LSST Applications  22.0.1,22.0.1+01bcf6a671,22.0.1+046ee49490,22.0.1+05c7de27da,22.0.1+0c6914dbf6,22.0.1+1220d50b50,22.0.1+12fd109e95,22.0.1+1a1dd69893,22.0.1+1c910dc348,22.0.1+1ef34551f5,22.0.1+30170c3d08,22.0.1+39153823fd,22.0.1+611137eacc,22.0.1+771eb1e3e8,22.0.1+94e66cc9ed,22.0.1+9a075d06e2,22.0.1+a5ff6e246e,22.0.1+a7db719c1a,22.0.1+ba0d97e778,22.0.1+bfe1ee9056,22.0.1+c4e1e0358a,22.0.1+cc34b8281e,22.0.1+d640e2c0fa,22.0.1+d72a2e677a,22.0.1+d9a6b571bd,22.0.1+e485e9761b,22.0.1+ebe8d3385e
LSST Data Management Base Package
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 # This file is part of cp_pipe.
2 #
3 # Developed for the LSST Data Management System.
4 # This product includes software developed by the LSST Project
5 # (
6 # See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution
7 # for details of code ownership.
8 #
9 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 # (at your option) any later version.
13 #
14 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 # GNU General Public License for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 # along with this program. If not, see <>.
21 #
22 import numpy as np
24 import lsst.pipe.base as pipeBase
27 from lsstDebug import getDebugFrame
28 import lsst.pex.config as pexConfig
30 import lsst.afw.image as afwImage
31 import lsst.afw.math as afwMath
32 import lsst.afw.detection as afwDetection
33 import lsst.afw.display as afwDisplay
34 from lsst.afw import cameraGeom
35 from lsst.geom import Box2I, Point2I
36 from lsst.meas.algorithms import SourceDetectionTask
37 from lsst.ip.isr import IsrTask, Defects
38 from .utils import countMaskedPixels
39 from lsst.pipe.tasks.getRepositoryData import DataRefListRunner
41 from ._lookupStaticCalibration import lookupStaticCalibration
43 __all__ = ['MeasureDefectsTaskConfig', 'MeasureDefectsTask',
44  'MergeDefectsTaskConfig', 'MergeDefectsTask',
45  'FindDefectsTask', 'FindDefectsTaskConfig', ]
48 class MeasureDefectsConnections(pipeBase.PipelineTaskConnections,
49  dimensions=("instrument", "exposure", "detector")):
50  inputExp = cT.Input(
51  name="defectExps",
52  doc="Input ISR-processed exposures to measure.",
53  storageClass="Exposure",
54  dimensions=("instrument", "detector", "exposure"),
55  multiple=False
56  )
57  camera = cT.PrerequisiteInput(
58  name='camera',
59  doc="Camera associated with this exposure.",
60  storageClass="Camera",
61  dimensions=("instrument", ),
62  isCalibration=True,
63  lookupFunction=lookupStaticCalibration,
64  )
66  outputDefects = cT.Output(
67  name="singleExpDefects",
68  doc="Output measured defects.",
69  storageClass="Defects",
70  dimensions=("instrument", "detector", "exposure"),
71  )
74 class MeasureDefectsTaskConfig(pipeBase.PipelineTaskConfig,
75  pipelineConnections=MeasureDefectsConnections):
76  """Configuration for measuring defects from a list of exposures
77  """
78  nSigmaBright = pexConfig.Field(
79  dtype=float,
80  doc=("Number of sigma above mean for bright pixel detection. The default value was found to be",
81  " appropriate for some LSST sensors in DM-17490."),
82  default=4.8,
83  )
84  nSigmaDark = pexConfig.Field(
85  dtype=float,
86  doc=("Number of sigma below mean for dark pixel detection. The default value was found to be",
87  " appropriate for some LSST sensors in DM-17490."),
88  default=-5.0,
89  )
90  nPixBorderUpDown = pexConfig.Field(
91  dtype=int,
92  doc="Number of pixels to exclude from top & bottom of image when looking for defects.",
93  default=7,
94  )
95  nPixBorderLeftRight = pexConfig.Field(
96  dtype=int,
97  doc="Number of pixels to exclude from left & right of image when looking for defects.",
98  default=7,
99  )
100  badOnAndOffPixelColumnThreshold = pexConfig.Field(
101  dtype=int,
102  doc=("If BPC is the set of all the bad pixels in a given column (not necessarily consecutive) ",
103  "and the size of BPC is at least 'badOnAndOffPixelColumnThreshold', all the pixels between the ",
104  "pixels that satisfy minY (BPC) and maxY (BPC) will be marked as bad, with 'Y' being the long ",
105  "axis of the amplifier (and 'X' the other axis, which for a column is a constant for all ",
106  "pixels in the set BPC). If there are more than 'goodPixelColumnGapThreshold' consecutive ",
107  "non-bad pixels in BPC, an exception to the above is made and those consecutive ",
108  "'goodPixelColumnGapThreshold' are not marked as bad."),
109  default=50,
110  )
111  goodPixelColumnGapThreshold = pexConfig.Field(
112  dtype=int,
113  doc=("Size, in pixels, of usable consecutive pixels in a column with on and off bad pixels (see ",
114  "'badOnAndOffPixelColumnThreshold')."),
115  default=30,
116  )
118  def validate(self):
119  super().validate()
120  if self.nSigmaBrightnSigmaBright < 0.0:
121  raise ValueError("nSigmaBright must be above 0.0.")
