LSST Applications g2079a07aa2+86d27d4dc4,g2305ad1205+a659bff248,g2bbee38e9b+3c60f8fe34,g337abbeb29+3c60f8fe34,g33d1c0ed96+3c60f8fe34,g3502564af9+d77d6d1350,g3a166c0a6a+3c60f8fe34,g487adcacf7+25d9892218,g4be5004598+d77d6d1350,g50ff169b8f+96c6868917,g52b1c1532d+585e252eca,g591dd9f2cf+4d81263f9a,g5cd07815a0+980d2b1c3b,g607f77f49a+d77d6d1350,g858d7b2824+d77d6d1350,g88963caddf+83e433e629,g99cad8db69+a4d3c48eeb,g9ddcbc5298+9a081db1e4,ga1e77700b3+bcf1af89ad,ga57fefb910+9a39d7b2d7,gae0086650b+585e252eca,gb065fddaf9+4f9fd82a2c,gb0e22166c9+60f28cb32d,gb363559e06+d84b1d3d07,gb3b7280ab2+4563d032e1,gb4b16eec92+babe958938,gba4ed39666+c2a2e4ac27,gbb8dafda3b+ed6854b564,gc120e1dc64+b72d212f87,gc28159a63d+3c60f8fe34,gc3e9b769f7+921dbcd359,gcf0d15dbbd+9a39d7b2d7,gdaeeff99f8+f9a426f77a,gddc38dedce+585e252eca,ge79ae78c31+3c60f8fe34,w.2024.21
LSST Data Management Base Package
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1# This file is part of afw.
3# Developed for the LSST Data Management System.
4# This product includes software developed by the LSST Project
5# (
6# See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution
7# for details of code ownership.
9# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12# (at your option) any later version.
14# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17# GNU General Public License for more details.
19# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20# along with this program. If not, see <>.
22__all__ = ["BoxGrid", "makeSipIwcToPixel", "makeSipPixelToIwc"]
24import itertools
25import math
26import os
27import pickle
29import astshim as ast
30import numpy as np
31from numpy.testing import assert_allclose, assert_array_equal
32from astshim.test import makeForwardPolyMap, makeTwoWayPolyMap
33from ._geom import getCdMatrixFromMetadata
35import lsst.geom
36import lsst.afw.geom as afwGeom
37from lsst.pex.exceptions import InvalidParameterError
38import lsst.utils
42class BoxGrid:
43 """Divide a box into nx by ny sub-boxes that tile the region
45 The sub-boxes will be of the same type as `box` and will exactly tile `box`;
46 they will also all be the same size, to the extent possible (some variation
47 is inevitable for integer boxes that cannot be evenly divided.
49 Parameters
50 ----------
51 box : `lsst.geom.Box2I` or `lsst.geom.Box2D`
52 the box to subdivide; the boxes in the grid will be of the same type
53 numColRow : pair of `int`
54 number of columns and rows
55 """
57 def __init__(self, box, numColRow):
58 if len(numColRow) != 2:
59 raise RuntimeError(f"numColRow={numColRow!r}; must be a sequence of two integers")
60 self._numColRow = tuple(int(val) for val in numColRow)
62 if isinstance(box, lsst.geom.Box2I):
63 stopDelta = 1
64 elif isinstance(box, lsst.geom.Box2D):
65 stopDelta = 0
66 else:
67 raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown class {type(box)} of box {box}")
68 self.boxClass = type(box)
69 self.stopDelta = stopDelta
71 minPoint = box.getMin()
72 self.pointClass = type(minPoint)
73 dtype = np.array(minPoint).dtype
75 self._divList = [np.linspace(start=box.getMin()[i],
76 stop=box.getMax()[i] + self.stopDelta,
77 num=self._numColRow[i] + 1,
78 endpoint=True,
79 dtype=dtype) for i in range(2)]
81 @property
82 def numColRow(self):
83 return self._numColRow
85 def __getitem__(self, indXY):
86 """Return the box at the specified x,y index
88 Parameters
89 ----------
90 indXY : pair of `ints`
91 the x,y index to return
93 Returns
94 -------
95 subBox : `lsst.geom.Box2I` or `lsst.geom.Box2D`
96 """
97 beg = self.pointClass(*[self._divList[i][indXY[i]] for i in range(2)])
98 end = self.pointClass(
99 *[self._divList[i][indXY[i] + 1] - self.stopDelta for i in range(2)])
100 return self.boxClass(beg, end)
102 def __len__(self):
103 return self.shape[0]*self.shape[1]
105 def __iter__(self):
106 """Return an iterator over all boxes, where column varies most quickly
107 """
108 for row in range(self.numColRow[1]):
109 for col in range(self.numColRow[0]):
110 yield self[col, row]
