LSSTApplications  18.1.0
Classes | Functions | Variables
lsst.meas.deblender.baseline Namespace Reference


class  CachingPsf
class  DeblendedParent
class  DeblendedPeak
class  DeblenderResult
class  MultiColorPeak


def deblend (footprint, maskedImage, psf, psffwhm, psfChisqCut1=1.5, psfChisqCut2=1.5, psfChisqCut2b=1.5, fitPsfs=True, medianSmoothTemplate=True, medianFilterHalfsize=2, monotonicTemplate=True, weightTemplates=False, log=None, verbose=False, sigma1=None, maxNumberOfPeaks=0, assignStrayFlux=True, strayFluxToPointSources='necessary', strayFluxAssignment='r-to-peak', rampFluxAtEdge=False, patchEdges=False, tinyFootprintSize=2, getTemplateSum=False, clipStrayFluxFraction=0.001, clipFootprintToNonzero=True, removeDegenerateTemplates=False, maxTempDotProd=0.5)
def newDeblend (debPlugins, footprint, mMaskedImage, psfs, psfFwhms, log=None, verbose=False, avgNoise=None, maxNumberOfPeaks=0)



Function Documentation

◆ deblend()

def lsst.meas.deblender.baseline.deblend (   footprint,
  psfChisqCut1 = 1.5,
  psfChisqCut2 = 1.5,
  psfChisqCut2b = 1.5,
  fitPsfs = True,
  medianSmoothTemplate = True,
  medianFilterHalfsize = 2,
  monotonicTemplate = True,
  weightTemplates = False,
  log = None,
  verbose = False,
  sigma1 = None,
  maxNumberOfPeaks = 0,
  assignStrayFlux = True,
  strayFluxToPointSources = 'necessary',
  strayFluxAssignment = 'r-to-peak',
  rampFluxAtEdge = False,
  patchEdges = False,
  tinyFootprintSize = 2,
  getTemplateSum = False,
  clipStrayFluxFraction = 0.001,
  clipFootprintToNonzero = True,
  removeDegenerateTemplates = False,
  maxTempDotProd = 0.5 
Deblend a parent ``Footprint`` in a ``MaskedImageF``.

Deblending assumes that ``footprint`` has multiple peaks, as it will still create a
`PerFootprint` object with a list of peaks even if there is only one peak in the list.
It is recommended to first check that ``footprint`` has more than one peak, similar to the
execution of `lsst.meas.deblender.deblend.SourceDeblendTask`.

.. note::
    This is the API for the old deblender, however the function builds the plugins necessary
    to use the new deblender to perform identically to the old deblender.
    To test out newer functionality use ``newDeblend`` instead.

Deblending involves several mandatory and optional steps:
# Optional: If ``fitPsfs`` is True, find all peaks that are well-fit by a PSF + background model
    * Peaks that pass the cuts have their footprints modified to the PSF + background model
      and their ``deblendedAsPsf`` property set to ``True``.
    * Relevant parameters: ``psfChisqCut1``, ``psfChisqCut2``, ``psfChisqCut2b``,
    * See the parameter descriptions for more.
# Build a symmetric template for each peak not well-fit by the PSF model
    * Given ``maskedImageF``, ``footprint``, and a ``DeblendedPeak``, creates a symmetric
      template (``templateImage`` and ``templateFootprint``) around the peak
      for all peaks not flagged as ``skip`` or ``deblendedAsPsf``.
    * If ``patchEdges=True`` and if ``footprint`` touches pixels with the
      ``EDGE`` bit set, then ``footprint`` is grown to include spans whose
      symmetric mirror is outside of the image.
    * Relevant parameters: ``sigma1`` and ``patchEdges``.
# Optional: If ``rampFluxAtEdge`` is True, adjust flux on the edges of the template footprints
    * Using the PSF, a peak ``Footprint`` with pixels on the edge of of ``footprint``
      is grown by the psffwhm*1.5 and filled in with zeros.
    * The result is a new symmetric footprint template for the peaks near the edge.
    * Relevant parameter: ``patchEdges``.
# Optionally (``medianSmoothTemplate=True``) filter the template images
    * Apply a median smoothing filter to all of the template images.
    * Relevant parameters: ``medianFilterHalfSize``
# Optional: If ``monotonicTemplate`` is True, make the templates monotonic.
    * The pixels in the templates are modified such that pixels
      further from the peak will have values smaller than those closer to the peak.
# Optional: If ``clipFootprintToNonzero`` is True, clip non-zero spans in the template footprints
    * Peak ``Footprint``s are clipped to the region in the image containing non-zero values
      by dropping spans that are completely zero and moving endpoints to non-zero pixels
      (but does not split spans that have internal zeros).
# Optional: If ``weightTemplates`` is True,  weight the templates to best fit the observed image
    * Re-weight the templates so that their linear combination
      best represents the observed ``maskedImage``
# Optional: If ``removeDegenerateTempaltes`` is True, reconstruct shredded galaxies
    * If galaxies have substructure, such as face-on spirals, the process of identifying peaks can
      "shred" the galaxy into many pieces. The templates of shredded galaxies are typically quite
      similar because they represent the same galaxy, so we try to identify these "degenerate" peaks
      by looking at the inner product (in pixel space) of pairs of templates.
    * If they are nearly parallel, we only keep one of the peaks and reject the other.
    * If only one of the peaks is a PSF template, the other template is used,
      otherwise the one with the maximum template value is kept.
    * Relevant parameters: ``maxTempDotProduct``
# Apportion flux to all of the peak templates
    * Divide the ``maskedImage`` flux amongst all of the templates based on the fraction of
      flux assigned to each ``tempalteFootprint``.
    * Leftover "stray flux" is assigned to peaks based on the other parameters.
    * Relevant parameters: ``clipStrayFluxFraction``, ``strayFluxAssignment``,
      ``strayFluxToPointSources``, ``assignStrayFlux``

