7#include "boost/preprocessor/seq/for_each.hpp"
8#include "boost/preprocessor/tuple/to_seq.hpp"
26inline char getDelimiter() {
return '_'; }
29std::string join(std::string
const &a, std::string
const &b,
char delimiter) {
46 bool operator()(SchemaItem<T>
const &a, SchemaItem<T>
const &b)
const {
47 return a.key ==
50 template <
typename T,
typename U>
51 bool operator()(SchemaItem<T>
const &a, SchemaItem<U>
const &b)
const {
57 static bool compareKeys(ItemVariant
const &a, ItemVariant
const &b) {
58 return std::visit(KeyHelper(), a, b);
61 static bool compareNames(ItemVariant
const &a, ItemVariant
const &b) {
63 [](
auto const & a,
auto const & b) {
return a.field.getName() ==
b.field.getName(); },
68 static bool compareDocs(ItemVariant
const &a, ItemVariant
const &b) {
70 [](
auto const & a,
auto const & b) {
return a.field.getDoc() ==
b.field.getDoc(); },
75 static bool compareUnits(ItemVariant
const &a, ItemVariant
const &b) {
77 [](
auto const & a,
auto const & b) {
return a.field.getUnits() ==
b.field.getUnits(); },
93 NameMap::const_iterator i = _names.lower_bound(name);
94 if (i != _names.end() && i->first == name) {
97 return std::get<SchemaItem<T>>(_items[i->second]);
98 }
catch (std::bad_variant_access &err) {
100 (boost::format(
"Field '%s' does not have the given type.") % name).str());
104 (boost::format(
"Field with name '%s' not found with type '%s'.") % name %
111 OffsetMap::const_iterator i = _offsets.lower_bound(key.
112 if (i != _offsets.end() && i->first == key.
getOffset()) {
114 return std::get<SchemaItem<T>>(_items[i->second]);
115 }
catch (std::bad_variant_access &err) {
120 (boost::format(
"Field or subfield with offset %d not found with type '%s'.") %
128 if (i != _flags.end()) {
129 if (i->first.first == key.
getOffset() && i->first.second == key.getBit()) {
131 return std::get<SchemaItem<Flag>>(_items[i->second]);
132 }
catch (std::bad_variant_access &err) {
134 (boost::format(
"Flag field with offset %d and bit %d not found.") %
141 (boost::format(
"Flag field with offset %d and bit %d not found.") % key.
getOffset() %
157 bool throwIfMissing =
true) {
158 SchemaImpl::OffsetMap::const_iterator i = offsets.find(key.
159 if (i == offsets.end()) {
160 if (throwIfMissing) {
162 (boost::format(
"Key of type %s with offset %d not found in Schema") %
174 Key<Flag>
const &key,
bool throwIfMissing =
true) {
175 SchemaImpl::FlagMap::const_iterator i = flags.find(
std::make_pair(key.getOffset(), key.getBit()));
176 if (i == flags.end()) {
177 if (throwIfMissing) {
179 pex::exceptions::NotFoundError,
180 (boost::format(
"Key of type Flag with offset %d and bit %d not found in Schema") %
181 key.getOffset() % key.getBit())
