LSSTApplications  18.1.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // -*- lsst-c++ -*-
2 /*
3  * LSST Data Management System
4  * Copyright 2008-2016 AURA/LSST.
5  *
6  * This product includes software developed by the
7  * LSST Project (
8  *
9  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12  * (at your option) any later version.
13  *
14  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17  * GNU General Public License for more details.
18  *
19  * You should have received a copy of the LSST License Statement and
20  * the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not,
21  * see <>.
22  */
24 #include <cmath>
25 #include <tuple>
27 #include "boost/tuple/tuple.hpp"
28 #include "Eigen/LU"
29 #include "lsst/geom/Angle.h"
30 #include "lsst/geom/Box.h"
32 #include "lsst/afw/image.h"
33 #include "lsst/afw/detection/Psf.h"
34 #include "lsst/afw/geom/ellipses.h"
35 #include "lsst/afw/table/Source.h"
39 namespace lsst {
40 namespace meas {
41 namespace base {
42 namespace {
43 FlagDefinitionList flagDefinitions;
44 } // namespace
46 FlagDefinition const SdssShapeAlgorithm::FAILURE = flagDefinitions.addFailureFlag();
47 FlagDefinition const SdssShapeAlgorithm::UNWEIGHTED_BAD =
48  flagDefinitions.add("flag_unweightedBad", "Both weighted and unweighted moments were invalid");
49 FlagDefinition const SdssShapeAlgorithm::UNWEIGHTED = flagDefinitions.add(
50  "flag_unweighted", "Weighted moments converged to an invalid value; using unweighted moments");
51 FlagDefinition const SdssShapeAlgorithm::SHIFT =
52  flagDefinitions.add("flag_shift", "centroid shifted by more than the maximum allowed amount");
53 FlagDefinition const SdssShapeAlgorithm::MAXITER =
54  flagDefinitions.add("flag_maxIter", "Too many iterations in adaptive moments");
55 FlagDefinition const SdssShapeAlgorithm::PSF_SHAPE_BAD =
56  flagDefinitions.add("flag_psf", "Failure in measuring PSF model shape");
58 FlagDefinitionList const &SdssShapeAlgorithm::getFlagDefinitions() { return flagDefinitions; }
60 namespace { // anonymous
62 typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 4, 4, Eigen::DontAlign> Matrix4d;
64 // Return multiplier that transforms I0 to a total instFlux
65 double computeFluxScale(SdssShapeResult const &result) {
66  /*
67  * The shape is an ellipse that's axis-aligned in (u, v) [<uv> = 0] after rotation by theta:
68  * <x^2> + <y^2> = <u^2> + <v^2>
69  * <x^2> - <y^2> = cos(2 theta)*(<u^2> - <v^2>)
70  * 2*<xy> = sin(2 theta)*(<u^2> - <v^2>)
71  */
72  double const Mxx = result.xx; // <x^2>
73  double const Mxy = result.xy; // <xy>
74  double const Myy = result.yy; // <y^2>
76  double const Muu_p_Mvv = Mxx + Myy; // <u^2> + <v^2>
77  double const Muu_m_Mvv = ::sqrt(::pow(Mxx - Myy, 2) + 4 * ::pow(Mxy, 2)); // <u^2> - <v^2>
78  double const Muu = 0.5 * (Muu_p_Mvv + Muu_m_Mvv);
79  double const Mvv = 0.5 * (Muu_p_Mvv - Muu_m_Mvv);
81  return geom::TWOPI * ::sqrt(Muu * Mvv);
82 }
84 /*****************************************************************************/
85 /*
86  * Error analysis, courtesy of David Johnston, University of Chicago
87  */
88 /*
89  * This function takes the 4 Gaussian parameters A, sigmaXXW and the
90  * sky variance and fills in the Fisher matrix from the least squares fit.
91  *
92  * Following "Numerical Recipes in C" section 15.5, it ignores the 2nd
93  * derivative parts and so the fisher matrix is just a function of these
94  * best fit model parameters. The components are calculated analytically.
95  */
96 Matrix4d calc_fisher(SdssShapeResult const &shape, // the Shape that we want the the Fisher matrix for
97  float bkgd_var // background variance level for object
98  ) {
99  float const A = shape.instFlux; // amplitude; will be converted to instFlux later
100  float const sigma11W = shape.xx;
101  float const sigma12W = shape.xy;
102  float const sigma22W = shape.yy;
104  double const D = sigma11W * sigma22W - sigma12W * sigma12W;
107  throw LSST_EXCEPT(pex::exceptions::DomainError, "Determinant is too small calculating Fisher matrix");
108  }
109  /*
110  * a normalization factor
111  */
112  if (bkgd_var <= 0.0) {
114  (boost::format("Background variance must be positive (saw %g)") % bkgd_var).str());
115  }
116  double const F = geom::PI * sqrt(D) / bkgd_var;
117  /*
118  * Calculate the 10 independent elements of the 4x4 Fisher matrix
119  */
120  Matrix4d fisher;
122  double fac = F * A / (4.0 * D);
123  fisher(0, 0) = F;
124  fisher(0, 1) = fac * sigma22W;
125  fisher(1, 0) = fisher(0, 1);
126  fisher(0, 2) = fac * sigma11W;
127  fisher(2, 0) = fisher(0, 2);
128  fisher(0, 3) = -fac * 2 * sigma12W;
129  fisher(3, 0) = fisher(0, 3);
131  fac = 3.0 * F * A * A / (16.0 * D * D);
132  fisher(1, 1) = fac * sigma22W * sigma22W;
133  fisher(2, 2) = fac * sigma11W * sigma11W;
134  fisher(3, 3) = fac * 4.0 * (sigma12W * sigma12W + D / 3.0);
136  fisher(1, 2) = fisher(3, 3) / 4.0;
137  fisher(2, 1) = fisher(1, 2);
138  fisher(1, 3) = fac * (-2 * sigma22W * sigma12W);
139  fisher(3, 1) = fisher(1, 3);
140  fisher(2, 3) = fac * (-2 * sigma11W * sigma12W);
141  fisher(3, 2) = fisher(2, 3);
143  return fisher;
144 }
145 //
146 // Here's a class to allow us to get the Image and variance from an Image or MaskedImage
147 //
148 template <typename ImageT> // general case
149 struct ImageAdaptor {
150  typedef ImageT Image;
152  static bool const hasVariance = false;
154  Image const &getImage(ImageT const &image) const { return image; }
156  double getVariance(ImageT const &, int, int) { return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); }
157 };
159 template <typename T> // specialise to a MaskedImage
160 struct ImageAdaptor<afw::image::MaskedImage<T> > {
161  typedef typename afw::image::MaskedImage<T>::Image Image;
163  static bool const hasVariance = true;
165  Image const &getImage(afw::image::MaskedImage<T> const &mimage) const { return *mimage.getImage(); }
167  double getVariance(afw::image::MaskedImage<T> const &mimage, int ix, int iy) {
168  return, iy).variance();
169  }
170 };
173 std::tuple<std::pair<bool, double>, double, double, double> getWeights(double sigma11, double sigma12,
174  double sigma22) {
176  if (std::isnan(sigma11) || std::isnan(sigma12) || std::isnan(sigma22)) {
177  return std::make_tuple(std::make_pair(false, NaN), NaN, NaN, NaN);
178  }
179  double const det = sigma11 * sigma22 - sigma12 * sigma12; // determinant of sigmaXX matrix
180  if (std::isnan(det) || det < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) { // a suitably small number
181  return std::make_tuple(std::make_pair(false, det), NaN, NaN, NaN);
182  }
183  return std::make_tuple(std::make_pair(true, det), sigma22 / det, -sigma12 / det, sigma11 / det);
184 }
187 bool shouldInterp(double sigma11, double sigma22, double det) {
188  float const xinterp = 0.25; // I.e. 0.5*0.5
189  return (sigma11 < xinterp || sigma22 < xinterp || det < xinterp * xinterp);
190 }
192 // Decide on the bounding box for the region to examine while calculating the adaptive moments
193 // This routine will work in either LOCAL or PARENT coordinates (but of course which you pass
194 // determine which you will get back).
