param ignoreRegex Regular expression that matches files that should not be installed.
125  #
126  # @returns an SCons Environment object (which is also available as lsst.sconsUtils.env).
127  ##
128  @staticmethod
129  def finish(defaultTargets=("lib", "python", "tests", "examples", "doc"),
130  subDirList=None, ignoreRegex=None):
131  if ignoreRegex is None:
132  ignoreRegex = r"(~$|\.pyc$|^\.svn$|\.o|\.os$)"
133  if subDirList is None:
134  subDirList = []
135  for path in os.listdir("."):
136  if os.path.isdir(path) and not path.startswith("."):
137  subDirList.append(path)
138  install = state.env.InstallLSST(state.env["prefix"],
139  [subDir for subDir in subDirList],
140  ignoreRegex=ignoreRegex)
141  for name, target in state.targets.items():
142  state.env.Requires(install, target)
143  state.env.Alias(name, target)
144  state.env.Requires(state.targets["python"], state.targets["version"])
145  declarer = state.env.Declare()
146  state.env.Requires(declarer, install) # Ensure declaration fires after installation available
147  state.env.Default([t for t in defaultTargets if os.path.exists(t)])
148  if "version" in state.targets:
149  state.env.Default(state.targets["version"])
150  state.env.Requires(state.targets["tests"], state.targets["version"])
151  state.env.Decider("MD5-timestamp") # if timestamps haven't changed, don't do MD5 checks
152  #
153  # Check if any of the tests failed by looking for *.failed files.
154  # Perform this test just before scons exits
155  #
156  # N.b. the test is written in sh not python as then we can use @ to suppress output
157  #
158  if "tests" in [str(t) for t in BUILD_TARGETS]:
159  testsDir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tests", ".tests")
160  checkTestStatus_command = state.env.Command('checkTestStatus', [], """
161  @ if [ -d %s ]; then \
162  nfail=`find %s -name \*.failed | wc -l | sed -e 's/ //g'`; \
163  if [ $$nfail -gt 0 ]; then \
164  echo "$$nfail tests failed" >&2; exit 1; \
165  fi; \
166  fi; \
167  """ % (testsDir, testsDir))
169  state.env.Depends(checkTestStatus_command, BUILD_TARGETS) # this is why the check runs last
170  BUILD_TARGETS.extend(checkTestStatus_command)
171  state.env.AlwaysBuild(checkTestStatus_command)
173 ##
174 # @brief A scope-only class for SConscript-replacement convenience functions.
175 #
176 # All methods of BasicSConscript are static. All of these functions update the state.targets
177 # dictionary of targets used to set default targets and fix build dependencies; if you build anything
178 # without using BasicSConscript methods, be sure to manually it to the state.targets dict.
179 ##
180 class BasicSConscript(object):
182  ##
183  # @brief Convenience function to replace standard lib/SConscript boilerplate.
184  #
185  # With no arguments, this will build a shared library with the same name as the package.
186  # This uses env.SourcesForSharedLibrary to support the optFiles/noOptFiles command-line variables.
187  #
188  # @param libName Name of the shared libray to be built (defaults to env["packageName"]).
189  # @param src Source to compile into the library. Defaults to a 4-directory deep glob
190  # of all *.cc files in \#src.
191  # @param libs Libraries to link against, either as a string argument to be passed to
192  # env.getLibs() or a sequence of actual libraries to pass in.
193  ##
194  @staticmethod
195  def lib(libName=None, src=None, libs="self"):
196  if libName is None:
197  libName = state.env["packageName"]
198  if src is None:
199  src = Glob("#src/*.cc") + Glob("#src/*/*.cc") + Glob("#src/*/*/*.cc") + Glob("#src/*/*/*/*.cc")
200  src = state.env.SourcesForSharedLibrary(src)
201  if isinstance(libs, basestring):
202  libs = state.env.getLibs(libs)
203  elif libs is None:
204  libs = []
205  result = state.env.SharedLibrary(libName, src, LIBS=libs)
206  state.targets["lib"].extend(result)
207  return result
209  ##
210  # @brief Convenience function to replace standard python/*/SConscript boilerplate.
211  #
212  # With no arguments, this will build a SWIG module with the name determined according
213  # to our current pseudo-convention: last part of env["packageName"], split by underscores,
214  # with "Lib" appended to the end.