194 NameMap::iterator j = _names.find(field.
196 if (j != _names.end()) {
199 item = std::get_if<SchemaItem<T>>(&_items[j->second]);
200 if (!item || key != item->
key) {
203 (boost::format(
"Field with name '%s' already present in schema with a different key.") %
209 std::size_t index = findKey(_offsets, _flags, key);
210 item = std::get_if<SchemaItem<T>>(&_items[index]);
213 (boost::format(
"Incorrect key type '%s'.") % key).str());
215 j = _names.find(item->
228 "Can only check whether item is in schema if flags & EQUAL_KEYS");
233 cmpItem = std::get_if<SchemaItem<T> >(&_items[index]);
254 for (
auto const &_name : _names) {
255 std::size_t sep = _name.first.find(getDelimiter());
256 if (sep == std::string::npos) {
257 result.insert(result.end(), _name.first);
259 result.insert(result.end(), _name.first.substr(0, sep));
263 for (
auto const &_name : _names) {
264 result.insert(result.end(), _name.first);
273 for (NameMap::const_iterator i = _names.lower_bound(prefix); i != _names.end(); ++i) {
274 if (i->first.compare(0, prefix.size(), prefix) != 0)
275 std::size_t sep = i->first.find(getDelimiter(), prefix.size() + 1);
276 if (sep == std::string::npos) {
277 result.insert(result.end(),
278 i->first.substr(prefix.size() + 1, i->first.size() - prefix.size()));
280 result.insert(result.end(), i->first.substr(prefix.size() + 1, sep - prefix.size() - 1));
284 for (NameMap::const_iterator i = _names.lower_bound(prefix); i != _names.end(); ++i) {
285 if (i->first.compare(0, prefix.size(), prefix) != 0)
286 result.insert(result.end(),
287 i->first.substr(prefix.size() + 1, i->first.size() - prefix.size() - 1));
295 if (field.isVariableLength()) {
297 return addFieldImpl(
sizeof(ndarray::Array<T, 1, 1>), 1, field, doReplace);
300 return addFieldImpl(
typename Field<T>::Element), field.getElementCount(), field, doReplace);
304 if (field.isVariableLength()) {
306 return addFieldImpl(
std::string), 1, field, doReplace);
322 if (!result.second) {
324 SchemaItem<Flag> *item = std::get_if<SchemaItem<Flag>>(&_items[result.first->second]);
328 (boost::format(
"Cannot replace field with name '%s' because types differ.") %
335 (boost::format(
"Cannot replace field with name '%s' because sizes differ.") %
344 (boost::format(
"Field with name '%s' already present in schema.") % field.
348 if (!_initFlag || _lastFlagBit >= ELEMENT_SIZE * 8) {
349 std::size_t padding = ELEMENT_SIZE - _recordSize % ELEMENT_SIZE;
350 if (padding != ELEMENT_SIZE) {
351 _recordSize += padding;
353 _lastFlagField = _recordSize;
362 _items.push_back(item);
371 if (!result.second) {
373 SchemaItem<T> *item = std::get_if<SchemaItem<T>>(&_items[result.first->second]);
377 (boost::format(
"Cannot replace field with name '%s' because types differ.") %
387 (boost::format(
"Cannot replace field with name '%s' because sizes differ.") %
396 (boost::format(
"Field with name '%s' already present in schema.") % field.
400 std::size_t padding = elementSize - _recordSize % elementSize;
401 if (padding != elementSize) {
402 _recordSize += padding;
405 _recordSize += elementCount * elementSize;
406 _offsets.insert(std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t>(item.
key.getOffset(), _items.size()));
407 _items.push_back(item);
454 return afw::table::join(a, b, getDelimiter());
457void Schema::_edit() {
458 if (_impl.use_count() != 1) {
469 _aliases->_apply(tmp);
470 return _impl->find<T>(tmp);
475 return _impl->find(key);
481 return _impl->addField(field, doReplace);
487 _impl->replaceField(key, field);
491 if (_impl == other._impl)
return flags;
492 if (_impl->getItems().size() < other._impl->
return 0;
495 for (Impl::ItemContainer::const_iterator i1 = _impl->getItems().begin(),
510 int result =
contains(other, flags);
511 if (_impl->getItems().size() != other._impl->
size()) {
530 return _impl->contains(item, flags);
548 using result_type = void;
550 template <
typename T>
552 *os <<
" (" << item.
field <<
", " << item.
key <<
564 schema.forEach(Stream(&os));
565 for (
auto const &iter : *schema.getAliasMap()) {
566 os <<
" '" << iter.first <<
"'->'" << iter.second <<
577 return afw::table::join(a, b, getDelimiter());
581 : _impl(impl), _aliases(aliases), _name(name) {}
585 return _impl->find<T>(_aliases->apply(
join(_name, name)));
589 return SubSchema(_impl, _aliases,
join(_name, name));
602#define INSTANTIATE_LAYOUT(r, data, elem) \
603 template Key<elem> Schema::addField(Field<elem> const &, bool); \
604 template SchemaItem<elem> Schema::find(std::string const &) const; \
605 template SchemaItem<elem> Schema::find(Key<elem> const &) const; \
606 template SchemaItem<elem> detail::SchemaImpl::find(std::string const &name) const; \
607 template int Schema::contains(SchemaItem<elem> const &, int) const; \
608 template void Schema::replaceField(Key<elem> const &, Field<elem> const &); \
609 template SchemaItem<elem> SubSchema::find(std::string const &) const;
602#define INSTANTIATE_LAYOUT(r, data, elem) \ …
#define LSST_EXCEPT(type,...)
Create an exception with a given type.