195 geom::Box2I computeAdaptiveMomentsBBox(geom::Box2I const &bbox, // full image bbox
196  geom::Point2D const &center, // centre of object
197  double sigma11_w, // quadratic moments of the
198  double, // weighting function
199  double sigma22_w, // xx, xy, and yy
200  double maxRadius = 1000 // Maximum radius of area to use
201  ) {
202  double radius = std::min(4 * std::sqrt(std::max(sigma11_w, sigma22_w)), maxRadius);
203  geom::Extent2D offset(radius, radius);
204  geom::Box2I result(geom::Box2D(center - offset, center + offset));
205  result.clip(bbox);
206  return result;
207 }
209 /*****************************************************************************/
210 /*
211  * Calculate weighted moments of an object up to 2nd order
212  */
213 template <bool instFluxOnly, typename ImageT>
214 static int calcmom(ImageT const &image, // the image data
215  float xcen, float ycen, // centre of object
216  geom::BoxI bbox, // bounding box to consider
217  float bkgd, // data's background level
218  bool interpflag, // interpolate within pixels?
219  double w11, double w12, double w22, // weights
220  double *pI0, // amplitude of fit
221  double *psum, // sum w*I (if !NULL)
222  double *psumx, double *psumy, // sum [xy]*w*I (if !instFluxOnly)
223  double *psumxx, double *psumxy, double *psumyy, // sum [xy]^2*w*I (if !instFluxOnly)
224  double *psums4, // sum w*I*weight^2 (if !instFluxOnly && !NULL)
225  bool negative = false) {
226  float tmod, ymod;
227  float X, Y; // sub-pixel interpolated [xy]
228  float weight;
229  float tmp;
230  double sum, sumx, sumy, sumxx, sumyy, sumxy, sums4;
231 #define RECALC_W 0 // estimate sigmaXX_w within BBox?
232 #if RECALC_W
233  double wsum, wsumxx, wsumxy, wsumyy;
235  wsum = wsumxx = wsumxy = wsumyy = 0;
236 #endif
238  assert(w11 >= 0); // i.e. it was set
239  if (fabs(w11) > 1e6 || fabs(w12) > 1e6 || fabs(w22) > 1e6) {
240  return (-1);
241  }
243  sum = sumx = sumy = sumxx = sumxy = sumyy = sums4 = 0;
245  int const ix0 = bbox.getMinX(); // corners of the box being analyzed
246  int const ix1 = bbox.getMaxX();
247  int const iy0 = bbox.getMinY(); // corners of the box being analyzed
248  int const iy1 = bbox.getMaxY();
250  if (ix0 < 0 || ix1 >= image.getWidth() || iy0 < 0 || iy1 >= image.getHeight()) {
251  return -1;
252  }
254  for (int i = iy0; i <= iy1; ++i) {
255  typename ImageT::x_iterator ptr = image.x_at(ix0, i);
256  float const y = i - ycen;
257  float const y2 = y * y;
258  float const yl = y - 0.375;
259  float const yh = y + 0.375;
260  for (int j = ix0; j <= ix1; ++j, ++ptr) {
261  float x = j - xcen;
262  if (interpflag) {
263  float const xl = x - 0.375;
264  float const xh = x + 0.375;
266  float expon = xl * xl * w11 + yl * yl * w22 + 2.0 * xl * yl * w12;
267  tmp = xh * xh * w11 + yh * yh * w22 + 2.0 * xh * yh * w12;
268  expon = (expon > tmp) ? expon : tmp;
269  tmp = xl * xl * w11 + yh * yh * w22 + 2.0 * xl * yh * w12;
270  expon = (expon > tmp) ? expon : tmp;
271  tmp = xh * xh * w11 + yl * yl * w22 + 2.0 * xh * yl * w12;
272  expon = (expon > tmp) ? expon : tmp;
274  if (expon <= 9.0) {
275  tmod = *ptr - bkgd;
276  for (Y = yl; Y <= yh; Y += 0.25) {
277  double const interpY2 = Y * Y;
278  for (X = xl; X <= xh; X += 0.25) {
279  double const interpX2 = X * X;
280  double const interpXy = X * Y;
281  expon = interpX2 * w11 + 2 * interpXy * w12 + interpY2 * w22;
282  weight = std::exp(-0.5 * expon);
284  ymod = tmod * weight;
285  sum += ymod;
286  if (!instFluxOnly) {
287  sumx += ymod * (X + xcen);
288  sumy += ymod * (Y + ycen);
289 #if RECALC_W
290  wsum += weight;
292  tmp = interpX2 * weight;
293  wsumxx += tmp;
294  sumxx += tmod * tmp;
296  tmp = interpXy * weight;
297  wsumxy += tmp;
298  sumxy += tmod * tmp;
300  tmp = interpY2 * weight;
301  wsumyy += tmp;
302  sumyy += tmod * tmp;
303 #else
304  sumxx += interpX2 * ymod;
305  sumxy += interpXy * ymod;
306  sumyy += interpY2 * ymod;
307 #endif
308  sums4 += expon * expon * ymod;
309  }
310  }
311  }
312  }
313  } else {
314  float x2 = x * x;
315  float xy = x * y;
316  float expon = x2 * w11 + 2 * xy * w12 + y2 * w22;
318  if (expon <= 14.0) {
319  weight = std::exp(-0.5 * expon);
320  tmod = *ptr - bkgd;
321  ymod = tmod * weight;
322  sum += ymod;
323  if (!instFluxOnly) {
324  sumx += ymod * j;
325  sumy += ymod * i;
326 #if RECALC_W
327  wsum += weight;
329  tmp = x2 * weight;
330  wsumxx += tmp;
331  sumxx += tmod * tmp;
333  tmp = xy * weight;
334  wsumxy += tmp;
335  sumxy += tmod * tmp;
337  tmp = y2 * weight;
338  wsumyy += tmp;
339  sumyy += tmod * tmp;
340 #else
341  sumxx += x2 * ymod;
342  sumxy += xy * ymod;
343  sumyy += y2 * ymod;
344 #endif
345  sums4 += expon * expon * ymod;
346  }
347  }
348  }
349  }
350  }
352  std::tuple<std::pair<bool, double>, double, double, double> const weights = getWeights(w11, w12, w22);
353  double const detW = std::get<1>(weights) * std::get<3>(weights) - std::pow(std::get<2>(weights), 2);
354  *pI0 = sum / (geom::PI * sqrt(detW));
355  if (psum) {
356  *psum = sum;
357  }
358  if (!instFluxOnly) {
359  *psumx = sumx;
360  *psumy = sumy;
361  *psumxx = sumxx;
362  *psumxy = sumxy;
363  *psumyy = sumyy;
364  if (psums4 != NULL) {
365  *psums4 = sums4;
366  }
367  }
369 #if RECALC_W
370  if (wsum > 0 && !instFluxOnly) {
371  double det = w11 * w22 - w12 * w12;
372  wsumxx /= wsum;
373  wsumxy /= wsum;
