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ast::WcsMap Class Reference

Map from a spherical system to a cartesian system using standard FITS sky coordinate projections. More...

#include <WcsMap.h>

Inheritance diagram for ast::WcsMap:
ast::Mapping ast::Object

Public Types

using ObjectPtr = std::unique_ptr< AstObject, Deleter >
 unique pointer holding an AST raw pointer More...

Public Member Functions

 WcsMap (int ncoord, WcsType type, int lonax, int latax, std::string const &options="")
 Create a WcsMap. More...
virtual ~WcsMap ()
 WcsMap (WcsMap const &)=default
 Copy constructor: make a deep copy. More...
 WcsMap (WcsMap &&)=default
WcsMapoperator= (WcsMap const &)=delete
WcsMapoperator= (WcsMap &&)=default
std::shared_ptr< WcsMapcopy () const
 Return a deep copy of this object. More...
double getNatLat () const
 get NatLat: native latitude of the reference point of a FITS-WCS projection. More...
double getNatLon () const
 get NatLon: native longitude of the reference point of a FITS-WCS projection. More...
double getPVi_m (int i, int m) const
 Get PVi_m for one value of i and m: a FITS-WCS projection parameter. More...
int getPVMax (int axis) const
 Get PVMax(axis) for one axis: maximum number of FITS-WCS projection parameters. More...
std::pair< int, int > getWcsAxis () const
 Get WcsAxis(lonlat) FITS-WCS projection axis for longitude, latitude. More...
WcsType getWcsType () const
 Get WcsType: FITS-WCS projection type. More...
int getNIn () const
 Get NIn: the number of input axes. More...
int getNOut () const
 Get NOut: the number of output axes. More...
bool getIsSimple () const
 Get IsSimple: has the mapping been simplified? More...
bool isInverted () const
 Is this an inverted mapping? More...
bool getIsLinear () const
 Get IsLinear: is the Mapping linear? More...
bool getReport () const
 Get Report: report transformed coordinates to stdout? More...
bool hasForward () const
 Is the forward transform available? More...
bool hasInverse () const
 Is the inverse transform available? More...
std::shared_ptr< Mappinginverted () const
 Get an inverse mapping. More...
Array2D linearApprox (PointD const &lbnd, PointD const &ubnd, double tol) const
 Compute a linear approximation to the forward transformation. More...
SeriesMap then (Mapping const &next) const
 Return a series compound mapping this(first(input)) containing shallow copies of the original. More...
ParallelMap under (Mapping const &next) const
 Return a parallel compound mapping containing shallow copies of the original. More...
double rate (PointD const &at, int ax1, int ax2) const
 Evaluate the rate of change of the Mapping with respect to a specified input, at a specified position. More...
void setReport (bool report)
 Set Report: report transformed coordinates to stdout? More...
std::shared_ptr< Mappingsimplified () const
 Return a simplied version of the mapping (which may be a compound Mapping such as a CmpMap). More...
void applyForward (ConstArray2D const &from, Array2D const &to) const
 Perform a forward transformation on 2-D array, putting the results into a pre-allocated 2-D array. More...
Array2D applyForward (ConstArray2D const &from) const
 Perform a forward transformation on a 2-D array, returning the results as a new array. More...
std::vector< double > applyForward (std::vector< double > const &from) const
 Perform a forward transformation on a vector, returning the results as a new vector. More...
void applyInverse (ConstArray2D const &from, Array2D const &to) const
 Perform an inverse transformation on a 2-D array, putting the results into a pre-allocated 2-D array. More...
Array2D applyInverse (ConstArray2D const &from) const
 Perform an inverse transformation on a 2-D array, returning the results as a new 2-D array. More...
std::vector< double > applyInverse (std::vector< double > const &from) const
 Perform an inverse transformation on a vector, returning the results as a new vector. More...
void tranGridForward (PointI const &lbnd, PointI const &ubnd, double tol, int maxpix, Array2D const &to) const
 Transform a grid of points in the forward direction. More...
Array2D tranGridForward (PointI const &lbnd, PointI const &ubnd, double tol, int maxpix, int nPts) const
 Transform a grid of points in the inverse direction, returning the results as a new Array2D. More...
void tranGridInverse (PointI const &lbnd, PointI const &ubnd, double tol, int maxpix, Array2D const &to) const
 Transform a grid of points in the inverse direction. More...
Array2D tranGridInverse (PointI const &lbnd, PointI const &ubnd, double tol, int maxpix, int nPts) const
 Transform a grid of points in the inverse direction. More...
bool operator== (Object const &rhs) const
 Return True if this and rhs are the equal. More...
bool operator!= (Object const &rhs) const
 Return True if this and rhs are not equal. More...
void clear (std::string const &attrib)
 Clear the values of a specified set of attributes for an Object. More...
bool hasAttribute (std::string const &attrib) const
 Does this object have an attribute with the specified name? More...
std::string getClassName () const
 Get Class: the name of the class (e.g. More...
std::string getID () const
 Get ID: object identification string that is not copied. More...
std::string getIdent () const
 Get Ident: object identification string that is copied. More...
int getNObject () const
 Get NObject: number of AST objects in existence of the same type as the underlying AST class. More...
int getObjSize () const
 Get ObjSize: the in-memory size of the AST object in bytes. More...
int getRefCount () const
 Get RefCount: number of active pointers to the underlying AST object. More...
bool getUseDefs () const
 Get UseDefs: allow use of default values for Object attributes? More...
void lock (bool wait)
 Lock this object for exclusive use by the calling thread. More...
bool same (Object const &other) const
 Does this contain the same AST object as another? More...
void setID (std::string const &id)
 Set ID: object identification string that is not copied. More...
void setIdent (std::string const &ident)
 Set Ident: object identification string that is copied. More...
void setUseDefs (bool usedefs)
 Set UseDefs: allow use of default values for Object attributes? More...
void show (std::ostream &os, bool showComments=true) const
 Print a textual description the object to an ostream. More...
std::string show (bool showComments=true) const
 Return a textual description the object as a string. More...
bool test (std::string const &attrib) const
 Has this attribute been explicitly set (and not subsequently cleared)? More...
void unlock (bool report=false)
 Unlock this object previously locked using lock, so that other threads can use this object. More...
AstObject const * getRawPtr () const
 Get the raw AST pointer. More...
AstObject * getRawPtr ()
 Get the raw AST pointer. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static std::shared_ptr< ObjectfromString (std::string const &str)
 Construct an Object from a string, using astFromString. More...
template<typename Class >
static std::shared_ptr< Class > fromAstObject (AstObject *rawObj, bool copy)
 Given a bare AST object pointer return a shared pointer to an ast::Object of the correct type. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual std::shared_ptr< ObjectcopyPolymorphic () const override
 Return a deep copy of this object. More...
 WcsMap (AstWcsMap *rawptr)
 Construct a WcsMap from a raw AST pointer. More...
template<typename Class >
std::shared_ptr< Class > decompose (int i, bool copy) const
 Return a deep copy of one of the two component mappings. More...
template<typename T , typename AstT >
std::shared_ptr< T > copyImpl () const
 Implementation of deep copy. More...
bool getB (std::string const &attrib) const
 Get the value of an attribute as a bool. More...
std::string const getC (std::string const &attrib) const
 Get the value of an attribute as a string. More...
double getD (std::string const &attrib) const
 Get the value of an attribute as a double. More...
float getF (std::string const &attrib) const
 Get the value of an attribute as a float. More...
int getI (std::string const &attrib) const
 Get the value of an attribute as an int. More...
long int getL (std::string const &attrib) const
 Get the value of an attribute as a long int. More...
void set (std::string const &setting)
 Assign a set of attribute values, over-riding any previous values. More...
void setB (std::string const &attrib, bool value)
 Set the value of an attribute as a bool. More...
void setC (std::string const &attrib, std::string const &value)
 Set the value of an attribute as a string. More...
void setD (std::string const &attrib, double value)
 Set the value of an attribute as a double. More...
void setF (std::string const &attrib, float value)
 Set the value of an attribute as a float. More...
void setI (std::string const &attrib, int value)
 Set the value of an attribute as an int. More...
void setL (std::string const &attrib, long int value)
 Set the value of an attribute as a long int. More...