122  if self.nSigmaDarknSigmaDark > 0.0:
123  raise ValueError("nSigmaDark must be below 0.0.")
126 class MeasureDefectsTask(pipeBase.PipelineTask, pipeBase.CmdLineTask):
127  """Measure the defects from one exposure.
128  """
129  ConfigClass = MeasureDefectsTaskConfig
130  _DefaultName = 'cpDefectMeasure'
132  def run(self, inputExp, camera):
133  """Measure one exposure for defects.
135  Parameters
136  ----------
137  inputExp : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
138  Exposure to examine.
139  camera : `lsst.afw.cameraGeom.Camera`
140  Camera to use for metadata.
142  Returns
143  -------
144  results : `lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
145  Results struct containing:
146  - ``outputDefects` : `lsst.ip.isr.Defects`
147  The defects measured from this exposure.
148  """
149  detector = inputExp.getDetector()
151  filterName = inputExp.getFilterLabel().physicalLabel
152  datasetType = inputExp.getMetadata().get('IMGTYPE', 'UNKNOWN')
154  if datasetType.lower() == 'dark':
155  nSigmaList = [self.config.nSigmaBright]
156  else:
157  nSigmaList = [self.config.nSigmaBright, self.config.nSigmaDark]
158  defects = self.findHotAndColdPixelsfindHotAndColdPixels(inputExp, nSigmaList)
160  msg = "Found %s defects containing %s pixels in %s"
161, len(defects), self._nPixFromDefects_nPixFromDefects(defects), datasetType)
163  defects.updateMetadata(camera=camera, detector=detector, filterName=filterName,
164  setCalibId=True, setDate=True,
165  cpDefectGenImageType=datasetType)
167  return pipeBase.Struct(
168  outputDefects=defects,
169  )
171  @staticmethod
172  def _nPixFromDefects(defects):
173  """Count pixels in a defect.
175  Parameters
176  ----------
177  defects : `lsst.ip.isr.Defects`
178  Defects to measure.
180  Returns
181  -------
182  nPix : `int`
183  Number of defect pixels.
184  """
185  nPix = 0
186  for defect in defects:
187  nPix += defect.getBBox().getArea()
188  return nPix
190  def findHotAndColdPixels(self, exp, nSigma):
191  """Find hot and cold pixels in an image.
193  Using config-defined thresholds on a per-amp basis, mask
194  pixels that are nSigma above threshold in dark frames (hot
195  pixels), or nSigma away from the clipped mean in flats (hot &
196  cold pixels).
198  Parameters
199  ----------
200  exp : `lsst.afw.image.exposure.Exposure`
201  The exposure in which to find defects.
202  nSigma : `list [ `float` ]
203  Detection threshold to use. Positive for DETECTED pixels,
204  negative for DETECTED_NEGATIVE pixels.