114 """Information about a FrameSet
116 Parameters
117 ----------
118 frameSet : `ast.FrameSet`
119 The FrameSet about which you want information
121 Notes
122 -----
123 **Fields**
125 baseInd : `int`
126 Index of base frame
127 currInd : `int`
128 Index of current frame
129 isBaseSkyFrame : `bool`
130 Is the base frame an `ast.SkyFrame`?
131 isCurrSkyFrame : `bool`
132 Is the current frame an `ast.SkyFrame`?
133 """
134 def __init__(self, frameSet):
135 self.baseInd = frameSet.base
136 self.currInd = frameSet.current
137 self.isBaseSkyFrame = frameSet.getFrame(self.baseInd).className == "SkyFrame"
138 self.isCurrSkyFrame = frameSet.getFrame(self.currInd).className == "SkyFrame"
141def makeSipPolyMapCoeffs(metadata, name):
142 """Return a list of ast.PolyMap coefficients for the specified SIP matrix
144 The returned list of coefficients for an ast.PolyMap
145 that computes the following function:
147 f(dxy) = dxy + sipPolynomial(dxy))
148 where dxy = pixelPosition - pixelOrigin
149 and sipPolynomial is a polynomial with terms `<name>n_m for x^n y^m`
150 (e.g. A2_0 is the coefficient for x^2 y^0)
152 Parameters
153 ----------
154 metadata : lsst.daf.base.PropertySet
155 FITS metadata describing a WCS with the specified SIP coefficients
156 name : str
157 The desired SIP terms: one of A, B, AP, BP
159 Returns
160 -------
161 list
162 A list of coefficients for an ast.PolyMap that computes
163 the specified SIP polynomial, including a term for out = in
165 Note
166 ----
167 This is an internal function for use by makeSipIwcToPixel
168 and makeSipPixelToIwc
169 """
170 outAxisDict = dict(A=1, B=2, AP=1, BP=2)
171 outAxis = outAxisDict.get(name)
172 if outAxis is None:
173 raise RuntimeError(f"{name} not a supported SIP name")
174 width = metadata.getAsInt(f"{name}_ORDER") + 1
175 found = False
176 # start with a term for out = in
177 coeffs = []
178 if outAxis == 1:
179 coeffs.append([1.0, outAxis, 1, 0])
180 else:
181 coeffs.append([1.0, outAxis, 0, 1])
182 # add SIP distortion terms
183 for xPower in range(width):
184 for yPower in range(width):
185 coeffName = f"{name}_{xPower}_{yPower}"
186 if not metadata.exists(coeffName):
187 continue
188 found = True
189 coeff = metadata.getAsDouble(coeffName)
190 coeffs.append([coeff, outAxis, xPower, yPower])
191 if not found:
192 raise RuntimeError(f"No {name} coefficients found")
193 return coeffs
196def makeSipIwcToPixel(metadata):
197 """Make an IWC to pixel transform with SIP distortion from FITS-WCS metadata
199 This function is primarily intended for unit tests.
200 IWC is intermediate world coordinates, as described in the FITS papers.
202 Parameters
203 ----------
204 metadata : lsst.daf.base.PropertySet
205 FITS metadata describing a WCS with inverse SIP coefficients
207 Returns
208 -------
209 lsst.afw.geom.TransformPoint2ToPoint2
210 Transform from IWC position to pixel position (zero-based)
211 in the forward direction. The inverse direction is not defined.
213 Notes
214 -----
216 The inverse SIP terms APn_m, BPn_m are polynomial coefficients x^n y^m
217 for computing transformed x, y respectively. If we call the resulting
218 polynomial inverseSipPolynomial, the returned transformation is:
220 pixelPosition = pixel origin + uv + inverseSipPolynomial(uv)
221 where uv = inverseCdMatrix * iwcPosition
222 """
223 crpix = (metadata.getScalar("CRPIX1") - 1, metadata.getScalar("CRPIX2") - 1)
224 pixelRelativeToAbsoluteMap = ast.ShiftMap(crpix)
225 cdMatrix = getCdMatrixFromMetadata(metadata)
226 cdMatrixMap = ast.MatrixMap(cdMatrix.copy())
227 coeffList = makeSipPolyMapCoeffs(metadata, "AP") + makeSipPolyMapCoeffs(metadata, "BP")
228 coeffArr = np.array(coeffList, dtype=float)
229 sipPolyMap = ast.PolyMap(coeffArr, 2, "IterInverse=0")
231 iwcToPixelMap = cdMatrixMap.inverted().then(sipPolyMap).then(pixelRelativeToAbsoluteMap)
232 return afwGeom.TransformPoint2ToPoint2(iwcToPixelMap)
235def makeSipPixelToIwc(metadata):
236 """Make a pixel to IWC transform with SIP distortion from FITS-WCS metadata
238 This function is primarily intended for unit tests.
239 IWC is intermediate world coordinates, as described in the FITS papers.
241 Parameters
242 ----------
243 metadata : lsst.daf.base.PropertySet
244 FITS metadata describing a WCS with forward SIP coefficients
246 Returns
247 -------
248 lsst.afw.geom.TransformPoint2ToPoint2
249 Transform from pixel position (zero-based) to IWC position
250 in the forward direction. The inverse direction is not defined.
252 Notes
253 -----
255 The forward SIP terms An_m, Bn_m are polynomial coefficients x^n y^m
256 for computing transformed x, y respectively. If we call the resulting
257 polynomial sipPolynomial, the returned transformation is:
259 iwcPosition = cdMatrix * (dxy + sipPolynomial(dxy))
260 where dxy = pixelPosition - pixelOrigin
261 """
262 crpix = (metadata.getScalar("CRPIX1") - 1, metadata.getScalar("CRPIX2") - 1)
263 pixelAbsoluteToRelativeMap = ast.ShiftMap(crpix).inverted()
264 cdMatrix = getCdMatrixFromMetadata(metadata)
265 cdMatrixMap = ast.MatrixMap(cdMatrix.copy())
266 coeffList = makeSipPolyMapCoeffs(metadata, "A") + makeSipPolyMapCoeffs(metadata, "B")
267 coeffArr = np.array(coeffList, dtype=float)
268 sipPolyMap = ast.PolyMap(coeffArr, 2, "IterInverse=0")
269 pixelToIwcMap = pixelAbsoluteToRelativeMap.then(sipPolyMap).then(cdMatrixMap)
270 return afwGeom.TransformPoint2ToPoint2(pixelToIwcMap)
