LSSTApplications  18.1.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // -*- lsst-c++ -*-
12 #include "lsst/afw/geom.h"
13 #include "lsst/afw/image.h"
14 #include "lsst/afw/detection.h"
15 #include "lsst/log/Log.h"
17 #include "lsst/pex/policy/Policy.h"
22 namespace afwGeom = lsst::afw::geom;
23 namespace afwImage = lsst::afw::image;
27 namespace lsst {
28 namespace ip {
29 namespace diffim {
32  template <typename PixelT>
34  lsst::pex::policy::Policy const& policy
35  ) :
36  _policy(policy),
37  _badBitMask(0),
38  _footprints(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<lsst::afw::detection::Footprint>>()) {
40  std::vector<std::string> detBadMaskPlanes = _policy.getStringArray("badMaskPlanes");
41  for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator mi = detBadMaskPlanes.begin();
42  mi != detBadMaskPlanes.end(); ++mi){
43  try {
45  } catch (pexExcept::Exception& e) {
46  LOGL_DEBUG("TRACE3.ip.diffim.KernelCandidateDetection",
47  "Cannot update bad bit mask with %s", (*mi).c_str());
48  LOGL_DEBUG("TRACE4.ip.diffim.KernelCandidateDetection",
49  e.what());
50  }
51  }
52  LOGL_DEBUG("TRACE2.ip.diffim.KernelCandidateDetection",
53  "Using bad bit mask %d", _badBitMask);
54  }
76  template <typename PixelT>
78  MaskedImagePtr const& templateMaskedImage,
79  MaskedImagePtr const& scienceMaskedImage
80  ) {
82  // Parse the Policy
83  int fpNpixMin = _policy.getInt("fpNpixMin");
84  int fpGrowPix = _policy.getInt("fpGrowPix");
86  bool detOnTemplate = _policy.getBool("detOnTemplate");
87  double detThreshold = _policy.getDouble("detThreshold");
88  std::string detThresholdType = _policy.getString("detThresholdType");
90  /* reset private variables */
91  _footprints.clear();
93  // List of Footprints
96  // Find detections
98  afwDetect::createThreshold(detThreshold, detThresholdType);
100  if (detOnTemplate == true) {
102  *(templateMaskedImage),
103  threshold,
104  "",
105  fpNpixMin);
106  // Get the associated footprints
108  footprintListInPtr = footprintSet.getFootprints();
109  LOGL_DEBUG("TRACE2.ip.diffim.KernelCandidateDetection.apply",
110  "Found %d total footprints in template above %.3f %s",
111  footprintListInPtr->size(), detThreshold, detThresholdType.c_str());
112  }
113  else {
115  *(scienceMaskedImage),
116  threshold,
117  "",
118  fpNpixMin);
120  footprintListInPtr = footprintSet.getFootprints();
121  LOGL_DEBUG("TRACE2.ip.diffim.KernelCandidateDetection.apply",
122  "Found %d total footprints in science image above %.3f %s",
123  footprintListInPtr->size(), detThreshold, detThresholdType.c_str());
124  }
126  // Iterate over footprints, look for "good" ones
127  for (std::vector<std::shared_ptr<afwDetect::Footprint>>::iterator i = footprintListInPtr->begin();
128  i != footprintListInPtr->end(); ++i) {
130  LOGL_DEBUG("TRACE3.ip.diffim.KernelCandidateDetection.apply",
131  "Processing footprint %d", (*i)->getId());
132  growCandidate((*i), fpGrowPix, templateMaskedImage, scienceMaskedImage);
133  }
135  if (_footprints.size() == 0) {
137  "Unable to find any footprints for Psf matching");
138  }
140  LOGL_DEBUG("TRACE1.ip.diffim.KernelCandidateDetection.apply",
141  "Found %d clean footprints above threshold %.3f",
142  _footprints.size(), detThreshold);
144  }
146  template <typename PixelT>
149  int fpGrowPix,
150  MaskedImagePtr const& templateMaskedImage,
151  MaskedImagePtr const& scienceMaskedImage
152  ) {
153  int fpNpixMax = _policy.getInt("fpNpixMax");
155  /* Functor to search through the images for masked pixels within *
156  * candidate footprints. Might want to consider changing the default
157  * mask planes it looks through.
158  */
161  afwGeom::Box2I fpBBox = fp->getBBox();
162  /* Failure Condition 1)
163  *
164  * Footprint has too many pixels off the bat. We don't want to throw
165  * away these guys, they have alot of signal! Lets just use the core of
166  * it.
