LSST Applications g0b6bd0c080+a72a5dd7e6,g1182afd7b4+2a019aa3bb,g17e5ecfddb+2b8207f7de,g1d67935e3f+06cf436103,g38293774b4+ac198e9f13,g396055baef+6a2097e274,g3b44f30a73+6611e0205b,g480783c3b1+98f8679e14,g48ccf36440+89c08d0516,g4b93dc025c+98f8679e14,g5c4744a4d9+a302e8c7f0,g613e996a0d+e1c447f2e0,g6c8d09e9e7+25247a063c,g7271f0639c+98f8679e14,g7a9cd813b8+124095ede6,g9d27549199+a302e8c7f0,ga1cf026fa3+ac198e9f13,ga32aa97882+7403ac30ac,ga786bb30fb+7a139211af,gaa63f70f4e+9994eb9896,gabf319e997+ade567573c,gba47b54d5d+94dc90c3ea,gbec6a3398f+06cf436103,gc6308e37c7+07dd123edb,gc655b1545f+ade567573c,gcc9029db3c+ab229f5caf,gd01420fc67+06cf436103,gd877ba84e5+06cf436103,gdb4cecd868+6f279b5b48,ge2d134c3d5+cc4dbb2e3f,ge448b5faa6+86d1ceac1d,gecc7e12556+98f8679e14,gf3ee170dca+25247a063c,gf4ac96e456+ade567573c,gf9f5ea5b4d+ac198e9f13,gff490e6085+8c2580be5c,w.2022.27
LSST Data Management Base Package
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * LSST Data Management System
3 * Copyright 2016 AURA/LSST.
4 *
5 * This product includes software developed by the
6 * LSST Project (
7 *
8 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11 * (at your option) any later version.
12 *
13 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 * GNU General Public License for more details.
17 *
18 * You should have received a copy of the LSST License Statement and
19 * the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not,
20 * see <>.
21 */
28#include <algorithm>
29#include <ostream>
32namespace lsst {
33namespace sphgeom {
35namespace {
37// `roundUpToEven` returns the smallest multiple of 2
38// greater than or equal to i.
39inline ptrdiff_t roundUpToEven(ptrdiff_t i) { return i + (i & 1); }
42// `RangeIter` is a stride-2 iterator over uint64_t values
43// in an underlying array.
44struct RangeIter {
46 // For std::iterator_traits
47 using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
48 using value_type = uint64_t;
49 using pointer = uint64_t *;
50 using reference = uint64_t &;
51 using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;
53 RangeIter() = default;
54 explicit RangeIter(uint64_t * p) : ptr{p} {}
56 friend void swap(RangeIter & a, RangeIter & b) { std::swap(a.ptr, b.ptr); }
58 // Arithmetic
59 RangeIter & operator++() { ptr += 2; return *this; }
60 RangeIter & operator--() { ptr -= 2; return *this; }
62 RangeIter operator++(int) { RangeIter i(*this); ptr += 2; return i; }
63 RangeIter operator--(int) { RangeIter i(*this); ptr -= 2; return i; }
65 RangeIter operator+(ptrdiff_t n) const { return RangeIter(ptr + 2 * n); }
66 RangeIter operator-(ptrdiff_t n) const { return RangeIter(ptr + 2 * n); }
68 RangeIter & operator+=(ptrdiff_t n) { ptr += 2 * n; return *this; }
69 RangeIter & operator-=(ptrdiff_t n) { ptr -= 2 * n; return *this; }
71 friend RangeIter operator+(ptrdiff_t n, RangeIter const & i) { return i + n; }
73 ptrdiff_t operator-(RangeIter const & i) const { return (ptr - i.ptr) / 2; }
75 // Comparison
76 bool operator==(RangeIter const & i) const { return ptr == i.ptr; }
77 bool operator!=(RangeIter const & i) const { return ptr != i.ptr; }
78 bool operator<(RangeIter const & i) const { return ptr < i.ptr; }
79 bool operator>(RangeIter const & i) const { return ptr > i.ptr; }
80 bool operator<=(RangeIter const & i) const { return ptr <= i.ptr; }
81 bool operator>=(RangeIter const & i) const { return ptr >= i.ptr; }
83 // Dereferencing
84 uint64_t & operator*() const { return *ptr; }
85 uint64_t * operator->() const { return ptr; }
86 uint64_t & operator[](ptrdiff_t n) const { return ptr[2 * n]; }
88 uint64_t * ptr = nullptr;
91} // unnamed namespace
95 RangeSet(list.begin(), list.end())
99 for (auto t: list) {
100 insert(std::get<0>(t), std::get<1>(t));
101 }
104void RangeSet::insert(uint64_t first, uint64_t last) {
105 if (first == last) {
106 fill();
107 } else {
108 // Ensure that there is enough space for 2 new values in _ranges.
