LSSTApplications  17.0+124,17.0+14,17.0+73,18.0.0+37,18.0.0+80,18.0.0-4-g68ffd23+4,18.1.0-1-g0001055+12,18.1.0-1-g03d53ef+5,18.1.0-1-g1349e88+55,18.1.0-1-g2505f39+44,18.1.0-1-g5315e5e+4,18.1.0-1-g5e4b7ea+14,18.1.0-1-g7e8fceb+4,18.1.0-1-g85f8cd4+48,18.1.0-1-g8ff0b9f+4,18.1.0-1-ga2c679d+1,18.1.0-1-gd55f500+35,18.1.0-10-gb58edde+2,18.1.0-11-g0997b02+4,18.1.0-13-gfe4edf0b+12,18.1.0-14-g259bd21+21,18.1.0-19-gdb69f3f+2,18.1.0-2-g5f9922c+24,18.1.0-2-gd3b74e5+11,18.1.0-2-gfbf3545+32,18.1.0-26-g728bddb4+5,18.1.0-27-g6ff7ca9+2,18.1.0-3-g52aa583+25,18.1.0-3-g8ea57af+9,18.1.0-3-gb69f684+42,18.1.0-3-gfcaddf3+6,18.1.0-32-gd8786685a,18.1.0-4-gf3f9b77+6,18.1.0-5-g1dd662b+2,18.1.0-5-g6dbcb01+41,18.1.0-6-gae77429+3,18.1.0-7-g9d75d83+9,18.1.0-7-gae09a6d+30,18.1.0-9-gc381ef5+4,w.2019.45
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 # This file is part of jointcal.
2 #
3 # Developed for the LSST Data Management System.
4 # This product includes software developed by the LSST Project
5 # (
6 # See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution
7 # for details of code ownership.
8 #
9 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 # (at your option) any later version.
13 #
14 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 # GNU General Public License for more details.
18 #
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 # along with this program. If not, see <>.
22 """Functions to help create jointcal tests by generating fake data."""
24 __all__ = ['createFakeCatalog', 'createTwoFakeCcdImages', 'getMeasuredStarsFromCatalog']
26 import os
27 import unittest
29 import numpy as np
31 import lsst.afw.geom
32 import lsst.afw.table
34 import lsst.pipe.base
36 import
40  """Returns True if the necessary packages and files are available.
42  We need ``obs_cfht`` to load the test/data/cfht_minimal dataset, which
43  includes the metadata that is used to build the fake catalogs.
44  """
45  try:
46  import lsst.obs.cfht # noqa: F401
47  return True
48  except ImportError:
49  return False
52 def createTwoFakeCcdImages(num1=4, num2=4, seed=100, fakeCcdId=12,
53  photoCalibMean1=1e-2, photoCalibMean2=1.2e-2,
54  fakeWcses=(None, None),
55  fakeVisitInfos=(None, None)):
56  """Return two fake ccdImages built on CFHT Megacam metadata.
58  If ``num1 == num2``, the catalogs will align on-sky so each source will
59  have a match in the other catalog.
61  This uses the butler dataset stored in `tests/data/cfht_minimal` to
62  bootstrap the metadata.
64  Parameters
65  ----------
66  num1, num2 : `int`, optional
67  Number of sources to put in the first and second catalogs. Should be
68  a square, to have sqrt(num) centroids on a grid.
69  seed : `int`, optional
70  Seed value for np.random.
71  fakeCcdId : `int`, optional
72  Sensor identifier to use for both CcdImages. The wcs, bbox, photoCalib, etc.
73  will still be drawn from the CFHT ccd=12 files, as that is the only
74  testdata that is included in this simple test dataset.
75  photoCalibMean1, photoCalibMean2: `float`, optional
76  The mean photometric calibration to pass to each ccdImage construction.
77  Note: this value is 1/instFluxMag0, so it should be less than 1.
78  fakeWcses : `list` [`lsst.afw.geom.SkyWcs`], optional
79  The SkyWcses to use instead of the ones read from disk.
80  fakeWcses : `list` [`lsst.afw.image.VisitInfo`], optional
81  The VisitInfos to use instead of the ones read from disk.
83  Returns
84  -------
85  struct : `lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
86  Result struct with components:
88  - `camera` : Camera representing these catalogs
89  (`lsst.afw.cameraGeom.Camera`).
90  - `catalogs` : Catalogs containing fake sources
91  (`list` of `lsst.afw.table.SourceCatalog`).
