LSST Applications  21.0.0-131-g8cabc107+528f53ee53,22.0.0+00495a2688,22.0.0+0ef2527977,22.0.0+11a2aa21cd,22.0.0+269b7e55e3,22.0.0+2c6b6677a3,22.0.0+64c1bc5aa5,22.0.0+7b3a3f865e,22.0.0+e1b6d2281c,22.0.0+ff3c34362c,22.0.1-1-g1b65d06+c95cbdf3df,22.0.1-1-g7058be7+1cf78af69b,22.0.1-1-g7dab645+2a65e40b06,22.0.1-1-g8760c09+64c1bc5aa5,22.0.1-1-g949febb+64c1bc5aa5,22.0.1-1-ga324b9c+269b7e55e3,22.0.1-1-gf9d8b05+ff3c34362c,22.0.1-10-g781e53d+9b51d1cd24,22.0.1-10-gba590ab+b9624b875d,22.0.1-13-g76f9b8d+2c6b6677a3,22.0.1-14-g22236948+57af756299,22.0.1-18-g3db9cf4b+9b7092c56c,22.0.1-18-gb17765a+2264247a6b,22.0.1-2-g8ef0a89+2c6b6677a3,22.0.1-2-gcb770ba+c99495d3c6,22.0.1-24-g2e899d296+4206820b0d,22.0.1-3-g7aa11f2+2c6b6677a3,22.0.1-3-g8c1d971+f253ffa91f,22.0.1-3-g997b569+ff3b2f8649,22.0.1-4-g1930a60+6871d0c7f6,22.0.1-4-g5b7b756+6b209d634c,22.0.1-6-ga02864e+6871d0c7f6,22.0.1-7-g3402376+a1a2182ac4,22.0.1-7-g65f59fa+54b92689ce,master-gcc5351303a+e1b6d2281c,w.2021.32
LSST Data Management Base Package
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 # This file is part of cp_pipe.
2 #
3 # Developed for the LSST Data Management System.
4 # This product includes software developed by the LSST Project
5 # (
6 # See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution
7 # for details of code ownership.
8 #
9 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 # (at your option) any later version.
13 #
14 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 # GNU General Public License for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 # along with this program. If not, see <>.
22 import numpy as np
23 import copy
24 from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
25 from scipy.optimize import leastsq
26 from .astierCovFitParameters import FitParameters
28 import lsst.log as lsstLog
30 __all__ = ["CovFit"]
33 def makeCovArray(inputTuple, maxRangeFromTuple=8):
34  """Make covariances array from tuple.
36  Parameters
37  ----------
38  inputTuple: `numpy.ndarray`
39  Structured array with rows with at least
40  (mu, afwVar, cov, var, i, j, npix), where:
42  mu : 0.5*(m1 + m2), where:
43  mu1: mean value of flat1
44  mu2: mean value of flat2
45  afwVar: variance of difference flat, calculated with afw
46  cov: covariance value at lag(i, j)
47  var: variance(covariance value at lag(0, 0))
48  i: lag dimension
49  j: lag dimension
50  npix: number of pixels used for covariance calculation.
52  maxRangeFromTuple: `int`
53  Maximum range to select from tuple.
55  Returns
56  -------
57  cov: `numpy.array`
58  Covariance arrays, indexed by mean signal mu.
60  vCov: `numpy.array`
61  Variance arrays, indexed by mean signal mu.
63  muVals: `numpy.array`
64  List of mean signal values.
66  Notes
67  -----
69  The input tuple should contain the following rows:
70  (mu, cov, var, i, j, npix), with one entry per lag, and image pair.
71  Different lags(i.e. different i and j) from the same
72  image pair have the same values of mu1 and mu2. When i==j==0, cov
73  = var.
75  If the input tuple contains several video channels, one should
76  select the data of a given channel *before* entering this
77  routine, as well as apply(e.g.) saturation cuts.
79  The routine returns cov[k_mu, j, i], vcov[(same indices)], and mu[k]
80  where the first index of cov matches the one in mu.
82  This routine implements the loss of variance due to
83  clipping cuts when measuring variances and covariance, but this should happen inside
84  the measurement code, where the cuts are readily available.
86  """
87  if maxRangeFromTuple is not None:
88  cut = (inputTuple['i'] < maxRangeFromTuple) & (inputTuple['j'] < maxRangeFromTuple)
89  cutTuple = inputTuple[cut]
90  else:
91  cutTuple = inputTuple
92  # increasing mu order, so that we can group measurements with the same mu
93  muTemp = cutTuple['mu']
94  ind = np.argsort(muTemp)
96  cutTuple = cutTuple[ind]
97  # should group measurements on the same image pairs(same average)
98  mu = cutTuple['mu']
99  xx = np.hstack(([mu[0]], mu))
100  delta = xx[1:] - xx[:-1]
101  steps, = np.where(delta > 0)
102  ind = np.zeros_like(mu, dtype=int)
103  ind[steps] = 1
104  ind = np.cumsum(ind) # this acts as an image pair index.
