LSST Applications  22.0.1,22.0.1+01bcf6a671,22.0.1+046ee49490,22.0.1+05c7de27da,22.0.1+0c6914dbf6,22.0.1+1220d50b50,22.0.1+12fd109e95,22.0.1+1a1dd69893,22.0.1+1c910dc348,22.0.1+1ef34551f5,22.0.1+30170c3d08,22.0.1+39153823fd,22.0.1+611137eacc,22.0.1+771eb1e3e8,22.0.1+94e66cc9ed,22.0.1+9a075d06e2,22.0.1+a5ff6e246e,22.0.1+a7db719c1a,22.0.1+ba0d97e778,22.0.1+bfe1ee9056,22.0.1+c4e1e0358a,22.0.1+cc34b8281e,22.0.1+d640e2c0fa,22.0.1+d72a2e677a,22.0.1+d9a6b571bd,22.0.1+e485e9761b,22.0.1+ebe8d3385e
LSST Data Management Base Package
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 # This file is part of pipe_base.
2 #
3 # Developed for the LSST Data Management System.
4 # This product includes software developed by the LSST Project
5 # (
6 # See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution
7 # for details of code ownership.
8 #
9 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 # (at your option) any later version.
13 #
14 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 # GNU General Public License for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 # along with this program. If not, see <>.
22 """Module which defines ConfigOverrides class and related methods.
23 """
25 __all__ = ["ConfigOverrides"]
27 import ast
28 from operator import attrgetter
30 from lsst.utils import doImport
32 import inspect
33 from enum import Enum
35 OverrideTypes = Enum("OverrideTypes", "Value File Python Instrument")
38 class ConfigExpressionParser(ast.NodeVisitor):
39  """An expression parser that will be used to transform configuration
40  strings supplied from the command line or a pipeline into a python
41  object.
43  This is roughly equivalent to ast.literal_parser, but with the ability to
44  transform strings that are valid variable names into the value associated
45  with the name. Variables that should be considered valid are supplied to
46  the constructor as a dictionary that maps a string to its corresponding
47  value.
49  This class in an internal implementation detail, and should not be exposed
50  outside this module.
52  Parameters
53  ----------
54  namespace : `dict` of `str` to variable
55  This is a mapping of strings corresponding to variable names, to the
56  object that is associated with that name
57  """
59  def __init__(self, namespace):
60  self.variablesvariables = namespace
62  def visit_Name(self, node):
63  """This method gets called when the parser has determined a node
64  corresponds to a variable name.
65  """
66  # If the id (name) of the variable is in the dictionary of valid names,
67  # load and return the corresponding variable.
68  if in self.variablesvariables:
69  return self.variablesvariables[]
70  # If the node does not correspond to a valid variable, turn the name
71  # into a string, as the user likely intended it as such.
72  return f"{}"
74  def visit_List(self, node):
75  """This method is visited if the node is a list. Constructs a list out
76  of the sub nodes.
77  """
78  return [self.visit(elm) for elm in node.elts]
80  def visit_Tuple(self, node):
81  """This method is visited if the node is a tuple. Constructs a list out
82  of the sub nodes, and then turns it into a tuple.
83  """
84  return tuple(self.visit_Listvisit_List(node))
86  def visit_Constant(self, node):
87  """This method is visited if the node is a constant
88  """
89  return node.value
91  def visit_Dict(self, node):
92  """This method is visited if the node is a dict. It builds a dict out
93  of the component nodes.
94  """
95  return {self.visit(key): self.visit(value) for key, value in zip(node.keys, node.values)}
97  def visit_Set(self, node):
98  """This method is visited if the node is a set. It builds a set out
99  of the component nodes.
100  """
101  return {self.visit(el) for el in node.elts}
103  def visit_UnaryOp(self, node):
104  """This method is visited if the node is a unary operator. Currently
105  The only operator we support is the negative (-) operator, all others
106  are passed to generic_visit method.
107  """
108  if isinstance(node.op, ast.USub):
109  value = self.visit(node.operand)
110  return -1*value
111  self.generic_visitgeneric_visit(node)
113  def generic_visit(self, node):
114  """This method is called for all other node types. It will just raise
115  a value error, because this is a type of expression that we do not
116  support.
117  """
118  raise ValueError("Unable to parse string into literal expression")
122  """Defines a set of overrides to be applied to a task config.
124  Overrides for task configuration need to be applied by activator when
125  creating task instances. This class represents an ordered set of such
126  overrides which activator receives from some source (e.g. command line
127  or some other configuration).
129  Methods
130  ----------
131  addFileOverride(filename)
132  Add overrides from a specified file.
133  addValueOverride(field, value)
134  Add override for a specific field.
135  applyTo(config)
136  Apply all overrides to a `config` instance.
138  Notes
139  -----
140  Serialization support for this class may be needed, will add later if
141  necessary.
142  """
144  def __init__(self):
145  self._overrides_overrides = []
147  def addFileOverride(self, filename):
148  """Add overrides from a specified file.
