LSST Applications g0b6bd0c080+a72a5dd7e6,g1182afd7b4+2a019aa3bb,g17e5ecfddb+2b8207f7de,g1d67935e3f+06cf436103,g38293774b4+ac198e9f13,g396055baef+6a2097e274,g3b44f30a73+6611e0205b,g480783c3b1+98f8679e14,g48ccf36440+89c08d0516,g4b93dc025c+98f8679e14,g5c4744a4d9+a302e8c7f0,g613e996a0d+e1c447f2e0,g6c8d09e9e7+25247a063c,g7271f0639c+98f8679e14,g7a9cd813b8+124095ede6,g9d27549199+a302e8c7f0,ga1cf026fa3+ac198e9f13,ga32aa97882+7403ac30ac,ga786bb30fb+7a139211af,gaa63f70f4e+9994eb9896,gabf319e997+ade567573c,gba47b54d5d+94dc90c3ea,gbec6a3398f+06cf436103,gc6308e37c7+07dd123edb,gc655b1545f+ade567573c,gcc9029db3c+ab229f5caf,gd01420fc67+06cf436103,gd877ba84e5+06cf436103,gdb4cecd868+6f279b5b48,ge2d134c3d5+cc4dbb2e3f,ge448b5faa6+86d1ceac1d,gecc7e12556+98f8679e14,gf3ee170dca+25247a063c,gf4ac96e456+ade567573c,gf9f5ea5b4d+ac198e9f13,gff490e6085+8c2580be5c,w.2022.27
LSST Data Management Base Package
Go to the documentation of this file.
1# This file is part of afw.
3# Developed for the LSST Data Management System.
4# This product includes software developed by the LSST Project
5# (
6# See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution
7# for details of code ownership.
9# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12# (at your option) any later version.
14# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17# GNU General Public License for more details.
19# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20# along with this program. If not, see <>.
21import numpy as np
23from lsst.utils import continueClass, TemplateMeta
24from ._table import BaseRecord, BaseCatalog
25from ._schema import Key
28__all__ = ["Catalog"]
32class BaseRecord: # noqa: F811
34 def extract(self, *patterns, **kwargs):
35 """Extract a dictionary of {<name>: <field-value>} in which the field
36 names match the given shell-style glob pattern(s).
38 Any number of glob patterns may be passed; the result will be the union
39 of all the result of each glob considered separately.
41 Parameters
42 ----------
43 items : `dict`
44 The result of a call to self.schema.extract(); this will be used
45 instead of doing any new matching, and allows the pattern matching
46 to be reused to extract values from multiple records. This
47 keyword is incompatible with any position arguments and the regex,
48 sub, and ordered keyword arguments.
49 regex : `str` or `re` pattern object
50 A regular expression to be used in addition to any glob patterns
51 passed as positional arguments. Note that this will be compared
52 with re.match, not
53 sub : `str`
54 A replacement string (see `re.MatchObject.expand`) used to set the
55 dictionary keys of any fields matched by regex.
56 ordered : `bool`
57 If `True`, a `collections.OrderedDict` will be returned instead of
58 a standard dict, with the order corresponding to the definition
59 order of the `Schema`. Default is `False`.
60 """
61 d = kwargs.pop("items", None)
62 if d is None:
63 d = self.schema.extract(*patterns, **kwargs).copy()
64 elif kwargs:
65 kwargsStr = ", ".join(kwargs.keys())
66 raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized keyword arguments for extract: {kwargsStr}")
67 return {name: self.get(schemaItem.key) for name, schemaItem in d.items()}
69 def __repr__(self):
70 return f"{type(self)}\n{self}"
73class Catalog(metaclass=TemplateMeta):
75 def getColumnView(self):
76 self._columns_columns = self._getColumnView()
77 return self._columns_columns
79 def __getColumns(self):
80 if not hasattr(self, "_columns") or self._columns_columns is None:
81 self._columns_columns = self._getColumnView()
82 return self._columns_columns
83 columns = property(__getColumns, doc="a column view of the catalog")
85 def __getitem__(self, key):
86 """Return the record at index key if key is an integer,
87 return a column if `key` is a string field name or Key,
88 or return a subset of the catalog if key is a slice
89 or boolean NumPy array.
