LSSTApplications  19.0.0-14-gb0260a2+599893a4c6,20.0.0+126303c00d,20.0.0+2f3d0e5c40,20.0.0+36ef800059,20.0.0+5ac7adcc0c,20.0.0+693a64958a,20.0.0+bebc1f60e8,20.0.0+cad136aba6,20.0.0+e2e26847c2,20.0.0+e69b5d60e7,20.0.0-1-g10df615+11b215b765,20.0.0-1-g253301a+36ef800059,20.0.0-1-g2b7511a+bebc1f60e8,20.0.0-1-g4d801e7+aeeb640673,20.0.0-1-g5b95a8c+f111d5f02f,20.0.0-1-g660595b+f45b7d88f4,20.0.0-1-gc96f8cb+e3b38461e6,20.0.0-1-gd1c87d7+85c46248f3,20.0.0-1-gedffbd8+d0b27f8bcb,20.0.0-16-g111fe95+e3b38461e6,20.0.0-16-g18096c8+d1a4df0137,20.0.0-16-g233ea98+a4df35922d,20.0.0-17-ga9337b4+41f27cfd54,20.0.0-2-g4dae9ad+e3b38461e6,20.0.0-2-g7818986+85c46248f3,20.0.0-2-gec03fae+ff10c6d78d,20.0.0-28-g282f9e7e+feda6aebd8,20.0.0-3-g4cc78c6+63636aeed8,20.0.0-3-g6a8623c+d1a4df0137,20.0.0-3-g750bffe+f5427621ce,20.0.0-4-gfea843c+f45b7d88f4,20.0.0-5-g357b56b+f45b7d88f4,20.0.0-5-gfcebe35+e2b15ed341,20.0.0-52-g73d9071+9bf1eb8e0a,20.0.0-7-gcda7bf1+773ba852cb,20.0.0-8-g4540fe2a+952f6d3c43,20.0.0-9-g61a2a9a3d+14f89e4eca,w.2020.40
Functions | Variables
lsst.synpipe.matchFakes Namespace Reference


def combineWithForce (meas, force)
def getMag (flux, fluxerr, zeropoint)
def getEllipse (quad)
def matchToFakeCatalog (sources, fakeCatalog)
def getFakeMatchesHeader (cal_md, sources, tol=1.0)
def getFakeMatchesRaDec (sources, radecCatFile, bbox, wcs, tol=1.0, reffMatch=False, pix=0.168, minRad=None, raCol='RA', decCol='Dec')
def getFakeSources (butler, dataId, tol=1.0, extraCols=('zeropoint', 'visit', 'ccd'), includeMissing=False, footprints=False, radecMatch=None, multiband=False, reffMatch=False, pix=0.168, minRad=None, raCol='RA', decCol='Dec')
def getAstroTable (src, mags=True)
def returnMatchSingle (butler, slist, visit, ccd, filt=None, tol=1.0, pix=0.168, fakeCat=None, pixMatch=False, multiband=False, reffMatch=False, includeMissing=True, minRad=None, raCol='RA', decCol='Dec')
def returnMatchTable (rootDir, visit, ccdList, outfile=None, fakeCat=None, overwrite=False, filt=None, tol=1.0, pixMatch=False, multiband=False, reffMatch=False, pix=0.168, multijobs=1, includeMissing=True, minRad=None, raCol='RA', decCol='Dec')



Detailed Description

Matches fakes based on position stored in the calibrated exposure image header

Function Documentation

◆ combineWithForce()

def lsst.synpipe.matchFakes.combineWithForce (   meas,
Combine the meas and forced_src catalogs.