215  #
216  # @param swigNameList Sequence of SWIG modules to be built (does not include the file extensions).
217  # @param libs Libraries to link against, either as a string argument to be passed to
218  # env.getLibs() or a sequence of actual libraries to pass in.
219  # @param swigSrc A dictionary of additional source files that go into the modules. Each
220  # key should be an entry in swigNameList, and each value should be a list
221  # of additional C++ source files not generated by SWIG.
222  ##
223  @staticmethod
224  def python(swigNameList=None, libs="main python", swigSrc=None):
225  if swigNameList is None:
226  swigNameList = [state.env["packageName"].split("_")[-1] + "Lib"]
227  swigFileList = [File(name + ".i") for name in swigNameList]
228  if swigSrc is None:
229  swigSrc = {}
230  for name, node in zip(swigNameList, swigFileList):
231  swigSrc.setdefault(name, []).append(node)
232  if isinstance(libs, basestring):
233  libs = state.env.getLibs(libs)
234  elif libs is None:
235  libs = []
236  result = []
237  for name, src in swigSrc.items():
238  result.extend(state.env.SwigLoadableModule("_" + name, src, LIBS=libs))
239  state.targets["python"].extend(result)
240  return result
242  ##
243  # @brief Convenience function to replace standard doc/SConscript boilerplate.
244  #
245  # With no arguments, this will generate a Doxygen config file and run Doxygen
246  # with env.Doxygen(), using the projectName and projectNumber from
247  # env["packageName"] and env["version"], respectively.
248  #
249  # This essentially just forwards all arguments (which should be passed as
250  # keyword arguments) to env.Doxygen().
251  ##
252  @staticmethod
253  def doc(config="", projectName=None, projectNumber=None, **kw):
254  if not find_executable("doxygen"):
255  state.log.warn("doxygen executable not found; skipping documentation build.")
256  return []
257  if projectName is None:
258  projectName = ".".join(["lsst"] + state.env["packageName"].split("_"))
259  if projectNumber is None:
260  projectNumber = state.env["version"]
261  result = state.env.Doxygen(
262  config, projectName=projectName, projectNumber=projectNumber,
263  includes=state.env.doxygen["includes"],
264  useTags=state.env.doxygen["tags"],
265  makeTag=(state.env["packageName"] + ".tag"),
266  **kw
267  )
268  state.targets["doc"].extend(result)
269  return result
271  ##
272  # @brief Convenience function to replace standard tests/SConscript boilerplate.
273  #
274  # With no arguments, will attempt to figure out which files should be run as tests
275  # and which are support code (like SWIG modules).
276  #
277  # Python tests will be marked as dependent on the entire \#python directory and
278  # any SWIG modules built in the tests directory. This should ensure tests are always
279  # run when their results might have changed, but may result in them being re-run more often
280  # than necessary.
281  #
282  # @param pyList A sequence of Python tests to run (including .py extensions).
283  # Defaults to a *.py glob of the tests directory, minus any
284  # files corresponding to the SWIG modules in swigFileList.
285  # @param ccList A sequence of C++ unit tests to run (including .cc extensions).
286  # Defaults to a *.cc glob of the tests directory, minus any
287  # files that end with * and files present in swigSrc.
288  # @param swigNameList A sequence of SWIG modules to build (NOT including .i extensions).
289  # @param swigSrc Additional source files to be compiled into SWIG modules, as a
290  # dictionary; each key must be an entry in swigNameList, and each
291  # value a list of additional source files.
292  # @param ignoreList List of ignored tests to be passed to tests.Control (note that
293  # ignored tests will be built, but not run).
294  # @param nobuildList List of tests that should not even be built.
295  # @param args A dictionary of program arguments for tests, passed directly
296  # to tests.Control.