150  Parameters
151  ----------
152  filename : str
153  Path to the override file.
154  """
155  self._overrides_overrides.append((OverrideTypes.File, filename))
157  def addValueOverride(self, field, value):
158  """Add override for a specific field.
160  This method is not very type-safe as it is designed to support
161  use cases where input is given as string, e.g. command line
162  activators. If `value` has a string type and setting of the field
163  fails with `TypeError` the we'll attempt `eval()` the value and
164  set the field with that value instead.
166  Parameters
167  ----------
168  field : str
169  Fully-qualified field name.
170  value :
171  Value to be given to a filed.
172  """
173  self._overrides_overrides.append((OverrideTypes.Value, (field, value)))
175  def addPythonOverride(self, python_snippet: str):
176  """Add Overrides by running a snippit of python code against a config.
178  Parameters
179  ----------
180  python_snippet: str
181  A string which is valid python code to be executed. This is done
182  with config as the only local accessible value.
183  """
184  self._overrides_overrides.append((OverrideTypes.Python, python_snippet))
186  def addInstrumentOverride(self, instrument: str, task_name: str):
187  """Apply any overrides that an instrument has for a task
189  Parameters
190  ----------
191  instrument: str
192  A string containing the fully qualified name of an instrument from
193  which configs should be loaded and applied
194  task_name: str
195  The _DefaultName of a task associated with a config, used to look
196  up overrides from the instrument.
197  """
198  instrument_lib = doImport(instrument)()
199  self._overrides_overrides.append((OverrideTypes.Instrument, (instrument_lib, task_name)))
201  def _parser(self, value, configParser):
202  try:
203  value = configParser.visit(ast.parse(value, mode='eval').body)
204  except Exception:
205  # This probably means it is a specific user string such as a URI.
206  # Let the value return as a string to attempt to continue to
207  # process as a string, another error will be raised in downstream
208  # code if that assumption is wrong
209  pass
211  return value
213  def applyTo(self, config):
214  """Apply all overrides to a task configuration object.
216  Parameters
217  ----------
218  config : `pex.Config`
220  Raises
221  ------
222  `Exception` is raised if operations on configuration object fail.
223  """
224  # Look up a stack of variables people may be using when setting
225  # configs. Create a dictionary that will be used akin to a namespace
226  # for the duration of this function.
227  vars = {}
228  # pull in the variables that are declared in module scope of the config
229  mod = inspect.getmodule(config)
230  vars.update({k: v for k, v in mod.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith("__")})
231  # put the supplied config in the variables dictionary
232  vars['config'] = config
234  # Create a parser for config expressions that may be strings
235  configParser = ConfigExpressionParser(namespace=vars)
237  for otype, override in self._overrides_overrides:
238  if otype is OverrideTypes.File:
239  config.load(override)
240  elif otype is OverrideTypes.Value:
241  field, value = override
242  if isinstance(value, str):
243  value = self._parser_parser(value, configParser)
244  # checking for dicts and lists here is needed because {} and []
245  # are valid yaml syntax so they get converted before hitting
246  # this method, so we must parse the elements.
247  #
248  # The same override would remain a string if specified on the
249  # command line, and is handled above.
250  if isinstance(value, dict):
251  new = {}
252  for k, v in value.items():
253  if isinstance(v, str):
254  new[k] = self._parser_parser(v, configParser)
255  else:
256  new[k] = v
257  value = new
258  elif isinstance(value, list):
259  new = []
260  for v in value:
261  if isinstance(v, str):
262  new.append(self._parser_parser(v, configParser))
263  else:
264  new.append(v)
265  value = new
266  # The field might be a string corresponding to a attribute
267  # hierarchy, attempt to split off the last field which
268  # will then be set.
269  parent, *child = field.rsplit(".", maxsplit=1)
270  if child:
271  # This branch means there was a hierarchy, get the
272  # field to set, and look up the sub config for which
273  # it is to be set
274  finalField = child[0]
275  tmpConfig = attrgetter(parent)(config)
276  else:
277  # There is no hierarchy, the config is the base config
278  # and the field is exactly what was passed in
279  finalField = parent
280  tmpConfig = config
281  # set the specified config
282  setattr(tmpConfig, finalField, value)
284  elif otype is OverrideTypes.Python:
285  # exec python string with the context of all vars known. This
286  # both lets people use a var they know about (maybe a bit
287  # dangerous, but not really more so than arbitrary python exec,
288  # and there are so many other places to worry about security
289  # before we start changing this) and any imports that are done
290  # in a python block will be put into this scope. This means
291  # other config setting branches can make use of these
292  # variables.
293  exec(override, None, vars)
294  elif otype is OverrideTypes.Instrument:
295  instrument, name = override
296  instrument.applyConfigOverrides(name, config)
def addPythonOverride(self, str python_snippet)
def addInstrumentOverride(self, str instrument, str task_name)
std::shared_ptr< FrameSet > append(FrameSet const &first, FrameSet const &second)
Construct a FrameSet that performs two transformations in series.