LSSTApplications  18.1.0
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
lsst::jointcal Namespace Reference




class  Associations
 The class that implements the relations between MeasuredStar and FittedStar. More...
class  AstrometryFit
 Class that handles the astrometric least squares problem. More...
class  AstrometryMapping
 virtual class needed in the abstraction of the distortion model More...
class  AstrometryModel
 Interface between AstrometryFit and the combinations of Mappings from pixels to some tangent plane (aka distortions). More...
class  AstrometryTransform
 a virtual (interface) class for geometric transformations. More...
class  AstrometryTransformComposition
 Private class to handle AstrometryTransform compositions (i.e. More...
class  AstrometryTransformIdentity
 A do-nothing transformation. It anyway has dummy routines to mimick a AstrometryTransform. More...
class  AstrometryTransformInverse
class  AstrometryTransformLinear
 implements the linear transformations (6 real coefficients). More...
class  AstrometryTransformLinearRot
 just here to provide a specialized constructor, and fit. More...
class  AstrometryTransformLinearScale
 just here to provide specialized constructors. AstrometryTransformLinear fit routine. More...
class  AstrometryTransformLinearShift
 just here to provide a specialized constructor, and fit. More...
class  AstrometryTransformPolynomial
 Polynomial transformation class. More...
class  AstrometryTransformSkyWcs
 A AstrometryTransform that holds a SkyWcs. More...
class  BaseStar
 The base class for handling stars. Used by all matching routines. More...
class  BaseTanWcs
class  CcdImage
 Handler of an actual image from a single CCD. More...
struct  CcdImageKey
 For hashing a ccdImage: the pair of (visit, ccd) IDs should be unique to each ccdImage. More...
class  Chi2Accumulator
 Base class for Chi2Statistic and Chi2List, to allow addEntry inside Fitter for either class. More...
class  Chi2List
 Structure to accumulate the chi2 contributions per each star (to help find outliers). More...
struct  Chi2Star
class  Chi2Statistic
 Simple structure to accumulate chi2 and ndof. More...
class  ChipVisitAstrometryMapping
 The mapping with two transforms in a row. More...
class  ChipVisitFluxMapping
class  ChipVisitMagnitudeMapping
class  ChipVisitPhotometryMapping
 A two-level photometric transform: one for the ccd and one for the visit. More...
class  ConstrainedAstrometryModel
 A multi-component model, fitting mappings for sensors and visits simultaneously. More...
class  ConstrainedFluxModel
class  ConstrainedMagnitudeModel
class  ConstrainedPhotometryModel
 Photometry model with constraints, \(M(x,y) = M_CCD(x,y)*M_visit(u,v)\). More...
class  FastFinder
 This is an auxillary class for matching objects from starlists. More...
class  FatPoint
 A Point with uncertainties. More...
class  FittedStar
 The objects which have been measured several times. More...
class  FittedStarList
 A list of FittedStar s. Such a list is typically constructed by Associations. More...
class  FitterBase
 Base class for fitters. More...
class  FluxTransformChebyshev
 nth-order 2d Chebyshev photometry transform, times the input flux. More...
class  FluxTransformSpatiallyInvariant
 Photometric offset independent of position, defined as (fluxMag0)^-1. More...
class  Frame
 rectangle with sides parallel to axes. More...
class  Histo2d
class  IdentityProjectionHandler
 The simplest implementation of ProjectionHandler. More...
struct  JointcalControl
class  MagnitudeTransformChebyshev
 nth-order 2d Chebyshev photometry transform, plus the input flux. More...
class  MagnitudeTransformSpatiallyInvariant
 Photometric offset independent of position, defined as -2.5 * log(flux / fluxMag0). More...
struct  MatchConditions
 Parameters to be provided to combinatorial searches. More...
class  MeasuredStar
 objects measured on actual images. More...
class  MeasuredStarList
 A list of MeasuredStar. They are usually filled in Associations::createCcdImage. More...
class  OneTPPerVisitHandler
 A projection handler in which all CCDs from the same visit have the same tangent point. More...
class  PhotometryFit
 Class that handles the photometric least squares problem. More...
class  PhotometryMapping
 A mapping containing a single photometryTransform. More...
class  PhotometryMappingBase
 Relates transform(s) to their position in the fitting matrix and allows interaction with the transform(s). More...
class  PhotometryModel
class  PhotometryTransform
 A photometric transform, defined in terms of the input flux or magnitude. More...
class  PhotometryTransformChebyshev
 nth-order 2d Chebyshev photometry transform. More...
class  PhotometryTransformSpatiallyInvariant
 Photometry offset independent of position. More...
struct  PmBlock
 objects whose position is going to be fitted. Coordinates in Common Tangent Plane. More...
class  Point
 A point in a plane. More...
class  PolyXY
struct  ProjectionHandler
 This is a virtual class that allows a lot of freedom in the choice of the projection from "Sky" (where coodinates are reported) to tangent plane (where they are compared to transformed measurements) More...
class  RefStar
 Objects used as position anchors, typically USNO stars. More...
class  RefStarList
struct  Segment
class  SegmentList
struct  SegmentPair
class  SimpleAstrometryMapping
class  SimpleAstrometryModel
 A model where there is one independent transform per CcdImage. More...
class  SimpleFluxModel
class  SimpleMagnitudeModel
class  SimplePhotometryModel
 Photometric response model which has a single photometric factor per CcdImage. More...
class  SimplePolyMapping
 Mapping implementation for a polynomial transformation. More...
class  SparseHisto4d
 A class to histogram in 4 dimensions. More...
class  StarList
 std::lists of Stars. More...
class  StarMatch
 A hanger for star associations. More...
class  StarMatchList
class  TanPixelToRaDec
 The transformation that handles pixels to sideral transformations (Gnomonic, possibly with polynomial distortions). More...
class  TanRaDecToPixel
 This one is the Tangent Plane (called gnomonic) projection (from celestial sphere to tangent plane) More...
class  TanSipPixelToRaDec
 Implements the (forward) SIP distorsion scheme. More...
class  TripletList
class  UserTransform
 A run-time transform that allows users to define a AstrometryTransform with minimal coding (just the apply routine). More...