374  wsumyy /= wsum;
375  printf("%g %g %g %g %g %g\n", w22 / det, -w12 / det, w11 / det, wsumxx, wsumxy, wsumyy);
376  }
377 #endif
379  if (negative) {
380  return (instFluxOnly || (sum < 0 && sumxx < 0 && sumyy < 0)) ? 0 : -1;
381  } else {
382  return (instFluxOnly || (sum > 0 && sumxx > 0 && sumyy > 0)) ? 0 : -1;
383  }
384 }
386 /*
387  * Workhorse for adaptive moments
388  *
389  * All inputs are expected to be in LOCAL image coordinates
390  */
391 template <typename ImageT>
392 bool getAdaptiveMoments(ImageT const &mimage, double bkgd, double xcen, double ycen, double shiftmax,
393  SdssShapeResult *shape, int maxIter, float tol1, float tol2, bool negative) {
394  double I0 = 0; // amplitude of best-fit Gaussian
395  double sum; // sum of intensity*weight
396  double sumx, sumy; // sum ((int)[xy])*intensity*weight
397  double sumxx, sumxy, sumyy; // sum {x^2,xy,y^2}*intensity*weight
398  double sums4; // sum intensity*weight*exponent^2
399  float const xcen0 = xcen; // initial centre
400  float const ycen0 = ycen; // of object
402  double sigma11W = 1.5; // quadratic moments of the
403  double sigma12W = 0.0; // weighting fcn;
404  double sigma22W = 1.5; // xx, xy, and yy
406  double w11 = -1, w12 = -1, w22 = -1; // current weights for moments; always set when iter == 0
407  float e1_old = 1e6, e2_old = 1e6; // old values of shape parameters e1 and e2
408  float sigma11_ow_old = 1e6; // previous version of sigma11_ow
410  typename ImageAdaptor<ImageT>::Image const &image = ImageAdaptor<ImageT>().getImage(mimage);
412  if (std::isnan(xcen) || std::isnan(ycen)) {
413  // Can't do anything
414  shape->flags[SdssShapeAlgorithm::UNWEIGHTED_BAD.number] = true;
415  return false;
416  }
418  bool interpflag = false; // interpolate finer than a pixel?
420  int iter = 0; // iteration number
421  for (; iter < maxIter; iter++) {
422  bbox = computeAdaptiveMomentsBBox(image.getBBox(afw::image::LOCAL), geom::Point2D(xcen, ycen),
423  sigma11W, sigma12W, sigma22W);
424  std::tuple<std::pair<bool, double>, double, double, double> weights =
425  getWeights(sigma11W, sigma12W, sigma22W);
426  if (!std::get<0>(weights).first) {
427  shape->flags[SdssShapeAlgorithm::UNWEIGHTED.number] = true;
428  break;
429  }
431  double const detW = std::get<0>(weights).second;
433 #if 0 // this form was numerically unstable on my G4 powerbook
434  assert(detW >= 0.0);
435 #else
436  assert(sigma11W * sigma22W >= sigma12W * sigma12W - std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());
437 #endif
439  {
440  const double ow11 = w11; // old
441  const double ow12 = w12; // values
442  const double ow22 = w22; // of w11, w12, w22
444  w11 = std::get<1>(weights);
445  w12 = std::get<2>(weights);
446  w22 = std::get<3>(weights);
448  if (shouldInterp(sigma11W, sigma22W, detW)) {
449  if (!interpflag) {
450  interpflag = true; // N.b.: stays set for this object
451  if (iter > 0) {
452  sigma11_ow_old = 1.e6; // force at least one more iteration
453  w11 = ow11;
454  w12 = ow12;
455  w22 = ow22;
456  iter--; // we didn't update wXX
457  }
458  }
459  }
460  }
462  if (calcmom<false>(image, xcen, ycen, bbox, bkgd, interpflag, w11, w12, w22, &I0, &sum, &sumx, &sumy,
463  &sumxx, &sumxy, &sumyy, &sums4, negative) < 0) {
464  shape->flags[SdssShapeAlgorithm::UNWEIGHTED.number] = true;
465  break;
466  }
468 #if 0
469 /*
470  * Find new centre
471  *
472  * This is only needed if we update the centre; if we use the input position we've already done the work
473  */
474  xcen = sumx/sum;
475  ycen = sumy/sum;
476 #endif
477  shape->x = sumx / sum; // update centroid. N.b. we're not setting errors here
478  shape->y = sumy / sum;
480  if (fabs(shape->x - xcen0) > shiftmax || fabs(shape->y - ycen0) > shiftmax) {
481  shape->flags[SdssShapeAlgorithm::SHIFT.number] = true;
482  }
483  /*
484  * OK, we have the centre. Proceed to find the second moments.
485  */
486  float const sigma11_ow = sumxx / sum; // quadratic moments of
487  float const sigma22_ow = sumyy / sum; // weight*object
488  float const sigma12_ow = sumxy / sum; // xx, xy, and yy
490  if (sigma11_ow <= 0 || sigma22_ow <= 0) {
491  shape->flags[SdssShapeAlgorithm::UNWEIGHTED.number] = true;
492  break;
493  }
495  float const d = sigma11_ow + sigma22_ow; // current values of shape parameters
496  float const e1 = (sigma11_ow - sigma22_ow) / d;
497  float const e2 = 2.0 * sigma12_ow / d;
498  /*
499  * Did we converge?
500  */
501  if (iter > 0 && fabs(e1 - e1_old) < tol1 && fabs(e2 - e2_old) < tol1 &&
502  fabs(sigma11_ow / sigma11_ow_old - 1.0) < tol2) {
503  break; // yes; we converged
504  }
506  e1_old = e1;
507  e2_old = e2;
508  sigma11_ow_old = sigma11_ow;
509  /*
510  * Didn't converge, calculate new values for weighting function
511  *
512  * The product of two Gaussians is a Gaussian:
513  * <x^2 exp(-a x^2 - 2bxy - cy^2) exp(-Ax^2 - 2Bxy - Cy^2)> =
514  * <x^2 exp(-(a + A) x^2 - 2(b + B)xy - (c + C)y^2)>
515  * i.e. the inverses of the covariances matrices add.
516  *
517  * We know sigmaXX_ow and sigmaXXW, the covariances of the weighted object
518  * and of the weights themselves. We can estimate the object's covariance as
519  * sigmaXX_ow^-1 - sigmaXXW^-1
520  * and, as we want to find a set of weights with the _same_ covariance as the
521  * object we take this to be the an estimate of our correct weights.