Static Protected Member Functions

template<typename ShimT , typename AstT >
static std::shared_ptr< ShimT > makeShim (AstObject *p)
 Functor to make an astshim instance from a raw AST pointer of the corresponding type. More...


class Object

Detailed Description

Map from a spherical system to a cartesian system using standard FITS sky coordinate projections.

WcsMap is used to represent sky coordinate projections as described in the FITS world coordinate system (FITS-WCS) paper II "Representations of Celestial Coordinates in FITS" by M. Calabretta and E.W. Griesen. This paper defines a set of functions, or sky projections, which transform longitude-latitude pairs representing spherical celestial coordinates into corresponding pairs of Cartesian coordinates (and vice versa).

A WcsMap is a specialised form of Mapping which implements these sky projections and applies them to a specified pair of coordinates. All the projections in the FITS-WCS paper are supported, plus the now deprecated "TAN with polynomial correction terms" projection which is refered to here by the code "TPN". Using the FITS-WCS terminology, the transformation is between "native spherical" and "projection plane" coordinates (also called "intermediate world coordinates". These coordinates may, optionally, be embedded in a space with more than two dimensions, the remaining coordinates being copied unchanged. Note, however, that for consistency with other AST facilities, a WcsMap handles coordinates that represent angles in radians (rather than the degrees used by FITS-WCS).

The type of FITS-WCS projection to be used and the coordinates (axes) to which it applies are specified when a WcsMap is first created. The projection type may subsequently be determined using the WcsType attribute and the coordinates on which it acts may be determined using the WcsAxis(lonlat) attribute.

Each WcsMap also allows up to 100 "projection parameters" to be associated with each axis. These specify the precise form of the projection, and are accessed using PVi_m attribute, where "i" is the integer axis index (starting at 1), and "m" is an integer "parameter index" in the range 0 to 99. The number of projection parameters required by each projection, and their meanings, are dependent upon the projection type (most projections either do not use any projection parameters, or use parameters 1 and 2 associated with the latitude axis). Before creating a WcsMap you should consult the FITS-WCS paper for details of which projection parameters are required, and which have defaults. When creating the WcsMap, you must explicitly set values for all those required projection parameters which do not have defaults defined in this paper.



Definition at line 146 of file WcsMap.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ObjectPtr

using ast::Object::ObjectPtr = std::unique_ptr<AstObject, Deleter>

unique pointer holding an AST raw pointer

Definition at line 59 of file Object.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ WcsMap() [1/4]

ast::WcsMap::WcsMap ( int  ncoord,
WcsType  type,
int  lonax,
int  latax,
std::string const &  options = "" 

Create a WcsMap.

[in]ncoordThe number of coordinate values for each point to be transformed (i.e. the number of dimensions of the space in which the points will reside). This must be at least 2. The same number is applicable to both input and output points.
[in]typeThe type of FITS-WCS projection to apply, as a WcsType enum such as WcsType::TAN (for a tangent plane projection). The enum constant name give the projection type code (in upper case) as used in the FITS-WCS "CTYPEi" keyword. You should consult the FITS-WCS paper for a list of the available projections. The additional code of WcsType::TPN can be supplied which represents a TAN projection with polynomial correction terms as defined in an early draft of the FITS-WCS paper.
[in]lonaxIndex of the longitude axis. This should lie in the range 1 to ncoord.
[in]lataxIndex of the latitude axis. This should lie in the range 1 to ncoord.
[in]optionsPointer to a null-terminated string containing an optional comma-separated list of attribute assignments to be used for initialising the new WcsMap. The syntax used is identical to that for the astSet function and may include "printf" format specifiers identified by "%" symbols in the normal way. If the sky projection to be implemented requires projection parameter values to be set, then this should normally be done here via the PVi_m attribute (see the "Examples" section). Setting values for these parameters is mandatory if they do not have default values (as defined in the FITS-WCS paper).
The validity of any projection parameters given via the PVi_m PVi_m parameter in the "options" string is not checked at construction. However, their validity is checked when the resulting WcsMap is used to transform coordinates, and an error will result if the projection parameters do not satisfy all the required constraints (as defined in the FITS-WCS paper).


  • auto wcsmap = ast::WcsMap(2, WcsType::MER, 1, 2, "")

    Create a WcsMap that implements a FITS-WCS Mercator projection on pairs of coordinates, with coordinates 1 and 2 representing the longitude and latitude respectively. Note that the FITS-WCS Mercator projection does not require any projection parameters.

  • auto wcsmap = ast::WcsMap(3, WcsType::COE, 2, 3, "PV3_1=40.0")

    Create a WcsMap that implements a FITS-WCS conical equal area projection. The WcsMap acts on points in a 3-dimensional space; coordinates 2 and 3 represent longitude and latitude respectively, while the values of coordinate 1 are copied unchanged. Projection parameter 1 associatyed with the latitude axis (corresponding to FITS keyword "PV3_1") is required and has no default, so is set explicitly to 40.0 degrees. Projection parameter 2 (corresponding to FITS keyword "PV3_2") is required but has a default of zero, so need not be specified.

Definition at line 209 of file WcsMap.h.

210  : Mapping(reinterpret_cast<AstMapping *>(
211  astWcsMap(ncoord, static_cast<int>(type), lonax, latax, "%s", options.c_str()))) {
212  assertOK();
213  }
Mapping(Mapping const &)=default
Copy constructor: make a deep copy.
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.
tuple options
table::Key< int > type

◆ ~WcsMap()

virtual ast::WcsMap::~WcsMap ( )

Definition at line 215 of file WcsMap.h.

215 {}

◆ WcsMap() [2/4]

ast::WcsMap::WcsMap ( WcsMap const &  )

Copy constructor: make a deep copy.

◆ WcsMap() [3/4]

ast::WcsMap::WcsMap ( WcsMap &&  )

◆ WcsMap() [4/4]

ast::WcsMap::WcsMap ( AstWcsMap *  rawptr)

Construct a WcsMap from a raw AST pointer.

Definition at line 264 of file WcsMap.h.

264  : Mapping(reinterpret_cast<AstMapping *>(rawptr)) {
265  if (!astIsAWcsMap(getRawPtr())) {
267  os << "this is a " << getClassName() << ", which is not a WcsMap";
268  throw std::invalid_argument(os.str());
269  }
270  }
Mapping(Mapping const &)=default
Copy constructor: make a deep copy.
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
std::string getClassName() const
Get Class: the name of the class (e.g.
Definition: Object.h:139
T str(T... args)
std::ostream * os

Member Function Documentation

◆ applyForward() [1/3]

void ast::Mapping::applyForward ( ConstArray2D const &  from,
Array2D const &  to 
) const

Perform a forward transformation on 2-D array, putting the results into a pre-allocated 2-D array.