using RefFluxMapType = std::map< std::string, std::vector< double > >
typedef void() AstrometryTransformFun(const double, const double, double &, double &, const void *)
 signature of the user-provided routine that actually does the coordinate transform for UserTransform. More...
typedef StarList< BaseStarBaseStarList
typedef BaseStarList::const_iterator BaseStarCIterator
typedef BaseStarList::iterator BaseStarIterator
typedef std::list< std::shared_ptr< CcdImage > > CcdImageList
typedef int VisitIdType
typedef int CcdIdType
typedef FittedStarList::const_iterator FittedStarCIterator
typedef FittedStarList::iterator FittedStarIterator
typedef MeasuredStarList::const_iterator MeasuredStarCIterator
typedef MeasuredStarList::iterator MeasuredStarIterator
typedef RefStarList::const_iterator RefStarCIterator
typedef RefStarList::iterator RefStarIterator
typedef ::std::list< StarMatch >::iterator StarMatchIterator
typedef ::std::list< StarMatch >::const_iterator StarMatchCIterator
typedef Eigen::Triplet< double > Trip
using Iterator = FastFinder::Iterator
typedef std::list< Segment >::iterator SegmentIterator
typedef std::list< Segment >::const_iterator SegmentCIterator
typedef std::list< SegmentPairSegmentPairList
typedef SegmentPairList::iterator SegmentPairListIterator
typedef SegmentPairList::const_iterator SegmentPairListCIterator
using SolList = std::list< std::unique_ptr< StarMatchList > >


enum  MinimizeResult { MinimizeResult::Converged, MinimizeResult::Chi2Increased, MinimizeResult::Failed, MinimizeResult::NonFinite }
 Return value of minimize() More...


std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &stream, AstrometryTransform const &transform)
 Delegates to transform.dump() More...
std::unique_ptr< AstrometryTransformcompose (AstrometryTransform const &left, AstrometryTransform const &right)
 Returns a pointer to a composition of transforms, representing left(right()). More...
std::unique_ptr< AstrometryTransformcompose (AstrometryTransform const &left, AstrometryTransformIdentity const &right)
bool isIntegerShift (const AstrometryTransform *transform)
 Shorthand test to tell if a transform is a simple integer shift. More...
std::shared_ptr< AstrometryTransformPolynomialinversePolyTransform (AstrometryTransform const &forward, Frame const &domain, double const precision, std::size_t maxOrder=9, std::size_t nSteps=50)
 Approximate the inverse by a polynomial, to some precision. More...
AstrometryTransformLinear normalizeCoordinatesTransform (const Frame &frame)
 Returns the transformation that maps the input frame along both axes to [-1,1]. More...
std::unique_ptr< AstrometryTransformastrometryTransformRead (const std::string &fileName)
 The virtual constructor from a file. More...
std::unique_ptr< AstrometryTransformastrometryTransformRead (std::istream &s)
 The virtual constructor from a file. More...
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &out, CcdImageKey const &key)
BaseStarListFitted2Base (FittedStarList &This)
BaseStarListFitted2Base (FittedStarList *This)
const BaseStarListFitted2Base (const FittedStarList &This)
const BaseStarListFitted2Base (const FittedStarList *This)
std::unique_ptr< StarMatchListmatchSearchRotShift (BaseStarList &list1, BaseStarList &list2, const MatchConditions &conditions)
 searches a geometrical transformation that goes from list1 to list2. More...
std::unique_ptr< StarMatchListmatchSearchRotShiftFlip (BaseStarList &list1, BaseStarList &list2, const MatchConditions &conditions)
 same as above but searches also a flipped solution. More...
std::unique_ptr< StarMatchListlistMatchCollect (const BaseStarList &list1, const BaseStarList &list2, const AstrometryTransform *guess, const double maxDist)
 assembles star matches. More...
std::unique_ptr< StarMatchListlistMatchCollect (const BaseStarList &list1, const BaseStarList &list2, const double maxDist)
 same as before except that the transform is the identity More...
std::unique_ptr< AstrometryTransformLinearlistMatchupShift (const BaseStarList &list1, const BaseStarList &list2, const AstrometryTransform &transform, double maxShift, double binSize=0)
 searches for a 2 dimensional shift using a very crude histogram method. More...
std::unique_ptr< AstrometryTransformlistMatchCombinatorial (const BaseStarList &list1, const BaseStarList &list2, const MatchConditions &conditions=MatchConditions())
std::unique_ptr< AstrometryTransformlistMatchRefine (const BaseStarList &list1, const BaseStarList &list2, std::unique_ptr< AstrometryTransform > transform, const int maxOrder=3)
BaseStarListMeasured2Base (MeasuredStarList &This)
BaseStarListMeasured2Base (MeasuredStarList *This)
const BaseStarListMeasured2Base (const MeasuredStarList &This)
const BaseStarListMeasured2Base (const MeasuredStarList *This)
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Point &point)
BaseStarListRef2Base (RefStarList &This)
BaseStarListRef2Base (RefStarList *This)
const BaseStarListRef2Base (const RefStarList &This)
const BaseStarListRef2Base (const RefStarList *This)
template<class Star >
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &stream, const StarList< Star > &list)
 enables More...
bool compareStar1 (const StarMatch &one, const StarMatch &two)
bool sameStar1 (const StarMatch &one, const StarMatch &two)
bool compareStar2 (const StarMatch &one, const StarMatch &two)
bool sameStar2 (const StarMatch &one, const StarMatch &two)
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &stream, const StarMatch &match)
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &stream, const StarMatchList &starMatchList)
 A std::list of star matches,. More...
double computeDist2 (const StarMatchList &S, const AstrometryTransform &transform)
 sum of distance squared More...
double computeChi2 (const StarMatchList &L, const AstrometryTransform &transform)
 the actual chi2 More...
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &s, Chi2List const &chi2List)

Typedef Documentation

◆ AstrometryTransformFun

typedef void() lsst::jointcal::AstrometryTransformFun(const double, const double, double &, double &, const void *)

signature of the user-provided routine that actually does the coordinate transform for UserTransform.

