LSST Applications g0da5cf3356+25b44625d0,g17e5ecfddb+50a5ac4092,g1c76d35bf8+585f0f68a2,g295839609d+8ef6456700,g2e2c1a68ba+cc1f6f037e,g38293774b4+62d12e78cb,g3b44f30a73+2891c76795,g48ccf36440+885b902d19,g4b2f1765b6+0c565e8f25,g5320a0a9f6+bd4bf1dc76,g56364267ca+403c24672b,g56b687f8c9+585f0f68a2,g5c4744a4d9+78cd207961,g5ffd174ac0+bd4bf1dc76,g6075d09f38+3075de592a,g667d525e37+cacede5508,g6f3e93b5a3+da81c812ee,g71f27ac40c+cacede5508,g7212e027e3+eb621d73aa,g774830318a+18d2b9fa6c,g7985c39107+62d12e78cb,g79ca90bc5c+fa2cc03294,g881bdbfe6c+cacede5508,g91fc1fa0cf+82a115f028,g961520b1fb+2534687f64,g96f01af41f+f2060f23b6,g9ca82378b8+cacede5508,g9d27549199+78cd207961,gb065e2a02a+ad48cbcda4,gb1df4690d6+585f0f68a2,gb35d6563ee+62d12e78cb,gbc3249ced9+bd4bf1dc76,gbec6a3398f+bd4bf1dc76,gd01420fc67+bd4bf1dc76,gd59336e7c4+c7bb92e648,gf46e8334de+81c9a61069,gfed783d017+bd4bf1dc76,v25.0.1.rc3
LSST Data Management Base Package
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1# This file is part of pipe_tasks.
3# Developed for the LSST Data Management System.
4# This product includes software developed by the LSST Project
5# (
6# See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution
7# for details of code ownership.
9# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12# (at your option) any later version.
14# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17# GNU General Public License for more details.
19# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20# along with this program. If not, see <>.
22__all__ = ["SkyCorrectionTask", "SkyCorrectionConfig"]
24import numpy as np
26import lsst.afw.math as afwMath
27import lsst.afw.image as afwImage
28import lsst.pipe.base as pipeBase
30from lsst.afw.cameraGeom.utils import makeImageFromCamera
31from lsst.daf.butler import DimensionGraph
32from lsst.pex.config import Config, Field, ConfigurableField, ConfigField
33import lsst.pipe.base.connectionTypes as cT
35from .background import (SkyMeasurementTask, FocalPlaneBackground,
36 FocalPlaneBackgroundConfig, MaskObjectsTask)
39def reorderAndPadList(inputList, inputKeys, outputKeys, padWith=None):
40 """Match the order of one list to another, padding if necessary
42 Parameters
43 ----------
44 inputList : list
45 List to be reordered and padded. Elements can be any type.
46 inputKeys : iterable
47 Iterable of values to be compared with outputKeys.
48 Length must match `inputList`
49 outputKeys : iterable
50 Iterable of values to be compared with inputKeys.
51 padWith :
52 Any value to be inserted where inputKey not in outputKeys
54 Returns
55 -------
56 list
57 Copy of inputList reordered per outputKeys and padded with `padWith`
58 so that the length matches length of outputKeys.
59 """
60 outputList = []
61 for d in outputKeys:
62 if d in inputKeys:
63 outputList.append(inputList[inputKeys.index(d)])
64 else:
65 outputList.append(padWith)
66 return outputList
69def _makeCameraImage(camera, exposures, binning):
70 """Make and write an image of an entire focal plane
72 Parameters
73 ----------
75 Camera description.
76 exposures : `dict` mapping detector ID to `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
77 CCD exposures, binned by `binning`.
78 binning : `int`
79 Binning size that has been applied to images.
80 """
81 class ImageSource:
82 """Source of images for makeImageFromCamera"""
83 def __init__(self, exposures):
84 """Constructor
86 Parameters
87 ----------
88 exposures : `dict` mapping detector ID to `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
