27#include "Eigen/Cholesky"
50double const MAX_DISTANCE_CRPIX_TO_BBOXCTR = 1000;
56std::pair<int, int> indexToPQ(
int const index,
int const order) {
59 for (
int decrement = order; q >= decrement && decrement > 0; --decrement) {
67Eigen::MatrixXd calculateCMatrix(Eigen::VectorXd
const& axis1, Eigen::VectorXd
const& axis2,
71 int const n = axis1.size();
72 Eigen::MatrixXd C = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(n, nTerms);
73 for (
int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
74 for (
int j = 0; j < nTerms; ++j) {
75 std::pair<int, int> pq = indexToPQ(j, order);
76 int p = pq.first, q = pq.second;
78 assert(p + q < order);
79 C(i, j) = ::pow(axis1[i], p) * ::pow(axis2[i], q);
92Eigen::VectorXd leastSquaresSolve(Eigen::VectorXd b, Eigen::MatrixXd A) {
93 assert(A.rows() ==
94 Eigen::VectorXd par = A.jacobiSvd(Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeThinV).solve(b);
101template <
class MatchT>
109 _sipOrder(order + 1),
110 _reverseSipOrder(order + 2),
111 _sipA(Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(_sipOrder, _sipOrder)),
112 _sipB(Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(_sipOrder, _sipOrder)),
113 _sipAp(Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(_reverseSipOrder, _reverseSipOrder)),
114 _sipBp(Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(_reverseSipOrder, _reverseSipOrder)),
122 str(boost::format(
"SIP forward order %d exceeds the convention limit of 9") % _sipOrder));
124 if (_reverseSipOrder > 9) {
126 str(boost::format(
"SIP reverse order %d exceeds the convention limit of 9") %
131 throw LSST_EXCEPT(pex::exceptions::LengthError,
"Number of matches less than requested sip order");
135 _ngrid = 5 * _sipOrder;
145 if (_bbox.isEmpty() && !_matches.empty()) {
146 for (typename std::vector<MatchT>::const_iterator ptr = _matches.begin(); ptr != _matches.end();
148 afw::table::SourceRecord const& src = *ptr->second;
149 _bbox.include(geom::PointI(src.getX(), src.getY()));
151 float const borderFrac = 1 / ::sqrt(_matches.size());
152 geom::Extent2I border(borderFrac * _bbox.getWidth(), borderFrac * _bbox.getHeight());
158 auto const initialCrpix = _linearWcs->getPixelOrigin();
160 if (
std::hypot(initialCrpix[0] - bboxCenter[0], initialCrpix[1] - bboxCenter[1]) >
163 "_linearWcs crpix = %d, %d farther than %f from bbox center; shifting to center %d, %d",
164 initialCrpix[0], initialCrpix[1], MAX_DISTANCE_CRPIX_TO_BBOXCTR, bboxCenter[0],
166 _linearWcs = _linearWcs->getTanWcs(bboxCenter);
170 _calculateForwardMatrices();
173 auto const crval = _linearWcs->getSkyOrigin();
174 auto const crpix = _linearWcs->getPixelOrigin();
175 Eigen::MatrixXd cdMatrix = _linearWcs->getCdMatrix();
179 _calculateReverseMatrices();
185template <
class MatchT>
186void CreateWcsWithSip<MatchT>::_calculateForwardMatrices() {
191 int const nPoints = _matches.size();
192 Eigen::VectorXd u(nPoints), v(nPoints), iwc1(nPoints), iwc2(nPoints);
195 auto linearIwcToSky = getIntermediateWorldCoordsToSky(*_linearWcs);
196 for (
typename std::vector<MatchT>::const_iterator ptr = _matches.begin(); ptr != _matches.end();
201 auto c = match.
206 u[i] = match.
second->getX() - crpix[0];
207 v[i] = match.
second->getY() - crpix[1];
210 double uMax = u.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff();
211 double vMax = v.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff();
218 Eigen::MatrixXd forwardC = calculateCMatrix(u, v, ord);
219 Eigen::VectorXd mu = leastSquaresSolve(iwc1, forwardC);
220 Eigen::VectorXd nu = leastSquaresSolve(iwc2, forwardC);
234 CD(1, 0) = nu[ord] / norm;
235 CD(1, 1) = nu[1] / norm;
236 CD(0, 0) = mu[ord] / norm;
237 CD(0, 1) = mu[1] / norm;
239 Eigen::Matrix2d CDinv = CD.inverse();
242 crpix[0] -= mu[0] * CDinv(0, 0) + nu[0] * CDinv(0, 1);
243 crpix[1] -= mu[0] * CDinv(1, 0) + nu[0] * CDinv(1, 1);
245 auto const crval = _linearWcs->getSkyOrigin();
259 for (
int i = 1; i < mu.rows(); ++i) {
261 int p = pq.first, q = pq.second;
263 if (p + q > 1 && p + q < ord) {
264 Eigen::Vector2d munu(2, 1);
267 Eigen::Vector2d AB = CDinv * munu;
269 _sipA(p, q) = AB[0] / ::pow(norm, p + q);
270 _sipB(p, q) = AB[1] / ::pow(norm, p + q);
275template <
class MatchT>
276void CreateWcsWithSip<MatchT>::_calculateReverseMatrices() {
277 int const ngrid2 = _ngrid * _ngrid;
279 Eigen::VectorXd U(ngrid2), V(ngrid2);
280 Eigen::VectorXd delta1(ngrid2), delta2(ngrid2);
282 int const x0 = _bbox.getMinX();
283 double const dx = _bbox.getWidth() / (double)(_ngrid - 1);
284 int const y0 = _bbox.getMinY();
285 double const dy = _bbox.getHeight() / (double)(_ngrid - 1);
290 LOGL_DEBUG(_log,
"_calcReverseMatrices: x0,y0 %i,%i, W,H %i,%i, ngrid %i, dx,dy %g,%g, CRPIX %g,%g", x0,
291 y0, _bbox.getWidth(), _bbox.getHeight(), _ngrid, dx, dy, crpix[0], crpix[1]);
293 auto tanWcs = _newWcs->getTanWcs(_newWcs->getPixelOrigin());
296 for (
int i = 0; i < _ngrid; ++i) {
297 double const y = y0 + i * dy;
298 std::vector<geom::Point2D> beforeSipABPoints;
299 beforeSipABPoints.
