LSSTApplications  11.0-24-g0a022a1,14.0+77,15.0,15.0+1
jointcal Directory Reference


file  Associations.h [code]
file  AstrometryFit.h [code]
file  AstrometryModel.h [code]
file  AstroUtils.h [code]
file  BaseStar.h [code]
file  CcdImage.h [code]
file  Chi2.h [code]
file  ConstrainedPhotometryModel.h [code]
file  ConstrainedPolyModel.h [code]
file  Eigenstuff.h [code]
file  FastFinder.h [code]
 Fast locator in starlists.
file  FatPoint.h [code]
file  FittedStar.h [code]
file  FitterBase.h [code]
file  Frame.h [code]
file  Gtransfo.h [code]
file  Histo2d.h [code]
file  Histo4d.h [code]
file  JointcalControl.h [code]
file  ListMatch.h [code]
 Combinatorial searches for linear transformations to go from list1 to list2.
file  Mapping.h [code]
file  MeasuredStar.h [code]
file  PhotometryFit.h [code]
file  PhotometryMapping.h [code]
file  PhotometryModel.h [code]
file  PhotometryTransfo.h [code]
file  Point.h [code]
file  ProjectionHandler.h [code]
file  RefStar.h [code]
file  SimplePhotometryModel.h [code]
file  SimplePolyMapping.h [code]
file  SimplePolyModel.h [code]
file  SipToGtransfo.h [code]
file  StarList.h [code]
file  StarMatch.h [code]
 pairs of points
file  Tripletlist.h [code]
file  TwoTransfoMapping.h [code]