206  Returns
207  -------
208  defects : `lsst.ip.isr.Defect`
209  The defects found in the image.
211  """
213  self._setEdgeBits_setEdgeBits(exp)
214  maskedIm = exp.maskedImage
216  # the detection polarity for afwDetection, True for positive,
217  # False for negative, and therefore True for darks as they only have
218  # bright pixels, and both for flats, as they have bright and dark pix
219  footprintList = []
221  for amp in exp.getDetector():
222  ampImg = maskedIm[amp.getBBox()].clone()
224  # crop ampImage depending on where the amp lies in the image
225  if self.config.nPixBorderLeftRight:
226  if ampImg.getX0() == 0:
227  ampImg = ampImg[self.config.nPixBorderLeftRight:, :, afwImage.LOCAL]
228  else:
229  ampImg = ampImg[:-self.config.nPixBorderLeftRight, :, afwImage.LOCAL]
230  if self.config.nPixBorderUpDown:
231  if ampImg.getY0() == 0:
232  ampImg = ampImg[:, self.config.nPixBorderUpDown:, afwImage.LOCAL]
233  else:
234  ampImg = ampImg[:, :-self.config.nPixBorderUpDown, afwImage.LOCAL]
236  if self._getNumGoodPixels_getNumGoodPixels(ampImg) == 0: # amp contains no usable pixels
237  continue
239  # Remove a background estimate
240  ampImg -= afwMath.makeStatistics(ampImg, afwMath.MEANCLIP, ).getValue()
242  mergedSet = None
243  for sigma in nSigma:
244  nSig = np.abs(sigma)
245  self.debugHistogramdebugHistogram('ampFlux', ampImg, nSig, exp)
246  polarity = {-1: False, 1: True}[np.sign(sigma)]
248  threshold = afwDetection.createThreshold(nSig, 'stdev', polarity=polarity)
250  footprintSet = afwDetection.FootprintSet(ampImg, threshold)
251  footprintSet.setMask(maskedIm.mask, ("DETECTED" if polarity else "DETECTED_NEGATIVE"))
253  if mergedSet is None:
254  mergedSet = footprintSet
255  else:
256  mergedSet.merge(footprintSet)
258  footprintList += mergedSet.getFootprints()
260  self.debugViewdebugView('defectMap', ampImg,
261  Defects.fromFootprintList(mergedSet.getFootprints()), exp.getDetector())
263  defects = Defects.fromFootprintList(footprintList)
264  defects = self.maskBlocksIfIntermitentBadPixelsInColumnmaskBlocksIfIntermitentBadPixelsInColumn(defects)
266  return defects
268  @staticmethod
269  def _getNumGoodPixels(maskedIm, badMaskString="NO_DATA"):
270  """Return the number of non-bad pixels in the image."""
271  nPixels = maskedIm.mask.array.size
272  nBad = countMaskedPixels(maskedIm, badMaskString)
273  return nPixels - nBad
275  def _setEdgeBits(self, exposureOrMaskedImage, maskplaneToSet='EDGE'):
276  """Set edge bits on an exposure or maskedImage.
277  Raises
278  ------
279  TypeError
280  Raised if parameter ``exposureOrMaskedImage`` is an invalid type.
281  """
282  if isinstance(exposureOrMaskedImage, afwImage.Exposure):
283  mi = exposureOrMaskedImage.maskedImage
284  elif isinstance(exposureOrMaskedImage, afwImage.MaskedImage):
285  mi = exposureOrMaskedImage
286  else:
287  t = type(exposureOrMaskedImage)
288  raise TypeError(f"Function supports exposure or maskedImage but not {t}")
290  MASKBIT = mi.mask.getPlaneBitMask(maskplaneToSet)
291  if self.config.nPixBorderLeftRight:
292  mi.mask[: self.config.nPixBorderLeftRight, :, afwImage.LOCAL] |= MASKBIT
293  mi.mask[-self.config.nPixBorderLeftRight:, :, afwImage.LOCAL] |= MASKBIT
294  if self.config.nPixBorderUpDown:
295  mi.mask[:, : self.config.nPixBorderUpDown, afwImage.LOCAL] |= MASKBIT
296  mi.mask[:, -self.config.nPixBorderUpDown:, afwImage.LOCAL] |= MASKBIT
299  """Mask blocks in a column if there are on-and-off bad pixels
301  If there's a column with on and off bad pixels, mask all the
302  pixels in between, except if there is a large enough gap of
303  consecutive good pixels between two bad pixels in the column.
305  Parameters
306  ---------
307  defects: `lsst.ip.isr.Defect`
308  The defects found in the image so far
310  Returns
311  ------
312  defects: `lsst.ip.isr.Defect`
313  If the number of bad pixels in a column is not larger or
314  equal than self.config.badPixelColumnThreshold, the iput
315  list is returned. Otherwise, the defects list returned
316  will include boxes that mask blocks of on-and-of pixels.
318  """
319  # Get the (x, y) values of each bad pixel in amp.
320  coordinates = []
321  for defect in defects:
322  bbox = defect.getBBox()
323  x0, y0 = bbox.getMinX(), bbox.getMinY()
324  deltaX0, deltaY0 = bbox.getDimensions()
325  for j in np.arange(y0, y0+deltaY0):
326  for i in np.arange(x0, x0 + deltaX0):
327  coordinates.append((i, j))
329  x, y = [], []
330  for coordinatePair in coordinates:
331  x.append(coordinatePair[0])
332  y.append(coordinatePair[1])
334  x = np.array(x)
335  y = np.array(y)
336  # Find the defects with same "x" (vertical) coordinate (column).