300 for (
int j = 0; j < _ngrid; ++j) {
301 double const x = x0 + j * dx;
304 auto const afterSipABPoints = applySipAB->applyForward(beforeSipABPoints);
305 for (
int j = 0; j < _ngrid; ++j, ++k) {
306 double const x = x0 + j * dx;
314 U[k] = xy[0] - crpix[0];
315 V[k] = xy[1] - crpix[1];
317 if ((i == 0 || i == (_ngrid - 1) || i == (_ngrid / 2)) &&
318 (j == 0 || j == (_ngrid - 1) || j == (_ngrid / 2))) {
319 LOGL_DEBUG(_log,
" x,y (%.1f, %.1f), u,v (%.1f, %.1f), U,V (%.1f, %.1f)", x, y, u, v, U[k],
323 delta1[k] = u - U[k];
324 delta2[k] = v - V[k];
329 double UMax = U.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff();
330 double VMax = V.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff();
331 double norm = (UMax > VMax) ? UMax : VMax;
336 int const ord = _reverseSipOrder;
337 Eigen::MatrixXd reverseC = calculateCMatrix(U, V, ord);
338 Eigen::VectorXd tmpA = leastSquaresSolve(delta1, reverseC);
339 Eigen::VectorXd tmpB = leastSquaresSolve(delta2, reverseC);
341 assert(tmpA.rows() == tmpB.rows());
342 for (
int j = 0; j < tmpA.rows(); ++j) {
343 std::pair<int, int> pq = indexToPQ(j, ord);
344 int p = pq.first, q = pq.second;
346 _sipAp(p, q) = tmpA[j] / ::pow(norm, p + q);
347 _sipBp(p, q) = tmpB[j] / ::pow(norm, p + q);
351template <
class MatchT>
353 assert(_newWcs.get());
357template <
class MatchT>
359 assert(_linearWcs.get());
363template <
class MatchT>
365 assert(_newWcs.get());
369template <
class MatchT>
371 assert(_linearWcs.get());
375#define INSTANTIATE(MATCH) template class CreateWcsWithSip<MATCH>;
#define LSST_EXCEPT(type,...)
Create an exception with a given type.
LSST DM logging module built on log4cxx.
#define LOG_GET(logger)
Returns a Log object associated with logger.
#define LOGL_DEBUG(logger, message...)
Log a debug-level message using a varargs/printf style interface.
A 2-dimensional celestial WCS that transform pixels to ICRS RA/Dec, using the LSST standard for pixel...
double getValue(Property const prop=NOTHING) const
Return the value of the desired property (if specified in the constructor)
A class representing an angle.
A floating-point coordinate rectangle geometry.
Point2D const getCenter() const noexcept
Return true if the box contains no points.
An integer coordinate rectangle.
double getLinearScatterInPixels() const
Compute the median radial separation between items in this object's match list.
double getScatterInPixels() const
Compute the median separation, in pixels, between items in this object's match list.
geom::Angle getScatterOnSky() const
Compute the median on-sky separation between items in this object's match list.
geom::Angle getLinearScatterOnSky() const
Compute the median on-sky separation between items in this object's match list,.
CreateWcsWithSip(std::vector< MatchT > const &matches, afw::geom::SkyWcs const &linearWcs, int const order, geom::Box2I const &bbox=geom::Box2I(), int const ngrid=0)
Construct a CreateWcsWithSip.
Reports attempts to access elements outside a valid range of indices.
T emplace_back(T... args)
std::shared_ptr< SkyWcs > makeSkyWcs(daf::base::PropertySet &metadata, bool strip=false)
Construct a SkyWcs from FITS keywords.
std::shared_ptr< SkyWcs > makeTanSipWcs(lsst::geom::Point2D const &crpix, lsst::geom::SpherePoint const &crval, Eigen::Matrix2d const &cdMatrix, Eigen::MatrixXd const &sipA, Eigen::MatrixXd const &sipB)
Construct a TAN-SIP SkyWcs with forward SIP distortion terms and an iterative inverse.
std::shared_ptr< TransformPoint2ToPoint2 > makeWcsPairTransform(SkyWcs const &src, SkyWcs const &dst)
A Transform obtained by putting two SkyWcs objects "back to back".
estimate sample median
Match< SourceRecord, SourceRecord > SourceMatch
Match< SimpleRecord, SourceRecord > ReferenceMatch
AngleUnit constexpr radians
constant with units of radians
Point< double, 2 > Point2D
Extent< int, 2 > Extent2I
afw::math::Statistics makeMatchStatisticsInRadians(afw::geom::SkyWcs const &wcs, std::vector< MatchT > const &matchList, int const flags, afw::math::StatisticsControl const &sctrl=afw::math::StatisticsControl())
Compute statistics of on-sky radial separation for a match list, in radians.
afw::math::Statistics makeMatchStatisticsInPixels(afw::geom::SkyWcs const &wcs, std::vector< MatchT > const &matchList, int const flags, afw::math::StatisticsControl const &sctrl=afw::math::StatisticsControl())
Compute statistics of on-detector radial separation for a match list, in pixels.
std::shared_ptr< Record2 > second
std::shared_ptr< Record1 > first