274 """A FrameSet with base or current frame possibly permuted, with associated
275 information
277 Only two-axis frames will be permuted.
279 Parameters
280 ----------
281 frameSet : `ast.FrameSet`
282 The FrameSet you wish to permute. A deep copy is made.
283 permuteBase : `bool`
284 Permute the base frame's axes?
285 permuteCurr : `bool`
286 Permute the current frame's axes?
288 Raises
289 ------
290 RuntimeError
291 If you try to permute a frame that does not have 2 axes
293 Notes
294 -----
295 **Fields**
297 frameSet : `ast.FrameSet`
298 The FrameSet that may be permuted. A local copy is made.
299 isBaseSkyFrame : `bool`
300 Is the base frame an `ast.SkyFrame`?
301 isCurrSkyFrame : `bool`
302 Is the current frame an `ast.SkyFrame`?
303 isBasePermuted : `bool`
304 Are the base frame axes permuted?
305 isCurrPermuted : `bool`
306 Are the current frame axes permuted?
307 """
308 def __init__(self, frameSet, permuteBase, permuteCurr):
309 self.frameSet = frameSet.copy()
310 fsInfo = FrameSetInfo(self.frameSet)
311 self.isBaseSkyFrame = fsInfo.isBaseSkyFrame
312 self.isCurrSkyFrame = fsInfo.isCurrSkyFrame
313 if permuteBase:
314 baseNAxes = self.frameSet.getFrame(fsInfo.baseInd).nAxes
315 if baseNAxes != 2:
316 raise RuntimeError("Base frame has {} axes; 2 required to permute".format(baseNAxes))
317 self.frameSet.current = fsInfo.baseInd
318 self.frameSet.permAxes([2, 1])
319 self.frameSet.current = fsInfo.currInd
320 if permuteCurr:
321 currNAxes = self.frameSet.getFrame(fsInfo.currInd).nAxes
322 if currNAxes != 2:
323 raise RuntimeError("Current frame has {} axes; 2 required to permute".format(currNAxes))
324 assert self.frameSet.getFrame(fsInfo.currInd).nAxes == 2
325 self.frameSet.permAxes([2, 1])
326 self.isBasePermuted = permuteBase
327 self.isCurrPermuted = permuteCurr
330class TransformTestBaseClass(lsst.utils.tests.TestCase):
331 """Base class for unit tests of Transform<X>To<Y>
333 Subclasses must call `TransformTestBaseClass.setUp(self)`
334 if they provide their own version.
336 If a package other than afw uses this class then it must
337 override the `getTestDir` method to avoid writing into
338 afw's test directory.
339 """
341 def getTestDir(self):
342 """Return a directory where temporary test files can be written
344 The default implementation returns the test directory of the `afw`
345 package.
347 If this class is used by a test in a package other than `afw`
348 then the subclass must override this method.
349 """
350 return os.path.join(lsst.utils.getPackageDir("afw"), "tests")
352 def setUp(self):
353 """Set up a test
355 Subclasses should call this method if they override setUp.
356 """
357 # tell unittest to use the msg argument of asserts as a supplement
358 # to the error message, rather than as the whole error message
359 self.longMessage = True
361 # list of endpoint class name prefixes; the full name is prefix + "Endpoint"
362 self.endpointPrefixes = ("Generic", "Point2", "SpherePoint")
364 # GoodNAxes is dict of endpoint class name prefix:
365 # tuple containing 0 or more valid numbers of axes
366 self.goodNAxes = {
367 "Generic": (1, 2, 3, 4), # all numbers of axes are valid for GenericEndpoint
368 "Point2": (2,),
369 "SpherePoint": (2,),
370 }
372 # BadAxes is dict of endpoint class name prefix:
373 # tuple containing 0 or more invalid numbers of axes
374 self.badNAxes = {
375 "Generic": (), # all numbers of axes are valid for GenericEndpoint
376 "Point2": (1, 3, 4),
377 "SpherePoint": (1, 3, 4),
378 }
380 # Dict of frame index: identity name for frames created by makeFrameSet
382 1: "baseFrame",
383 2: "frame2",
384 3: "frame3",
385 4: "currFrame",
386 }
388 @staticmethod
389 def makeRawArrayData(nPoints, nAxes, delta=0.123):
390 """Make an array of generic point data
392 The data will be suitable for spherical points
394 Parameters
395 ----------
396 nPoints : `int`
397 Number of points in the array
398 nAxes : `int`
399 Number of axes in the point
401 Returns
402 -------
403 np.array of floats with shape (nAxes, nPoints)
404 The values are as follows; if nAxes != 2:
405 The first point has values `[0, delta, 2*delta, ..., (nAxes-1)*delta]`
406 The Nth point has those values + N
407 if nAxes == 2 then the data is scaled so that the max value of axis 1
408 is a bit less than pi/2
409 """
410 delta = 0.123
411 # oneAxis = [0, 1, 2, ...nPoints-1]
412 oneAxis = np.arange(nPoints, dtype=float) # [0, 1, 2...]
413 # rawData = [oneAxis, oneAxis + delta, oneAxis + 2 delta, ...]
414 rawData = np.array([j * delta + oneAxis for j in range(nAxes)], dtype=float)
415 if nAxes == 2:
416 # scale rawData so that max value of 2nd axis is a bit less than pi/2,
417 # thus making the data safe for SpherePoint
418 maxLatitude = np.max(rawData[1])
419 rawData *= math.pi * 0.4999 / maxLatitude
420 return rawData
422 @staticmethod
423 def makeRawPointData(nAxes, delta=0.123):
424 """Make one generic point
426 Parameters
427 ----------
428 nAxes : `int`
429 Number of axes in the point
430 delta : `float`
431 Increment between axis values
433 Returns
434 -------
435 A list of `nAxes` floats with values `[0, delta, ..., (nAxes-1)*delta]
436 """
437 return [i*delta for i in range(nAxes)]
439 @staticmethod
440 def makeEndpoint(name, nAxes=None):
441 """Make an endpoint
443 Parameters
444 ----------
445 name : `str`
446 Endpoint class name prefix; the full class name is name + "Endpoint"
447 nAxes : `int` or `None`, optional
448 number of axes; an int is required if `name` == "Generic";
449 otherwise ignored
451 Returns
452 -------
453 subclass of `lsst.afw.geom.BaseEndpoint`
454 The constructed endpoint
456 Raises
457 ------
458 TypeError
459 If `name` == "Generic" and `nAxes` is None or <= 0
460 """
461 EndpointClassName = name + "Endpoint"
462 EndpointClass = getattr(afwGeom, EndpointClassName)
463 if name == "Generic":
464 if nAxes is None:
465 raise TypeError("nAxes must be an integer for GenericEndpoint")
466 return EndpointClass(nAxes)
467 return EndpointClass()
469 @classmethod
470 def makeGoodFrame(cls, name, nAxes=None):
471 """Return the appropriate frame for the given name and nAxes
473 Parameters
474 ----------
475 name : `str`
476 Endpoint class name prefix; the full class name is name + "Endpoint"
477 nAxes : `int` or `None`, optional
478 number of axes; an int is required if `name` == "Generic";
479 otherwise ignored
481 Returns
482 -------
483 `ast.Frame`
484 The constructed frame
486 Raises
487 ------
488 TypeError
489 If `name` == "Generic" and `nAxes` is `None` or <= 0
490 """
491 return cls.makeEndpoint(name, nAxes).makeFrame()
493 @staticmethod
494 def makeBadFrames(name):
495 """Return a list of 0 or more frames that are not a valid match for the
496 named endpoint
498 Parameters
499 ----------
500 name : `str`
501 Endpoint class name prefix; the full class name is name + "Endpoint"
503 Returns
504 -------
505 Collection of `ast.Frame`
506 A collection of 0 or more frames
507 """
508 return {
509 "Generic": [],
510 "Point2": [
511 ast.SkyFrame(),
512 ast.Frame(1),
513 ast.Frame(3),
514 ],
515 "SpherePoint": [
516 ast.Frame(1),
517 ast.Frame(2),
518 ast.Frame(3),
519 ],
520 }[name]
522 def makeFrameSet(self, baseFrame, currFrame):