Definition at line 23 of file

23 def combineWithForce(meas, force):
24  """Combine the meas and forced_src catalogs."""
25  if len(meas) != len(force):
26  raise Exception("# Meas and Forced_src catalogs should have "
27  "the same size!")
28  mapper = SchemaMapper(meas.schema)
29  mapper.addMinimalSchema(meas.schema)
30  newSchema = mapper.getOutputSchema()
31  # Add new fields
32  newSchema.addField('force_deblend_nChild', type=np.int32)
33  newSchema.addField('force_base_ClassificationExtendedness_value', type=float)
34  newSchema.addField('force_ext_photometryKron_KronFlux_instFlux', type=float)
35  newSchema.addField('force_ext_photometryKron_KronFlux_instFluxErr', type=float)
36  newSchema.addField('force_base_PsfFlux_instFlux', type=float)
37  newSchema.addField('force_base_PsfFlux_instFluxErr', type=float)
38  newSchema.addField('force_ext_photometryKron_KronFlux_apCorr', type=float)
39  newSchema.addField('force_ext_photometryKron_KronFlux_apCorrErr', type=float)
40  newSchema.addField('force_base_PsfFlux_apCorr', type=float)
41  newSchema.addField('force_base_PsfFlux_apCorrErr', type=float)
42  newSchema.addField('force_modelfit_CModel_instFlux', type=float)
43  newSchema.addField('force_modelfit_CModel_instFluxErr', type=float)
44  newSchema.addField('force_modelfit_CModel_fracDev', type=float)
45  newSchema.addField('force_modelfit_CModel_exp_instFlux', type=float)
46  newSchema.addField('force_modelfit_CModel_exp_instFluxErr', type=float)
47  newSchema.addField('force_modelfit_CModel_dev_instFlux', type=float)
48  newSchema.addField('force_modelfit_CModel_dev_instFluxErr', type=float)
49  newSchema.addField('force_modelfit_CModel_apCorr', type=float)
50  newSchema.addField('force_modelfit_CModel_apCorrErr', type=float)
51  newSchema.addField('force_modelfit_CModel_exp_apCorr', type=float)
52  newSchema.addField('force_modelfit_CModel_exp_apCorrErr', type=float)
53  newSchema.addField('force_modelfit_CModel_dev_apCorr', type=float)
54  newSchema.addField('force_modelfit_CModel_dev_apCorrErr', type=float)
56  newCols = ['deblend_nChild', 'base_ClassificationExtendedness_value',
57  'ext_photometryKron_KronFlux_instFlux', 'ext_photometryKron_KronFlux_instFluxErr',
58  'base_PsfFlux_instFlux', 'base_PsfFlux_instFluxErr',
59  'ext_photometryKron_KronFlux_apCorr', 'ext_photometryKron_KronFlux_apCorrErr',
60  'base_PsfFlux_apCorr', 'base_PsfFlux_apCorrErr',
61  'modelfit_CModel_instFlux', 'modelfit_CModel_instFluxErr',
62  'modelfit_CModel_exp_apCorr', 'modelfit_CModel_exp_apCorrErr',
63  'modelfit_CModel_exp_instFlux', 'modelfit_CModel_exp_instFlux',
64  'modelfit_CModel_exp_apCorr', 'modelfit_CModel_exp_apCorrErr',
65  'modelfit_CModel_dev_instFlux', 'modelfit_CModel_dev_instFluxErr',
66  'modelfit_CModel_dev_apCorr', 'modelfit_CModel_dev_apCorrErr',
67  'modelfit_CModel_fracDev']
68  measAlias = meas.schema.getAliasMap()
69  newAlias = newSchema.getAliasMap()
70  for aliasKey in measAlias.keys():
71  newAlias.set(aliasKey, measAlias[aliasKey])
72  combSrc = SourceCatalog(newSchema)
73  combSrc.extend(meas, mapper=mapper)
75  for key in newCols:
76  combSrc['force_' + key][:] = force[key][:]
78  return combSrc

◆ getAstroTable()

def lsst.synpipe.matchFakes.getAstroTable (   src,
  mags = True 
Return an astropy table with all the src entries.

if the entries are complex objects, it breaks them down:
  ellipse entries are broken into
       ellipse_a = semi-major axis
       ellipse_q = axis ratio (always < 1)
       ellipse_theta = rotation of semi-major axis
                       from chip x-axis in degrees
if mags is True, returns the magnitudes for all the flux columns