footprint: `afw.detection.Footprint`
    Parent footprint to deblend
maskedImage: `afw.image.MaskedImageF`
    Masked image containing the ``footprint``
psf: `afw.detection.Psf`
    Psf of the ``maskedImage``
psffwhm: `float`
    FWHM of the ``maskedImage``'s ``psf``
psfChisqCut*: `float`, optional
    If ``fitPsfs==True``, all of the peaks are fit to the image PSF.
    ``psfChisqCut1`` is the maximum chi-squared-per-degree-of-freedom allowed for a peak to
    be considered a PSF match without recentering.
    A fit is also made that includes terms to recenter the PSF.
    ``psfChisqCut2`` is the same as ``psfChisqCut1`` except it determines the restriction on the
    fit that includes recentering terms.
    If the peak is a match for a re-centered PSF, the PSF is repositioned at the new center and
    the peak footprint is fit again, this time to the new PSF.
    If the resulting chi-squared-per-degree-of-freedom is less than ``psfChisqCut2b`` then it
    passes the re-centering algorithm.
    If the peak passes both the re-centered and fixed position cuts, the better of the two is accepted,
    but parameters for all three psf fits are stored in the ``DeblendedPeak``.
    The default for ``psfChisqCut1``, ``psfChisqCut2``, and ``psfChisqCut2b`` is ``1.5``.
fitPsfs: `bool`, optional
    If True then all of the peaks will be compared to the image PSF to
    distinguish stars from galaxies.
medianSmoothTemplate: ``bool``, optional
    If ``medianSmoothTemplate==True`` it a median smoothing filter is applied to the ``maskedImage``.
    The default is ``True``.
medianFilterHalfSize: `int`, optional
    Half the box size of the median filter, ie a ``medianFilterHalfSize`` of 50 means that
    each output pixel will be the median of  the pixels in a 101 x 101-pixel box in the input image.
    This parameter is only used when ``medianSmoothTemplate==True``, otherwise it is ignored.
    The default value is 2.
monotonicTempalte: `bool`, optional
    If True then make the template monotonic.
    The default is True.
weightTemplates: `bool`, optional
    If True, re-weight the templates so that their linear combination best represents
    the observed ``maskedImage``.
    The default is False.
log: `log.Log`, optional
    LSST logger for logging purposes.
    The default is ``None`` (no logging).
verbose: `bool`, optional
    Whether or not to show a more verbose output.
    The default is ``False``.
sigma1: `float`, optional
    Average noise level in ``maskedImage``.
    The default is ``None``, which estimates the noise from the median value of ``maskedImage``.
maxNumberOfPeaks: `int`, optional
    If nonzero, the maximum number of peaks to deblend.
    If the total number of peaks is greater than ``maxNumberOfPeaks``,
    then only the first ``maxNumberOfPeaks`` sources are deblended.
    The default is 0, which deblends all of the peaks.
assignStrayFlux: `bool`, optional
    If True then flux in the parent footprint that is not covered by any of the
    template footprints is assigned to templates based on their 1/(1+r^2) distance.
    How the flux is apportioned is determined by ``strayFluxAssignment``.
    The default is True.
strayFluxToPointSources: `string`
    Determines how stray flux is apportioned to point sources
    * ``never``: never apportion stray flux to point sources
    * ``necessary`` (default): point sources are included only if there are no extended sources nearby
    * ``always``: point sources are always included in the 1/(1+r^2) splitting
strayFluxAssignment: `string`, optional
    Determines how stray flux is apportioned.
    * ``trim``: Trim stray flux and do not include in any footprints
    * ``r-to-peak`` (default): Stray flux is assigned based on (1/(1+r^2) from the peaks
    * ``r-to-footprint``: Stray flux is distributed to the footprints based on 1/(1+r^2) of the
      minimum distance from the stray flux to footprint
    * ``nearest-footprint``: Stray flux is assigned to the footprint with lowest L-1 (Manhattan)
      distance to the stray flux
rampFluxAtEdge: `bool`, optional
    If True then extend footprints with excessive flux on the edges as described above.
    The default is False.
patchEdges: `bool`, optional
    If True and if the footprint touches pixels with the ``EDGE`` bit set,
    then grow the footprint to include all symmetric templates.
    The default is ``False``.
tinyFootprintSize: `float`, optional
    The PSF model is shrunk to the size that contains the original footprint.
    If the bbox of the clipped PSF model for a peak is smaller than ``max(tinyFootprintSize,2)``
    then ``tinyFootprint`` for the peak is set to ``True`` and the peak is not fit.
    The default is 2.
getTemplateSum: `bool`, optional
    As part of the flux calculation, the sum of the templates is calculated.
    If ``getTemplateSum==True`` then the sum of the templates is stored in the result (a `PerFootprint`).
    The default is False.
clipStrayFluxFraction: `float`, optional
    Minimum stray-flux portion.
    Any stray-flux portion less than ``clipStrayFluxFraction`` is clipped to zero.
    The default is 0.001.
clipFootprintToNonzero: `bool`, optional
    If True then clip non-zero spans in the template footprints. See above for more.
    The default is True.
removeDegenerateTemplates: `bool`, optional
    If True then we try to identify "degenerate" peaks by looking at the inner product
    (in pixel space) of pairs of templates.
    The default is False.
maxTempDotProduct: `float`, optional
    All dot products between templates greater than ``maxTempDotProduct`` will result in one
    of the templates removed. This parameter is only used when ``removeDegenerateTempaltes==True``.
    The default is 0.5.