337  unique, counts = np.unique(x, return_counts=True)
338  multipleX = []
339  for (a, b) in zip(unique, counts):
340  if b >= self.config.badOnAndOffPixelColumnThreshold:
341  multipleX.append(a)
342  if len(multipleX) != 0:
343  defects = self._markBlocksInBadColumn_markBlocksInBadColumn(x, y, multipleX, defects)
345  return defects
347  def _markBlocksInBadColumn(self, x, y, multipleX, defects):
348  """Mask blocks in a column if number of on-and-off bad pixels is above threshold.
350  This function is called if the number of on-and-off bad pixels
351  in a column is larger or equal than
352  self.config.badOnAndOffPixelColumnThreshold.
354  Parameters
355  ---------
356  x: `list`
357  Lower left x coordinate of defect box. x coordinate is
358  along the short axis if amp.
359  y: `list`
360  Lower left y coordinate of defect box. x coordinate is
361  along the long axis if amp.
362  multipleX: list
363  List of x coordinates in amp. with multiple bad pixels
364  (i.e., columns with defects).
365  defects: `lsst.ip.isr.Defect`
366  The defcts found in the image so far
368  Returns
369  -------
370  defects: `lsst.ip.isr.Defect`
371  The defects list returned that will include boxes that
372  mask blocks of on-and-of pixels.
374  """
375  with defects.bulk_update():
376  goodPixelColumnGapThreshold = self.config.goodPixelColumnGapThreshold
377  for x0 in multipleX:
378  index = np.where(x == x0)
379  multipleY = y[index] # multipleY and multipleX are in 1-1 correspondence.
380  minY, maxY = np.min(multipleY), np.max(multipleY)
381  # Next few lines: don't mask pixels in column if gap of good pixels between
382  # two consecutive bad pixels is larger or equal than 'goodPixelColumnGapThreshold'.
383  diffIndex = np.where(np.diff(multipleY) >= goodPixelColumnGapThreshold)[0]
384  if len(diffIndex) != 0:
385  limits = [minY] # put the minimum first
386  for gapIndex in diffIndex:
387  limits.append(multipleY[gapIndex])
388  limits.append(multipleY[gapIndex+1])
389  limits.append(maxY) # maximum last
390  assert len(limits)%2 == 0, 'limits is even by design, but check anyways'
391  for i in np.arange(0, len(limits)-1, 2):
392  s = Box2I(minimum=Point2I(x0, limits[i]), maximum=Point2I(x0, limits[i+1]))
393  defects.append(s)
394  else: # No gap is large enough
395  s = Box2I(minimum=Point2I(x0, minY), maximum=Point2I(x0, maxY))
396  defects.append(s)
397  return defects
399  def debugView(self, stepname, ampImage, defects, detector):
400  # def _plotDefects(self, exp, visit, defects, imageType): # pragma: no cover
401  """Plot the defects found by the task.
403  Parameters
404  ----------
405  exp : `lsst.afw.image.exposure.Exposure`
406  The exposure in which the defects were found.
407  visit : `int`
408  The visit number.
409  defects : `lsst.ip.isr.Defect`
410  The defects to plot.
411  imageType : `str`
412  The type of image, either 'dark' or 'flat'.
413  """
414  frame = getDebugFrame(self._display, stepname)
415  if frame:
416  disp = afwDisplay.Display(frame=frame)
417  disp.scale('asinh', 'zscale')
418  disp.setMaskTransparency(80)
419  disp.setMaskPlaneColor("BAD", afwDisplay.RED)
421  maskedIm = ampImage.clone()
422  defects.maskPixels(maskedIm, "BAD")
424  mpDict = maskedIm.mask.getMaskPlaneDict()
425  for plane in mpDict.keys():
426  if plane in ['BAD']:
427  continue
428  disp.setMaskPlaneColor(plane, afwDisplay.IGNORE)
430  disp.setImageColormap('gray')
431  disp.mtv(maskedIm)
432  cameraGeom.utils.overlayCcdBoxes(detector, isTrimmed=True, display=disp)
433  prompt = "Press Enter to continue [c]... "
434  while True:
435  ans = input(prompt).lower()
436  if ans in ('', 'c', ):
437  break
439  def debugHistogram(self, stepname, ampImage, nSigmaUsed, exp):
440  """
441  Make a histogram of the distribution of pixel values for each amp.
443  The main image data histogram is plotted in blue. Edge pixels,
444  if masked, are in red. Note that masked edge pixels do not contribute
445  to the underflow and overflow numbers.
