LSST Applications  21.0.0-131-g8cabc107+528f53ee53,22.0.0+00495a2688,22.0.0+0ef2527977,22.0.0+11a2aa21cd,22.0.0+269b7e55e3,22.0.0+2c6b6677a3,22.0.0+64c1bc5aa5,22.0.0+7b3a3f865e,22.0.0+e1b6d2281c,22.0.0+ff3c34362c,22.0.1-1-g1b65d06+c95cbdf3df,22.0.1-1-g7058be7+1cf78af69b,22.0.1-1-g7dab645+2a65e40b06,22.0.1-1-g8760c09+64c1bc5aa5,22.0.1-1-g949febb+64c1bc5aa5,22.0.1-1-ga324b9c+269b7e55e3,22.0.1-1-gf9d8b05+ff3c34362c,22.0.1-10-g781e53d+9b51d1cd24,22.0.1-10-gba590ab+b9624b875d,22.0.1-13-g76f9b8d+2c6b6677a3,22.0.1-14-g22236948+57af756299,22.0.1-18-g3db9cf4b+9b7092c56c,22.0.1-18-gb17765a+2264247a6b,22.0.1-2-g8ef0a89+2c6b6677a3,22.0.1-2-gcb770ba+c99495d3c6,22.0.1-24-g2e899d296+4206820b0d,22.0.1-3-g7aa11f2+2c6b6677a3,22.0.1-3-g8c1d971+f253ffa91f,22.0.1-3-g997b569+ff3b2f8649,22.0.1-4-g1930a60+6871d0c7f6,22.0.1-4-g5b7b756+6b209d634c,22.0.1-6-ga02864e+6871d0c7f6,22.0.1-7-g3402376+a1a2182ac4,22.0.1-7-g65f59fa+54b92689ce,master-gcc5351303a+e1b6d2281c,w.2021.32
LSST Data Management Base Package
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 # This file is part of cp_pipe.
2 #
3 # Developed for the LSST Data Management System.
4 # This product includes software developed by the LSST Project
5 # (
6 # See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution
7 # for details of code ownership.
8 #
9 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 # (at your option) any later version.
13 #
14 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 # GNU General Public License for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 # along with this program. If not, see <>.
21 #
22 """Calculation of brighter-fatter effect correlations and kernels."""
24 __all__ = ['BrighterFatterKernelSolveTask',
25  'BrighterFatterKernelSolveConfig']
27 import numpy as np
29 import lsst.afw.math as afwMath
30 import lsst.pex.config as pexConfig
31 import lsst.pipe.base as pipeBase
32 import lsst.pipe.base.connectionTypes as cT
34 from lsst.ip.isr import (BrighterFatterKernel)
35 from .utils import (funcPolynomial, irlsFit)
36 from ._lookupStaticCalibration import lookupStaticCalibration
39 class BrighterFatterKernelSolveConnections(pipeBase.PipelineTaskConnections,
40  dimensions=("instrument", "exposure", "detector")):
41  dummy = cT.Input(
42  name="raw",
43  doc="Dummy exposure.",
44  storageClass='Exposure',
45  dimensions=("instrument", "exposure", "detector"),
46  multiple=True,
47  deferLoad=True,
48  )
49  camera = cT.PrerequisiteInput(
50  name="camera",
51  doc="Camera associated with this data.",
52  storageClass="Camera",
53  dimensions=("instrument", ),
54  isCalibration=True,
55  lookupFunction=lookupStaticCalibration,
56  )
57  inputPtc = cT.PrerequisiteInput(
58  name="ptc",
59  doc="Photon transfer curve dataset.",
60  storageClass="PhotonTransferCurveDataset",
61  dimensions=("instrument", "detector"),
62  isCalibration=True,
63  )
65  outputBFK = cT.Output(
66  name="brighterFatterKernel",
67  doc="Output measured brighter-fatter kernel.",
68  storageClass="BrighterFatterKernel",
69  dimensions=("instrument", "detector"),
70  isCalibration=True,
71  )
74 class BrighterFatterKernelSolveConfig(pipeBase.PipelineTaskConfig,
75  pipelineConnections=BrighterFatterKernelSolveConnections):
76  level = pexConfig.ChoiceField(