res: `PerFootprint`
    Deblender result that contains a list of ``DeblendedPeak``s for each peak and (optionally)
    the template sum.

Definition at line 457 of file

457  ):
458  """Deblend a parent ``Footprint`` in a ``MaskedImageF``.
460  Deblending assumes that ``footprint`` has multiple peaks, as it will still create a
461  `PerFootprint` object with a list of peaks even if there is only one peak in the list.
462  It is recommended to first check that ``footprint`` has more than one peak, similar to the
463  execution of `lsst.meas.deblender.deblend.SourceDeblendTask`.
465  .. note::
466  This is the API for the old deblender, however the function builds the plugins necessary
467  to use the new deblender to perform identically to the old deblender.
468  To test out newer functionality use ``newDeblend`` instead.
470  Deblending involves several mandatory and optional steps:
471  # Optional: If ``fitPsfs`` is True, find all peaks that are well-fit by a PSF + background model
472  * Peaks that pass the cuts have their footprints modified to the PSF + background model
473  and their ``deblendedAsPsf`` property set to ``True``.
474  * Relevant parameters: ``psfChisqCut1``, ``psfChisqCut2``, ``psfChisqCut2b``,
475  ``tinyFootprintSize``.
476  * See the parameter descriptions for more.
477  # Build a symmetric template for each peak not well-fit by the PSF model
478  * Given ``maskedImageF``, ``footprint``, and a ``DeblendedPeak``, creates a symmetric
479  template (``templateImage`` and ``templateFootprint``) around the peak
480  for all peaks not flagged as ``skip`` or ``deblendedAsPsf``.
481  * If ``patchEdges=True`` and if ``footprint`` touches pixels with the
482  ``EDGE`` bit set, then ``footprint`` is grown to include spans whose
483  symmetric mirror is outside of the image.
484  * Relevant parameters: ``sigma1`` and ``patchEdges``.
485  # Optional: If ``rampFluxAtEdge`` is True, adjust flux on the edges of the template footprints
486  * Using the PSF, a peak ``Footprint`` with pixels on the edge of of ``footprint``
487  is grown by the psffwhm*1.5 and filled in with zeros.
488  * The result is a new symmetric footprint template for the peaks near the edge.
489  * Relevant parameter: ``patchEdges``.
490  # Optionally (``medianSmoothTemplate=True``) filter the template images
491  * Apply a median smoothing filter to all of the template images.
492  * Relevant parameters: ``medianFilterHalfSize``
493  # Optional: If ``monotonicTemplate`` is True, make the templates monotonic.
494  * The pixels in the templates are modified such that pixels
495  further from the peak will have values smaller than those closer to the peak.
496  # Optional: If ``clipFootprintToNonzero`` is True, clip non-zero spans in the template footprints
497  * Peak ``Footprint``s are clipped to the region in the image containing non-zero values
498  by dropping spans that are completely zero and moving endpoints to non-zero pixels
499  (but does not split spans that have internal zeros).
500  # Optional: If ``weightTemplates`` is True, weight the templates to best fit the observed image
501  * Re-weight the templates so that their linear combination
502  best represents the observed ``maskedImage``
503  # Optional: If ``removeDegenerateTempaltes`` is True, reconstruct shredded galaxies
504  * If galaxies have substructure, such as face-on spirals, the process of identifying peaks can
505  "shred" the galaxy into many pieces. The templates of shredded galaxies are typically quite
506  similar because they represent the same galaxy, so we try to identify these "degenerate" peaks
507  by looking at the inner product (in pixel space) of pairs of templates.
508  * If they are nearly parallel, we only keep one of the peaks and reject the other.
509  * If only one of the peaks is a PSF template, the other template is used,
510  otherwise the one with the maximum template value is kept.
511  * Relevant parameters: ``maxTempDotProduct``
512  # Apportion flux to all of the peak templates
513  * Divide the ``maskedImage`` flux amongst all of the templates based on the fraction of