447  Note that this currently only supports the 16-amp LSST detectors.
449  Parameters
450  ----------
451  dataRef : `lsst.daf.persistence.ButlerDataRef`
452  dataRef for the detector.
453  exp : `lsst.afw.image.exposure.Exposure`
454  The exposure in which the defects were found.
455  visit : `int`
456  The visit number.
457  nSigmaUsed : `float`
458  The number of sigma used for detection
459  """
460  frame = getDebugFrame(self._display, stepname)
461  if frame:
462  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
464  detector = exp.getDetector()
465  nX = np.floor(np.sqrt(len(detector)))
466  nY = len(detector) // nX
467  fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=nY, ncols=nX, sharex='col', sharey='row', figsize=(13, 10))
469  expTime = exp.getInfo().getVisitInfo().getExposureTime()
471  for (amp, a) in zip(reversed(detector), ax.flatten()):
472  mi = exp.maskedImage[amp.getBBox()]
474  # normalize by expTime as we plot in ADU/s and don't always work with master calibs
475  mi.image.array /= expTime
476  stats = afwMath.makeStatistics(mi, afwMath.MEANCLIP | afwMath.STDEVCLIP)
477  mean, sigma = stats.getValue(afwMath.MEANCLIP), stats.getValue(afwMath.STDEVCLIP)
478  # Get array of pixels
479  EDGEBIT = exp.maskedImage.mask.getPlaneBitMask("EDGE")
480  imgData = mi.image.array[(mi.mask.array & EDGEBIT) == 0].flatten()
481  edgeData = mi.image.array[(mi.mask.array & EDGEBIT) != 0].flatten()
483  thrUpper = mean + nSigmaUsed*sigma
484  thrLower = mean - nSigmaUsed*sigma
486  nRight = len(imgData[imgData > thrUpper])
487  nLeft = len(imgData[imgData < thrLower])
489  nsig = nSigmaUsed + 1.2 # add something small so the edge of the plot is out from level used
490  leftEdge = mean - nsig * nSigmaUsed*sigma
491  rightEdge = mean + nsig * nSigmaUsed*sigma
492  nbins = np.linspace(leftEdge, rightEdge, 1000)
493  ey, bin_borders, patches = a.hist(edgeData, histtype='step', bins=nbins,
494  lw=1, edgecolor='red')
495  y, bin_borders, patches = a.hist(imgData, histtype='step', bins=nbins,
496  lw=3, edgecolor='blue')
498  # Report number of entries in over-and -underflow bins, i.e. off the edges of the histogram
499  nOverflow = len(imgData[imgData > rightEdge])
500  nUnderflow = len(imgData[imgData < leftEdge])
502  # Put v-lines and textboxes in
503  a.axvline(thrUpper, c='k')
504  a.axvline(thrLower, c='k')
505  msg = f"{amp.getName()}\nmean:{mean: .2f}\n$\\sigma$:{sigma: .2f}"
506  a.text(0.65, 0.6, msg, transform=a.transAxes, fontsize=11)
507  msg = f"nLeft:{nLeft}\nnRight:{nRight}\nnOverflow:{nOverflow}\nnUnderflow:{nUnderflow}"
508  a.text(0.03, 0.6, msg, transform=a.transAxes, fontsize=11.5)
510  # set axis limits and scales
511  a.set_ylim([1., 1.7*np.max(y)])
512  lPlot, rPlot = a.get_xlim()
513  a.set_xlim(np.array([lPlot, rPlot]))
514  a.set_yscale('log')
515  a.set_xlabel("ADU/s")
516  return
519 class MergeDefectsConnections(pipeBase.PipelineTaskConnections,
520  dimensions=("instrument", "detector")):
521  inputDefects = cT.Input(
522  name="singleExpDefects",
523  doc="Measured defect lists.",
524  storageClass="Defects",
525  dimensions=("instrument", "detector", "exposure"),
526  multiple=True,
527  )
528  camera = cT.PrerequisiteInput(
529  name='camera',
530  doc="Camera associated with these defects.",
531  storageClass="Camera",
532  dimensions=("instrument", ),
533  isCalibration=True,
534  lookupFunction=lookupStaticCalibration,
535  )
537  mergedDefects = cT.Output(
538  name="defects",
539  doc="Final merged defects.",
540  storageClass="Defects",
541  dimensions=("instrument", "detector"),
542  multiple=False,
543  isCalibration=True,
544  )
547 class MergeDefectsTaskConfig(pipeBase.PipelineTaskConfig,
548  pipelineConnections=MergeDefectsConnections):
549  """Configuration for merging single exposure defects.