167  *
168  */
169  if (fp->getArea() > static_cast<std::size_t>(fpNpixMax)) {
170  LOGL_DEBUG("TRACE3.ip.diffim.KernelCandidateDetection.apply",
171  "Footprint has too many pix: %d (max =%d)",
172  fp->getArea(), fpNpixMax);
174  int xc = int(0.5 * (fpBBox.getMinX() + fpBBox.getMaxX()));
175  int yc = int(0.5 * (fpBBox.getMinY() + fpBBox.getMaxY()));
178  std::make_shared<afwGeom::SpanSet>(afwGeom::Box2I(afwGeom::Point2I(xc, yc),
179  afwGeom::Extent2I(1,1))))
180  );
181  return growCandidate(fpCore, fpGrowPix, templateMaskedImage, scienceMaskedImage);
182  }
184  LOGL_DEBUG("TRACE5.ip.diffim.KernelCandidateDetection.apply",
185  "Original footprint in parent : %d,%d -> %d,%d -> %d,%d",
186  fpBBox.getMinX(), fpBBox.getMinY(),
187  int(0.5 * (fpBBox.getMinX() + fpBBox.getMaxX())),
188  int(0.5 * (fpBBox.getMinY() + fpBBox.getMaxY())),
189  fpBBox.getMaxX(), fpBBox.getMaxY());
191  /* Grow the footprint
192  * flag true = isotropic grow = slow
193  * flag false = 'manhattan grow' = fast
194  *
195  * The manhattan masks are rotated 45 degree w.r.t. the coordinate
196  * system. They intersect the vertices of the rectangle that would
197  * connect pixels (X0,Y0) (X1,Y0), (X0,Y1), (X1,Y1).
198  *
199  * The isotropic masks do take considerably longer to grow and are
200  * basically elliptical. X0, X1, Y0, Y1 delimit the extent of the
201  * ellipse.
202  *
203  * In both cases, since the masks aren't rectangles oriented with
204  * the image coordinate system, when we DO extract such rectangles
205  * as subimages for kernel fitting, some corner pixels can be found
206  * in multiple subimages.
207  *
208  */
209  std::shared_ptr<afwDetect::Footprint> fpGrow = std::make_shared<afwDetect::Footprint>(
210  fp->getSpans()->dilated(fpGrowPix, afwGeom::Stencil::MANHATTAN)
211  );
213  /* Next we look at the image within this Footprint.
214  */
215  afwGeom::Box2I fpGrowBBox = fpGrow->getBBox();
216  LOGL_DEBUG("TRACE5.ip.diffim.KernelCandidateDetection.apply",
217  "Grown footprint in parent : %d,%d -> %d,%d -> %d,%d",
218  fpGrowBBox.getMinX(), fpGrowBBox.getMinY(),
219  int(0.5 * (fpGrowBBox.getMinX() + fpGrowBBox.getMaxX())),
220  int(0.5 * (fpGrowBBox.getMinY() + fpGrowBBox.getMaxY())),
221  fpGrowBBox.getMaxX(), fpGrowBBox.getMaxY());
223  /* Failure Condition 2)
224  * Grown off the image
225  */
226  if (!(templateMaskedImage->getBBox().contains(fpGrowBBox))) {
227  LOGL_DEBUG("TRACE3.ip.diffim.KernelCandidateDetection.apply",
228  "Footprint grown off image");
229  return false;
230  }
232  /* Grab subimages; report any exception */
233  bool subimageHasFailed = false;
234  try {
235  afwImage::MaskedImage<PixelT> templateSubimage(*templateMaskedImage, fpGrowBBox);
236  afwImage::MaskedImage<PixelT> scienceSubimage(*scienceMaskedImage, fpGrowBBox);
238  // Search for any masked pixels within the footprint
239  fsb.apply(*(templateSubimage.getMask()));
240  if (fsb.getBits() & _badBitMask) {
241  LOGL_DEBUG("TRACE3.ip.diffim.KernelCandidateDetection.apply",
242  "Footprint has masked pix (vals=%d) in image to convolve",
243  fsb.getBits());
244  subimageHasFailed = true;
245  }
247  fsb.apply(*(scienceSubimage.getMask()));
248  if (fsb.getBits() & _badBitMask) {
249  LOGL_DEBUG("TRACE3.ip.diffim.KernelCandidateDetection.apply",
250  "Footprint has masked pix (vals=%d) in image not to convolve",
251  fsb.getBits());
252  subimageHasFailed = true;
253  }
255  } catch (pexExcept::Exception& e) {
256  LOGL_DEBUG("TRACE3.ip.diffim.KernelCandidateDetection.apply",
257  "Exception caught extracting Footprint");
258  LOGL_DEBUG("TRACE4.ip.diffim.KernelCandidateDetection.apply",
259  e.what());
260  subimageHasFailed = true;
261  }
262  if (subimageHasFailed) {
263  return false;
264  } else {
265  /* We have a good candidate */
266  _footprints.push_back(fpGrow);
267  return true;
268  }
269  }
271 /***********************************************************************************************************/
272 //
273 // Explicit instantiations
274 //
275  typedef float PixelT;
276  template class KernelCandidateDetection<PixelT>;
278 }}} // end of namespace lsst::ip::diffim
Image Subtraction helper functions.
