LSST Applications  21.0.0-172-gfb10e10a+18fedfabac,22.0.0+297cba6710,22.0.0+80564b0ff1,22.0.0+8d77f4f51a,22.0.0+a28f4c53b1,22.0.0+dcf3732eb2,22.0.1-1-g7d6de66+2a20fdde0d,22.0.1-1-g8e32f31+297cba6710,22.0.1-1-geca5380+7fa3b7d9b6,22.0.1-12-g44dc1dc+2a20fdde0d,22.0.1-15-g6a90155+515f58c32b,22.0.1-16-g9282f48+790f5f2caa,22.0.1-2-g92698f7+dcf3732eb2,22.0.1-2-ga9b0f51+7fa3b7d9b6,22.0.1-2-gd1925c9+bf4f0e694f,22.0.1-24-g1ad7a390+a9625a72a8,22.0.1-25-g5bf6245+3ad8ecd50b,22.0.1-25-gb120d7b+8b5510f75f,22.0.1-27-g97737f7+2a20fdde0d,22.0.1-32-gf62ce7b1+aa4237961e,22.0.1-4-g0b3f228+2a20fdde0d,22.0.1-4-g243d05b+871c1b8305,22.0.1-4-g3a563be+32dcf1063f,22.0.1-4-g44f2e3d+9e4ab0f4fa,22.0.1-42-gca6935d93+ba5e5ca3eb,22.0.1-5-g15c806e+85460ae5f3,22.0.1-5-g58711c4+611d128589,22.0.1-5-g75bb458+99c117b92f,22.0.1-6-g1c63a23+7fa3b7d9b6,22.0.1-6-g50866e6+84ff5a128b,22.0.1-6-g8d3140d+720564cf76,22.0.1-6-gd805d02+cc5644f571,22.0.1-8-ge5750ce+85460ae5f3,master-g6e05de7fdc+babf819c66,master-g99da0e417a+8d77f4f51a,w.2021.48
LSST Data Management Base Package
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 # This file is part of pipe tasks
2 #
3 # Developed for the LSST Data Management System.
4 # This product includes software developed by the LSST Project
5 # (
6 # See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution
7 # for details of code ownership.
8 #
9 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 # (at your option) any later version.
13 #
14 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 # GNU General Public License for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 # along with this program. If not, see <>.
22 """
23 Insert fakes into deepCoadds
24 """
25 import galsim
26 from astropy.table import Table
27 import numpy as np
29 import lsst.geom as geom
30 import lsst.afw.image as afwImage
31 import lsst.afw.math as afwMath
32 import lsst.pex.config as pexConfig
33 import lsst.pipe.base as pipeBase
35 from lsst.pipe.base import CmdLineTask, PipelineTask, PipelineTaskConfig, PipelineTaskConnections
36 import lsst.pipe.base.connectionTypes as cT
37 from lsst.pex.exceptions import LogicError, InvalidParameterError
38 from lsst.coadd.utils.coaddDataIdContainer import ExistingCoaddDataIdContainer
39 from lsst.geom import SpherePoint, radians, Box2D, Point2D
41 __all__ = ["InsertFakesConfig", "InsertFakesTask"]
44 def _add_fake_sources(exposure, objects, calibFluxRadius=12.0, logger=None):
45  """Add fake sources to the given exposure
47  Parameters
48  ----------
49  exposure : `lsst.afw.image.exposure.exposure.ExposureF`
50  The exposure into which the fake sources should be added
51  objects : `typing.Iterator` [`tuple` ['lsst.geom.SpherePoint`, `galsim.GSObject`]]
52  An iterator of tuples that contains (or generates) locations and object
53  surface brightness profiles to inject.
54  calibFluxRadius : `float`, optional
55  Aperture radius (in pixels) used to define the calibration for this
56  exposure+catalog. This is used to produce the correct instrumental fluxes
57  within the radius. The value should match that of the field defined in
58  slot_CalibFlux_instFlux.
59  logger : `lsst.log.log.log.Log` or `logging.Logger`, optional
60  Logger.
61  """
62  exposure.mask.addMaskPlane("FAKE")
63  bitmask = exposure.mask.getPlaneBitMask("FAKE")
64  if logger:
65"Adding mask plane with bitmask {bitmask}")
67  wcs = exposure.getWcs()
68  psf = exposure.getPsf()
70  bbox = exposure.getBBox()
71  fullBounds = galsim.BoundsI(bbox.minX, bbox.maxX, bbox.minY, bbox.maxY)
72  gsImg = galsim.Image(exposure.image.array, bounds=fullBounds)
74  pixScale = wcs.getPixelScale().asArcseconds()
76  for spt, gsObj in objects:
77  pt = wcs.skyToPixel(spt)
78  posd = galsim.PositionD(pt.x, pt.y)
79  posi = galsim.PositionI(pt.x//1, pt.y//1)
80  if logger:
81  logger.debug(f"Adding fake source at {pt}")
83  mat = wcs.linearizePixelToSky(spt, geom.arcseconds).getMatrix()
84  gsWCS = galsim.JacobianWCS(mat[0, 0], mat[0, 1], mat[1, 0], mat[1, 1])
86  # This check is here because sometimes the WCS
87  # is multivalued and objects that should not be
88  # were being included.
89  gsPixScale = np.sqrt(gsWCS.pixelArea())
90  if gsPixScale < pixScale/2 or gsPixScale > pixScale*2:
91  continue
93  try:
94  psfArr = psf.computeKernelImage(pt).array
95  except InvalidParameterError:
96  # Try mapping to nearest point contained in bbox.
97  contained_pt = Point2D(
98  np.clip(pt.x, bbox.minX, bbox.maxX),
99  np.clip(pt.y, bbox.minY, bbox.maxY)
100  )
101  if pt == contained_pt: # no difference, so skip immediately
102  if logger:
103  logger.infof(
104  "Cannot compute Psf for object at {}; skipping",
105  pt
106  )
107  continue
108  # otherwise, try again with new point
109  try:
110  psfArr = psf.computeKernelImage(contained_pt).array
111  except InvalidParameterError:
112  if logger:
113  logger.infof(
114  "Cannot compute Psf for object at {}; skipping",
115  pt
116  )
117  continue
119  apCorr = psf.computeApertureFlux(calibFluxRadius)
120  psfArr /= apCorr
121  gsPSF = galsim.InterpolatedImage(galsim.Image(psfArr), wcs=gsWCS)
123  conv = galsim.Convolve(gsObj, gsPSF)
124  stampSize = conv.getGoodImageSize(gsWCS.minLinearScale())
125  subBounds = galsim.BoundsI(posi).withBorder(stampSize//2)
126  subBounds &= fullBounds
128  if subBounds.area() > 0:
129  subImg = gsImg[subBounds]
130  offset = posd - subBounds.true_center
131  # Note, for calexp injection, pixel is already part of the PSF and
132  # for coadd injection, it's incorrect to include the output pixel.