550  """
551  assertSameRun = pexConfig.Field(
552  dtype=bool,
553  doc=("Ensure that all visits are from the same run? Raises if this is not the case, or"
554  "if the run key isn't found."),
555  default=False, # false because most obs_packages don't have runs. obs_lsst/ts8 overrides this.
556  )
557  ignoreFilters = pexConfig.Field(
558  dtype=bool,
559  doc=("Set the filters used in the CALIB_ID to NONE regardless of the filters on the input"
560  " images. Allows mixing of filters in the input flats. Set to False if you think"
561  " your defects might be chromatic and want to have registry support for varying"
562  " defects with respect to filter."),
563  default=True,
564  )
565  nullFilterName = pexConfig.Field(
566  dtype=str,
567  doc=("The name of the null filter if ignoreFilters is True. Usually something like NONE or EMPTY"),
568  default="NONE",
569  )
570  combinationMode = pexConfig.ChoiceField(
571  doc="Which types of defects to identify",
572  dtype=str,
573  default="FRACTION",
574  allowed={
575  "AND": "Logical AND the pixels found in each visit to form set ",
576  "OR": "Logical OR the pixels found in each visit to form set ",
577  "FRACTION": "Use pixels found in more than config.combinationFraction of visits ",
578  }
579  )
580  combinationFraction = pexConfig.RangeField(
581  dtype=float,
582  doc=("The fraction (0..1) of visits in which a pixel was found to be defective across"
583  " the visit list in order to be marked as a defect. Note, upper bound is exclusive, so use"
584  " mode AND to require pixel to appear in all images."),
585  default=0.7,
586  min=0,
587  max=1,
588  )
589  edgesAsDefects = pexConfig.Field(
590  dtype=bool,
591  doc=("Mark all edge pixels, as defined by nPixBorder[UpDown, LeftRight], as defects."
592  " Normal treatment is to simply exclude this region from the defect finding, such that no"
593  " defect will be located there."),
594  default=False,
595  )
598 class MergeDefectsTask(pipeBase.PipelineTask, pipeBase.CmdLineTask):
599  """Merge the defects from multiple exposures.
600  """
601  ConfigClass = MergeDefectsTaskConfig
602  _DefaultName = 'cpDefectMerge'
604  def run(self, inputDefects, camera):
605  detectorId = inputDefects[0].getMetadata().get('DETECTOR', None)
606  if detectorId is None:
607  raise RuntimeError("Cannot identify detector id.")
608  detector = camera[detectorId]
610  imageTypes = set()
611  for inDefect in inputDefects:
612  imageType = inDefect.getMetadata().get('cpDefectGenImageType', 'UNKNOWN')
613  imageTypes.add(imageType)
615  # Determine common defect pixels separately for each input image type.
616  splitDefects = list()
617  for imageType in imageTypes:
618  sumImage = afwImage.MaskedImageF(detector.getBBox())
619  count = 0
620  for inDefect in inputDefects:
621  if imageType == inDefect.getMetadata().get('cpDefectGenImageType', 'UNKNOWN'):
622  count += 1
623  for defect in inDefect:
624  sumImage.image[defect.getBBox()] += 1.0
625  sumImage /= count
626  nDetected = len(np.where(sumImage.getImage().getArray() > 0)[0])
627"Pre-merge %s pixels with non-zero detections for %s" % (nDetected, imageType))
629  if self.config.combinationMode == 'AND':
630  threshold = 1.0
631  elif self.config.combinationMode == 'OR':
632  threshold = 0.0
633  elif self.config.combinationMode == 'FRACTION':
634  threshold = self.config.combinationFraction
635  else:
636  raise RuntimeError(f"Got unsupported combinationMode {self.config.combinationMode}")
637  indices = np.where(sumImage.getImage().getArray() > threshold)
638  BADBIT = sumImage.getMask().getPlaneBitMask('BAD')
639  sumImage.getMask().getArray()[indices] |= BADBIT
640"Post-merge %s pixels marked as defects for %s" % (len(indices[0]), imageType))
641  partialDefect = Defects.fromMask(sumImage, 'BAD')
642  splitDefects.append(partialDefect)
644  # Do final combination of separate image types
645  finalImage = afwImage.MaskedImageF(detector.getBBox())
646  for inDefect in splitDefects:
647  for defect in inDefect:
648  finalImage.image[defect.getBBox()] += 1
649  finalImage /= len(splitDefects)
650  nDetected = len(np.where(finalImage.getImage().getArray() > 0)[0])
651"Pre-final merge %s pixels with non-zero detections" % (nDetected, ))
653  # This combination is the OR of all image types
654  threshold = 0.0
655  indices = np.where(finalImage.getImage().getArray() > threshold)
656  BADBIT = finalImage.getMask().getPlaneBitMask('BAD')
657  finalImage.getMask().getArray()[indices] |= BADBIT
658"Post-final merge %s pixels marked as defects" % (len(indices[0]), ))
660  if self.config.edgesAsDefects:
661"Masking edge pixels as defects.")