522  *
523  * N.b. This assumes that the object is roughly Gaussian.
524  * Consider the object:
525  * O == delta(x + p) + delta(x - p)
526  * the covariance of the weighted object is equal to that of the unweighted
527  * object, and this prescription fails badly. If we detect this, we set
528  * the UNWEIGHTED flag, and calculate the UNweighted moments
529  * instead.
530  */
531  {
532  float n11, n12, n22; // elements of inverse of next guess at weighting function
533  float ow11, ow12, ow22; // elements of inverse of sigmaXX_ow
535  std::tuple<std::pair<bool, double>, double, double, double> weights =
536  getWeights(sigma11_ow, sigma12_ow, sigma22_ow);
537  if (!std::get<0>(weights).first) {
538  shape->flags[SdssShapeAlgorithm::UNWEIGHTED.number] = true;
539  break;
540  }
542  ow11 = std::get<1>(weights);
543  ow12 = std::get<2>(weights);
544  ow22 = std::get<3>(weights);
546  n11 = ow11 - w11;
547  n12 = ow12 - w12;
548  n22 = ow22 - w22;
550  weights = getWeights(n11, n12, n22);
551  if (!std::get<0>(weights).first) {
552  // product-of-Gaussians assumption failed
553  shape->flags[SdssShapeAlgorithm::UNWEIGHTED.number] = true;
554  break;
555  }
557  sigma11W = std::get<1>(weights);
558  sigma12W = std::get<2>(weights);
559  sigma22W = std::get<3>(weights);
560  }
562  if (sigma11W <= 0 || sigma22W <= 0) {
563  shape->flags[SdssShapeAlgorithm::UNWEIGHTED.number] = true;
564  break;
565  }
566  }
568  if (iter == maxIter) {
569  shape->flags[SdssShapeAlgorithm::UNWEIGHTED.number] = true;
570  shape->flags[SdssShapeAlgorithm::MAXITER.number] = true;
571  }
573  if (sumxx + sumyy == 0.0) {
574  shape->flags[SdssShapeAlgorithm::UNWEIGHTED.number] = true;
575  }
576  /*
577  * Problems; try calculating the un-weighted moments
578  */
579  if (shape->flags[SdssShapeAlgorithm::UNWEIGHTED.number]) {
580  w11 = w22 = w12 = 0;
581  if (calcmom<false>(image, xcen, ycen, bbox, bkgd, interpflag, w11, w12, w22, &I0, &sum, &sumx, &sumy,
582  &sumxx, &sumxy, &sumyy, NULL, negative) < 0 ||
583  (!negative && sum <= 0) || (negative && sum >= 0)) {
584  shape->flags[SdssShapeAlgorithm::UNWEIGHTED.number] = false;
585  shape->flags[SdssShapeAlgorithm::UNWEIGHTED_BAD.number] = true;
587  if (sum > 0) {
588  shape->xx = 1 / 12.0; // a single pixel
589  shape->xy = 0.0;
590  shape->yy = 1 / 12.0;
591  }
593  return false;
594  }
596  sigma11W = sumxx / sum; // estimate of object moments
597  sigma12W = sumxy / sum; // usually, object == weight
598  sigma22W = sumyy / sum; // at this point
599  }
601  shape->instFlux = I0;
602  shape->xx = sigma11W;
603  shape->xy = sigma12W;
604  shape->yy = sigma22W;
606  if (shape->xx + shape->yy != 0.0) {
607  int const ix = afw::image::positionToIndex(xcen);
608  int const iy = afw::image::positionToIndex(ycen);
610  if (ix >= 0 && ix < mimage.getWidth() && iy >= 0 && iy < mimage.getHeight()) {
611  float const bkgd_var = ImageAdaptor<ImageT>().getVariance(
612  mimage, ix, iy); // XXX Overestimate as it includes object
614  if (bkgd_var > 0.0) { // NaN is not > 0.0
615  if (!(shape->flags[SdssShapeAlgorithm::UNWEIGHTED.number])) {
616  Matrix4d fisher = calc_fisher(*shape, bkgd_var); // Fisher matrix
617  Matrix4d cov = fisher.inverse();
618  // convention in afw::geom::ellipses is to order moments (xx, yy, xy),
619  // but the older algorithmic code uses (xx, xy, yy) - the order of
620  // indices here is not a bug.
621  shape->instFluxErr = std::sqrt(cov(0, 0));
622  shape->xxErr = std::sqrt(cov(1, 1));
623  shape->xyErr = std::sqrt(cov(2, 2));
624  shape->yyErr = std::sqrt(cov(3, 3));
625  shape->instFlux_xx_Cov = cov(0, 1);
626  shape->instFlux_xy_Cov = cov(0, 2);
627  shape->instFlux_yy_Cov = cov(0, 3);
628  shape->xx_yy_Cov = cov(1, 3);
629  shape->xx_xy_Cov = cov(1, 2);
630  shape->yy_xy_Cov = cov(2, 3);
631  }
632  }
633  }
634  }
636  return true;
637 }
639 } // namespace
642  : instFlux_xx_Cov(std::numeric_limits<ErrElement>::quiet_NaN()),
643  instFlux_yy_Cov(std::numeric_limits<ErrElement>::quiet_NaN()),
644  instFlux_xy_Cov(std::numeric_limits<ErrElement>::quiet_NaN()) {}
647  bool doMeasurePsf) {
649  r._shapeResult =
650  ShapeResultKey::addFields(schema, name, "elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments", SIGMA_ONLY);
651  r._centroidResult = CentroidResultKey::addFields(schema, name, "elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments",
653  r._instFluxResult = FluxResultKey::addFields(schema, name, "elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments");
655  // Only include PSF shape fields if doMeasurePsf = True
656  if (doMeasurePsf) {
657  r._includePsf = true;
658  r._psfShapeResult = afw::table::QuadrupoleKey::addFields(
659  schema, schema.join(name, "psf"), "adaptive moments of the PSF model at the object position");
660  } else {
661  r._includePsf = false;
662  }
664  r._instFlux_xx_Cov =
665  schema.addField<ErrElement>(schema.join(name, "instFlux", "xx", "Cov"),
666  (boost::format("uncertainty covariance between %s and %s") %
667  schema.join(name, "instFlux") % schema.join(name, "xx"))
668  .str(),
669  "count*pixel^2");
670  r._instFlux_yy_Cov =
671  schema.addField<ErrElement>(schema.join(name, "instFlux", "yy", "Cov"),
672  (boost::format("uncertainty covariance between %s and %s") %
673  schema.join(name, "instFlux") % schema.join(name, "yy"))
674  .str(),
675  "count*pixel^2");
676  r._instFlux_xy_Cov =
677  schema.addField<ErrElement>(schema.join(name, "instFlux", "xy", "Cov"),
678  (boost::format("uncertainty covariance between %s and %s") %
679  schema.join(name, "instFlux") % schema.join(name, "xy"))
680  .str(),
681  "count*pixel^2");
683  // Skip the psf flag if not recording the PSF shape.