[in]frominput coordinates, with dimensions (nPts, nIn)
[out]totransformed coordinates, with dimensions (nPts, nOut)

Definition at line 260 of file Mapping.h.

260 { _tran(from, true, to); }
table::Key< int > from
table::Key< int > to

◆ applyForward() [2/3]

Array2D ast::Mapping::applyForward ( ConstArray2D const &  from) const

Perform a forward transformation on a 2-D array, returning the results as a new array.

[in]frominput coordinates, with dimensions (nPts, nIn)
the results as a new array with dimensions (nPts, nOut)

Definition at line 268 of file Mapping.h.

268  {
269  Array2D to = ndarray::allocate(getNOut(), from.getSize<1>());
270  _tran(from, true, to);
271  return to;
272  }
table::Key< int > from
ndarray::Array< double, 2, 2 > Array2D
2D array of const double; typically used for lists of const points
Definition: base.h:42
table::Key< int > to
int getNOut() const
Get NOut: the number of output axes.
Definition: Mapping.h:82

◆ applyForward() [3/3]

std::vector<double> ast::Mapping::applyForward ( std::vector< double > const &  from) const

Perform a forward transformation on a vector, returning the results as a new vector.

[in]frominput coordinates as a vector, with axes adjacent, e.g. x0, y0, x1, y1...xn, yn
the results as a new vector

Definition at line 280 of file Mapping.h.

280  {
281  auto fromArr = arrayFromVector(from, getNIn());
282  std::vector<double> to(fromArr.getSize<1>() * getNOut());
283  auto toArr = arrayFromVector(to, getNOut());
284  _tran(fromArr, true, toArr);
285  return to;
286  }
table::Key< int > to
int getNIn() const
Get NIn: the number of input axes.
Definition: Mapping.h:77
ConstArray2D arrayFromVector(std::vector< double > const &vec, int nAxes)
Reshape a vector as a 2-dimensional array that shares the same memory.
int getNOut() const
Get NOut: the number of output axes.
Definition: Mapping.h:82

◆ applyInverse() [1/3]

void ast::Mapping::applyInverse ( ConstArray2D const &  from,
Array2D const &  to 
) const

Perform an inverse transformation on a 2-D array, putting the results into a pre-allocated 2-D array.

[in]frominput coordinates, with dimensions (nPts, nOut)
[out]totransformed coordinates, with dimensions (nPts, nIn)

Definition at line 294 of file Mapping.h.

294 { _tran(from, false, to); }
table::Key< int > from
table::Key< int > to

◆ applyInverse() [2/3]

Array2D ast::Mapping::applyInverse ( ConstArray2D const &  from) const

Perform an inverse transformation on a 2-D array, returning the results as a new 2-D array.

[in]fromoutput coordinates, with dimensions (nPts, nOut)
the results as a new array with dimensions (nPts, nIn)

Definition at line 302 of file Mapping.h.

302  {
303  Array2D to = ndarray::allocate(getNIn(), from.getSize<1>());
304  _tran(from, false, to);
305  return to;
306  }
table::Key< int > from
ndarray::Array< double, 2, 2 > Array2D
2D array of const double; typically used for lists of const points
Definition: base.h:42
table::Key< int > to
int getNIn() const
Get NIn: the number of input axes.
Definition: Mapping.h:77

◆ applyInverse() [3/3]

std::vector<double> ast::Mapping::applyInverse ( std::vector< double > const &  from) const

Perform an inverse transformation on a vector, returning the results as a new vector.

[in]frominput coordinates as a vector, with axes adjacent, e.g. x0, y0, x1, y1...xn, yn
the results as a new vector

Definition at line 314 of file Mapping.h.

314  {
315  auto fromArr = arrayFromVector(from, getNOut());
316  std::vector<double> to(fromArr.getSize<1>() * getNIn());
317  auto toArr = arrayFromVector(to, getNIn());
318  _tran(fromArr, false, toArr);
319  return to;
320  }
table::Key< int > to
int getNIn() const
Get NIn: the number of input axes.
Definition: Mapping.h:77
ConstArray2D arrayFromVector(std::vector< double > const &vec, int nAxes)
Reshape a vector as a 2-dimensional array that shares the same memory.
int getNOut() const
Get NOut: the number of output axes.
Definition: Mapping.h:82

◆ clear()

void ast::Object::clear ( std::string const &  attrib)

Clear the values of a specified set of attributes for an Object.

Clearing an attribute cancels any value that has previously been explicitly set for it, so that the standard default attribute value will subsequently be used instead. This also causes the astTest function to return the value zero for the attribute, indicating that no value has been set.

Definition at line 119 of file Object.h.

119  {
120  astClear(getRawPtr(), attrib.c_str());
121  assertOK();
122  }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.

◆ copy()

std::shared_ptr<WcsMap> ast::WcsMap::copy ( ) const

Return a deep copy of this object.

Definition at line 224 of file WcsMap.h.

WcsMap(int ncoord, WcsType type, int lonax, int latax, std::string const &options="")
Create a WcsMap.
Definition: WcsMap.h:209
T static_pointer_cast(T... args)
virtual std::shared_ptr< Object > copyPolymorphic() const override
Return a deep copy of this object.
Definition: WcsMap.h:259

◆ copyImpl()

template<typename T , typename AstT >
std::shared_ptr<T> ast::Object::copyImpl ( ) const

Implementation of deep copy.

Should be called to implement copyPolymorphic by all derived classes.

Definition at line 320 of file Object.h.

320  {
321  auto *rawptr = reinterpret_cast<AstT *>(astCopy(getRawPtr()));
322  auto retptr = std::shared_ptr<T>(new T(rawptr));
323  assertOK();
324  return retptr;
325  }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.

◆ copyPolymorphic()

virtual std::shared_ptr<Object> ast::WcsMap::copyPolymorphic ( ) const

Return a deep copy of this object.

This is called by copy.

Each subclass must override this method. The standard implementation is:

return copyImpl<astshim_class, ast_class>();

for example Frame implements this as:

return copyImpl<Frame, AstFrame>();

Reimplemented from ast::Mapping.

Definition at line 259 of file WcsMap.h.

259  {
260  return copyImpl<WcsMap, AstWcsMap>();
261  }

◆ decompose()

template<typename Class >
template std::shared_ptr< Mapping > ast::Mapping::decompose ( int  i,
bool  copy 
) const

Return a deep copy of one of the two component mappings.

This is intended to be exposed by classes that need it (e.g. CmpMap, CmpFrame and TranMap) as operator[].

Template Parameters
Classastshim class of returned object, typically Mapping or Frame.
[in]iIndex: 0 for the first mapping, 1 for the second
[in]copyIf true make a deep copy, else a shallow copy
std::invalid_argumentif i is not 0 or 1.
std::runtime_errorif this mapping is not a compound mapping.