Definition at line 393 of file

393 def getAstroTable(src, mags=True):
394  """
395  Return an astropy table with all the src entries.
397  if the entries are complex objects, it breaks them down:
398  ellipse entries are broken into
399  ellipse_a = semi-major axis
400  ellipse_q = axis ratio (always < 1)
401  ellipse_theta = rotation of semi-major axis
402  from chip x-axis in degrees
403  if mags is True, returns the magnitudes for all the flux columns
404  """
405  tab = astropy.table.Table()
406  for name in src.schema.getNames():
407  # For reasons I don't understand a lookup by name is much
408  # slower than a lookup by key
409  nameKey = src.schema.find(name).getKey()
410  try:
411  tab.add_column(astropy.table.Column(name=name,
412  data=src.get(nameKey)))
413  except lsst.pex.exceptions.LsstException:
415  if type(src[0].get(nameKey)) is quadrupole:
416  """Check for shape measurements"""
417  reff, q, theta = list(zip(*[getEllipse(s.get(nameKey))
418  for s in src]))
419  tab.add_column(astropy.table.Column(name=name+'_a',
420  data=reff))
421  tab.add_column(astropy.table.Column(name=name+'_q',
422  data=q))
423  tab.add_column(astropy.table.Column(name=name+'_theta',
424  data=theta))
425  elif type(src[0].get(nameKey)) is lsst.afw.geom.SpherePoint:
426  """Check for coordinate measurements"""
427  x, y = list(zip(*[(s.get(nameKey).getRa().asDegrees(),
428  s.get(nameKey).getDec().asDegrees()) for s in src]))
429  tab.add_column(astropy.table.Column(name=name+'_ra', data=x))
430  tab.add_column(astropy.table.Column(name=name+'_dec', data=y))
431  else:
432  keyData = np.array([s.get(nameKey) for s in src])
433  tab.add_column(astropy.table.Column(name=name,
434  data=keyData))
436  if isinstance(src[0].get(nameKey), lsst.afw.geom.Angle):
437  # Report angles in degrees
438  tab.remove_column(name)
439  newCol = astropy.table.Column(data=[s.get(nameKey).asDegrees()
440  for s in src],
441  dtype=float, name=name)
442  tab.add_column(newCol)
444  if mags:
445  # This is a horrible hack, but I don't think we can use the slots,
446  # since not all the fluxes end up in the slots
447  for col in tab.colnames:
448  colMatch = (re.match(r'^flux\.[a-z]+$', col) or
449  re.match(r'^flux\.[a-z]+.apcorr$', col) or
450  re.match(r'^force.flux\.[a-z]+$', col) or
451  re.match(r'^force.flux\.[a-z]+.apcorr$', col) or
452  re.match('^force.cmodel.+flux$', col) or
453  re.match('^force.cmodel.+flux.apcorr$', col) or
454  re.match('^cmodel.+flux$', col) or
455  re.match('^cmodel.+flux.apcorr$', col))
456  if colMatch:
457  zp = tab['zeropoint'] if not'apcorr', col) else 0.0
458  mag, magerr = getMag(tab[col], tab[col+'.err'], zp)
459  tab.add_column(astropy.table.Column(name=re.sub('instFlux', 'mag',
460  col),
461  data=mag))
462  tab.add_column(astropy.table.Column(name=re.sub('instFlux', 'mag',
463  col+'.err'),
464  data=magerr))
466  return tab

◆ getEllipse()

def lsst.synpipe.matchFakes.getEllipse (   quad)
Return the Re, b/a and PA for a given quadrupole moment.

Definition at line 88 of file

88 def getEllipse(quad):
89  """Return the Re, b/a and PA for a given quadrupole moment."""
91  rad = e.getA()
92  try:
93  b_a = (e.getB() / e.getA())
94  except ZeroDivisionError:
95  b_a = np.nan
96  pa = (e.getTheta() * 180.0 / np.pi)
97  return rad, b_a, pa

◆ getFakeMatchesHeader()

def lsst.synpipe.matchFakes.getFakeMatchesHeader (   cal_md,
  tol = 1.0 
Return the fake matches based on the information in the header.

returns a tuple with:
the positions in pixels of the fake sources added to the chip
the match is in a dictionary of the form:

look within a tolerance of 1 pixel in each direction

Definition at line 116 of file

116 def getFakeMatchesHeader(cal_md, sources, tol=1.0):
117  """
118  Return the fake matches based on the information in the header.
120  returns a tuple with:
121  the positions in pixels of the fake sources added to the chip
122  the match is in a dictionary of the form:
123  {fakeid:[ind_of_match_in_sources,...],...}
125  look within a tolerance of 1 pixel in each direction
126  """
127  fakeXY = collections.defaultdict(tuple)
128  fakename = re.compile('FAKE([0-9]+)')
129  for card in cal_md.names():
130  m = fakename.match(card)
131  if m is not None:
132  x, y = list(map(float, (cal_md.getScalar(card)).split(',')))
133  fakeXY[int(] = (x, y)
135  srcX, srcY = sources.getX(), sources.getY()
136  srcIndex = collections.defaultdict(list)
137  for fid, fcoord in fakeXY.items():
138  distX = srcX - fcoord[0]
139  distY = srcY - fcoord[1]
140  matched = (np.abs(distX) < tol) & (np.abs(distY) < tol)
141  srcIndex[fid] = np.where(matched)[0]
143  return fakeXY, srcIndex

◆ getFakeMatchesRaDec()

def lsst.synpipe.matchFakes.getFakeMatchesRaDec (   sources,
  tol = 1.0,
  reffMatch = False,
  pix = 0.168,
  minRad = None,
  raCol = 'RA',
  decCol = 'Dec' 
Return the fake matches based on an radec match.