a container for holding hierarchical configuration data in memory.
Definition: Policy.h:169
void apply(MaskT const &mask)
Definition: FindSetBits.h:68
STL namespace.
void apply(MaskedImagePtr const &templateMaskedImage, MaskedImagePtr const &scienceMaskedImage)
Runs Detection on a single image for significant peaks, and checks returned Footprints for Masked pix...
A Threshold is used to pass a threshold value to detection algorithms.
Definition: Threshold.h:43
T end(T... args)
Provides consistent interface for LSST exceptions.
Definition: Exception.h:107
Detect candidates for kernels within 2 images.
const std::string getString(const std::string &name) const
return a string value associated with the given name .
Definition: Policy.h:631
KernelCandidateDetection(lsst::pex::policy::Policy const &policy)
#define LOGL_DEBUG(logger, message...)
Log a debug-level message using a varargs/printf style interface.
Definition: Log.h:489
Class to accumulate Mask bits.
Definition: FindSetBits.h:53
STL class.
LSST DM logging module built on log4cxx.
T push_back(T... args)
virtual char const * what(void) const noexcept
Return a character string summarizing this exception.
A base class for image defects.
int getMaxY() const noexcept
Definition: Box.h:149
Search through images for Footprints with no masked pixels.
A class to manipulate images, masks, and variance as a single object.
Definition: MaskedImage.h:74
static MaskPixelT getPlaneBitMask(const std::vector< std::string > &names)
Return the bitmask corresponding to a vector of plane names OR&#39;d together.
T clear(T... args)
Threshold createThreshold(const double value, const std::string type="value", const bool polarity=true)
Factory method for creating Threshold objects.
int getMaxX() const noexcept
Definition: Box.h:148
Class to describe the properties of a detected object from an image.
Definition: Footprint.h:62
bool getBool(const std::string &name) const
return a boolean value associated with the given name.
Definition: Policy.h:589
double getDouble(const std::string &name) const
return a double value associated with the given name.
Definition: Policy.h:617
MaskPtr getMask() const
Return a (shared_ptr to) the MaskedImage&#39;s mask.
Definition: MaskedImage.h:1070
int getMinX() const noexcept
Definition: Box.h:144
T size(T... args)
#define LSST_EXCEPT(type,...)
Create an exception with a given type.
Definition: Exception.h:48
A set of Footprints, associated with a MaskedImage.
Definition: FootprintSet.h:53
T begin(T... args)
T c_str(T... args)
lsst::afw::detection::Footprint Footprint
Definition: Source.h:61
bool growCandidate(std::shared_ptr< lsst::afw::detection::Footprint > fp, int fpGrowPix, MaskedImagePtr const &templateMaskedImage, MaskedImagePtr const &scienceMaskedImage)
afw::table::Key< afw::table::Array< ImagePixelT > > image
int getInt(const std::string &name) const
return an integer value associated with the given name.
Definition: Policy.h:603
Backwards-compatibility support for depersisting the old Calib (FluxMag0/FluxMag0Err) objects...
std::shared_ptr< FootprintList > getFootprints()
: Return the Footprints of detected objects
Definition: FootprintSet.h:156
An integer coordinate rectangle.
Definition: Box.h:54
MaskT::Pixel getBits() const
Definition: FindSetBits.h:65
StringArray getStringArray(const std::string &name) const
return an array of values associated with the given name
Definition: Policy.h:1027
int getMinY() const noexcept
Definition: Box.h:145