105  # now fill the 3-d cov array(and variance)
106  muVals = np.array(np.unique(mu))
107  i = cutTuple['i'].astype(int)
108  j = cutTuple['j'].astype(int)
109  c = 0.5*cutTuple['cov']
110  n = cutTuple['npix']
111  v = 0.5*cutTuple['var']
112  # book and fill
113  cov = np.ndarray((len(muVals), np.max(i)+1, np.max(j)+1))
114  var = np.zeros_like(cov)
115  cov[ind, i, j] = c
116  var[ind, i, j] = v**2/n
117  var[:, 0, 0] *= 2 # var(v) = 2*v**2/N
119  return cov, var, muVals
122 def symmetrize(inputArray):
123  """ Copy array over 4 quadrants prior to convolution.
125  Parameters
126  ----------
127  inputarray: `numpy.array`
128  Input array to symmetrize.
130  Returns
131  -------
132  aSym: `numpy.array`
133  Symmetrized array.
134  """
136  targetShape = list(inputArray.shape)
137  r1, r2 = inputArray.shape[-1], inputArray.shape[-2]
138  targetShape[-1] = 2*r1-1
139  targetShape[-2] = 2*r2-1
140  aSym = np.ndarray(tuple(targetShape))
141  aSym[..., r2-1:, r1-1:] = inputArray
142  aSym[..., r2-1:, r1-1::-1] = inputArray
143  aSym[..., r2-1::-1, r1-1::-1] = inputArray
144  aSym[..., r2-1::-1, r1-1:] = inputArray
146  return aSym
149 class CovFit:
150  """A class to fit the models in Astier+19 to flat covariances.
152  This code implements the model(and the fit thereof) described in
153  Astier+19:
155  Parameters
156  ----------
157  meanSignals : `list`[`float`]
158  List with means of the difference image of two flats,
159  for a particular amplifier in the detector.
161  covariances : `list`[`numpy.array`]
162  List with 2D covariance arrays at a given mean signal.
164  covsSqrtWeights : `list`[`numpy.array`]
165  List with 2D arrays with weights from `vcov as defined in
166  `makeCovArray`: weight = 1/sqrt(vcov).
168  maxRangeFromTuple: `int`, optional
169  Maximum range to select from tuple.
171  meanSignalMask: `list`[`bool`], optional
172  Mask of mean signal 1D array. Use all entries if empty.
173  """
175  def __init__(self, meanSignals, covariances, covsSqrtWeights, maxRangeFromTuple=8, meanSignalsMask=[]):
176  assert (len(meanSignals) == len(covariances))
177  assert (len(covariances) == len(covsSqrtWeights))
178  if len(meanSignalsMask) == 0:
179  meanSignalsMask = np.repeat(True, len(meanSignals))
180  self.mumu = meanSignals[meanSignalsMask]
181  self.covcov = np.nan_to_num(covariances)[meanSignalsMask]
182  # make it nan safe, replacing nan's with 0 in weights
183  self.sqrtWsqrtW = np.nan_to_num(covsSqrtWeights)[meanSignalsMask]
184  self.rr = maxRangeFromTuple
185  self.loggerlogger = lsstLog.Log.getDefaultLogger()
187  def copy(self):
188  """Make a copy of params"""
189  cop = copy.deepcopy(self)
190  # deepcopy does not work for FitParameters.
191  if hasattr(self, 'params'):
192  cop.params = self.paramsparams.copy()
193  return cop
195  def initFit(self):
196  """ Performs a crude parabolic fit of the data in order to start
197  the full fit close to the solution.
198  """
199  # number of parameters for 'a' array.
200  lenA = self.rr*self.rr
201  # define parameters: c corresponds to a*b in Astier+19 (Eq. 20).
202  self.paramsparams = FitParameters([('a', lenA), ('c', lenA), ('noise', lenA), ('gain', 1)])
203  self.paramsparams['gain'] = 1.
204  # c=0 in a first go.
205  self.paramsparams['c'].fix(val=0.)