514  flux assigned to each ``tempalteFootprint``.
515  * Leftover "stray flux" is assigned to peaks based on the other parameters.
516  * Relevant parameters: ``clipStrayFluxFraction``, ``strayFluxAssignment``,
517  ``strayFluxToPointSources``, ``assignStrayFlux``
519  Parameters
520  ----------
521  footprint: `afw.detection.Footprint`
522  Parent footprint to deblend
523  maskedImage: `afw.image.MaskedImageF`
524  Masked image containing the ``footprint``
525  psf: `afw.detection.Psf`
526  Psf of the ``maskedImage``
527  psffwhm: `float`
528  FWHM of the ``maskedImage``'s ``psf``
529  psfChisqCut*: `float`, optional
530  If ``fitPsfs==True``, all of the peaks are fit to the image PSF.
531  ``psfChisqCut1`` is the maximum chi-squared-per-degree-of-freedom allowed for a peak to
532  be considered a PSF match without recentering.
533  A fit is also made that includes terms to recenter the PSF.
534  ``psfChisqCut2`` is the same as ``psfChisqCut1`` except it determines the restriction on the
535  fit that includes recentering terms.
536  If the peak is a match for a re-centered PSF, the PSF is repositioned at the new center and
537  the peak footprint is fit again, this time to the new PSF.
538  If the resulting chi-squared-per-degree-of-freedom is less than ``psfChisqCut2b`` then it
539  passes the re-centering algorithm.
540  If the peak passes both the re-centered and fixed position cuts, the better of the two is accepted,
541  but parameters for all three psf fits are stored in the ``DeblendedPeak``.
542  The default for ``psfChisqCut1``, ``psfChisqCut2``, and ``psfChisqCut2b`` is ``1.5``.
543  fitPsfs: `bool`, optional
544  If True then all of the peaks will be compared to the image PSF to
545  distinguish stars from galaxies.
546  medianSmoothTemplate: ``bool``, optional
547  If ``medianSmoothTemplate==True`` it a median smoothing filter is applied to the ``maskedImage``.
548  The default is ``True``.
549  medianFilterHalfSize: `int`, optional
550  Half the box size of the median filter, ie a ``medianFilterHalfSize`` of 50 means that
551  each output pixel will be the median of the pixels in a 101 x 101-pixel box in the input image.
552  This parameter is only used when ``medianSmoothTemplate==True``, otherwise it is ignored.
553  The default value is 2.
554  monotonicTempalte: `bool`, optional
555  If True then make the template monotonic.
556  The default is True.
557  weightTemplates: `bool`, optional
558  If True, re-weight the templates so that their linear combination best represents
559  the observed ``maskedImage``.
560  The default is False.
561  log: `log.Log`, optional
562  LSST logger for logging purposes.
563  The default is ``None`` (no logging).
564  verbose: `bool`, optional
565  Whether or not to show a more verbose output.
566  The default is ``False``.
567  sigma1: `float`, optional
568  Average noise level in ``maskedImage``.
569  The default is ``None``, which estimates the noise from the median value of ``maskedImage``.
570  maxNumberOfPeaks: `int`, optional
571  If nonzero, the maximum number of peaks to deblend.
572  If the total number of peaks is greater than ``maxNumberOfPeaks``,
573  then only the first ``maxNumberOfPeaks`` sources are deblended.
574  The default is 0, which deblends all of the peaks.
575  assignStrayFlux: `bool`, optional
576  If True then flux in the parent footprint that is not covered by any of the
577  template footprints is assigned to templates based on their 1/(1+r^2) distance.
578  How the flux is apportioned is determined by ``strayFluxAssignment``.
579  The default is True.
580  strayFluxToPointSources: `string`
581  Determines how stray flux is apportioned to point sources
582  * ``never``: never apportion stray flux to point sources
583  * ``necessary`` (default): point sources are included only if there are no extended sources nearby
584  * ``always``: point sources are always included in the 1/(1+r^2) splitting
585  strayFluxAssignment: `string`, optional
586  Determines how stray flux is apportioned.
587  * ``trim``: Trim stray flux and do not include in any footprints