Definition at line 750 of file AstrometryTransform.h.

◆ BaseStarCIterator

typedef BaseStarList::const_iterator lsst::jointcal::BaseStarCIterator

Definition at line 121 of file BaseStar.h.

◆ BaseStarIterator

typedef BaseStarList::iterator lsst::jointcal::BaseStarIterator

Definition at line 122 of file BaseStar.h.

◆ BaseStarList

Definition at line 119 of file BaseStar.h.

◆ CcdIdType

Definition at line 49 of file CcdImage.h.

◆ CcdImageList

Definition at line 46 of file CcdImage.h.

◆ FittedStarCIterator

typedef FittedStarList::const_iterator lsst::jointcal::FittedStarCIterator

Definition at line 131 of file FittedStar.h.

◆ FittedStarIterator

typedef FittedStarList::iterator lsst::jointcal::FittedStarIterator

Definition at line 132 of file FittedStar.h.

◆ Iterator

Definition at line 179 of file

◆ MeasuredStarCIterator

typedef MeasuredStarList::const_iterator lsst::jointcal::MeasuredStarCIterator

Definition at line 153 of file MeasuredStar.h.

◆ MeasuredStarIterator

typedef MeasuredStarList::iterator lsst::jointcal::MeasuredStarIterator

Definition at line 154 of file MeasuredStar.h.

◆ RefFluxMapType

Definition at line 51 of file Associations.h.

◆ RefStarCIterator

typedef RefStarList::const_iterator lsst::jointcal::RefStarCIterator

Definition at line 57 of file RefStar.h.

◆ RefStarIterator

typedef RefStarList::iterator lsst::jointcal::RefStarIterator

Definition at line 58 of file RefStar.h.

◆ SegmentCIterator

Definition at line 92 of file

◆ SegmentIterator

Definition at line 91 of file

◆ SegmentPairList

Definition at line 119 of file

◆ SegmentPairListCIterator

typedef SegmentPairList::const_iterator lsst::jointcal::SegmentPairListCIterator

Definition at line 121 of file

◆ SegmentPairListIterator

typedef SegmentPairList::iterator lsst::jointcal::SegmentPairListIterator

Definition at line 120 of file

◆ SolList

Definition at line 157 of file

◆ StarMatchCIterator

Definition at line 134 of file StarMatch.h.

◆ StarMatchIterator

Definition at line 133 of file StarMatch.h.

◆ Trip

typedef Eigen::Triplet<double> lsst::jointcal::Trip

Definition at line 35 of file Tripletlist.h.

◆ VisitIdType

Definition at line 48 of file CcdImage.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ MinimizeResult

Return value of minimize()


Definition at line 40 of file FitterBase.h.

40  {
41  Converged, // fit has converged - no more outliers
42  Chi2Increased, // still some ouliers but chi2 increases
43  Failed, // factorization failed
44  NonFinite // non-finite chi2 statistic
45 };

Function Documentation

◆ astrometryTransformRead() [1/2]

std::unique_ptr< AstrometryTransform > lsst::jointcal::astrometryTransformRead ( const std::string fileName)

The virtual constructor from a file.

Definition at line 1781 of file

1781  {
1782  ifstream s(fileName.c_str());
1783  if (!s)
1784  throw LSST_EXCEPT(pex::exceptions::InvalidParameterError,
1785  " astrometryTransformRead : cannot open " + fileName);
1786  try {
1788  s.close();
1789  return res;
1790  } catch (pex::exceptions::InvalidParameterError &e) {
1791  throw LSST_EXCEPT(pex::exceptions::InvalidParameterError,
1792  std::string(e.what()) + " in file " + fileName);
1793  }
1794 }
STL class.
solver_t * s
std::unique_ptr< AstrometryTransform > astrometryTransformRead(const std::string &fileName)
The virtual constructor from a file.
#define LSST_EXCEPT(type,...)
Create an exception with a given type.
Definition: Exception.h:48
STL class.
T c_str(T... args)
STL class.

◆ astrometryTransformRead() [2/2]

std::unique_ptr< AstrometryTransform > lsst::jointcal::astrometryTransformRead ( std::istream s)

The virtual constructor from a file.

Definition at line 1796 of file

1796  {
1797  std::string type;
1798  s >> type;
1799  if (
1800  throw LSST_EXCEPT(pex::exceptions::InvalidParameterError,
1801  "astrometryTransformRead : could not find a AstrometryTransformtype");
1802  if (type == "AstrometryTransformIdentity") {
1803  std::unique_ptr<AstrometryTransformIdentity> res(new AstrometryTransformIdentity());
1804  res->read(s);
1805  return std::move(res);
1806  } else if (type == "AstrometryTransformPolynomial") {
1807  std::unique_ptr<AstrometryTransformPolynomial> res(new AstrometryTransformPolynomial());
1808  res->read(s);
1809  return std::move(res);
1810  } else
1811  throw LSST_EXCEPT(pex::exceptions::InvalidParameterError,
1812  " astrometryTransformRead : No reader for AstrometryTransform type " + type);
1813 }
T fail(T... args)
STL class.
table::Key< int > type
T move(T... args)
#define LSST_EXCEPT(type,...)
Create an exception with a given type.
Definition: Exception.h:48
STL class.