523 """Make a FrameSet
525 The FrameSet will contain 4 frames and three transforms connecting them.
526 The idenity of each frame is provided by self.frameIdentDict
528 Frame Index Mapping from this frame to the next
529 `baseFrame` 1 `ast.UnitMap(nIn)`
530 Frame(nIn) 2 `polyMap`
531 Frame(nOut) 3 `ast.UnitMap(nOut)`
532 `currFrame` 4
534 where:
535 - `nIn` = `baseFrame.nAxes`
536 - `nOut` = `currFrame.nAxes`
537 - `polyMap` = `makeTwoWayPolyMap(nIn, nOut)`
539 Returns
540 ------
541 `ast.FrameSet`
542 The FrameSet as described above
544 Parameters
545 ----------
546 baseFrame : `ast.Frame`
547 base frame
548 currFrame : `ast.Frame`
549 current frame
550 """
551 nIn = baseFrame.nAxes
552 nOut = currFrame.nAxes
553 polyMap = makeTwoWayPolyMap(nIn, nOut)
555 # The only way to set the Ident of a frame in a FrameSet is to set it in advance,
556 # and I don't want to modify the inputs, so replace the input frames with copies
557 baseFrame = baseFrame.copy()
558 baseFrame.ident = self.frameIdentDict[1]
559 currFrame = currFrame.copy()
560 currFrame.ident = self.frameIdentDict[4]
562 frameSet = ast.FrameSet(baseFrame)
563 frame2 = ast.Frame(nIn)
564 frame2.ident = self.frameIdentDict[2]
565 frameSet.addFrame(ast.FrameSet.CURRENT, ast.UnitMap(nIn), frame2)
566 frame3 = ast.Frame(nOut)
567 frame3.ident = self.frameIdentDict[3]
568 frameSet.addFrame(ast.FrameSet.CURRENT, polyMap, frame3)
569 frameSet.addFrame(ast.FrameSet.CURRENT, ast.UnitMap(nOut), currFrame)
570 return frameSet
572 @staticmethod
573 def permuteFrameSetIter(frameSet):
574 """Iterator over 0 or more frameSets with SkyFrames axes permuted
576 Only base and current SkyFrames are permuted. If neither the base nor
577 the current frame is a SkyFrame then no frames are returned.
579 Returns
580 -------
581 iterator over `PermutedFrameSet`
582 """
584 fsInfo = FrameSetInfo(frameSet)
585 if not (fsInfo.isBaseSkyFrame or fsInfo.isCurrSkyFrame):
586 return
588 permuteBaseList = [False, True] if fsInfo.isBaseSkyFrame else [False]
589 permuteCurrList = [False, True] if fsInfo.isCurrSkyFrame else [False]
590 for permuteBase in permuteBaseList:
591 for permuteCurr in permuteCurrList:
592 yield PermutedFrameSet(frameSet, permuteBase, permuteCurr)
594 @staticmethod
595 def makeJacobian(nIn, nOut, inPoint):
596 """Make a Jacobian matrix for the equation described by
597 `makeTwoWayPolyMap`.
599 Parameters
600 ----------
601 nIn, nOut : `int`
602 the dimensions of the input and output data; see makeTwoWayPolyMap
603 inPoint : `numpy.ndarray`
604 an array of size `nIn` representing the point at which the Jacobian
605 is measured
607 Returns
608 -------
609 J : `numpy.ndarray`
610 an `nOut` x `nIn` array of first derivatives
611 """
612 basePolyMapCoeff = 0.001 # see makeTwoWayPolyMap
613 baseCoeff = 2.0 * basePolyMapCoeff
614 coeffs = np.empty((nOut, nIn))
615 for iOut in range(nOut):
616 coeffOffset = baseCoeff * iOut
617 for iIn in range(nIn):
618 coeffs[iOut, iIn] = baseCoeff * (iIn + 1) + coeffOffset
619 coeffs[iOut, iIn] *= inPoint[iIn]
620 assert coeffs.ndim == 2
621 # Avoid spurious errors when comparing to a simplified array
622 assert coeffs.shape == (nOut, nIn)
623 return coeffs
625 def checkTransformation(self, transform, mapping, msg=""):
626 """Check applyForward and applyInverse for a transform
628 Parameters
629 ----------
630 transform : `lsst.afw.geom.Transform`
631 The transform to check
632 mapping : `ast.Mapping`
633 The mapping the transform should use. This mapping
634 must contain valid forward or inverse transformations,
635 but they need not match if both present. Hence the
636 mappings returned by make*PolyMap are acceptable.
