24 #if !defined(LSST_MEAS_ALGORITHMS_COADDPSF_H) 25 #define LSST_MEAS_ALGORITHMS_COADDPSF_H 40 namespace algorithms {
45 "Name of warping kernel; choices: lanczos3,lanczos4,lanczos5,bilinear,nearest");
114 int getComponentCount()
141 double getWeight(
int index);
A 2-dimensional celestial WCS that transform pixels to ICRS RA/Dec, using the LSST standard for pixel...
geom::Point2D getAveragePosition() const override
Return the average of the positions of the stars that went into this Psf.
An object passed to Persistable::write to allow it to persist itself.
afw::geom::SkyWcs getCoaddWcs()
Return the Wcs of the coadd (defines the coordinate system of the Psf).
Parameters to control convolution.
#define CONST_PTR(...)
A shared pointer to a const object.
CoaddPsf(afw::table::ExposureCatalog const &catalog, afw::geom::SkyWcs const &coaddWcs, CoaddPsfControl const &ctrl, std::string const &weightFieldName="weight")
Constructor for CoaddPsf.
A preprocessor macro used to define fields in C++ "control object" structs.
bool isPersistable() const noexcept override
Return true if the CoaddPsf persistable (always true).
A base class for image defects.
CoaddPsf is the Psf derived to be used for non-PSF-matched Coadd images.
afw::table::Key< int > coaddWcs
CoaddPsfControl(std::string _warpingKernelName="lanczos3", int _cacheSize=10000)
std::string warpingKernelName
"Name of warping kernel; choices: lanczos3,lanczos4,lanczos5,bilinear,nearest" ;
afw::table::PointKey< double > averagePosition
Custom catalog class for ExposureRecord/Table.
An intermediate base class for Psfs that use an image representation.
Describe the colour of a source.
A polymorphic base class for representing an image's Point Spread Function.
A CRTP facade class for subclasses of Persistable.
An integer coordinate rectangle.
int cacheSize
"Warping kernel cache size" ;