    sources: source table object
    radecCatFile: filename for fits file of fake object table,
                  including ra/dec
    bbox: Bounding Box of exposure (ccd or patch) within which
          to match fakes
    wcs: Wcs of source image

    tol: tolerance within which to match sources, given in PIXELS

    fakeXY: set of pixel positions of fake sources
    srcIdx: matches to fake sources in a dictionary of the form

    IOError: couldn't open radecCatFile

Definition at line 146 of file

146 def getFakeMatchesRaDec(sources, radecCatFile, bbox, wcs, tol=1.0,
147  reffMatch=False, pix=0.168, minRad=None,
148  raCol='RA', decCol='Dec'):
149  """
150  Return the fake matches based on an radec match.
152  Args:
153  sources: source table object
154  radecCatFile: filename for fits file of fake object table,
155  including ra/dec
156  bbox: Bounding Box of exposure (ccd or patch) within which
157  to match fakes
158  wcs: Wcs of source image
160  KeywordArgs:
161  tol: tolerance within which to match sources, given in PIXELS
163  Returns:
164  fakeXY: set of pixel positions of fake sources
165  srcIdx: matches to fake sources in a dictionary of the form
166  {fakeid:[ind_of_match_in_sources,...],...}
168  Raise:
169  IOError: couldn't open radecCatFile
170  """
171  fakeXY = collections.defaultdict(tuple)
172  try:
173  fakeCat = astropy.table.Table().read(radecCatFile, format='fits')
174  except IOError:
175  raise
177  for fakeSrc in fakeCat:
179  fakePix = lsst.afw.geom.SpherePoint(fakeSrc[raCol], fakeSrc[decCol], lsst.afw.geom.degrees)
180  fakeCoord = wcs.skyToPixel(fakePix)
182  if bbox.contains(fakeCoord):
183  if reffMatch:
184  fakeXY[int(fakeSrc['ID'])] = (fakeCoord.getX(),
185  fakeCoord.getY(),
186  (fakeSrc['reff'] / pix) * tol)
187  else:
188  fakeXY[int(fakeSrc['ID'])] = (fakeCoord.getX(),
189  fakeCoord.getY(),
190  tol)
192  srcX, srcY = sources.getX(), sources.getY()
193  srcIndex = collections.defaultdict(list)
194  srcClose = collections.defaultdict(list)
195  for fid, fcoord in fakeXY.items():
196  distX = (srcX - fcoord[0])
197  distY = (srcY - fcoord[1])
198  distR = np.sqrt((np.abs(distX) ** 2.0) + (np.abs(distY) ** 2.0))
199  closest = np.nanargmin(distR)
200  radMatch = fcoord[2]
201  if minRad is not None:
202  if radMatch < minRad:
203  radMatch = minRad
204  if reffMatch:
205  matched = (distR <= radMatch)
206  else:
207  matched = (np.abs(distX) <= radMatch) & (np.abs(distY) <= radMatch)
209  srcIndex[fid] = np.where(matched)[0]
210  srcClose[fid] = closest
212  return fakeXY, srcIndex, srcClose

◆ getFakeSources()

def lsst.synpipe.matchFakes.getFakeSources (   butler,
  tol = 1.0,
  extraCols = ('zeropoint', 'visit', 'ccd'),
  includeMissing = False,
  footprints = False,
  radecMatch = None,
  multiband = False,
  reffMatch = False,
  pix = 0.168,
  minRad = None,
  raCol = 'RA',
  decCol = 'Dec' 
Get list of sources which agree in pixel position with fake ones with tol.

This returns a sourceCatalog of all the matched fake objects,
note, there will be duplicates in this list, since I haven't
checked deblend.nchild, and I'm only doing a tolerance match,
which could include extra sources

The outputs can include extraCols as long as they are one of:
    zeropoint, visit, ccd, thetaNorth, pixelScale

If includeMissing is true, then the pipeline looks at the fake sources
added in the header and includes an entry in the table for sources without
any measurements, specifically the 'id' column will be 0

radecMatch is the fakes table. if it's not None(default), then do an ra/dec
match with the input catalog instead of looking in the header for where the
sources where added