637 msg : `str`
638 Error message suffix describing test parameters
639 """
640 fromEndpoint = transform.fromEndpoint
641 toEndpoint = transform.toEndpoint
642 mappingFromTransform = transform.getMapping()
644 nIn = mapping.nIn
645 nOut = mapping.nOut
646 self.assertEqual(nIn, fromEndpoint.nAxes, msg=msg)
647 self.assertEqual(nOut, toEndpoint.nAxes, msg=msg)
649 # forward transformation of one point
650 rawInPoint = self.makeRawPointData(nIn)
651 inPoint = fromEndpoint.pointFromData(rawInPoint)
653 # forward transformation of an array of points
654 nPoints = 7 # arbitrary
655 rawInArray = self.makeRawArrayData(nPoints, nIn)
656 inArray = fromEndpoint.arrayFromData(rawInArray)
658 if mapping.hasForward:
659 self.assertTrue(transform.hasForward)
660 outPoint = transform.applyForward(inPoint)
661 rawOutPoint = toEndpoint.dataFromPoint(outPoint)
662 assert_allclose(rawOutPoint, mapping.applyForward(rawInPoint), err_msg=msg)
663 assert_allclose(rawOutPoint, mappingFromTransform.applyForward(rawInPoint), err_msg=msg)
665 outArray = transform.applyForward(inArray)
666 rawOutArray = toEndpoint.dataFromArray(outArray)
667 self.assertFloatsAlmostEqual(rawOutArray, mapping.applyForward(rawInArray), msg=msg)
668 self.assertFloatsAlmostEqual(rawOutArray, mappingFromTransform.applyForward(rawInArray), msg=msg)
669 else:
670 # Need outPoint, but don't need it to be consistent with inPoint
671 rawOutPoint = self.makeRawPointData(nOut)
672 outPoint = toEndpoint.pointFromData(rawOutPoint)
673 rawOutArray = self.makeRawArrayData(nPoints, nOut)
674 outArray = toEndpoint.arrayFromData(rawOutArray)
676 self.assertFalse(transform.hasForward)
678 if mapping.hasInverse:
679 self.assertTrue(transform.hasInverse)
680 # inverse transformation of one point;
681 # remember that the inverse need not give the original values
682 # (see the description of the `mapping` parameter)
683 inversePoint = transform.applyInverse(outPoint)
684 rawInversePoint = fromEndpoint.dataFromPoint(inversePoint)
685 assert_allclose(rawInversePoint, mapping.applyInverse(rawOutPoint), err_msg=msg)
686 assert_allclose(rawInversePoint, mappingFromTransform.applyInverse(rawOutPoint), err_msg=msg)
688 # inverse transformation of an array of points;
689 # remember that the inverse will not give the original values
690 # (see the description of the `mapping` parameter)
691 inverseArray = transform.applyInverse(outArray)
692 rawInverseArray = fromEndpoint.dataFromArray(inverseArray)
693 self.assertFloatsAlmostEqual(rawInverseArray, mapping.applyInverse(rawOutArray), msg=msg)
694 self.assertFloatsAlmostEqual(rawInverseArray, mappingFromTransform.applyInverse(rawOutArray),
695 msg=msg)
696 else:
697 self.assertFalse(transform.hasInverse)
699 def checkInverseTransformation(self, forward, inverse, msg=""):
700 """Check that two Transforms are each others' inverses.
702 Parameters
703 ----------
704 forward : `lsst.afw.geom.Transform`
705 the reference Transform to test
706 inverse : `lsst.afw.geom.Transform`
707 the transform that should be the inverse of `forward`
708 msg : `str`
709 error message suffix describing test parameters
710 """
711 fromEndpoint = forward.fromEndpoint
712 toEndpoint = forward.toEndpoint
713 forwardMapping = forward.getMapping()
714 inverseMapping = inverse.getMapping()
716 # properties
717 self.assertEqual(forward.fromEndpoint,
718 inverse.toEndpoint, msg=msg)
719 self.assertEqual(forward.toEndpoint,
720 inverse.fromEndpoint, msg=msg)
721 self.assertEqual(forward.hasForward, inverse.hasInverse, msg=msg)
722 self.assertEqual(forward.hasInverse, inverse.hasForward, msg=msg)
724 # transformations of one point
725 # we don't care about whether the transformation itself is correct
726 # (see checkTransformation), so inPoint/outPoint need not be related
727 rawInPoint = self.makeRawPointData(fromEndpoint.nAxes)
728 inPoint = fromEndpoint.pointFromData(rawInPoint)
729 rawOutPoint = self.makeRawPointData(toEndpoint.nAxes)
730 outPoint = toEndpoint.pointFromData(rawOutPoint)
732 # transformations of arrays of points
733 nPoints = 7 # arbitrary
734 rawInArray = self.makeRawArrayData(nPoints, fromEndpoint.nAxes)
735 inArray = fromEndpoint.arrayFromData(rawInArray)
736 rawOutArray = self.makeRawArrayData(nPoints, toEndpoint.nAxes)
737 outArray = toEndpoint.arrayFromData(rawOutArray)
739 if forward.hasForward:
740 self.assertEqual(forward.applyForward(inPoint),
741 inverse.applyInverse(inPoint), msg=msg)
742 self.assertEqual(forwardMapping.applyForward(rawInPoint),
743 inverseMapping.applyInverse(rawInPoint), msg=msg)
744 # Assertions must work with both lists and numpy arrays
745 assert_array_equal(forward.applyForward(inArray),
746 inverse.applyInverse(inArray),
747 err_msg=msg)
748 assert_array_equal(forwardMapping.applyForward(rawInArray),
749 inverseMapping.applyInverse(rawInArray),
750 err_msg=msg)
752 if forward.hasInverse:
753 self.assertEqual(forward.applyInverse(outPoint),
754 inverse.applyForward(outPoint), msg=msg)
755 self.assertEqual(forwardMapping.applyInverse(rawOutPoint),
756 inverseMapping.applyForward(rawOutPoint), msg=msg)
757 assert_array_equal(forward.applyInverse(outArray),
758 inverse.applyForward(outArray),
759 err_msg=msg)
760 assert_array_equal(forwardMapping.applyInverse(rawOutArray),
761 inverseMapping.applyForward(rawOutArray),
762 err_msg=msg)
764 def checkTransformFromMapping(self, fromName, toName):
765 """Check Transform_<fromName>_<toName> using the Mapping constructor
767 Parameters
768 ----------
769 fromName, toName : `str`
770 Endpoint name prefix for "from" and "to" endpoints, respectively,
771 e.g. "Point2" for `lsst.afw.geom.Point2Endpoint`
772 fromAxes, toAxes : `int`
773 number of axes in fromFrame and toFrame, respectively
774 """
775 transformClassName = "Transform{}To{}".format(fromName, toName)
776 TransformClass = getattr(afwGeom, transformClassName)
777 baseMsg = "TransformClass={}".format(TransformClass.__name__)
779 # check valid numbers of inputs and outputs