133  # So for both cases, we draw using method='no_pixel'.
135  conv.drawImage(
136  subImg,
137  add_to_image=True,
138  offset=offset,
139  wcs=gsWCS,
140  method='no_pixel'
141  )
143  subBox = geom.Box2I(
144  geom.Point2I(subBounds.xmin, subBounds.ymin),
145  geom.Point2I(subBounds.xmax, subBounds.ymax)
146  )
147  exposure[subBox].mask.array |= bitmask
150 def _isWCSGalsimDefault(wcs, hdr):
151  """Decide if wcs = galsim.PixelScale(1.0) is explicitly present in header,
152  or if it's just the galsim default.
154  Parameters
155  ----------
156  wcs : galsim.BaseWCS
157  Potentially default WCS.
158  hdr : galsim.fits.FitsHeader
159  Header as read in by galsim.
161  Returns
162  -------
163  isDefault : bool
164  True if default, False if explicitly set in header.
165  """
166  if wcs != galsim.PixelScale(1.0):
167  return False
168  if hdr.get('GS_WCS') is not None:
169  return False
170  if hdr.get('CTYPE1', 'LINEAR') == 'LINEAR':
171  return not any(k in hdr for k in ['CD1_1', 'CDELT1'])
172  for wcs_type in galsim.fitswcs.fits_wcs_types:
173  # If one of these succeeds, then assume result is explicit
174  try:
175  wcs_type._readHeader(hdr)
176  return False
177  except Exception:
178  pass
179  else:
180  return not any(k in hdr for k in ['CD1_1', 'CDELT1'])
183 class InsertFakesConnections(PipelineTaskConnections,
184  defaultTemplates={"coaddName": "deep",
185  "fakesType": "fakes_"},
186  dimensions=("tract", "patch", "band", "skymap")):
188  image = cT.Input(
189  doc="Image into which fakes are to be added.",
190  name="{coaddName}Coadd",
191  storageClass="ExposureF",
192  dimensions=("tract", "patch", "band", "skymap")
193  )
195  fakeCat = cT.Input(
196  doc="Catalog of fake sources to draw inputs from.",
197  name="{fakesType}fakeSourceCat",
198  storageClass="DataFrame",
199  dimensions=("tract", "skymap")
200  )
202  imageWithFakes = cT.Output(
203  doc="Image with fake sources added.",
204  name="{fakesType}{coaddName}Coadd",
205  storageClass="ExposureF",
206  dimensions=("tract", "patch", "band", "skymap")
207  )
210 class InsertFakesConfig(PipelineTaskConfig,
211  pipelineConnections=InsertFakesConnections):
212  """Config for inserting fake sources
213  """
215  # Unchanged
217  doCleanCat = pexConfig.Field(
218  doc="If true removes bad sources from the catalog.",
219  dtype=bool,
220  default=True,
221  )
223  fakeType = pexConfig.Field(
224  doc="What type of fake catalog to use, snapshot (includes variability in the magnitudes calculated "
225  "from the MJD of the image), static (no variability) or filename for a user defined fits"
226  "catalog.",
227  dtype=str,
228  default="static",
229  )
231  calibFluxRadius = pexConfig.Field(
232  doc="Aperture radius (in pixels) that was used to define the calibration for this image+catalog. "
233  "This will be used to produce the correct instrumental fluxes within the radius. "
234  "This value should match that of the field defined in slot_CalibFlux_instFlux.",
235  dtype=float,
236  default=12.0,
237  )
239  coaddName = pexConfig.Field(
240  doc="The name of the type of coadd used",
241  dtype=str,
242  default="deep",
243  )
245  doSubSelectSources = pexConfig.Field(
246  doc="Set to True if you wish to sub select sources to be input based on the value in the column"
247  "set in the sourceSelectionColName config option.",
248  dtype=bool,
249  default=False
250  )
252  insertImages = pexConfig.Field(
253  doc="Insert images directly? True or False.",
254  dtype=bool,
255  default=False,
256  )
258  doProcessAllDataIds = pexConfig.Field(
259  doc="If True, all input data IDs will be processed, even those containing no fake sources.",
260  dtype=bool,
261  default=False,
262  )
264  trimBuffer = pexConfig.Field(
265  doc="Size of the pixel buffer surrounding the image. Only those fake sources with a centroid"
266  "falling within the image+buffer region will be considered for fake source injection.",
267  dtype=int,
268  default=100,
269  )
271  sourceType = pexConfig.Field(
272  doc="The column name for the source type used in the fake source catalog.",
273  dtype=str,
274  default="sourceType",
275  )
277  fits_alignment = pexConfig.ChoiceField(
278  doc="How should injections from FITS files be aligned?",
279  dtype=str,
280  allowed={
281  "wcs": (
282  "Input image will be transformed such that the local WCS in "
283  "the FITS header matches the local WCS in the target image. "
284  "I.e., North, East, and angular distances in the input image "
285  "will match North, East, and angular distances in the target "
286  "image."
287  ),
288  "pixel": (
289  "Input image will _not_ be transformed. Up, right, and pixel "
290  "distances in the input image will match up, right and pixel "
291  "distances in the target image."