◆ compareStar1()

bool lsst::jointcal::compareStar1 ( const StarMatch one,
const StarMatch two 

Definition at line 115 of file StarMatch.h.

115  {
116  return ((one.s1 == two.s1) ? (one.distance < two.distance) : (&(*one.s1) > &(*two.s1)));
117 }
CitizenInit one

◆ compareStar2()

bool lsst::jointcal::compareStar2 ( const StarMatch one,
const StarMatch two 

Definition at line 121 of file StarMatch.h.

121  {
122  return ((one.s2 == two.s2) ? (one.distance < two.distance) : (&(*one.s2) > &(*two.s2)));
123 }
CitizenInit one

◆ compose() [1/2]

std::unique_ptr< AstrometryTransform > lsst::jointcal::compose ( AstrometryTransform const &  left,
AstrometryTransform const &  right 

Returns a pointer to a composition of transforms, representing left(right()).

Deletion of returned value to be done by caller.

If left->composeAndReduce(right) returns NULL, build a AstrometryTransformComposition and return it. This routine implements "run-time" compositions. When there is a possible "reduction" (e.g. compositions of polynomials), compose detects it and returns a genuine AstrometryTransform.

The composed transform.

Definition at line 424 of file

425  {
426  // Try to use the composeAndReduce method from left. If absent, AstrometryTransform::composeAndReduce
427  // returns NULL. composeAndReduce is non trivial for polynomials.
428  std::unique_ptr<AstrometryTransform> composition(left.composeAndReduce(right));
429  // composition == NULL means no reduction: just build a Composition that pipelines "left" and "right".
430  if (composition == nullptr)
431  return std::make_unique<AstrometryTransformComposition>(left, right);
432  else
433  return composition;
434 }
T left(T... args)
STL class.

◆ compose() [2/2]

std::unique_ptr< AstrometryTransform > lsst::jointcal::compose ( AstrometryTransform const &  left,
AstrometryTransformIdentity const &  right 

Definition at line 419 of file

420  {
421  return left.clone();
422 }
T left(T... args)

◆ computeChi2()

double lsst::jointcal::computeChi2 ( const StarMatchList L,
const AstrometryTransform transform 

the actual chi2

Definition at line 246 of file

246  {
247  unsigned s = starMatchList.size();
248  std::unique_ptr<double[]> chi2s(chi2_array(starMatchList, transform));
249  double chi2 = 0;
250  for (unsigned k = 0; k < s; ++k) chi2 += chi2s[k];
251  return chi2;
252 }
solver_t * s
STL class.

◆ computeDist2()

double lsst::jointcal::computeDist2 ( const StarMatchList S,
const AstrometryTransform transform 

sum of distance squared

Definition at line 239 of file

239  {
240  double dist2 = 0;
241  for (auto const &starMatch : starMatchList)
242  dist2 += transform.apply(starMatch.point1).computeDist2(starMatch.point2);
243  return dist2;
244 }

◆ Fitted2Base() [1/4]

BaseStarList & lsst::jointcal::Fitted2Base ( FittedStarList This)

Definition at line 64 of file

64 { return (BaseStarList &)This; }
StarList< BaseStar > BaseStarList
Definition: BaseStar.h:119

◆ Fitted2Base() [2/4]

BaseStarList * lsst::jointcal::Fitted2Base ( FittedStarList This)

Definition at line 66 of file

66 { return (BaseStarList *)This; }
StarList< BaseStar > BaseStarList
Definition: BaseStar.h:119

◆ Fitted2Base() [3/4]

const BaseStarList & lsst::jointcal::Fitted2Base ( const FittedStarList This)

Definition at line 68 of file

68 { return (const BaseStarList &)This; }
StarList< BaseStar > BaseStarList
Definition: BaseStar.h:119

◆ Fitted2Base() [4/4]

const BaseStarList * lsst::jointcal::Fitted2Base ( const FittedStarList This)

Definition at line 70 of file

70 { return (BaseStarList *)This; }
StarList< BaseStar > BaseStarList
Definition: BaseStar.h:119

◆ inversePolyTransform()

std::shared_ptr< AstrometryTransformPolynomial > lsst::jointcal::inversePolyTransform ( AstrometryTransform const &  forward,
Frame const &  domain,
double const  precision,
std::size_t  maxOrder = 9,
std::size_t  nSteps = 50 

Approximate the inverse by a polynomial, to some precision.

forwardTransform to be inverted.
[in]domainThe domain of forward.
[in]precisionRequire that \(chi2 / (nsteps^2) < precision^2\).
[in]maxOrderThe maximum order allowed of the inverse polynomial.
[in]nStepsThe number of sample points per axis (nSteps^2 total points).
A polynomial that best approximates forward.