Definition at line 64 of file

64  {
65  if ((i < 0) || (i > 1)) {
67  os << "i =" << i << "; must be 0 or 1";
68  throw std::invalid_argument(os.str());
69  }
70  // Report pre-existing problems now so our later test for "not a compound object" is accurate
71  assertOK();
73  AstMapping *rawMap1;
74  AstMapping *rawMap2;
75  int series, invert1, invert2;
76  astDecompose(getRawPtr(), &rawMap1, &rawMap2, &series, &invert1, &invert2);
77  assertOK();
79  if (!rawMap2) {
80  // Not a compound object; free rawMap1 (rawMap2 is null, so no need to free it) and throw an exception
81  astAnnul(reinterpret_cast<AstObject *>(rawMap1));
83  os << "This " << getClassName() << " is not a compound object";
84  throw std::runtime_error(os.str());
85  }
87  // Make a deep copy of the returned object and free the shallow copies
88  AstMapping *retRawMap;
89  int invert;
90  if (i == 0) {
91  retRawMap = reinterpret_cast<AstMapping *>(astCopy(reinterpret_cast<AstObject *>(rawMap1)));
92  invert = invert1;
93  } else {
94  retRawMap = reinterpret_cast<AstMapping *>(astCopy(reinterpret_cast<AstObject *>(rawMap2)));
95  invert = invert2;
96  }
97  astAnnul(reinterpret_cast<AstObject *>(rawMap1));
98  astAnnul(reinterpret_cast<AstObject *>(rawMap2));
99  assertOK();
101  // If the mapping's internal invert flag does not match the value used when the CmpMap was made
102  // then invert the mapping. Note that it is not possible to create such objects in astshim
103  // but it is possible to read in objects created by other software.
104  if (invert != astGetI(retRawMap, "Invert")) {
105  astInvert(retRawMap);
106  assertOK();
107  }
109  return Object::fromAstObject<Class>(reinterpret_cast<AstObject *>(retRawMap), copy);
110 }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
std::string getClassName() const
Get Class: the name of the class (e.g.
Definition: Object.h:139
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.
Relationship invert(Relationship r)
Given the relationship between two sets A and B (i.e.
Definition: Relationship.h:55
T str(T... args)
std::shared_ptr< Mapping > copy() const
Return a deep copy of this object.
Definition: Mapping.h:72
std::ostream * os

◆ fromAstObject()

template<typename Class >
template std::shared_ptr< Object > ast::Object::fromAstObject< Object > ( AstObject *  rawObj,
bool  copy 

Given a bare AST object pointer return a shared pointer to an ast::Object of the correct type.

The returned object takes ownership of the pointer. This is almost always what you want, for instance astDecompose returns shallow copies of the internal pointers.

Template Parameters
ClassThe class of the returned shared pointer. (The actual class will be the correct class of rawPtr.)
[in]rawObjA bare AST object pointer
[in]copyIf True then make a deep copy of the pointer (and free the original)

Definition at line 132 of file

132  {
133  AstObject *rawObjCopy = rawObj;
134  if (copy) {
135  rawObjCopy = reinterpret_cast<AstObject *>(astCopy(rawObj));
136  astAnnul(rawObj);
137  }
138  assertOK(rawObjCopy);
140  // Make the appropriate ast shim object and dynamically cast to the desired output type
141  auto retObjectBeforeCast = Object::_basicFromAstObject(rawObjCopy);
142  auto retObject = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Class>(retObjectBeforeCast);
143  if (!retObject) {
145  os << "The component is of type " << retObject->getClassName()
146  << ", which could not be cast to the desired type " << typeid(Class).name();
147  throw std::runtime_error(os.str());
148  }
149  return retObject;
150 }
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.
std::shared_ptr< Object > copy() const
Return a deep copy of this object.
Definition: Object.h:109
T str(T... args)
T dynamic_pointer_cast(T... args)
std::ostream * os

◆ fromString()

static std::shared_ptr<Object> ast::Object::fromString ( std::string const &  str)

Construct an Object from a string, using astFromString.

Definition at line 88 of file Object.h.

88  {
89  auto *rawPtr = reinterpret_cast<AstObject *>(astFromString(str.c_str()));
90  assertOK(rawPtr);
91  return Object::_basicFromAstObject(rawPtr);
92  }
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.

◆ getB()

bool ast::Object::getB ( std::string const &  attrib) const

Get the value of an attribute as a bool.

If possible, the attribute value is converted to the type you request.

std::runtime_errorif the attribute does not exist or the value cannot be converted

Definition at line 348 of file Object.h.

348  {
349  bool val = astGetI(getRawPtr(), attrib.c_str());
350  assertOK();
351  return val;
352  }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.
ImageT val

◆ getC()

std::string const ast::Object::getC ( std::string const &  attrib) const

Get the value of an attribute as a string.

If possible, the attribute value is converted to the type you request.

std::runtime_errorif the attribute does not exist or the value cannot be converted

Definition at line 361 of file Object.h.

361  {
362  char const *rawval = astGetC(getRawPtr(), attrib.c_str());
363  assertOK();
364  return std::string(rawval);
365  }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.
STL class.

◆ getClassName()

std::string ast::Object::getClassName ( ) const

Get Class: the name of the class (e.g.


Note: if AST returns "CmpMap" then the name will be changed to "SeriesMap" or "ParallelMap", as appropriate.

Definition at line 139 of file Object.h.

139 { return detail::getClassName(getRawPtr()); }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
std::string getClassName(AstObject const *rawObj)
Get the AST class name, changing CmpMap to SeriesMap or ParallelMap as appropriate.

◆ getD()

double ast::Object::getD ( std::string const &  attrib) const

Get the value of an attribute as a double.

If possible, the attribute value is converted to the type you request.

std::runtime_errorif the attribute does not exist or the value cannot be converted

Definition at line 374 of file Object.h.

374  {
375  double val = astGetD(getRawPtr(), attrib.c_str());
376  assertOK();
377  return val;
378  }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.
ImageT val

◆ getF()

float ast::Object::getF ( std::string const &  attrib) const

Get the value of an attribute as a float.

If possible, the attribute value is converted to the type you request.

std::runtime_errorif the attribute does not exist or the value cannot be converted

Definition at line 387 of file Object.h.

387  {
388  float val = astGetF(getRawPtr(), attrib.c_str());
389  assertOK();
390  return val;
391  }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.
ImageT val

◆ getI()

int ast::Object::getI ( std::string const &  attrib) const

Get the value of an attribute as an int.

If possible, the attribute value is converted to the type you request.

std::runtime_errorif the attribute does not exist or the value cannot be converted

Definition at line 400 of file Object.h.

400  {
401  int val = astGetI(getRawPtr(), attrib.c_str());
402  assertOK();
403  return val;
404  }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.
ImageT val

◆ getID()

std::string ast::Object::getID ( ) const

Get ID: object identification string that is not copied.

Definition at line 142 of file Object.h.

142 { return getC("ID"); }
std::string const getC(std::string const &attrib) const
Get the value of an attribute as a string.
Definition: Object.h:361

◆ getIdent()

std::string ast::Object::getIdent ( ) const

Get Ident: object identification string that is copied.

Definition at line 145 of file Object.h.

145 { return getC("Ident"); }
std::string const getC(std::string const &attrib) const
Get the value of an attribute as a string.
Definition: Object.h:361

◆ getIsLinear()

bool ast::Mapping::getIsLinear ( ) const

Get IsLinear: is the Mapping linear?

Definition at line 100 of file Mapping.h.

100 { return getB("IsLinear"); }
bool getB(std::string const &attrib) const
Get the value of an attribute as a bool.
Definition: Object.h:348

◆ getIsSimple()

bool ast::Mapping::getIsSimple ( ) const

Get IsSimple: has the mapping been simplified?

