LSST Applications g0b6bd0c080+a72a5dd7e6,g1182afd7b4+2a019aa3bb,g17e5ecfddb+2b8207f7de,g1d67935e3f+06cf436103,g38293774b4+ac198e9f13,g396055baef+6a2097e274,g3b44f30a73+6611e0205b,g480783c3b1+98f8679e14,g48ccf36440+89c08d0516,g4b93dc025c+98f8679e14,g5c4744a4d9+a302e8c7f0,g613e996a0d+e1c447f2e0,g6c8d09e9e7+25247a063c,g7271f0639c+98f8679e14,g7a9cd813b8+124095ede6,g9d27549199+a302e8c7f0,ga1cf026fa3+ac198e9f13,ga32aa97882+7403ac30ac,ga786bb30fb+7a139211af,gaa63f70f4e+9994eb9896,gabf319e997+ade567573c,gba47b54d5d+94dc90c3ea,gbec6a3398f+06cf436103,gc6308e37c7+07dd123edb,gc655b1545f+ade567573c,gcc9029db3c+ab229f5caf,gd01420fc67+06cf436103,gd877ba84e5+06cf436103,gdb4cecd868+6f279b5b48,ge2d134c3d5+cc4dbb2e3f,ge448b5faa6+86d1ceac1d,gecc7e12556+98f8679e14,gf3ee170dca+25247a063c,gf4ac96e456+ade567573c,gf9f5ea5b4d+ac198e9f13,gff490e6085+8c2580be5c,w.2022.27
LSST Data Management Base Package
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * This file is part of afw.
3 *
4 * Developed for the LSST Data Management System.
5 * This product includes software developed by the LSST Project
6 * (
7 * See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution
8 * for details of code ownership.
9 *
10 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
13 * (at your option) any later version.
14 *
15 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 * GNU General Public License for more details.
19 *
20 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
22 */
24#include "pybind11/pybind11.h"
25#include <lsst/utils/python.h>
26#include "pybind11/stl.h"
28#include <vector>
30#include "lsst/utils/python.h"
31#include "lsst/geom/Point.h"
36namespace py = pybind11;
37using namespace py::literals;
39namespace lsst {
40namespace afw {
41namespace cameraGeom {
42namespace {
44using PyTransformMap = py::class_<TransformMap, std::shared_ptr<TransformMap>>;
45using PyTransformMapConnection =
46 py::class_<TransformMap::Connection, std::shared_ptr<TransformMap::Connection>>;
48void declareTransformMap(lsst::utils::python::WrapperCollection &wrappers) {
49 auto transformMap = wrappers.wrapType(PyTransformMap(wrappers.module, "TransformMap"), [](auto &mod,
50 auto &cls) {
51 cls.def(py::init([](CameraSys const &reference, TransformMap::Transforms const &transforms) {
52 // An apparent pybind11 bug: it's usually happy to cast away constness, but won't do it
53 // here.
54 return std::const_pointer_cast<TransformMap>(TransformMap::make(reference, transforms));
55 }),
56 "reference"_a, "transforms"_a);
57 cls.def(py::init([](CameraSys const &reference,
58 std::vector<TransformMap::Connection> const &connections) {
59 // An apparent pybind11 bug: it's usually happy to cast away constness, but won't do it
60 // here.
61 return std::const_pointer_cast<TransformMap>(TransformMap::make(reference, connections));
62 }),
63 "reference"_a, "connections"_a);
64 cls.def("__len__", &TransformMap::size);
65 cls.def("__contains__", &TransformMap::contains);
66 cls.def(
67 "__iter__",
68 [](TransformMap const &self) { return py::make_iterator(self.begin(), self.end()); },
69 py::keep_alive<0, 1>()); /* Essential: keep object alive while iterator exists */
71 cls.def("transform",
72 py::overload_cast<lsst::geom::Point2D const &, CameraSys const &, CameraSys const &>(
73 &TransformMap::transform, py::const_),
74 "point"_a, "fromSys"_a, "toSys"_a);
75 cls.def("transform",
76 py::overload_cast<std::vector<lsst::geom::Point2D> const &, CameraSys const &,
77 CameraSys const &>(&TransformMap::transform, py::const_),
78 "pointList"_a, "fromSys"_a, "toSys"_a);
79 cls.def("getTransform", &TransformMap::getTransform, "fromSys"_a, "toSys"_a);
80 cls.def("getConnections", &TransformMap::getConnections);
82 });
83 wrappers.wrapType(PyTransformMapConnection(transformMap, "Connection"), [](auto &mod, auto &cls) {
84 cls.def(py::init<std::shared_ptr<afw::geom::TransformPoint2ToPoint2 const>, CameraSys const &,
85 CameraSys const &>(),
86 "transform"_a, "fromSys"_a, "toSys"_a);
87 cls.def_readwrite("transform", &TransformMap::Connection::transform);
88 cls.def_readwrite("fromSys", &TransformMap::Connection::fromSys);
89 cls.def_readwrite("toSys", &TransformMap::Connection::toSys);
90 utils::python::addOutputOp(cls, "__repr__");
91 });
93} // namespace
94void wrapTransformMap(lsst::utils::python::WrapperCollection &wrappers) { declareTransformMap(wrappers); }
96} // namespace cameraGeom
97} // namespace afw
98} // namespace lsst
int end
table::Key< int > transformMap
T begin(T... args)
static std::shared_ptr< TransformMap const > make(CameraSys const &reference, Transforms const &transforms)
Construct a TransformMap with all transforms relative to a single reference CameraSys.
size_t size() const noexcept
Get the number of supported coordinate systems.
bool contains(CameraSys const &system) const noexcept
Can this transform to and from the specified coordinate system?
std::vector< Connection > getConnections() const
Return the sequence of connections used to construct this Transform.
std::shared_ptr< geom::TransformPoint2ToPoint2 > getTransform(CameraSys const &fromSys, CameraSys const &toSys) const
Get a Transform from one camera coordinate system to another.
lsst::geom::Point2D transform(lsst::geom::Point2D const &point, CameraSys const &fromSys, CameraSys const &toSys) const
Convert a point from one camera coordinate system to another.
void wrapTransformMap(lsst::utils::python::WrapperCollection &)
void addPersistableMethods(pybind11::class_< Class, Args... > &cls)
Add table::io::Persistable and PersistableFacade methods to the pybind11 wrapper for a class.
Definition: python.h:56
void addOutputOp(PyClass &cls, std::string const &method)
Add __str__ or __repr__ method implemented by operator<<.
Definition: python.h:87
A base class for image defects.
std::shared_ptr< geom::TransformPoint2ToPoint2 const > transform
Definition: TransformMap.h:81