292  )
293  },
294  default="pixel"
295  )
297  # New source catalog config variables
299  ra_col = pexConfig.Field(
300  doc="Source catalog column name for RA (in radians).",
301  dtype=str,
302  default="ra",
303  )
305  dec_col = pexConfig.Field(
306  doc="Source catalog column name for dec (in radians).",
307  dtype=str,
308  default="dec",
309  )
311  bulge_semimajor_col = pexConfig.Field(
312  doc="Source catalog column name for the semimajor axis (in arcseconds) "
313  "of the bulge half-light ellipse.",
314  dtype=str,
315  default="bulge_semimajor",
316  )
318  bulge_axis_ratio_col = pexConfig.Field(
319  doc="Source catalog column name for the axis ratio of the bulge "
320  "half-light ellipse.",
321  dtype=str,
322  default="bulge_axis_ratio",
323  )
325  bulge_pa_col = pexConfig.Field(
326  doc="Source catalog column name for the position angle (measured from "
327  "North through East in degrees) of the semimajor axis of the bulge "
328  "half-light ellipse.",
329  dtype=str,
330  default="bulge_pa",
331  )
333  bulge_n_col = pexConfig.Field(
334  doc="Source catalog column name for the Sersic index of the bulge.",
335  dtype=str,
336  default="bulge_n",
337  )
339  disk_semimajor_col = pexConfig.Field(
340  doc="Source catalog column name for the semimajor axis (in arcseconds) "
341  "of the disk half-light ellipse.",
342  dtype=str,
343  default="disk_semimajor",
344  )
346  disk_axis_ratio_col = pexConfig.Field(
347  doc="Source catalog column name for the axis ratio of the disk "
348  "half-light ellipse.",
349  dtype=str,
350  default="disk_axis_ratio",
351  )
353  disk_pa_col = pexConfig.Field(
354  doc="Source catalog column name for the position angle (measured from "
355  "North through East in degrees) of the semimajor axis of the disk "
356  "half-light ellipse.",
357  dtype=str,
358  default="disk_pa",
359  )
361  disk_n_col = pexConfig.Field(
362  doc="Source catalog column name for the Sersic index of the disk.",
363  dtype=str,
364  default="disk_n",
365  )
367  bulge_disk_flux_ratio_col = pexConfig.Field(
368  doc="Source catalog column name for the bulge/disk flux ratio.",
369  dtype=str,
370  default="bulge_disk_flux_ratio",
371  )
373  mag_col = pexConfig.Field(
374  doc="Source catalog column name template for magnitudes, in the format "
375  "``filter name``_mag_col. E.g., if this config variable is set to "
376  "``%s_mag``, then the i-band magnitude will be searched for in the "
377  "``i_mag`` column of the source catalog.",
378  dtype=str,
379  default="%s_mag"
380  )
382  select_col = pexConfig.Field(
383  doc="Source catalog column name to be used to select which sources to "
384  "add.",
385  dtype=str,
386  default="select",
387  )
389  # Deprecated config variables
391  raColName = pexConfig.Field(
392  doc="RA column name used in the fake source catalog.",
393  dtype=str,
394  default="raJ2000",
395  deprecated="Use `ra_col` instead."
396  )
398  decColName = pexConfig.Field(
399  doc="Dec. column name used in the fake source catalog.",
400  dtype=str,
401  default="decJ2000",
402  deprecated="Use `dec_col` instead."
403  )
405  diskHLR = pexConfig.Field(
406  doc="Column name for the disk half light radius used in the fake source catalog.",
407  dtype=str,
408  default="DiskHalfLightRadius",
409  deprecated=(
410  "Use `disk_semimajor_col`, `disk_axis_ratio_col`, and `disk_pa_col`"
411  " to specify disk half-light ellipse."
412  )
413  )
415  aDisk = pexConfig.Field(
416  doc="The column name for the semi major axis length of the disk component used in the fake source"
417  "catalog.",
418  dtype=str,
419  default="a_d",
420  deprecated=(
421  "Use `disk_semimajor_col`, `disk_axis_ratio_col`, and `disk_pa_col`"
422  " to specify disk half-light ellipse."
423  )
424  )
426  bDisk = pexConfig.Field(
427  doc="The column name for the semi minor axis length of the disk component.",
428  dtype=str,
429  default="b_d",
430  deprecated=(
431  "Use `disk_semimajor_col`, `disk_axis_ratio_col`, and `disk_pa_col`"
432  " to specify disk half-light ellipse."
433  )
434  )
436  paDisk = pexConfig.Field(
437  doc="The column name for the PA of the disk component used in the fake source catalog.",
438  dtype=str,
439  default="pa_disk",
440  deprecated=(
441  "Use `disk_semimajor_col`, `disk_axis_ratio_col`, and `disk_pa_col`"
442  " to specify disk half-light ellipse."
443  )
444  )
446  nDisk = pexConfig.Field(
447  doc="The column name for the sersic index of the disk component used in the fake source catalog.",
448  dtype=str,
449  default="disk_n",
450  deprecated="Use `disk_n` instead."
451  )
453  bulgeHLR = pexConfig.Field(
454  doc="Column name for the bulge half light radius used in the fake source catalog.",
455  dtype=str,
456  default="BulgeHalfLightRadius",
457  deprecated=(
458  "Use `bulge_semimajor_col`, `bulge_axis_ratio_col`, and "
459  "`bulge_pa_col` to specify disk half-light ellipse."
460  )
461  )
463  aBulge = pexConfig.Field(
464  doc="The column name for the semi major axis length of the bulge component.",
465  dtype=str,
466  default="a_b",
467  deprecated=(
468  "Use `bulge_semimajor_col`, `bulge_axis_ratio_col`, and "
469  "`bulge_pa_col` to specify disk half-light ellipse."
470  )
471  )
473  bBulge = pexConfig.Field(
474  doc="The column name for the semi minor axis length of the bulge component used in the fake source "
475  "catalog.",
476  dtype=str,
477  default="b_b",
478  deprecated=(
479  "Use `bulge_semimajor_col`, `bulge_axis_ratio_col`, and "
480  "`bulge_pa_col` to specify disk half-light ellipse."
481  )
482  )
484  paBulge = pexConfig.Field(
485  doc="The column name for the PA of the bulge component used in the fake source catalog.",
486  dtype=str,
487  default="pa_bulge",
488  deprecated=(
489  "Use `bulge_semimajor_col`, `bulge_axis_ratio_col`, and "
490  "`bulge_pa_col` to specify disk half-light ellipse."
491  )
492  )
494  nBulge = pexConfig.Field(
495  doc="The column name for the sersic index of the bulge component used in the fake source catalog.",
496  dtype=str,
497  default="bulge_n",
498  deprecated="Use `bulge_n` instead."
499  )
501  magVar = pexConfig.Field(
502  doc="The column name for the magnitude calculated taking variability into account. In the format "
503  "``filter name``magVar, e.g. imagVar for the magnitude in the i band.",
504  dtype=str,
505  default="%smagVar",
506  deprecated="Use `mag_col` instead."
507  )
509  sourceSelectionColName = pexConfig.Field(
510  doc="The name of the column in the input fakes catalogue to be used to determine which sources to"
511  "add, default is none and when this is used all sources are added.",
512  dtype=str,
513  default="templateSource",
514  deprecated="Use `select_col` instead."
515  )
518 class InsertFakesTask(PipelineTask, CmdLineTask):
519  """Insert fake objects into images.