Definition at line 1132 of file

1136  {
1137  StarMatchList sm;
1138  double xStart = domain.xMin;
1139  double yStart = domain.yMin;
1140  double xStep = domain.getWidth() / (nSteps - 1);
1141  double yStep = domain.getHeight() / (nSteps - 1);
1142  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nSteps; ++i) {
1143  for (std::size_t j = 0; j < nSteps; ++j) {
1144  Point in(xStart + i * xStep, yStart + j * yStep);
1145  Point out(forward.apply(in));
1146  sm.push_back(StarMatch(out, in, nullptr, nullptr));
1147  }
1148  }
1149  std::size_t npairs = sm.size();
1150  std::size_t order;
1153  double chi2 = 0;
1154  double oldChi2 = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
1155  for (order = 1; order <= maxOrder; ++order) {
1156  poly.reset(new AstrometryTransformPolynomial(order));
1157  auto success = poly->fit(sm);
1158  if (success == -1) {
1159  std::stringstream errMsg;
1160  errMsg << "Cannot fit a polynomial of order " << order << " with " << nSteps << "^2 points";
1161  throw pexExcept::RuntimeError(errMsg.str());
1162  }
1163  // compute the chi2 ignoring errors:
1164  chi2 = 0;
1165  for (auto const &i : sm) chi2 += i.point2.computeDist2(poly->apply((i.point1)));
1166  LOGLS_TRACE(_log, "inversePoly order " << order << ": " << chi2 << " / " << npairs << " = "
1167  << chi2 / npairs << " < " << precision * precision);
1169  if (chi2 / npairs < precision * precision) break;
1171  // If this triggers, we know we did not reach the required precision.
1172  if (chi2 > oldChi2) {
1173  LOGLS_WARN(_log, "inversePolyTransform: chi2 increases ("
1174  << chi2 << " > " << oldChi2 << "); ending fit with order: " << order);
1175  LOGLS_WARN(_log, "inversePolyTransform: requested precision not reached: "
1176  << chi2 << " / " << npairs << " = " << chi2 / npairs << " < "
1177  << precision * precision);
1178  poly = std::move(oldPoly);
1179  order--;
1180  break;
1181  } else {
1182  oldChi2 = chi2;
1183  // Clone it so we don't lose it in the next iteration.
1184  oldPoly = dynamic_pointer_cast<AstrometryTransformPolynomial>(
1185  std::shared_ptr<AstrometryTransform>(poly->clone()));
1186  }
1187  }
1188  if (order > maxOrder)
1189  LOGLS_WARN(_log, "inversePolyTransform: Reached max order without reaching requested precision: "
1190  << chi2 << " / " << npairs << " = " << chi2 / npairs << " < "
1191  << precision * precision);
1192  return poly;
1193 }
#define LOGLS_WARN(logger, message)
Log a warn-level message using an iostream-based interface.
Definition: Log.h:633
Low-level polynomials (including special polynomials) in C++.
Definition: Basis1d.h:26
#define LOGLS_TRACE(logger, message)
Log a trace-level message using an iostream-based interface.
Definition: Log.h:573
T str(T... args)
T reset(T... args)
T dynamic_pointer_cast(T... args)
T infinity(T... args)
T move(T... args)
T forward(T... args)
Reports errors that are due to events beyond the control of the program.
Definition: Runtime.h:104

◆ isIntegerShift()

bool lsst::jointcal::isIntegerShift ( const AstrometryTransform transform)

Shorthand test to tell if a transform is a simple integer shift.

Definition at line 55 of file

55  {
56  const AstrometryTransformPolynomial *shift =
57  dynamic_cast<const AstrometryTransformPolynomial *>(transform);
58  if (shift == nullptr) return false;
60  static const double eps = 1e-5;
62  double dx = shift->coeff(0, 0, 0);
63  double dy = shift->coeff(0, 0, 1);
65  static Point dumb(4000, 4000);
66  if (fabs(dx - int(floor(dx + 0.5))) < eps && fabs(dy - int(floor(dy + 0.5))) < eps &&
67  fabs(dumb.x + dx - shift->apply(dumb).x) < eps && fabs(dumb.y + dy - shift->apply(dumb).y) < eps)
68  return true;
70  return false;
71 }
T fabs(T... args)
Extent< int, N > floor(Extent< double, N > const &input) noexcept
Return the component-wise floor (round towards more negative).
table::Key< int > transform

◆ listMatchCollect() [1/2]

std::unique_ptr< StarMatchList > lsst::jointcal::listMatchCollect ( const BaseStarList list1,
const BaseStarList list2,
const AstrometryTransform guess,
const double  maxDist 

assembles star matches.

It picks stars in list1, transforms them through guess, and collects closest star in list2, and builds a match if closer than maxDist).

Definition at line 569 of file

570  {
571  std::unique_ptr<StarMatchList> matches(new StarMatchList);
572  /****** Collect ***********/
573  FastFinder finder(list2);
574  for (BaseStarCIterator si = list1.begin(); si != list1.end(); ++si) {
575  auto p1 = (*si);
576  Point p2 = guess->apply(*p1);
577  auto neighbour = finder.findClosest(p2, maxDist);
578  if (!neighbour) continue;
579  double distance = p2.Distance(*neighbour);
580  if (distance < maxDist) {
581  matches->push_back(StarMatch(*p1, *neighbour, p1, neighbour));
582  // assign the distance, since we have it in hand:
583  matches->back().distance = distance;
584  }
585  }
586  matches->setTransform(guess);
588  return matches;
589 }
BaseStarList::const_iterator BaseStarCIterator
Definition: BaseStar.h:121
STL class.

◆ listMatchCollect() [2/2]

std::unique_ptr< StarMatchList > lsst::jointcal::listMatchCollect ( const BaseStarList list1,
const BaseStarList list2,
const double  maxDist 

same as before except that the transform is the identity

Definition at line 615 of file

616  {
617  std::unique_ptr<StarMatchList> matches(new StarMatchList);
618  FastFinder finder(list2);
619  for (BaseStarCIterator si = list1.begin(); si != list1.end(); ++si) {
620  auto p1 = (*si);
621  auto neighbour = finder.findClosest(*p1, maxDist);
622  if (!neighbour) continue;
623  double distance = p1->Distance(*neighbour);
624  if (distance < maxDist) {
625  matches->push_back(StarMatch(*p1, *neighbour, p1, neighbour));
626  // assign the distance, since we have it in hand:
627  matches->back().distance = distance;
628  }
629  }
631  matches->setTransform(std::make_shared<AstrometryTransformIdentity>());
633  return matches;
634 }
BaseStarList::const_iterator BaseStarCIterator
Definition: BaseStar.h:121
STL class.