77  doc="The level at which to calculate the brighter-fatter kernels",
78  dtype=str,
79  default="AMP",
80  allowed={
81  "AMP": "Every amplifier treated separately",
82  "DETECTOR": "One kernel per detector",
83  }
84  )
85  ignoreAmpsForAveraging = pexConfig.ListField(
86  dtype=str,
87  doc="List of amp names to ignore when averaging the amplifier kernels into the detector"
88  " kernel. Only relevant for level = DETECTOR",
89  default=[]
90  )
91  xcorrCheckRejectLevel = pexConfig.Field(
92  dtype=float,
93  doc="Rejection level for the sum of the input cross-correlations. Arrays which "
94  "sum to greater than this are discarded before the clipped mean is calculated.",
95  default=2.0
96  )
97  nSigmaClip = pexConfig.Field(
98  dtype=float,
99  doc="Number of sigma to clip when calculating means for the cross-correlation",
100  default=5
101  )
102  forceZeroSum = pexConfig.Field(
103  dtype=bool,
104  doc="Force the correlation matrix to have zero sum by adjusting the (0,0) value?",
105  default=False,
106  )
107  useAmatrix = pexConfig.Field(
108  dtype=bool,
109  doc="Use the PTC 'a' matrix (Astier et al. 2019 equation 20) "
110  "instead of the average of measured covariances?",
111  default=False,
112  )
114  maxIterSuccessiveOverRelaxation = pexConfig.Field(
115  dtype=int,
116  doc="The maximum number of iterations allowed for the successive over-relaxation method",
117  default=10000
118  )
119  eLevelSuccessiveOverRelaxation = pexConfig.Field(
120  dtype=float,
121  doc="The target residual error for the successive over-relaxation method",
122  default=5.0e-14
123  )
125  correlationQuadraticFit = pexConfig.Field(
126  dtype=bool,
127  doc="Use a quadratic fit to find the correlations instead of simple averaging?",
128  default=False,
129  )
130  correlationModelRadius = pexConfig.Field(
131  dtype=int,
132  doc="Build a model of the correlation coefficients for radii larger than this value in pixels?",
133  default=100,
134  )
135  correlationModelSlope = pexConfig.Field(
136  dtype=float,
137  doc="Slope of the correlation model for radii larger than correlationModelRadius",
138  default=-1.35,
139  )
142 class BrighterFatterKernelSolveTask(pipeBase.PipelineTask, pipeBase.CmdLineTask):
143  """Measure appropriate Brighter-Fatter Kernel from the PTC dataset.
145  """
146  ConfigClass = BrighterFatterKernelSolveConfig
147  _DefaultName = 'cpBfkMeasure'
149  def runQuantum(self, butlerQC, inputRefs, outputRefs):
150  """Ensure that the input and output dimensions are passed along.
152  Parameters
153  ----------
154  butlerQC : `lsst.daf.butler.butlerQuantumContext.ButlerQuantumContext`
155  Butler to operate on.
156  inputRefs : `lsst.pipe.base.connections.InputQuantizedConnection`
157  Input data refs to load.
158  ouptutRefs : `lsst.pipe.base.connections.OutputQuantizedConnection`
159  Output data refs to persist.
160  """
161  inputs = butlerQC.get(inputRefs)
163  # Use the dimensions to set calib/provenance information.
164  inputs['inputDims'] = inputRefs.inputPtc.dataId.byName()
166  outputs = self.runrun(**inputs)
167  butlerQC.put(outputs, outputRefs)
169  def run(self, inputPtc, dummy, camera, inputDims):
170  """Combine covariance information from PTC into brighter-fatter kernels.