109 // Afterwards, none of the possible modifications of _ranges will throw,
110 // so the strong exception safety guarantee is provided.
111 _ranges.reserve(_ranges.size() + 2);
112 if (first <= last - 1) {
113 _insert(first, last);
114 } else {
115 _insert(0, last);
116 _insert(first, 0);
117 }
118 }
121void RangeSet::erase(uint64_t first, uint64_t last) {
122 // To erase [first, last), insert it into the complement of this set,
123 // then complement the result. The complements are performed in the
124 // constructor and destructor of a local object, so that the second
125 // complement is executed even if insert throws.
126 struct Complementor {
127 RangeSet & set;
128 Complementor(RangeSet & s) : set(s) { set.complement(); }
129 ~Complementor() { set.complement(); }
130 };
131 Complementor c(*this);
132 insert(first, last);
137 if (this == &s) {
138 result = s;
139 } else {
140 result._intersect(_begin(), _end(), s._begin(), s._end());
141 }
142 return result;
147 if (this == &s) {
148 result = s;
149 } else {
150 // A ∪ B = ¬(¬A ∩ ¬B)
151 result._intersect(_beginc(), _endc(), s._beginc(), s._endc());
152 result.complement();
153 }
154 return result;
159 if (this != &s) {
160 // A ∖ B = A ∩ ¬B
161 result._intersect(_begin(), _end(), s._beginc(), s._endc());
162 }
163 return result;
168 if (this != &s) {
169 if (empty()) {
170 result = s;
171 } else if (s.empty()) {
172 result = *this;
173 } else {
174 // Sweep through the beginning and end points of the ranges from
175 // sets A and B in ascending order.
176 //
177 // Passing through the beginning of a range toggles the
178 // corresponding state (astate or bstate) from 0 to 1, and passing
179 // through the end toggles it from 1 to 0. The XOR of astate and
180 // bstate determines whether or not the current position of the
181 // sweep is inside the symmetric set difference of A and B.
182 //
183 // Merging the sorted lists of ranges from each set is complicated
184 // by trailing zero bookends. These compare less than or equal to
185 // all other values, even though logically they are greater than
186 // them all.
187 //
188 // To handle this, leading zero bookends are dealt with outside of
189 // the main loop. Then, 1 is subtracted from all other values prior
190 // to comparison, yielding the proper ordering (since subtracting
191 // 1 from a trailing zero bookend results in 2^64 - 1).
192 uint64_t const * a = _begin();
193 uint64_t const * aend = _end();
194 uint64_t const * b = s._begin();
195 uint64_t const * bend = s._end();
196 int astate = (*a == 0);
197 int bstate = (*b == 0);
198 a += astate;
199 b += bstate;
200 // state is 0 if the next value to output is the beginning
201 // of a range, and 1 otherwise.
202 int state = astate ^ bstate;
203 // Start with a vector containing just the leading bookend.
204 result._ranges = {0};
205 // If 0 is contained in exactly one of the two sets, it is
206 // in their symmetric difference.
207 result._offset = (state == 0);
208 // Merge lists until one or both are exhausted.
209 while (a != aend && b != bend) {
210 uint64_t av = *a - 1;
211 uint64_t bv = *b - 1;
212 // The pointer(s) yielding the minimal value will be
213 // incremented.
214 bool ainc = (av <= bv);
215 bool binc = (bv <= av);
216 uint64_t minval = ainc ? av : bv;
217 astate ^= ainc;
218 bstate ^= binc;
219 // Output the minimum value if the output state changes.
220 if (state != (astate ^ bstate)) {
221 result._ranges.push_back(minval + 1);
222 state ^= 1;
223 }
224 a += ainc;
225 b += binc;
226 }
227 // The sweep has exhausted at least one list. Each remaining
228 // beginning and end point in the other list will toggle the
229 // output state, so they can simply be appended to the result.