297  ##
298  @staticmethod
299  def tests(pyList=None, ccList=None, swigNameList=None, swigSrc=None,
300  ignoreList=None, noBuildList=None,
301  args=None):
302  if noBuildList is None:
303  noBuildList = []
304  if swigNameList is None:
305  swigFileList = Glob("*.i")
306  swigNameList = [_getFileBase(node) for node in swigFileList]
307  else:
308  swigFileList = [File(name + ".i") for name in swigNameList]
309  if swigSrc is None:
310  swigSrc = {}
311  allSwigSrc = set()
312  for name, node in zip(swigNameList, swigFileList):
313  src = swigSrc.setdefault(name, [])
314  allSwigSrc.update(str(element) for element in src)
315  src.append(node)
316  if pyList is None:
317  pyList = [node for node in Glob("*.py")
318  if _getFileBase(node) not in swigNameList
319  and os.path.basename(str(node)) not in noBuildList]
320  if ccList is None:
321  ccList = [node for node in Glob("*.cc")
322  if (not str(node).endswith("")) and str(node) not in allSwigSrc
323  and os.path.basename(str(node)) not in noBuildList]
324  if ignoreList is None:
325  ignoreList = []
326  s = lambda l: [str(i) for i in l]
327"SWIG modules for tests: %s" % s(swigFileList))
328"Python tests: %s" % s(pyList))
329"C++ tests: %s" % s(ccList))
330"Files that will not be built: %s" % noBuildList)
331"Ignored tests: %s" % ignoreList)
332  control = tests.Control(state.env, ignoreList=ignoreList, args=args, verbose=True)
333  for ccTest in ccList:
334  state.env.Program(ccTest, LIBS=state.env.getLibs("main test"))
335  swigMods = []
336  for name, src in swigSrc.items():
337  swigMods.extend(
338  state.env.SwigLoadableModule("_" + name, src, LIBS=state.env.getLibs("main python"))
339  )
340  ccList = [ for node in ccList]
341  pyList = [ for node in pyList]
342  for pyTest in pyList:
343  state.env.Depends(pyTest, swigMods)
344  state.env.Depends(pyTest, state.targets["python"])
345  result = ccList + pyList
346  state.targets["tests"].extend(result)
347  return result
349  ##
350  # @brief Convenience function to replace standard examples/SConscript boilerplate.
351  #
352  # @param ccList A sequence of C++ examples to build (including .cc extensions).
353  # Defaults to a *.cc glob of the examples directory, minus any
354  # files that end with * and files present in swigSrc.
355  # @param swigNameList A sequence of SWIG modules to build (NOT including .i extensions).
356  # @param swigSrc Additional source files to be compiled into SWIG modules, as a
357  # dictionary; each key must be an entry in swigNameList, and each
358  # value a list of additional source files.
359  ##
360  @staticmethod
361  def examples(ccList=None, swigNameList=None, swigSrc=None):
362  if swigNameList is None:
363  swigFileList = Glob("*.i")
364  swigNameList = [_getFileBase(node) for node in swigFileList]
365  else:
366  swigFileList = [File(name) for name in swigNameList]
367  if swigSrc is None:
368  swigSrc = {}
369  allSwigSrc = set()
370  for name, node in zip(swigNameList, swigFileList):
371  src = swigSrc.setdefault(name, [])
372  allSwigSrc.update(str(element) for element in src)
373  src.append(node)
374  if ccList is None:
375  ccList = [node for node in Glob("*.cc")
376  if (not str(node).endswith("")) and str(node) not in allSwigSrc]
377"SWIG modules for examples: %s" % swigFileList)
378"C++ examples: %s" % ccList)
379  results = []
380  for src in ccList:
381  results.extend(state.env.Program(src, LIBS=state.env.getLibs("main")))
382  swigMods = []
383  for name, src in swigSrc.items():
384  results.extend(
385  state.env.SwigLoadableModule("_" + name, src, LIBS=state.env.getLibs("main python"))
386  )
387  for result in results:
388  state.env.Depends(result, state.targets["lib"])
389  state.targets["examples"].extend(results)
390  return results
392 ## @}
def lib
Convenience function to replace standard lib/SConscript boilerplate.
def initialize
Convenience function to replace standard SConstruct boilerplate (step 1).
def finish
Convenience function to replace standard SConstruct boilerplate (step 2).
def doc
Convenience function to replace standard doc/SConscript boilerplate.
A scope-only class for SConstruct-replacement convenience functions.
A scope-only class for SConscript-replacement convenience functions.
def examples
Convenience function to replace standard examples/SConscript boilerplate.
def __new__
Convenience function to replace standard SConstruct boilerplate.
A class to control unit tests.
def tests
Convenience function to replace standard tests/SConscript boilerplate.
def python
Convenience function to replace standard python/*/SConscript boilerplate.