206  # plumbing: extract stuff from the parameter structure
207  a = self.paramsparams['a'].full.reshape(self.rr, self.rr)
208  noise = self.paramsparams['noise'].full.reshape(self.rr, self.rr)
209  gain = self.paramsparams['gain'].full[0]
211  # iterate the fit to account for higher orders
212  # the chi2 does not necessarily go down, so one could
213  # stop when it increases
214  oldChi2 = 1e30
215  for _ in range(5):
216  model = np.nan_to_num(self.evalCovModelevalCovModel()) # this computes the full model.
217  # loop on lags
218  for i in range(self.rr):
219  for j in range(self.rr):
220  # fit a parabola for a given lag
221  parsFit = np.polyfit(self.mumu, self.covcov[:, i, j] - model[:, i, j],
222  2, w=self.sqrtWsqrtW[:, i, j])
223  # model equation(Eq. 20) in Astier+19:
224  a[i, j] += parsFit[0]
225  noise[i, j] += parsFit[2]*gain*gain
226  if(i + j == 0):
227  gain = 1./(1/gain+parsFit[1])
228  self.paramsparams['gain'].full[0] = gain
229  chi2 = self.chi2chi2()
230  if chi2 > oldChi2:
231  break
232  oldChi2 = chi2
234  return
236  def getParamValues(self):
237  """Return an array of free parameter values (it is a copy)."""
238  return + 0.
240  def setParamValues(self, p):
241  """Set parameter values."""
242 = p
243  return
245  def evalCovModel(self, mu=None):
246  """Computes full covariances model (Eq. 20 of Astier+19).
248  Parameters
249  ----------
250  mu: `numpy.array`, optional
251  List of mean signals.
253  Returns
254  -------
255  covModel: `numpy.array`
256  Covariances model.
258  Notes
259  -----
260  By default, computes the covModel for the mu's stored(
262  Returns cov[Nmu, self.r, self.r]. The variance for the PTC is cov[:, 0, 0].
263  mu and cov are in ADUs and ADUs squared. To use electrons for both,
264  the gain should be set to 1. This routine implements the model in Astier+19 (1905.08677).
266  The parameters of the full model for C_ij(mu) ("C_ij" and "mu" in ADU^2 and ADU, respectively)
267  in Astier+19 (Eq. 20) are:
269  "a" coefficients (r by r matrix), units: 1/e
270  "b" coefficients (r by r matrix), units: 1/e
271  noise matrix (r by r matrix), units: e^2
272  gain, units: e/ADU
274  "b" appears in Eq. 20 only through the "ab" combination, which is defined in this code as "c=ab".
275  """
276  sa = (self.rr, self.rr)
277  a = self.paramsparams['a'].full.reshape(sa)
278  c = self.paramsparams['c'].full.reshape(sa)
279  gain = self.paramsparams['gain'].full[0]
280  noise = self.paramsparams['noise'].full.reshape(sa)
281  # pad a with zeros and symmetrize
282  aEnlarged = np.zeros((int(sa[0]*1.5)+1, int(sa[1]*1.5)+1))
283  aEnlarged[0:sa[0], 0:sa[1]] = a
284  aSym = symmetrize(aEnlarged)
285  # pad c with zeros and symmetrize
286  cEnlarged = np.zeros((int(sa[0]*1.5)+1, int(sa[1]*1.5)+1))
287  cEnlarged[0:sa[0], 0:sa[1]] = c
288  cSym = symmetrize(cEnlarged)
289  a2 = fftconvolve(aSym, aSym, mode='same')
290  a3 = fftconvolve(a2, aSym, mode='same')
291  ac = fftconvolve(aSym, cSym, mode='same')
292  (xc, yc) = np.unravel_index(np.abs(aSym).argmax(), a2.shape)
293  range = self.rr
294  a1 = a[np.newaxis, :, :]
295  a2 = a2[np.newaxis, xc:xc + range, yc:yc + range]
296  a3 = a3[np.newaxis, xc:xc + range, yc:yc + range]
297  ac = ac[np.newaxis, xc:xc + range, yc:yc + range]
298  c1 = c[np.newaxis, ::]
299  if mu is None:
300  mu = self.mumu
301  # assumes that mu is 1d
302  bigMu = mu[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]*gain
303  # c(=a*b in Astier+19) also has a contribution to the last term, that is absent for now.