662  # Do the same as IsrTask.maskEdges()
663  box = detector.getBBox()
664  subImage = finalImage[box]
665  box.grow(-self.nPixBorder)
666  SourceDetectionTask.setEdgeBits(subImage, box, BADBIT)
668  merged = Defects.fromMask(finalImage, 'BAD')
669  merged.updateMetadata(camera=camera, detector=detector, filterName=None,
670  setCalibId=True, setDate=True)
672  return pipeBase.Struct(
673  mergedDefects=merged,
674  )
677 class FindDefectsTaskConfig(pexConfig.Config):
678  measure = pexConfig.ConfigurableField(
679  target=MeasureDefectsTask,
680  doc="Task to measure single frame defects.",
681  )
682  merge = pexConfig.ConfigurableField(
683  target=MergeDefectsTask,
684  doc="Task to merge multiple defects together.",
685  )
687  isrForFlats = pexConfig.ConfigurableField(
688  target=IsrTask,
689  doc="Task to perform instrumental signature removal",
690  )
691  isrForDarks = pexConfig.ConfigurableField(
692  target=IsrTask,
693  doc="Task to perform instrumental signature removal",
694  )
695  isrMandatoryStepsFlats = pexConfig.ListField(
696  dtype=str,
697  doc=("isr operations that must be performed for valid results when using flats."
698  " Raises if any of these are False"),
699  default=['doAssembleCcd', 'doFringe']
700  )
701  isrMandatoryStepsDarks = pexConfig.ListField(
702  dtype=str,
703  doc=("isr operations that must be performed for valid results when using darks. "
704  "Raises if any of these are False"),
705  default=['doAssembleCcd', 'doFringe']
706  )
707  isrForbiddenStepsFlats = pexConfig.ListField(
708  dtype=str,
709  doc=("isr operations that must NOT be performed for valid results when using flats."
710  " Raises if any of these are True"),
711  default=['doBrighterFatter', 'doUseOpticsTransmission',
712  'doUseFilterTransmission', 'doUseSensorTransmission', 'doUseAtmosphereTransmission']
713  )
714  isrForbiddenStepsDarks = pexConfig.ListField(
715  dtype=str,
716  doc=("isr operations that must NOT be performed for valid results when using darks."
717  " Raises if any of these are True"),
718  default=['doBrighterFatter', 'doUseOpticsTransmission',
719  'doUseFilterTransmission', 'doUseSensorTransmission', 'doUseAtmosphereTransmission']
720  )
721  isrDesirableSteps = pexConfig.ListField(
722  dtype=str,
723  doc=("isr operations that it is advisable to perform, but are not mission-critical."
724  " WARNs are logged for any of these found to be False."),
725  default=['doBias']
726  )
728  ccdKey = pexConfig.Field(
729  dtype=str,
730  doc="The key by which to pull a detector from a dataId, e.g. 'ccd' or 'detector'",
731  default='ccd',
732  )
733  imageTypeKey = pexConfig.Field(
734  dtype=str,
735  doc="The key for the butler to use by which to check whether images are darks or flats",
736  default='imageType',
737  )
740 class FindDefectsTask(pipeBase.CmdLineTask):
741  """Task for finding defects in sensors.
743  The task has two modes of operation, defect finding in raws and in
744  master calibrations, which work as follows.
746  Master calib defect finding
747  ----------------------------
749  A single visit number is supplied, for which the corresponding flat & dark
750  will be used. This is because, at present at least, there is no way to pass
751  a calibration exposure ID from the command line to a command line task.
753  The task retrieves the corresponding dark and flat exposures for the
754  supplied visit. If a flat is available the task will (be able to) look
755  for both bright and dark defects. If only a dark is found then only bright
756  defects will be sought.
758  All pixels above/below the specified nSigma which lie with the specified
759  borders for flats/darks are identified as defects.