90 """
91 if type(key) is slice:
92 (start, stop, step) = (key.start, key.stop, key.step)
93 if step is None:
94 step = 1
95 if start is None:
96 start = 0
97 if stop is None:
98 stop = len(self)
99 return self.subset(start, stop, step)
100 elif isinstance(key, np.ndarray):
101 if key.dtype == bool:
102 return self.subset(key)
103 raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported array type for indexing non-contiguous Catalog: {key.dtype}")
104 elif isinstance(key, Key) or isinstance(key, str):
105 if not self.isContiguous():
106 if isinstance(key, str):
107 key = self.schema[key].asKey()
108 array = self._getitem_(key)
109 # This array doesn't share memory with the Catalog, so don't let it be modified by
110 # the user who thinks that the Catalog itself is being modified.
111 # Just be aware that this array can only be passed down to C++ as an ndarray::Array<T const>
112 # instead of an ordinary ndarray::Array<T>. If pybind isn't letting it down into C++,
113 # you may have left off the 'const' in the definition.
114 array.flags.writeable = False
115 return array
116 return self.columnscolumns[key]
117 else:
118 return self._getitem_(key)
120 def __setitem__(self, key, value):
121 """If ``key`` is an integer, set ``catalog[key]`` to
122 ``value``. Otherwise select column ``key`` and set it to
123 ``value``.
124 """
125 self._columns_columns = None
126 if isinstance(key, str):
127 key = self.schema[key].asKey()
128 if isinstance(key, Key):
129 if isinstance(key, Key["Flag"]):
130 self._set_flag(key, value)
131 else:
132 self.columnscolumns[key] = value
133 else:
134 return self.set(key, value)
136 def __delitem__(self, key):
137 self._columns_columns = None
138 if isinstance(key, slice):
139 self._delslice_(key)
140 else:
141 self._delitem_(key)
143 def append(self, record):
144 self._columns_columns = None
145 self._append(record)
147 def insert(self, key, value):
148 self._columns_columns = None
149 self._insert(key, value)
151 def clear(self):
152 self._columns_columns = None
153 self._clear()
155 def addNew(self):
156 self._columns_columns = None
157 return self._addNew()
159 def cast(self, type_, deep=False):
160 """Return a copy of the catalog with the given type.
162 Parameters
163 ----------
164 type_ :
165 Type of catalog to return.
166 deep : `bool`, optional
167 If `True`, clone the table and deep copy all records.
169 Returns
170 -------
171 copy :
172 Copy of catalog with the requested type.
173 """
174 if deep:
175 table = self.table.clone()
176 table.preallocate(len(self))
177 else:
178 table = self.table
179 copy = type_(table)
180 copy.extend(self, deep=deep)
181 return copy
183 def copy(self, deep=False):
184 """
185 Copy a catalog (default is not a deep copy).
186 """
187 return self.castcast(type(self), deep)
189 def extend(self, iterable, deep=False, mapper=None):
190 """Append all records in the given iterable to the catalog.
192 Parameters
193 ----------
194 iterable :
195 Any Python iterable containing records.
196 deep : `bool`, optional
197 If `True`, the records will be deep-copied; ignored if
198 mapper is not `None` (that always implies `True`).
199 mapper : `lsst.afw.table.schemaMapper.SchemaMapper`, optional
200 Used to translate records.
201 """
202 self._columns_columns = None
203 # We can't use isinstance here, because the SchemaMapper symbol isn't available
204 # when this code is part of a subclass of Catalog in another package.
205 if type(deep).__name__ == "SchemaMapper":
206 mapper = deep
207 deep = None
208 if isinstance(iterable, type(self)):
209 if mapper is not None:
210 self._extend(iterable, mapper)
211 else:
212 self._extend(iterable, deep)
213 else:
214 for record in iterable:
215 if mapper is not None:
216 self._append(self.table.copyRecord(record, mapper))
217 elif deep:
218 self._append(self.table.copyRecord(record))
219 else:
220 self._append(record)
222 def __reduce__(self):
223 import lsst.afw.fits
224 return lsst.afw.fits.reduceToFits(self)
226 def asAstropy(self, cls=None, copy=False, unviewable="copy"):
227 """Return an astropy.table.Table (or subclass thereof) view into this catalog.
229 Parameters
230 ----------
231 cls :
232 Table subclass to use; `None` implies `astropy.table.Table`
233 itself. Use `astropy.table.QTable` to get Quantity columns.
234 copy : bool, optional
235 If `True`, copy data from the LSST catalog to the astropy
236 table. Not copying is usually faster, but can keep memory
237 from being freed if columns are later removed from the
238 Astropy view.
239 unviewable : `str`, optional
240 One of the following options (which is ignored if
241 copy=`True` ), indicating how to handle field types (`str`
242 and `Flag`) for which views cannot be constructed:
244 - 'copy' (default): copy only the unviewable fields.