#define INSTANTIATE_LAYOUT(r, data, elem)
A simple struct that combines the two arguments that must be passed to most cfitsio routines and cont...
void setHdu(int hdu, bool relative=false)
Set the current HDU.
void readMetadata(daf::base::PropertySet &metadata, bool strip=false)
Read a FITS header into a PropertySet or PropertyList.
Lifetime-management for memory that goes into FITS memory files.
Mapping class that holds aliases for a Schema.
Tag types used to declare specialized field types.
A class used as a handle to a particular field in a table.
std::size_t getOffset() const noexcept
Return the offset (in bytes) of this field within a record.
Defines the fields and offsets for a table.
void forEach(F &func) const
Apply a functor to each SchemaItem in the Schema.
Construct an empty Schema.
void disconnectAliases()
Sever the connection between this schema and any others with which it shares aliases.
Schema & operator=(Schema const &other)
std::string join(std::string const &a, std::string const &b) const
Join strings using the field delimiter appropriate for this Schema.
void setAliasMap(std::shared_ptr< AliasMap > aliases)
Set the alias map.
std::shared_ptr< AliasMap > getAliasMap() const
Return the map of aliases.
std::set< std::string > getNames(bool topOnly=false) const
Return a set of field names in the schema.
static Schema fromFitsMetadata(daf::base::PropertyList &header, bool stripMetadata=true)
Construct from reading a FITS header.
Key< T > addField(Field< T > const &field, bool doReplace=false)
Add a new field to the Schema, and return the associated Key.
static Schema readFits(std::string const &filename, int hdu=fits::DEFAULT_HDU)
Construct from reading a FITS file.
std::size_t hash_value() const noexcept
Return a hash of this object.
int contains(Schema const &other, int flags=EQUAL_KEYS) const
Test whether the given schema is a subset of this.
int compare(Schema const &other, int flags=EQUAL_KEYS) const
Do a detailed equality comparison of two schemas.
void replaceField(Key< T > const &key, Field< T > const &field)
Replace the Field (name/description) for an existing Key.
SchemaItem< T > find(std::string const &name) const
Find a SchemaItem in the Schema by name.
Fields have the same documentation (ordered).
Fields have the same names (ordered).
Fields have the same units (ordered).
Keys have the same types offsets, and sizes.
Fields are identical (but aliases may not be).
Schemas have identical AliasMaps.
std::string join(std::string const &a, std::string const &b) const
Join strings using the field delimiter appropriate for this Schema.
SubSchema operator[](std::string const &name) const
Return a nested proxy.
std::set< std::string > getNames(bool topOnly=false) const
Return a set of nested names that start with the SubSchema's prefix.
SchemaItem< T > find(std::string const &name) const
Find a nested SchemaItem by name.
static Key< T > makeKey(std::size_t offset)
std::set< std::string > getNames(bool topOnly) const
Return a set of field names (used to implement Schema::getNames).
Key< T > addField(Field< T > const &field, bool doReplace=false)
Add a field to the schema (used to implement Schema::addField).
int contains(SchemaItem< T > const &item, int flags) const
void replaceField(Key< T > const &key, Field< T > const &field)
Replace the Field in an existing SchemaItem without changing the Key.
SchemaItem< T > find(std::string const &name) const
Find an item by name (used to implement Schema::find).
std::map< std::pair< std::size_t, std::size_t >, std::size_t > FlagMap
A map from Flag field offset/bit pairs to position in the vector, so we can do Flag field lookups.
ItemContainer const & getItems() const
Return the vector of SchemaItem variants.
decltype(makeItemVariantType(FieldTypes{})) ItemVariant
A Boost.Variant type that can hold any one of the allowed SchemaItem types.
std::map< std::size_t, std::size_t > OffsetMap
A map from standard field offsets to position in the vector, so we can do field lookups.
Class for storing ordered metadata with comments.
Reports invalid arguments.
Reports errors in the logical structure of the program.
Reports attempts to access elements using an invalid key.
Reports errors from accepting an object of an unexpected or inappropriate type.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, BaseRecord const &record)
std::size_t hashCombine(std::size_t seed) noexcept
Combine hashes.
decltype(sizeof(void *)) size_t
static std::string getTypeString()
Return a string description of the field type.
std::size_t getElementCount() const noexcept
Return the number of subfield elements (always one for scalars).
A description of a field in a table.
typename FieldBase< T >::Element Element
Type used to store field data in the table (a field may have multiple elements).
std::string const & getName() const noexcept
Return the name of the field.
A simple pair-like struct for mapping a Field (name and description) with a Key (used for actual data...