521  Add fake stars and galaxies to the given image, read in through the dataRef. Galaxy parameters are read in
522  from the specified file and then modelled using galsim.
524  `InsertFakesTask` has five functions that make images of the fake sources and then add them to the
525  image.
527  `addPixCoords`
528  Use the WCS information to add the pixel coordinates of each source.
529  `mkFakeGalsimGalaxies`
530  Use Galsim to make fake double sersic galaxies for each set of galaxy parameters in the input file.
531  `mkFakeStars`
532  Use the PSF information from the image to make a fake star using the magnitude information from the
533  input file.
534  `cleanCat`
535  Remove rows of the input fake catalog which have half light radius, of either the bulge or the disk,
536  that are 0. Also removes rows that have Sersic index outside of galsim's allowed paramters. If
537  the config option sourceSelectionColName is set then this function limits the catalog of input fakes
538  to only those which are True in this column.
539  `addFakeSources`
540  Add the fake sources to the image.
542  """
544  _DefaultName = "insertFakes"
545  ConfigClass = InsertFakesConfig
547  def runDataRef(self, dataRef):
548  """Read in/write out the required data products and add fake sources to the deepCoadd.
550  Parameters
551  ----------
552  dataRef : `lsst.daf.persistence.butlerSubset.ButlerDataRef`
553  Data reference defining the image to have fakes added to it
554  Used to access the following data products:
555  deepCoadd
556  """
558"Adding fakes to: tract: %d, patch: %s, filter: %s",
559  dataRef.dataId["tract"], dataRef.dataId["patch"], dataRef.dataId["filter"])
561  # To do: should it warn when asked to insert variable sources into the coadd
563  if self.config.fakeType == "static":
564  fakeCat = dataRef.get("deepCoadd_fakeSourceCat").toDataFrame()
565  # To do: DM-16254, the read and write of the fake catalogs will be changed once the new pipeline
566  # task structure for ref cats is in place.
567  self.fakeSourceCatType = "deepCoadd_fakeSourceCat"
568  else:
569  fakeCat =
571  coadd = dataRef.get("deepCoadd")
572  wcs = coadd.getWcs()
573  photoCalib = coadd.getPhotoCalib()
575  imageWithFakes =, coadd, wcs, photoCalib)
577  dataRef.put(imageWithFakes.imageWithFakes, "fakes_deepCoadd")
579  def runQuantum(self, butlerQC, inputRefs, outputRefs):
580  inputs = butlerQC.get(inputRefs)
581  inputs["wcs"] = inputs["image"].getWcs()
582  inputs["photoCalib"] = inputs["image"].getPhotoCalib()
584  outputs =**inputs)
585  butlerQC.put(outputs, outputRefs)
587  @classmethod
588  def _makeArgumentParser(cls):
589  parser = pipeBase.ArgumentParser(name=cls._DefaultName)
590  parser.add_id_argument(name="--id", datasetType="deepCoadd",
591  help="data IDs for the deepCoadd, e.g. --id tract=12345 patch=1,2 filter=r",
592  ContainerClass=ExistingCoaddDataIdContainer)
593  return parser
595  def run(self, fakeCat, image, wcs, photoCalib):
596  """Add fake sources to an image.
598  Parameters
599  ----------
600  fakeCat : `pandas.core.frame.DataFrame`
601  The catalog of fake sources to be input
602  image : `lsst.afw.image.exposure.exposure.ExposureF`
603  The image into which the fake sources should be added
604  wcs : `lsst.afw.geom.SkyWcs`
605  WCS to use to add fake sources
606  photoCalib : `lsst.afw.image.photoCalib.PhotoCalib`
607  Photometric calibration to be used to calibrate the fake sources
609  Returns
610  -------
611  resultStruct : `lsst.pipe.base.struct.Struct`
612  contains : image : `lsst.afw.image.exposure.exposure.ExposureF`
614  Notes
615  -----
616  Adds pixel coordinates for each source to the fakeCat and removes objects with bulge or disk half
617  light radius = 0 (if ``config.doCleanCat = True``).
619  Adds the ``Fake`` mask plane to the image which is then set by `addFakeSources` to mark where fake
620  sources have been added. Uses the information in the ``fakeCat`` to make fake galaxies (using galsim)
621  and fake stars, using the PSF models from the PSF information for the image. These are then added to
622  the image and the image with fakes included returned.
624  The galsim galaxies are made using a double sersic profile, one for the bulge and one for the disk,
625  this is then convolved with the PSF at that point.
626  """
627  # Attach overriding wcs and photoCalib to image, but retain originals
628  # so we can reset at the end.
629  origWcs = image.getWcs()
630  origPhotoCalib = image.getPhotoCalib()
631  image.setWcs(wcs)
632  image.setPhotoCalib(photoCalib)
634  band = image.getFilterLabel().bandLabel
635  fakeCat = self._standardizeColumns(fakeCat, band)
637  fakeCat = self.addPixCoords(fakeCat, image)
638  fakeCat = self.trimFakeCat(fakeCat, image)
640  if len(fakeCat) > 0:
641  if not self.config.insertImages:
642  if isinstance(fakeCat[self.config.sourceType].iloc[0], str):
643  galCheckVal = "galaxy"
644  starCheckVal = "star"
645  elif isinstance(fakeCat[self.config.sourceType].iloc[0], bytes):
646  galCheckVal = b"galaxy"
647  starCheckVal = b"star"
648  elif isinstance(fakeCat[self.config.sourceType].iloc[0], (int, float)):
649  galCheckVal = 1
650  starCheckVal = 0
651  else:
652  raise TypeError(
653  "sourceType column does not have required type, should be str, bytes or int"
654  )
655  if self.config.doCleanCat:
656  fakeCat = self.cleanCat(fakeCat, starCheckVal)
658  generator = self._generateGSObjectsFromCatalog(image, fakeCat, galCheckVal, starCheckVal)
659  else:
660  generator = self._generateGSObjectsFromImages(image, fakeCat)
661  _add_fake_sources(image, generator, calibFluxRadius=self.config.calibFluxRadius, logger=self.log)
662  elif len(fakeCat) == 0 and self.config.doProcessAllDataIds:
663  self.log.warning("No fakes found for this dataRef; processing anyway.")
664  image.mask.addMaskPlane("FAKE")
665  else:
666  raise RuntimeError("No fakes found for this dataRef.")