Definition at line 87 of file Mapping.h.

87 { return getI("IsSimple"); }
int getI(std::string const &attrib) const
Get the value of an attribute as an int.
Definition: Object.h:400

◆ getL()

long int ast::Object::getL ( std::string const &  attrib) const

Get the value of an attribute as a long int.

If possible, the attribute value is converted to the type you request.

std::runtime_errorif the attribute does not exist or the value cannot be converted

Definition at line 413 of file Object.h.

413  {
414  long int val = astGetL(getRawPtr(), attrib.c_str());
415  assertOK();
416  return val;
417  }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.
ImageT val

◆ getNatLat()

double ast::WcsMap::getNatLat ( ) const

get NatLat: native latitude of the reference point of a FITS-WCS projection.

Definition at line 227 of file WcsMap.h.

227 { return getD("NatLat"); }
double getD(std::string const &attrib) const
Get the value of an attribute as a double.
Definition: Object.h:374

◆ getNatLon()

double ast::WcsMap::getNatLon ( ) const

get NatLon: native longitude of the reference point of a FITS-WCS projection.

Definition at line 230 of file WcsMap.h.

230 { return getD("NatLon"); }
double getD(std::string const &attrib) const
Get the value of an attribute as a double.
Definition: Object.h:374

◆ getNIn()

int ast::Mapping::getNIn ( ) const

Get NIn: the number of input axes.

Definition at line 77 of file Mapping.h.

77 { return getI("NIn"); }
int getI(std::string const &attrib) const
Get the value of an attribute as an int.
Definition: Object.h:400

◆ getNObject()

int ast::Object::getNObject ( ) const

Get NObject: number of AST objects in existence of the same type as the underlying AST class.

Intended only for debugging astshim.

Definition at line 153 of file Object.h.

153 { return getI("NObject"); }
int getI(std::string const &attrib) const
Get the value of an attribute as an int.
Definition: Object.h:400

◆ getNOut()

int ast::Mapping::getNOut ( ) const

Get NOut: the number of output axes.

Definition at line 82 of file Mapping.h.

82 { return getI("NOut"); }
int getI(std::string const &attrib) const
Get the value of an attribute as an int.
Definition: Object.h:400

◆ getObjSize()

int ast::Object::getObjSize ( ) const

Get ObjSize: the in-memory size of the AST object in bytes.

Definition at line 156 of file Object.h.

156 { return getI("ObjSize"); }
int getI(std::string const &attrib) const
Get the value of an attribute as an int.
Definition: Object.h:400

◆ getPVi_m()

double ast::WcsMap::getPVi_m ( int  i,
int  m 
) const

Get PVi_m for one value of i and m: a FITS-WCS projection parameter.

[in]iAxis index, starting at 1
[in]mParameter number, in range 1 to PVMax

Definition at line 238 of file WcsMap.h.

238  {
240  os << "PV" << i << "_" << m;
241  return getD(os.str());
242  }
T str(T... args)
double getD(std::string const &attrib) const
Get the value of an attribute as a double.
Definition: Object.h:374
int m
std::ostream * os

◆ getPVMax()

int ast::WcsMap::getPVMax ( int  axis) const

Get PVMax(axis) for one axis: maximum number of FITS-WCS projection parameters.

Definition at line 245 of file WcsMap.h.

245 { return getI(detail::formatAxisAttr("PVMax", axis)); }
int getI(std::string const &attrib) const
Get the value of an attribute as an int.
Definition: Object.h:400
std::string formatAxisAttr(std::string const &name, int axis)
Format an axis-specific attribute by appending the axis index.
Definition: utils.h:79

◆ getRawPtr() [1/2]

AstObject const* ast::Object::getRawPtr ( ) const

Get the raw AST pointer.

Intended for internal use only, but cannot be made protected without endless "friend class" declarations.

Definition at line 292 of file Object.h.

292 { return &*_objPtr; };

◆ getRawPtr() [2/2]

AstObject* ast::Object::getRawPtr ( )

Get the raw AST pointer.

Intended for internal use only, but cannot be made protected without endless "friend class" declarations.

Definition at line 294 of file Object.h.

294 { return &*_objPtr; };

◆ getRefCount()

int ast::Object::getRefCount ( ) const

Get RefCount: number of active pointers to the underlying AST object.

Intended only for debugging astshim.

Definition at line 163 of file Object.h.

163 { return getI("RefCount"); }
int getI(std::string const &attrib) const
Get the value of an attribute as an int.
Definition: Object.h:400

◆ getReport()

bool ast::Mapping::getReport ( ) const

Get Report: report transformed coordinates to stdout?

Definition at line 105 of file Mapping.h.

105 { return getB("Report"); }
bool getB(std::string const &attrib) const
Get the value of an attribute as a bool.
Definition: Object.h:348

◆ getUseDefs()

bool ast::Object::getUseDefs ( ) const

Get UseDefs: allow use of default values for Object attributes?

Definition at line 166 of file Object.h.

166 { return getB("UseDefs"); }
bool getB(std::string const &attrib) const
Get the value of an attribute as a bool.
Definition: Object.h:348

◆ getWcsAxis()

std::pair<int, int> ast::WcsMap::getWcsAxis ( ) const

Get WcsAxis(lonlat) FITS-WCS projection axis for longitude, latitude.

Definition at line 250 of file WcsMap.h.

250  {
251  return std::make_pair(getI(detail::formatAxisAttr("WcsAxis", 1)),
252  getI(detail::formatAxisAttr("WcsAxis", 2)));
253  }
int getI(std::string const &attrib) const
Get the value of an attribute as an int.
Definition: Object.h:400
T make_pair(T... args)
std::string formatAxisAttr(std::string const &name, int axis)
Format an axis-specific attribute by appending the axis index.
Definition: utils.h:79

◆ getWcsType()

WcsType ast::WcsMap::getWcsType ( ) const

Get WcsType: FITS-WCS projection type.

Definition at line 256 of file WcsMap.h.

256 { return static_cast<WcsType>(getI("WcsType")); }
int getI(std::string const &attrib) const
Get the value of an attribute as an int.
Definition: Object.h:400
WCS types that give the projection type code (in upper case) as used in the FITS-WCS "CTYPEi" keyword...
Definition: WcsMap.h:48

◆ hasAttribute()

bool ast::Object::hasAttribute ( std::string const &  attrib) const

Does this object have an attribute with the specified name?

Definition at line 127 of file Object.h.

127  {
128  bool ret = astHasAttribute(getRawPtr(), attrib.c_str());
129  assertOK();
130  return ret;
131  }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.

◆ hasForward()

bool ast::Mapping::hasForward ( ) const

Is the forward transform available?

This gets the TranForward attribute, but is named hasForward instead of getTranForward for clarity, since it does not return a transform.

Definition at line 114 of file Mapping.h.

114 { return getB("TranForward"); }
bool getB(std::string const &attrib) const
Get the value of an attribute as a bool.
Definition: Object.h:348

◆ hasInverse()

bool ast::Mapping::hasInverse ( ) const

Is the inverse transform available?

This gets the TranInverse attribute, but is named hasInverse instead of getTranInverse for clarity, since it does not return a transform.

Definition at line 123 of file Mapping.h.

123 { return getB("TranInverse"); }
bool getB(std::string const &attrib) const
Get the value of an attribute as a bool.
Definition: Object.h:348

◆ inverted()

std::shared_ptr< Mapping > ast::Mapping::inverted ( ) const

Get an inverse mapping.

