LSSTApplications  10.0+286,10.0+36,10.0+46,10.0-2-g4f67435,10.1+152,10.1+37,11.0,11.0+1,11.0-1-g47edd16,11.0-1-g60db491,11.0-1-g7418c06,11.0-2-g04d2804,11.0-2-g68503cd,11.0-2-g818369d,11.0-2-gb8b8ce7
Static Public Attributes | List of all members
lsst.pipe.tasks.matchBackgrounds.MatchBackgroundsConfig Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for lsst.pipe.tasks.matchBackgrounds.MatchBackgroundsConfig:

Static Public Attributes

tuple usePolynomial
tuple order
tuple badMaskPlanes
tuple gridStatistic
tuple undersampleStyle
tuple binSize
tuple interpStyle
tuple numSigmaClip
tuple numIter
tuple bestRefWeightCoverage
tuple bestRefWeightVariance
tuple bestRefWeightLevel
tuple approxWeighting
tuple gridStdevEpsilon

Detailed Description

Definition at line 30 of file

Member Data Documentation

tuple lsst.pipe.tasks.matchBackgrounds.MatchBackgroundsConfig.approxWeighting
Initial value:
1 = pexConfig.Field(
2  dtype = bool,
3  doc = ("Use inverse-variance weighting when approximating background offset model? " +
4  "This will fail when the background offset is constant " +
5  "(this is usually only the case in testing with artificial images)." +
6  "(usePolynomial=True)"),
7  default = True,
8  )

Definition at line 120 of file

tuple lsst.pipe.tasks.matchBackgrounds.MatchBackgroundsConfig.badMaskPlanes
Initial value:
1 = pexConfig.ListField(
2  doc = "Names of mask planes to ignore while estimating the background",
3  dtype = str, default = ["NO_DATA", "DETECTED", "DETECTED_NEGATIVE","SAT","BAD","INTRP","CR"],
4  itemCheck = lambda x: x in afwImage.MaskU().getMaskPlaneDict().keys(),
5  )

Definition at line 43 of file

tuple lsst.pipe.tasks.matchBackgrounds.MatchBackgroundsConfig.bestRefWeightCoverage
Initial value:
1 = pexConfig.RangeField(
2  dtype = float,
3  doc = "Weight given to coverage (number of pixels that overlap with patch), " \
4  "when calculating best reference exposure. Higher weight prefers exposures with high coverage." \
5  "Ignored when reference visit is supplied",
6  default = 0.4,
7  min = 0., max = 1.
8  )

Definition at line 97 of file

tuple lsst.pipe.tasks.matchBackgrounds.MatchBackgroundsConfig.bestRefWeightLevel
Initial value:
1 = pexConfig.RangeField(
2  dtype = float,
3  doc = "Weight given to mean background level when calculating best reference exposure. " \
4  "Higher weight prefers exposures with low mean background level. " \
5  "Ignored when reference visit is supplied.",
6  default = 0.2,
7  min = 0., max = 1.
8  )

Definition at line 112 of file

tuple lsst.pipe.tasks.matchBackgrounds.MatchBackgroundsConfig.bestRefWeightVariance
Initial value:
1 = pexConfig.RangeField(
2  dtype = float,
3  doc = "Weight given to image variance when calculating best reference exposure. " \
4  "Higher weight prefers exposures with low image variance. Ignored when reference visit is supplied",
5  default = 0.4,
6  min = 0., max = 1.
7  )

Definition at line 105 of file

tuple lsst.pipe.tasks.matchBackgrounds.MatchBackgroundsConfig.binSize
Initial value:
1 = pexConfig.Field(
2  doc = "Bin size for gridding the difference image and fitting a spatial model",
3  dtype=int,
4  default=256
5  )

Definition at line 69 of file

tuple lsst.pipe.tasks.matchBackgrounds.MatchBackgroundsConfig.gridStatistic
Initial value:
1 = pexConfig.ChoiceField(
2  dtype = str,
3  doc = "Type of statistic to estimate pixel value for the grid points",
4  default = "MEAN",
5  allowed = {
6  "MEAN": "mean",
7  "MEDIAN": "median",
8  "MEANCLIP": "clipped mean"
9  }
10  )

Definition at line 48 of file

tuple lsst.pipe.tasks.matchBackgrounds.MatchBackgroundsConfig.gridStdevEpsilon
Initial value:
1 = pexConfig.RangeField(
2  dtype = float,
3  doc = "Tolerance on almost zero standard deviation in a background-offset grid bin. " \
4  "If all bins have a standard deviation below this value, the background offset model " \
5  "is approximated without inverse-variance weighting. (usePolynomial=True)",
6  default = 1e-8,
7  min = 0.
8  )

Definition at line 128 of file

tuple lsst.pipe.tasks.matchBackgrounds.MatchBackgroundsConfig.interpStyle
Initial value:
1 = pexConfig.ChoiceField(
2  dtype = str,
3  doc = "Algorithm to interpolate the background values; ignored if usePolynomial is True" \
4  "Maps to an enum; see afw.math.Background",
5  default = "AKIMA_SPLINE",
6  allowed={
7  "CONSTANT" : "Use a single constant value",
8  "LINEAR" : "Use linear interpolation",
9  "NATURAL_SPLINE" : "cubic spline with zero second derivative at endpoints",
10  "AKIMA_SPLINE": "higher-level nonlinear spline that is more robust to outliers",
11  "NONE": "No background estimation is to be attempted",
12  }
13  )

Definition at line 74 of file

tuple lsst.pipe.tasks.matchBackgrounds.MatchBackgroundsConfig.numIter
Initial value:
1 = pexConfig.Field(
2  dtype = int,
3  doc = "Number of iterations of outlier rejection; ignored if gridStatistic != 'MEANCLIP'.",
4  default = 2
5  )

Definition at line 92 of file

tuple lsst.pipe.tasks.matchBackgrounds.MatchBackgroundsConfig.numSigmaClip
Initial value:
1 = pexConfig.Field(
2  dtype = int,
3  doc = "Sigma for outlier rejection; ignored if gridStatistic != 'MEANCLIP'.",
4  default = 3
5  )

Definition at line 87 of file

tuple lsst.pipe.tasks.matchBackgrounds.MatchBackgroundsConfig.order
Initial value:
1 = pexConfig.Field(
2  dtype = int,
3  doc = "Order of Chebyshev polynomial background model. Ignored if usePolynomial False",
4  default = 8
5  )

Definition at line 38 of file

tuple lsst.pipe.tasks.matchBackgrounds.MatchBackgroundsConfig.undersampleStyle
Initial value:
1 = pexConfig.ChoiceField(
2  doc = "Behaviour if there are too few points in grid for requested interpolation style. " \
3  "Note: INCREASE_NXNYSAMPLE only allowed for usePolynomial=True.",
4  dtype = str,
5  default = "REDUCE_INTERP_ORDER",
6  allowed = {
7  "THROW_EXCEPTION": "throw an exception if there are too few points",
8  "REDUCE_INTERP_ORDER": "use an interpolation style with a lower order.",
9  "INCREASE_NXNYSAMPLE": "Increase the number of samples used to make the interpolation grid.",
10  }
11  )

Definition at line 58 of file

tuple lsst.pipe.tasks.matchBackgrounds.MatchBackgroundsConfig.usePolynomial
Initial value:
1 = pexConfig.Field(
2  dtype = bool,
3  doc = "Fit background difference with Chebychev polynomial interpolation " \
4  "(using afw.math.Approximate)? If False, fit with spline interpolation using afw.math.Background",
5  default = False
6  )

Definition at line 32 of file

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