LSST Applications g04a91732dc+146a938ab0,g07dc498a13+80b84b0d75,g0fba68d861+4c4f3dcb5c,g1409bbee79+80b84b0d75,g1a7e361dbc+80b84b0d75,g1fd858c14a+f6e422e056,g20f46db602+333b6c0f32,g35bb328faa+fcb1d3bbc8,g42c1b31a95+a1301e4c20,g4d2262a081+f1facf12e5,g4d39ba7253+9b833be27e,g4e0f332c67+5d362be553,g53246c7159+fcb1d3bbc8,g60b5630c4e+9b833be27e,g78460c75b0+2f9a1b4bcd,g786e29fd12+cf7ec2a62a,g7b71ed6315+fcb1d3bbc8,g8852436030+790117df0f,g89139ef638+80b84b0d75,g8d6b6b353c+9b833be27e,g9125e01d80+fcb1d3bbc8,g989de1cb63+80b84b0d75,g9f33ca652e+9c6b68d7f3,ga9baa6287d+9b833be27e,gaaedd4e678+80b84b0d75,gabe3b4be73+1e0a283bba,gb1101e3267+9f3571abad,gb58c049af0+f03b321e39,gb90eeb9370+691e4ab549,gc741bbaa4f+2bcd3860df,gcf25f946ba+790117df0f,gd315a588df+5b65d88fe4,gd6cbbdb0b4+c8606af20c,gd9a9a58781+fcb1d3bbc8,gde0f65d7ad+ee6a3faa19,ge278dab8ac+932305ba37,ge82c20c137+76d20ab76d,gee8db133a9+2a6ae0040b,w.2025.10
LSST Data Management Base Package
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// -*- LSST-C++ -*-
4 * LSST Data Management System
5 * Copyright 2016 LSST/AURA
6 *
7 * This product includes software developed by the
8 * LSST Project (
9 *
10 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
13 * (at your option) any later version.
14 *
15 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 * GNU General Public License for more details.
19 *
20 * You should have received a copy of the LSST License Statement and
21 * the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not,
22 * see <>.
23 */
25#include "lsst/geom/Extent.h"
26#include "lsst/geom/Point.h"
32namespace lsst {
33namespace meas {
34namespace astrom {
41 PolynomialTransform poly = other.getPoly();
42 // Adding 1 here accounts for the extra terms outside the sum in the SIP
43 // transform definition (see SipForwardTransform docs) - note that you can
44 // fold those terms into the sum by adding 1 from the A_10 and B_01 terms.
45 poly._xCoeffs(1, 0) += 1;
46 poly._yCoeffs(0, 1) += 1;
47 return compose(other.getCdMatrix(),
52 PolynomialTransform poly = other.getPoly();
53 // Account for the terms outside the sum in the SIP definition (see comment
54 // earlier in the file for more explanation).
55 poly._xCoeffs(1, 0) += 1;
56 poly._yCoeffs(0, 1) += 1;
58 compose(poly, other._cdInverse));
61PolynomialTransform::PolynomialTransform(int order) : _xCoeffs(), _yCoeffs(), _u(), _v() {
62 if (order < 0) {
63 throw LSST_EXCEPT(pex::exceptions::LengthError, "PolynomialTransform order must be >= 0");
64 }
65 // Delay allocation until after error checking.
66 _xCoeffs = ndarray::allocate(order + 1, order + 1);
67 _yCoeffs = ndarray::allocate(order + 1, order + 1);
68 _xCoeffs.deep() = 0;
69 _yCoeffs.deep() = 0;
70 _u = Eigen::VectorXd(order + 1);
71 _v = Eigen::VectorXd(order + 1);
74PolynomialTransform::PolynomialTransform(ndarray::Array<double const, 2, 0> const& xCoeffs,
75 ndarray::Array<double const, 2, 0> const& yCoeffs)
76 : _xCoeffs(ndarray::copy(xCoeffs)),
77 _yCoeffs(ndarray::copy(yCoeffs)),
78 _u(_xCoeffs.getSize<0>()),
79 _v(_xCoeffs.getSize<0>()) {
80 if (xCoeffs.getShape() != yCoeffs.getShape()) {
81 throw LSST_EXCEPT(
82 pex::exceptions::LengthError,
83 (boost::format("X and Y coefficient matrices must have the same shape: "
84 " (%d,%d) != (%d,%d)") %
85 xCoeffs.getSize<0>() % xCoeffs.getSize<1>() % yCoeffs.getSize<0>() % yCoeffs.getSize<1>())
86 .str());
87 }
88 if (_xCoeffs.getSize<1>() != _xCoeffs.getSize<0>()) {
89 throw LSST_EXCEPT(pex::exceptions::LengthError,
90 (boost::format("Coefficient matrices must be triangular, not trapezoidal: "
91 " %d != %d ") %
92 _xCoeffs.getSize<0>() % _xCoeffs.getSize<1>())
93 .str());
94 }
98 : _xCoeffs(ndarray::copy(other.getXCoeffs())),
99 _yCoeffs(ndarray::copy(other.getYCoeffs())),
100 _u(other._u.size()),
101 _v(other._v.size()) {}
103PolynomialTransform::PolynomialTransform(PolynomialTransform&& other) : _xCoeffs(), _yCoeffs(), _u(), _v() {
104 this->swap(other);