684  if (r._includePsf) {
685  r._flagHandler = FlagHandler::addFields(schema, name, SdssShapeAlgorithm::getFlagDefinitions());
686  } else {
687  r._flagHandler = FlagHandler::addFields(schema, name, SdssShapeAlgorithm::getFlagDefinitions(),
688  {SdssShapeAlgorithm::PSF_SHAPE_BAD});
689  }
690  return r;
691 }
694  : _shapeResult(s),
695  _centroidResult(s),
696  _instFluxResult(s),
697  _instFlux_xx_Cov(s["instFlux"]["xx"]["Cov"]),
698  _instFlux_yy_Cov(s["instFlux"]["yy"]["Cov"]),
699  _instFlux_xy_Cov(s["instFlux"]["xy"]["Cov"]) {
700  // The input SubSchema may optionally provide for a PSF.
701  try {
702  _psfShapeResult = afw::table::QuadrupoleKey(s["psf"]);
704  _includePsf = true;
705  } catch (pex::exceptions::NotFoundError &e) {
706  _flagHandler =
707  FlagHandler(s, SdssShapeAlgorithm::getFlagDefinitions(), {SdssShapeAlgorithm::PSF_SHAPE_BAD});
708  _includePsf = false;
709  }
710 }
714  static_cast<ShapeResult &>(result) = record.get(_shapeResult);
715  static_cast<CentroidResult &>(result) = record.get(_centroidResult);
716  static_cast<FluxResult &>(result) = record.get(_instFluxResult);
717  result.instFlux_xx_Cov = record.get(_instFlux_xx_Cov);
718  result.instFlux_yy_Cov = record.get(_instFlux_yy_Cov);
719  result.instFlux_xy_Cov = record.get(_instFlux_xy_Cov);
720  for (size_t n = 0; n < SdssShapeAlgorithm::N_FLAGS; ++n) {
721  if (n == SdssShapeAlgorithm::PSF_SHAPE_BAD.number && !_includePsf) continue;
722  result.flags[n] = _flagHandler.getValue(record, n);
723  }
724  return result;
725 }
728  return record.get(_psfShapeResult);
729 }
732  record.set(_shapeResult, value);
733  record.set(_centroidResult, value);
734  record.set(_instFluxResult, value);
735  record.set(_instFlux_xx_Cov, value.instFlux_xx_Cov);
736  record.set(_instFlux_yy_Cov, value.instFlux_yy_Cov);
737  record.set(_instFlux_xy_Cov, value.instFlux_xy_Cov);
738  for (size_t n = 0; n < SdssShapeAlgorithm::N_FLAGS; ++n) {
739  if (n == SdssShapeAlgorithm::PSF_SHAPE_BAD.number && !_includePsf) continue;
740  _flagHandler.setValue(record, n, value.flags[n]);
741  }
742 }
745  afw::geom::ellipses::Quadrupole const &value) const {
746  record.set(_psfShapeResult, value);
747 }
750  return _shapeResult == other._shapeResult && _centroidResult == other._centroidResult &&
751  _instFluxResult == other._instFluxResult && _psfShapeResult == other._psfShapeResult &&
752  _instFlux_xx_Cov == other._instFlux_xx_Cov && _instFlux_yy_Cov == other._instFlux_yy_Cov &&
753  _instFlux_xy_Cov == other._instFlux_xy_Cov;
754  // don't bother with flags - if we've gotten this far, it's basically impossible the flags don't match
755 }
758  return _shapeResult.isValid() && _centroidResult.isValid() && _instFluxResult.isValid() &&
759  _psfShapeResult.isValid() && _instFlux_xx_Cov.isValid() && _instFlux_yy_Cov.isValid() &&
760  _instFlux_xy_Cov.isValid();
761  // don't bother with flags - if we've gotten this far, it's basically impossible the flags are invalid
762 }
766  : _ctrl(ctrl),
767  _resultKey(ResultKey::addFields(schema, name, ctrl.doMeasurePsf)),
768  _centroidExtractor(schema, name) {}
770 template <typename ImageT>
772  bool negative, Control const &control) {
773  double xcen = center.getX(); // object's column position
774  double ycen = center.getY(); // object's row position
776  xcen -= image.getX0(); // work in image Pixel coordinates
777  ycen -= image.getY0();
779  float shiftmax = control.maxShift; // Max allowed centroid shift
780  if (shiftmax < 2) {
781  shiftmax = 2;
782  } else if (shiftmax > 10) {
783  shiftmax = 10;
784  }
787  try {
788  result.flags[FAILURE.number] =
789  !getAdaptiveMoments(image, control.background, xcen, ycen, shiftmax, &result, control.maxIter,
790  control.tol1, control.tol2, negative);
791  } catch (pex::exceptions::Exception &err) {
792  result.flags[FAILURE.number] = true;
793  }
794  if (result.flags[UNWEIGHTED.number] || result.flags[SHIFT.number]) {
795  // These are also considered fatal errors in terms of the quality of the results,
796  // even though they do produce some results.
797  result.flags[FAILURE.number] = true;
798  }
799  if (result.getQuadrupole().getIxx() * result.getQuadrupole().getIyy() <
800  (1.0 + 1.0e-6) * result.getQuadrupole().getIxy() * result.getQuadrupole().getIxy())
801  // We are checking that Ixx*Iyy > (1 + epsilon)*Ixy*Ixy where epsilon is suitably small. The
802  // value of epsilon used here is a magic number. DM-5801 is supposed to figure out if we are
803  // to keep this value.
804  {
805  if (!result.flags[FAILURE.number]) {
807  "Should not get singular moments unless a flag is set");
808  }
809  }
811  // getAdaptiveMoments() just computes the zeroth moment in result.instFlux (and its error in
812  // result.instFluxErr, result.instFlux_xx_Cov, etc.) That's related to the instFlux by some geometric
813  // factors, which we apply here.
814  double instFluxScale = computeFluxScale(result);
816  result.instFlux *= instFluxScale;
817  result.instFluxErr *= instFluxScale;
818  result.x += image.getX0();
819  result.y += image.getY0();
821  if (ImageAdaptor<ImageT>::hasVariance) {
822  result.instFlux_xx_Cov *= instFluxScale;
823  result.instFlux_yy_Cov *= instFluxScale;
824  result.instFlux_xy_Cov *= instFluxScale;
825  }
827  return result;
828 }
830 template <typename ImageT>
832  afw::geom::ellipses::Quadrupole const &shape,
833  geom::Point2D const &center) {
834  // while arguments to computeFixedMomentsFlux are in PARENT coordinates, the implementation is LOCAL.
835  geom::Point2D localCenter = center - geom::Extent2D(image.getXY0());
837  geom::BoxI const bbox = computeAdaptiveMomentsBBox(image.getBBox(afw::image::LOCAL), localCenter,
838  shape.getIxx(), shape.getIxy(), shape.getIyy());
840  std::tuple<std::pair<bool, double>, double, double, double> weights =
841  getWeights(shape.getIxx(), shape.getIxy(), shape.getIyy());
845  if (!std::get<0>(weights).first) {
846  throw pex::exceptions::InvalidParameterError("Input shape is singular");
847  }
849  double const w11 = std::get<1>(weights);
850  double const w12 = std::get<2>(weights);
851  double const w22 = std::get<3>(weights);
852  bool const interp = shouldInterp(shape.getIxx(), shape.getIyy(), std::get<0>(weights).second);
854  double i0 = 0; // amplitude of Gaussian
855  if (calcmom<true>(ImageAdaptor<ImageT>().getImage(image), localCenter.getX(), localCenter.getY(), bbox,
856  0.0, interp, w11, w12, w22, &i0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0) {
857  throw LSST_EXCEPT(pex::exceptions::RuntimeError, "Error from calcmom");
858  }
860  double const wArea = geom::PI * std::sqrt(shape.getDeterminant());
862  result.instFlux = i0 * 2 * wArea;
864  if (ImageAdaptor<ImageT>::hasVariance) {
865  int ix = static_cast<int>(center.getX() - image.getX0());
866  int iy = static_cast<int>(center.getY() - image.getY0());
867  if (!image.getBBox(afw::image::LOCAL).contains(geom::Point2I(ix, iy))) {
869  (boost::format("Center (%d,%d) not in image (%dx%d)") % ix % iy %
870  image.getWidth() % image.getHeight())
871  .str());
872  }
873  double var = ImageAdaptor<ImageT>().getVariance(image, ix, iy);
874  double i0Err = std::sqrt(var / wArea);
875  result.instFluxErr = i0Err * 2 * wArea;
876  }
878  return result;
879 }
882  afw::image::Exposure<float> const &exposure) const {
883  bool negative = false;
885  try {
886  negative = measRecord.get(measRecord.getSchema().find<afw::table::Flag>("flags_negative").key);
887  } catch (pexExcept::Exception &e) {
888  }
890  exposure.getMaskedImage(), _centroidExtractor(measRecord, _resultKey.getFlagHandler()), negative,
891  _ctrl);
893  if (_ctrl.doMeasurePsf) {
894  // Compute moments of Psf model. In the interest of implementing this quickly, we're just
895  // calling Psf::computeShape(), which delegates to SdssShapeResult::computeAdaptiveMoments
896  // for all nontrivial Psf classes. But this could in theory save the results of a shape
897  // computed some other way as part of base_SdssShape, which might be confusing. We should
898  // fix this eventually either by making Psf shape measurement not part of base_SdssShape, or
899  // by making the measurements stored with shape.sdss always computed via the
900  // SdssShapeAlgorithm instead of delegating to the Psf class.
901  try {
902  PTR(afw::detection::Psf const) psf = exposure.getPsf();
903  if (!psf) {
904  result.flags[PSF_SHAPE_BAD.number] = true;
905  } else {
906  _resultKey.setPsfShape(measRecord, psf->computeShape(geom::Point2D(result.x, result.y)));
907  }
908  } catch (pex::exceptions::Exception &err) {
909  result.flags[PSF_SHAPE_BAD.number] = true;
910  }
911  }
913  measRecord.set(_resultKey, result);
914 }
917  _resultKey.getFlagHandler().handleFailure(measRecord, error);
918 }
921  template SdssShapeResult SdssShapeAlgorithm::computeAdaptiveMoments( \
922  IMAGE const &, geom::Point2D const &, bool, Control const &); \
923  template FluxResult SdssShapeAlgorithm::computeFixedMomentsFlux( \
924  IMAGE const &, afw::geom::ellipses::Quadrupole const &, geom::Point2D const &)
927  INSTANTIATE_IMAGE(afw::image::Image<PIXEL>); \
928  INSTANTIATE_IMAGE(afw::image::MaskedImage<PIXEL>);
936  : BaseTransform{name}, _instFluxTransform{name, mapper}, _centroidTransform{name, mapper} {
937  // If the input schema has a PSF flag -- it's optional -- assume we are also transforming the PSF.
938  _transformPsf = mapper.getInputSchema().getNames().count("sdssShape_flag_psf") ? true : false;
940  // Skip the last flag if not transforming the PSF shape.
941  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < SdssShapeAlgorithm::getFlagDefinitions().size(); i++) {
943  if (flag == SdssShapeAlgorithm::FAILURE) continue;
944  if (mapper.getInputSchema().getNames().count(mapper.getInputSchema().join(name, == 0)
945  continue;
947  mapper.getInputSchema().find<afw::table::Flag>(name + "_" +;
948  mapper.addMapping(key);
949  }
951  _outShapeKey = ShapeResultKey::addFields(mapper.editOutputSchema(), name, "Shape in celestial moments",
953  if (_transformPsf) {
954  _outPsfShapeKey = afw::table::QuadrupoleKey::addFields(mapper.editOutputSchema(), name + "_psf",
955  "PSF shape in celestial moments",
957  }
958 }
961  afw::table::BaseCatalog &outputCatalog, afw::geom::SkyWcs const &wcs,
962  afw::image::PhotoCalib const &photoCalib) const {
963  // The instFlux and cetroid transforms will check that the catalog lengths
964  // match and throw if not, so we don't repeat the test here.
965  _instFluxTransform(inputCatalog, outputCatalog, wcs, photoCalib);
966  _centroidTransform(inputCatalog, outputCatalog, wcs, photoCalib);
968  CentroidResultKey centroidKey(inputCatalog.getSchema()[_name]);
969  ShapeResultKey inShapeKey(inputCatalog.getSchema()[_name]);
970  afw::table::QuadrupoleKey inPsfShapeKey;
971  if (_transformPsf) {
972  inPsfShapeKey = afw::table::QuadrupoleKey(
973  inputCatalog.getSchema()[inputCatalog.getSchema().join(_name, "psf")]);
974  }
976  afw::table::SourceCatalog::const_iterator inSrc = inputCatalog.begin();
977  afw::table::BaseCatalog::iterator outSrc = outputCatalog.begin();
978  for (; inSrc != inputCatalog.end(); ++inSrc, ++outSrc) {
979  ShapeResult inShape = inShapeKey.get(*inSrc);
980  ShapeResult outShape;
982  // The transformation from the (x, y) to the (Ra, Dec) basis.
983  geom::AffineTransform crdTr =
984  wcs.linearizePixelToSky(centroidKey.get(*inSrc).getCentroid(), geom::radians);
985  outShape.setShape(inShape.getShape().transform(crdTr.getLinear()));
987  // Transformation matrix from pixel to celestial basis.
989  outShape.setShapeErr((m * inShape.getShapeErr().cast<double>() * m.transpose()).cast<ErrElement>());
991  _outShapeKey.set(*outSrc, outShape);
993  if (_transformPsf) {
994  _outPsfShapeKey.set(*outSrc, inPsfShapeKey.get(*inSrc).transform(crdTr.getLinear()));
995  }
996  }
997 }
999 } // namespace base
1000 } // namespace meas
1001 } // namespace lsst
std::size_t size() const
return the current size (number of defined elements) of the collection
Definition: FlagHandler.h:125
An ellipse core with quadrupole moments as parameters.
Definition: Quadrupole.h:47
Defines the fields and offsets for a table.
Definition: Schema.h:50
virtual void set(afw::table::BaseRecord &record, ShapeResult const &value) const
Set a ShapeResult in the given record.
bool doMeasurePsf
"Whether to also compute the shape of the PSF model" ;
Definition: SdssShape.h:59
uint64_t * ptr
A 2-dimensional celestial WCS that transform pixels to ICRS RA/Dec, using the LSST standard for pixel...
Definition: SkyWcs.h:117
static Result computeAdaptiveMoments(ImageT const &image, geom::Point2D const &position, bool negative=false, Control const &ctrl=Control())
Compute the adaptive Gaussian-weighted moments of an image.
A proxy type for name lookups in a Schema.
Definition: Schema.h:360
virtual void measure(afw::table::SourceRecord &measRecord, afw::image::Exposure< float > const &exposure) const
Called to measure a single child source in an image.
#define PTR(...)
Definition: base.h:41
ErrElement yy_xy_Cov
yy,xy term in the uncertainty convariance matrix
ErrElement instFlux_yy_Cov
instFlux, yy term in the uncertainty covariance matrix
Definition: SdssShape.h:227
A floating-point coordinate rectangle geometry.
Definition: Box.h:305
float tol2
"Convergence tolerance for FWHM" ;
Definition: SdssShape.h:58
double constexpr TWOPI
Definition: Angle.h:40
int positionToIndex(double pos)
Convert image position to nearest integer index.
Definition: ImageUtils.h:69
An affine coordinate transformation consisting of a linear transformation and an offset.
The photometric calibration of an exposure.
Definition: PhotoCalib.h:116
ShapeElement xy
image or model second moment for xy^2
static FlagDefinition const SHIFT
Definition: SdssShape.h:158
ErrElement xxErr
standard deviation of xx
T exp(T... args)
virtual void operator()(afw::table::SourceCatalog const &inputCatalog, afw::table::BaseCatalog &outputCatalog, afw::geom::SkyWcs const &wcs, afw::image::PhotoCalib const &photoCalib) const
std::string join(std::string const &a, std::string const &b) const
Join strings using the field delimiter appropriate for this Schema.
Shape const getShape() const
Return an afw::geom::ellipses object corresponding to xx, yy, xy.
A mapping between the keys of two Schemas, used to copy data between them.
Definition: SchemaMapper.h:21
iterator at(int const x, int const y) const
Return an iterator at the point (x, y)
Simple class used to define and document flags The name and doc constitute the identity of the FlagDe...
Definition: FlagHandler.h:40
Only the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix are provided.
Definition: constants.h:45
A reusable struct for centroid measurements.
afw::geom::ellipses::Quadrupole getQuadrupole()
double background
"Additional value to add to background" ;
Definition: SdssShape.h:54
bool isValid() const
Return True if the centroid key is valid.
The full covariance matrix is provided.
Definition: constants.h:46
py::object result
int y
STL namespace.
CentroidElement x
x (column) coordinate of the measured position
T make_tuple(T... args)
Reports arguments outside the domain of an operation.
Definition: Runtime.h:57
ShapeTrMatrix makeShapeTransformMatrix(geom::LinearTransform const &xform)
Construct a matrix suitable for transforming second moments.
virtual void fail(afw::table::SourceRecord &measRecord, MeasurementError *error=nullptr) const
Handle an exception thrown by the current algorithm by setting flags in the given record...
Provides consistent interface for LSST exceptions.
Definition: Exception.h:107
int maxIter
"Maximum number of iterations" ;
Definition: SdssShape.h:55
bool operator==(SdssShapeResultKey const &other) const
Compare the FunctorKey for equality with another, using the underlying Keys.
void setValue(afw::table::BaseRecord &record, std::size_t i, bool value) const
Set the flag field corresponding to the given flag index.
Definition: FlagHandler.h:262
meas::base::FluxErrElement instFluxErr
Standard deviation of instFlux in DN.
Definition: FluxUtilities.h:43
Exception to be thrown when a measurement algorithm experiences a known failure mode.
Definition: exceptions.h:48
ShapeElement xx
image or model second moment for x^2
static FlagDefinition const UNWEIGHTED
Definition: SdssShape.h:157
static FluxResultKey addFields(afw::table::Schema &schema, std::string const &name, std::string const &doc)
Add a pair of _instFlux, _instFluxErr fields to a Schema, and return a FluxResultKey that points to t...
Field< T >::Value get(Key< T > const &key) const
Return the value of a field for the given key.
Definition: BaseRecord.h:151
AngleUnit constexpr radians
constant with units of radians
Definition: Angle.h:108
bool isValid() const noexcept
Return true if the key was initialized to valid offset.
Definition: Key.h:97
float tol1
"Convergence tolerance for e1,e2" ;
Definition: SdssShape.h:57
bool isValid() const
Return True if the key is valid.
table::Key< table::Array< std::uint8_t > > wcs
static FlagDefinition const UNWEIGHTED_BAD
Definition: SdssShape.h:156
double maxShift
"Maximum centroid shift, limited to 2-10" ;
Definition: SdssShape.h:56
float ErrElement
Definition: constants.h:55
Point< double, 2 > Point2D
Definition: Point.h:324
ImagePtr getImage() const
Return a (shared_ptr to) the MaskedImage&#39;s image.
Definition: MaskedImage.h:1058
A FunctorKey for ShapeResult.
STL class.
T min(T... args)
ErrElement xx_xy_Cov
xx,xy term in the uncertainty convariance matrix
void setShapeErr(ShapeCov const &matrix)
Set the struct standard deviation elements from the given matrix, with rows and columns ordered (xx...
ErrElement xx_yy_Cov
xx,yy term in the uncertainty convariance matrix
Utility class for handling flag fields that indicate the failure modes of an algorithm.
Definition: FlagHandler.h:148
Reports attempts to access elements using an invalid key.
Definition: Runtime.h:151
A reusable struct for moments-based shape measurements.
static unsigned int const N_FLAGS
Definition: SdssShape.h:154
SchemaItem< T > find(std::string const &name) const
Find a SchemaItem in the Schema by name.
A base class for image defects.
MaskedImageT getMaskedImage()
Return the MaskedImage.
Definition: Exposure.h:230
Result object SdssShapeAlgorithm.
Definition: SdssShape.h:224
int getMaxY() const noexcept
Definition: Box.h:149
static FlagDefinitionList const & getFlagDefinitions()
static QuadrupoleKey addFields(Schema &schema, std::string const &name, std::string const &doc, CoordinateType coordType=CoordinateType::PIXEL)
Add a set of quadrupole subfields to a schema and return a QuadrupoleKey that points to them...
Constructor; initializes everything to NaN.
SdssShapeAlgorithm(Control const &ctrl, std::string const &name, afw::table::Schema &schema)
Iterator class for CatalogT.
Definition: Catalog.h:38
def format(config, name=None, writeSourceLine=True, prefix="", verbose=False)
A class to manipulate images, masks, and variance as a single object.
Definition: MaskedImage.h:74
ErrElement xyErr
standard deviation of xy
lsst::geom::AffineTransform linearizePixelToSky(lsst::geom::SpherePoint const &coord, lsst::geom::AngleUnit const &skyUnit) const
Return the local linear approximation to pixelToSky at a point given in sky coordinates.