780 for nIn, nOut in itertools.product(self.goodNAxes[fromName],
781 self.goodNAxes[toName]):
782 msg = "{}, nIn={}, nOut={}".format(baseMsg, nIn, nOut)
783 polyMap = makeTwoWayPolyMap(nIn, nOut)
784 transform = TransformClass(polyMap)
786 # desired output from `str(transform)`
787 desStr = "{}[{}->{}]".format(transformClassName, nIn, nOut)
788 self.assertEqual("{}".format(transform), desStr)
789 self.assertEqual(repr(transform), "lsst.afw.geom." + desStr)
791 self.checkTransformation(transform, polyMap, msg=msg)
793 # Forward transform but no inverse
794 polyMap = makeForwardPolyMap(nIn, nOut)
795 transform = TransformClass(polyMap)
796 self.checkTransformation(transform, polyMap, msg=msg)
798 # Inverse transform but no forward
799 polyMap = makeForwardPolyMap(nOut, nIn).inverted()
800 transform = TransformClass(polyMap)
801 self.checkTransformation(transform, polyMap, msg=msg)
803 # check invalid # of output against valid # of inputs
804 for nIn, badNOut in itertools.product(self.goodNAxes[fromName],
805 self.badNAxes[toName]):
806 badPolyMap = makeTwoWayPolyMap(nIn, badNOut)
807 msg = "{}, nIn={}, badNOut={}".format(baseMsg, nIn, badNOut)
808 with self.assertRaises(InvalidParameterError, msg=msg):
809 TransformClass(badPolyMap)
811 # check invalid # of inputs against valid and invalid # of outputs
812 for badNIn, nOut in itertools.product(self.badNAxes[fromName],
813 self.goodNAxes[toName] + self.badNAxes[toName]):
814 badPolyMap = makeTwoWayPolyMap(badNIn, nOut)
815 msg = "{}, badNIn={}, nOut={}".format(baseMsg, nIn, nOut)
816 with self.assertRaises(InvalidParameterError, msg=msg):
817 TransformClass(badPolyMap)
819 def checkTransformFromFrameSet(self, fromName, toName):
820 """Check Transform_<fromName>_<toName> using the FrameSet constructor
822 Parameters
823 ----------
824 fromName, toName : `str`
825 Endpoint name prefix for "from" and "to" endpoints, respectively,
826 e.g. "Point2" for `lsst.afw.geom.Point2Endpoint`
827 """
828 transformClassName = "Transform{}To{}".format(fromName, toName)
829 TransformClass = getattr(afwGeom, transformClassName)
830 baseMsg = "TransformClass={}".format(TransformClass.__name__)
831 for nIn, nOut in itertools.product(self.goodNAxes[fromName],
832 self.goodNAxes[toName]):
833 msg = "{}, nIn={}, nOut={}".format(baseMsg, nIn, nOut)
835 baseFrame = self.makeGoodFrame(fromName, nIn)
836 currFrame = self.makeGoodFrame(toName, nOut)
837 frameSet = self.makeFrameSet(baseFrame, currFrame)
838 self.assertEqual(frameSet.nFrame, 4)
840 # construct 0 or more frame sets that are invalid for this transform class
841 for badBaseFrame in self.makeBadFrames(fromName):
842 badFrameSet = self.makeFrameSet(badBaseFrame, currFrame)
843 with self.assertRaises(InvalidParameterError):
844 TransformClass(badFrameSet)
845 for badCurrFrame in self.makeBadFrames(toName):
846 reallyBadFrameSet = self.makeFrameSet(badBaseFrame, badCurrFrame)
847 with self.assertRaises(InvalidParameterError):
848 TransformClass(reallyBadFrameSet)
849 for badCurrFrame in self.makeBadFrames(toName):
850 badFrameSet = self.makeFrameSet(baseFrame, badCurrFrame)
851 with self.assertRaises(InvalidParameterError):
852 TransformClass(badFrameSet)
854 transform = TransformClass(frameSet)
856 desStr = "{}[{}->{}]".format(transformClassName, nIn, nOut)
857 self.assertEqual("{}".format(transform), desStr)
858 self.assertEqual(repr(transform), "lsst.afw.geom." + desStr)
860 self.checkPersistence(transform)
862 mappingFromTransform = transform.getMapping()
863 transformCopy = TransformClass(mappingFromTransform)
864 self.assertEqual(type(transform), type(transformCopy))
865 self.assertEqual(transform.getMapping(), mappingFromTransform)
867 polyMap = makeTwoWayPolyMap(nIn, nOut)
869 self.checkTransformation(transform, mapping=polyMap, msg=msg)
871 # If the base and/or current frame of frameSet is a SkyFrame,
872 # try permuting that frame (in place, so the connected mappings are
873 # correctly updated). The Transform constructor should undo the permutation,
874 # (via SpherePointEndpoint.normalizeFrame) in its internal copy of frameSet,
875 # forcing the axes of the SkyFrame into standard (longitude, latitude) order
876 for permutedFS in self.permuteFrameSetIter(frameSet):
877 if permutedFS.isBaseSkyFrame:
878 baseFrame = permutedFS.frameSet.getFrame(ast.FrameSet.BASE)
879 # desired base longitude axis
880 desBaseLonAxis = 2 if permutedFS.isBasePermuted else 1
881 self.assertEqual(baseFrame.lonAxis, desBaseLonAxis)
882 if permutedFS.isCurrSkyFrame:
883 currFrame = permutedFS.frameSet.getFrame(ast.FrameSet.CURRENT)
884 # desired current base longitude axis
885 desCurrLonAxis = 2 if permutedFS.isCurrPermuted else 1
886 self.assertEqual(currFrame.lonAxis, desCurrLonAxis)
888 permTransform = TransformClass(permutedFS.frameSet)
889 self.checkTransformation(permTransform, mapping=polyMap, msg=msg)
891 def checkInverted(self, fromName, toName):
892 """Test Transform<fromName>To<toName>.inverted
894 Parameters
895 ----------
896 fromName, toName : `str`
897 Endpoint name prefix for "from" and "to" endpoints, respectively,
898 e.g. "Point2" for `lsst.afw.geom.Point2Endpoint`
899 """
900 transformClassName = "Transform{}To{}".format(fromName, toName)
901 TransformClass = getattr(afwGeom, transformClassName)
902 baseMsg = "TransformClass={}".format(TransformClass.__name__)
903 for nIn, nOut in itertools.product(self.goodNAxes[fromName],
904 self.goodNAxes[toName]):
905 msg = "{}, nIn={}, nOut={}".format(baseMsg, nIn, nOut)
907 TransformClass,
908 makeTwoWayPolyMap(nIn, nOut),
909 "{}, Map={}".format(msg, "TwoWay"))
911 TransformClass,
912 makeForwardPolyMap(nIn, nOut),
913 "{}, Map={}".format(msg, "Forward"))
915 TransformClass,
916 makeForwardPolyMap(nOut, nIn).inverted(),
917 "{}, Map={}".format(msg, "Inverse"))
919 def checkInverseMapping(self, TransformClass, mapping, msg):
920 """Test Transform<fromName>To<toName>.inverted for a specific
921 mapping.