Definition at line 215 of file

215 def getFakeSources(butler, dataId, tol=1.0,
216  extraCols=('zeropoint', 'visit', 'ccd'),
217  includeMissing=False, footprints=False, radecMatch=None,
218  multiband=False, reffMatch=False, pix=0.168, minRad=None,
219  raCol='RA', decCol='Dec'):
220  """
221  Get list of sources which agree in pixel position with fake ones with tol.
223  This returns a sourceCatalog of all the matched fake objects,
224  note, there will be duplicates in this list, since I haven't
225  checked deblend.nchild, and I'm only doing a tolerance match,
226  which could include extra sources
228  The outputs can include extraCols as long as they are one of:
229  zeropoint, visit, ccd, thetaNorth, pixelScale
231  If includeMissing is true, then the pipeline looks at the fake sources
232  added in the header and includes an entry in the table for sources without
233  any measurements, specifically the 'id' column will be 0
235  radecMatch is the fakes table. if it's not None(default), then do an ra/dec
236  match with the input catalog instead of looking in the header for where the
237  sources where added
238  """
239  coaddData = "deepCoadd_calexp"
240  coaddMeta = "deepCoadd_calexp_md"
242  availExtras = {'zeropoint': {'type': float, 'doc': 'zeropoint'},
243  'visit': {'type': int, 'doc': 'visit id'},
244  'ccd': {'type': int, 'doc': 'ccd id'},
245  'thetaNorth': {'type': lsst.afw.geom.Angle,
246  'doc': 'angle to north'},
247  'pixelScale': {'type': float,
248  'doc': 'pixelscale in arcsec/pixel'}}
250  if not np.in1d(extraCols, list(availExtras.keys())).all():
251  print("extraCols must be in ", availExtras)
253  try:
254  if 'filter' not in dataId:
255  sources = butler.get('src', dataId,
256  flags=lsst.afw.table.SOURCE_IO_NO_FOOTPRINTS,
257  immediate=True)
258  cal = butler.get('calexp', dataId, immediate=True)
259  cal_md = butler.get('calexp_md', dataId, immediate=True)
260  else:
261  meas = butler.get('deepCoadd_meas', dataId,
262  flags=NO_FOOTPRINT,
263  immediate=True)
264  force = butler.get('deepCoadd_forced_src', dataId,
265  flags=NO_FOOTPRINT,
266  immediate=True)
267  sources = combineWithForce(meas, force)
268  cal = butler.get(coaddData, dataId, immediate=True)
269  cal_md = butler.get(coaddMeta, dataId, immediate=True)
270  except RuntimeError:
271  print("skipping", dataId)
272  return None
274  if ('pixelScale' in extraCols) or ('thetaNorth' in extraCols):
275  wcs = cal.getWcs()
276  availExtras['pixelScale']['value'] = wcs.getPixelScale().asArcseconds()
277  # The 8 lines of code below find the angle to north, first the mid pixel of the calexp is found,
278  # then the pixel to sky matrix at this point, the coordinate this gives can then be used to find the
279  # linearized sky to pixel matrix which can then be used to find the angle.
280  xMid = cal.getWidth() // 2
281  yMid = cal.getHeight() // 2
282  midPoint = lsst.afw.geom.Point2D(xMid, yMid)
283  midCoord = wcs.pixelToSky(midPoint)
284  northSkyToPixelMatrix = wcs.linearizeSkyToPixel(midCoord, lsst.afw.geom.degrees)
285  northSkyToPixelMatrix = northSkyToPixelMatrix.getLinear()
286  availExtras['thetaNorth']['value'] = (np.arctan2(*tuple(northSkyToPixelMatrix
287  (lsst.afw.geom.Point2D(1.0, 0.0)))))*lsst.afw.geom.radians
289  if 'visit' in extraCols:
290  availExtras['visit']['value'] = dataId['visit']
291  if 'ccd' in extraCols:
292  availExtras['ccd']['value'] = dataId['ccd']
293  if 'zeropoint' in extraCols:
294  zeropoint = 2.5 * np.log10(cal_md.getScalar('FLUXMAG0'))
295  availExtras['zeropoint']['value'] = zeropoint