172  Parameters
173  ----------
174  inputPtc : `lsst.ip.isr.PhotonTransferCurveDataset`
175  PTC data containing per-amplifier covariance measurements.
176  dummy : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
177  The exposure used to select the appropriate PTC dataset.
178  In almost all circumstances, one of the input exposures
179  used to generate the PTC dataset is the best option.
180  camera : `lsst.afw.cameraGeom.Camera`
181  Camera to use for camera geometry information.
182  inputDims : `lsst.daf.butler.DataCoordinate` or `dict`
183  DataIds to use to populate the output calibration.
185  Returns
186  -------
187  results : `lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
188  The resulst struct containing:
190  ``outputBfk`` : `lsst.ip.isr.BrighterFatterKernel`
191  Resulting Brighter-Fatter Kernel.
192  """
193  if len(dummy) == 0:
194  self.log.warn("No dummy exposure found.")
196  detector = camera[inputDims['detector']]
197  detName = detector.getName()
199  if self.config.level == 'DETECTOR':
200  detectorCorrList = list()
202  bfk = BrighterFatterKernel(camera=camera, detectorId=detector.getId(), level=self.config.level)
203  bfk.means = inputPtc.finalMeans # ADU
204  bfk.variances = inputPtc.finalVars # ADU^2
205  # Use the PTC covariances as the cross-correlations. These
206  # are scaled before the kernel is generated, which performs
207  # the conversion.
208  bfk.rawXcorrs = inputPtc.covariances # ADU^2
209  bfk.badAmps = inputPtc.badAmps
210  bfk.shape = (inputPtc.covMatrixSide*2 + 1, inputPtc.covMatrixSide*2 + 1)
211  bfk.gain = inputPtc.gain
212  bfk.noise = inputPtc.noise
213  bfk.meanXcorrs = dict()
214  bfk.valid = dict()
216  for amp in detector:
217  ampName = amp.getName()
218  mask = np.array(inputPtc.expIdMask[ampName], dtype=bool)
220  gain = bfk.gain[ampName]
221  fluxes = np.array(bfk.means[ampName])[mask]
222  variances = np.array(bfk.variances[ampName])[mask]
223  xCorrList = [np.array(xcorr) for xcorr in bfk.rawXcorrs[ampName]]
224  xCorrList = np.array(xCorrList)[mask]
226  if gain <= 0:
227  # We've received very bad data.
228  self.log.warn("Impossible gain recieved from PTC for %s: %f. Skipping amplifier.",
229  ampName, gain)
230  bfk.meanXcorrs[ampName] = np.zeros(bfk.shape)
231  bfk.ampKernels[ampName] = np.zeros(bfk.shape)
232  bfk.valid[ampName] = False
233  continue
235  fluxes = np.array([flux*gain for flux in fluxes]) # Now in e^-
236  variances = np.array([variance*gain*gain for variance in variances]) # Now in e^2-
238  # This should duplicate Coulton et al. 2017 Equation 22-29 (arxiv:1711.06273)
239  scaledCorrList = list()
240  for xcorrNum, (xcorr, flux, var) in enumerate(zip(xCorrList, fluxes, variances), 1):
241  q = np.array(xcorr) * gain * gain # xcorr now in e^-
242  q *= 2.0 # Remove factor of 1/2 applied in PTC.
243"Amp: %s %d/%d Flux: %f Var: %f Q(0,0): %g Q(1,0): %g Q(0,1): %g",
244  ampName, xcorrNum, len(xCorrList), flux, var, q[0][0], q[1][0], q[0][1])
246  # Normalize by the flux, which removes the (0,0)
247  # component attributable to Poisson noise. This
248  # contains the two "t I delta(x - x')" terms in Coulton et al. 2017 equation 29
249  q[0][0] -= 2.0*(flux)
251  if q[0][0] > 0.0:
252  self.log.warn("Amp: %s %d skipped due to value of (variance-mean)=%f",
253  ampName, xcorrNum, q[0][0])
254  continue
256  # This removes the "t (I_a^2 + I_b^2)" factor in Coulton et al. 2017 equation 29.