230 result._ranges.insert(result._ranges.end(), a, aend);
231 result._ranges.insert(result._ranges.end(), b, bend);
232 // Append a trailing bookend if necessary.
233 if ((aend[-1] == 0) == (bend[-1] == 0)) {
234 result._ranges.push_back(0);
235 }
236 }
237 }
238 return result;
241bool RangeSet::intersects(uint64_t first, uint64_t last) const {
242 if (empty()) {
243 return false;
244 }
245 if (first == last) {
246 return true;
247 }
248 if (first <= last - 1) {
249 uint64_t r[2] = {first, last};
250 return _intersectsOne(r, _begin(), _end());
251 }
252 uint64_t r[4] = {0, last, first, 0};
253 return _intersectsOne(r, _begin(), _end()) ||
254 _intersectsOne(r + 2, _begin(), _end());
257bool RangeSet::intersects(RangeSet const & s) const {
258 if (empty() || s.empty()) {
259 return false;
260 }
261 return _intersects(_begin(), _end(), s._begin(), s._end());
264bool RangeSet::contains(uint64_t first, uint64_t last) const {
265 if (full()) {
266 return true;
267 }
268 if (first == last) {
269 return false;
270 }
271 if (first <= last - 1) {
272 uint64_t r[2] = {first, last};
273 return !_intersectsOne(r, _beginc(), _endc());
274 }
275 uint64_t r[4] = {0, last, first, 0};
276 return !_intersectsOne(r, _beginc(), _endc()) &&
277 !_intersectsOne(r + 2, _beginc(), _endc());
280bool RangeSet::contains(RangeSet const & s) const {
281 if (s.empty() || full()) {
282 return true;
283 }
284 return !_intersects(_beginc(), _endc(), s._begin(), s._end());
287bool RangeSet::isWithin(uint64_t first, uint64_t last) const {
288 if (empty() || first == last) {
289 return true;
290 }
291 if (last <= first - 1) {
292 uint64_t r[2] = {last, first};
293 return !_intersectsOne(r, _begin(), _end());
294 }
295 uint64_t r[4] = {0, first, last, 0};
296 return !_intersectsOne(r, _begin(), _end()) &&
297 !_intersectsOne(r + 2, _begin(), _end());
300uint64_t RangeSet::cardinality() const {
301 uint64_t sz = 0;
302 for (auto r = _begin(), e = _end(); r != e; r += 2) {
303 sz += r[1] - r[0];
304 }
305 return sz;
309 if (empty() || n == 0) {
310 return *this;
311 } else if (n >= 64) {
312 fill();
313 return *this;
314 }
315 // Compute m, the integer with n LSBs set to 1. Then, (x & ~m) is x
316 // rounded down to the nearest multiple of 2^n, and (x + m) & ~m is
317 // x rounded up to the nearest multiple of 2^n.
318 uint64_t const m = (static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << n) - 1;
319 uint64_t * r = const_cast<uint64_t *>(_begin());
320 uint64_t * rend = const_cast<uint64_t *>(_end());
321 uint64_t * out = r;
322 // Expand the first range.
323 uint64_t first = r[0] & ~m;
324 uint64_t last = (r[1] + m) & ~m;
325 if (r[0] != 0 && first == 0) {
326 // The expanded first range now contains the leading bookend.
327 _offset = false;
328 --out;
329 }
330 out[0] = first;
331 out[1] = last;
332 // Expand the remaining ranges.
333 for (r += 2; last != 0 && r != rend; r += 2) {
334 uint64_t u = r[0] & ~m;
335 uint64_t v = (r[1] + m) & ~m;
336 if (u > last) {
337 out += 2;
338 out[0] = u;
339 }
340 out[1] = v;
341 last = v;
342 }
343 out += 2;
344 if (last != 0) {
345 // Append a trailing bookend if necessary.
346 *out = 0;
347 ++out;
348 }
349 // Erase everything after the location of the new trailing bookend.