T make_pair(T... args)
Schema getSchema() const
Return the Schema that holds this record&#39;s fields and keys.
Definition: BaseRecord.h:80
table::Schema schema
virtual void set(afw::table::BaseRecord &record, SdssShapeResult const &value) const
Set an SdssShapeResult in the given record.
static CentroidResultKey addFields(afw::table::Schema &schema, std::string const &name, std::string const &doc, UncertaintyEnum uncertainty)
Add the appropriate fields to a Schema, and return a CentroidResultKey that manages them...
A C++ control class to handle SdssShapeAlgorithm&#39;s configuration.
Definition: SdssShape.h:52
Eigen::Matrix< ShapeElement, 3, 3, Eigen::DontAlign > ShapeTrMatrix
Definition: constants.h:62
Reports errors in the logical structure of the program.
Definition: Runtime.h:46
table::Box2IKey bbox
T max(T... args)
solver_t * s
int getMaxX() const noexcept
Definition: Box.h:148
static FluxResult computeFixedMomentsFlux(ImageT const &image, afw::geom::ellipses::Quadrupole const &shape, geom::Point2D const &position)
Compute the instFlux within a fixed Gaussian aperture.
bool isValid() const
Return True if the shape key is valid.
double x
LinearTransform const & getLinear() const noexcept
bool isValid() const
Return True if both the instFlux and instFluxErr Keys are valid.
static FlagHandler addFields(afw::table::Schema &schema, std::string const &prefix, FlagDefinitionList const &flagDefs, FlagDefinitionList const &exclDefs=FlagDefinitionList::getEmptyList())
Add Flag fields to a schema, creating a FlagHandler object to manage them.
std::bitset< SdssShapeAlgorithm::N_FLAGS > flags
Status flags (see SdssShapeAlgorithm).
Definition: SdssShape.h:230
virtual SdssShapeResult get(afw::table::BaseRecord const &record) const
Get an SdssShapeResult from the given record.
int getMinX() const noexcept
Definition: Box.h:144
afw::table::Key< double > weight
virtual afw::geom::ellipses::Quadrupole getPsfShape(afw::table::BaseRecord const &record) const
Get a Quadrupole for the Psf from the given record.
#define LSST_EXCEPT(type,...)
Create an exception with a given type.
Definition: Exception.h:48
ShapeElement yy
image or model second moment for y^2
Base class for all records.
Definition: BaseRecord.h:31
Transformer transform(lsst::geom::LinearTransform const &transform)
Definition: Transformer.h:116
Key< U > key
static FlagDefinition const MAXITER
Definition: SdssShape.h:159
std::shared_ptr< lsst::afw::detection::Psf > getPsf()
Return the Exposure&#39;s Psf object.
Definition: Exposure.h:320
T pow(T... args)
static FlagDefinition const PSF_SHAPE_BAD
Definition: SdssShape.h:160
A FunctorKey that maps SdssShapeResult to afw::table Records.
Definition: SdssShape.h:73
Algorithm provides no uncertainy information at all.
Definition: constants.h:44
Abstract base class for all C++ measurement transformations.
Definition: Transform.h:86
void clip(Box2I const &other) noexcept
Shrink this to ensure that other.contains(*this).
afw::table::Key< afw::table::Array< ImagePixelT > > image
static FlagDefinition const FAILURE
Definition: SdssShape.h:155
void handleFailure(afw::table::BaseRecord &record, MeasurementError const *error=nullptr) const
Handle an expected or unexpected Exception thrown by a measurement algorithm.
Reports invalid arguments.
Definition: Runtime.h:66
A FunctorKey for CentroidResult.
T isnan(T... args)
void set(Key< T > const &key, U const &value)
Set value of a field for the given key.
Definition: BaseRecord.h:164
CentroidElement y
y (row) coordinate of the measured position
int m
void set(BaseRecord &record, geom::ellipses::Quadrupole const &value) const override
Set a Quadrupole in the given record.
ItemVariant const * other
Record class that contains measurements made on a single exposure.
Definition: Source.h:82
meas::base::Flux instFlux
Measured instFlux in DN.
Definition: FluxUtilities.h:42
ErrElement instFlux_xx_Cov
instFlux, xx term in the uncertainty covariance matrix
Definition: SdssShape.h:226
bool getValue(afw::table::BaseRecord const &record, std::size_t i) const
Return the value of the flag field corresponding to the given flag index.
Definition: FlagHandler.h:242
T quiet_NaN(T... args)
T sqrt(T... args)
ErrElement yyErr
standard deviation of yy
Default constructor; instance will not be usuable unless subsequently assigned to.
Definition: SdssShape.h:90
FlagHandler const & getFlagHandler() const
Definition: SdssShape.h:125
Extent< double, 2 > Extent2D
Definition: Extent.h:400
ErrElement instFlux_xy_Cov
instFlux, xy term in the uncertainty covariance matrix
Definition: SdssShape.h:228
Backwards-compatibility support for depersisting the old Calib (FluxMag0/FluxMag0Err) objects...
bool isValid() const noexcept
Return True if all the constituent Keys are valid.
Definition: aggregates.h:342
iterator begin()
Iterator access.
Definition: Catalog.h:396
vector-type utility class to build a collection of FlagDefinitions
Definition: FlagHandler.h:60
A polymorphic base class for representing an image&#39;s Point Spread Function.
Definition: Psf.h:76
double getDeterminant() const
Return the determinant of the matrix representation.
Definition: Quadrupole.h:83
void setShape(Shape const &shape)
Set struct elements from the given Quadrupole object.
static SdssShapeResultKey addFields(afw::table::Schema &schema, std::string const &name, bool doMeasurePsf)
Add the appropriate fields to a Schema, and return a SdssShapeResultKey that manages them...
virtual void setPsfShape(afw::table::BaseRecord &record, afw::geom::ellipses::Quadrupole const &value) const
Set a Quadrupole for the Psf at the position of the given record.
An integer coordinate rectangle.
Definition: Box.h:54
A FunctorKey used to get or set a geom::ellipses::Quadrupole from a tuple of constituent Keys...
Definition: aggregates.h:282
SdssShapeTransform(Control const &ctrl, std::string const &name, afw::table::SchemaMapper &mapper)
A class to represent a 2-dimensional array of pixels.
Definition: Image.h:59
Key< T > addField(Field< T > const &field, bool doReplace=false)
Add a new field to the Schema, and return the associated Key.
A reusable result struct for instFlux measurements.
Definition: FluxUtilities.h:41
double constexpr PI
The ratio of a circle&#39;s circumference to diameter.
Definition: Angle.h:39
int getMinY() const noexcept
Definition: Box.h:145
SchemaMapper * mapper
Reports errors that are due to events beyond the control of the program.
Definition: Runtime.h:104
ShapeCov const getShapeErr() const
Return the 3x3 symmetric covariance matrix, with rows and columns ordered (xx, yy, xy)
static ShapeResultKey addFields(afw::table::Schema &schema, std::string const &name, std::string const &doc, UncertaintyEnum uncertainty, afw::table::CoordinateType coordType=afw::table::CoordinateType::PIXEL)
Add the appropriate fields to a Schema, and return a ShapeResultKey that manages them.