588  * ``r-to-peak`` (default): Stray flux is assigned based on (1/(1+r^2) from the peaks
589  * ``r-to-footprint``: Stray flux is distributed to the footprints based on 1/(1+r^2) of the
590  minimum distance from the stray flux to footprint
591  * ``nearest-footprint``: Stray flux is assigned to the footprint with lowest L-1 (Manhattan)
592  distance to the stray flux
593  rampFluxAtEdge: `bool`, optional
594  If True then extend footprints with excessive flux on the edges as described above.
595  The default is False.
596  patchEdges: `bool`, optional
597  If True and if the footprint touches pixels with the ``EDGE`` bit set,
598  then grow the footprint to include all symmetric templates.
599  The default is ``False``.
600  tinyFootprintSize: `float`, optional
601  The PSF model is shrunk to the size that contains the original footprint.
602  If the bbox of the clipped PSF model for a peak is smaller than ``max(tinyFootprintSize,2)``
603  then ``tinyFootprint`` for the peak is set to ``True`` and the peak is not fit.
604  The default is 2.
605  getTemplateSum: `bool`, optional
606  As part of the flux calculation, the sum of the templates is calculated.
607  If ``getTemplateSum==True`` then the sum of the templates is stored in the result (a `PerFootprint`).
608  The default is False.
609  clipStrayFluxFraction: `float`, optional
610  Minimum stray-flux portion.
611  Any stray-flux portion less than ``clipStrayFluxFraction`` is clipped to zero.
612  The default is 0.001.
613  clipFootprintToNonzero: `bool`, optional
614  If True then clip non-zero spans in the template footprints. See above for more.
615  The default is True.
616  removeDegenerateTemplates: `bool`, optional
617  If True then we try to identify "degenerate" peaks by looking at the inner product
618  (in pixel space) of pairs of templates.
619  The default is False.
620  maxTempDotProduct: `float`, optional
621  All dot products between templates greater than ``maxTempDotProduct`` will result in one
622  of the templates removed. This parameter is only used when ``removeDegenerateTempaltes==True``.
623  The default is 0.5.
625  Returns
626  -------
627  res: `PerFootprint`
628  Deblender result that contains a list of ``DeblendedPeak``s for each peak and (optionally)
629  the template sum.
630  """
631  avgNoise = sigma1
633  debPlugins = []
635  # Add activated deblender plugins
636  if fitPsfs:
637  debPlugins.append(plugins.DeblenderPlugin(plugins.fitPsfs,
638  psfChisqCut1=psfChisqCut1,
639  psfChisqCut2=psfChisqCut2,
640  psfChisqCut2b=psfChisqCut2b,
641  tinyFootprintSize=tinyFootprintSize))
642  debPlugins.append(plugins.DeblenderPlugin(plugins.buildSymmetricTemplates, patchEdges=patchEdges))
643  if rampFluxAtEdge:
644  debPlugins.append(plugins.DeblenderPlugin(plugins.rampFluxAtEdge, patchEdges=patchEdges))
645  if medianSmoothTemplate:
646  debPlugins.append(plugins.DeblenderPlugin(plugins.medianSmoothTemplates,
647  medianFilterHalfsize=medianFilterHalfsize))
648  if monotonicTemplate:
649  debPlugins.append(plugins.DeblenderPlugin(plugins.makeTemplatesMonotonic))
650  if clipFootprintToNonzero:
651  debPlugins.append(plugins.DeblenderPlugin(plugins.clipFootprintsToNonzero))
652  if weightTemplates:
653  debPlugins.append(plugins.DeblenderPlugin(plugins.weightTemplates))
654  if removeDegenerateTemplates:
655  if weightTemplates:
656  onReset = len(debPlugins)-1
657  else:
658  onReset = len(debPlugins)
659  debPlugins.append(plugins.DeblenderPlugin(plugins.reconstructTemplates,
660  onReset=onReset,
661  maxTempDotProd=maxTempDotProd))
662  debPlugins.append(plugins.DeblenderPlugin(plugins.apportionFlux,
663  clipStrayFluxFraction=clipStrayFluxFraction,
664  assignStrayFlux=assignStrayFlux,
665  strayFluxAssignment=strayFluxAssignment,
666  strayFluxToPointSources=strayFluxToPointSources,
667  getTemplateSum=getTemplateSum))
669  debResult = newDeblend(debPlugins, footprint, maskedImage, psf, psffwhm, log, verbose, avgNoise)
671  return debResult
def newDeblend(debPlugins, footprint, mMaskedImage, psfs, psfFwhms, log=None, verbose=False, avgNoise=None, maxNumberOfPeaks=0)