350 _ranges.erase(_ranges.begin() + (out -, _ranges.end());
351 return *this;
355 if (empty() || i == 1) {
356 return *this;
357 } else if (i == 0) {
358 clear();
359 return *this;
360 }
361 uint64_t overflowThreshold = static_cast<uint64_t>(-1) / i;
362 auto r = _ranges.begin();
363 auto rend = _ranges.end();
364 for (; r < rend; ++r) {
365 uint64_t value = *r;
366 if (value > overflowThreshold) {
367 *r = 0;
368 ++r;
369 break;
370 }
371 *r = value * i;
372 }
373 _ranges.erase(r, rend);
374 return *this;
377bool RangeSet::isValid() const {
378 // Bookends are mandatory.
379 if (_ranges.size() < 2) {
380 return false;
381 }
382 if (_ranges.front() != 0 || _ranges.back() != 0) {
383 return false;
384 }
385 // Values except the last one must be monotonically increasing.
386 for (auto i = _ranges.begin() + 1, e = _ranges.end() - 1; i != e; ++i) {
387 if (i[0] <= i[-1]) {
388 return false;
389 }
390 }
391 return true;
394void RangeSet::_insert(uint64_t first, uint64_t last) {
395 // First, check if this set is empty, or if [first, last) extends
396 // or comes after the last range in this set.
397 //
398 // It is assumed that first <= last - 1; that is, first and last
399 // do not correspond to a full range, or one that wraps.
400 uint64_t * r = const_cast<uint64_t *>(_begin());
401 uint64_t * rend = const_cast<uint64_t *>(_end());
402 if (r == rend) {
403 // This set is empty.
404 uint64_t array[4] = {0, first, last, 0};
405 _ranges.assign(array + (first == 0), array + (4 - (last == 0)));
406 _offset = (first != 0);
407 } else if (first >= rend[-2]) {
408 if (rend[-1] != 0) {
409 if (first <= rend[-1]) {
410 // [first, last) extends the last range in this set.
411 rend[-1] = std::max(last - 1, rend[-1] - 1) + 1;
412 if (last == 0) {
413 _ranges.pop_back();
414 }
415 } else {
416 // [first, last) follows the last range in this set.
417 rend[0] = first;
418 _ranges.push_back(last);
419 if (last != 0) {
420 _ranges.push_back(0);
421 }
422 }
423 }
424 } else {
425 // Find a, the first range with end point a[1] >= first, and b,
426 // the first range with beginning point b[0] > last.
427 uint64_t * a;
428 uint64_t * b;
429 if (first == 0) {
430 a = r;
431 } else {
432 // Subtract one from values before comparisons so that the
433 // trailing zero bookend is ordered properly.
434 a = std::lower_bound(RangeIter(r + 1), RangeIter(rend + 1), first,
435 [](uint64_t u, uint64_t v) {
436 return u - 1 < v - 1;
437 }).ptr - 1;
438 }
439 if (last == 0) {
440 b = rend;
441 } else {
442 b = std::upper_bound(RangeIter(a), RangeIter(rend), last).ptr;
443 }
444 // Perform the insert. Inserts involving a leading or trailing bookend
445 // are special cased.
446 if (first == 0) {
447 _offset = false;
448 if (b == r) {
449 _ranges.insert(_ranges.begin() + (r -, last);
450 } else {
451 --b;
452 *b = std::max(last - 1, *b - 1) + 1;
453 _ranges.erase(_ranges.begin() + 1,
454 _ranges.begin() + (b -;
455 }
456 } else if (last == 0) {
457 *a = std::min(first, *a);
458 ++a;
459 _ranges.erase(_ranges.begin() + (a -,
460 _ranges.end() - 1);
461 } else {
462 if (a == b) {
463 _ranges.insert(_ranges.begin() + (a -,
464 {first, last});
465 } else {
466 --b;
467 *b = std::max(last - 1, *b - 1) + 1;
468 *a = std::min(first, *a);
469 ++a;
470 _ranges.erase(_ranges.begin() + (a -,
471 _ranges.begin() + (b -;
472 }
473 }
474 }
479void RangeSet::_intersectOne(std::vector<uint64_t> & v,
480 uint64_t const * a,
481 uint64_t const * b,
482 uint64_t const * bend)
484 // The range B = [b[0], bend[-1]) contains all the ranges
485 // [b[0], b[1]), ... , [bend[-2], bend[-1]). If [a[0], a[1])
486 // does not intersect B, it does not intersect any of them.