304  covModel = (bigMu/(gain*gain)*(a1*bigMu+2./3.*(bigMu*bigMu)*(a2 + c1)
305  + (1./3.*a3 + 5./6.*ac)*(bigMu*bigMu*bigMu)) + noise[np.newaxis, :, :]/gain**2)
306  # add the Poisson term, and the read out noise (variance)
307  covModel[:, 0, 0] += mu/gain
309  return covModel
311  def getA(self):
312  """'a' matrix from Astier+19(e.g., Eq. 20)"""
313  return self.paramsparams['a'].full.reshape(self.rr, self.rr)
315  def getB(self):
316  """'b' matrix from Astier+19(e.g., Eq. 20)"""
317  return self.paramsparams['c'].full.reshape(self.rr, self.rr)/self.getAgetA()
319  def getC(self):
320  """'c'='ab' matrix from Astier+19(e.g., Eq. 20)"""
321  return np.array(self.paramsparams['c'].full.reshape(self.rr, self.rr))
323  def _getCovParams(self, what):
324  """Get covariance matrix of parameters from fit"""
325  indices = self.paramsparams[what].indexof()
326  i1 = indices[:, np.newaxis]
327  i2 = indices[np.newaxis, :]
328  if self.covParamscovParams is not None:
329  covp = self.covParamscovParams[i1, i2]
330  else:
331  covp = None
332  return covp
334  def getACov(self):
335  """Get covariance matrix of "a" coefficients from fit"""
336  if self._getCovParams_getCovParams('a') is not None:
337  cova = self._getCovParams_getCovParams('a').reshape((self.rr, self.rr, self.rr, self.rr))
338  else:
339  cova = None
340  return cova
342  def getASig(self):
343  """Square root of diagonal of the parameter covariance of the fitted "a" matrix"""
344  if self._getCovParams_getCovParams('a') is not None:
345  sigA = np.sqrt(self._getCovParams_getCovParams('a').diagonal()).reshape((self.rr, self.rr))
346  else:
347  sigA = None
348  return sigA
350  def getBCov(self):
351  """Get covariance matrix of "a" coefficients from fit
352  b = c /a
353  """
354  covb = self._getCovParams_getCovParams('c')
355  aval = self.getAgetA().flatten()
356  factor = np.outer(aval, aval)
357  covb /= factor
358  return covb.reshape((self.rr, self.rr, self.rr, self.rr))
360  def getCCov(self):
361  """Get covariance matrix of "c" coefficients from fit"""
362  cova = self._getCovParams_getCovParams('c')
363  return cova.reshape((self.rr, self.rr, self.rr, self.rr))
365  def getGainErr(self):
366  """Get error on fitted gain parameter"""
367  if self._getCovParams_getCovParams('gain') is not None:
368  gainErr = np.sqrt(self._getCovParams_getCovParams('gain')[0][0])
369  else:
370  gainErr = 0.0
371  return gainErr
373  def getNoiseCov(self):
374  """Get covariances of noise matrix from fit"""
375  covNoise = self._getCovParams_getCovParams('noise')
376  return covNoise.reshape((self.rr, self.rr, self.rr, self.rr))
378  def getNoiseSig(self):
379  """Square root of diagonal of the parameter covariance of the fitted "noise" matrix"""
380  if self._getCovParams_getCovParams('noise') is not None:
381  covNoise = self._getCovParams_getCovParams('noise')
382  noise = np.sqrt(covNoise.diagonal()).reshape((self.rr, self.rr))
383  else:
384  noise = None
385  return noise
387  def getGain(self):
388  """Get gain (e/ADU)"""
389  return self.paramsparams['gain'].full[0]
391  def getRon(self):
392  """Get readout noise (e^2)"""
393  return self.paramsparams['noise'].full[0]
395  def getRonErr(self):
396  """Get error on readout noise parameter"""
397  ronSqrt = np.sqrt(np.fabs(self.getRongetRon()))
398  if self.getNoiseSiggetNoiseSig() is not None:
399  noiseSigma = self.getNoiseSiggetNoiseSig()[0][0]
400  ronErr = 0.5*(noiseSigma/np.fabs(self.getRongetRon()))*ronSqrt
401  else:
402  ronErr = np.nan
403  return ronErr
405  def getNoise(self):
406  """Get noise matrix"""
407  return self.paramsparams['noise'].full.reshape(self.rr, self.rr)
409  def getMaskCov(self, i, j):
410  """Get mask of Cov[i,j]"""
411  weights = self.sqrtWsqrtW[:, i, j]
412  mask = weights != 0
413  return mask
415  def setAandB(self, a, b):
416  """Set "a" and "b" coeffcients forfull Astier+19 model (Eq. 20). "c=a*b"."""
417  self.paramsparams['a'].full = a.flatten()
418  self.paramsparams['c'].full = a.flatten()*b.flatten()
419  return
421  def chi2(self):
422  """Calculate weighted chi2 of full-model fit."""
423  return(self.weightedResweightedRes()**2).sum()
425  def weightedRes(self, params=None):
426  """Weighted residuals.