668  # restore original exposure WCS and photoCalib
669  image.setWcs(origWcs)
670  image.setPhotoCalib(origPhotoCalib)
672  resultStruct = pipeBase.Struct(imageWithFakes=image)
674  return resultStruct
676  def _standardizeColumns(self, fakeCat, band):
677  """Use config variables to 'standardize' the expected columns and column
678  names in the input catalog.
680  Parameters
681  ----------
682  fakeCat : `pandas.core.frame.DataFrame`
683  The catalog of fake sources to be input
684  band : `str`
685  Label for the current band being processed.
687  Returns
688  -------
689  outCat : `pandas.core.frame.DataFrame`
690  The standardized catalog of fake sources
691  """
692  cfg = self.config
693  replace_dict = {}
695  def add_to_replace_dict(new_name, depr_name, std_name):
696  if new_name in fakeCat.columns:
697  replace_dict[new_name] = std_name
698  elif depr_name in fakeCat.columns:
699  replace_dict[depr_name] = std_name
700  else:
701  raise ValueError(f"Could not determine column for {std_name}.")
703  # Prefer new config variables over deprecated config variables.
704  # RA, dec, and mag are always required. Do these first
705  for new_name, depr_name, std_name in [
706  (cfg.ra_col, cfg.raColName, 'ra'),
707  (cfg.dec_col, cfg.decColName, 'dec'),
708  (cfg.mag_col%band, cfg.magVar%band, 'mag')
709  ]:
710  add_to_replace_dict(new_name, depr_name, std_name)
711  # Only handle bulge/disk params if not injecting images
712  if not cfg.insertImages:
713  for new_name, depr_name, std_name in [
714  (cfg.bulge_n_col, cfg.nBulge, 'bulge_n'),
715  (cfg.bulge_pa_col, cfg.paBulge, 'bulge_pa'),
716  (cfg.disk_n_col, cfg.nDisk, 'disk_n'),
717  (cfg.disk_pa_col, cfg.paDisk, 'disk_pa'),
718  ]:
719  add_to_replace_dict(new_name, depr_name, std_name)
721  if cfg.doSubSelectSources:
722  add_to_replace_dict(
723  cfg.select_col,
724  cfg.sourceSelectionColName,
725  'select'
726  )
727  fakeCat = fakeCat.rename(columns=replace_dict, copy=False)
729  # Handling the half-light radius and axis-ratio are trickier, since we
730  # moved from expecting (HLR, a, b) to expecting (semimajor, axis_ratio).
731  # Just handle these manually.
732  if not cfg.insertImages:
733  if (
734  cfg.bulge_semimajor_col in fakeCat.columns
735  and cfg.bulge_axis_ratio_col in fakeCat.columns
736  ):
737  fakeCat = fakeCat.rename(
738  columns={
739  cfg.bulge_semimajor_col: 'bulge_semimajor',
740  cfg.bulge_axis_ratio_col: 'bulge_axis_ratio',
741  cfg.disk_semimajor_col: 'disk_semimajor',
742  cfg.disk_axis_ratio_col: 'disk_axis_ratio',
743  },
744  copy=False
745  )
746  elif (
747  cfg.bulgeHLR in fakeCat.columns
748  and cfg.aBulge in fakeCat.columns
749  and cfg.bBulge in fakeCat.columns
750  ):
751  fakeCat['bulge_axis_ratio'] = (
752  fakeCat[cfg.bBulge]/fakeCat[cfg.aBulge]
753  )
754  fakeCat['bulge_semimajor'] = (
755  fakeCat[cfg.bulgeHLR]/np.sqrt(fakeCat['bulge_axis_ratio'])
756  )
757  fakeCat['disk_axis_ratio'] = (
758  fakeCat[cfg.bDisk]/fakeCat[cfg.aDisk]
759  )
760  fakeCat['disk_semimajor'] = (
761  fakeCat[cfg.diskHLR]/np.sqrt(fakeCat['disk_axis_ratio'])
762  )
763  else:
764  raise ValueError(
765  "Could not determine columns for half-light radius and "
766  "axis ratio."
767  )
769  # Process the bulge/disk flux ratio if possible.
770  if cfg.bulge_disk_flux_ratio_col in fakeCat.columns:
771  fakeCat = fakeCat.rename(
772  columns={
773  cfg.bulge_disk_flux_ratio_col: 'bulge_disk_flux_ratio'
774  },
775  copy=False
776  )
777  else:
778  fakeCat['bulge_disk_flux_ratio'] = 1.0
780  return fakeCat
782  def _generateGSObjectsFromCatalog(self, exposure, fakeCat, galCheckVal, starCheckVal):
783  """Process catalog to generate `galsim.GSObject` s.
785  Parameters
786  ----------
787  exposure : `lsst.afw.image.exposure.exposure.ExposureF`
788  The exposure into which the fake sources should be added
789  fakeCat : `pandas.core.frame.DataFrame`
790  The catalog of fake sources to be input
791  galCheckVal : `str`, `bytes` or `int`
792  The value that is set in the sourceType column to specifiy an object is a galaxy.
793  starCheckVal : `str`, `bytes` or `int`
794  The value that is set in the sourceType column to specifiy an object is a star.
796  Yields
797  ------
798  gsObjects : `generator`
799  A generator of tuples of `lsst.geom.SpherePoint` and `galsim.GSObject`.
800  """
801  wcs = exposure.getWcs()
802  photoCalib = exposure.getPhotoCalib()
804"Making %d objects for insertion", len(fakeCat))
806  for (index, row) in fakeCat.iterrows():
807  ra = row['ra']
808  dec = row['dec']
809  skyCoord = SpherePoint(ra, dec, radians)
810  xy = wcs.skyToPixel(skyCoord)
812  try:
813  flux = photoCalib.magnitudeToInstFlux(row['mag'], xy)
814  except LogicError:
815  continue
817  sourceType = row[self.config.sourceType]
818  if sourceType == galCheckVal:
819  # GalSim convention: HLR = sqrt(a * b) = a * sqrt(b / a)
820  bulge_gs_HLR = row['bulge_semimajor']*np.sqrt(row['bulge_axis_ratio'])
821  bulge = galsim.Sersic(n=row['bulge_n'], half_light_radius=bulge_gs_HLR)
822  bulge = bulge.shear(q=row['bulge_axis_ratio'], beta=((90 - row['bulge_pa'])*galsim.degrees))
824  disk_gs_HLR = row['disk_semimajor']*np.sqrt(row['disk_axis_ratio'])
825  disk = galsim.Sersic(n=row['disk_n'], half_light_radius=disk_gs_HLR)
826  disk = disk.shear(q=row['disk_axis_ratio'], beta=((90 - row['disk_pa'])*galsim.degrees))
828  gal = bulge*row['bulge_disk_flux_ratio'] + disk
829  gal = gal.withFlux(flux)
831  yield skyCoord, gal
832  elif sourceType == starCheckVal:
833  star = galsim.DeltaFunction()
834  star = star.withFlux(flux)
835  yield skyCoord, star
836  else:
837  raise TypeError(f"Unknown sourceType {sourceType}")
839  def _generateGSObjectsFromImages(self, exposure, fakeCat):
840  """Process catalog to generate `galsim.GSObject` s.