◆ listMatchCombinatorial()

std::unique_ptr< AstrometryTransform > lsst::jointcal::listMatchCombinatorial ( const BaseStarList list1,
const BaseStarList list2,
const MatchConditions conditions = MatchConditions() 

Definition at line 680 of file

682  {
683  BaseStarList list1, list2;
684  List1.copyTo(list1);
685  list1.fluxSort();
686  List2.copyTo(list2);
687  list2.fluxSort();
689  LOGLS_INFO(_log, "listMatchCombinatorial: find match between " << list1.size() << " and " << list2.size()
690  << " stars...");
691  auto match = matchSearchRotShiftFlip(list1, list2, conditions);
692  double pixSizeRatio2 = std::pow(conditions.sizeRatio, 2);
693  size_t nmin =
694  std::min(size_t(10), size_t(std::min(List1.size(), List2.size()) * conditions.minMatchRatio));
697  if (is_transform_ok(match.get(), pixSizeRatio2, nmin))
698  transform = match->getTransform()->clone();
699  else {
700  LOGL_ERROR(_log, "listMatchCombinatorial: direct transform failed, trying reverse");
701  match = matchSearchRotShiftFlip(list2, list1, conditions);
702  if (is_transform_ok(match.get(), pixSizeRatio2, nmin))
703  transform = match->inverseTransform();
704  else {
705  LOGL_FATAL(_log, "FAILED");
706  }
707  }
709  if (transform) {
710  LOGL_INFO(_log, "FOUND");
711  if (conditions.printLevel >= 1) {
712  LOGL_DEBUG(_log, " listMatchCombinatorial: found the following transform.");
713  LOGLS_DEBUG(_log, *transform);
714  }
715  } else
716  LOGL_ERROR(_log, "listMatchCombinatorial: failed to find a transform");
717  return transform;
718 }
StarList< BaseStar > BaseStarList
Definition: BaseStar.h:119
#define LOGL_ERROR(logger, message...)
Log a error-level message using a varargs/printf style interface.
Definition: Log.h:537
#define LOGL_DEBUG(logger, message...)
Log a debug-level message using a varargs/printf style interface.
Definition: Log.h:489
T min(T... args)
std::unique_ptr< StarMatchList > matchSearchRotShiftFlip(BaseStarList &list1, BaseStarList &list2, const MatchConditions &conditions)
same as above but searches also a flipped solution.
#define LOGL_INFO(logger, message...)
Log a info-level message using a varargs/printf style interface.
Definition: Log.h:505
#define LOGL_FATAL(logger, message...)
Log a fatal-level message using a varargs/printf style interface.
Definition: Log.h:553
#define LOGLS_DEBUG(logger, message)
Log a debug-level message using an iostream-based interface.
Definition: Log.h:593
#define LOGLS_INFO(logger, message)
Log a info-level message using an iostream-based interface.
Definition: Log.h:613
STL class.
T pow(T... args)
table::Key< int > transform

◆ listMatchRefine()

std::unique_ptr< AstrometryTransform > lsst::jointcal::listMatchRefine ( const BaseStarList list1,
const BaseStarList list2,
std::unique_ptr< AstrometryTransform transform,
const int  maxOrder = 3 

Definition at line 720 of file

722  {
723  if (!transform) {
724  return std::unique_ptr<AstrometryTransform>(nullptr);
725  }
727  // some hard-coded constants that could go in a param file
728  const double brightDist = 2.; // distance in pixels in a match
729  const double fullDist = 4.; // distance in pixels in a match between entire lists
730  const double nSigmas = 3.; // k-sigma clipping on residuals
731  const size_t nStars = 500; // max number of bright stars to fit
733  int order = 1;
734  size_t nstarmin = 3;
736  BaseStarList list1, list2;
737  List1.copyTo(list1);
738  list1.fluxSort();
739  list1.cutTail(nStars);
740  List2.copyTo(list2);
741  list2.fluxSort();
742  list2.cutTail(nStars);
744  auto fullMatch = listMatchCollect(List1, List2, transform.get(), fullDist);
745  auto brightMatch = listMatchCollect(list1, list2, transform.get(), brightDist);
746  double curChi2 = computeChi2(*brightMatch, *transform) / brightMatch->size();
748  LOGLS_INFO(_log, "listMatchRefine: start: med.resid " << median_distance(fullMatch.get(), transform.get())
749  << " #match " << fullMatch->size());
751  do { // loop on transform order on full list of stars
752  auto curTransform = brightMatch->getTransform()->clone();
753  unsigned iter = 0;
754  double transDiff;
755  do { // loop on transform diff only on bright stars
756  brightMatch->setTransformOrder(order);
757  brightMatch->refineTransform(nSigmas);
758  transDiff = transform_diff(list1, brightMatch->getTransform().get(), curTransform.get());
759  curTransform = brightMatch->getTransform()->clone();
760  brightMatch = listMatchCollect(list1, list2, curTransform.get(), brightDist);
761  } while (brightMatch->size() > nstarmin && transDiff > 0.05 && ++iter < 5);
763  double prevChi2 = curChi2;
764  curChi2 = computeChi2(*brightMatch, *curTransform) / brightMatch->size();
766  fullMatch = listMatchCollect(List1, List2, curTransform.get(), fullDist);
767  LOGLS_INFO(_log, "listMatchRefine: order " << order << " med.resid "
768  << median_distance(fullMatch.get(), curTransform.get())
769  << " #match " << fullMatch->size());
770  if (((prevChi2 - curChi2) > 0.01 * curChi2) && curChi2 > 0) {
771  LOGLS_INFO(_log, " listMatchRefine: order " << order << " was a better guess.");
772  transform = brightMatch->getTransform()->clone();
773  }
774  nstarmin = brightMatch->getTransform()->getNpar();
775  } while (++order <= maxOrder);
777  return transform;
778 }
StarList< BaseStar > BaseStarList
Definition: BaseStar.h:119
std::unique_ptr< StarMatchList > listMatchCollect(const BaseStarList &list1, const BaseStarList &list2, const AstrometryTransform *guess, const double maxDist)
assembles star matches.
#define LOGLS_INFO(logger, message)
Log a info-level message using an iostream-based interface.
Definition: Log.h:613
T get(T... args)
STL class.
table::Key< int > transform
double computeChi2(const StarMatchList &L, const AstrometryTransform &transform)
the actual chi2

◆ listMatchupShift()

std::unique_ptr< AstrometryTransformLinear > lsst::jointcal::listMatchupShift ( const BaseStarList list1,
const BaseStarList list2,
const AstrometryTransform transform,
double  maxShift,
double  binSize = 0 

searches for a 2 dimensional shift using a very crude histogram method.