923 Also check that inverted() and getInverted() return the same
924 transform.
926 Parameters
927 ----------
928 TransformClass : `type`
929 The class of transform to test, such as TransformPoint2ToPoint2
930 mapping : `ast.Mapping`
931 The mapping to use for the transform
932 msg : `str`
933 Error message suffix
934 """
935 transform = TransformClass(mapping)
936 inverse = transform.inverted()
937 inverseInverse = inverse.inverted()
939 self.checkInverseTransformation(transform, inverse, msg=msg)
940 self.checkInverseTransformation(inverse, inverseInverse, msg=msg)
941 self.checkTransformation(inverseInverse, mapping, msg=msg)
943 def checkGetJacobian(self, fromName, toName):
944 """Test Transform<fromName>To<toName>.getJacobian
946 Parameters
947 ----------
948 fromName, toName : `str`
949 Endpoint name prefix for "from" and "to" endpoints, respectively,
950 e.g. "Point2" for `lsst.afw.geom.Point2Endpoint`
951 """
952 transformClassName = "Transform{}To{}".format(fromName, toName)
953 TransformClass = getattr(afwGeom, transformClassName)
954 baseMsg = "TransformClass={}".format(TransformClass.__name__)
955 for nIn, nOut in itertools.product(self.goodNAxes[fromName],
956 self.goodNAxes[toName]):
957 msg = "{}, nIn={}, nOut={}".format(baseMsg, nIn, nOut)
958 polyMap = makeForwardPolyMap(nIn, nOut)
959 transform = TransformClass(polyMap)
960 fromEndpoint = transform.fromEndpoint
962 # Test multiple points to ensure correct functional form
963 rawInPoint = self.makeRawPointData(nIn)
964 inPoint = fromEndpoint.pointFromData(rawInPoint)
965 jacobian = transform.getJacobian(inPoint)
966 assert_allclose(jacobian, self.makeJacobian(nIn, nOut, rawInPoint),
967 err_msg=msg)
969 rawInPoint = self.makeRawPointData(nIn, 0.111)
970 inPoint = fromEndpoint.pointFromData(rawInPoint)
971 jacobian = transform.getJacobian(inPoint)
972 assert_allclose(jacobian, self.makeJacobian(nIn, nOut, rawInPoint),
973 err_msg=msg)
975 def checkThen(self, fromName, midName, toName):
976 """Test Transform<fromName>To<midName>.then(Transform<midName>To<toName>)
978 Parameters
979 ----------
980 fromName : `str`
981 the prefix of the starting endpoint (e.g., "Point2" for a
982 Point2Endpoint) for the final, concatenated Transform
983 midName : `str`
984 the prefix for the shared endpoint where two Transforms will be
985 concatenated
986 toName : `str`
987 the prefix of the ending endpoint for the final, concatenated
988 Transform
989 """
990 TransformClass1 = getattr(afwGeom,
991 "Transform{}To{}".format(fromName, midName))
992 TransformClass2 = getattr(afwGeom,
993 "Transform{}To{}".format(midName, toName))
994 baseMsg = "{}.then({})".format(TransformClass1.__name__,
995 TransformClass2.__name__)
996 for nIn, nMid, nOut in itertools.product(self.goodNAxes[fromName],
997 self.goodNAxes[midName],
998 self.goodNAxes[toName]):
999 msg = "{}, nIn={}, nMid={}, nOut={}".format(
1000 baseMsg, nIn, nMid, nOut)
1001 polyMap1 = makeTwoWayPolyMap(nIn, nMid)
1002 transform1 = TransformClass1(polyMap1)
1003 polyMap2 = makeTwoWayPolyMap(nMid, nOut)
1004 transform2 = TransformClass2(polyMap2)
1005 transform = transform1.then(transform2)
1007 fromEndpoint = transform1.fromEndpoint
1008 toEndpoint = transform2.toEndpoint
1010 inPoint = fromEndpoint.pointFromData(self.makeRawPointData(nIn))
1011 outPointMerged = transform.applyForward(inPoint)
1012 outPointSeparate = transform2.applyForward(
1013 transform1.applyForward(inPoint))
1014 assert_allclose(toEndpoint.dataFromPoint(outPointMerged),
1015 toEndpoint.dataFromPoint(outPointSeparate),
1016 err_msg=msg)
1018 outPoint = toEndpoint.pointFromData(self.makeRawPointData(nOut))
1019 inPointMerged = transform.applyInverse(outPoint)
1020 inPointSeparate = transform1.applyInverse(
1021 transform2.applyInverse(outPoint))
1022 assert_allclose(
1023 fromEndpoint.dataFromPoint(inPointMerged),
1024 fromEndpoint.dataFromPoint(inPointSeparate),
1025 err_msg=msg)
1027 # Mismatched number of axes should fail
1028 if midName == "Generic":
1029 nIn = self.goodNAxes[fromName][0]
1030 nOut = self.goodNAxes[toName][0]
1031 polyMap = makeTwoWayPolyMap(nIn, 3)
1032 transform1 = TransformClass1(polyMap)
1033 polyMap = makeTwoWayPolyMap(2, nOut)
1034 transform2 = TransformClass2(polyMap)
1035 with self.assertRaises(InvalidParameterError):
1036 transform = transform1.then(transform2)
1038 # Mismatched types of endpoints should fail
1039 if fromName != midName:
1040 # Use TransformClass1 for both args to keep test logic simple
1041 outName = midName
1042 joinNAxes = set(self.goodNAxes[fromName]).intersection(
1043 self.goodNAxes[outName])
1045 for nIn, nMid, nOut in itertools.product(self.goodNAxes[fromName],
1046 joinNAxes,
1047 self.goodNAxes[outName]):