297  if radecMatch is None:
298  fakeXY, srcIndex = getFakeMatchesHeader(cal_md, sources, tol=tol)
299  else:
300  if minRad is not None:
301  print("# The min matching radius is %4.1f pixel" % minRad)
302  bbox = lsst.afw.geom.Box2D(cal.getBBox(lsst.afw.image.PARENT))
303  fakeXY, srcIndex, srcClose = getFakeMatchesRaDec(sources,
304  radecMatch,
305  bbox,
306  cal.getWcs(),
307  tol=tol,
308  reffMatch=reffMatch,
309  pix=pix,
310  minRad=minRad,
311  raCol=raCol,
312  decCol=decCol)
314  mapper = SchemaMapper(sources.schema)
315  mapper.addMinimalSchema(sources.schema)
316  newSchema = mapper.getOutputSchema()
317  newSchema.addField('fakeId', type=np.int32,
318  doc='id of fake source matched to position')
319  newSchema.addField('nMatched', type=np.int32,
320  doc='Number of matched objects')
321  newSchema.addField('nPrimary', type=np.int32,
322  doc='Number of unique matched objects')
323  newSchema.addField('nNoChild', type=np.int32,
324  doc='Number of matched objects with nchild==0')
325  newSchema.addField('rMatched', type=float,
326  doc='Radius used form atching obects, in pixel')
327  newSchema.addField('fakeOffX', type=float,
328  doc='offset from input fake position in X (pixels)')
329  newSchema.addField('fakeOffY', type=float,
330  doc='offset from input fake position in Y (pixels)')
331  newSchema.addField('fakeOffR', type=float,
332  doc='offset from input fake position in radius')
333  newSchema.addField('fakeClosest', type="Flag",
334  doc='Is this match the closest one?')
336  for extraName in set(extraCols).intersection(availExtras):
337  newSchema.addField(extraName, type=availExtras[extraName]['type'],
338  doc=availExtras[extraName]['doc'])
340  srcList = SourceCatalog(newSchema)
341  srcList.reserve(sum([len(s) for s in srcIndex.values()]) +
342  (0 if not includeMissing else list(srcIndex.values()).count([])))
344  centroidKey = sources.getCentroidKey()
345  isPrimary = sources.schema.find('detect_isPrimary').getKey()
346  nChild = sources.schema.find('force_deblend_nChild').getKey()
347  for ident, sindlist in srcIndex.items():
348  rMatched = fakeXY[ident][2]
349  if minRad is not None:
350  if rMatched < minRad:
351  rMatched = minRad
352  nMatched = len(sindlist)
353  nPrimary = np.sum([sources[int(obj)].get(isPrimary) for obj in sindlist])
354  nNoChild = np.sum([(sources[int(obj)].get(nChild) == 0) for
355  obj in sindlist])
356  if includeMissing and (nMatched == 0):
357  newRec = srcList.addNew()
358  newRec.set('fakeId', ident)
359  newRec.set('id', 0)
360  newRec.set('nMatched', 0)
361  newRec.set('rMatched', rMatched)
362  for ss in sindlist:
363  newRec = srcList.addNew()
364  newRec.assign(sources[int(ss)], mapper)
365  newRec.set('fakeId', ident)
366  newRec.set('nMatched', nMatched)
367  newRec.set('nPrimary', nPrimary)
368  newRec.set('nNoChild', nNoChild)
369  newRec.set('rMatched', rMatched)
370  offsetX = (sources[int(ss)].get(centroidKey).getX() -
371  fakeXY[ident][0])
372  newRec.set('fakeOffX', offsetX)
373  offsetY = (sources[int(ss)].get(centroidKey).getY() -
374  fakeXY[ident][1])
375  newRec.set('fakeOffY', offsetY)
376  newRec.set('fakeOffR', np.sqrt(offsetX ** 2.0 + offsetY ** 2.0))
377  if radecMatch:
378  if int(ss) == int(srcClose[ident]):
379  newRec.set('fakeClosest', True)
380  else:
381  newRec.set('fakeClosest', False)
383  if includeMissing:
384  srcList = srcList.copy(deep=True)
386  for extraName in set(extraCols).intersection(availExtras):
387  tempCol = srcList.get(extraName)
388  tempCol.fill(availExtras[extraName]['value'])
390  return srcList