761  Raw visit defect finding
762  ------------------------
764  A list of exposure IDs are supplied for defect finding. The task will
765  detect bright pixels in the dark frames, if supplied, and bright & dark
766  pixels in the flats, if supplied, i.e. if you only supply darks you will
767  only be given bright defects. This is done automatically from the imageType
768  of the exposure, so the input exposure list can be a mix.
770  As with the master calib detection, all pixels above/below the specified
771  nSigma which lie with the specified borders for flats/darks are identified
772  as defects. Then, a post-processing step is done to merge these detections,
773  with pixels appearing in a fraction [0..1] of the images are kept as defects
774  and those appearing below that occurrence-threshold are discarded.
775  """
776  ConfigClass = FindDefectsTaskConfig
777  _DefaultName = "findDefects"
779  RunnerClass = DataRefListRunner
781  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
782  super().__init__(**kwargs)
783  self.makeSubtask("measure")
784  self.makeSubtask("merge")
786  @pipeBase.timeMethod
787  def runDataRef(self, dataRefList):
788  """Run the defect finding task.
790  Find the defects, as described in the main task docstring, from a
791  dataRef and a list of visit(s).
793  Parameters
794  ----------
795  dataRefList : `list` [`lsst.daf.persistence.ButlerDataRef`]
796  dataRefs for the data to be checked for defects.
798  Returns
799  -------
800  result : `lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
801  Result struct with Components:
803  - ``defects`` : `lsst.ip.isr.Defect`
804  The defects found by the task.
805  - ``exitStatus`` : `int`
806  The exit code.
807  """
808  dataRef = dataRefList[0]
809  camera = dataRef.get("camera")
811  singleExpDefects = []
812  activeChip = None
813  for dataRef in dataRefList:
814  exposure = dataRef.get("postISRCCD")
815  if activeChip:
816  if exposure.getDetector().getName() != activeChip:
817  raise RuntimeError("Too many input detectors supplied!")
818  else:
819  activeChip = exposure.getDetector().getName()
821  result =, camera)
822  singleExpDefects.append(result.outputDefects)
824  finalResults =, camera)
825  metadata = finalResults.mergedDefects.getMetadata()
826  inputDims = {'calibDate': metadata['CALIBDATE'],
827  'raftName': metadata['RAFTNAME'],
828  'detectorName': metadata['SLOTNAME'],
829  'detector': metadata['DETECTOR'],
830  'ccd': metadata['DETECTOR'],
831  'ccdnum': metadata['DETECTOR']}
833  butler = dataRef.getButler()
834  butler.put(finalResults.mergedDefects, "defects", inputDims)
836  return finalResults
table::Key< int > type
A class to contain the data, WCS, and other information needed to describe an image of the sky.
Definition: Exposure.h:72
A class to manipulate images, masks, and variance as a single object.
Definition: MaskedImage.h:73
def runDataRef(self, dataRefList)
def __init__(self, **kwargs)
def _setEdgeBits(self, exposureOrMaskedImage, maskplaneToSet='EDGE')
def run(self, inputExp, camera)
def maskBlocksIfIntermitentBadPixelsInColumn(self, defects)
def findHotAndColdPixels(self, exp, nSigma)
def debugView(self, stepname, ampImage, defects, detector)
def _getNumGoodPixels(maskedIm, badMaskString="NO_DATA")
def _markBlocksInBadColumn(self, x, y, multipleX, defects)
def debugHistogram(self, stepname, ampImage, nSigmaUsed, exp)
def run(self, inputDefects, camera)
An integer coordinate rectangle.
Definition: Box.h:55
daf::base::PropertyList * list
daf::base::PropertySet * set
Backwards-compatibility support for depersisting the old Calib (FluxMag0/FluxMag0Err) objects.
std::string const & getName() const noexcept
Return a filter's name.
Definition: Filter.h:78
Statistics makeStatistics(lsst::afw::image::Image< Pixel > const &img, lsst::afw::image::Mask< image::MaskPixel > const &msk, int const flags, StatisticsControl const &sctrl=StatisticsControl())
Handle a watered-down front-end to the constructor (no variance)
Definition: Statistics.h:354
def countMaskedPixels(maskedIm, maskPlane)
Point< int, 2 > Point2I
Definition: Point.h:321
Fit spatial kernel using approximate fluxes for candidates, and solving a linear system of equations.
def run(self, skyInfo, tempExpRefList, imageScalerList, weightList, altMaskList=None, mask=None, supplementaryData=None)
def getDebugFrame(debugDisplay, name)