1048 polyMap = makeTwoWayPolyMap(nIn, nMid)
1049 transform1 = TransformClass1(polyMap)
1050 polyMap = makeTwoWayPolyMap(nMid, nOut)
1051 transform2 = TransformClass1(polyMap)
1052 with self.assertRaises(InvalidParameterError):
1053 transform = transform1.then(transform2)
1055 def assertTransformsEqual(self, transform1, transform2):
1056 """Assert that two transforms are equal"""
1057 self.assertEqual(type(transform1), type(transform2))
1058 self.assertEqual(transform1.fromEndpoint, transform2.fromEndpoint)
1059 self.assertEqual(transform1.toEndpoint, transform2.toEndpoint)
1060 self.assertEqual(transform1.getMapping(), transform2.getMapping())
1062 fromEndpoint = transform1.fromEndpoint
1063 toEndpoint = transform1.toEndpoint
1064 mapping = transform1.getMapping()
1065 nIn = mapping.nIn
1066 nOut = mapping.nOut
1068 if mapping.hasForward:
1069 nPoints = 7 # arbitrary
1070 rawInArray = self.makeRawArrayData(nPoints, nIn)
1071 inArray = fromEndpoint.arrayFromData(rawInArray)
1072 outArray = transform1.applyForward(inArray)
1073 outData = toEndpoint.dataFromArray(outArray)
1074 outArrayRoundTrip = transform2.applyForward(inArray)
1075 outDataRoundTrip = toEndpoint.dataFromArray(outArrayRoundTrip)
1076 assert_allclose(outData, outDataRoundTrip)
1078 if mapping.hasInverse:
1079 nPoints = 7 # arbitrary
1080 rawOutArray = self.makeRawArrayData(nPoints, nOut)
1081 outArray = toEndpoint.arrayFromData(rawOutArray)
1082 inArray = transform1.applyInverse(outArray)
1083 inData = fromEndpoint.dataFromArray(inArray)
1084 inArrayRoundTrip = transform2.applyInverse(outArray)
1085 inDataRoundTrip = fromEndpoint.dataFromArray(inArrayRoundTrip)
1086 assert_allclose(inData, inDataRoundTrip)
1088 def checkPersistence(self, transform):
1089 """Check persistence of a transform
1090 """
1091 className = type(transform).__name__
1093 # check writeString and readString
1094 transformStr = transform.writeString()
1095 serialVersion, serialClassName, serialRest = transformStr.split(" ", 2)
1096 self.assertEqual(int(serialVersion), 1)
1097 self.assertEqual(serialClassName, className)
1098 badStr1 = " ".join(["2", serialClassName, serialRest])
1099 with self.assertRaises(lsst.pex.exceptions.InvalidParameterError):
1100 transform.readString(badStr1)
1101 badClassName = "x" + serialClassName
1102 badStr2 = " ".join(["1", badClassName, serialRest])
1103 with self.assertRaises(lsst.pex.exceptions.InvalidParameterError):
1104 transform.readString(badStr2)
1105 transformFromStr1 = transform.readString(transformStr)
1106 self.assertTransformsEqual(transform, transformFromStr1)
1108 # check transformFromString
1109 transformFromStr2 = afwGeom.transformFromString(transformStr)
1110 self.assertTransformsEqual(transform, transformFromStr2)
1112 # Check pickling
1113 self.assertTransformsEqual(transform, pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(transform)))
1115 # Check afw::table::io persistence round-trip
1116 with lsst.utils.tests.getTempFilePath(".fits") as filename:
1117 transform.writeFits(filename)
1118 self.assertTransformsEqual(transform, type(transform).readFits(filename))
Frame is used to represent a coordinate system.
Definition Frame.h:157
A FrameSet consists of a set of one or more Frames (which describe coordinate systems),...
Definition FrameSet.h:99
MatrixMap is a form of Mapping which performs a general linear transformation.
Definition MatrixMap.h:42
PolyMap is a Mapping which performs a general polynomial transformation.
Definition PolyMap.h:49
ShiftMap is a linear Mapping which shifts each axis by a specified constant value.
Definition ShiftMap.h:40
SkyFrame is a specialised form of Frame which describes celestial longitude/latitude coordinate syste...
Definition SkyFrame.h:66
A UnitMap is a unit (null) Mapping that has no effect on the coordinates supplied to it.
Definition UnitMap.h:44
Transform LSST spatial data, such as lsst::geom::Point2D and lsst::geom::SpherePoint,...
Definition Transform.h:68
__init__(self, box, numColRow)
__init__(self, frameSet, permuteBase, permuteCurr)
checkTransformFromFrameSet(self, fromName, toName)
checkTransformation(self, transform, mapping, msg="")
checkInverseMapping(self, TransformClass, mapping, msg)
makeRawArrayData(nPoints, nAxes, delta=0.123)
assertTransformsEqual(self, transform1, transform2)
checkThen(self, fromName, midName, toName)
checkTransformFromMapping(self, fromName, toName)
checkInverseTransformation(self, forward, inverse, msg="")
A floating-point coordinate rectangle geometry.
Definition Box.h:413
An integer coordinate rectangle.
Definition Box.h:55
Reports invalid arguments.
Definition Runtime.h:66
daf::base::PropertySet * set
makeSipPolyMapCoeffs(metadata, name)