92  - `ccdImageList` : CcdImages containing the metadata and fake sources
93  (`list` of `lsst.jointcal.CcdImage`).
94  - `bbox` : Bounding Box of the image (`lsst.geom.Box2I`).
95  - 'fluxFieldName' : name of the instFlux field in the catalogs ('str').
96  """
97  if not canRunTests():
98  msg = "Necessary packages not available to run tests that use the cfht_minimal dataset."
99  raise unittest.SkipTest(msg)
101  np.random.seed(seed)
103  visit1 = 849375
104  visit2 = 850587
105  fluxFieldName = "SomeFlux"
107  # Load or fake the necessary metadata for each CcdImage
108  dataDir = lsst.utils.getPackageDir('jointcal')
109  inputDir = os.path.join(dataDir, 'tests/data/cfht_minimal')
110  butler = lsst.daf.persistence.Butler(inputDir)
112  # so we can access parts of the camera later (e.g. focal plane)
113  camera = butler.get('camera', visit=visit1)
115  struct1 = createFakeCcdImage(butler, visit1, num1, fluxFieldName,
116  photoCalibMean=photoCalibMean1, photoCalibErr=1.0, fakeCcdId=fakeCcdId,
117  fakeWcs=fakeWcses[0], fakeVisitInfo=fakeVisitInfos[0])
118  struct2 = createFakeCcdImage(butler, visit2, num2, fluxFieldName,
119  photoCalibMean=photoCalibMean2, photoCalibErr=5.0, fakeCcdId=fakeCcdId,
120  fakeWcs=fakeWcses[1], fakeVisitInfo=fakeVisitInfos[1])
122  return lsst.pipe.base.Struct(camera=camera,
123  catalogs=[struct1.catalog, struct2.catalog],
124  ccdImageList=[struct1.ccdImage, struct2.ccdImage],
125  bbox=struct1.bbox,
126  skyWcs=[struct1.skyWcs, struct2.skyWcs],
127  fluxFieldName=fluxFieldName)
130 def createFakeCcdImage(butler, visit, num, fluxFieldName,
131  photoCalibMean=1e-2, photoCalibErr=1.0, fakeCcdId=12,
132  fakeWcs=None, fakeVisitInfo=None):
133  """Create a fake CcdImage by making a fake catalog.
135  Parameters
136  ----------
137  butler : `lsst.daf.persistence.Butler`
138  Butler to load metadata from.
139  visit : `int`
140  Visit identifier to build a butler dataId.
141  num : `int`
142  Number of sources to put in the catalogs. Should be
143  a square, to have sqrt(num) centroids on a grid.
144  fluxFieldName : `str`
145  Name of the flux field to populate in the catalog, without `_instFlux`
146  (e.g. "slot_CalibFlux").
147  photoCalibMean : `float`, optional
148  Value to set for calibrationMean in the created PhotoCalib.
149  Note: this value is 1/instFluxMag0, so it should be less than 1.
150  photoCalibErr : `float`, optional
151  Value to set for calibrationErr in the created PhotoCalib.
152  fakeCcdId : `int`, optional
153  Use this as the ccdId in the returned CcdImage.
154  fakeWcs : `lsst.afw.geom.SkyWcs`, optional
155  A SkyWcs to use instead of one read from disk.
156  fakeVisitInfo : `lsst.afw.image.VisitInfo`, optional
157  A VisitInfo to use instead of one read from disk.
159  Returns
160  -------
161  struct : `lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
162  Result struct with components:
164  - `catalog` : Catalogs containing fake sources
165  (`lsst.afw.table.SourceCatalog`).
166  - `ccdImage` : CcdImage containing the metadata and fake sources
167  (`lsst.jointcal.CcdImage`).
168  - `bbox` : Bounding Box of the image (`lsst.geom.Box2I`).
169  - `skyWcs` : SkyWcs of the image (`lsst.afw.geom.SkyWcs`).
170  """
171  ccdId = 12 # we only have data for ccd=12
173  dataId = dict(visit=visit, ccd=ccdId)
174  skyWcs = fakeWcs if fakeWcs is not None else butler.get('calexp_wcs', dataId=dataId)
175  visitInfo = fakeVisitInfo if fakeVisitInfo is not None else butler.get('calexp_visitInfo', dataId=dataId)
176  bbox = butler.get('calexp_bbox', dataId=dataId)
177  detector = butler.get('calexp_detector', dataId=dataId)
178  filt = butler.get("calexp_filter", dataId=dataId).getName()
179  photoCalib = lsst.afw.image.PhotoCalib(photoCalibMean, photoCalibErr)
181  catalog = createFakeCatalog(num, bbox, fluxFieldName, skyWcs=skyWcs)
182  ccdImage = lsst.jointcal.ccdImage.CcdImage(catalog, skyWcs, visitInfo, bbox, filt, photoCalib,
183  detector, visit, fakeCcdId, fluxFieldName)
185  return lsst.pipe.base.Struct(catalog=catalog, ccdImage=ccdImage, bbox=bbox, skyWcs=skyWcs)
188 def createFakeCatalog(num, bbox, fluxFieldName, skyWcs=None, refCat=False):
189  """Return a fake minimally-useful catalog for jointcal.
191  Parameters
192  ----------
193  num : `int`
194  Number of sources to put in the catalogs. Should be
195  a square, to have sqrt(num) centroids on a grid.
196  bbox : `lsst.geom.Box2I`
197  Bounding Box of the detector to populate.
198  fluxFieldName : `str`
199  Name of the flux field to populate in the catalog, without `_instFlux`
200  (e.g. "slot_CalibFlux").
201  skyWcs : `lsst.afw.geom.SkyWcs` or None, optional
202  If supplied, use this to fill in coordinates from centroids.
203  refCat : `bool`, optional
204  Return a ``SimpleCatalog`` so that it behaves like a reference catalog?
206  Returns
207  -------
208  catalog : `lsst.afw.table.SourceCatalog`
209  A populated source catalog.
210  """
212  # centroid
213  centroidKey = lsst.afw.table.Point2DKey.addFields(schema, "centroid", "centroid", "pixels")
214  xErrKey = schema.addField("centroid_xErr", type="F")
215  yErrKey = schema.addField("centroid_yErr", type="F")
216  # shape
217  shapeKey = lsst.afw.table.QuadrupoleKey.addFields(schema, "shape", "",
218  lsst.afw.table.CoordinateType.PIXEL)
219  # Put the fake sources in the minimal catalog.
220  schema.addField(fluxFieldName+"_instFlux", type="D", doc="post-ISR instFlux")
221  schema.addField(fluxFieldName+"_instFluxErr", type="D", doc="post-ISR instFlux stddev")
222  schema.addField(fluxFieldName+"_flux", type="D", doc="source flux (nJy)")
223  schema.addField(fluxFieldName+"_fluxErr", type="D", doc="flux stddev (nJy)")
224  schema.addField(fluxFieldName+"_mag", type="D", doc="magnitude")
225  schema.addField(fluxFieldName+"_magErr", type="D", doc="magnitude stddev")
226  return fillCatalog(schema, num, bbox,
227  centroidKey, xErrKey, yErrKey, shapeKey, fluxFieldName,
228  skyWcs=skyWcs, refCat=refCat)
231 def fillCatalog(schema, num, bbox,
232  centroidKey, xErrKey, yErrKey, shapeKey, fluxFieldName,
233  skyWcs=None, fluxErrFraction=0.05, refCat=False):
234  """Return a catalog populated with fake, but reasonable, sources.
236  Centroids are placed on a uniform grid, errors are normally distributed.
238  Parameters
239  ----------
240  schema : `lsst.afw.table.Schema`
241  Pre-built schema to make the catalog from.
242  num : `int`
243  Number of sources to put in the catalog.
244  bbox : `lsst.geom.Box2I`
245  Bounding box of the ccd to put sources in.
246  centroidKey : `lsst.afw.table.Key`
247  Key for the centroid field to populate.
248  xErrKey : `lsst.afw.table.Key`
249  Key for the xErr field to populate.
250  yErrKey : `lsst.afw.table.Key`
251  Key for the yErr field to populate.
252  shapeKey : `lsst.afw.table.Key`
253  Key for the shape field to populate.
254  fluxFieldName : `str`
255  Name of the flux field to populate in the catalog, without `_instFlux`
256  (e.g. "slot_CalibFlux").
257  skyWcs : `lsst.afw.geom.SkyWcs` or None, optional
258  If supplied, use this to fill in coordinates from centroids.
259  fluxErrFraction : `float`, optional
260  Fraction of instFlux to use for the instFluxErr.
261  refCat : `bool`, optional
262  Return a ``SimpleCatalog`` so that it behaves like a reference catalog?
264  Returns
265  -------
266  catalog : `lsst.afw.table.SourceCatalog`
267  The filled catalog.
268  """
269  table = lsst.afw.table.SourceTable.make(schema)
270  table.defineCentroid('centroid')
271  table.defineShape('shape')
272  table.defineCalibFlux(fluxFieldName)
273  if refCat:
274  catalog = lsst.afw.table.SimpleCatalog(table)
275  else:
276  catalog = lsst.afw.table.SourceCatalog(table)
278  instFlux = np.random.random(num)*10000
279  instFluxErr = np.abs(instFlux * np.random.normal(fluxErrFraction, scale=0.1, size=num))
280  xx = np.linspace(bbox.getMinX(), bbox.getMaxX(), int(np.sqrt(num)))
281  yy = np.linspace(bbox.getMinY(), bbox.getMaxY(), int(np.sqrt(num)))
282  xv, yv = np.meshgrid(xx, yy)
283  vx = np.random.normal(scale=0.1, size=num)
284  vy = np.random.normal(scale=0.1, size=num)
286  # make all the sources perfectly spherical, for simplicity.
287  mxx = 1
288  myy = 1
289  mxy = 0
291  for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(xv.ravel(), yv.ravel())):
292  record = catalog.addNew()
293  record.set('id', i)
294  record.set(centroidKey, lsst.geom.Point2D(x, y))
295  record.set(shapeKey, lsst.afw.geom.ellipses.Quadrupole(mxx, myy, mxy))
297  if skyWcs is not None:
298  lsst.afw.table.updateSourceCoords(skyWcs, catalog)
300  catalog[xErrKey] = vx
301  catalog[yErrKey] = vy
302  catalog[fluxFieldName + '_instFlux'] = instFlux
303  catalog[fluxFieldName + '_instFluxErr'] = instFluxErr
305  return catalog
308 def getMeasuredStarsFromCatalog(catalog, pixToFocal):
309  """Return a list of measuredStars built from a catalog.
311  Parameters
312  ----------
313  catalog : `lsst.afw.table.SourceCatalog`
314  The table to get sources from.
315  pixToFocal : `lsst.afw.geom.TransformPoint2ToPoint2`
316  Transform that goes from pixel to focal plane coordinates, to set the
317  MeasuredStar x/y focal points.
319  Returns
320  -------
321  stars : `list` of `lsst.jointcal.MeasuredStar`
322  MeasuredStars built from the catalog sources.
323  """
324  stars = []
325  for record in catalog:
326  star =
327  star.x = record.getX()
328  star.y = record.getY()
329  star.setInstFluxAndErr(record.getCalibInstFlux(), record.getCalibInstFluxErr())
330  # TODO: cleanup after DM-4044
331  point = lsst.geom.Point2D(star.x, star.y)
332  pointFocal = pixToFocal.applyForward(point)
333  star.setXFocal(pointFocal.getX())
334  star.setYFocal(pointFocal.getY())
335  stars.append(star)
337  return stars
An ellipse core with quadrupole moments as parameters.
Definition: Quadrupole.h:47
The photometric calibration of an exposure.
Definition: PhotoCalib.h:114
def createFakeCatalog(num, bbox, fluxFieldName, skyWcs=None, refCat=False)
def createFakeCcdImage(butler, visit, num, fluxFieldName, photoCalibMean=1e-2, photoCalibErr=1.0, fakeCcdId=12, fakeWcs=None, fakeVisitInfo=None)
void updateSourceCoords(geom::SkyWcs const &wcs, SourceCollection &sourceList)
Update sky coordinates in a collection of source objects.
std::string getPackageDir(std::string const &packageName)
return the root directory of a setup package
Custom catalog class for record/table subclasses that are guaranteed to have an ID, and should generally be sorted by that ID.
Definition: fwd.h:63
def fillCatalog(schema, num, bbox, centroidKey, xErrKey, yErrKey, shapeKey, fluxFieldName, skyWcs=None, fluxErrFraction=0.05, refCat=False)
static QuadrupoleKey addFields(Schema &schema, std::string const &name, std::string const &doc, CoordinateType coordType=CoordinateType::PIXEL)
Add a set of quadrupole subfields to a schema and return a QuadrupoleKey that points to them...
static Schema makeMinimalSchema()
Return a minimal schema for Source tables and records.
Definition: Source.h:262
def createTwoFakeCcdImages(num1=4, num2=4, seed=100, fakeCcdId=12, photoCalibMean1=1e-2, photoCalibMean2=1.2e-2, fakeWcses=(None, None), fakeVisitInfos=(None, None))
static std::shared_ptr< SourceTable > make(Schema const &schema, std::shared_ptr< IdFactory > const &idFactory)
Construct a new table.
def getMeasuredStarsFromCatalog(catalog, pixToFocal)