◆ newDeblend()

def lsst.meas.deblender.baseline.newDeblend (   debPlugins,
  log = None,
  verbose = False,
  avgNoise = None,
  maxNumberOfPeaks = 0 
Deblend a parent ``Footprint`` in a ``MaskedImageF``.

Deblending assumes that ``footprint`` has multiple peaks, as it will still create a
`PerFootprint` object with a list of peaks even if there is only one peak in the list.
It is recommended to first check that ``footprint`` has more than one peak, similar to the
execution of `lsst.meas.deblender.deblend.SourceDeblendTask`.

This version of the deblender accepts a list of plugins to execute, with the option to re-run parts
of the deblender if templates are changed during any of the steps.

debPlugins: list of `meas.deblender.plugins.DeblenderPlugins`
    Plugins to execute (in order of execution) for the deblender.
footprint: `afw.detection.Footprint` or list of Footprints
    Parent footprint to deblend.
mMaskedImage: `MultibandMaskedImage` or `MaskedImage`
    Masked image in each band.
psfs: `afw.detection.Psf` or list of Psfs
    Psf of the ``maskedImage``.
psfFwhms: `float` or list of floats
    FWHM of the ``maskedImage``'s ``psf``.
log: `log.Log`, optional
    LSST logger for logging purposes.
    The default is ``None`` (no logging).
verbose: `bool`, optional
    Whether or not to show a more verbose output.
    The default is ``False``.
avgNoise: `float`or list of `float`s, optional
    Average noise level in each ``maskedImage``.
    The default is ``None``, which estimates the noise from the median value of the
    variance plane of ``maskedImage`` for each filter.
maxNumberOfPeaks: `int`, optional
    If nonzero, the maximum number of peaks to deblend.
    If the total number of peaks is greater than ``maxNumberOfPeaks``,
    then only the first ``maxNumberOfPeaks`` sources are deblended.

debResult: `DeblendedParent`
    Deblender result that contains a list of ``MultiColorPeak``s for each peak and
    information that describes the footprint in all filters.