842  Parameters
843  ----------
844  exposure : `lsst.afw.image.exposure.exposure.ExposureF`
845  The exposure into which the fake sources should be added
846  fakeCat : `pandas.core.frame.DataFrame`
847  The catalog of fake sources to be input
849  Yields
850  ------
851  gsObjects : `generator`
852  A generator of tuples of `lsst.geom.SpherePoint` and `galsim.GSObject`.
853  """
854  band = exposure.getFilterLabel().bandLabel
855  wcs = exposure.getWcs()
856  photoCalib = exposure.getPhotoCalib()
858"Processing %d fake images", len(fakeCat))
860  for (index, row) in fakeCat.iterrows():
861  ra = row['ra']
862  dec = row['dec']
863  skyCoord = SpherePoint(ra, dec, radians)
864  xy = wcs.skyToPixel(skyCoord)
866  try:
867  flux = photoCalib.magnitudeToInstFlux(row['mag'], xy)
868  except LogicError:
869  continue
871  imFile = row[band+"imFilename"]
872  try:
873  imFile = imFile.decode("utf-8")
874  except AttributeError:
875  pass
876  imFile = imFile.strip()
877  im =, read_header=True)
879  if self.config.fits_alignment == "wcs":
880  # will always attach a WCS to its output. If it
881  # can't find a WCS in the FITS header, then it defaults to
882  # scale = 1.0 arcsec / pix. So if that's the scale, then we
883  # need to check if it was explicitly set or if it's just the
884  # default. If it's just the default then we should raise an
885  # exception.
886  if _isWCSGalsimDefault(im.wcs, im.header):
887  raise RuntimeError(
888  f"Cannot find WCS in input FITS file {imFile}"
889  )
890  elif self.config.fits_alignment == "pixel":
891  # Here we need to set im.wcs to the local WCS at the target
892  # position.
893  linWcs = wcs.linearizePixelToSky(skyCoord, geom.arcseconds)
894  mat = linWcs.getMatrix()
895  im.wcs = galsim.JacobianWCS(
896  mat[0, 0], mat[0, 1], mat[1, 0], mat[1, 1]
897  )
898  else:
899  raise ValueError(
900  f"Unknown fits_alignment type {self.config.fits_alignment}"
901  )
903  obj = galsim.InterpolatedImage(im, calculate_stepk=False)
904  obj = obj.withFlux(flux)
905  yield skyCoord, obj
907  def processImagesForInsertion(self, fakeCat, wcs, psf, photoCalib, band, pixelScale):
908  """Process images from files into the format needed for insertion.
910  Parameters
911  ----------
912  fakeCat : `pandas.core.frame.DataFrame`
913  The catalog of fake sources to be input
914  wcs : `lsst.afw.geom.skyWcs.skyWcs.SkyWc`
915  WCS to use to add fake sources
916  psf : `lsst.meas.algorithms.coaddPsf.coaddPsf.CoaddPsf` or
917  `lsst.meas.extensions.psfex.psfexPsf.PsfexPsf`
918  The PSF information to use to make the PSF images
919  photoCalib : `lsst.afw.image.photoCalib.PhotoCalib`
920  Photometric calibration to be used to calibrate the fake sources
921  band : `str`
922  The filter band that the observation was taken in.
923  pixelScale : `float`
924  The pixel scale of the image the sources are to be added to.
926  Returns
927  -------
928  galImages : `list`
929  A list of tuples of `lsst.afw.image.exposure.exposure.ExposureF` and
930  `lsst.geom.Point2D` of their locations.
931  For sources labelled as galaxy.
932  starImages : `list`
933  A list of tuples of `lsst.afw.image.exposure.exposure.ExposureF` and
934  `lsst.geom.Point2D` of their locations.
935  For sources labelled as star.
937  Notes
938  -----
939  The input fakes catalog needs to contain the absolute path to the image in the
940  band that is being used to add images to. It also needs to have the R.A. and
941  declination of the fake source in radians and the sourceType of the object.
942  """
943  galImages = []
944  starImages = []
946"Processing %d fake images", len(fakeCat))
948  for (imFile, sourceType, mag, x, y) in zip(fakeCat[band + "imFilename"].array,
949  fakeCat["sourceType"].array,
950  fakeCat['mag'].array,
951  fakeCat["x"].array, fakeCat["y"].array):
953  im = afwImage.ImageF.readFits(imFile)
955  xy = geom.Point2D(x, y)
957  # We put these two PSF calculations within this same try block so that we catch cases
958  # where the object's position is outside of the image.
959  try:
960  correctedFlux = psf.computeApertureFlux(self.config.calibFluxRadius, xy)
961  psfKernel = psf.computeKernelImage(xy).getArray()
962  psfKernel /= correctedFlux
964  except InvalidParameterError:
965"%s at %0.4f, %0.4f outside of image", sourceType, x, y)
966  continue
968  psfIm = galsim.InterpolatedImage(galsim.Image(psfKernel), scale=pixelScale)
969  galsimIm = galsim.InterpolatedImage(galsim.Image(im.array), scale=pixelScale)
970  convIm = galsim.Convolve([galsimIm, psfIm])
972  try:
973  outIm = convIm.drawImage(scale=pixelScale, method="real_space").array
974  except (galsim.errors.GalSimFFTSizeError, MemoryError):
975  continue
977  imSum = np.sum(outIm)
978  divIm = outIm/imSum
980  try:
981  flux = photoCalib.magnitudeToInstFlux(mag, xy)
982  except LogicError:
983  flux = 0
985  imWithFlux = flux*divIm
987  if sourceType == b"galaxy":
988  galImages.append((afwImage.ImageF(imWithFlux), xy))
989  if sourceType == b"star":
990  starImages.append((afwImage.ImageF(imWithFlux), xy))
992  return galImages, starImages
994  def addPixCoords(self, fakeCat, image):
996  """Add pixel coordinates to the catalog of fakes.