◆ getMag()

def lsst.synpipe.matchFakes.getMag (   flux,
Return the magnitude and error.

Definition at line 81 of file

81 def getMag(flux, fluxerr, zeropoint):
82  """Return the magnitude and error."""
83  mag = -2.5 * np.log10(flux)
84  magerr = (2.5 / np.log(10.0) * fluxerr / flux)
85  return (mag.T + zeropoint).T, magerr

◆ matchToFakeCatalog()

def lsst.synpipe.matchFakes.matchToFakeCatalog (   sources,
Match to the fake catalog and append those columns to the source table.

this assumes the sources are an astropy table
or it will throw a TypeError

Definition at line 100 of file

100 def matchToFakeCatalog(sources, fakeCatalog):
101  """
102  Match to the fake catalog and append those columns to the source table.
104  this assumes the sources are an astropy table
105  or it will throw a TypeError
106  """
107  if not isinstance(sources, astropy.table.Table):
108  raise TypeError("Expect an astropy table for sources"
109  " use getAstroTable to convert")
111  fakes = astropy.table.Table().read(fakeCatalog)
112  fakes.rename_column('ID', 'fakeId')
113  return astropy.table.join(sources, fakes, keys='fakeId', join_type='left')

◆ returnMatchSingle()

def lsst.synpipe.matchFakes.returnMatchSingle (   butler,
  filt = None,
  tol = 1.0,
  pix = 0.168,
  fakeCat = None,
  pixMatch = False,
  multiband = False,
  reffMatch = False,
  includeMissing = True,
  minRad = None,
  raCol = 'RA',
  decCol = 'Dec' 
Return matched catalog for each CCD or Patch.

Definition at line 469 of file

469 def returnMatchSingle(butler, slist, visit, ccd,
470  filt=None, tol=1.0, pix=0.168,
471  fakeCat=None, pixMatch=False, multiband=False,
472  reffMatch=False, includeMissing=True, minRad=None,
473  raCol='RA', decCol='Dec'):
474  """Return matched catalog for each CCD or Patch."""
475  if filt is None:
476  print('Doing ccd %d' % int(ccd))
477  mlis = getFakeSources(butler,
478  {'visit': visit, 'ccd': int(ccd)},
479  includeMissing=includeMissing,
480  extraCols=('visit', 'ccd',
481  'zeropoint', 'pixelScale',
482  'thetaNorth'),
483  radecMatch=fakeCat if not pixMatch else None,
484  tol=tol, reffMatch=reffMatch, pix=pix,
485  minRad=minRad, raCol=raCol, decCol=decCol)
486  else:
487  print('Doing patch %s' % ccd)
488  mlis = getFakeSources(butler,
489  {'tract': visit, 'patch': ccd,
490  'filter': filt},
491  includeMissing=includeMissing,
492  extraCols=('thetaNorth', 'pixelScale',
493  'zeropoint'),
494  radecMatch=fakeCat if not pixMatch else None,
495  tol=tol, multiband=multiband,
496  reffMatch=reffMatch, pix=pix,
497  minRad=minRad, raCol=raCol, decCol=decCol)
499  if mlis is None:
500  print(' No match returns!')
501  else:
502  if slist is None:
503  slist = mlis.copy(True)
504  else:
505  slist.extend(mlis, True)
506  del mlis
508  return slist

◆ returnMatchTable()

def lsst.synpipe.matchFakes.returnMatchTable (   rootDir,
  outfile = None,
  fakeCat = None,
  overwrite = False,
  filt = None,
  tol = 1.0,
  pixMatch = False,
  multiband = False,
  reffMatch = False,
  pix = 0.168,
  multijobs = 1,
  includeMissing = True,
  minRad = None,
  raCol = 'RA',
  decCol = 'Dec' 
Driver (main function) for return match to fakes.

INPUT: rootDir = rerun directory
       visit = visit id (int) (or tracts)
       ccdList = list of ccds to look at (or patches)
       outdir = output directory for matched file,
                None means no output written
       fakeCat = fake catalog to match to,
                 None means the fake sources are just
                 extracted from the header of the CCDs based on
                 position but no matching is done
       overwrite = whether to overwrite the existing output file,
                   default is False
       pixMatch = do pixel matching instead of ra/dec matching
                  even if there is a catalog supplied
       multiband = whether match to forced photometry catalogs
                   from multiband process
       reffMatch = whether match fake sources in pixel radius
                   or using tol x Reff (Only for Ra, Dec match)
OUTPUT: returns an astropy.table.Table with all the entries
        from the source catalog for objects which match in pixel
        position to the fake sources