89 CCD exposures, already binned.
90 """
91 self.isTrimmed = True
92 self.exposures = exposures
93 self.background = np.nan
95 def getCcdImage(self, detector, imageFactory, binSize):
96 """Provide image of CCD to makeImageFromCamera"""
97 detId = detector.getId()
98 if detId not in self.exposures:
99 dims = detector.getBBox().getDimensions()/binSize
100 image = imageFactory(*[int(xx) for xx in dims])
101 image.set(self.background)
102 else:
103 image = self.exposures[detector.getId()]
104 if hasattr(image, "getMaskedImage"):
105 image = image.getMaskedImage()
106 if hasattr(image, "getMask"):
107 mask = image.getMask()
108 isBad = mask.getArray() & mask.getPlaneBitMask("NO_DATA") > 0
109 image = image.clone()
110 image.getImage().getArray()[isBad] = self.background
111 if hasattr(image, "getImage"):
112 image = image.getImage()
114 image = afwMath.rotateImageBy90(image, detector.getOrientation().getNQuarter())
116 return image, detector
118 image = makeImageFromCamera(
119 camera,
120 imageSource=ImageSource(exposures),
121 imageFactory=afwImage.ImageF,
122 binSize=binning
123 )
124 return image
127def makeCameraImage(camera, exposures, filename=None, binning=8):
128 """Make and write an image of an entire focal plane
130 Parameters
131 ----------
133 Camera description.
134 exposures : `list` of `tuple` of `int` and `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
135 List of detector ID and CCD exposures (binned by `binning`).
136 filename : `str`, optional
137 Output filename.
138 binning : `int`
139 Binning size that has been applied to images.
140 """
141 image = _makeCameraImage(camera, dict(exp for exp in exposures if exp is not None), binning)
142 if filename is not None:
143 image.writeFits(filename)
144 return image
147def _skyLookup(datasetType, registry, quantumDataId, collections):
148 """Lookup function to identify sky frames
150 Parameters
151 ----------
152 datasetType : `lsst.daf.butler.DatasetType`
153 Dataset to lookup.
154 registry : `lsst.daf.butler.Registry`
155 Butler registry to query.
156 quantumDataId : `lsst.daf.butler.DataCoordinate`
157 Data id to transform to find sky frames.
158 The ``detector`` entry will be stripped.
159 collections : `lsst.daf.butler.CollectionSearch`
160 Collections to search through.
162 Returns
163 -------
164 results : `list` [`lsst.daf.butler.DatasetRef`]
165 List of datasets that will be used as sky calibration frames
166 """
167 newDataId = quantumDataId.subset(DimensionGraph(registry.dimensions, names=["instrument", "visit"]))
168 skyFrames = []
169 for dataId in registry.queryDataIds(["visit", "detector"], dataId=newDataId).expanded():
170 skyFrame = registry.findDataset(datasetType, dataId, collections=collections,
171 timespan=dataId.timespan)
172 skyFrames.append(skyFrame)
174 return skyFrames
177class SkyCorrectionConnections(pipeBase.PipelineTaskConnections, dimensions=("instrument", "visit")):
178 rawLinker = cT.Input(
179 doc="Raw data to provide exp-visit linkage to connect calExp inputs to camera/sky calibs.",
180 name="raw",
181 multiple=True,
182 deferLoad=True,
183 storageClass="Exposure",
184 dimensions=["instrument", "exposure", "detector"],
185 )
186 calExpArray = cT.Input(
187 doc="Input exposures to process",
188 name="calexp",
189 multiple=True,
190 storageClass="ExposureF",
191 dimensions=["instrument", "visit", "detector"],
192 )
193 calBkgArray = cT.Input(
194 doc="Input background files to use",
195 multiple=True,
196 name="calexpBackground",
197 storageClass="Background",
198 dimensions=["instrument", "visit", "detector"],
199 )
200 camera = cT.PrerequisiteInput(
201 doc="Input camera to use.",
202 name="camera",
203 storageClass="Camera",
204 dimensions=["instrument"],
205 isCalibration=True,
206 )
207 skyCalibs = cT.PrerequisiteInput(
208 doc="Input sky calibrations to use.",
209 name="sky",
210 multiple=True,
211 storageClass="ExposureF",
212 dimensions=["instrument", "physical_filter", "detector"],
213 isCalibration=True,
214 lookupFunction=_skyLookup,
215 )
216 calExpCamera = cT.Output(
217 doc="Output camera image.",
218 name='calexp_camera',
219 storageClass="ImageF",
220 dimensions=["instrument", "visit"],
221 )
222 skyCorr = cT.Output(
223 doc="Output sky corrected images.",
224 name='skyCorr',
225 multiple=True,
226 storageClass="Background",
227 dimensions=["instrument", "visit", "detector"],
228 )
231class SkyCorrectionConfig(pipeBase.PipelineTaskConfig, pipelineConnections=SkyCorrectionConnections):
232 """Configuration for SkyCorrectionTask"""
233 bgModel = ConfigField(dtype=FocalPlaneBackgroundConfig, doc="Background model")
234 bgModel2 = ConfigField(dtype=FocalPlaneBackgroundConfig, doc="2nd Background model")
235 sky = ConfigurableField(target=SkyMeasurementTask, doc="Sky measurement")
236 maskObjects = ConfigurableField(target=MaskObjectsTask, doc="Mask Objects")
237 doMaskObjects = Field(dtype=bool, default=True, doc="Mask objects to find good sky?")
238 doBgModel = Field(dtype=bool, default=True, doc="Do background model subtraction?")
239 doBgModel2 = Field(dtype=bool, default=True, doc="Do cleanup background model subtraction?")
240 doSky = Field(dtype=bool, default=True, doc="Do sky frame subtraction?")
241 binning = Field(dtype=int, default=8, doc="Binning factor for constructing focal-plane images")
242 calexpType = Field(dtype=str, default="calexp",
243 doc="Should be set to fakes_calexp if you want to process calexps with fakes in.")
245 def setDefaults(self):
246 Config.setDefaults(self)
247 self.bgModel2.doSmooth = True
248 self.bgModel2.minFrac = 0.5
249 self.bgModel2.xSize = 256
250 self.bgModel2.ySize = 256
251 self.bgModel2.smoothScale = 1.0
254class SkyCorrectionTask(pipeBase.PipelineTask):
255 """Correct sky over entire focal plane"""
256 ConfigClass = SkyCorrectionConfig
257 _DefaultName = "skyCorr"
259 def runQuantum(self, butlerQC, inputRefs, outputRefs):
261 # Reorder the skyCalibs, calBkgArray, and calExpArray inputRefs and the
262 # skyCorr outputRef sorted by detector id to ensure reproducibility.
263 detectorOrder = [ref.dataId['detector'] for ref in inputRefs.calExpArray]
264 detectorOrder.sort()
265 inputRefs.calExpArray = reorderAndPadList(inputRefs.calExpArray,
266 [ref.dataId['detector'] for ref in inputRefs.calExpArray],
267 detectorOrder)
268 inputRefs.skyCalibs = reorderAndPadList(inputRefs.skyCalibs,
269 [ref.dataId['detector'] for ref in inputRefs.skyCalibs],
270 detectorOrder)
271 inputRefs.calBkgArray = reorderAndPadList(inputRefs.calBkgArray,
272 [ref.dataId['detector'] for ref in inputRefs.calBkgArray],
273 detectorOrder)
274 outputRefs.skyCorr = reorderAndPadList(outputRefs.skyCorr,
275 [ref.dataId['detector'] for ref in outputRefs.skyCorr],
276 detectorOrder)
277 inputs = butlerQC.get(inputRefs)
278 inputs.pop("rawLinker", None)
279 outputs =**inputs)
280 butlerQC.put(outputs, outputRefs)
282 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
283 super().__init__(**kwargs)
285 self.makeSubtask("sky")
286 self.makeSubtask("maskObjects")
288 def focalPlaneBackgroundRun(self, camera, cacheExposures, idList, config):
289 """Perform full focal-plane background subtraction
291 This method runs on the master node.
293 Parameters
294 ----------
296 Camera description.
297 cacheExposures : `list` of `lsst.afw.image.Exposures`
298 List of loaded and processed input calExp.
299 idList : `list` of `int`
300 List of detector ids to iterate over.
302 Configuration to use for background subtraction.
304 Returns
305 -------
306 exposures : `list` of `lsst.afw.image.Image`
307 List of binned images, for creating focal plane image.
308 newCacheBgList : `list` of `lsst.afwMath.backgroundList`
309 Background lists generated.
310 cacheBgModel : `FocalPlaneBackground`
311 Full focal plane background model.
312 """
313 bgModel = FocalPlaneBackground.fromCamera(config, camera)
314 data = [pipeBase.Struct(id=id, bgModel=bgModel.clone()) for id in idList]
316 bgModelList = []
317 for nodeData, cacheExp in zip(data, cacheExposures):
318 nodeData.bgModel.addCcd(cacheExp)
319 bgModelList.append(nodeData.bgModel)
321 for ii, bg in enumerate(bgModelList):
322"Background %d: %d pixels", ii, bg._numbers.getArray().sum())
323 bgModel.merge(bg)
325 exposures = []
326 newCacheBgList = []
327 cacheBgModel = []
328 for cacheExp in cacheExposures:
329 nodeExp, nodeBgModel, nodeBgList = self.subtractModelRun(cacheExp, bgModel)
330 exposures.append(afwMath.binImage(nodeExp.getMaskedImage(), self.config.binning))
331 cacheBgModel.append(nodeBgModel)
332 newCacheBgList.append(nodeBgList)
334 return exposures, newCacheBgList, cacheBgModel
336 def run(self, calExpArray, calBkgArray, skyCalibs, camera):
337 """Performa sky correction on an exposure.
339 Parameters
340 ----------
341 calExpArray : `list` of `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
342 Array of detector input calExp images for the exposure to
343 process.
344 calBkgArray : `list` of `lsst.afw.math.BackgroundList`
345 Array of detector input background lists matching the
346 calExps to process.
347 skyCalibs : `list` of `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
348 Array of SKY calibrations for the input detectors to be
349 processed.
351 Camera matching the input data to process.
353 Returns
354 -------
355 results : `pipeBase.Struct` containing
356 calExpCamera : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
357 Full camera image of the sky-corrected data.
358 skyCorr : `list` of `lsst.afw.math.BackgroundList`
359 Detector-level sky-corrected background lists.
360 """
361 # To allow SkyCorrectionTask to run in the Gen3 butler
362 # environment, a new run() method was added that performs the
363 # same operations in a serial environment (pipetask processing
364 # does not support MPI processing as of 2019-05-03). Methods
365 # used in runDataRef() are used as appropriate in run(), but
366 # some have been rewritten in serial form. Please ensure that
367 # any updates to runDataRef() or the methods it calls with
368 # pool.mapToPrevious() are duplicated in run() and its
369 # methods.
370 #
371 # Variable names here should match those in runDataRef() as
372 # closely as possible. Variables matching data stored in the
373 # pool cache have a prefix indicating this. Variables that
374 # would be local to an MPI processing client have a prefix
375 # "node".
376 idList = [exp.getDetector().getId() for exp in calExpArray]
378 # Construct arrays that match the cache in self.runDataRef() after
379 # self.loadImage() is map/reduced.
380 cacheExposures = []
381 cacheBgList = []
382 exposures = []
383 for calExp, calBgModel in zip(calExpArray, calBkgArray):
384 nodeExp, nodeBgList = self.loadImageRun(calExp, calBgModel)
385 cacheExposures.append(nodeExp)
386 cacheBgList.append(nodeBgList)
387 exposures.append(afwMath.binImage(nodeExp.getMaskedImage(), self.config.binning))
389 if self.config.doBgModel:
390 # Generate focal plane background, updating backgrounds in the "cache".
391 exposures, newCacheBgList, cacheBgModel = self.focalPlaneBackgroundRun(
392 camera, cacheExposures, idList, self.config.bgModel
393 )
394 for cacheBg, newBg in zip(cacheBgList, newCacheBgList):
395 cacheBg.append(newBg)
397 if self.config.doSky:
398 # Measure the sky frame scale on all inputs. Results in
399 # values equal to self.measureSkyFrame() and
400 # in runDataRef().
401 cacheSky = []
402 measScales = []
403 for cacheExp, skyCalib in zip(cacheExposures, skyCalibs):
404 skyExp =
405 cacheSky.append(skyExp)
406 scale =, skyExp)
407 measScales.append(scale)
409 scale =
410"Sky frame scale: %s" % (scale, ))
412 # Subtract sky frame, as in self.subtractSkyFrame(), with
413 # appropriate scale from the "cache".
414 exposures = []
415 newBgList = []
416 for cacheExp, nodeSky, nodeBgList in zip(cacheExposures, cacheSky, cacheBgList):
417, nodeSky, scale, nodeBgList)
418 exposures.append(afwMath.binImage(cacheExp.getMaskedImage(), self.config.binning))
420 if self.config.doBgModel2:
421 # As above, generate a focal plane background model and
422 # update the cache models.
423 exposures, newBgList, cacheBgModel = self.focalPlaneBackgroundRun(
424 camera, cacheExposures, idList, self.config.bgModel2
425 )
426 for cacheBg, newBg in zip(cacheBgList, newBgList):
427 cacheBg.append(newBg)
429 # Generate camera-level image of calexp and return it along
430 # with the list of sky corrected background models.
431 image = makeCameraImage(camera, zip(idList, exposures))
433 return pipeBase.Struct(
434 calExpCamera=image,
435 skyCorr=cacheBgList,
436 )
438 def loadImageRun(self, calExp, calExpBkg):
439 """Serial implementation of self.loadImage() for Gen3.
441 Load and restore background to calExp and calExpBkg.
443 Parameters
444 ----------
445 calExp : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
446 Detector level calExp image to process.
447 calExpBkg : `lsst.afw.math.BackgroundList`
448 Detector level background list associated with the calExp.
450 Returns
451 -------
452 calExp : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
453 Background restored calExp.
455 New background list containing the restoration background.
456 """
457 image = calExp.getMaskedImage()
459 for bgOld in calExpBkg:
460 statsImage = bgOld[0].getStatsImage()
461 statsImage *= -1
463 image -= calExpBkg.getImage()
464 bgList = afwMath.BackgroundList()
465 for bgData in calExpBkg:
466 bgList.append(bgData)
468 if self.config.doMaskObjects:
469 self.maskObjects.findObjects(calExp)
471 return (calExp, bgList)
473 def subtractModelRun(self, exposure, bgModel):
474 """Serial implementation of self.subtractModel() for Gen3.
476 Load and restore background to calExp and calExpBkg.
478 Parameters
479 ----------
480 exposure : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
481 Exposure to subtract the background model from.
483 Full camera level background model.
485 Returns
486 -------
487 exposure : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
488 Background subtracted input exposure.
489 bgModelCcd : `lsst.afw.math.BackgroundList`
490 Detector level realization of the full background model.
491 bgModelMaskedImage : `lsst.afw.image.MaskedImage`
492 Background model from the bgModelCcd realization.
493 """
494 image = exposure.getMaskedImage()
495 detector = exposure.getDetector()
496 bbox = image.getBBox()
497 bgModelCcd = bgModel.toCcdBackground(detector, bbox)
498 image -= bgModelCcd.getImage()
500 return (exposure, bgModelCcd, bgModelCcd[0])
afw::table::PointKey< int > dimensions
An immutable representation of a camera.
Definition: Camera.h:43
A class to contain the data, WCS, and other information needed to describe an image of the sky.
Definition: Exposure.h:72
A class to represent a 2-dimensional array of pixels.
Definition: Image.h:51
A class to manipulate images, masks, and variance as a single object.
Definition: MaskedImage.h:74
def subtractModelRun(self, exposure, bgModel)
def runQuantum(self, butlerQC, inputRefs, outputRefs)
def focalPlaneBackgroundRun(self, camera, cacheExposures, idList, config)
def run(self, calExpArray, calBkgArray, skyCalibs, camera)
std::shared_ptr< ImageT > rotateImageBy90(ImageT const &image, int nQuarter)
Rotate an image by an integral number of quarter turns.
std::shared_ptr< ImageT > binImage(ImageT const &inImage, int const binX, int const binY, lsst::afw::math::Property const flags=lsst::afw::math::MEAN)