257  q /= -2.0*(flux**2)
258  scaled = self._tileArray_tileArray(q)
260  xcorrCheck = np.abs(np.sum(scaled))/np.sum(np.abs(scaled))
261  if (xcorrCheck > self.config.xcorrCheckRejectLevel) or not (np.isfinite(xcorrCheck)):
262  self.log.warn("Amp: %s %d skipped due to value of triangle-inequality sum %f",
263  ampName, xcorrNum, xcorrCheck)
264  continue
266  scaledCorrList.append(scaled)
267"Amp: %s %d/%d Final: %g XcorrCheck: %f",
268  ampName, xcorrNum, len(xCorrList), q[0][0], xcorrCheck)
270  if len(scaledCorrList) == 0:
271  self.log.warn("Amp: %s All inputs rejected for amp!", ampName)
272  bfk.meanXcorrs[ampName] = np.zeros(bfk.shape)
273  bfk.ampKernels[ampName] = np.zeros(bfk.shape)
274  bfk.valid[ampName] = False
275  continue
277  if self.config.useAmatrix:
278  # Use the aMatrix, ignoring the meanXcorr generated above.
279  preKernel = np.pad(self._tileArray_tileArray(np.array(inputPtc.aMatrix[ampName])), ((1, 1)))
280  elif self.config.correlationQuadraticFit:
281  # Use a quadratic fit to the correlations as a function of flux.
282  preKernel = self.quadraticCorrelationsquadraticCorrelations(scaledCorrList, fluxes, f"Amp: {ampName}")
283  else:
284  # Use a simple average of the measured correlations.
285  preKernel = self.averageCorrelationsaverageCorrelations(scaledCorrList, f"Amp: {ampName}")
287  center = int((bfk.shape[0] - 1) / 2)
289  if self.config.forceZeroSum:
290  totalSum = np.sum(preKernel)
292  if self.config.correlationModelRadius < (preKernel.shape[0] - 1) / 2:
293  # Assume a correlation model of Corr(r) = -preFactor * r^(2 * slope)
294  preFactor = np.sqrt(preKernel[center, center + 1] * preKernel[center + 1, center])
295  slopeFactor = 2.0 * np.abs(self.config.correlationModelSlope)
296  totalSum += 2.0*np.pi*(preFactor / (slopeFactor*(center + 0.5))**slopeFactor)
298  preKernel[center, center] -= totalSum
299"%s Zero-Sum Scale: %g", ampName, totalSum)
301  finalSum = np.sum(preKernel)
302  bfk.meanXcorrs[ampName] = preKernel
304  postKernel = self.successiveOverRelaxsuccessiveOverRelax(preKernel)
305  bfk.ampKernels[ampName] = postKernel
306  if self.config.level == 'DETECTOR':
307  detectorCorrList.extend(scaledCorrList)
308  bfk.valid[ampName] = True
309"Amp: %s Sum: %g Center Info Pre: %g Post: %g",
310  ampName, finalSum, preKernel[center, center], postKernel[center, center])
312  # Assemble a detector kernel?
313  if self.config.level == 'DETECTOR':
314  preKernel = self.averageCorrelationsaverageCorrelations(detectorCorrList, f"Det: {detName}")
315  finalSum = np.sum(preKernel)
316  center = int((bfk.shape[0] - 1) / 2)
318  postKernel = self.successiveOverRelaxsuccessiveOverRelax(preKernel)
319  bfk.detKernels[detName] = postKernel
320"Det: %s Sum: %g Center Info Pre: %g Post: %g",
321  detName, finalSum, preKernel[center, center], postKernel[center, center])
323  return pipeBase.Struct(
324  outputBFK=bfk,
325  )
327  def averageCorrelations(self, xCorrList, name):
328  """Average input correlations.