Definition at line 675 of file

675  log=None, verbose=False, avgNoise=None, maxNumberOfPeaks=0):
676  """Deblend a parent ``Footprint`` in a ``MaskedImageF``.
678  Deblending assumes that ``footprint`` has multiple peaks, as it will still create a
679  `PerFootprint` object with a list of peaks even if there is only one peak in the list.
680  It is recommended to first check that ``footprint`` has more than one peak, similar to the
681  execution of `lsst.meas.deblender.deblend.SourceDeblendTask`.
683  This version of the deblender accepts a list of plugins to execute, with the option to re-run parts
684  of the deblender if templates are changed during any of the steps.
686  Parameters
687  ----------
688  debPlugins: list of `meas.deblender.plugins.DeblenderPlugins`
689  Plugins to execute (in order of execution) for the deblender.
690  footprint: `afw.detection.Footprint` or list of Footprints
691  Parent footprint to deblend.
692  mMaskedImage: `MultibandMaskedImage` or `MaskedImage`
693  Masked image in each band.
694  psfs: `afw.detection.Psf` or list of Psfs
695  Psf of the ``maskedImage``.
696  psfFwhms: `float` or list of floats
697  FWHM of the ``maskedImage``'s ``psf``.
698  log: `log.Log`, optional
699  LSST logger for logging purposes.
700  The default is ``None`` (no logging).
701  verbose: `bool`, optional
702  Whether or not to show a more verbose output.
703  The default is ``False``.
704  avgNoise: `float`or list of `float`s, optional
705  Average noise level in each ``maskedImage``.
706  The default is ``None``, which estimates the noise from the median value of the
707  variance plane of ``maskedImage`` for each filter.
708  maxNumberOfPeaks: `int`, optional
709  If nonzero, the maximum number of peaks to deblend.
710  If the total number of peaks is greater than ``maxNumberOfPeaks``,
711  then only the first ``maxNumberOfPeaks`` sources are deblended.
713  Returns
714  -------
715  debResult: `DeblendedParent`
716  Deblender result that contains a list of ``MultiColorPeak``s for each peak and
717  information that describes the footprint in all filters.
718  """
719  # Import C++ routines
721  if log is None:
722  import lsst.log as lsstLog
724  component = 'meas_deblender.baseline'
725  log = lsstLog.Log.getLogger(component)
727  if verbose:
728  log.setLevel(lsstLog.Log.TRACE)
730  # get object that will hold our results
731  debResult = DeblenderResult(footprint, mMaskedImage, psfs, psfFwhms, log,
732  maxNumberOfPeaks=maxNumberOfPeaks, avgNoise=avgNoise)
734  step = 0
735  while step < len(debPlugins):
736  # If a failure occurs at any step,
737  # the result is flagged as `failed`
738  # and the remaining steps are skipped
739  if not debResult.failed:
740  reset = debPlugins[step].run(debResult, log)
741  else:
742  log.warn("Skipping steps {0}".format(debPlugins[step:]))
743  return debResult
744  if reset:
745  step = debPlugins[step].onReset
746  else:
747  step += 1
749  return debResult
Definition: Log.h:691
def format(config, name=None, writeSourceLine=True, prefix="", verbose=False)

Variable Documentation


list lsst.meas.deblender.baseline.DEFAULT_PLUGINS
Initial value:
1 = [
2  plugins.DeblenderPlugin(plugins.fitPsfs),
3  plugins.DeblenderPlugin(plugins.buildSymmetricTemplates),
4  plugins.DeblenderPlugin(plugins.medianSmoothTemplates),
5  plugins.DeblenderPlugin(plugins.makeTemplatesMonotonic),
6  plugins.DeblenderPlugin(plugins.clipFootprintsToNonzero),
7  plugins.DeblenderPlugin(plugins.reconstructTemplates, onReset=5),
8  plugins.DeblenderPlugin(plugins.apportionFlux),
9 ]

Definition at line 33 of file