428  Notes
429  -----
430  To be used via:
431  c = CovFit(meanSignals, covariances, covsSqrtWeights)
432  c.initFit()
433  coeffs, cov, _, mesg, ierr = leastsq(c.weightedRes, c.getParamValues(), full_output=True)
434  """
435  if params is not None:
436  self.setParamValuessetParamValues(params)
437  covModel = np.nan_to_num(self.evalCovModelevalCovModel())
438  weightedRes = (covModel-self.covcov)*self.sqrtWsqrtW
440  return weightedRes.flatten()
442  def fitFullModel(self, pInit=None):
443  """Fit measured covariances to full model in Astier+19 (Eq. 20)
445  Parameters
446  ----------
447  pInit : `list`
448  Initial parameters of the fit.
449  len(pInit) = #entries(a) + #entries(c) + #entries(noise) + 1
450  len(pInit) = r^2 + r^2 + r^2 + 1, where "r" is the maximum lag considered for the
451  covariances calculation, and the extra "1" is the gain.
452  If "b" is 0, then "c" is 0, and len(pInit) will have r^2 fewer entries.
454  Returns
455  -------
456  params : `np.array`
457  Fit parameters (see "Notes" below).
459  Notes
460  -----
461  The parameters of the full model for C_ij(mu) ("C_ij" and "mu" in ADU^2 and ADU, respectively)
462  in Astier+19 (Eq. 20) are:
464  "a" coefficients (r by r matrix), units: 1/e
465  "b" coefficients (r by r matrix), units: 1/e
466  noise matrix (r by r matrix), units: e^2
467  gain, units: e/ADU
469  "b" appears in Eq. 20 only through the "ab" combination, which is defined in this code as "c=ab".
470  """
472  if pInit is None:
473  pInit = self.getParamValuesgetParamValues()
474  params, paramsCov, _, mesg, ierr = leastsq(self.weightedResweightedRes, pInit, full_output=True)
475  self.covParamscovParams = paramsCov
477  return params
479  def getFitData(self, i, j, divideByMu=False, unitsElectrons=False, returnMasked=False):
480  """Get measured signal and covariance, cov model, weigths, and mask at covariance lag (i, j).
482  Parameters
483  ---------
484  i: `int`
485  Lag for covariance matrix.
487  j: `int`
488  Lag for covariance matrix.
490  divideByMu: `bool`, optional
491  Divide covariance, model, and weights by signal mu?
493  unitsElectrons : `bool`, optional
494  mu, covariance, and model are in ADU (or powers of ADU) If tthis parameter is true, these are
495  multiplied by the adequte factors of the gain to return quantities in electrons
496  (or powers of electrons).
498  returnMasked : `bool`, optional
499  Use mask (based on weights) in returned arrays (mu, covariance, and model)?
501  Returns
502  -------
503  mu: `numpy.array`
504  list of signal values (mu).
506  covariance: `numpy.array`
507  Covariance arrays, indexed by mean signal mu (self.cov[:, i, j]).
509  covarianceModel: `numpy.array`
510  Covariance model (model).
512  weights: `numpy.array`
513  Weights (self.sqrtW)
515  mask : `numpy.array`, optional
516  Boolean mask of the covariance at (i,j).
518  Notes
519  -----
520  Using a CovFit object, selects from (i, j) and returns
521  mu*gain, self.cov[:, i, j]*gain**2 model*gain**2, and self.sqrtW/gain**2
522  in electrons or ADU if unitsElectrons=False.
523  """
524  if unitsElectrons:
525  gain = self.getGaingetGain()
526  else:
527  gain = 1.0
529  mu = self.mumu*gain
530  covariance = self.covcov[:, i, j]*(gain**2)
531  covarianceModel = self.evalCovModelevalCovModel()[:, i, j]*(gain**2)
532  weights = self.sqrtWsqrtW[:, i, j]/(gain**2)
534  # select data used for the fit:
535  mask = self.getMaskCovgetMaskCov(i, j)
536  if returnMasked:
537  weights = weights[mask]
538  covarianceModel = covarianceModel[mask]
539  mu = mu[mask]
540  covariance = covariance[mask]
542  if divideByMu:
543  covariance /= mu
544  covarianceModel /= mu
545  weights *= mu
547  return mu, covariance, covarianceModel, weights, mask
def getFitData(self, i, j, divideByMu=False, unitsElectrons=False, returnMasked=False)
def __init__(self, meanSignals, covariances, covsSqrtWeights, maxRangeFromTuple=8, meanSignalsMask=[])
daf::base::PropertyList * list
def makeCovArray(inputTuple, maxRangeFromTuple=8)
Definition: Log.h:717