998  Parameters
999  ----------
1000  fakeCat : `pandas.core.frame.DataFrame`
1001  The catalog of fake sources to be input
1002  image : `lsst.afw.image.exposure.exposure.ExposureF`
1003  The image into which the fake sources should be added
1005  Returns
1006  -------
1007  fakeCat : `pandas.core.frame.DataFrame`
1008  """
1009  wcs = image.getWcs()
1010  ras = fakeCat['ra'].values
1011  decs = fakeCat['dec'].values
1012  xs, ys = wcs.skyToPixelArray(ras, decs)
1013  fakeCat["x"] = xs
1014  fakeCat["y"] = ys
1016  return fakeCat
1018  def trimFakeCat(self, fakeCat, image):
1019  """Trim the fake cat to about the size of the input image.
1021  `fakeCat` must be processed with addPixCoords before using this method.
1023  Parameters
1024  ----------
1025  fakeCat : `pandas.core.frame.DataFrame`
1026  The catalog of fake sources to be input
1027  image : `lsst.afw.image.exposure.exposure.ExposureF`
1028  The image into which the fake sources should be added
1030  Returns
1031  -------
1032  fakeCat : `pandas.core.frame.DataFrame`
1033  The original fakeCat trimmed to the area of the image
1034  """
1036  bbox = Box2D(image.getBBox()).dilatedBy(self.config.trimBuffer)
1037  xs = fakeCat["x"].values
1038  ys = fakeCat["y"].values
1040  isContained = xs >= bbox.minX
1041  isContained &= xs <= bbox.maxX
1042  isContained &= ys >= bbox.minY
1043  isContained &= ys <= bbox.maxY
1045  return fakeCat[isContained]
1047  def mkFakeGalsimGalaxies(self, fakeCat, band, photoCalib, pixelScale, psf, image):
1048  """Make images of fake galaxies using GalSim.
1050  Parameters
1051  ----------
1052  band : `str`
1053  pixelScale : `float`
1054  psf : `lsst.meas.extensions.psfex.psfexPsf.PsfexPsf`
1055  The PSF information to use to make the PSF images
1056  fakeCat : `pandas.core.frame.DataFrame`
1057  The catalog of fake sources to be input
1058  photoCalib : `lsst.afw.image.photoCalib.PhotoCalib`
1059  Photometric calibration to be used to calibrate the fake sources
1061  Yields
1062  -------
1063  galImages : `generator`
1064  A generator of tuples of `lsst.afw.image.exposure.exposure.ExposureF` and
1065  `lsst.geom.Point2D` of their locations.
1067  Notes
1068  -----
1070  Fake galaxies are made by combining two sersic profiles, one for the bulge and one for the disk. Each
1071  component has an individual sersic index (n), a, b and position angle (PA). The combined profile is
1072  then convolved with the PSF at the specified x, y position on the image.
1074  The names of the columns in the ``fakeCat`` are configurable and are the column names from the
1075  University of Washington simulations database as default. For more information see the doc strings
1076  attached to the config options.
1078  See mkFakeStars doc string for an explanation of calibration to instrumental flux.
1079  """
1081"Making %d fake galaxy images", len(fakeCat))
1083  for (index, row) in fakeCat.iterrows():
1084  xy = geom.Point2D(row["x"], row["y"])
1086  # We put these two PSF calculations within this same try block so that we catch cases
1087  # where the object's position is outside of the image.
1088  try:
1089  correctedFlux = psf.computeApertureFlux(self.config.calibFluxRadius, xy)
1090  psfKernel = psf.computeKernelImage(xy).getArray()
1091  psfKernel /= correctedFlux
1093  except InvalidParameterError:
1094"Galaxy at %0.4f, %0.4f outside of image", row["x"], row["y"])
1095  continue
1097  try:
1098  flux = photoCalib.magnitudeToInstFlux(row['mag'], xy)
1099  except LogicError:
1100  flux = 0
1102  # GalSim convention: HLR = sqrt(a * b) = a * sqrt(b / a)
1103  bulge_gs_HLR = row['bulge_semimajor']*np.sqrt(row['bulge_axis_ratio'])
1104  bulge = galsim.Sersic(n=row['bulge_n'], half_light_radius=bulge_gs_HLR)
1105  bulge = bulge.shear(q=row['bulge_axis_ratio'], beta=((90 - row['bulge_pa'])*galsim.degrees))
1107  disk_gs_HLR = row['disk_semimajor']*np.sqrt(row['disk_axis_ratio'])
1108  disk = galsim.Sersic(n=row['disk_n'], half_light_radius=disk_gs_HLR)
1109  disk = disk.shear(q=row['disk_axis_ratio'], beta=((90 - row['disk_pa'])*galsim.degrees))
1111  gal = bulge*row['bulge_disk_flux_ratio'] + disk
1112  gal = gal.withFlux(flux)
1114  psfIm = galsim.InterpolatedImage(galsim.Image(psfKernel), scale=pixelScale)
1115  gal = galsim.Convolve([gal, psfIm])
1116  try:
1117  galIm = gal.drawImage(scale=pixelScale, method="real_space").array
1118  except (galsim.errors.GalSimFFTSizeError, MemoryError):
1119  continue
1121  yield (afwImage.ImageF(galIm), xy)
1123  def mkFakeStars(self, fakeCat, band, photoCalib, psf, image):
1125  """Make fake stars based off the properties in the fakeCat.
1127  Parameters
1128  ----------
1129  band : `str`
1130  psf : `lsst.meas.extensions.psfex.psfexPsf.PsfexPsf`
1131  The PSF information to use to make the PSF images
1132  fakeCat : `pandas.core.frame.DataFrame`
1133  The catalog of fake sources to be input
1134  image : `lsst.afw.image.exposure.exposure.ExposureF`
1135  The image into which the fake sources should be added
1136  photoCalib : `lsst.afw.image.photoCalib.PhotoCalib`
1137  Photometric calibration to be used to calibrate the fake sources
1139  Yields
1140  -------
1141  starImages : `generator`
1142  A generator of tuples of `lsst.afw.image.ImageF` of fake stars and
1143  `lsst.geom.Point2D` of their locations.
1145  Notes
1146  -----
1147  To take a given magnitude and translate to the number of counts in the image
1148  we use photoCalib.magnitudeToInstFlux, which returns the instrumental flux for the
1149  given calibration radius used in the photometric calibration step.
1150  Thus `calibFluxRadius` should be set to this same radius so that we can normalize
1151  the PSF model to the correct instrumental flux within calibFluxRadius.
1152  """
1154"Making %d fake star images", len(fakeCat))
1156  for (index, row) in fakeCat.iterrows():
1157  xy = geom.Point2D(row["x"], row["y"])
1159  # We put these two PSF calculations within this same try block so that we catch cases
1160  # where the object's position is outside of the image.
1161  try:
1162  correctedFlux = psf.computeApertureFlux(self.config.calibFluxRadius, xy)
1163  starIm = psf.computeImage(xy)
1164  starIm /= correctedFlux
1166  except InvalidParameterError:
1167"Star at %0.4f, %0.4f outside of image", row["x"], row["y"])
1168  continue
1170  try:
1171  flux = photoCalib.magnitudeToInstFlux(row['mag'], xy)
1172  except LogicError:
1173  flux = 0
1175  starIm *= flux
1176  yield ((starIm.convertF(), xy))
1178  def cleanCat(self, fakeCat, starCheckVal):
1179  """Remove rows from the fakes catalog which have HLR = 0 for either the buldge or disk component,
1180  also remove galaxies that have Sersic index outside the galsim min and max
1181  allowed (0.3 <= n <= 6.2).
1183  Parameters
1184  ----------
1185  fakeCat : `pandas.core.frame.DataFrame`
1186  The catalog of fake sources to be input
1187  starCheckVal : `str`, `bytes` or `int`
1188  The value that is set in the sourceType column to specifiy an object is a star.
1190  Returns
1191  -------
1192  fakeCat : `pandas.core.frame.DataFrame`
1193  The input catalog of fake sources but with the bad objects removed
1194  """
1196  rowsToKeep = (((fakeCat['bulge_semimajor'] != 0.0) & (fakeCat['disk_semimajor'] != 0.0))
1197  | (fakeCat[self.config.sourceType] == starCheckVal))
1198  numRowsNotUsed = len(fakeCat) - len(np.where(rowsToKeep)[0])
1199"Removing %d rows with HLR = 0 for either the bulge or disk", numRowsNotUsed)
1200  fakeCat = fakeCat[rowsToKeep]
1202  minN = galsim.Sersic._minimum_n
1203  maxN = galsim.Sersic._maximum_n
1204  rowsWithGoodSersic = (((fakeCat['bulge_n'] >= minN) & (fakeCat['bulge_n'] <= maxN)
1205  & (fakeCat['disk_n'] >= minN) & (fakeCat['disk_n'] <= maxN))
1206  | (fakeCat[self.config.sourceType] == starCheckVal))
1207  numRowsNotUsed = len(fakeCat) - len(np.where(rowsWithGoodSersic)[0])
1208"Removing %d rows of galaxies with nBulge or nDisk outside of %0.2f <= n <= %0.2f",
1209  numRowsNotUsed, minN, maxN)
1210  fakeCat = fakeCat[rowsWithGoodSersic]
1212  if self.config.doSubSelectSources:
1213  numRowsNotUsed = len(fakeCat) - len(fakeCat['select'])
1214"Removing %d rows which were not designated as template sources", numRowsNotUsed)
1215  fakeCat = fakeCat[fakeCat['select']]
1217  return fakeCat
1219  def addFakeSources(self, image, fakeImages, sourceType):
1220  """Add the fake sources to the given image
1222  Parameters
1223  ----------
1224  image : `lsst.afw.image.exposure.exposure.ExposureF`
1225  The image into which the fake sources should be added
1226  fakeImages : `typing.Iterator` [`tuple` ['lsst.afw.image.ImageF`, `lsst.geom.Point2d`]]
1227  An iterator of tuples that contains (or generates) images of fake sources,
1228  and the locations they are to be inserted at.
1229  sourceType : `str`
1230  The type (star/galaxy) of fake sources input
1232  Returns
1233  -------
1234  image : `lsst.afw.image.exposure.exposure.ExposureF`
1236  Notes
1237  -----
1238  Uses the x, y information in the ``fakeCat`` to position an image of the fake interpolated onto the
1239  pixel grid of the image. Sets the ``FAKE`` mask plane for the pixels added with the fake source.
1240  """
1242  imageBBox = image.getBBox()
1243  imageMI = image.maskedImage
1245  for (fakeImage, xy) in fakeImages:
1246  X0 = xy.getX() - fakeImage.getWidth()/2 + 0.5
1247  Y0 = xy.getY() - fakeImage.getHeight()/2 + 0.5
1248  self.log.debug("Adding fake source at %d, %d", xy.getX(), xy.getY())
1249  if sourceType == "galaxy":
1250  interpFakeImage = afwMath.offsetImage(fakeImage, X0, Y0, "lanczos3")
1251  else:
1252  interpFakeImage = fakeImage
1254  interpFakeImBBox = interpFakeImage.getBBox()
1255  interpFakeImBBox.clip(imageBBox)
1257  if interpFakeImBBox.getArea() > 0:
1258  imageMIView = imageMI[interpFakeImBBox]
1259  clippedFakeImage = interpFakeImage[interpFakeImBBox]
1260  clippedFakeImageMI = afwImage.MaskedImageF(clippedFakeImage)
1261  clippedFakeImageMI.mask.set(self.bitmask)
1262  imageMIView += clippedFakeImageMI
1264  return image
1266  def _getMetadataName(self):
1267  """Disable metadata writing"""
1268  return None
A floating-point coordinate rectangle geometry.
Definition: Box.h:413
An integer coordinate rectangle.
Definition: Box.h:55
Point in an unspecified spherical coordinate system.
Definition: SpherePoint.h:57
Backwards-compatibility support for depersisting the old Calib (FluxMag0/FluxMag0Err) objects.
std::shared_ptr< ImageT > offsetImage(ImageT const &image, float dx, float dy, std::string const &algorithmName="lanczos5", unsigned int buffer=0)
Return an image offset by (dx, dy) using the specified algorithm.
bool any(CoordinateExpr< N > const &expr) noexcept
Return true if any elements are true.
Point< double, 2 > Point2D
Definition: Point.h:324
def run(self, coaddExposures, bbox, wcs)
def addPixCoords(self, fakeCat, image)
def mkFakeStars(self, fakeCat, band, photoCalib, psf, image)
def mkFakeGalsimGalaxies(self, fakeCat, band, photoCalib, pixelScale, psf, image)
def cleanCat(self, fakeCat, starCheckVal)
def processImagesForInsertion(self, fakeCat, wcs, psf, photoCalib, band, pixelScale)
def trimFakeCat(self, fakeCat, image)
def addFakeSources(self, image, fakeImages, sourceType)