Definition at line 491 of file

494  {
495  int nx;
496  if (binSize == 0) {
497  int ncomb = list1.size() * list2.size();
498  if (ncomb > 10000)
499  nx = 100;
500  else
501  nx = (int)sqrt(double(ncomb));
502  if (!ncomb) return std::unique_ptr<AstrometryTransformLinear>(nullptr);
503  } else
504  nx = int(2 * maxShift / binSize + 0.5);
506  Histo2d histo(nx, -maxShift, maxShift, nx, -maxShift, maxShift);
507  double binSizeNew = 2 * maxShift / nx;
510  FastFinder finder(list2);
511  double x1, y1;
512  for (s1 = list1.begin(); s1 != list1.end(); ++s1) {
513  transform.apply((*s1)->x, (*s1)->y, x1, y1);
514  FastFinder::Iterator it = finder.beginScan(Point(x1, y1), maxShift);
515  while (*it) {
516  auto s2 = *it;
517  histo.fill(s2->x - x1, s2->y - y1);
518  ++it;
519  }
520  }
521  SolList Solutions;
522  for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
523  double dx = 0, dy = 0;
524  double count = histo.maxBin(dx, dy);
525  histo.fill(dx, dy, -count); // zero the maxbin
526  AstrometryTransformLinearShift shift(dx, dy);
527  auto newGuess = compose(shift, transform);
528  auto raw_matches = listMatchCollect(list1, list2, newGuess.get(), binSizeNew);
529  std::unique_ptr<StarMatchList> matches(new StarMatchList);
530  raw_matches->applyTransform(*matches, &transform);
531  matches->setTransformOrder(1);
532  matches->refineTransform(3.);
533  Solutions.push_back(std::move(matches));
534  }
535  Solutions.sort(DecreasingQuality);
537  new AstrometryTransformLinear(*std::const_pointer_cast<AstrometryTransformLinear>(
538  std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const AstrometryTransformLinear>(
539  Solutions.front()->getTransform()))));
540  return best;
541 }
BaseStarList::const_iterator BaseStarCIterator
Definition: BaseStar.h:121
std::unique_ptr< StarMatchList > listMatchCollect(const BaseStarList &list1, const BaseStarList &list2, const AstrometryTransform *guess, const double maxDist)
assembles star matches.
FastFinder::Iterator Iterator
T move(T... args)
T count(T... args)
STL class.
T sqrt(T... args)
std::list< std::unique_ptr< StarMatchList > > SolList

◆ matchSearchRotShift()

std::unique_ptr< StarMatchList > lsst::jointcal::matchSearchRotShift ( BaseStarList list1,
BaseStarList list2,
const MatchConditions conditions 

searches a geometrical transformation that goes from list1 to list2.

The found transformation is a field of the returned object, as well as the star pairs (the matches) that were constructed. (see StarMatchList class definition for more details). The various cuts are contained in conditions (see listmatch.h) for its contents. This routine searches a transformation that involves a shift and a rotation.

Definition at line 425 of file

426  {
427  list1.fluxSort();
428  list2.fluxSort();
430  return ListMatchupRotShift(list1, list2, AstrometryTransformIdentity(), conditions);
431 }

◆ matchSearchRotShiftFlip()

std::unique_ptr< StarMatchList > lsst::jointcal::matchSearchRotShiftFlip ( BaseStarList list1,
BaseStarList list2,
const MatchConditions conditions 

same as above but searches also a flipped solution.

Definition at line 433 of file

434  {
435  list1.fluxSort();
436  list2.fluxSort();
438  AstrometryTransformLinear flip(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1);
439  std::unique_ptr<StarMatchList> flipped(ListMatchupRotShift(list1, list2, flip, conditions));
441  ListMatchupRotShift(list1, list2, AstrometryTransformIdentity(), conditions));
442  if (!flipped || !unflipped) return std::unique_ptr<StarMatchList>(nullptr);
443  if (conditions.printLevel >= 1) {
444  LOGLS_DEBUG(_log,
445  "unflipped Residual " << unflipped->computeResidual() << " nused " << unflipped->size());
446  LOGLS_DEBUG(_log, "flipped Residual " << flipped->computeResidual() << " nused " << flipped->size());
447  }
448  if (DecreasingQuality(flipped, unflipped)) {
449  if (conditions.printLevel >= 1) LOGL_DEBUG(_log, "Keeping flipped solution.");
450  // One should NOT apply the flip to the result because the matchlist
451  // (even the flipped one) contains the actual coordinates of stars.
452  // MatchListExtract is always called with AstrometryTransformIdentity() as last parameter
453  return flipped;
454  } else {
455  if (conditions.printLevel >= 1) LOGL_DEBUG(_log, "Keeping unflipped solution.");
456  return unflipped;
457  }
458 }
#define LOGL_DEBUG(logger, message...)
Log a debug-level message using a varargs/printf style interface.
Definition: Log.h:489
#define LOGLS_DEBUG(logger, message)
Log a debug-level message using an iostream-based interface.
Definition: Log.h:593
STL class.