330  Parameters
331  ----------
332  xCorrList : `list` [`numpy.array`]
333  List of cross-correlations.
334  name : `str`
335  Name for log messages.
337  Returns
338  -------
339  meanXcorr : `numpy.array`
340  The averaged cross-correlation.
341  """
342  meanXcorr = np.zeros_like(xCorrList[0])
343  xCorrList = np.transpose(xCorrList)
344  sctrl = afwMath.StatisticsControl()
345  sctrl.setNumSigmaClip(self.config.nSigmaClip)
346  for i in range(np.shape(meanXcorr)[0]):
347  for j in range(np.shape(meanXcorr)[1]):
348  meanXcorr[i, j] = afwMath.makeStatistics(xCorrList[i, j],
349  afwMath.MEANCLIP, sctrl).getValue()
351  # To match previous definitions, pad by one element.
352  meanXcorr = np.pad(meanXcorr, ((1, 1)))
354  return meanXcorr
356  def quadraticCorrelations(self, xCorrList, fluxList, name):
357  """Measure a quadratic correlation model.
359  Parameters
360  ----------
361  xCorrList : `list` [`numpy.array`]
362  List of cross-correlations.
363  fluxList : `numpy.array`
364  Associated list of fluxes.
365  name : `str`
366  Name for log messages.
368  Returns
369  -------
370  meanXcorr : `numpy.array`
371  The averaged cross-correlation.
372  """
373  meanXcorr = np.zeros_like(xCorrList[0])
374  fluxList = np.square(fluxList)
375  xCorrList = np.array(xCorrList)
377  for i in range(np.shape(meanXcorr)[0]):
378  for j in range(np.shape(meanXcorr)[1]):
379  # Fit corrlation_i(x, y) = a0 + a1 * (flux_i)^2 The
380  # i,j indices are inverted to apply the transposition,
381  # as is done in the averaging case.
382  linearFit, linearFitErr, chiSq, weights = irlsFit([0.0, 1e-4], fluxList,
383  xCorrList[:, j, i], funcPolynomial)
384  meanXcorr[i, j] = linearFit[1] # Discard the intercept.
385  self.log.debug("Quad fit meanXcorr[%d,%d] = %g", i, j, linearFit[1])
387  # To match previous definitions, pad by one element.
388  meanXcorr = np.pad(meanXcorr, ((1, 1)))
390  return meanXcorr
392  @staticmethod
393  def _tileArray(in_array):
394  """Given an input quarter-image, tile/mirror it and return full image.
396  Given a square input of side-length n, of the form
398  input = array([[1, 2, 3],
399  [4, 5, 6],
400  [7, 8, 9]])
402  return an array of size 2n-1 as
404  output = array([[ 9, 8, 7, 8, 9],
405  [ 6, 5, 4, 5, 6],
406  [ 3, 2, 1, 2, 3],
407  [ 6, 5, 4, 5, 6],
408  [ 9, 8, 7, 8, 9]])
410  Parameters:
411  -----------
412  input : `np.array`
413  The square input quarter-array
415  Returns:
416  --------
417  output : `np.array`
418  The full, tiled array
419  """
420  assert(in_array.shape[0] == in_array.shape[1])
421  length = in_array.shape[0] - 1
422  output = np.zeros((2*length + 1, 2*length + 1))
424  for i in range(length + 1):
425  for j in range(length + 1):
426  output[i + length, j + length] = in_array[i, j]
427  output[-i + length, j + length] = in_array[i, j]
428  output[i + length, -j + length] = in_array[i, j]
429  output[-i + length, -j + length] = in_array[i, j]
430  return output
432  def successiveOverRelax(self, source, maxIter=None, eLevel=None):
433  """An implementation of the successive over relaxation (SOR) method.
435  A numerical method for solving a system of linear equations
436  with faster convergence than the Gauss-Seidel method.
438  Parameters:
439  -----------
440  source : `numpy.ndarray`
441  The input array.
442  maxIter : `int`, optional
443  Maximum number of iterations to attempt before aborting.
444  eLevel : `float`, optional
445  The target error level at which we deem convergence to have
446  occurred.