245 - 'raise': raise ValueError if unviewable fields are present.
246 - 'skip': do not include unviewable fields in the Astropy Table.
248 Returns
249 -------
250 cls : `astropy.table.Table`
251 Astropy view into the catalog.
253 Raises
254 ------
255 ValueError
256 Raised if the `unviewable` option is not a known value, or
257 if the option is 'raise' and an uncopyable field is found.
259 """
260 import astropy.table
261 if cls is None:
262 cls = astropy.table.Table
263 if unviewable not in ("copy", "raise", "skip"):
264 raise ValueError(
265 f"'unviewable'={unviewable!r} must be one of 'copy', 'raise', or 'skip'")
266 ps = self.getMetadata()
267 meta = ps.toOrderedDict() if ps is not None else None
268 columns = []
269 items = self.schema.extract("*", ordered=True)
270 for name, item in items.items():
271 key = item.key
272 unit = item.field.getUnits() or None # use None instead of "" when empty
273 if key.getTypeString() == "String":
274 if not copy:
275 if unviewable == "raise":
276 raise ValueError("Cannot extract string "
277 "unless copy=True or unviewable='copy' or 'skip'.")
278 elif unviewable == "skip":
279 continue
280 data = np.zeros(
281 len(self), dtype=np.dtype((str, key.getSize())))
282 for i, record in enumerate(self):
283 data[i] = record.get(key)
284 elif key.getTypeString() == "Flag":
285 if not copy:
286 if unviewable == "raise":
287 raise ValueError("Cannot extract packed bit columns "
288 "unless copy=True or unviewable='copy' or 'skip'.")
289 elif unviewable == "skip":
290 continue
291 data = self.columnscolumns.get_bool_array(key)
292 elif key.getTypeString() == "Angle":
293 data = self.columnscolumns.get(key)
294 unit = "radian"
295 if copy:
296 data = data.copy()
297 elif "Array" in key.getTypeString() and key.isVariableLength():
298 # Can't get columns for variable-length array fields.
299 if unviewable == "raise":
300 raise ValueError("Cannot extract variable-length array fields unless unviewable='skip'.")
301 elif unviewable == "skip" or unviewable == "copy":
302 continue
303 else:
304 data = self.columnscolumns.get(key)
305 if copy:
306 data = data.copy()
307 columns.append(
308 astropy.table.Column(
309 data,
310 name=name,
311 unit=unit,
312 description=item.field.getDoc()
313 )
314 )
315 return cls(columns, meta=meta, copy=False)
317 def __dir__(self):
318 """
319 This custom dir is necessary due to the custom getattr below.
320 Without it, not all of the methods available are returned with dir.
321 See DM-7199.
322 """
323 def recursive_get_class_dir(cls):
324 """
325 Return a set containing the names of all methods
326 for a given class *and* all of its subclasses.
327 """
328 result = set()
329 if cls.__bases__:
330 for subcls in cls.__bases__:
331 result |= recursive_get_class_dir(subcls)
332 result |= set(cls.__dict__.keys())
333 return result
334 return sorted(set(dir(self.columnscolumns)) | set(dir(self.table))
335 | recursive_get_class_dir(type(self)) | set(self.__dict__.keys()))
337 def __getattr__(self, name):
338 # Catalog forwards unknown method calls to its table and column view
339 # for convenience. (Feature requested by RHL; complaints about magic
340 # should be directed to him.)
341 if name == "_columns":
342 self._columns_columns = None
343 return None
344 try:
345 return getattr(self.table, name)
346 except AttributeError:
347 return getattr(self.columnscolumns, name)
349 def __str__(self):
350 if self.isContiguous():
351 return str(self.asAstropyasAstropy())
352 else:
353 fields = ' '.join(x.field.getName() for x in self.schema)
354 return f"Non-contiguous afw.Catalog of {len(self)} rows.\ncolumns: {fields}"
356 def __repr__(self):
357 return "%s\n%s" % (type(self), self)
360Catalog.register("Base", BaseCatalog)
table::Key< int > type
def extract(self, *patterns, **kwargs)
def __getattr__(self, name)
def cast(self, type_, deep=False)
def copy(self, deep=False)
def extend(self, iterable, deep=False, mapper=None)
def __delitem__(self, key)
def asAstropy(self, cls=None, copy=False, unviewable="copy")
def __setitem__(self, key, value)
def __getitem__(self, key)
def insert(self, key, value)
def append(self, record)
daf::base::PropertySet * set