Definition at line 511 of file

511 def returnMatchTable(rootDir, visit, ccdList, outfile=None, fakeCat=None,
512  overwrite=False, filt=None, tol=1.0, pixMatch=False,
513  multiband=False, reffMatch=False, pix=0.168,
514  multijobs=1, includeMissing=True, minRad=None,
515  raCol='RA', decCol='Dec'):
516  """
517  Driver (main function) for return match to fakes.
519  INPUT: rootDir = rerun directory
520  visit = visit id (int) (or tracts)
521  ccdList = list of ccds to look at (or patches)
522  outdir = output directory for matched file,
523  None means no output written
524  fakeCat = fake catalog to match to,
525  None means the fake sources are just
526  extracted from the header of the CCDs based on
527  position but no matching is done
528  overwrite = whether to overwrite the existing output file,
529  default is False
530  pixMatch = do pixel matching instead of ra/dec matching
531  even if there is a catalog supplied
532  multiband = whether match to forced photometry catalogs
533  from multiband process
534  reffMatch = whether match fake sources in pixel radius
535  or using tol x Reff (Only for Ra, Dec match)
536  OUTPUT: returns an astropy.table.Table with all the entries
537  from the source catalog for objects which match in pixel
538  position to the fake sources
539  """
540  butler = dafPersist.Butler(rootDir)
541  slist = None
543  if multijobs > 1:
544  try:
545  from joblib import Parallel, delayed
546  mlist = Parallel(n_jobs=multijobs)(delayed(returnMatchSingle)(
547  butler, None, visit, ccd,
548  filt=filt,
549  fakeCat=fakeCat,
550  includeMissing=includeMissing,
551  pixMatch=pixMatch,
552  reffMatch=reffMatch, tol=tol,
553  multiband=multiband,
554  minRad=minRad,
555  pix=pix,
556  decCol=decCol,
557  raCol=raCol) for ccd in ccdList)
558  for m in mlist:
559  if m is not None:
560  if slist is None:
561  slist = m.copy(True)
562  else:
563  slist.extend(m, True)
564  del m
565  except ImportError:
566  print("# Can not import joblib, stop multiprocessing!")
567  for ccd in ccdList:
568  slist = returnMatchSingle(butler, slist, visit, ccd,
569  filt=filt, fakeCat=fakeCat,
570  includeMissing=includeMissing,
571  pixMatch=pixMatch,
572  reffMatch=reffMatch,
573  tol=tol, pix=pix,
574  multiband=multiband,
575  minRad=minRad,
576  raCol=raCol, decCol=decCol)
577  else:
578  for ccd in ccdList:
579  slist = returnMatchSingle(butler, slist, visit, ccd,
580  filt=filt, fakeCat=fakeCat,
581  includeMissing=includeMissing,
582  pixMatch=pixMatch,
583  reffMatch=reffMatch,
584  tol=tol, pix=pix,
585  multiband=multiband,
586  minRad=minRad,
587  raCol=raCol, decCol=decCol)
589  if slist is None:
590  print("Returns no match....!")
592  return None
593  else:
594  astroTable = getAstroTable(slist, mags=True)
596  if fakeCat is not None:
597  astroTable = matchToFakeCatalog(astroTable, fakeCat)
599  if outfile is not None:
600  try:
601  astroTable.write(outfile+'.fits', format='fits',
602  overwrite=overwrite)
603  except IOError:
604  print("Try setting the option -w to overwrite the file.")
605  raise
607  return astroTable

Variable Documentation

◆ args


Definition at line 647 of file



Definition at line 20 of file

◆ parser


Definition at line 612 of file

def returnMatchSingle(butler, slist, visit, ccd, filt=None, tol=1.0, pix=0.168, fakeCat=None, pixMatch=False, multiband=False, reffMatch=False, includeMissing=True, minRad=None, raCol='RA', decCol='Dec')
def combineWithForce(meas, force)
def getFakeSources(butler, dataId, tol=1.0, extraCols=('zeropoint', 'visit', 'ccd'), includeMissing=False, footprints=False, radecMatch=None, multiband=False, reffMatch=False, pix=0.168, minRad=None, raCol='RA', decCol='Dec')
def matchToFakeCatalog(sources, fakeCatalog)
def getFakeMatchesHeader(cal_md, sources, tol=1.0)
An ellipse core for the semimajor/semiminor axis and position angle parametrization (a,...
Definition: Axes.h:47
def getAstroTable(src, mags=True)
SortedCatalogT< SourceRecord > SourceCatalog
Definition: fwd.h:85
bool all(CoordinateExpr< N > const &expr) noexcept
Return true if all elements are true.
Definition: CoordinateExpr.h:81
def getFakeMatchesRaDec(sources, radecCatFile, bbox, wcs, tol=1.0, reffMatch=False, pix=0.168, minRad=None, raCol='RA', decCol='Dec')
def getEllipse(quad)
def getMag(flux, fluxerr, zeropoint)
daf::base::PropertyList * list
table::Key< int > type
A floating-point coordinate rectangle geometry.
Definition: Box.h:413
daf::base::PropertySet * set
def returnMatchTable(rootDir, visit, ccdList, outfile=None, fakeCat=None, overwrite=False, filt=None, tol=1.0, pixMatch=False, multiband=False, reffMatch=False, pix=0.168, multijobs=1, includeMissing=True, minRad=None, raCol='RA', decCol='Dec')