448  Returns:
449  --------
450  output : `numpy.ndarray`
451  The solution.
452  """
453  if not maxIter:
454  maxIter = self.config.maxIterSuccessiveOverRelaxation
455  if not eLevel:
456  eLevel = self.config.eLevelSuccessiveOverRelaxation
458  assert source.shape[0] == source.shape[1], "Input array must be square"
459  # initialize, and set boundary conditions
460  func = np.zeros([source.shape[0] + 2, source.shape[1] + 2])
461  resid = np.zeros([source.shape[0] + 2, source.shape[1] + 2])
462  rhoSpe = np.cos(np.pi/source.shape[0]) # Here a square grid is assumed
464  # Calculate the initial error
465  for i in range(1, func.shape[0] - 1):
466  for j in range(1, func.shape[1] - 1):
467  resid[i, j] = (func[i, j - 1] + func[i, j + 1] + func[i - 1, j]
468  + func[i + 1, j] - 4*func[i, j] - source[i - 1, j - 1])
469  inError = np.sum(np.abs(resid))
471  # Iterate until convergence
472  # We perform two sweeps per cycle,
473  # updating 'odd' and 'even' points separately
474  nIter = 0
475  omega = 1.0
476  dx = 1.0
477  while nIter < maxIter*2:
478  outError = 0
479  if nIter%2 == 0:
480  for i in range(1, func.shape[0] - 1, 2):
481  for j in range(1, func.shape[1] - 1, 2):
482  resid[i, j] = float(func[i, j-1] + func[i, j + 1] + func[i - 1, j]
483  + func[i + 1, j] - 4.0*func[i, j] - dx*dx*source[i - 1, j - 1])
484  func[i, j] += omega*resid[i, j]*.25
485  for i in range(2, func.shape[0] - 1, 2):
486  for j in range(2, func.shape[1] - 1, 2):
487  resid[i, j] = float(func[i, j - 1] + func[i, j + 1] + func[i - 1, j]
488  + func[i + 1, j] - 4.0*func[i, j] - dx*dx*source[i - 1, j - 1])
489  func[i, j] += omega*resid[i, j]*.25
490  else:
491  for i in range(1, func.shape[0] - 1, 2):
492  for j in range(2, func.shape[1] - 1, 2):
493  resid[i, j] = float(func[i, j - 1] + func[i, j + 1] + func[i - 1, j]
494  + func[i + 1, j] - 4.0*func[i, j] - dx*dx*source[i - 1, j - 1])
495  func[i, j] += omega*resid[i, j]*.25
496  for i in range(2, func.shape[0] - 1, 2):
497  for j in range(1, func.shape[1] - 1, 2):
498  resid[i, j] = float(func[i, j - 1] + func[i, j + 1] + func[i - 1, j]
499  + func[i + 1, j] - 4.0*func[i, j] - dx*dx*source[i - 1, j - 1])
500  func[i, j] += omega*resid[i, j]*.25
501  outError = np.sum(np.abs(resid))
502  if outError < inError*eLevel:
503  break
504  if nIter == 0:
505  omega = 1.0/(1 - rhoSpe*rhoSpe/2.0)
506  else:
507  omega = 1.0/(1 - rhoSpe*rhoSpe*omega/4.0)
508  nIter += 1
510  if nIter >= maxIter*2:
511  self.log.warn("Failure: SuccessiveOverRelaxation did not converge in %s iterations."
512  "\noutError: %s, inError: %s," % (nIter//2, outError, inError*eLevel))
513  else:
514"Success: SuccessiveOverRelaxation converged in %s iterations."
515  "\noutError: %s, inError: %s", nIter//2, outError, inError*eLevel)
516  return func[1: -1, 1: -1]
Pass parameters to a Statistics object.
Definition: Statistics.h:93
daf::base::PropertyList * list
Statistics makeStatistics(lsst::afw::image::Image< Pixel > const &img, lsst::afw::image::Mask< image::MaskPixel > const &msk, int const flags, StatisticsControl const &sctrl=StatisticsControl())
Handle a watered-down front-end to the constructor (no variance)
Definition: Statistics.h:360
def irlsFit(initialParams, dataX, dataY, function, weightsY=None, weightType='Cauchy')