◆ Measured2Base() [1/4]

BaseStarList & lsst::jointcal::Measured2Base ( MeasuredStarList This)

Definition at line 58 of file

58 { return (BaseStarList &)This; }
StarList< BaseStar > BaseStarList
Definition: BaseStar.h:119

◆ Measured2Base() [2/4]

BaseStarList * lsst::jointcal::Measured2Base ( MeasuredStarList This)

Definition at line 60 of file

60 { return (BaseStarList *)This; }
StarList< BaseStar > BaseStarList
Definition: BaseStar.h:119

◆ Measured2Base() [3/4]

const BaseStarList & lsst::jointcal::Measured2Base ( const MeasuredStarList This)

Definition at line 62 of file

62 { return (const BaseStarList &)This; }
StarList< BaseStar > BaseStarList
Definition: BaseStar.h:119

◆ Measured2Base() [4/4]

const BaseStarList * lsst::jointcal::Measured2Base ( const MeasuredStarList This)

Definition at line 64 of file

64 { return (BaseStarList *)This; }
StarList< BaseStar > BaseStarList
Definition: BaseStar.h:119

◆ normalizeCoordinatesTransform()

AstrometryTransformLinear lsst::jointcal::normalizeCoordinatesTransform ( const Frame frame)

Returns the transformation that maps the input frame along both axes to [-1,1].

Definition at line 818 of file

818  {
819  Point center = frame.getCenter();
820  return AstrometryTransformLinearScale(2. / frame.getWidth(), 2. / frame.getHeight()) *
821  AstrometryTransformLinearShift(-center.x, -center.y);
822 }

◆ operator<<() [1/7]

std::ostream& lsst::jointcal::operator<< ( std::ostream s,
Chi2List const &  chi2List 

Definition at line 45 of file

45  {
46  s << "chi2 per star : ";
47  for (auto chi2 : chi2List) {
48  s << *( << " chi2: " << chi2.chi2 << " ; ";
49  }
50  s << std::endl;
51  return s;
52 }
T endl(T... args)
solver_t * s

◆ operator<<() [2/7]

std::ostream & lsst::jointcal::operator<< ( std::ostream out,
CcdImageKey const &  key 

Definition at line 52 of file

52  {
53  out << "(visit: " << key.visit << ", ccd: " << key.ccd << ")";
54  return out;
55 }
Key< U > key

◆ operator<<() [3/7]

std::ostream& lsst::jointcal::operator<< ( std::ostream stream,
const Point point 

Definition at line 69 of file Point.h.

69  {
70  point.dump(stream);
71  return stream;
72  }

◆ operator<<() [4/7]

template<class Star >
std::ostream& lsst::jointcal::operator<< ( std::ostream stream,
const StarList< Star > &  list 


std::cout << my_list; 

Definition at line 105 of file StarList.h.

105  {
106  list.dump(stream);
107  return stream;
108 }
daf::base::PropertyList * list

◆ operator<<() [5/7]

std::ostream & lsst::jointcal::operator<< ( std::ostream stream,
const StarMatch match 

Definition at line 56 of file

56  {
57  stream << match.point1.x << ' ' << match.point1.y << ' ' << match.point2.x << ' ' << match.point2.y << ' '
58  << match.distance << std::endl;
59  return stream;
60 }
T endl(T... args)

◆ operator<<() [6/7]

std::ostream & lsst::jointcal::operator<< ( std::ostream stream,
const StarMatchList starMatchList 

A std::list of star matches,.

To be used as the argument to AstrometryTransform::fit routines. There is as well a StarMatch::fit routine which fits a polynomial by default, although the transform may be user-provided. The StarMatchList::refineTransform is a convenient tool to reject outliers. Given two catalogs, one can assemble a StarMatchList using utilities such as listMatchCollect. StarMatchList's have write capabilities. NStarMatchList is a generalization of this 2-match to n-matches.

Definition at line 62 of file

62  {
63  stream << " number of elements " << starMatchList.size() << std::endl;
64  copy(starMatchList.begin(), starMatchList.end(), std::ostream_iterator<StarMatch>(stream));
65  return stream;
66 }
T copy(T... args)
T endl(T... args)

◆ operator<<() [7/7]

ostream & lsst::jointcal::operator<< ( std::ostream stream,
AstrometryTransform const &  transform 

Delegates to transform.dump()

Definition at line 240 of file

240  {
241  transform.dump(stream);
242  return stream;
243 }

◆ Ref2Base() [1/4]

BaseStarList & lsst::jointcal::Ref2Base ( RefStarList This)

Definition at line 34 of file

34 { return (BaseStarList &)This; }
StarList< BaseStar > BaseStarList
Definition: BaseStar.h:119

◆ Ref2Base() [2/4]

BaseStarList * lsst::jointcal::Ref2Base ( RefStarList This)

Definition at line 36 of file

36 { return (BaseStarList *)This; }
StarList< BaseStar > BaseStarList
Definition: BaseStar.h:119

◆ Ref2Base() [3/4]

const BaseStarList & lsst::jointcal::Ref2Base ( const RefStarList This)

Definition at line 38 of file

38 { return (const BaseStarList &)This; }
StarList< BaseStar > BaseStarList
Definition: BaseStar.h:119

◆ Ref2Base() [4/4]

const BaseStarList * lsst::jointcal::Ref2Base ( const RefStarList This)

Definition at line 40 of file

40 { return (BaseStarList *)This; }
StarList< BaseStar > BaseStarList
Definition: BaseStar.h:119

◆ sameStar1()

bool lsst::jointcal::sameStar1 ( const StarMatch one,
const StarMatch two 

Definition at line 119 of file StarMatch.h.

119 { return (one.s1 == two.s1); }
CitizenInit one

◆ sameStar2()

bool lsst::jointcal::sameStar2 ( const StarMatch one,
const StarMatch two 

Definition at line 125 of file StarMatch.h.

125 { return (one.s2 == two.s2); }
CitizenInit one