An inverse mapping is a deep copy of a mapping whose Invert attribute has been toggled, as indicated by isInverted. This swaps the meaning of "input" and "output", and of "forward" and "inverse". Thus it swaps the behavior of applyForward and applyInverse, getNIn and getNOut, hasForward and hasInverse and so on.

Note that the inverse mapping contains exactly the same model coefficients as the original, but they are used by applyInverse instead of applyForward. Thus for example if a ZoomMap has a zoom factor of 4.0 then its inverse also reports a zoom factor of 4.0 (despite behaving like an uninverted ZoomMap with zoom factor of 0.25).

Definition at line 41 of file

41  {
42  auto rawCopy = reinterpret_cast<AstMapping *>(astCopy(getRawPtr()));
43  astInvert(rawCopy);
44  assertOK(reinterpret_cast<AstObject *>(rawCopy));
45  // use false because the pointer has already been copied
46  return Object::fromAstObject<Mapping>(reinterpret_cast<AstObject *>(rawCopy), false);
47 }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.

◆ isInverted()

bool ast::Mapping::isInverted ( ) const

Is this an inverted mapping?

Note: this gets the Invert attribute. This method is not called getInvert because that sounds like it might return the inverse.

Definition at line 95 of file Mapping.h.

95 { return getB("Invert"); }
bool getB(std::string const &attrib) const
Get the value of an attribute as a bool.
Definition: Object.h:348

◆ linearApprox()

Array2D ast::Mapping::linearApprox ( PointD const &  lbnd,
PointD const &  ubnd,
double  tol 
) const

Compute a linear approximation to the forward transformation.

[in]lbndInput point defining the lower bounds of the box over which the linear approximation is computed.
[in]ubndInput point defining the upper bounds of the box over which the linear approximation is computed.
[in]tolThe maximum permitted deviation from linearity, expressed as apositive Cartesian displacement in the output coordinate space. If a linear fit to the forward transformation of the Mapping deviates from the true transformation by more than this amount at any point which is tested, then raise an exception.
The co-efficients of the linear approximation to the specified transformation, as an 1 + nIn x nOut array. The first index is [constant, gradiant for input 1, gradiant for input 2...] and the second index is [output 1, output 2, ...]. For example, if the Mapping has 2 inputs and 3 outputs then the coefficients are:
X_out = fit[0, 0] + fit[1, 0] X_in + fit[2, 0] Y_in
Y_out = fit[0, 1] + fit[1, 1] X_in + fit[2, 1] Y_in
Z_out = fit[0, 2] + fit[1, 2] X_in + fit[2, 2] Y_in
std::runtime_errorif the forward transformation cannot be modeled to within the specified tol.

Definition at line 49 of file

49  {
50  int const nIn = getNIn();
51  int const nOut = getNOut();
52  detail::assertEqual(lbnd.size(), "lbnd.size", static_cast<std::size_t>(nIn), "nIn");
53  detail::assertEqual(ubnd.size(), "ubnd.size", static_cast<std::size_t>(nIn), "nIn");
54  Array2D fit = ndarray::allocate(ndarray::makeVector(1 + nIn, nOut));
55  int isOK = astLinearApprox(getRawPtr(),,, tol, fit.getData());
56  assertOK();
57  if (!isOK) {
58  throw std::runtime_error("Mapping not sufficiently linear");
59  }
60  return fit;
61 }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
ndarray::Array< double, 2, 2 > Array2D
2D array of const double; typically used for lists of const points
Definition: base.h:42
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.
int getNIn() const
Get NIn: the number of input axes.
Definition: Mapping.h:77
void assertEqual(T1 val1, std::string const &descr1, T2 val2, std::string const &descr2)
Definition: utils.h:48
int getNOut() const
Get NOut: the number of output axes.
Definition: Mapping.h:82

◆ lock()

void ast::Object::lock ( bool  wait)

Lock this object for exclusive use by the calling thread.

The thread-safe public interface to AST is designed so that an error is reported if any thread attempts to use an Object that it has not previously locked for its own exclusive use using this function. When an Object is created, it is initially locked by the thread that creates it, so newly created objects do not need to be explicitly locked. However, if an Object pointer is passed to another thread, the original thread must first unlock it (using astUnlock) and the new thread must then lock it (using astLock) before the new thread can use the Object.

[in]waitIf the Object is curently locked by another thread then this function will either report an error or block. If a non-zero value is supplied for "wait", the calling thread waits until the object is available for it to use. Otherwise, an error is reported and the function returns immediately without locking the Object.


  • The Locked object will belong to the current AST context.
  • This function returns without action if the Object is already locked by the calling thread.
  • If simultaneous use of the same object is required by two or more threads, Object::copy should be used to to produce a deep copy of the Object for each thread. Each copy should then be unlocked by the parent thread (i.e. the thread that created the copy), and then locked by the child thread (i.e. the thread that wants to use the copy).
  • This function returns without action if the AST library has been built without POSIX thread support (i.e. the "-with-pthreads" option was not specified when running the "configure" script).

Definition at line 202 of file Object.h.

202  {
203  astLock(getRawPtr(), static_cast<int>(wait));
204  assertOK();
205  }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.

◆ makeShim()

template<typename ShimT , typename AstT >
static std::shared_ptr<ShimT> ast::Object::makeShim ( AstObject *  p)

Functor to make an astshim instance from a raw AST pointer of the corresponding type.

Template Parameters
ShimTOutput astshim class
AstTOutput AST class

Definition at line 310 of file Object.h.

310  {
311  return std::shared_ptr<ShimT>(new ShimT(reinterpret_cast<AstT *>(p)));
312  }

◆ operator!=()

bool ast::Object::operator!= ( Object const &  rhs) const

Return True if this and rhs are not equal.

See operator== for details

Definition at line 82 of file Object.h.

82  {
83  return !(*this == rhs); };

◆ operator=() [1/2]

WcsMap& ast::WcsMap::operator= ( WcsMap const &  )

◆ operator=() [2/2]

WcsMap& ast::WcsMap::operator= ( WcsMap &&  )

◆ operator==()

bool ast::Object::operator== ( Object const &  rhs) const

Return True if this and rhs are the equal.

For two objects be equal, they both must have the same attributes and all contained objects must be equal.

Definition at line 82 of file

82  {
83  auto thisStr = this->show(false);
84  auto rhsStr =;
85  return rhsStr == thisStr;
86 }
void show(std::ostream &os, bool showComments=true) const
Print a textual description the object to an ostream.

◆ rate()

double ast::Mapping::rate ( PointD const &  at,
int  ax1,
int  ax2 
) const

Evaluate the rate of change of the Mapping with respect to a specified input, at a specified position.

The result is estimated by interpolating the function using a fourth order polynomial in the neighbourhood of the specified position. The size of the neighbourhood used is chosen to minimise the RMS residual per unit length between the interpolating polynomial and the supplied Mapping function. This method produces good accuracy but can involve evaluating the Mapping 100 or more times.

[in]atThe input position at which the rate of change is to be evaluated.
[in]ax1The index of the output for which the rate of change is to be found (1 for first output).
[in]ax2The index of the input which is to be varied in order to find the rate of change (1 for the first input).
The rate of change of Mapping output ax1 with respect to input ax2, evaluated at at, or nan if the value cannot be calculated.

Definition at line 215 of file Mapping.h.

