23 #ifndef LSST_SPHGEOM_ANGLEINTERVAL_H_ 24 #define LSST_SPHGEOM_ANGLEINTERVAL_H_ 76 #endif // LSST_SPHGEOM_ANGLEINTERVAL_H_ static AngleInterval fromDegrees(double x, double y)
AngleInterval represents closed intervals of arbitrary angles.
static AngleInterval empty()
static AngleInterval fromRadians(double x, double y)
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, Angle const &)
This file declares a class for representing angles.
A base class for image defects.
static Angle fromDegrees(double a)
static Angle fromRadians(double a)
static AngleInterval full()
AngleInterval(Angle x, Angle y)
Angle represents an angle in radians.
AngleInterval(Base const &base)
Interval represents a closed interval of the real numbers by its upper and lower bounds.
This file defines a template representing closed real intervals.