108 if (&other != this) {
109 PolynomialTransform tmp(other);
110 tmp.swap(*this);
111 }
112 return *this;
116 if (&other != this) {
117 other.swap(*this);
118 }
119 return *this;
123 _xCoeffs.swap(other._xCoeffs);
124 _yCoeffs.swap(other._yCoeffs);
125 _u.swap(other._u);
126 _v.swap(other._v);
130 double xu = 0.0, xv = 0.0, yu = 0.0, yv = 0.0, x = 0.0, y = 0.0;
131 int const order = getOrder();
132 detail::computePowers(_u, in.getX());
133 detail::computePowers(_v, in.getY());
134 for (int p = 0; p <= order; ++p) {
135 for (int q = 0; q <= order; ++q) {
136 if (p > 0) {
137 xu += _xCoeffs(p, q) * p * _u[p - 1] * _v[q];
138 yu += _yCoeffs(p, q) * p * _u[p - 1] * _v[q];
139 }
140 if (q > 0) {
141 xv += _xCoeffs(p, q) * q * _u[p] * _v[q - 1];
142 yv += _yCoeffs(p, q) * q * _u[p] * _v[q - 1];
143 }
144 x += _xCoeffs(p, q) * _u[p] * _v[q];
145 y += _yCoeffs(p, q) * _u[p] * _v[q];
146 }
147 }
149 linear.getMatrix()(0, 0) = xu;
150 linear.getMatrix()(0, 1) = xv;
151 linear.getMatrix()(1, 0) = yu;
152 linear.getMatrix()(1, 1) = yv;
153 geom::Point2D origin(x, y);
154 return geom::AffineTransform(linear, origin - linear(in));
158 int const order = getOrder();
159 detail::computePowers(_u, in.getX());
160 detail::computePowers(_v, in.getY());
161 double x = 0;
162 double y = 0;
163 for (int p = 0; p <= order; ++p) {
164 for (int q = 0; q <= order; ++q) {
165 x += _xCoeffs(p, q) * _u[p] * _v[q];
166 y += _yCoeffs(p, q) * _u[p] * _v[q];
167 }
168 }
169 return geom::Point2D(x, y);
177 ScaledPolynomialTransform result(sipForward.getPoly(),
179 geom::AffineTransform(sipForward.getCdMatrix()));
180 // Account for the terms outside the sum in the SIP definition (see comment
181 // earlier in the file for more explanation).
182 result._poly._xCoeffs(1, 0) += 1;
183 result._poly._yCoeffs(0, 1) += 1;
184 return result;
188 ScaledPolynomialTransform result(sipReverse.getPoly(), geom::AffineTransform(sipReverse._cdInverse),
190 result._poly._xCoeffs(1, 0) += 1;
191 result._poly._yCoeffs(0, 1) += 1;
192 return result;
196 geom::AffineTransform const& inputScaling,
197 geom::AffineTransform const& outputScalingInverse)
198 : _poly(poly), _inputScaling(inputScaling), _outputScalingInverse(outputScalingInverse) {}
201 _poly.swap(other._poly);
202 std::swap(_inputScaling, other._inputScaling);
203 std::swap(_outputScalingInverse, other._outputScalingInverse);
207 return _outputScalingInverse * _poly.linearize(_inputScaling(in)) * _inputScaling;
211 return _outputScalingInverse(_poly(_inputScaling(in)));
215 typedef geom::AffineTransform AT;
216 PolynomialTransform result(t2.getOrder());
218 result._xCoeffs.deep() = t2._xCoeffs * t1[AT::XX] + t2._yCoeffs * t1[AT::XY];
219 result._yCoeffs.deep() = t2._xCoeffs * t1[AT::YX] + t2._yCoeffs * t1[AT::YY];
220 result._xCoeffs(0, 0) += t1[AT::X];
221 result._yCoeffs(0, 0) += t1[AT::Y];
222 return result;
226 typedef geom::AffineTransform AT;
227 int const order = t1.getOrder();
228 if (order < 1) {
229 PolynomialTransform t1a(1);
230 t1a._xCoeffs(0, 0) = t1._xCoeffs(0, 0);
231 t1a._yCoeffs(0, 0) = t1._yCoeffs(0, 0);
232 return compose(t1a, t2);
233 }
234 detail::BinomialMatrix binomial(order);
235 // For each of these, (e.g.) a[n] == pow(a, n)
236 auto const t2u = detail::computePowers(t2[AT::X], order);
237 auto const t2v = detail::computePowers(t2[AT::Y], order);
238 auto const t2uu = detail::computePowers(t2[AT::XX], order);
239 auto const t2uv = detail::computePowers(t2[AT::XY], order);
240 auto const t2vu = detail::computePowers(t2[AT::YX], order);
241 auto const t2vv = detail::computePowers(t2[AT::YY], order);
242 PolynomialTransform result(order);
243 for (int p = 0; p <= order; ++p) {
244 for (int m = 0; m <= p; ++m) {
245 for (int j = 0; j <= m; ++j) {
246 for (int q = 0; p + q <= order; ++q) {
247 for (int n = 0; n <= q; ++n) {
248 for (int k = 0; k <= n; ++k) {
249 double z = binomial(p, m) * t2u[p - m] * binomial(m, j) * t2uu[j] * t2uv[m - j] *
250 binomial(q, n) * t2v[q - n] * binomial(n, k) * t2vu[k] * t2vv[n - k];
251 result._xCoeffs(j + k, m + n - j - k) += t1._xCoeffs(p, q) * z;
252 result._yCoeffs(j + k, m + n - j - k) += t1._yCoeffs(p, q) * z;
253 } // k
254 } // n
255 } // q
256 } // j
257 } // m
258 } // p
259 return result;
262} // namespace astrom
263} // namespace meas
264} // namespace lsst
#define LSST_EXCEPT(type,...)
Create an exception with a given type.
Definition Exception.h:48
An affine coordinate transformation consisting of a linear transformation and an offset.
A 2D linear coordinate transformation.
A 2-d coordinate transform represented by a pair of standard polynomials (one for each coordinate).
geom::Point2D operator()(geom::Point2D const &in) const
Apply the transform to a point.
PolynomialTransform & operator=(PolynomialTransform const &other)
Copy assignment.
friend PolynomialTransform compose(geom::AffineTransform const &t1, PolynomialTransform const &t2)
Return a PolynomialTransform that is equivalent to the composition t1(t2())
static PolynomialTransform convert(ScaledPolynomialTransform const &other)
Convert a ScaledPolynomialTransform to an equivalent PolynomialTransform.
geom::AffineTransform linearize(geom::Point2D const &in) const
Return an approximate affine transform at the given point.
PolynomialTransform(ndarray::Array< double const, 2, 0 > const &xCoeffs, ndarray::Array< double const, 2, 0 > const &yCoeffs)
Construct a new transform from existing coefficient arrays.
ndarray::Array< double const, 2, 2 > getXCoeffs() const
2-D polynomial coefficients that compute the output x coordinate.
ndarray::Array< double const, 2, 2 > getYCoeffs() const
2-D polynomial coefficients that compute the output x coordinate.
void swap(PolynomialTransform &other)
Lightweight swap.
int getOrder() const
Return the order of the polynomials.
geom::AffineTransform const & getOutputScalingInverse() const
Return the affine transform applied to points after the polynomial transform.
geom::AffineTransform linearize(geom::Point2D const &in) const
Return an approximate affine transform at the given point.
geom::Point2D operator()(geom::Point2D const &in) const
Apply the transform to a point.
void swap(ScaledPolynomialTransform &other)
static ScaledPolynomialTransform convert(PolynomialTransform const &poly)
Convert a PolynomialTransform to an equivalent ScaledPolynomialTransform.
PolynomialTransform const & getPoly() const
Return the polynomial transform applied after the input scaling.
geom::AffineTransform const & getInputScaling() const
Return the first affine transform applied to input points.
ScaledPolynomialTransform(PolynomialTransform const &poly, geom::AffineTransform const &inputScaling, geom::AffineTransform const &outputScalingInverse)
Construct a new ScaledPolynomialTransform from its constituents.
A transform that maps pixel coordinates to intermediate world coordinates according to the SIP conven...
A transform that maps intermediate world coordinates to pixel coordinates according to the SIP conven...
geom::Point2D const & getPixelOrigin() const
Return the pixel origin (CRPIX, but zero-indexed) of the transform.
PolynomialTransform const & getPoly() const
Return the polynomial component of the transform (A,B) or (AP,BP).
geom::LinearTransform const & getCdMatrix() const
Return the CD matrix of the transform.
A class that computes binomial coefficients up to a certain power.
Reports attempts to exceed implementation-defined length limits for some classes.
Definition Runtime.h:76
Extent< double, 2 > Extent2D
Definition Extent.h:400
Point< double, 2 > Point2D
Definition Point.h:324
void computePowers(Eigen::VectorXd &r, double x)
Fill an array with integer powers of x, so .
PolynomialTransform compose(geom::AffineTransform const &t1, PolynomialTransform const &t2)
Return a PolynomialTransform that is equivalent to the composition t1(t2())
T swap(T... args)