215  {
216  detail::assertEqual(at.size(), "at.size", static_cast<std::size_t>(getNIn()), "nIn");
217  double result = astRate(getRawPtr(), const_cast<double *>(, ax1, ax2);
218  assertOK();
219  return result;
220  }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
py::object result
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.
int getNIn() const
Get NIn: the number of input axes.
Definition: Mapping.h:77
void assertEqual(T1 val1, std::string const &descr1, T2 val2, std::string const &descr2)
Definition: utils.h:48

◆ same()

bool ast::Object::same ( Object const &  other) const

Does this contain the same AST object as another?

This is a test of identity, not of equality.

Definition at line 212 of file Object.h.

212 { return astSame(getRawPtr(), other.getRawPtr()); }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
ItemVariant const * other

◆ set()

void ast::Object::set ( std::string const &  setting)

Assign a set of attribute values, over-riding any previous values.

The attributes and their new values are specified via a character string, which should contain a comma-separated list of the form: "attribute_1 = value_1, attribute_2 = value_2, ... " where "attribute_n" specifies an attribute name, and the value to the right of each " =" sign should be a suitable textual representation of the value to be assigned. This value will be interpreted according to the attribute's data type.


  • Attribute names are not case sensitive and may be surrounded by white space
  • Attribute names are not case sensitive and may be surrounded by white space.
  • White space may also surround attribute values, where it will generally be ignored (except for string-valued attributes where it is significant and forms part of the value to be assigned).
  • To include a literal comma or percent sign in the value assigned to an attribute, the whole attribute value should be enclosed in quotation markes.
std::runtime_errorif the attribute is read-only

Definition at line 440 of file Object.h.

440  {
441  astSet(getRawPtr(), "%s", setting.c_str());
442  assertOK();
443  }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.

◆ setB()

void ast::Object::setB ( std::string const &  attrib,
bool  value 

Set the value of an attribute as a bool.

If possible, the type you provide is converted to the actual type of the attribute.

std::runtime_errorif the attribute does not exist or the value cannot be converted

Definition at line 452 of file Object.h.

452  {
453  astSetI(getRawPtr(), attrib.c_str(), value);
454  assertOK();
455  }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.

◆ setC()

void ast::Object::setC ( std::string const &  attrib,
std::string const &  value 

Set the value of an attribute as a string.

If possible, the type you provide is converted to the actual type of the attribute.

std::runtime_errorif the attribute does not exist or the value cannot be converted

Definition at line 464 of file Object.h.

464  {
465  astSetC(getRawPtr(), attrib.c_str(), value.c_str());
466  assertOK();
467  }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.

◆ setD()

void ast::Object::setD ( std::string const &  attrib,
double  value 

Set the value of an attribute as a double.

If possible, the type you provide is converted to the actual type of the attribute.

std::runtime_errorif the attribute does not exist or the value cannot be converted

Definition at line 476 of file Object.h.

476  {
477  astSetD(getRawPtr(), attrib.c_str(), value);
478  assertOK();
479  }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.

◆ setF()

void ast::Object::setF ( std::string const &  attrib,
float  value 

Set the value of an attribute as a float.

If possible, the type you provide is converted to the actual type of the attribute.

std::runtime_errorif the attribute does not exist or the value cannot be converted

Definition at line 488 of file Object.h.

488  {
489  astSetF(getRawPtr(), attrib.c_str(), value);
490  assertOK();
491  }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.

◆ setI()

void ast::Object::setI ( std::string const &  attrib,
int  value 

Set the value of an attribute as an int.

If possible, the type you provide is converted to the actual type of the attribute.

std::runtime_errorif the attribute does not exist or the value cannot be converted

Definition at line 500 of file Object.h.

500  {
501  astSetI(getRawPtr(), attrib.c_str(), value);
502  assertOK();
503  }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.

◆ setID()

void ast::Object::setID ( std::string const &  id)

Set ID: object identification string that is not copied.

Definition at line 215 of file Object.h.

215 { setC("ID", id); }
void setC(std::string const &attrib, std::string const &value)
Set the value of an attribute as a string.
Definition: Object.h:464

◆ setIdent()

void ast::Object::setIdent ( std::string const &  ident)

Set Ident: object identification string that is copied.

Definition at line 218 of file Object.h.

218 { setC("Ident", ident); }
void setC(std::string const &attrib, std::string const &value)
Set the value of an attribute as a string.
Definition: Object.h:464

◆ setL()

void ast::Object::setL ( std::string const &  attrib,
long int  value 

Set the value of an attribute as a long int.

If possible, the type you provide is converted to the actual type of the attribute.

std::runtime_errorif the attribute does not exist or the value cannot be converted

Definition at line 512 of file Object.h.

512  {
513  astSetL(getRawPtr(), attrib.c_str(), value);
514  assertOK();
515  }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.

◆ setReport()

void ast::Mapping::setReport ( bool  report)

Set Report: report transformed coordinates to stdout?

Definition at line 225 of file Mapping.h.

225 { setB("Report", report); }
void setB(std::string const &attrib, bool value)
Set the value of an attribute as a bool.
Definition: Object.h:452

◆ setUseDefs()

void ast::Object::setUseDefs ( bool  usedefs)

Set UseDefs: allow use of default values for Object attributes?

Definition at line 221 of file Object.h.

221 { setB("UseDefs", usedefs); }
void setB(std::string const &attrib, bool value)
Set the value of an attribute as a bool.
Definition: Object.h:452

◆ show() [1/2]

void ast::Object::show ( std::ostream os,
bool  showComments = true 
) const

Print a textual description the object to an ostream.

[in,out]osThe stream to which to write the string representation.
[in]showCommentsShow comments?

Definition at line 152 of file

152  {
153  Stream stream(nullptr, &os);
154  Channel ch(stream, showComments ? "" : "Comment=0");
155  ch.write(*this);
156  assertOK();
157 }
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.

◆ show() [2/2]

std::string ast::Object::show ( bool  showComments = true) const

Return a textual description the object as a string.

[in]showCommentsShow comments?

Definition at line 159 of file

159  {
161  show(os, showComments);
162  return os.str();
163 }
T str(T... args)
void show(std::ostream &os, bool showComments=true) const
Print a textual description the object to an ostream.
std::ostream * os

◆ simplified()

std::shared_ptr<Mapping> ast::Mapping::simplified ( ) const

Return a simplied version of the mapping (which may be a compound Mapping such as a CmpMap).

Simplification eliminates redundant computational steps and merges separate steps which can be performed more efficiently in a single operation. As a simple example, a Mapping which multiplied coordinates by 5, and then multiplied the result by 10, could be simplified to a single step which multiplied by 50. Similarly, a Mapping which multiplied by 5, and then divided by 5, could be reduced to a simple copying operation.

This function should typically be applied to Mappings which have undergone substantial processing or have been formed by merging other Mappings. It is of potential benefit, for example, in reducing execution time if applied before using a Mapping to transform a large number of coordinates.

If the supplied Mapping is a FrameSet, the returned Mapping will be a deep copy of the supplied FrameSet in which all the inter-Frame Mappings have been simplified. Mappings that have a set value for their ref Object_Ident "Ident" attribute are unchanged by simplification. This is so that their individual identity is preserved. This restriction does not apply to the simplification of Frames. The returned mapping is always independent of the original (a deep copy), unlike astSimplify.

Definition at line 248 of file Mapping.h.