487 //
488 // Note that one is subtracted from range end-points prior to
489 // comparison - otherwise, trailing zero bookends would not be
490 // ordered properly with respect to other values.
491 if (a[0] > bend[-1] - 1 || a[1] - 1 < b[0]) {
492 return;
493 }
494 if (b + 2 == bend) {
495 // Output the intersection of the ranges pointed to by a and b.
496 uint64_t u = std::max(a[0], b[0]);
497 if (u != 0) {
498 v.push_back(u);
499 }
500 v.push_back(std::min(a[1] - 1, b[1] - 1) + 1);
501 } else if (a[0] <= b[0] && a[1] - 1 >= bend[-1] - 1) {
502 // [a[0], a[1]) contains [b[0], bend[-1]), so it contains
503 // [b[0], b[1]), [b[2], b[3]), ... , [bend[-2], bend[-1]).
504 v.insert(v.end(), b + (b[0] == 0), bend);
505 } else {
506 // Divide and conquer - split the list of ranges pointed
507 // to by b in half and recurse.
508 uint64_t const * bmid = b + roundUpToEven((bend - b) >> 1);
509 _intersectOne(v, a, b, bmid);
510 _intersectOne(v, a, bmid, bend);
511 }
516void RangeSet::_intersect(std::vector<uint64_t> & v,
517 uint64_t const * a,
518 uint64_t const * aend,
519 uint64_t const * b,
520 uint64_t const * bend)
522 // The range A = [a[0], aend[-1]) contains all the ranges
523 // [a[0], a[1]), ... , [aend[-2], aend[-1]), and similarly,
524 // B = [b[0], bend[-1]) contains all the ranges pointed to by b.
525 // A and B must intersect if any of the ranges pointed to by
526 // a and b do, so if A and B are disjoint there is nothing to do.
527 //
528 // Note that one is subtracted from range end-points prior to
529 // comparison - otherwise, trailing zero bookends would not be
530 // ordered properly with respect to other values.
531 if (a + 2 == aend) {
532 _intersectOne(v, a, b, bend);
533 } else if (b + 2 == bend) {
534 _intersectOne(v, b, a, aend);
535 } else if (a[0] <= bend[-1] - 1 && aend[-1] - 1 >= b[0]) {
536 // Divide and conquer - split the lists of ranges pointed to by a and b
537 // in half and recurse. This is a depth first dual-tree traversal of
538 // implicit balanced binary trees, where a sorted list of ranges forms
539 // the bottom level of a tree, and level N - 1 is obtained from level N
540 // by joining adjacent ranges.
541 //
542 // Note that the order of the recursive calls matters -
543 // output must be generated in sorted order.
544 uint64_t const * amid = a + roundUpToEven((aend - a) >> 1);
545 uint64_t const * bmid = b + roundUpToEven((bend - b) >> 1);
546 _intersect(v, a, amid, b, bmid);
547 _intersect(v, a, amid, bmid, bend);
548 _intersect(v, amid, aend, b, bmid);
549 _intersect(v, amid, aend, bmid, bend);
550 }
553void RangeSet::_intersect(uint64_t const * a,
554 uint64_t const * aend,
555 uint64_t const * b,
556 uint64_t const * bend)
558 if (a == aend || b == bend) {
559 clear();
560 } else {
561 // Start with a vector containing just the leading bookend.
562 _ranges = {0};
563 // If both a and b contain 0, their intersection contains 0,
564 // and _offset must be 0 (false).
565 _offset = ((*a != 0) || (*b != 0));
566 // Compute the intersection and append a trailing bookend if necessary.
567 _intersect(_ranges, a, aend, b, bend);
568 if ((aend[-1] != 0) || (bend[-1] != 0)) {
569 _ranges.push_back(0);
570 }
571 }
576bool RangeSet::_intersectsOne(uint64_t const * a,
577 uint64_t const * b,
578 uint64_t const * bend)
580 // See the comments in _intersectOne for an explanation.
581 if (a[0] > bend[-1] - 1 || a[1] - 1 < b[0]) {
582 return false;
583 }
584 if (b + 2 == bend || a[0] <= b[0] || a[1] - 1 >= bend[-1] - 1) {
585 return true;
586 }
587 uint64_t const * bmid = b + roundUpToEven((bend - b) >> 1);
588 return _intersectsOne(a, b, bmid) || _intersectsOne(a, bmid, bend);
593bool RangeSet::_intersects(uint64_t const * a,
594 uint64_t const * aend,
595 uint64_t const * b,
596 uint64_t const * bend)
598 // See the comments in _intersect for an explanation.
599 if (a + 2 == aend) {
600 return _intersectsOne(a, b, bend);
601 }
602 if (b + 2 == bend) {
603 return _intersectsOne(b, a, aend);
604 }
605 if (a[0] > bend[-1] - 1 || aend[-1] - 1 < b[0]) {
606 return false;
607 }
608 uint64_t const * amid = a + roundUpToEven((aend - a) >> 1);
609 uint64_t const * bmid = b + roundUpToEven((bend - b) >> 1);
610 return _intersects(a, amid, b, bmid) ||
611 _intersects(a, amid, bmid, bend) ||
612 _intersects(amid, aend, b, bmid) ||
613 _intersects(amid, aend, bmid, bend);
617 os << "{\"RangeSet\": [";
618 bool first = true;
619 for (auto const & t: s) {
620 if (!first) {
621 os << ", ";
622 }
623 first = false;
624 os << '[' << std::get<0>(t) << ", " << std::get<1>(t) << ']';
625 }
626 os << "]}";
627 return os;
630}} // namespace lsst::sphgeom
py::object result
int end
uint64_t * ptr
This file provides a type for representing integer sets.
std::ostream * os
int m
table::Key< int > b
table::Key< int > a
A RangeSet is a set of unsigned 64 bit integers.
Definition: RangeSet.h:99
RangeSet intersection(RangeSet const &s) const
intersection returns the intersection of this set and s.
bool intersects(uint64_t u) const
Definition: RangeSet.h:425
void clear()
clear removes all integers from this set.
Definition: RangeSet.h:501
bool isValid() const
isValid checks that this RangeSet is in a valid state.
bool isWithin(uint64_t u) const
Definition: RangeSet.h:445
void insert(uint64_t u)
Definition: RangeSet.h:285
bool full() const
full checks whether all integers in the universe of range sets, [0, 2^64), are in this set.
Definition: RangeSet.h:511
bool contains(uint64_t u) const
Definition: RangeSet.h:435
RangeSet join(RangeSet const &s) const
join returns the union of this set and s.
RangeSet & scale(uint64_t i)
scale multiplies the endpoints of each range in this set by the given integer.
bool empty() const
empty checks whether there are any integers in this set.
Definition: RangeSet.h:507
The default constructor creates an empty set.
void fill()
fill adds all the unsigned 64 bit integers to this set.
Definition: RangeSet.h:504
void erase(uint64_t u)
Definition: RangeSet.h:306
RangeSet difference(RangeSet const &s) const
difference returns the difference between this set and s.
RangeSet & simplify(uint32_t n)
simplify simplifies this range set by "coarsening" its ranges.
uint64_t cardinality() const
cardinality returns the number of integers in this set.
RangeSet symmetricDifference(RangeSet const &s) const
symmetricDifference returns the symmetric difference of this set and s.
T end(T... args)
daf::base::PropertyList * list
daf::base::PropertySet * set
T insert(T... args)
T lower_bound(T... args)
T max(T... args)
T min(T... args)
std::shared_ptr< Image< PixelT > > operator+(Image< PixelT > const &img, ImageSlice< PixelT > const &slc)
Overload operator+()
Image< LhsPixelT > & operator+=(Image< LhsPixelT > &lhs, Image< RhsPixelT > const &rhs)
Add lhs to Image rhs (i.e. pixel-by-pixel addition) where types are different.
Image< LhsPixelT > & operator-=(Image< LhsPixelT > &lhs, Image< RhsPixelT > const &rhs)
Subtract lhs from Image rhs (i.e. pixel-by-pixel subtraction) where types are different.
std::shared_ptr< Image< PixelT > > operator-(Image< PixelT > const &img, ImageSlice< PixelT > const &slc)
Overload operator-()
void swap(RangeSet &a, RangeSet &b)
Definition: RangeSet.h:608
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, Angle const &)
Angle operator*(double a, Angle const &b)
Definition: Angle.h:98
A base class for image defects.
T operator!=(T... args)
T push_back(T... args)
T swap(T... args)
T upper_bound(T... args)