248  {
249  AstObject *rawSimpMap = reinterpret_cast<AstObject *>(astSimplify(getRawPtr()));
250  assertOK(rawSimpMap);
251  return Object::fromAstObject<Mapping>(rawSimpMap, true);
252  }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.

◆ test()

bool ast::Object::test ( std::string const &  attrib) const

Has this attribute been explicitly set (and not subsequently cleared)?

Unlike the underlying astTest function, throws an exception if an error results


  • Attribute names are not case sensitive and may be surrounded by white space.
  • As you might expect, the returned value for a read-only attribute is always false.
std::runtime_errorif an error results.

Definition at line 250 of file Object.h.

250  {
251  bool res = astTest(getRawPtr(), attrib.c_str());
252  assertOK();
253  return res;
254  }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.

◆ then()

SeriesMap ast::Mapping::then ( Mapping const &  next) const

Return a series compound mapping this(first(input)) containing shallow copies of the original.

[in]nextthe mapping whose input is the output of this mapping
std::invalid_argumentif the number of input axes of next does not match the number of output axes of this mapping.
The contained mappings are shallow copies (just like AST); if you want deep copies then make them manually.

Definition at line 37 of file

37 { return SeriesMap(*this, next); }

◆ tranGridForward() [1/2]

void ast::Mapping::tranGridForward ( PointI const &  lbnd,
PointI const &  ubnd,
double  tol,
int  maxpix,
Array2D const &  to 
) const

Transform a grid of points in the forward direction.

[in]lbndThe coordinates of the centre of the first pixel in the input grid along each dimension, size = nIn
[in]ubndThe coordinates of the centre of the last pixel in the input grid along each dimension, size = nIn
[in]tolThe maximum tolerable geometrical distortion which may be introduced as a result of approximating non-linear Mappings by a set of piece-wise linear transformations. This should be expressed as a displacement within the output coordinate system of the Mapping.

If piece-wise linear approximation is not required, a value of zero may be given. This will ensure that the Mapping is used without any approximation, but may increase execution time.

If the value is too high, discontinuities between the linear approximations used in adjacent panel will be higher. If this is a problem, reduce the tolerance value used.

[in]maxpixA value which specifies an initial scale size (in input grid points) for the adaptive algorithm which approximates non-linear Mappings with piece-wise linear transformations. Normally, this should be a large value (larger than any dimension of the region of the input grid being used). In this case, a first attempt to approximate the Mapping by a linear transformation will be made over the entire input region. If a smaller value is used, the input region will first be divided into sub-regions whose size does not exceed " maxpix" grid points in any dimension. Only at this point will attempts at approximation commence. This value may occasionally be useful in preventing false convergence of the adaptive algorithm in cases where the Mapping appears approximately linear on large scales, but has irregularities (e.g. holes) on smaller scales. A value of, say, 50 to 100 grid points can also be employed as a safeguard in general-purpose software, since the effect on performance is minimal. If too small a value is given, it will have the effect of inhibiting linear approximation altogether (equivalent to setting " tol" to zero). Although this may degrade performance, accurate results will still be obtained.
[in]toComputed points, with dimensions (nPts, nOut), where nPts the desired number of points

Definition at line 358 of file Mapping.h.

359  {
360  _tranGrid(lbnd, ubnd, tol, maxpix, true, to);
361  }
table::Key< int > to

◆ tranGridForward() [2/2]

Array2D ast::Mapping::tranGridForward ( PointI const &  lbnd,
PointI const &  ubnd,
double  tol,
int  maxpix,
int  nPts 
) const

Transform a grid of points in the inverse direction, returning the results as a new Array2D.

See the overload of tranGridForward that outputs the data as the last argument for more information

Definition at line 369 of file Mapping.h.

369  {
370  Array2D to = ndarray::allocate(nPts, getNOut());
371  _tranGrid(lbnd, ubnd, tol, maxpix, true, to);
372  return to;
373  }
ndarray::Array< double, 2, 2 > Array2D
2D array of const double; typically used for lists of const points
Definition: base.h:42
table::Key< int > to
int getNOut() const
Get NOut: the number of output axes.
Definition: Mapping.h:82

◆ tranGridInverse() [1/2]

void ast::Mapping::tranGridInverse ( PointI const &  lbnd,
PointI const &  ubnd,
double  tol,
int  maxpix,
Array2D const &  to 
) const

Transform a grid of points in the inverse direction.

See tranGridForward for the arguments, swapping nIn and nOut

Definition at line 380 of file Mapping.h.

381  {
382  _tranGrid(lbnd, ubnd, tol, maxpix, false, to);
383  }
table::Key< int > to

◆ tranGridInverse() [2/2]

Array2D ast::Mapping::tranGridInverse ( PointI const &  lbnd,
PointI const &  ubnd,
double  tol,
int  maxpix,
int  nPts 
) const

Transform a grid of points in the inverse direction.

See tranGridForward for the arguments, swapping nIn and nOut

Definition at line 390 of file Mapping.h.

390  {
391  Array2D to = ndarray::allocate(nPts, getNIn());
392  _tranGrid(lbnd, ubnd, tol, maxpix, false, to);
393  return to;
394  }
ndarray::Array< double, 2, 2 > Array2D
2D array of const double; typically used for lists of const points
Definition: base.h:42
table::Key< int > to
int getNIn() const
Get NIn: the number of input axes.
Definition: Mapping.h:77

◆ under()

ParallelMap ast::Mapping::under ( Mapping const &  next) const

Return a parallel compound mapping containing shallow copies of the original.

The resulting mapping has getNIn() + next.getNIn() inputs and getNOut() + next.getNOut() outputs. The first getNIn() axes of input are transformed by this mapping, producing the first getNOut() axes of output. The remaining axes of input are processed by next, resulting in the remaining axes of output.

The name comes the way vectors are sometimes shown for matrix multiplication: vertically, with the first axis at the bottom and the last axis at the top.

[in]nextthe mapping that processes the final next.getNin() axes of input to produce the final next.getNout() axes of output.
The contained mappings are shallow copies (just like AST); if you want deep copies then make them manually.

Definition at line 39 of file

39 { return ParallelMap(*this, next); }

◆ unlock()

void ast::Object::unlock ( bool  report = false)

Unlock this object previously locked using lock, so that other threads can use this object.

See lock for further details.

[in]reportIf true, an error will be reported if the supplied Object, or any Object contained within the supplied Object, is not currently locked by the running thread. If false, such Objects will be left unchanged, and no error will be reported.


  • This function attempts to execute even if AST's global error status is set, but no further error report will be made if it subsequently fails under these circumstances.
  • All unlocked Objects are excluded from AST context handling until they are re-locked using astLock.
  • This function returns without action if the Object is not currently locked by any thread. If it is locked by the running thread, it is unlocked. If it is locked by another thread, an error will be reported if "error" is non-zero.
  • This function returns without action if the AST library has been built without POSIX thread support (i.e. the "-with-pthreads" option was not specified when running the "configure" script).

Definition at line 280 of file Object.h.

280  {
281  astUnlock(getRawPtr(), static_cast<int>(report));
282  assertOK();
283  }
AstObject const * getRawPtr() const
Get the raw AST pointer.
Definition: Object.h:292
void assertOK(AstObject *rawPtr1=nullptr, AstObject *rawPtr2=nullptr)
Throw std::runtime_error if AST&#39;s state is bad.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ Object

friend class Object

Definition at line 147 of file WcsMap.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: